Download - The Wayland News March 2014

Page 1: The Wayland News March 2014

in digital & online at Issue Number 210 - March 2014

The Brownies from 3rd Watton and 1st Saham

Toney recently visited the Ormiston Academy,

Norwich for an opportunity to look at the stars.

They all enjoyed different aspects of the


"I enjoyed the phases of the moon because it

was very interesting."

"I liked looking through the telescopes and

binoculars, and I learnt a lot."

"I liked it because I made a friend and because

we did the order of the planets."

They also took part in a fun quiz and ended the

afternoon having learnt a lot and they all

earned their Stargazer badge.

If you would like to know more about

Brownies please visit or call

0800 169 5901.

Brownies go Stargazing

Rainbows, Brownies and Guides need you! PLEASE HELP to keep Rainbows, Brownies

and Guides running. Some of the units are very

short staffed and if we do not get any new adult

helpers to join our guiding team then units will

have to close. There are so many girls between

5-14 years who are already on the ‘waiting list’

to join. Being part of the Girlguiding movement

is so rewarding and enables fantastic

opportunities for children and adults. We can

offer support to those taking their Duke of

Edinburgh scheme, it will also look very

favourable on your CV.


please give Joanne Oxborough, District

Commissioner of Watton District Guiding a

ring on (01760) 441046 for information.

Natural History exhibition at Great Cressingham Fish, Fossils, Fur and Fowl is an

Exhibition of Natural History at

Great Cressingham Victorian School

which runs from Friday February

28th - Monday March 3rd, 11am -

4pm daily. Admission is free, with a

collection for Save The Children in

Syria, and there is tea, coffee and


Sally North is celebrating 20 years at

her Victorian School for which she

has won 2 National Awards for

excellence in Heritage education. Her

remarkable natural history collection

is the focus of her current exhibition.

It is now all the more relevant to

modern schoolchildren with the

revival of 'nature' in the Forest

School curriculum.

She also has a working electro-

magneto machine to demonstrate

Michael Faraday's first principals of

electricity and a Victorian working

model of a steam engine.

Her collection of childhood - books,

toys, clothes, samplers, etc is

enhanced by its setting in the

carefully restored Victorian

schoolrooms - lit only by oil lamps

and heated by a 'Tortoise' stove.

Over 20,000 schoolchildren with

their teachers have visited since the

Victorian School opened in 1993 and

hundreds of others have come to her

exhibitions or Open Days. All this

has been achieved without charging

even a farthing.

Sally and Tom North bought the

disused Victorian School in Great

Cressingham in 1993 never

imagining that in 2014 Sally would

have completed 20 years as curator/


For more details of this

extraordinary place please visit

Telephone 01328 838230

Page 2: The Wayland News March 2014

The Wayland News Page 2 News

Valentine’s day was celebrated in exuberant

style this year at the Queens Hall when over 60

energetic people enjoyed an Inner Wheel Barn

Dance specially themed to honour the occasion.

The Hall was festooned with hearts, ribbons,

balloons and table decorations and there was a

real feeling of fun and enjoyment in the air. The

music was provided by the wonderful

Shinanigans group under the leadership of

George who calls the dances. With great skill

and good humour he encourages, chivvies and

occasionally despairs of, those he is trying to

instruct! During the interval a delicious salad

supper was served by the members of Inner

Wheel and this time the main course was

followed by home-made shortbread biscuits –

shaped as hearts of course. There was also a

Raffle with various lovely prizes. The profit

from this event was £197.70 which will go to

charities supported by Inner Wheel.

Club members met this month for a business

meeting when the Officers and Committee for

Inner Wheel Year 2014-15 were elected. In

addition, using information from the

Federation, members voted for those they

wished to serve the organisation at National

and International levels.

Regular readers will know that for the Inner

Wheel Club of Watton, when one event door

closes there are always several others about to

open. On February 26th another of the popular

Lunchtime Concerts will be held in the Queens

Hall, this time featuring ‘3’s company’ with a

musical miscellany brought to us by Colleen and

Colin Harris and David Kett, accompanist. The

concert will, as usual, be followed by a light

lunch. (tickets £5 from Mullengers) Then, on

Saturday March 1st ‘Come up for Coffee’ from

9:30-11:30 and, at the same time, enjoy some of

the famously delicious home-made goodies

provided by the Inner wheel members. The final

concert of this season will take place on April

2nd – more details later.

Lesley Cowling. Club Correspondent

‘If Music be the food of Love..’ – Dance on!

If you can walk, you can Nordic Walk! Following a previously successful FREE taster

session early February, more dates have been


Saturday 15th March and Saturday 5th April

both 9.30am -12pm at Watton Sports Centre.

Nordic Walking uses specially designed poles to

enhance your natural walking pattern. Nordic

Walking becomes a genuinely whole body

exercise that can be enjoyed at many levels,

from walking for health to athletic Nordic


It is suitable for people of all ages and fitness

levels, all surfaces and all weather conditions.A

sociable activity which appeals to all fitness levels.

Equipment is provided whilst on the courses and

walks if needed so you’ll have no outlay of

expensive gear! Courses are planned for March

and once you've completed you may join the

organised walks.

So if you have a love of the outdoors, want to

exercise, want some "me" time, want to lose

weight, enjoy exercising with others, want to

improve your strength, health and well being or all

of the above, then Nordic Walking is for you!

Contact: [email protected]

or phone/text 07989 071544.Come on give it a

go, you've nothing to lose only half an hour of

your time but plenty to gain!

Page 3: The Wayland News March 2014

The Wayland News Page 3 News

Left The dedication of the War Memorial c 1921. Right Sgt Thomas Adcock of

Watton who was killed and has a Memorial in St Mary’s Church Yard

A Quick Look Round By Orbiter

Obviously the main talking point of the

day is the floods in the south and west

country, although the recent heavy rains

have brought them nearer to home, with

several roads being under water in the

local area causing delays for motorists,

while at the time of writing we have been

very lucky that the power outages that

usually accompany storms have so far not

come to pass in our area.

Fingers crossed there.

The chaos caused by the heavy seas has

been immense, and we have all seen the

pictures of the railway at Dawlish, which

was said to be out of action for six weeks

or so. Some hopes! I am sure that it will

be months before that line can re-open,

for not only the existing damage must be

repaired, but the sea is not likely to cease

its constant onslaught any time soon.

Even in normal summer weather it keeps

up a constant battering on that sea-wall,

so any work will be beset by unending

difficulties. By the time you read these

notes about four weeks will have passed

without the repairs even having been

commenced, with perhaps even the

planning stage not yet reached.

Of course with every disaster there are

calls for blame to be laid at the door of

some authority, and in this case it is the

Environment Agency.

Obviously there was not much they could

have done about the tremendous seas and

hurricane force winds, but they have been

criticised for the lack of dredging in the

Somerset Levels. Yes, they may well

have been at fault, but very probably the

cause lies with the various governments

that have been in charge over the last few

years, each of which have been making

cut after cut all across the board, from

hospitals, police, defence and so on.

But every crisis has to find someone to

blame. In foreign parts, when volcanoes

erupt, accusations of inefficiency are

promptly levelled against meteorologists

for nor giving enough warning. Yet they

are equally castigated when they suggest

that danger is imminent, but in the event

the eruption does not take place. A fine

example of a no-win situation.

Much publicity was given to the Prime

Minister’s announcement that the

sufferers from flooding would be entitled

to financial re-imbursement, but

subsequent reports show that there will be

no free-for-all payments, and any benefits

may well be subject to all sorts of

restrictions. Bur at least there will be

some measure of relief for those who

have suffered for the last month or two.

There have been calls for the billions of

pounds set aside for the proposed HS2

railway line to Birmingham to be diverted

to flood relief, which would appear to be

a reasonable solution, for surely the

homes of thousands of people are more

important than the facility for a few

travellers to reach Birmingham twelve

minutes earlier.

On a more local note, our Queen has been

shown attending various Norfolk affairs,

such as the Newton Women’s Institute

and the opening of a new Village Hall at

Thornham, and one can but admire her

fortitude in being able to cope with all

these engagements, all of which entail

quite long periods of standing about,

while giving them her undivided


Being of a similar age, I know I could in

no way cope with such situations without

calling for a chair to take the weight off

my feet. And I would certainly not be

able to accept graciously the myriad

posies and bouquets that it seems the

British public considers it essential to

shower upon all royal persons. Small

wonder that a little girl had to suffer

disappointment recently when an equerry

decided that enough was enough. But I

suppose that the local florists depend on

this habit, so Her Majesty is prepared to

put up with it, on their behalf.

And finally, I read that the latest craze is

for ‘Selfies’, or photos taken of one-self

on a mobile phone. How daft can one

get ? Surely we all know what we look

like, and a glance in the mirror is quite


But what do I know ? Good afternoon.

Wayland In World War One Do you have ancestors who fought in

WWI? Was your ancestor killed or did he

return? Do you have stories, diaries,

mementoes, photos and other items of

interest from family who were affected by

the War? Do you know of ways in which

local people and your community were

affected? Across the country local heritage

and community groups are seeking the

answers to these questions as they prepare

to commemorate the events of the First

World War.

The Wayland Partnership Heritage Group is

in the process of entering a bid to Heritage

Lottery to fund a project researching the

impact of WWI on our rural community.

Initially enquiries have been very

favourably received by HLF and our bid is

being encouraged. Although we will be

researching the lives and ancestry of the

men from the Wayland area who served,

our main interest is the impact of the War

on our area. We have a number of ideas


We estimate that about 160 men from the

Wayland area were killed, or died of the

effects of war. In such a close-knit

community how many of these were

actually related, increasing the impact on

families across the area? Did many men

fall in the same battles or areas of warfare,

or even on the same day? Did many suffer

from disease and illness related to the

conditions and climates in which they

served? Did survivors of the war suffer

long-term effects?

The men left farms and estates as well as

businesses in order to serve; what happened

to their jobs and roles; who took them on?

Or did the running of those farms and

businesses have to change? Did the women

take on many of the men’s jobs? The farms

and other agricultural enterprises depended

on markets such as those in Watton; was

there any direct impact on these? We also

hope to learn how many of the survivors

returned to their former jobs and how many

chose a new way of life in other parts of the

UK or the world. Did many of the returned

suffer from disability and illness as result of

their service? Despite the war some kind of

daily life had to continue and we are also

interested in this aspect of the impact of

war. Was there any effect on school life?

What measures and responses did parish

councils take? Did local entertainment

cease or change, or was there an increase in

some types of entertainment as part of the

war effort? What fundraising efforts did

local communities make? Do letters home

or parish magazine articles survive?

It is a common belief that the declaration of

war was a popular move, but was this true

locally? What were local attitudes to the

war? Did these attitudes change as the

war went on?

One of the most emotive ways in which

the experience of the men was recorded

was through poetry. Poets such as

Wilfred Owen and Siegfried Sassoon

have left us with a very graphic picture of

their view of war. We hope to engage

members of our community, especially

the young, in a modern response to war

via poetry and creative writing.

It may be that you always wanted to

know a bit more about a family member’s

war service. The Heritage Focus group,

and its member groups which are

working in the various Wayland villages,

can help you get started. For example,

we have a taster session on internet

research on March 3rd from 2.30pm to

6pm which can be used for family or

local history research as well as WWI.

Please contact Wayland House on 880202

or Bronwen on 483741 if you would like

to book a place or, indeed, if you have

any interest in the project at all, want to

know more or can offer some


We plan an open day on August 4th to

enable people to ask more questions and

hopefully bring items to show us such as

photos and documents, offer memories and

so forth which will benefit the project.

Full details to be announced soon.

Willie Anthony, shoeing smith, and his sister Kate Anthony, both of Thompson.

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News The Wayland News Page 4

Norfolk Wildlife Trust

To ask a question about the Norfolk’s Wildlife please call the Norfolk Wildlife Information Service. Wildline 01603 598333 9am - 5pm Mon - Fri.

E-mail [email protected] Website

Further details and Membership enquiries 01953 498467 Local group E-mail: [email protected]

A Talk “ The Future of NWT Cley Marshes”. Tuesday March 18th 7.45pm-9.30pm. Venue; Watton CCC, 57 High Street Watton. A presentation by NWT‘s Head of Fund Raising, Nik Khandpur. Followed by refreshments and raffle. Cost: Members £2 Non members £3

Citizens Advice Bureau in Watton – Where are we?

Someone was certainly able to find the Citizens Advice Bureau in

Watton just before Christmas.

There was a break in at the premises and the petty cash was stolen, a

window was broken and there was minor damage to property inside

the CAB cabin on Harvey Street.

CAB is here in Watton every Wednesday from 10 a.m. until 3.00

p.m. and we are at the moment in the Cabin on Harvey Street, near

to the Youth Centre.

Our premises may not look particularly inviting but you can be

assured of a welcome and access to advice.

CAB aims to provide the advice people need for the problems they

face. This advice is free, independent, confidential and impartial and

is provided to everyone on their rights and responsibilities.

So if you need advice come along and see us or use the website or the helpline 08444 111 444

In Your Garden with Lotta Potts This year it's difficult to know where to start

with March. Mild winter with huge amounts

of rain and strong to gale-force winds. That

seemed to start in autumn and was still going

along in the middle of February. If it

continues the gardening season will be put

back weeks for many of us. Those

unfortunates who have been flooded will be

advised to forget the whole thing until a bit

of restoration may be possible, even until

next year. That sounds truly awful but if the

water table has risen or rivers overflowed

with the additional hazards of damaged

drains then keep off it. Take advice from

experts, not amateurs like me with no

experience of flooding.

Having said all that, it may be that spring

will continue in normal fashion. Bulbs, of

course, are the early harbingers of spring and

are increasing daily in March. The advantage

of the mild winter is an early start for

snowdrops aconites, hellebores and some

varieties of crocus with the collections open

to visitors in February. It's worth a visit and

many will still be open with even bigger

displays. It's also the time for planting

certainly snowdrops and aconites 'in the

green' (dug up from nurseries either still in

flower or when the flowers have just gone

over) rather than try dry bulbs in autumn. It

might seem counter-intuitive but works. A

tip I heard on the radio is to plant snowdrops

deeply. I must admit when I have bought

these wonderful little flowers I have been

surprised by the length of the leaves. It

seems that these bulbs like moist but not

waterlogged soil and in our Breckland sandy

soil they should be planted so that the white

blanched parts of the leaves are buried. This

would explain why my snowdrops are about

two inches tall instead of the advertised six.

Yes, I did buy them in the green. This is also

the time to split large clumps and redistribute

them. Maybe you have a friend who has a

large clump or two...

On the subject of splitting clumps, March is

the month to divide perennials. These

stalwarts should be coming through this

month. Dig them up and divide them into

several pieces, each with good roots and

shoots. There are several methods advocated

for this: put two garden forks back to back in

the middle and force them apart. It works all

right as long as you possess two garden forks

and a strong back. Alternatively use a sharp

spade and chop your way into the middle of

the clump, avoiding your feet or attack them

with a large knife, an old bread knife being

ideal. Make sure the usual operator of this

knife gives permission, otherwise wash it

well. Once you have several pieces of the

original plant you can throw away the centre

that is finished. Replant the pieces you want

to keep (in threes or fives is best) and any

over can be given away or potted on for the

plant sales that will be coming up in the next

couple of months. These are good sources of

well-grown economically-priced plants for

people who are just starting off or want to fill

the space by the re-organisation. Individual

plants will only need this brutal treatment

every three years or so. More vigorous ones

maybe every five years. There's a reason for

all this apparently pointless activity.

Experienced gardeners read on and I will

attempt to be brief. Plants naturally grow

outwards as well as up. The roots will reach

out for soil that isn't exhausted so that

eventually the healthy growth is round the

outside of the plant and the middle is bald

with a cluster of old bare stems. Thus it

makes sense to get rid of that bit and re-plant

the good bits and so increasing the stock. I

was at a lecture once where the speaker had

renovated a large overgrown and very old

garden. It was an important one and she still

had the original plans but one point she

made for those of us with less imposing

property was that if your border was made

from new or is an old one, it is worth digging

the lot out every five years and dividing all

of the plants at once. Needless to say she

employed gardeners but you get the idea.

Other rejuvenation or pruning that should

be done now is cut back overgrown

climbers such as large-flowering clematis

that flower in summer. These should be

cut back enough to remove top-heavy

growth from last year or a very light tidy

or you'll lose flowers later. Other

climbers should have some of the oldest

stems taken back to ground level. It's best

to unravel them first and then you can

see what else needs to be done to make

the plant more productive.

Pests and weeds will be starting to appear

this month. If you feed the birds you will

already have a small army of pest

controllers for the bugs and caterpillars.

Larger pests are moles which are

becoming active now. People with

pristine lawns hate moles. People who

don't have pristine lawns also resent

having to deal with molehills. These are

useful as they are usually consist of fine

soil but the surface may well dip where

the mole's runs go. Worm-casts don't

cause this type of damage but again the

soil is very fine, being worm fertiliser.

Both types of little hills can be brushed

across the grass as top dressing (when it's

fine and dry) or collected to use in

potting compost. This is little comfort to

gardeners who want rid of them. If you

have a cat you may find the odd body

about but this is a bit hit and miss.

Villages usually have a mole catcher or

two but it's probably best not to enquire

too closely as to methods if you are a bit

sensitive. The activity will decrease as

the season wears on but if moles are a

real issue for you Google Jasper Carrott

and moles. I won't spoil it for you but it

is quite hilariously funny and I do know

someone who uses this method.

While you are debating moles you will

probably notice that the grass is

beginning to grow even faster than in the

mild weather of winter. You can start to

mow as long as the grass isn't too wet –

hover is probably the way to go if it is

wet and long. Otherwise set the blades to

the highest level and off you go and try

not to think about this labour of love or a

weekly nuisance for months ahead.

Sow hardy annuals. These are useful if

you have a whole garden or a bed to fill

and a few inexpensive packets of seeds

will do the job. The best way is to mark

out areas for each variety then sow the

seed thinly in straight lines inside the

areas. This means you can sort out the

plants from the weeds as they will

certainly appear however carefully you

have cultivated the soil. Thin out the

seedlings as well so the plants have

enough room to grow – the more thinly

you can sow the less thinning out you

have to do. Replant the thinnings or find

a friend who can use them.

This is the last chance to plant bare-root

trees and shrubs. Container-grown ones

can be planted any time but from now on

will need more attention in the way of

watering while they establish. Don't be

too quick with the feed for anything as a

late frost will damage the soft growth

early feeding will encourage.

Vegetables can be started now but I think

it's a bit fanciful and might work for real

experts who have the time or staff to run

about with fleece if it gets a bit cold. Start

things like peas and beans indoors and if

you have a propagator an early sowing of

tomatoes is possible. Yes I know some of

you will be yelling at me that you already

have tomatoes well on from seed sown in

January or February but for those of us

without a heated greenhouse or poly-tunnel

to grow them on all we have is very pale

and leggy seedlings. It's best to wait so they

can keep growing.

Have a browse round the seed catalogues if

you haven't already done so or read the

labels on the racks of seeds in the sheds and

garden centres. Read the labels carefully as

not all of them are as clear as they might

be. If all else fails it whiles away a dull ten


Hopefully the wet and windy and very

mild winter is going to give way to a

proper spring this year. We were in deep

snow last year and let's keep our fingers

crossed that we don't have a repeat. As

you know they'll be in full cry as soon as

you take your eye off them so if you can

see soil keep weeding!

Page 5: The Wayland News March 2014

News The Wayland News Page 5

Great Hockham Gardening Club On Wednesday 12th February we had a

presentation by Tim Fuller. Tim is the

owner of the 'Plantsman's Preference'

nursery at Church Rd, South Lopham.

He is an ornamental grasses and

woodland Perennials specialist and has

been a member of the RHS' Floral

Trials panel since 2008. He gave us a

very informative and comprehensive

talk with lots of super suggestions and

advice with supporting photographs on

'Herbaceous Perennials'. He brought

along and sold several plants that he'd


18 members attended this meeting on a

really foul, wet and windy afternoon...

so windy, the hall doors kept blowing

open! The competition entries were

good this month.... Flower: 1st: Jane

Dalton, 2nd: Sue Cunningham, 3rd:

Dave Thomas. Veg/Fruit: 1st Dave

Thomas, 2nd: Sue Thomas. Photo: 1st

Jane Dalton, 2nd Hazel Dunn, 3rd : Pat

Scott. Well done!

NB. All future meetings are now

scheduled for the afternoons. Arriving

at 2pm to set up for a 2.30 start.

It is a great time to join our club. It is

only £10 per person to join for the

whole year and there are lots of benefits

- free monthly meetings and

refreshments, social events, speakers

and visits as well as discounts at

selected garden centres and cheaper

seeds. So if you have an interest in

gardening and like to mix with people

who share the same interest we are a

very friendly club and we would love to

welcome you.

Our next meeting is on Wednesday

MARCH 12th, At Edinburgh Hall,

Harling Rd. Time: 2pm for 2.30 start.

Talk by Jan Saunt entitled 'The National

Garden Scheme' So do come along -

remember your first meeting is FREE!


Refreshments, Raffle & Competitions

Don't forget to bring an entry for the

flower, the fruit or vegetable and the

seasonal photo competitions...

Anyone needing a lift to meetings or

raise any issues should notify me or our

Chairman, Ed Szczepanowski, tel :

483589 as soon as possible before the

meeting. Thank you.

Jane Dalton ( Secretary) Tel : 498694

Ashill and Holme Hale Garden Club On 15th January 30 members enjoyed

another delicious annual lunch at the

Wagon and Horses in Griston. A very

enjoyable start to the new year.

Our first meeting of 2014 on 23rd January

saw a change to the scheduled

programme. Unfortunately, Dr Ian

Bedford had to postpone his visit until

July. Gardeners' Question Time was

brought forward and a panel of six

members with a wide range of experience,

chaired by David Green, answered

questions from the audience.

Understandably, there were several

questions about successful over-wintering

of plants and also the jobs which can be

done in January and February. This

resulted in a lively discussion among

members and a variety of suggestions

were made, including cleaning, chitting

potatoes and sowing broad beans and

leeks. Even sweet peas can get an early

start in a heated greenhouse and sowing

them in the cardboard inner tubes from

toilet rolls is a money saving tip.

Taking root cuttings can also be done

between November and March and is also

a cost effective way of increasing stock.

Susan Luff, club secretary, gave a

demonstration of two different methods.

The root cutting should be about 3 to 4

inches long with any side shoots removed.

Thin roots, such as those of primulas,

should then be laid across the top of the

potting compost mixed with grit (eg

Perlite) and then covered with about half

inch of the compost mixture. However, for

thicker roots, such as those of the oriental

poppy, the cutting should be cut straight

across at the top and on an angle at the

lower end before being pushed to the

bottom of the potting mixture. For both

methods; water and then put in a cold

frame or greenhouse until about April

when the shoots can be re-potted or

planted out.

Other questions related to problems in the

garden such as moss in the lawn and the

gardener's constant enemies, pests and

diseases. Gary Moore, one of the panel

members and fuschia expert, suggested

spraying with diluted Fairy Liquid for

control of aphids and a teaspoon of

Listerine in a pint of water to combat rust.

He also recommended Provado. Although

this is manufactured primarily for the

control of vine weevil, Gary says it is also

excellent for many other pests such as

white fly.

March 27 John Bridge 'Growing

Vegetables', April 24 Ian Roofe

'Herbaceous Perennials', May 14

Coach Outing to Fullers Mill Garden,

West Stow

Mid-Norfolk Flower Club This year is a very special one for the

Club as we celebrate our 60th

birthday in May when we shall have a

national demonstrator at our meeting.

To suit this demonstrator we have to

change from our usual Tuesday to

Thursday 8th May, but more of this in

the April Wayland News.

This month our meeting is on

Tuesday 11th March when Melissa

Sheldrake will show us a "Box of


In April we have to change our week

(to accommodate the Blood Donors)

to Tuesday 1st April when Jacqui

Aldous will demonstrate

"Entertainment 2". Visitors are always

welcome and we look forward to

seeing you. We meet in the Queen's

Hall at 2.15 pm.

Bradenham and District Horticultural Society

It may seem a long way off, but our Spring Show this year will be held in the Bradenham Village Hall as

usual, on Saturday 12th April. Schedules are available should you wish to enter and the hall is open for

entries from 11am - 1pm. At 3.30pm the hall will open to the public with teas and coffee being served.

The following week, on Thursday 17th April, we are pleased to say that Anema's Nursery in Toftwood is

giving us a demonstration/workshop showing us how to make the best of our hanging baskets. The time is

yet to be settled, but it is likely to be earlier than the normal meeting time.

New members, as always, are welcome to come along to any of our meetings which are held on the third

Thursday of each month at 7.30pm in the village hall.

The Village Sports Day will be on Monday 26th May this year and due to the success last year of our book

stall we would ask anyone who is thinking of doing a cull of their books in the next few months to keep us

in mind. We will arrange to collect if you let us know you have some to spare.

All queries/information from Marianne on 01362 820744

Smartphone Training Comes

To Town Have you got or been given a Smartphone? Are you bemused,

befuddled, in danger of giving up with it? Do you know your 4G

from your Android, your Apps from your WiFi?

Are you planning to buy a new one? Do you know your Android

from your Blackberry or what about a Windows phone?

Tablet Training Comes To Town As Well

No not that sort of Tablet! Slim and lightweight, Tablets are a

new type of internet-enabled computer that work in a similar way

to Smartphones.

Have you got or been given a tablet? Are you bemused,

befuddled, in danger of giving up with it? Do you know your 4G

from your Android or IPad, your Apps from your WiFi? Are you

planning to buy a new one so what is a tablet PC good for? That

partly depends on what kind of operating system (OS) it runs.

You have three main choices in this department: Android, iOS

for iPad, or Windows.

The Wayland Partnership and the Wayland Business Centre can

help. We would like to run training courses this Spring at

Wayland House in Watton High Street but this is dependent on

the level of interest. For £15 you will receive three hours of

expert but unbiased training in how to use your device spread

over three sessions/days.

The start date is yet to be confirmed but it would most likely be

mid to late March 2014. If you would like to register your

interest or would like more information, call Iain on 01953

880204 or call in to Wayland House in Watton High Street.

Project Linus Norfolk- keeping busy

Project Linus Norfolk has been busy making, collecting,

checking, labelling and passing on your donated quilts to children

in Norfolk to keep. These are children who have been

unfortunate enough to have been admitted to the Norfolk &

Norwich University Hospital; attended Nelson’s Journey owing

to a close family bereavement or have found a temporary home

with the Haven Project. In addition individual children who are

seriously ill, bereaved or traumatised are included.

To help us to continue with this work our main fund raising event

this year will be a Quilt & Sewing Exhibition at Barn Ruche,

Thetford Road, Watton on Friday 16th and Saturday 17th May from

10 am-4pm and Sunday 18th May from 10 am -2pm. We hope you

will make a note of this in your diaries and come to support us,

whilst having the opportunity to look at beautiful quilts and items

made by local people, some of which will be for sale.

The coach trip we organised in January to the Fabric Guild in

Leicester was very enjoyable and we purchased some lovely fabric

for making future Linus Quilts (and of course for ourselves). The

Fabric Guild also generously donated some fabric. We are planning

another visit, by coach, in September this year.

We have two workshop days in the near future for creating

blocks which will be used in making more lovely quilts for

Linus. The first is “Whacky Houses” being hosted by The

Well at Ashill on Saturday 15th March. The second one is a

“Sun Bonnet Sue” on Friday 4th April in Watton. Places are

limited and so need to be booked, please contact Lesley on

01953 883400 to do so.

We thank you for your support, whether through participating in

our coach trips, coffee morning or this year our Exhibition;

donating quilt fabric or making and donating the lovely finished

quilts we receive. Without this we would not be able to give “A

Quilt is a hug you can keep” to the Children in Norfolk.

Thank you.

Page 6: The Wayland News March 2014

News The Wayland News Page 6

Come to a Spring Coffee Morning and meet the new Vicar of Watton,

The Rev’d Gerry Foster at St. Mary’s Church, Watton on Saturday 5th April 2014

10.30 12Noon. Delicious refreshments, cakes & raffle

Letters to the Editor National Service and the RAF

If I say National Service and Royal Air Force,

many of your readers will show an interest. First

introduced during the Second World War,

National Service was introduced again in 1947

when other conflicts were brewing or were

active, such as Korea, Suez, Cyprus and Aden.

Many served in the 1950's during the Cold War

in Germany.Many of your readers are some of

the thousands of men who served at some time or

other as electricians, engine mechanics, cooks,

airframe fitters, radio and radar mechanics and

operators.Who did they serve with? Would they

like to meet up with them again? There is now an

Association standing by to reunite them with

their old service pals, as others have found

out.Quarterly magazines, reunions and

membership lists are all available to members.

For further information about the National

Service (Royal Air Force) Association please feel

free to contact me from which you can obtain a

membership application.

Mr A Moore, Chairman Norfolk Branch The

National Service (Royal Air Force) Association,

24 Rothbury Road, Wymondham Norfolk.

Telephone 01953 604988

Buying Oil

In January I saw an article in the Watton and

Swaffham Times written by one of their

correspondents who had received complaints from

readers that there was no competition on oil prices

as there are too few suppliers in Norfolk and

Suffolk and long waiting times for delivery which

had led to running out of fuel. Also mentioned was

a buying club set up some years ago in Bungay that

had over 500 members and asked for comments

from readers.

I sent an email back of how I investigated oil prices

online 18 months ago and found The Oil- which has between 50-100 affiliated

buying groups in Norfolk. I joined the club under

my village name of Griston which now includes

Watton and Gt Cressingham and we now have 40

members. I was sent some flyers by the club which

I left at the pubs in Griston and Caston also their

Village Hall. The information was also featured on

the Caston Website and thanks to that the Caston

and Gt Ellingham club have 50 members.

Each club is put together on post code numbers ie

Griston is IP25 6. Owing to our membership

numbers we now have a monthly delivery for which

you receive an email normally on the first week-end

of the month, with the negotiated price from a local

supplier, to place an order by Monday with delivery

by Friday.

The minimum order is 500 litres but best of all

you can order 6,7,8,9,1000 litres or more and

everyone pays the same price per litre so no more

900 litre minimum for the best price and a help

with cash flow.

The Oil Club has 2800 clubs with over 30,000

members across the UK. All you need is to go

online and sign up, all the information is on their

homepage. You are under no obligation to buy from

the club if you as an individual can find a better

price. The club must be having an effect as in

January for the first time in over 20 years I had a

call from a supplier asking me if I wanted any oil!

John Smith, Griston.

The Pride of Breckland Award

We at Breckland Funeral Services are looking to

find a star, the Pride of Breckland.

They must be over 18, from any walk of life, but,

the one thing they must be is extraordinary. We

want to recognise an individual who has improved

the lives of those around them in their local

community and reward them with a chaffeur driven

limousine to The Willow House Public House,

Watton for dinner for two on Friday 28th March.

Nomination forms can be picked up from Laura at

Breckland Funeral Services, 25 Norwich Road,

Watton, or you can email and request a form from

[email protected].

The closing date is Wednesday 19th March. The

nominations will be judged by the Mayor of

Watton, Lorraine McCarthy and the town clerk

Jacqui Seal.

Rotary Roundup

On 23rd January Rotary Scholar Seol

Song, from South Korea, who is a

post-graduate student at the UEA,

gave us a delightful and insightful talk

about her country, language and

experiences in her ‘business

globalization’ studies.

As part of her studies she has travelled

widely, including some time in France,

and she spent a year in San Salvador

helping with the emancipation of

women in business. The picture shows

Seol (pronounced Ciol) with Club

President Roy Challand.

Last month we told readers that we are

now celebrating our Diamond Jubilee

year, and The Wayland News published

a picture of the inaugural meeting of

Watton Rotary Club on 6th May 1954.

Ideas about the identities of those in the

picture are still coming in and are still

welcome. As an aid towards

identification, here is a list of members

at the time, names that, we feel sure,

will be known to older Wattonians:

George Adcock, Hubert Adcock,

Alexander Askew, Frank Carter, David

Coryn, Kazimierz Dwornik, Bernard

Failes, Cecil French, John Fairhead,

Derek Horsburgh, Lewis Leek, Wilfred

Ling, Edward Madoc,

Archibald Norris, Eric Ogden, Robert

Park, Frank smith, Evan Stokes, John

Tyrrell, George Wolstenholme and

Victor Woods.

Tickets for “Jazz at the Queen’s Hall on

March 14th”, with DixieMix, East

Anglia’s leading traditional jazz sextet,

are available from Adcocks. At £10

including supper the price is unchanged

since we started the Jazz evenings in

2007. Following that gig, the next

‘jubilee’ fundraising event will be one

our occasional “Sunday Afternoon at

the Queens Hall” sessions on 11th May,

when we have a reprise of the

acclaimed Buddy Holly tribute group

“Rave On”. If you were with us the last

time you will know how good they are -

well worth seeing again. If you missed

the event, catch up this time!

Finally, on 1st

February our

oldest member,

Peter Beech


celebrated his

90th birthday.

At our weekly

meeting 2 days

prior, President

Roy gave him a special birthday a card

signed by all members, and Mary, the

Hare & Barrel 'Boss', paraded in with a

sparklers-adorned chocolate birthday


Martin Anscombe

Rocklands Trivia Quiz

The Rocklands Community Shop are

hosting a Trivia quiz to close their

celebrations of the launch of the shop.

The quiz will be held at the Rocklands

Village Hall on Saturday 22nd March

7pm For 7.30pm start.

Tables will be 6 to 8 maximum

although any number of people are

welcome, even individuals who will be

slotted into table teams. All questions

are answered within tables. There is an

optional fancy dress of anything

connected to products bought in shops

or to shops themselves and the overall

theme is retail.


include refreshments, teas and coffees

but please bring your own bottle. The

shop have generously decided to share

the proceeds around the Community of

Rocklands, so when purchasing please

state who you wish support, being the

Churches, the School, the Village Hall,

the shop itself. Tickets can be obtained

by ringing Shirley on 01953 488567 or

from the Rocklands Community Shop

when it re-opens following closure, in

March. The quiz also includes family


Shellrock Circle Club

For The Over 50'S Of Rocklands

And The Surrounding Districts.

Venue: The Village Hall, The

Street, Rocklands.12th of February

was a wild, wet and windy

afternoon but most of our members

braved the weather and turned up to

enjoy a Valentine themed quiz

dreamt up by our quiz expert

Margaret Witt.

We learnt some surprising facts and

surprised ourselves with knowing

more than we thought we did about

the subject of "Valentine's Day."

The raffle followed the tea break

and we wound up the proceedings

for the afternoon with the ever

popular game of "Hoi!"

The task for the letter "J" was won

by Mrs. Brenda Beales of

Rocklands. The letter "K" will be

the next task.We are in for a treat at

our meeting on the 12th of March

when we will be able to enjoy a

demonstration of Line Dancing by

Fliss and company. Lots of lively

music. You may feel encouraged to

get up and join in.A trip to the Ice

Show at the Theatre Royal, Norwich

on the 19th of March has been

booked. The first pick-up will be at

Great Ellingham at 1:00 pm. Last

pick-up will be in Attleborough at

approximately 1:30pm.April sees

the end of our year and the

beginning of another. It is also the

time for our AGM.

So if anyone wants to leave the

committee or feels that they have

something to give to the club in the

form of fresh ideas for its continued

existence, please make yourself

known to Mrs. Joyce Briggs. The

AGM will be held on the 9th of

April which is our club meeting day

2pm till 4pm.

Advance notice that our SPRING

FAIR will be on the 17h of May.

Your generosity will enable us to

put on a good show. The usual

donations are requested for the

bottle stall, good quality items for

the tombola, bric-a-brac and lots of

cakes for the cake stall.New

members always welcome. Contact

Allyson Blandford 01953 488103.


Page 7: The Wayland News March 2014

What to see and do in Wayland in 2014


About Wayland

Dragonfly Gallery

Town Team


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The Wayland News Page 11 News

Watton Country Market “Rain, rain, go away, come again

another day.” What awful weather we

have had over the past few months,

with seemingly constant rain and only

rare glimpses of the sun. We know we

have got away (so far) relatively

unscathed compared to other parts of

the country, but the dismal weather is

still really depressing. This is why we

would like to express our thanks to all

our customers who come in to see us

virtually every week whatever the


Obviously the selection of fruit and

veg is quite limited, but our

handcrafters always have a splendid

and very reasonably priced range of

goods, and farm fresh eggs are always


Our bakery section offers many

tempting items from savoury to pastry

products and cakes of all sizes. Last

year we appealed for anyone interested

in cooking for our market to please

come forward. Now we are asking

again as our need is greater than ever

as some of our regular bakers have had

to reduce the amount they produce,

and hence we have a ready market for

anybody who would like to produce

for us. As well as turning your skill to

a more profitable use, you get to join a

like-minded team and meet new

people. Why not ask one of our

friendly ladies for more details when

you come in.

If an informal chat would be more

convenient, please call our Secretary,

Mrs Susan Luff on 01760 440521.

We are at Watton Christian

Community Centre every Wednesday

between 8.30 and 11.30. We very

much look forward to seeing you there.

Also, in the hall next door, light

refreshments are available during the

morning, courtesy of the members of

the Methodist Church.

recent years it has become rather

commercialised, is an ancient celebration,

originally when people returned to their

‘Mother Church’, and also in celebration

of Mary, Mother of Jesus, and to

appreciate our mothers, as today, by giving

posies of spring flowers.

Anybody researching family history prior

to 1837, will realise how difficult it

becomes to actually discover who the

women in our families were. Church and

secular records did not always recognise

women in their own right, and they were

often known as ‘wife of’ or ‘widow of’.

Mothers were often not even named at

children’s Baptisms. In spite of the fact

that it cannot be disputed that a mother

having given birth, was a mother, the same

cannot be said of who an actual father

might be!

The study of DNA, which puts a scientific

slant onto family history, can identify our

hereditary. And anybody who thinks that

family history is boring or irrelevant, may

like to consider genetics, and how we

become who we are, all related to history

really! It has been discovered, maternal

DNA, unlike paternal DNA, can take us

back to one of seven female individuals,

who we are all descended from. All

females, carry their mothers DNA, back to

one of these 7 individuals, and pass it on to

the next generation, males carry their

mothers DNA, but do not pass it on to the

next generation. This is a very simplistic

version, of a complicated concept.

Although the paper trail and historical

records to our maternal ancestry may not

be very good, nature remembers who our

mothers were, in our DNA, and give us

clues to our maternal ancestry.

The next Carbrooke Heritage meeting in

Carbrooke Village Hall on 19th March at

7pm (if you plan on attending, please

contact us beforehand as the date is

unconfirmed). All welcome to our

informal meetings.


Email: [email protected]

Facebook: Carbrooke History and

Heritage. Angela Weatherill 885353

Carbrooke Heritage Group The Wayland Heritage Group are

applying to the Heritage Lottery Fund,

for help with commemorating WW1, it

is hoped a book and DVD can be

produced to cover the whole Wayland

area, reflecting the effect the war had

on, and left on our rural community.

How were the farms affected by many

of the young men leaving for war, did

crops have to change, were horses

requisitioned from local farms, how did

the women left behind cope and adapt,

did war technology have any effect on

the area, and what were the legacies of

the conflict.

If you are keen to get involved, please

contact the Wayland Partnership in the

first instance on 01953 883915. This is

more a project recording local effects,

rather than just studying the death of a

particular soldier; Carbrooke Heritage

Group (contact details below) would

like to hear from anyone with any

interest in, or information relating to,

the parish of Carbrooke in particular.

It is hoped to launch, with an open day

in Watton, when people can come

along and share stories, papers or items

of interest.

At the end of March we celebrate

‘Mothering Sunday’, which although in

Watton & District U3A

The return of Neil Storey as the

speaker at the January meeting was a

resounding success. Members had a

hilarious and also a squeamish insight

into how our ancestors cured their

ailments. Neil demonstrated some of

the processes and equipment used in

those times and it was not for the feint


Alan’s Pub Lunch Group is meeting at

The Windmill in Necton on Thursday

13th March.

Brian’s Group will meet on Tuesday

25th March at The Bell in Saham


Susan Page is taking the Garden Visit

Group to West Beckham for the

Snowdrop walk on Sunday 2nd


Final payment for members booked

on the Spring Holiday to the Isle of

Wight from 5th to 9th May is due at

the February meeting. We have one

twin room available on this holiday

which is now open to non members.

Contact Ron on 01953889951.

The A.G.M will be held at the C.C.C

on Thursday 27th March. Nomination

forms for the Committee are available

from the Secretary. Nominations

should be returned to the Secretary by

Friday 14th March 2014.

The next monthly meeting is on

Thursday 27th March for the AGM.

For further information on the

National U3A go to

The Ovington Crower

Waal wot dew yew rekkun on orl tha rearn weer

bi hevin, hent we lucky thet hent lioke thar

hevin in tha west o tha cuntry.

Horry still kip fillin up sanbags, an yew kin

hardly git inta his propty now, thas like a grat

ole worl orl arownd his ole cottige. He’ll be

orlright iffen thars nuther wor, thet’ll teark a

tank ter git inter his tearta plot.

Hare yew gittin on tergitha, hev yew orl bin

tryin owt thet new parth alonga tha Dereham

rood, my missus reckun thas jist tha job an she

kip a workin along it jist ter git a bar o soap or

packit biskits from tha shops in Watton, blarst

she’ve dun a mile or tew tha larst cuppla weeks.

Thas a rare gud job tho an yer gotta hand it tew

tha ole Parish Cowncil, thar dun a thar best

oova gittin it dun.

I give tha ole Charwummen a gret ole slap o tha

back wen I sore har up the rood totha day, cor

blarst she wor suffin rore, I forgot I hed a fork in

my hand wen I dunnit. Orl I wonted tew dew was

say thankyew my wummin, but she warn’t hevin

any o my squit, an rekkuned I wos a wearst o

spearce, neerly as bad as Horry she say.

Thas funny she sed that, cos I’m shure i gotta a

walentine card from har larst week, mind yew I

hed so menny thet wos hard tew no who thar

cum from. My missus wos not best pleesed

abowt orl tha poost thet cum thru tha dore,

speshully as they wos neerly orl fer me, orl

them purty envaloops an crosses orl acrorse tha

back. Dint no I wos ser poplar.

Horry sed he only got tew or tree tha yare, well

thas only tew be spectid, orl tha ole mawthas o

his aerge hev orl moved away or sum onnem

hev sadly passed oova. Boy Fred sed tew me up

tha pub tha otha nite, “Horry hev fergot orl

abowt wot cortin wos orl abowt, an iffen he

fownd a mawtha ter teark him on he woont no

wot tew dew wi har”

I worn’t so sure abowt thet, I’re sin him a

gawpin at the yung mawthas thet goo hoss ridin

trew tha willage on a satdi mornin.


I hadter leave this yistdy tha missus she say tew

me she say “I fancy a roost parsnip fer dinner

Sid” she say “Kin yew dig wun up forrus”

“Well yis” I say “Jist gius a minit thas hossing

down wi rearn agin”

I stood at the winda fer bout an hour an thet

nivva let up fer a minit. The missus kep mobbin

me cos she wanted ter git tha dinna on, so I put

a sack oova my hid and got my speard owta the

shid. Yew need a gud speard cos tha ole

parsnips goo down wun helluvva way.

As sune as I stood on the gardin, i new I wos in

trubble, I went in oova tha top of my warta

boots. Then I coont get the dam things owta tha

mud an arta a bit my feet cum owt but left tha

boots ahind, cor blarst, i hed a new pair o socks

my missus hed bort me fer me birthday an thar

was in wun helluva mess.

I thort thas tew leart now an I best git har a

parsnip an hoop she oont nootis the mud up tew

my knees. Waal tha ole parsnip dint need a lot o

pullin thet dam near flooted owt, but I got reely

wrong alonga har wen she see tha steart of my

clooths, an corse I’d left my boots out in the

gardin and they wos fillin upa warta wot wi orl

thet rearn.

So time I’d clent myself up and washed my

dutty clooths thet wos abowt time fer bed,

warnt allowed up tha pub neetha, thet dint matta

tew much cos tha wos still chukkin it down. I

jist hoop we git a bit o dry now soze I kin git

my warta boots back.

Horry sez heez gittin worrit cos thars shoor tew

be a hoospipe ban afore long an his teartas in

his geenhowse hefta be wartared reglar, he dew

like his arlies duz Horry.

Goo ter hell, thas stopped rearnin, I betta

mownt a reskew oprashun on my boots, so I

shell see yer nex time orl bein well.

My ole granma yewsed tew say.

“It’s a pity we carn’t live in tha parst. . . thet

wud be so much cheepa”

Cheerio. . . and Dew yew kip a troshin.

Boy Sid

Dance Away at the Queens Hall

Ballroom, Latin and Sequence dancing at the Queen's Hall, March 3rd, April 5th, May 3rd

8 p.m. to 11 p.m. admission £4

Page 11: The Wayland News March 2014

News The Wayland News Page 12

Stainer's Crucifixion by the Thetford Singers Thetford Singers celebrate 40

years of music making this

year. Our theme for the year is

‘the community and our

history’. This theme is

epitomized in our first concert

which is the Eastertime

favourite The Crucifixion by

John Stainer. First performed

by the choir in 1979, we are

delighted to return to St

Cuthbert’s Church in Thetford

on Sunday 6th April and hope

that everyone who loves this

music will come along and join

in the audience hymns. No

tickets – there will be a retiring

collection to support St

Cuthbert’s Development Fund.

The young organist Polina

Sosnina, who is known in a

number of local churches, will

accompany the choir and

soloists Paul Harrison and

Andrew Weeks are once again

joining Thetford Singers to sing

the Tenor and Bass solos. The

performance starts at 3.00 pm

and lasts for an hour, we hope

you will stay for refreshments


On Saturday 3rd May Thetford

Singers will be sharing the

stage at Thetford’s Guildhall

with the Stuart Singers from

Gloucestershire who are on tour

in East Anglia. We hope our

regular followers will enjoy this

opportunity to see another choir

in action. Also performing at

this concert will be the piano

duet sensation ‘Four Hands in

Harmony’ so you will get three

musical treats for the price of

one! Tickets for this will be

available from Leaping Hare -

more details on our website.

Another date for your diary in

our special year is our Gala

40th Anniversary Concert at the

Guildhall on Saturday 19th

July. We hope that music lovers

who have not yet tried a

Thetford Singers concert will

join our regular followers in

enjoying a sample of our

repertoire from the past four

decades. More details on

Carbrooke Church News Great News! At last we have been

given the go ahead to install a toilet

in the Church, the work is due to

start at the beginning of March,

and be finished by Easter. It will

also include repairs to the Vestry

(or North Porch) which is in a very

sorry state. It was the main

entrance to the church at one point,

and has been used as the Vestry for

clergy to get ready, for storing

important items, and also as a

Sunday School, with an ancient

Priests room above. When the

toilet is installed, take a moment to

look up at the ceiling which is very

ornate, considering the former uses

of the room. Outside the

decorations in the stonework are

amazing too, and will soon be

restored to their former glory.

The installation of a toilet will be a

great benefit to us all, enabling us

to hold more events and activities

in the church, and providing

comfort to Baptism, Wedding and

Funeral parties.

Sadly we have had two Funerals

during February. On 5th Jack

Clarke, was laid to rest at the age

of 95, having spent most of his life

in Carbrooke. Members of the

Royal Marines from Portsmouth

attended the service, and the ‘Last

Post’ was played which was very

moving. Jack had served as a

Royal Marine both before and

during WW2.

On 6th February, the Church was

packed for the Funeral of Peter

Smith who did a lot of voluntary

work at Watton Sports Centre,

especially maintaining the grounds.

He was involved in the

organisation of football in Norfolk

and at Norwich City's Field of

Dreams centre.

We offer our condolences and

prayers to the families of Jack and


On 30th March it will be

Mothering Sunday, when we

appreciate all that our mothers

have done for us, please come

along, as ‘Carbrooke Young

Believers’ will be leading the

service, and spring posies will be

handed out.

Afternoon Tea and Cake will be

served in the Village Hall on

Friday 28th February, and 28th

March 2pm. We invite you to

come along for a chat, bring your

children, or your parents!

Carbrooke ‘Faith Hope & Charity’

Church Lottery, took place on

Sunday, 16th February, and was

drawn by Rev. Jane Atkins

11.30am over our coffee and

biscuits. The winners were: 1st

(£40) Jean Riley (No:91); 2nd

(£20) Susan Youngs (No:72); 3rd

(£15) Sara Dunn (No:14 )

The Draws will take place in

Carbrooke Church, on every 3rd

Sunday, with prizes as follows: (1st

Prize: £40) (2nd Prize: £20) (3rd

Prize: £15).

Money, Money, Money We all need it and we certainly all want

to keep as much of it for ourselves as

possible but recently I heard a story

which, from a lawyer’s perspective,

was just appalling because the loss

suffered should and could have been so

easily avoided. Let me explain: a wife

and husband decided to divorce. They

obtained the divorce papers free of

charge from the Court office, followed

the information notes issued by the

Court office (which is not legal advice)

on how to complete the forms and then

issued the petition and got it under way.

Decree Nisi was pronounced and

Decree Absolute was granted quite

smartly thereafter. What a doddle and a

saving in legal fees of about £495 plus

VAT as well!

Husband and Wife get along well and

Husband transfers the house into the

sole name of Wife expecting she will

pay him his full share later on. They are

still friends after all so why wouldn’t

she? Husband re-marries and in that

moment his ability to access the Court

was terminated, and his former wife

now no longer wants to give him any

money. Not paying £495 plus VAT just

cost him in reality his life’s savings -

everything he has - and he is now left to

start over again, as if straight out of

school. All he can do is use, if he has

the energy, the rigid non- matrimonial

legislation which will be considerably

more expensive and will be unlikely to

result in a satisfactory outcome.

The first thing he did wrong? He didn’t

see a family law specialist who knows

not just how to obtain a divorce but

more particularly the answers to all of

the “what happens if.....” questions each

of which are inextricably linked to a

Decree dissolving the marriage. It

wouldn’t have mattered that he didn’t

know what questions to ask because a

reasonably competent family law

specialist would be expected to pass on

all information necessary to protect the

interests of the client. The second thing

was how he completed the divorce

petition and the steps not taken in

consequence of this. Had a lawyer

made the mistake Husband would have

been entitled to expect payment under

the lawyer’s insurance policy and he

wouldn’t have lost out in the end.

By Karen Fox of Spire Solicitors LLP,

40 High Street Watton (formerly GHP


[email protected] 01953

882864/01603 677046

Shipdham & District Book Group The book for discussion on 19th

February was My dear I wanted to tell

you by Louisa Young. The title comes

from the standard postcard wounded

soldiers had to fill in to send home

during World War I. The author

describes the life of the characters

before, during and shortly after the war

with a wealth of detail. It includes the

naivety of most who signed up whether

singly or in groups. Fact inevitably

appears side by side with fiction, most

notably about the work of the

pioneering plastic surgeon Major

Harold Gillies at the Queen’s Hospital

in Sidcup.

The book was universally approved by

the membership some of whom were

moved to tears whilst reading although

enjoying it at the same time. All

appreciated the contrasting characters;

depictions of people from all classes

and backgrounds brought together

whether at the front or in civilian life;

the emotions, pathos and horror of the

physical, emotional and mental damage

and stories told were considered

moving , gripping and fascinating.

Unusually several thought it finished

too quickly compared with many

books which seem far too long. Some

admitted that the cover and title made

them think this would be light ‘Chick

Lit’ which was very far from the

truth. The descriptions of horrific

injury and the beginnings of the

reconstructive plastic surgery of

today made us appreciate how far we

have come and how fortunate we are.

We suspect the emotional and

psychological damage to those

experiencing war is continues to be

more difficult to repair. This is one

book we would not hesitate to


The book for discussion on 19th March

is The Colour Purple by Alice Walker.

Prepare for No Smoking Day Smokers in the Watton and Wayland

area are being urged to prepare for battle

and attempt to give up cigarettes for

good on No Smoking Day which takes

place on Wednesday 12 March 2014.

This year’s No Smoking Day has a ‘V

for Victory’ theme which is set to inspire

hundreds of thousands of smokers to win

the fight against cigarettes.

Total Health Pharmacy in Watton will

have information and advice on No

Smoking Day to inspire quitters and send

them on the road to victory.

Smoking Cessation Advisor, Geoff Ray

said: “No Smoking Day is a great

opportunity for us to encourage and

support smokers in Watton and the

surrounding area to quit alongside

hundreds of thousands of other people

across the UK.

“We know that quitting isn’t easy but we

want to reassure smokers that support is

available to them and that they can win

the battle against cigarettes.

“There’s a much higher chance of

succeeding with support and this is why

Total Health Pharmacy is spreading the

word to smokers about the range of

services and resources which are locally

available to them. Our activity is crucial

to helping smokers on the road to victory

and towards a healthier and wealthier

smoke-free life.”

Total Health Pharmacy has helped many

people to quit smoking and the smoking

cessation clinic offers one to one

appointments throughout the week.

The annual No Smoking Day campaign

is run by the British Heart Foundation

(BHF) and encouraged one million

smokers to make a quit attempt last year.

For more information and support to

help you quit as well as an online forum

where you can talk and get motivation

and support from thousands of quitters,

visit or visit Total

Health Pharmacy at 14 Gregor Shanks

Way, Watton or call 01953 881157


PANCAKES & COFFEE in church on

Shrove Tuesday - 4th March 11am – 2pm

Savoury and sweet pancakes will be served

Page 12: The Wayland News March 2014

Church Times and News The Wayland News Page 13

Watton Churches Together Service Calendar for March

St. Mary’s Church, Watton

1st, 3rd & 4th Wednesday at 9.30am Holy Communion

2nd Wednesday Morning Worship

Church Office opens Tues, Wed & Thurs 9am-1pm

Tel: 01953 881252 [email protected]

Sun 2nd 8.00am Holy Communion

10.00am Holy Communion

Wed 5th Ash Wednesday

7.30pm Holy Communion &

Imposition of Ashes

Sun 9th 8.00am Holy Communion

10.00am Holy Communion

12.30pm Holy Baptism

Sun 16th 8.00am Holy Communion

10.00am Holy Communion

Sun 23rd 8.00am Holy Communion

10.00am All Age Worship

12.30pm Holy Baptism

6.30pm Choral Evensong

Sun 30th Mothering Sunday

8.00am Holy Communion

10.00am A Service for Mothering Sunday

12.30pm Holy Baptistism

Watton Methodist Church

Every Wednesday the Church is open for quiet

reflection and prayer between 10.15am & 11.30am

It’s your quiet place. At 10.30 there is a half-hour Midweek

Service in the Large Vestry led by the Minister or a Church

Member. Minister: Deacon S Sowerby 01953 881035

Sun 2nd 10.45am Mrs E Warby

6.30pm Mrs J Roebuck

Fri 7th 2.30pm Annual Women’s World

Day of Prayer Service

Sun 9th 10.45am Mr B Lawrence

6.30pm Mr A Warby

Sun 16th 10.45am Rev D Greenaway Holy Communion

6.30pm Own local arrangement

Sun 23rd 10.45am Mrs S Greenaway

3.00pm Circuit Songs of Praise

at Thursford—no evening service

Sun 30th 10.45am Deacon S Sowerby

6.30pm Mr D Fisher

Pentecostal Church, Dereham Road, Watton

Children have their own programme during the

Sunday morning services

Sun 2nd 10.30am Commissioned by Christ -

Examine the context

Sun 9th 10.30am The first question, answer and charge

Sun 16th 10.30am The second question, answer and charge

Sun 23rd 10.30am The third question, answer and charge

Sun 30th 10.30am Mother’s Day Family Service

Roman Catholic Community

Each Sat 5.30pm Mass at Watton Methodist Church

St. Nicholas’ Church, Ashill

Tuesdays at 10.00am Holy Communion

Sun 2nd 9.30am Lay Led Morning Worship

Sun 9th 9.30am Family Holy Communion

Sun 16th 9.30am Morning Worship

Sun 23rd 9.30am Holy Communion

Sun 30th Mothering Sunday

9.30am All Age Worship

St. George’s Church, Saham Toney

Sun 2nd 11.00am Morning Worship

Sun 9th 11.00am Family Holy Communion

Sun 16th 11.00am Morning Worship

Sun 23rd 11.00am Holy Communion

Sun 30th Mothering Sunday

11.00am All Age Worship

S.S. Peter & Paul’s Church, Carbrooke

Sun 2nd 10.30am Family Holy Communion

Sun 9th 10.30am Morning Worship

Sun 16th 1030am Holy Communion

Sun 23rd 10.30am Lay Led Morning Worship

Sun 30th Mothering Sunday

10.30am Lay Led Morning Worship

St John the Evangelist Church, Ovington

Sun 2nd 9.30am Holy Communion

Sun 16th 10.30am Lay Led Morning Worship

Sun 30th Mothering Sunday

10.30am Lay Led Worship

Breckles, Caston, Great Hockham, Griston, Merton,

Stow Bedon & Thompson Worship Calendar for March

Ash Wednesday - 5th


7:00pm Imposition of Ashes, Holy Communion, Caston

Sunday 9th

March - 1st Sunday of Lent

9:00am Matins (BCP), Merton

10:30am United Holy Communion Thompson

Sunday 16th

March - 2nd Sunday of Lent

9:00am Matins (BCP) Gt. Hockham

10:30am United Holy Communion Breckles

Sunday 23rd

March - 3rd Sunday of Lent

10:30am United Holy Communion Caston

Tuesday 25th


The Feast of The Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary

7:00pm United Holy Communion Thompson

Sunday 30th

March - 4th Sunday of Lent (Mothering)

9:00am Mothering Sunday All-Age Service Merton

10:30am United Holy Communion Gt. Hockham

Sunday 6th

April - 5th Sunday of Lent (Passiontide)

10:30am United Holy Communion Griston

Watton area Food Bank donations received at all

regular Sunday morning services

‘THE WAY’ YOUTH GROUP (ages 11+)

Friday, 21st March, other Church youth groups, 7:00pm, Necton

Enquiries: Mr. Graham Penfold

Tel.: 07770 650971; Email: [email protected]

All Saints Church, Threxton

Sunday 2nd March 10am

WATTON BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP Wed 5th March 2pm Meeting tea and chat at Watton CCC. Mon 17th March 12 for 12.30pm Lunch at Griston Wagon & Horses

Diabetes UK Bob Greef, Garder/Steward from Oxborough Hall, was the

speaker at our February meeting and he spoke about the "media

and gardening". He told us about Cecil Henry Middleton, head

gardener to the Sitwell family, who was born in 1886 and died

in 1945. Mr Middleton wrote several books about gardening and

a few of our members had either read or owned one or some of

them. He was also one of the earliest radio and television

broadcasters on gardening for the BBC. John* and other

members asked Bob various questions about gardening and the

talk ended with us thanking him for coming to see us again after

a successful visit last year.

* The Watton Two has been reduced to the Watton One recently

as John's partner in crime, Rod, has gone on the missing list! I

expect he will be back soon and it will the be business as usual!!

(Ed: I thought John had a forlorn look about him recently!).

Our March meeting will be on the 10th at 10.15am. This will be

a slightly shorter meeting due to our annual lunch at Necton.

The group meets at the Pentecostal Church, Watton and we are

extremely grateful to them for the use of their facilities.

For details of the group, or any questions you may have please

phone Helen, 01953 884713, leave a message and I will get back

to you as soon as I can.

The Colin Mackenzie Support Centre

Because of unforeseen circumstances we have had to vacate the

building. The work will continue while we look for new premises.

The centre has helped many people and will leave a void in many

people's lives that regularly come into the centre.We are looking for

premises on the High Street to continue the work we do. We know

it will take time for this to all be put in place, but watch this space.

We are Christians and we have seen God work in the Centre and

many times in people lives.I thank all the people who are

continuing to support us and all those who have helped us in the

past.A massive thank you for all the people who helped with

emptying the place. Jan MacKenzie

Page 13: The Wayland News March 2014

The Wayland News Page 14 News

Maurice 'Jack' Clarke

Maurice Clarke was born in

December 1918 and throughout his

long life was known to all as Jack.

His father ran his own business as a

jeweller and watchmaker in

Stowmarket, where Jack spent his

early years. The sudden death of his

father led to the family being split up

with Jack staying with his

Grandparents at Earsham, whilst his

Mother took employment with Mr

James Bond in North Norfolk, whom

she later married.

Their move to run the village shop in

Carbrooke meant the family were

reunited, and Jack's life in Carbrooke

began, a life that was to see him set

down firm roots in this lovely

Norfolk Village and raise a family of

his own. Jack's wife, Enid

remembered, “He was a popular

young man because

of the ready supply

of sweets he always

had in his pocket

from the family

shop’s sweet


Jack stayed at

Carbrooke School

until he was 11, then

went to Watton

School until starting

work at Crawfords

Poultry Farm in the

village. It was while he was working

on the farm that he met other young

men particularly one Gerald

Fotherby. The two travelled to

Norwich and signed on as regulars in

the Marines and a whole new exciting

chapter of Jack's life was about to

start, one that would see him travel

the world as a Marine and test himself

in many of the most dangerous

theatres of WW2. A test he was to

pass with great courage.

After an initial 6 month training

period, in which his squad, the 254th

Kings, were chosen to be part of the

prestigious Royal Tournament at

Olympia. Following the excitement of

Olympia he embarked upon his

travels initially to the Far East aboard

the Cruiser Manchester; it was during

this time that War broke out.

He served throughout the War

initially as an Anti- Aircraft Gunner

aboard The Manchester. He took part

in the Atlantic Convoys, the Malta

Convoys and the arduous Arctic

Convoys, only recently receiving the

Arctic Star for his part in this vitally

important aspect of the war effort. He

was wounded when evacuating our

Troops from the failed Norwegian

Landings and again after the

Manchester was Torpedoed on the

Malta Convoys.

After the war in Europe ended, Jack

was aboard HMS Howe in the Far

East where after a prolonged stay in

Sydney, the Howe about to depart and

the Battle of Sydney took place. This

was a Battle like no other in the war;

while on this longer-than-usual stay,

members of the crew formed certain

liaisons and attachments with the

local girls, and in order to clear the

ship of love lorn civilians the fire

hoses were turned on the ladies in

order to encourage their departure.

Thus was the Battle of Sydney

fought, the only injuries being broken


(This and many other exploits of

“Marine Jack” can be read in much

more detail in the excellent book of

the same name penned by family

friend Robert Chalmers).

Demob time came and despite a wish

to remain as a regular Marine this was

not to be and as a result of his service

injuries he was returned to civvy

street. Jack moved back in with his

family in Carbrooke and it was at this

time that he re kindled his friendship

with Enid and on 3rd August 1950

they were married and set up home in

Yew Tree Cottage. One year later his

first son Paul was born and 3 years

later in 1954 John, his second son


Jack worked initially at the Timber

yard in Watton firstly for Bardwell’s

and continued his working life

throughout the many changes of

ownership that the business had until

his retirement. In 1972 Jack and Enid

moved from Yew Tree Cottage into a

newly built bungalow where a happy

and contented family life was lived

until his death. Jack was a great

family man and imbued both of his

sons with a love of

the outdoors, animals

and especially his

dogs. He kept Pigs

Goats, Geese and

Chickens. It really

was ‘The Good Life’

at Yew Tree Cottage

and The Russets.

He greatly enjoyed

game shooting with

his sons Paul and

John and was a good

shot; the training on

the anti aircraft guns aboard the

Manchester gave him a natural eye

for a high bird. As a countryman he

was not averse to a deal or two

through the course of his life. Jack

once sold a goat and an hour or two

later the goat had escaped from its

new home and had arrived back at

Yew Tree Cottage. It was thought that

he sold this particular goat more than

once. At this time he had a business

making fencing panels all beautifully


Jack was never an idle man and

filled every hour with his honest

endeavours. Well into his eighties

he would accompany his

granddaughter Bobbie to her riding

lessons and would cycle with her

when she hacked out, greatly

enjoying both the company of his

grand-daughter, the horses and the

outdoors. Jack took great pride in

escorting his wife Enid to the many

Art Exhibitions where her work was

hung, particularly the Royal

Academy Summer Exhibition which

they attended regularly over many

years. Jack suffered from dementia

during the latter few years of his

life and passed away during his

95th year.

He has left behind a large loving

family that has been enriched by the

part that he played in all their lives.

Jack is survived by his wife Enid, 2

sons 4 grand children and 6 great

grand children, all who have happy

and inspiring memories of a

wonderful man whose example of

how to live a full and enriching life

through both the good and the bad

that life presents us with, will remain

as a guiding light for the years to

come to all of them.

Jack's wife Enid summed up her life

with Jack. “We met during a time of

happy innocence and were a lifelong

loving couple. Jack was a loyal,

generous, wonderful husband

throughout his whole life”.

What better epitaph could a man


Plan Your Holiday Health With New Local Travel Clinic

If you’re travelling abroad this

year you may be venturing into

countries where your health

could be put at risk. In the rush

to arrange passports, holiday

money and a new holiday

wardrobe, it is easy to overlook

your holiday health.

Many countries, both within the

EU and outside, require some

basic vaccinations some of

which are available via the NHS

and some which must be

purchased privately. In addition

there are many practical tips and

advice that can help you to enjoy

a happy and healthy holiday.

Total Health Pharmacy in Watton

has opened a fully accredited

Travel Clinic providing all travel

vaccinations, malarial advice and

general travel advice. The clinic

provides a tailored individual

service to ensure that you are

fully prepared for a safe and

enjoyable travel experience.

The clinic operates an

appointment system throughout

the week and appointments are

often available at the weekend,

including Sundays. There is a

small charge for the service

which is redeemable against any

vaccinations purchased from the


Lead Pharmacist, Balazs Varadi

said “People often struggle to

find time to book a travel

appointment and subsequent

vaccinations. We are able to

offer a range of appointments

throughout the week and

weekend and we provide a very

comprehensive level of

personalised advice. We would

urge people to consider their

holiday health very carefully”

More information about the

Travel Clinic can be obtained

from the pharmacy by calling

01953 881157 or visiting 14

Gregor Shanks Way, Watton,

Norfolk, IP25 6FA

Total Health Pharmacy is open 7

days a week from 8am until late

and is opposite the Watton

Medical Practice

Watton Evening Women's Institute We were delighted to welcome

three visitors to our last meeting,

they joined members in sampling

a delicious array of puddings from

lemon meringue pie and baked

plum tart to lime cheesecake and

fresh raspberries in jelly with, of

course lashings of fresh cream. It

gave members to opportunity to

chat and catch up with all the new

things happening within the WI.

A new craft group has been

formed and will meet later in the

month whilst the new Diners

Club will have their first lunch

in March.

The meeting finished with a

hilarious game of beetle

Members have chosen the East

Anglia Air Ambulance to support

during 2014 and will be holding a

coffee morning at the Community

Centre in Watton High Street on

Saturday April 12th from 10.00 to

1200. There will be a bring and

buy stall and, of course, lots of

homemade cakes. A percentage

from the proceeds will form part

of our total donation for the year.

On March 13th our meeting will

start with a sale of clothes,

jewellery and accessories, and

will be followed by a talk when

our president Pat Holdscroft will

tell us about her son who

overcame disabilities to help

others. New members and visitors

are always welcome, just come

along to the Community Centre

by 7.30pm or for further details

ring Hazel Gillingham on 01953


Caston VA Primary School

Ad hoc cleaning help needed at

Caston Primary School

We are looking for someone who

could be available at short notice to

assist with general cleaning duties,

if required. This would be, in the

main, to stand in if there is ever an

occasion when Mr. Smith (our

caretaker/cleaner) is unable to come

in to school. Pay rates and other

information can be obtained from

Miss Bell, please contact her in the

school office tel: 01953 483304 or

please email:

[email protected]

Training would be provided. Many


New Year, new classroom bases

All classrooms were relocated

over the Christmas period and in

September we will be offering 3

full-time classes, for the following

age ranges:- Reception, Years 1

and 2; Years 3 and 4; Years 5 and


We are most fortunate to have a

modern building with lots of

space indoors and outdoors and

now have a newly created library

area and other quiet group work

areas in school. Do come and visit

us if you are interested in sending

your child to our school, please

make an appointment to have a

look round. We welcome all new

enquiries, please see Miss Bell’s

contact details above, thank you.

Table Top Sale

Well done to the school and class

council whose Table Top sale on

24th January raised £64.00. They

were fund raising to buy additional

playground equipment. Thank you

to all for your support.

New Class Council

Well done new councillors!

The new class reps have been voted

into post and they are as follows for

the spring term:-

Year 1 - Daisy Aldridge, Year 2 -

Heidi Dunnett, Year 3 - William

Davis, Year 4 - Harry Moore, Year

5 - George Davis, Year 6 - Mark


The Chairman is Craig Gwillim, the

Secretary is Beth Childerhouse and

the Treasurer is Sian Lount and

the Councillors will continue to

meet once a fortnight.

Page 14: The Wayland News March 2014

The Wayland News Page 15 News

Saturday 10th May, 7pm Carbrooke Church

Keith Skipper A Norfolk treasure presents an evening of

‘Norfolk squit' and music. To raise funds for Carbrooke Church.

Tickets £8 inc. wine & refreshments, accompanied children free. Tickets available from Jan Godfrey

(Wayland Partnership Office 01953 883915) Angela Weatherill 01953 885353 or Members of

Carbrooke PCC. Email: [email protected]

Richmond Park Golf Club Members Visit To

Sheringham Woodfields School

The 2013 Richmond Park Golf Club Captain, Colin Chapman,

travelled with other members of the club to Sheringham, in order to

present a cheque of £1,550 to Sheringham Woodfields School, the

chosen charity of the Captain.

Matt Smith, Business Manager of the School, received the cheque.

He then gave them a tour of the school, and impressed the members

with the modern facilities, the one-to-one teaching and the positive

ambiance of the school itself.

The school has up to 90 pupils from a wide geographical area of

Norfolk, all with complex learning difficulties, which require

special teaching at varying levels. Over the years G.C.S.E. and ‘A’

level qualifications have been achieved.

Matt Smith thanked Colin Chapman and all the members of

Richmond Park Golf Club, Watton, who had taken part in the fund

raising. “Contributions like this,” he said, “will make a lot of

difference to the school and the pupils during 2014.”

The photo shows Colin Chapman presenting the cheque to Matt

Smith. Also included is Rod Murphy and his grandson Kian, a pupil

of the school, and Kian’s mum.

A familiar sight on his bike around

Watton, Ronnie Thompson wanted to

celebrate 90th in February which he

did with a ride around Merton Green.

Ronnie's wife, Kathleen (Left), and

his sister Jean Brock (right) kept an

eye on him along with friends Gay

and John Skipper and Roger Turner

and then after they went for a dinner

in Thetford.

Ronnie has had a fascinating life

starting in the war working in

forestry, then he was 16 years at

Smithson and Burroughes

Agricultural Engineers on Norwich

Road and then twenty three and a half

years with Abels Removals.

His ambition now, he says, is to visit

the New Forest – and maybe have a

ride around there too!

Ronnie gets on his bike for his 90th

Picture: Roger Turner

My name is Marie Dawe, I am a

glass artist and have been

working with glass for over 8

years. For some artists, learning

how to make or fashion the end

product is a long

and sometimes

arduous task.

Some do not have

a natural affinity

with the material

they use and have

to fight to conquer

it . . . in that, I am

lucky. From the

first effort, I have

enjoyed and found myself at

home with all the 'sharp bits'.

That is not to say I don't struggle

with the art I wish to create, ask

my husband, he knows!

I spent my first day with a local

craftsman who took me through

the technicalities of copper

foiling (otherwise known as the

Tiffany technique ). He warned

me that I would cut myself and

pointed out where the plasters

were kept. Fear was a friend

during those first few glass

shaping moments, but as the day

ended I was delighted to see my

fingers intact and unadorned by

pink sticky plastic. . . and I was

totally hooked on glass.

Realising very quickly that I

wanted to progress through other

techniques which would allow

me to create the things I

envisioned, I taught myself to

lead windows and made a fair

number for myself

and then as

commissions. Still

not where I wanted

to be. My lovely

husband bought

me a small kiln

with which to

produce stained

glass, but soon I

realised the

potential for glass fusing. This is

where I am today, my work is far

more advanced than the first few

tentative efforts, but there is

always further to go. I now have

five kilns of varying size and am

able to produce works from

pendant size to fully fused


You can see some of my work in

exhibition, called "DETAIL" by

Marie Dawe at The Wayland

Dragonfly Gallery in Watton,

from 15th March for 1 week with

a preview on the evening of 14th

March. 7pm to 8.30pm.

There are some free tickets

available, please contact Susan on

01953 880205

The Detail is in the glass

Are you a parent or carer affected in

any way by drugs & alcohol? Are

you looking for some information

and advice around substance abuse?

If you are worried by a change of

behaviour by your son or daughter

or someone in your care and are

looking for a safe and confidential

place to come and have a chat,

please pop along to our open

evening. At Wayland House on

Tuesday 25th March 7pm until

9pm. We are looking to provide

help and support to parents and

carers free of charge!

The Matthew Project will be

providing information and advice

about recognising the signs and

symptoms, and a point of contact to

give you all the support you need.

Is someone’s drug taking affecting your life?








Page 15: The Wayland News March 2014

The Wayland News Page 16 News

THE WAYLAND NEWS Page space is allocated strictly on a first come, first served basis. Deadline is 12Noon on 16th of the month preceding publication and that is the last date and time that copy will be considered for inclusion. Arrival of copy before deadline does not guarantee inclusion, if you wish to be certain your entry gets published, then please make sure it arrives in plenty of time otherwise you may still be disappointed. If you are submitting on paper you MUST sign and include your contact details with each item.

If you do not, the item will NOT be published. You can contact Julian by ringing (01953) 858908.

You can write to 8 Princess Close, Watton IP25 6XA The e-mail address is [email protected]

Views expressed in articles in The Wayland News are those of the contributors and may not reflect the views of the publishers or printers.

While every care and effort has been taken to ensure accuracy, the

publisher cannot accept responsibility for errors or omissions.

This issue of the The Wayland News was published by: Julian Horn, 32 High Street, Watton IP25 6AE

and printed by

Sharman & Company Ltd, Newark Road Peterborough PE1 5TD. Phone: 01733 424 949


March Sat 1st Inner Wheel Coffee Morning Queens Hall 9:30-11:30

Sat 1st FOCC Quiz Evening 7pm Wells CCC See ad

Sat 8th Coffee Morning 10 - 11.30 Saham Hills Methodist Church

Tues 18th 7.45pm NWT Talk - The Future of NWT Cley

Marshes.WCCC. see ad


Tues 15th 7.45pm NWT The History of Thetford Forest. WCCC

Ishin Ryu Ju Jitsu Anniversary Dinner 2014

This year sees Ishin Ryu Ju Jitsu celebrating

24 years at the top. Once again the annual

dinner was held in Boremwood - where

Ishin Ryu was founded by Kevin Pell in

1990 - the club has gone from strength to

strength and now boasts clubs and students

all around the world.

This year’s event was, as usual, a sell-out

affair with guest speakers from our chosen

charity “Scottys little Soldiers” once again

cakes were donated by “Edible Elegance”

of Attleborough and also a wonderful array

of gifts were donated by the military Dojos,

Kanazawa Judo Club, Nigel Thomas and

some great offerings by Sokes personal

students. Thanks to all for the generosity


Aside from raising money for a worthy

cause it was also a night of celebrating the

success of Ishin Ryu Ju Jitsu as it enters its

quarter century.

Ishin Ryu Ju Jitsu, which now has its

headquarters in the village of Caston, looks

forward to another year of adventures with

the extended Ishin Ryu family and we all

look forward to celebrating 25 Years this

time next year.

Tom’s Kickoxing Academy Tom's Kickboxing Academy (TKA) which is now a Children's

University approved club in Shipdham that first opened its doors to the

public nearly two years ago and has just hosted it sixth grading since

its launch.

Pictured Left: Purple-Blue stripes: Left to Right: Josh Wyatt 1st Dan

Black Belt, Tom Oldridge 2nd Dan Black Belt Examiner/Instructor,

Scott Gibbons 1st Dan Black Belt, Jordan Franklin Blue Stripe, Bryce

Adams Blue Stripe, Emily Bluckley Blue Stripe, Katie Long Purple


Pictured Below: Orange-Green Stripes (Left to Right) Tom Oldridge

2nd Dan Black Belt Examiner/Instructor, Josh Wyatt 1st Dan Black

Belt, Ethan Alderton-Macleod, Jack Hewitt Yellow Stripe, Scott

Gibbons 1st Dan Black Belt, Ryan Ferrari Yellow Stripe, Gary Long

Orange Stripe, Joseph Alderton Macleod Yellow Stripe, Corie Ewen

Green Stripe, Garth Adams Yellow Stripe, Brook Ewen Green Stripe.

If you would like to join TKA contact either by facebook, email:

[email protected] or phone 07585663905.


JUMBLE SALE Saturday 22nd March 9.30 - 11am

Wells Cole Community Centre, Bell Lane, Saham Toney. Clothes - Bric-a-Brac, Toys,

Books, Tea, Coffee. Entrance 30p Jumble can be collected by telephoning 01953 884880

Proceeds to Saham WI


March Sat 1st Inner Wheel Coffee Morning Queens Hall 9:30-11:30

Sat 1st FOCC Quiz Evening 7pm Wells CCC See ad

Mon 3rd Dance Away at the Queens Hall 8pm

Sat 8th Coffee Morning 10 - 11.30 Saham Hills Methodist Church

Fri 14th Dixie Mix at The Queens Hall See Advert

Sat 15th Cast 4 Annual Craft Fair 10am cast Village Hall

Tues 18th 7.45pm NWT Talk - The Future of NWT Cley

Marshes.WCCC. see ad

Sat 22nd Saham WI Jumble Sale 9.30am Wells CCC

Fri 28th FOCC BINGO at Ashill CC 7pm Eyes Down 7.30pm


Tues 15th 7.45pm NWT The History of Thetford Forest. WCCC

Always read the articles for more events not listed here!