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The Waterwise 365 Water Saving Tips

Check taps for leaks and drips - A worn tap washer can cost up to £10 per year

in drips.

Don't use your toilet as dustbin - Every time you flush you use about 5 litres,

use the bin instead.

Check your dual flush toilet for leaks - Dual-flush toilets can leak un-noticed

down the back of the pan, look for limescale marks or check by putting with a

piece of toilet against the back of the pan.

Use your water meter to check for hidden water leaks - Wait until everyone is

going out and read your water meter before you go and when you come back.

The meter reading should be the same unless there’s a leak (or if you have an

automatic top-up on a fishtank or a trickle irrigation system.

When you replace your showerhead get a water saving one - There are

clever showerheads that can reduce flow by 50% without you noticing. Ask at the

shop or check for the BMA label.

Put a cistern displacement device in your toilet cistern - Most water

companies will give you a free CDD, you can put these in your toilet cistern and

reduce the flush by between 1 and 3 litres.

Insulate your water pipes - Insulating your pipes can stop bursts in the winter,

will cut your hot water bill and means that you get hot and cold water from the tap

much faster

Take shorter showers - Knocking a minute off your shower will save about litres

each time and will also cut your energy bills.

Have a navy shower - Water is scarce on board-ship so a navy shower involves

turning off the water while you are soaping up on shampooing your hair. It saves

water, heating and soap!

Turn the tap off whilst you brush your teeth T- Toothpaste works better when

its dry, so you only need to rinse at the end and you can do this with a glass of

water rather than a running tap

Rinse your razor in the sink - Put a bit of water in the sink to rinse you razor

rather than using a running tap

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Put a full load in your dishwasher - Surprisingly a dishwater can be more

efficient that washing by hand, but only if it’s full

Don’t rinse your dishes before putting them in the dishwasher - Modern

dishwashers don’t need you to pre-rinse, scrape off any waste into the food

recycling then put the dishes straight in.

Strain your pasta and rice into your washing-up bowl - In the winter the heat

from the water will help warm the kitchen and starchy water is great for washing

or soaking greasy dishes.

Don’t waste the water from your veg - Water used to boil veg can be used for

gravy or soup, or once cool can add nutrients to your pot plants

Use a full load in your washing machine - Every extra garment you can add to

a load will save about 3 litres per wash, a full load is where the machine in full of

loosely packed clothes – not one where you have to force the door shut!

Minimise use of kitchen sink macerators - In-sink macerators can use a lot of

water to flush down food waste they can also lead to sewer blockages. Compost

food waste instead or see what you can make with leftovers see


Don’t rinse your dishes under running water - 10 minutes of rinsing dishes

can waste 100 litres of water. Rinsing in a bowl only uses 10 litres. Using the

starchy water from rice or pasta is great for cutting through grease without

washing up liquid. If you have a dishwasher you don’t need to rinse at all.

Don't wash your veg or salad under a running tap - Clean your veg in a bowl

then you can throw the water on the lawn too.

Fill the kettle whilst you wait - Sometimes you have to run the tap to get top or

cold water (lagging might cut the wait time) use this water to fill your kettle or

keep a watering can by the sink for houseplants

Drink more tap water - UK tap water is amongst the best in the world and has to

undergo much more stringent testing than bottled water. Save money and help

the planet by keeping a glass bottle of tap water in the fridge, chilled tap water

tastes great!

A brown lawn is fine - If your lawn goes brown during a very dry spell, don’t

worry, it will revive as soon as it rains and will be stronger and more drought

resistant (even the Queen had a brown lawn at Buckingham Palace in the 2006


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Look for drought tolerant plants - There are many native British plants that are

drought tolerant, ask at your garden centre or check with RHS or HTA.

mulch mulch mulch - Mulching helps keep soil moist, it reduces evaporation by

up to 75% and it add organic matter to the soil. You can make your own using

leaf litter or bark.

Save the rain - Over 21,000 litres fall on the roof of the average UK home, if you

install a water butt you can use this on your garden

Condense your water bill - If you have a condenser drier the water from the tray

is fine to use on your on plants

Get a meter - A water bill is a good way to monitor how much you use and to cut

your bills. If you are in England and you have more bedrooms than people in the

house you will definitely save but it’s worth checking anyway so ask your local

water company

Shower instead of bathe -There’s nothing wrong with a good long soak when

you really feel like it, but taking a quick shower instead of a bath can save 45

litres a day.

Water your plants in the morning or the evening - If you water plants in the

midday sun (I know we don’t get that very often in the UK!) the water will be lost

through evapotranspiration and it could harm your plants. Water in the morning or

evening instead.

Try and water at the roots - Soaking the top of a plant doesn’t do much good,

try and water as close to the soil as possible and near the rooting area

Turf takes 28 days to establish - Turf will need watering in for the first 28 days

(don’t water when it’s raining!) and then that’s it. A well-established lawn should

need watering

If it’s raining don’t water your garden - This might sound obvious but if you

have an automatic drip or sprinkler system it might still be watering even when it’s

raining so either get a sensor or turn it off

If you use a hose, use a trigger - Putting a trigger gun on a hose means it has

an automatic shut-off and it gives you settings for different types of spray which

means more effective watering.

Get a shower timer - See how long you spend in the shower and see if you can

be clean and mean by betting your time and cutting bills.

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Be a pressure washer professional - A pressure washer can be highly water

efficient, but only if you are, be quick and effective and only spray what you need

and you can save water, time and money.

Bedtime drinks for you = morning watering for plants - A night-time glass of

water is a healthy habit and in the morning you can use the left over water to top

up your house plants or throw it on your shrubs, good for you, good for the plants,

good for your wallet and good for the environment

Keep your mower blades sharp - A clean cut lawn means it needs less water

and will stay green for longer

Everyone loves cleaning the fish-tank! - You might not love the dirty fish tank

water but shrubs will because it’s full of nutrients. Put your old fish tank water

under a hedge or on boarder shrubs but don’t put it in areas of the garden you

family will use – it’s very dirty!

Don't water your slabs - Whether you use sprinklers a hose or a watering can,

make sure that the water is going onto the soil rather than slabs or patios

Don’t water when it’s windy - More wind = more evaporation so try not to water

when it’s windy. If it’s always windy then put in plants to act as wind breaks or put

vulnerable plants in a sheltered spot

Use a bath plug - Put the plug in the bath before turning on the taps on, then

adjust the water temperature as you fill the bath.

Group your thirsty plants - Group plants with the same watering needs together

to avoid overwatering some while underwatering others

Slow your watering - Apply water only as fast as the soil can absorb it.

Air your lawn - Aerate your lawn at least once a year so water can reach the

roots rather than run off the surface.

Let young kids share a bath - Put in some toys and let your young kids share a

bath, they will have fun while you save water.

Clean hands, green hands - Turn the tap off when you are soaping your hands

Check your water bill - A sudden high water bill may be the sign of a leak – if

you bill is unexpectedly high then call your water company

Be Carwashwise - If you use a car-wash then try and find one that recycles the


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Don’t kill with kindness - Plants are just as likely to die from overwatering than


Don’t rinse cans and jars before you put them in the recycling - Obviously

they can’t be half full of pickle but they don’t need to be rinsed as waste

processing doesn’t need them to be clean.

Never wash your jeans (well not that often) - You should wash denim

occasionally rather than every time you wear it, you can hang it out to air or put in

in the freezer instead!

Eco-pools - Install covers on any pools, spas and hot tubs.

Your washing machine may be cleverer than you think! - Most washing

machines have lots of different settings that can save you water and energy and

give better performance. Try and use the right setting for the type of clothes and

the level of dirt.

Only use a half load when you have to - Your washing machine uses more for

two half loads than for a single full load, the half load setting is a good option but

only use it when you have to.

Are you using lots of water to dry your clothes? – Beware, many combination

washer-driers use as much water to dry as to wash, because the use it for

condensing. Look for the new models that reuse the drying water for the next


Little eco warriors - If its ever hot enough to have a paddling pool then

encourage your children to use watering cans to water on your plants when they

are finished

Bath water is dirty water - You can re-use bathwater in the garden but

remember this is dirty water; this type of greywater should never be stored and

should be used away from area of human contact and never on your veg patch

Midges don’t like olive oil - Put a couple of spoonful’s of olive oil in your water

butt to coat the water surface, this stops mosquitos and midges using it as a

breeding ground

Prevent burst pipes - If you go away for a few days in the winter leave your

heating on a low setting and open all your doors so warm air can circulate to stop

pipes freezing. If you are away for a long time then drain your pipes and turn your

water off

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Water emergency - Find out where your stopcock is so you can turn the water

off quickly if you need to and keep a contact list of your water company, a local

plumber and your insurance details in case of a burst pipe or other emergency

Keep your drains clear - Blocked drains can be expensive and can use a lot of

water to clear. Keep them clean by avoiding flushing wipes, nappies and sanitary

products down the toilet and pouring fats, oils or grease down the sink

Upgrade you old taps - If you have old taps then consider fitting aerators or

regulators, these are cheap and easy to fit, they will save water and money and

can stop taps splashing and will straighten the flow. Ask your plumber or your

DIY store.

Avoid double flushing - Lots of people don’t know how to use their dual flush

and end up double flushing. Make sure your whole family knows which is the long

flush and which is the short and you will save loads of water.

Beautiful hanging baskets - Hanging baskets are difficult to water. There are

gels which you can mix with the soil in the basket which store moisture meaning

less watering and better plants, you can get these from garden centres, otherwise

make sure you have a lot of organic matter in the soil you put in your baskets

Outside taps can freeze too - When lagging your pipes don’t forget the outside

tap and any outside pipes as this is an easy way for cold to get in and freeze your

inside pipes too

Re: circulation - Make sure your swimming pools, spas, hot tubs, fountains, and

ponds are equipped with recirculating pumps.

Pots of water - Don’t use a hose on your pots or you will end up watering your

patio. Use a watering can or drip irrigation system.

Set it right - Water softeners and domestic air con systems have lots of settings.

Use the setting that does the job with the minimum amount of refills or backwash.

Wash on the lawn - When washing your patio furniture or mountain bike try and

do it on the lawn. The water will soak in and the dirt and mud will replenish the


Don’t burn your plants with detergents - If you are putting bath water or

washing up water onto shrubs try and pour onto the soil rather than the plant as

some detergents can ‘burn’ plant leaves, and remember this is dirty water so

keep it away from areas of human contact and your veg patch

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Soapy soil - If you are using bath water, washing-up water or a bucket of soapy

car washing water on your plants then try and vary the place you pour it as soaps

can clog or damage the soil, varying the spot allows the soil to recover. And

remember this is dirty water so keep it away from areas of human contact and

your veg patch.

Eggcelent water - Once it’s cooled use the water from a boiled egg on your

house plants as it is full of nutrients.

Give new plants a bath - Soak the root ball of a new plant in a bucket before

planting and it will require less water when planted.

Healthy teeth, healthy rivers - Remember to turn off the tap while brushing your teeth. A running tap wastes over 6 litres per minute this water is taken from your local rivers and aquifers. If the entire adult population of England and Wales remembered to do this, we could save 180 mega litres a day, enough to supply nearly 500,000 homes.

Check your soil - Use a trowel, shovel, or soil probe to examine soil moisture

depth. If the top two to three inches of soil are dry it's time to water.

A cut above - Adjust your lawn mower blades to a higher setting. A taller lawn

shades roots and holds soil moisture better than if it is closely clipped.

If its yellow let it mellow if its brown flush it down - This is a charming

Australian saying providing toilet advice. Waterwise’s view is that hygiene is more

important than water efficiency, however as urine is sterile there’s no harm in

following this advice if you want to, but if you don’t we understand

Ditch the prewash - With modern washing machines and detergents you

shouldn’t ever need to use the pre-wash setting – try stopping the pre-wash and

see if it works for you.

Natural water for pets - Leave your dog's and cat's water bowls out over night

and let them fill with fresh rainwater

Irrigation MOT - Check your sprinkler and trickle system regularly (twice a year).

Check the joints for leaks and make sure the sprinkler heads and drippers are

clean and unblocked.

Shady ponds - If you are putting in a garden pond then try and place it in partial

shade to reduce evaporation

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A plug for plugs - Get into the habit of using the plug in your bathroom basin

and kitchen sink, it can save thousands of litres a year and could cut your water

and energy bills.

Clean hair, full wallet - Turn of the tap or shower while you lather your hair and

save money on water, energy and shampoo

Use your head - Clean your showerhead a few times a year and you will get a

better spray pattern and be able to cut your shower time. Limescale build up can

clog nozzles you can clean this off with an old toothbrush or use a pin to carefully

scrape each nozzle – it’s a hassle but you will have a much more enjoyable


Sweep away your troubles - Sometimes it’s more effective and quicker to use a

broom to clean hard surfaces around the garden than to spray them down.

You need help - Ask your local water company if they have free water saving

devices or services that can help you save water.

Water free defrosting - Don't thaw frozen food under the tap. Defrosting food in

the ‘fridge overnight saves water and better for food safety.

Raining cats and dogs? - When it’s dry, wash your pets on the lawn (if you have

to wash them at all). When it’s wet use a pet shower attachment with a trigger


Stop weeds - Putting mulch around your bedding plants will stop weeds that will

compete for water.

Weed out watering - Weeds use water too, keeping your garden well weeded

means less watering.

Efficient fountains - If you are installing a water feature in your garden then try

and chose one more natural one with trickling or cascading water rather than one

with jets or sprays as they will have lower evaporation which means you have to

do less topping up, it’s also better for wildlife.

Bird baths - If it’s dry outside then empty your water bottle or glass into the

birdbath when you have finished.

Flushed with success? - When you are replacing our toilet choose a low flush

or dual flush model, these are more efficient and are often easier to clean. Look

for the water efficiency label or ask your stockist or plumber.

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Kitchen taps - When you are replacing your kitchen tap try and choose a water

efficient model with a flow regulator, or with a swivel tap for more effective

cleaning, or with a dual flow which means you can still fill the kettle quickly!

Under pressure - Water pressure in the UK can vary a lot, the next time you

have a plumber round ask them to check the pressure and if it’s high they can

quickly and easily adjust the isolation valves on your taps to reduce the flow.

Where’s your stopcock? - Make a note of how and where you can turn off your

water in an emergency; it’s normally near the meter, or under the sink, or under

the stairs or near the fuse box.

Don’t lag behind - Lagging pipes is quick and cheap. You can get a kit from a

DIY store or simply tape some nits of old towel around your pipes. It will stop

bursts and keep hot water hot and cold water cold which will save you time and

money too.

Plan your planting - Try and plant new plants or move old ones in the spring or

autumn when it’s cooler and wetter, trying to establish plants in high summer will

mean they are stressed and need lots of water.

Play around - Move paddling pools or water fights to different bits of the garden

each time, this will ensure the whole garden benefits from the extra water and

nowhere gets water-logged.

Forking out - Try and keep your soil aerated, going over your garden with a fork

will improve soil structure, help infiltration, reduce compaction and increase the

amount of water the soil can store

Avoid compaction - Compacted soil means that water can’t drain away and that

the soil can’t hold water so you will either have too much or too little water on

your lawn. Rotate the position of play areas and outdoor furniture to ensure even

wear on your garden

Leaky pools - If you have a pool, hottub or spa that fills automatically you might

not notice if it’s using loads of water because of a leak. So check regularly for

leaks, this is heated water so a leak will cost you a fortune, waste lots of water

and add to your carbon footprint.

Irrigation time - When installing a trickle irrigation or sprinkler system choose

one with a timer so you can control your water use, and ideally choose one with a

rain sensor so you are not watering your plants when its tipping down.

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Binge drinking is good for plants - Giving plants an occasional thorough slow

watering enables you to wet the whole soil profile and means your plants will

have deeper stronger roots and will be more drought tolerant than if you water

them every day.

Teacup savers - Try and reuse the same tea cup for the whole day, rinsing a cup

can use a litre each time (so if you drink as much tea as people at waterwise

that’s at least 10 litres wasted). Reusing the cup and putting it in the dishwasher

or cleaning it when you do the washing up will save lots of hot water.

Work the system - If you have an automatic watering system make sure you

know how to turn it off in case it goes wrong and how to adjust the volumes to

suit your planting.

Did it rain last night? - Keep a measuring cylinder or a bucket with a ruler

outside to check how much it rained overnight or while you were away so you

know if your garden needs water or not. This saves water and effort!

Watercolours - Cleaning paint brushes is a nightmare. Don’t put them straight

under a running tap, it won’t work and it will waste loads of hot water and pollute

the drain. Brush them on a wall that needs an extra touch-up until no more paint

comes off then brush them vigorously on some old newspaper. Once you have

removed as much paint as possible you can either seal them in an airtight bag

until you use them next (with the same colour paint obviously) or you can slowly

wash them in a bowl of warm soapy water running the bristles with your fingers.

This sounds laborious but it’s quicker and more effective than trying a running


Veg united - You don’t need a separate pan for different veg. Use a large pan

and cook all your veg together adding them at the right times so you don’t get

mushy broccoli. Less water, less energy and less washing up.

Boiling point - Only fill the kettle with the water you need – if you are having one

cup of tea don’t fill the kettle to the brim. This will save time and energy, it may

also save water if you are one of the people who use fresh water every time (you

don’t really need to do this unless you are a professional tea taster!)

Cut food waste, cut water waste - Globally we use 200,000,000 litres a second

to produce food. Cut your food waste to help conserve the earth’s water supplies.

Wash your car not your drive - Don’t leave your hose running whilst you wash

your car. Use a hose with a trigger nozzle, or better still, use a bucket and

sponge or a pressure washer connected to a water butt.

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Leftovers … yum! - Combine leftovers (or any sad looking shrivelled veg in the

bottom of your fridge) with the water drained from your veg or pasta to make a

nutritious soup.

CDDs - If you have an old toilet with a high flush volume then you can either put

in a cistern displacement device, or retrofit a dual flush device, or adjust the

ballcock and you will save litres each time you flush

Selling water - If you are selling your house and you have put in lots of water

efficiency measures make sure you tell the estate agent to let prospective buyers

know they will have lower than average running costs

Warm bath - Don’t drain your bathtub straight away, see if anyone else in the

house, or even the dog, wants to use your bathwater (this works best if the

cleanest person bathes first!). Even if they don’t then you might still want to let

the water cool before you drain the tub as this will help heat your house in the


Choose the right washing machine - When buying a new washing machine,

choose on that’s water efficient but also right for your needs. So don’t buy a 9kg

load water efficient washing machine if there’s only two of you in the house, a

slightly less efficient 6kg load machine could mean you use less water in the

long-run. Ask your stockist or the manufacturer for advice on which is the best

machine for you.

Choose the right dishwasher - When buying a new dishwasher, choose on

that’s water efficient but also right for your needs. So don’t buy a small water

efficient dishwasher machine if you got a house full of kids, a slightly less efficient

bigger load machine could mean you use less water in the long-run. Ask your

stockist or the manufacturer for advice on which is the best machine for you.

Leaky toilets - Check your toilet for leaks. With older syphon toilets there will

probably be an outside overflow which you should check regularly. With newer

toilets the overflow may be internal so look closely at the back of the pan for a

trickle of water.

Second homes: less water - If you are lucky enough to have a holiday cottage

or you have a property you rent out then a leak alarm with a shut off valve is a

wise investment, it will protect your wallet and your property from burst pipes and

leaking white goods.

APP happy - There are lots of free (and almost free) water saving apps for your

smart phone which can help you choose products, calculate your water use or

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help others without the water and sanitation we enjoy. Just search for ‘water

efficiency’ and a world of help will be at your fingertips

Check your plumber - When you use a plumber remember to ask if they are

signed up to Watersafe or if they are a CIHPE Registered Plumber or if they have

a Waterwise water efficiency qualification, if they don’t they might still be a good

plumber but having the accreditation will ensure they are.

Waterwise learning - Ask your gardener if they have taken the Waterwise e-

learning certificate in water efficiency for gardeners and landscapers. The

certificate is an indication that they will be able to deliver you a drought resistant,

water efficient garden.

Leak spotters - If you spot a leak in the street tell your water company, don’t

assume they know as you might be the first person to see it.

Water around your ankles and none in the tap? - If you are unfortunate

enough to be flooded, try and fill your bath and sink and as many pots and pans

as you can with tap water as your supply may get cut off or contaminated

Saver return - When you return from holiday it is best to run the tap for a minute

before using the water as it has been sitting in the pipes while you have been

away. But try and catch the water in a bowl for use on the garden or to top up

your toilet cistern.

Water babies - Babies and toddlers use a lot of water. But you don’t need to use

a full bath to wash them; there are lots of water saving products; ones that

displace bathwater with a big floating play island, or ones that divide the bath in

two which are handy for when you are travelling, or a good old-fashioned baby

bath. Think about water saving when buying your baby things (it’s probably the

last thing on your mind but hot water costs money and filling a bath takes time –

neither of which you will have after the baby has arrived!)

Playing with Water - There are lots of fun outdoor toys which use water, try and

buy ones that don’t require a constant stream of water otherwise you may

waterlog your lawn and soak your wallet, and if you do then set it to the low flow


Peecycling! - Perhaps this is not for everyone, but urine is full of nutrients that

will fertilise your plants, but don’t pee in areas of the garden where there will be

human contact. In addition male urine keeps away foxes so around the edges of

the garden and by hedges is the best pace to peecycle. And male urine has the

added benefit of deterring foxes!

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Paper round - Use both sides of a sheet of paper. Each sheet takes 10 litres to

make so it’s an easy way to do your bit and to save money on stationary too.

Air washing - Sometimes you can freshen clothes by airing them on a garden

clothes line rather than washing each time you wear.

Frozen water - If you are defrosting your freezer on a hot day store ice in a bowl

and let it cool your house then pour the water on the garden in the evening. If you

are defrosting on a cold day throw the ice outside and let it melt slowly into the


Check your soil - Check how much moisture there is in your soil by digging a

couple of inches with a trowel and feeling the dirt – if its dry then your plants may

need water.

Little dams - Make earth or mulch ridges around your shrubs and small trees this

will retain rainwater around their base so it can slowly feed the roots.

Leave your leaves - Keep the leaves you rake up from your lawn to use as

mulch on flower beds or around shrubs, it will add organic matter, increase water

storage, reduce evaporation and suppress weeds and its free!

Drippy savers - Drip irrigation is a great way of watering pots or shrubs as it can

direct water straight to the roots

Soft savings - If you are getting a water softener ask about how much water it

uses for the backwash there’s a massive difference and getting the right model

will save lots of water

Drink and save - Get a good quality drinking bottle and take tap water to work

with you it’s better for the environment and your wallet than expensive plastic

bottles that have been shipped half way round the world.

Don’t cut your drinking - Make sure you and your family stay hydrated, drinking

enough water is essential; this is one area where you shouldn’t save water!

Brazilian style showering - In Brazil the Government encourages people to pee

in the shower to save water, we think there are other ways you can save before

you do this but if you like the carefree Brazilian approach it’s your call!

Facilities management - At work, ask for the facilities manager or caretaker’s

number to be put in the washrooms and toilets so people can leave a message to

report leaks or faulty equipment.

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Use urinals (well half of you at least) - Urinal controls are one of the most cost

effective ways to save lots of water, ask if they are installed in your workplace

and if not suggest they are put in, the ROI can be less than a couple of months.

Big drips save water - If you have a sprinkler then set the heads and nozzles to

deliver big water droplets at a low trajectory, a fine mist shot into the air will lose a

lot of water through evaporation

Pint of use - At work, a point of use water heater at the sink means you don’t

have to run the tap to wait for cold or hot water.

Switch your features - If your workplace has fountains and other big water

features, ask if they can be replaced with flowing features or a water garden

instead, this will reduce evaporation, encourage wildlife, save money and show

clients your environmental credentials

Water companies can help - Ask the local water company if they can help your

workplace save water (now there is competition for business customers they

should be keen!)

Parking spaces - If you are a townie having to turn your front garden into car

parking space then make sure your use permeable paving or look at parking

strips which will give you the best of both worlds.

Share your tips - Add a water saving tip at the end of your email signature, in

your company newsletters and on your website.

Tweet your savings - When you save water let people know with a tweet (or you

could talk to people too!)

Don’t multi-task! - So tips advise you to brush your teeth in the shower- DON’T.

If you brush for three minutes that’s about 20 litres wasted. Brush in the sink with

the tap turned off.

Pool levels - If you have a pool then watch the water level, turn off your pumps

and look for any rapid drops these will indicate a leak.

Company business - Your workplace could save a lot of money by saving water,

ask your local water company to help you with a water audit of the site.

Think about water when you buy plants - Try and choose plants that are suited

to the soil and climate of your garden, they will thrive and need less water, your

stockist should be able to help

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Summer gardening ban! - Don’t make major changes to planting in the

Summer, try and install or move plants in the Spring or Autumn when

evapotranspiration is lower, they will be less stressed and will need less water

Water efficiency’s secret weapon: the washing up bowl! - Use a washing up

bowl for rinsing and soaking dishes, rather than a running tap, a kitchen tap uses

about 10 litres of water a minute

Turn off your hoses - A trigger gun on the end of your hoses is a good idea, but

if water pressure changes it could come loose and water could gush out. Always

turn hoses off at the tap after use.

Yes you can! - A watering can is a very effective way to monitor your garden

water use and to ensure that water goes directly to plant roots.

Rain or tap? - Often plants prefer rainwater to tap water, check the type of plant

and use the right water, butt is often better.

Add colour to your toilet - An easy way to check if your toilet has a slow leak, is

to add a few drops of food colouring to your toilet cistern. Don't flush the toilet for

at least one hour. If the food colouring shows up in the toilet bowl after an hour,

then you've got a leak.

Leaks in the Kitchen - Kitchen pipes and the dishwasher or washing machine hoses are often sources of slow hidden leaks. Try and check the connections to your washing machine and dishwasher regularly.

Efficient taps - Consider installing water efficient taps or tap aerators – aerators

in particular are cheap and simple quick fixes that you can do yourself.

Does your car need washing? - Instead of having a regular car washing slot,

just wash it when it needs it, it will save time and money as well as water.

Time your fountains - If you have decorative water features at your workplace,

ask for them to be put on a timer so they just run during the day rather than


Water efficient hotels - If you stop in a hotel with good water saving fittings,

praise them in your feedback it will encourage them to do more to save water

Water Technology List - The Government offers Enhanced Capital Allowances

for water saving kit, so when your business in buying new appliances or fittings

check the list first and you could save water and money

Don’t throw in the towel - You don’t always need to wash bath towels after

every use, sometimes it just need airing. Each time you reuse a towel you save 5

litres of water.

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Use your ears to detect water wastage - If your home is ever quiet (!) then

listen for drips and leaks or constantly running toilet overflows

Choose the right turf - If your lawn needs reseeding or relaying, think about

what the lawn is used for and select a turf or seed that matches the climate, the

site conditions and the amount of wear it will get.

New tricks - When you get a new dishwasher, experiment with different setting

so you can choose the right one, newer models clean more thoroughly than older

ones so you might be able to use an eco-setting with the new one.

New cycle - When you get a new washing machine, experiment with different

setting so you can choose the right one, newer models clean more thoroughly

than older ones so you might be able to use an eco-setting with the new one.

Reduce run-off - If you see trickles of water on the ground when you water then

you need to slow the speed of watering and add more organic matter to the soil.

Slippery slopes - Bedding plants or turf can find it difficult to grow on exposed

slopes and may require a lot of watering improve your garden and cut watering

by planting shrubs or groundcover on steep slopes.

Backwash - If you have a pool, consider using the backwash to water the


Dirty washing - Modern washing machine have fuzzy logic which means they

adjust the amount of water to the size of the load and the level of dirt, brushing

dirt off muddy clothes before putting them in the washing machine will reduce

water use and cycle time.

Permeability = Sustainability - Use permeable paving for patios, drives and

paths, this will allow water to soak into the ground and means less pooling of


French know how - Look at channelling your rainwater downpipes into French

drains which can water your garden from below.

Hold onto your glass - Use a drinking bottle or a single drinking water and keep

the same one all day to save on washing-up

A long soak - When washing up, letting your pots soak before scrubbing means

less work and less water.

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Easy on the fertilisers - Fertilisers are good for plant growth but rapid growth

means excess water demand and can weaken the plant, so don’t overdo it with

the fertilisers.

School of thought - Offer to help your local school caretaker install water butts

at your children’s school.

Make compost and save water - Start a compost pile, it’s an easy way to

dispose of garden and food waste and compost will add organic matter to soil

which retains soil moisture

Steamed veg - Cook veg in as little water as possible, or put a lid on so they

steam, they will cook quicker and retain more of their goodness

Appropriate pans - Choose the right size pan for your pasta or veg. A pan that’s

too large will mean wasting water, energy and time

Water efficient cooling - If you have air con at home or work, check the settings

regularly. Ensure the bleed rates, drift and conductivity are set correctly to reduce

excess water running through the system.

Less washing up liquid = less water - New washing up liquids are very

effective and can be highly concentrated, so when washing up by hand only use

the minimum amount of washing up liquid, this will save rinsing and save time,

but still get things clean

Nice ice - Put left over ice from drinks into house plants rather than down the

sink, it will give them a nice slow drink as it melts.

Ice baskets - In the heat of the summer (yes I know!!?) push the left over ice

cubes from your lemonade or Pimms into the soil your hanging baskets; it will

reduce evaporation and slowly wet the soil.

Shower with a bucket - If you are really keen on saving water then keep a

bucket in the shower to catch the extra water. Use this water to flush toilets or

use it to water shrubs.

Hydographics - At work, ask your facilities manager to put up a graph the water

usage and see if you can reduce it month on month.

Ditch the bottle - Ask your work to replace expensive wasteful bottled water with

mains water drinking fountains.

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Work plan for water - Choose a water conservation champion within your

organization (or volunteer yourself) and create, implement and maintain your

water saving plan.

Write-on saving - Write an article for your local newspaper or work newsletter

about the best ways to save water and tell people how much water, money and

time you saved.

Paddling fool? - When choosing a paddling pool for the kids this summer don’t

be taken in by the pictures of the huge ones – they will take ages to fill and

empty, cost you a fortune and you will spend more time fishing out insects than

enjoying the water. Keep the size below 200 litres for optimum fun and optimum


Keep your cool - Ensure regular maintenance of workplace air conditioning units

and cooling towers, this will save water and energy and will also reduce any

health risks.

Measure it - At home and work it’s a good idea to check your meter regularly to

ensure its working and to check for leaks or sudden changes in consumption.

Its Water Audit time - Many water companies offering free water audits and

even free sometimes retrofits in places and at times where they need to reduce

water demand. Ask your company if they are doing audits in your area, and when

you see free audits advertised sign up as soon as possible.

Green Deal plus - Waterwise has lobbied hard to get water into the Green Deal,

unfortunately it’s not in the main offering but many companies are offering it as a

free extra. If you are looking at the Green Deal then ask your provider if they offer

free water audits and retrofits as part of the initial survey, many will say yes!

Smart Water Move - If you are moving house then ask about any water saving

features in your new home. If there’s none then ask if the seller or builder will add

tap aerators and water efficient showerheads and a water butt – it’s not much

extra cost for them if it seals the deal, but it will save you money on utility bills.

Be savvy about growing your own - If you have a veg garden then think about

watering when you plan what to plant. Rocket and radishes will happily survive if

its dry, but sweet corn and tomatoes are thirsty and will need looking after and a

lot of watering while you are on holiday.

Get your butts together - If you want to catch more rainwater from your roof it

may be cheaper and easier to link two or more water butts in series than to get a

rainwater tank.

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No ifs and butts - A 200 litre water butt works just as well and stays just as full,

catching the water from a shed roof as from roof of your house, so you can put

your butts closest to where you need the water

Tank Size - If you are investing in a rainwater tank then think about what you will

use it for and seek advice on sizing, positioning and type of pump. Ideally get a

solar pump.

A-peeling tip - Peel your potatoes and carrots directly into the compost bin and

swill them in a bowl afterwards rather than peeling under a running tap.

Meat free Friday/Monday - Meat production can use huge amounts of water

(one hamburger requires over 2400 litres) for irrigation of feed and processing of

meat, having at least one meat free day is good for your health and will save

huge amounts of water use around the world.

Eat in Season - Seasonal food is produced in tune with the weather, so if you

are eating December strawberries then either they have been grown with a lot of

energy and water close to home or flown half way round the world. You can help

the global water crisis by thinking about how food is produced and choosing the

environmental option.

Water is cheap, isn’t it? - When explaining about water saving at work don’t

forget to mention the hidden costs; energy for pumping water, heating and

cooling water, and water damage from drips and leaks. For example steam is 30

times more expensive than water.

Love your river - The water we use in our homes is taken from aquifers and

rivers nearby, so when you go for a walk by your local stream remember that

every drop you save helps your local plants and animals and protects the water


Credit where its due - If your organisation has saved water then let people

know. Customers like companies who do the right thing and people like to work

for companies who do good, so make sure you talk about your water saving in

the company literature and on the website and on your products.

Wash when needed - How often does your workplace wash the company cars or

vans? If there’s a contract for regular washing then you could save money by

washing them when they are dirty.

Try waterless carwashing - There are lots of products available that mean you

can wash your car without water and they work on boats and caravans too. See if

you can save time and money by washing without water.

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Don’t fight nature - Often it’s difficult to grow grass around the base of a tree,

this is because the tree root enzymes inhibit other root growth so no matter how

much you try and how much you water, grass won’t grow there. So give up and

surround the tree with bark chips or a bench.

Turn it right off - At home or at work shut off water to unused spaces to prevent

leaks and bursts. So whether it’s a warehouse or a domestic garage turn off the

water if it’s not going to be used for a week or so.

Direct root - Cut the base of a 1 litre plastic bottle, take the lid off and bury it in

the soil next to a new plant, then fill with gravel. Then you can use a watering can

to get water straight to the roots of the new plant. Smaller plant, smaller bottle.

Planning nuisance - Respond to planning consultations for large companies and

developments. And ask questions about what permeable surfaces, rainwater

harvesting and water efficient appliances are being installed.

Sub-meters - If your workplace has lots of sites or lots of different buildings

suggest sub-metering the water supplies. It’s not very expensive and it can soon

pay for itself by tracking down leaks or areas of water wastage.

Audit your work - Suggest that your workplace asks the local water company to

do a water audit for the business, a lot of water companies will do this for free

(especially now competition is coming).

Out of the drier onto the floor - If you have a condenser dryer then the water

from the collection tray will be ideal for mopping the floor: it’s hot and clean.

Water efficient drinking, energy efficient fridge - Keep a glass bottle of

drinking water in the fridge and top it up when waiting for the kitchen tap to run

hot. Strangely, because of the specific heat capacity of water it will help keep the

fridge cold when you open the door and will save you energy and money.

Bucket and sponge - A bucket and sponge will save you time water and money

for small and precise cleaning jobs. If you keep the bucket outside the rain will

kindly fill it for you overnight

Under pressure - Pressure washers can be highly water efficient if used

properly. When selecting a washer choose one that has the right settings and

attachments for your jobs and choose one with an eco-option to save even more


Put pressure on your butt - Choose a pressure washer that you can attach to

your water butt.

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Toilet brushing - It might sound old-fashioned and a bit yucky but a good old

toilet brush is a more effective way to get stains off the bowl than constantly

flushing in the hope they will disappear. Also there are now rimless toilets which

require less cleaning which are worth considering when you get a new toilet.

Wheely clean - It’s tempting to clean your wheely bins and food waste bins with

a load of water from a hose or to even pour in loads of boiling water. The best

option is to clean with a cloth and brush and then swill them out with a bowl of

soapy water or a quick blast from a pressure washer (on a low setting or you will

get a face full or dirty water), this is quicker and less messy.

Support Water Saving - Try and support local businesses who have made

efforts to save water and tell them you are doing this. It will encourage them to do

more and others to follow suit.

Full blast? - Your shower probably has an eco-setting that you have never tried.

Try using the water saving setting in tomorrow’s shower, or even try turning the

dial half as much as normal. Try this for two days and if you don’t like it then stop,

but if you do it will soon become habit and you will save loads of water, energy

and money.

Don’t be too efficient! - Some boiler systems only fire up after a certain amount

of flow, so be careful you don’t make your taps so efficient that you have to run

the tap for ages to get hot water. Talk to your plumber or stockist about the best

taps for you and make sure you explain what type of boiler you have (if you


What’s efficient? - Efficient products are the ones that do the job with the least

waste. As a rule of thumb a shower should be less than 7 litres a minute, a basin

tap should be about 4 litres a minute and a kitchen tap about 10 litres a minute.

But see if you can go lower without compromising on performance

Not so hot? Get a thermostatic valve! - Some types of boiler mean that you

have to run the tap to get hot water. There are thermostatically operated valves

that you can fit to the boiler pipes which check if the water is hot, which means

you wait a few seconds then get hot water, so no water waste and more efficient

boiler performance.

Window Watering - If you use a window cleaning company at home or work,

check if they use recycled water and water efficient tools.

Be a good sport - If you use a local sports club check how they use water. Ask if

they use rainwater or recycled water?

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Water fitness - Does the gym or fitness centre have water efficient showers? If

not it’s your membership money or council tax that’s going down the drain, so

suggest how they can be more water efficient.

Workplace leak hotline - Suggest that contact details for the facilities manager

or maintenance staff are put up in the washrooms at work so that people can

report leaks and faults that waste water.

Get e-water updates - Follow your local water company on social media or sign

up for text alerts. You will get information on special water saving offers,

interruptions in supply, bursts and seasonal water saving tips and hints.

Ask and thou shalt receive - A lot of organisations are trying to help people

save water so check if your local council, local water company, bank,

supermarket or energy provider has any water giveaways or discount vouchers.

Plugs and plugs - Saving water is the easiest way to slash your energy bills. Cut

a minute off your shower and you could save hundreds of pounds a year.

Shorter pipes means hotter water - When improving your home think about

water adding en-suite bathrooms or moving the kitchen. Longer pipe lengths will

put more strain on your boiler and will mean waiting longer for hot water to get

through the pipes, it also means more opportunity to lose heat. Try and position

bathrooms and kitchen sinks with the minimum of pipe length so if you can have

the bathroom above the kitchen that’s great.

Know your toilet - If you have a high up cistern with a chain you can put in a

hippo and save 3 litres, if you have a lever you can put in a save-a-flush or a 1

litre plastic bottle full of water (with the lid on!) and save 1 litre, if it has buttons

don’t do anything!

Know your shower - If you shower has a box on the wall then it’s an electric

shower and it’s already efficient, if your shower has dials on the wall then it’s a

mixer and you can add an aerated showerhead and start saving.

Go with the flow - Do your own home water audit; use a measuring jug and

collect the water from your taps and shower whilst you count for 6 seconds. Look

at the level in the jug, multiply by 10 and that gives you the litres per minute.

More than 7 litres for a shower, more than 4 litres for a basin tap and 10 litres for

a kitchen tap, means that you should look at reducing the flow.

Water your flowers with water from your flowers - Water from an old vase of

flowers is nutrient rich, pour it round the base of a shrub or on your pot plants

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Careful what you flush - Everything you flush goes into the sewer and cotton

buds and cleaning wipes can cause blockages which could take a lot of water to

clear and will cost you money.

FOG - Fats, Oils and Grease can block your sink and cause your waste pipes to

back up. Put cooled FOGs in the dustbin or see if you can reuse -

Washing up need not be hard work - Rather than everyone swilling their tea

cups individually at work or at home, keep the same cup all day and put it in the

dishwasher or a bowl when you have finished and take it in turns to wash them at

the end of the day .

Which button? - There are lots of different buttons for dual flush toilets and

sometimes it’s embarrassing to ask! Put up signs in your workplace (or even at

home) so people know which button to use, this could save 2 litres a flush and

will stop double flushing.

The tooth fairy would be proud - When you get your child their first toothbrush

get them a fun mug too, then you can get them into the habit of using a mug for

swilling and rinsing instead of the tap.

Help others and help yourself - Organise a water game at your local fete, it will

be a fun way to raise money (WaterAid is a good water charity if you don’t have a

cause already) and to teach people about how much they use. Time how quickly

people can carry 15 buckets of water from one end of the fete to the other – that’s

how much we all use in a day.

Keep a water diary for a day - On World Water Day (22nd March) try noting

down each time you use water and then see where you could have made

savings, then tell you friends and e-friends what you found.

Cook and save - Home cooked food uses a lot less water to prepare than

processed food; it’s better for you and for the global water crisis.

Water Energy Nexus - Water takes a lot of energy to pump and treat and heat,

energy take a lot of water to produce, save water and save energy, save energy

and save water!

Baby shower - Aerated showerheads give a softer fuller flow, this means that

you can try switching your kids from a bath to a shower earlier.

Save and Bathe - No one likes a killjoy so if you deserve a nice long soak in the

tub then have one, but make it count, so fill it up properly and use bathsalts and

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all that stuff. You have saved enough in the week and you could always use a

watering can to empty it on the garden afterwards

Bath rings - It’s tempting to swill your bath with hot water or use the shower

attachment to clean it, but its more effective and quicker to wipe the bath first with

a damp cloth then rinse it off (just don’t let a hat wearing cat use your mother’s

spotty dress to wipe it clean).

Check your bill like a duck - Many people pay by direct debit or just pay what it

says on their water bill without looking at how much they used. Check the amount

you used and compare it to previous quarters, work out how much you used per

person, the average for the UK is 150 litres per person per day. You may spot

mistakes, or leaks or opportunities to save water and money.

Water in your email? - Every email you send generates 5g of carbon per year

and has to be stored in a data centre which is normally cooled using water. Cut

your carbon and water footprint by thinking before you copy everyone in and

delete as much unwanted data as you can!

Saucers 2 ways - Use saucers under pot plants; right way up in the summer to

catch water, upside down in winter as a stand to protect from frost.

Wet tennis balls - Put a couple of tennis balls in your water butt to stop it

freezing over.

Know the system - Keep a diagram of how your water system works so you will

know where leaks are coming from and how to turn off the water when you need


Turn back time - Once you have knocked a minute off your daily shower

remember if you have a mixer shower you can cut the amount of time your boiler

has to heat water.

Eco-clubs - Your councils will have a list of the environmental organisations in

your area, get in touch and they might be able to help you cut your water use with

devices, tips and equipment. Or if there’s no one near to help then you can set up

your own group!

Waterwise dog washing - Only wash your dog when its dirty (or smelly) as too

much washing can be bad for their sink and fur, you could use bi-carbonate of

soda rubbed into the fur and then brushed out as an alternative. But if you do

wash make sure you rinse your dog thoroughly as any soap residue could cause

irritation and will attract dust and dirt more quickly. Rinse your dog efficiently by

using warm water and holding the showerhead about an inch away from the dog

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so the spray can penetrate the fur, this will be quicker and use the water more


Easy on the tap - Don’t turn the tap on full each time, washing your hands

should only require a third of the flow you use to fill the kettle.

Put a lid on it - Putting a lid on your pan means the water will boil faster and less

evaporates, so use the lid even when you are waiting for the water to boil.

Potty idea? - Don’t throw out your old terracotta pots, seal the drainage hole with

tape, and bury the pot in the soil so it’s flush with the surface. Fill it with water and

cover it with a saucer, or let it fill with rainwater which will seep out of the clay and

into the soil as the soil becomes dry.

Herds of plants - Putting plants close together means watering a smaller area.

None of the water will go to waste, the plants will shade the soil and reduce

evaporation and they will crowd out weeds.

Cover up your bare bits - Bare soil in the garden can lose water to evaporation

and can dry quickly, try planning ground cover to retain soil moisture, they are

also good for wildlife and their roots improve soil structure.

Swales are swell - If you have a sloping garden then try digging a shallow swale at the base of the slope to catch and retain runoff so it slowly soaks into the garden.

Shade your pond - If you have a garden pond plant trees or shrubs to provide shade, this will encourage wildlife and reduce water loss.

Try not to wash your pets in the bath - Pets probably don’t need washing as

often as your think and can often be groomed or wiped with a wet cloth instead,

but if you have to wash small pets a baby bath is a good option (not the same

one you use for the baby obviously), you will use less water and you can put the

water under a hedge afterwards where the pet hair will add to the soil structure.

Buy local to save water - Buying local produce means you can check if its beef

or horsemeat, and you can also ask about how the food is produced including

water conservation methods .

Order tap water at a restaurant - UK tap water is great. A good restaurant will

always provide you with chilled tap water if you ask. It will save you money and

help the environment. It takes a lot more than a litre of water to produce a litre of

bottled water so you will be saving water too.

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Reuse hotel towels - We have all seen the signs in hotels, but this really is a big

water saver so try and reuse your towels if you can.

What’s your council doing? - Local councils have a statutory duty to promote

water efficiency, what’s yours doing? It your council and your taxes so phone up

and ask what they are doing and make some suggestions, it could save them

money whilst saving water.

Do you really need to wash your cat? - Cats don’t like water, so only wash

them when you absolutely have to, brushing or wiping with a wet cloth may be

just as effective as (and certainly less traumatic than) washing.

Make savings on paper – Buy recycled paper and card products. It takes about

10 litres of water to produce a new sheet of A4.

Put greywater to work – Your business could save money by recycling

greywater for cleaning equipment, washing cars or outdoor cleaning.

Holy water - Water is important in all religions and many of the holy texts urge

the careful use of water. If you are religious then, ask your religious leader give a

talk about the role of water conservation in your religion and invite along friends

from other faiths (or none) to share the teachings.

Save for a rainy day – It might seem like it rains all the time but the UK has less

available water than many countries on the Med (its true!) and we use a lot more

than our northern European neighbours, so despite your water-logged garden it

important to save water, and it will help your wallet too.

Put on a jacket and save water – increasing the efficiency of your boiler will

mean less wasted energy and lower bills but it also means less water wasted

waiting for the tap or shower to run hot. The easiest way is to put a jacket on your

boiler – check the instructions first and ask at the DIY store so you get the right


Eco baths - Standard bathtubs vary in size and capacity from about 50 litres to about 200 litres. There are lots of cleverly shaped ergonomic baths that can allow you to have a nice long soak with less water – when you are getting a new bath have a look at these one first and see if you like them.

Water benchmarks - Compare the water use in your workplace, against last year, against the number of employees and against the floor area of your office or factory. This will enable you to compare sites and to benchmark against competitors.

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Water efficient equipment will pay its way - When purchasing new equipment at work, consider the running costs as well as the price, a water efficient model may be more expensive but might pay for itself quickly in water savings.

Welfare friendly = water friendly – free range meat and eggs has a lower water

footprint than intensive produce, since it can takes a lot of water to grow intensive

feed crops like corn.

Renewable water – Nuclear, Coal and gas fired power stations use a lot of

water, wind and solar don’t, but biofuels can use a lot for irrigation. When

switching energy provider ask them for information about their water use (they

probably won’t have it but if enough people ask they will get it!).

Driving water efficiency – It takes about 13 litres of water to produce a litre of

petrol. Using the car a bit less and your legs and public transport a bit more will

save you water energy and money (unless the public transport is South West

Trains, in which case it will just save energy and water).

Push water saving taps – installing push taps at your workplace will reduce

water use and can prevent floods if basins get blocked.

Clean and Green – cleaning products from shampoo to washing powder have

got a lot greener in the last few years. It now requires a lot less product get things

clean, check the instructions and see if you can save money and save water by

reducing the need for rinsing.

Set a water saving goal - at home or at work setting goals is a good motivator. Make them realistic and have rewards when they are reached, you could use have the money you have saved for a family meal out or office drinks.

Clean sweep - Don’t always reach for the hose or pressure washer, try cleaning

drives, paths, and patios with a broom and save the pressure washer for when

you need a deep clean.

Healthy Green Competition – at work see which office or shift can save the

most water and have a prize. At home see who can have the shortest shower

(but still get clean!)

Nuneaton not Nevada - The UK is water stressed but it’s not a desert, choose

appropriate British plants and trees for your garden, cacti and loads of decking

might not use much water but they aren’t great when it’s raining and don’t provide

habitat for British

Prudent pruning - When pruning try and leave lower branches on trees and

shrubs. This will shade the ground and reduces evaporation.

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Covering a lot of ground at work - At work try and reduce the amount of grass

in landscaping and use shrubs and groundcover, these will require less irrigation,

will provide wildlife habitat and mean the soil can hold more water so there less

risk of surface flooding and waterlogging.

Turn down the air conditioning - Lots of office air con units can use a lot of

water, try and reduce the amount of air con by using airflow through windows and

vent and by shading the building with trees and shrubs.

Sneaky leaks - Lots of leaks occur in the pipes that connect houses to the

mains. If you have a meter you can detect these by turning off your water supply

and checking if your meter is still turning, if it is there’s a leak between the meter

and the house and you should tell your local water company.

Signs of a Leak - If there is a damp patch on your drive or an area of very green

grass or a patch in your front garden that’s always damp you make have a leak in

the pipe between your house and the main supply pipe, ask your water company

to come and take a look.

Teacycle - Empty leftover cold tea onto indoor plants at home and in the office –

it’s good for them as long as it’s not too milky

Save whilst you shave - Get a good old fashioned shaving mug and clean your

razor with just 250 ml of water each time.

Spongebasket Save Plants - Put a sponge in the bottom of your hanging baskets to act as a reservoir, it will save water and time

Make a pond, save pounds - If you have a low lying shady area of the garden where water collects that think about digging a pond there. It’s excellent for wildlife and will also serve as a rainwater reservoir for filling watering cans. But make sure it’s safe for toddlers with a small fence or hedge of shrubs to prevent access by little ones

Hot no-water bottle - Hot water bottles are a great way to stay cozy in the

winter, but they use a couple of litres of very hot water each time you fill. Try

using a microwavable waterless hot water bottle instead the next time you need a

new one.

Does anyone want your wastewater? - The wastewater your business

produces might be ideal for another business. If you produce a lot of fairly clean

warm water from a process your neighbour might want it for washing their vans.

You will save on your sewage bill and they will save on their water bill and you

will both help save water. Contact NISP for help.

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Dippy behaviour - Some restaurants and cafes still use dipper wells – a small

sink with constant running water – to wash spoons and glasses. If you see these

please ask them to turn off the tap, it would cut the cost of your coffee and help

the environment.

Leaky ponds - If you have a pond and it requires topping up more than once a

month then it might be leaking; check that the liner hasn’t slipped at the edge or if

its fiberglass that it hasn’t cracked.

Waterwings - It takes over 4000 litres per person to produce the fuel for a 100

mile flight, sometimes you have to fly but a videoconf may be better for you wallet

and the environment

Not so hot-tubs - If you have a pool, spa or hot-tub, try reducing the temperature

slightly, the hotter the water the more the evaporation, so this can save you

energy and water.

Health spa - If you have a pool, spa or hot-tub ensure it is maintained and kept

clean this will reduce the need to drain it down and will make it more hygienic

Try not to backwash - If you have a pool, hot-tub or spa, try and clean the filters

by hand this will be more effective and use less water than using the backwash


Infraredhot savings - If you are upgrading taps at work suggest getting infra-red

sensor taps that only run when your hands are underneath them and if you are a

real trendsetting get them at home too.

Liquid asset - Liquid soap lathers more quickly than a bar. So wet your hands,

turn off the tap, add a small drop of liquid soap, give them a good rub then a

rinse, this is effective and efficient.

Learn to save - Encourage your local schools to teach water saving techniques

and install water saving equipment

Fishy business - If you have a fishtank you can reduce cleaning and save water

by making sure the tank is aerated and by not adding to much food, you can also

save rainwater for your tank rather than using water from the tap

First flush - If you use rainwater remember that your roof might be dirty

especially after a long dry spell so invest in a system that disposes of the first

flush from the roof.

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Diversions - There are a number of greywater kits on the market that can divert

your bathwater or washing machine water to your garden, this is a good idea as

long as you remember this is dirty water, don’t divert it to storage divert it directly

to areas away from human contact and ideally to a sub soil irrigation system.

Cleaning saves water - Keep your taps and showerheads clean and free from

scale, this will reduce bacterial build up and will also increase water efficiency by

delivering a straight even stream of water.

Think before the sink - Before you throw any water down the sink think if it can

be used for something else, can you use it for cooking, or give it to a pet or put it

on a plant, but hygiene comes first so sometimes down the drain is the best


Hoe, hoe, hoe - hoeing stimulates the growth of plants, reduces water loss from

the soil surface and removes weeds that take up valuable water and nutrients.

Shower rota -Try and form an orderly queue in your home so that people can

have showers one after the other, this means the water will be hot immediately

when you get in so no water is wasted.

Share a shower with your partner - This Valentine’s Day share a shower and

save water ;-)

St Swithin’s Day - If you are wondering what the weather will be like for the next

40 days then check the weather forecast this will give you an idea if your garden

will need any water in the next few weeks.

Let your children grow - Encourage children to grow food so they can see how

plants use water, if you don’t have outside space you can easily grow herbs on a

window sill

Calculate your use - Check your water use with an online calculator, check your

water companies’ website for a free calculator

Allotted water - If you have an allotment or there is one at your children school

see if you can switch from tap to rainwater use.

Turn it off, fully off - Older taps will need to turned firmly otherwise they will drip;

if it becomes increasingly harder to turn them off fully then the washer may need

to be changed.

Guns and hoses - Discourage your children from playing with the garden hose,

water pistols will use a lot less and will be just as much fun

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Rainwater safety - Water is heavy so ensure your water butts are on a stable

base so they can’t topple over, and make sure they aren’t flush against your wall

or they could damage your property if they overflow.

Grey and rain labels - Greywater and rainwater are not pure, make sure you

label pipes and taps that have grey or rainwater to ensure it’s not used for

drinking or filling paddling pools.

Share on World Water Day - World Water Day is a great opportunity to share

water saving tips and findings with others, so try and talk to your neighbours

today about water savings

World Toilet Day - Toilets account for about a third of UK household use, putting

in a simple cistern displacement device can save 5,000 litres a year per toilet.

Go with the flow - If you are installing a rainwater system, either a water butt or

a large tank, use gravity as much as possible to reduce the energy involved in

pumping and to make sure you get the most out of the water you have stored.

Spot leaks in the garden on St David’s Day - Early spring is a good time to

check your hoses, outdoor taps and irrigation systems for leaks, a visual

inspection should enable you to spot damp areas of small leaks in the garden

No meter doesn’t equal no money saving - Even if you don’t have a meter you

can save money on your energy bills by saving water

Convince the climate septic - If you have a septic tank water efficiency will

mean less water going into the tank which will mean less emptying and less cost

Save water to stop flooding - The less water you use the less water will flow

into the sewer, and the more rainwater you can catch will delay runoff from your

property, both of these will reduce the risk of flooding in your neighbourhood

Lean about water at work - Suggest a water e-learning course at your work, you

can take it at your desk in less than 30 minutes.

Water saving games - There are lots of water saving games for children online,

these are an easy and effective way to engage children in water efficiency, or let

them design their own using an online app tool.

Save water and stop limescale - Aerated showerheads have a small inlet hole

and water drains from the showerhead out of this hole when the water is turned

off, this means there’s no water in the head which normally evaporates and

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leaves limescale on the showerhead. So aerated showerheads don’t have

limescale blockages.

Support water savers - At work and at home support window cleaners and

gardeners who use recycled water for their work

Ask your colleagues - At work consult with staff about water use, they may have

good ideas and they are also the water users and know what is needed.

Think before you make changes - Think about what taps are used for in the

workplace before your replace them with water efficient ones, taps used for eye

washing or bucket filling for cleaning should be left alone.

Cold turkey fat - Don’t let your Christmas dinner block your pipes! Turkey fat in

the sewer is a huge headache for water companies and can block your drains

and uses loads of water to rinse out of trays and pans. Try using it for making

stock with the turkey bones or let it solidify and scrape it in the bin.

Clean your gutters - Try and keep leaf litter out of your gutters, they are great as

mulch on your flowerbeds, but left in the gutter they can cause overflows and

blockages and can clog your water butt.

Keep your butt clean - Leaf debris and dirt and bird-muck from your roof can

contaminate the water in your water butt, clean it out once a year and put the

residue under a hedge as it will be rich in nutrients.

Use your water, don’t waste it - The key to water efficiency is reducing waste,

not restricting use.

Being water efficient is good business - Many companies find that when they

save water they can also save money on energy and process costs.

Waterless urinals - Many business now have waterless urinals these are

odourless and don’t require any more cleaning or maintenance than flushing

urinals but will save a lot of water.

Washroom to Boardroom - Ask your company to put water on the Board

agenda once a year to show that it’s taken seriously.

Healthy competition - In Scotland businesses can choose their water company

and this is about to happen in England and Wales too. This means that you can

ask your current water company for a better deal or for help on water efficiency

and they should be keen to help in the face of competition.

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Sewage savers - Sewage bills are usually calculated based on 90% of your

supply going down the drain. You can cut your sewage bill by cutting your water

use, but also if you are a keen gardener and use tap water to water your veg

once your rainwater supplies have run out then check if you are entitled to a

sewage rebate from your water company as its going into your plants rather than

down the drain

Bending your ballcock - Not a line from a carry-on film but a way to save water,

if you know how your toilet works you can bend the arm of the ballcock

downwards so that the water cut-off occurs earlier, but be careful not to snap the

arm, so if in doubt don’t do it or ask your plumber.

Green home improvements - If you are upgrading your bathroom ask about

water saving products they are often the same price and look the same as

inefficient ones but will save you in running costs.

Reheat hot drinks - If you have let your tea or coffee go cold reheat it in the

microwave for a few seconds and give it a stir (but don’t put the spoon in the

microwave). This produces 5 times less carbon than boiling the kettle again and

saves about a quarter of a litre each time, not a lot but it adds up if you are

absent minded and like tea.

Wash without water - Elephants can wash in dust but probably not humans,

however there are a few futuristic products on the market for dry washing, if you

are adventurous try one of these new dry shower gels and tell us what you think!

Washing clothes without water - There are some ultra-modern technologies

that can wash your clothes without water, ultrasound washing machines and

plastic bead machines are still at the lab stage but home dry cleaning kits are on

the market; however it might be easier juts to put your clothes on the line and see

if fresh air does the job.

Steam your kitchen floor - Domestic steam cleaners for floors are now a viable

alternative to a bucket, mop and detergent. They use a lot less water and about

the same amount of energy but can disinfect without chemicals.

Don’t be a fool in the pool - If you have a pool, spa or hot-tub you can save

water by minimising splashing and in pool spray and fountains which mean the

water stays in the pool, on the other hand if you have a pool this sounds like

telling you not to have any fun

Save water even if you are boring - If you have your own well or are putting

one in to water your garden or supply your house, it still pays to be water

efficient. The more careful you are with water the more you will save on pumping

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costs and the better it will be for the environment as you are still taking water

from the aquifer which feeds the natural environment.

Fun water education - Many water companies have education centres or teams

that do fun water saving assemblies for schools, suggest it to your schools,

generally its free or heavily discounted.

Try before you buy - There are lots of water saving showers, taps and other

devices and they deliver the same performance as older products. But if you are

still unsure then visit your local demonstration eco-house or attend a local green

group meeting and ask if you can see how these devices work and even feel the

flow rate with your hand, you will be pleasantly surprised.

Nursery School - Garden centres and nurseries often run free gardening

demonstrations and courses in-store, go along to learn how to mulch, compost

and water efficiently.

Re: washering - Washers cost about 10p and should take 2 minutes to replace,

but with many modern taps it isn’t that easy, so remember to ask how to maintain

taps when you buy a new one and keep the instruction leaflet so you can see

how to change the washer when you need to.

Give your water butt a summer treat - Algae can grow quickly in water butts in

the Summer heat, there are lots of non-toxic treatment blocks you can put in the

butt that will last for several years.

Turn the tap off when you clean your dentures! - You need water to soak your

dentures but you don’t need to rinse them under running water after you have

brushed them, use a brush to remove debris then swill them in a mug rubbing

away debris before soaking. And why not try a very quick soak in a lemon juice

solution as an alternative, it will clean, bleach and kill bacteria all in one go. Ask

your dentist for the best option.

Look for the Label - will give you everything

you need to know about the water efficiency of bathroom products.

Water friendly flowers – many flowers are grown in water stressed parts of the

world using lots of water, try and buy fairtrade of local blooms, your florist will

know, also the less they have been irrigated means they will probably last longer


New Year’s Water Resolution - Try to do one thing to save water every day.

Don't worry if it is small. If everyone in the UK turned the tap off when they

brushed their teeth it could save at least 500,000,000 litres a day!