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The V

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Summer 2008G l o b a l E x p l o i t s M i n i s t r i e s

2 The Spirit of Liberation

6 Distinction Between Islam and Muslims

12 Islam in America

14 When Hell Comes For Your Freedom, Just Worship!

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“What would cause the disciples to be so drastically transformed; from comfort seeking, greedy, selfish, Jesus

denying people to a group of world changers, that in the book of Acts, turned the world up side down for Jesus?”

The Spirit of

[ L i b e r a t i o n ]By Kamran Karimi

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“What would cause the disciples to be so drastically transformed; from comfort seeking, greedy, selfish, Jesus

denying people to a group of world changers, that in the book of Acts, turned the world up side down for Jesus?”

Feature Article

In John 14:12 Jesus says, “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works (Unprecedented Miracles) that I do he will do also; and greater works (Unprece-dented Miracles) than these he will do, because I go the My Father.”

The word assuredly means: to overcome somebody’s doubt or disbelief about something, to convince somebody of some-thing, to make something certain, to insure somebody against something that is certain to happen. Meditate on this and the reality of what Jesus is saying will explode in you.

“Now, after Jesus was raised from the dead, He appeared to His disciples and, commanded them not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for the Promise of the Father,

“Which”, He said, “you have heard from Me; For John truly baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now.” Acts 1:4-5

In Acts 1:8 Jesus goes on to tell them, “You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Jesus is tell-ing them that when this happens; you will have power to operate above human abilities to be a witness of Him. A witness not only can tell what he has seen, but also pro-duce evidence of what the has seen. Signs, wonders and miracles are the evidence!

When Jesus gave them this command, He expected them to fully rely on the power of the Holy Spirit to work through them just as He had worked through Jesus. Jesus is still saying the same thing to the Church, to you and me. We need this experience called the baptism of the Holy Spirit, in addition to our salvation experience. In order to operate in God’s miraculous power, faith, and love and get the same results as Jesus, we must have the power of the Holy Spirit!

In my last article, featured in the spring edition of

“The Voice of Freedom” magazine, I shared a pro-

phetic word concerning 2008 being “The Year of The Rest”

reflecting “The Year of Unprecedented Miracles.” When

Jesus began His earthly ministry, He began to do unprec-

edented miracles on the Sabbath or the day of rest.

Exodus 34:10 says, “I promise to perform miracles for you that have never been seen anywhere on earth. Neighboring nations will stand in fear and know that I was the one who did these marvelous things. In one translation it says, I the Lord will do wonderful things for you. Another translation says I will do powerful works in front of all your people which have never been done on earth among any nation.”

Psalms 77:14 says, “You are the God who does wonders, You have declared Your strength among the people.”

I also expressed what stops miracles from happening in our lives and the drastic difference between the heart of Jesus and the heart of the disciples before the day of Pentecost. We saw that Jesus cared about hurting people more than His own comfort, and yet His disciples needed a heart trans-formation, to change their hardened, unbelieving hearts to sensitive, compassionate hearts like Jesus.

I’d like to pick up right there, with a question. What would cause the disciples to be so drastically transformed from a comfort seeking, greedy, selfish, Jesus denying people to a group of world changers that, in the book of Acts we read, they turned the world up side down for Jesus? Before we look at the answer to this question, let’s lay a foundation that will help us grasp and understand the answer to our question.

Jesus is having a dialogue with His disciples, right before He is about to go the cross on behalf of the entire world.

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VOF Feature Article

If we look at Acts 2:1-4, we can see what transformed them to world changers, “When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.”

They were filled and spoke with other tongues. With the promise came the outward evidence. How did they know they received the Holy Spirit? They heard the evidence and saw the evidence.

There are people today in the Church who want a relation-ship with Jesus without the Holy Spirit. It is impossible to receive the Holy Spirit if you want to maintain control of your life. A believer will never experience the power of the Holy Spirit to become a true disciple unless he or she sur-renders control completely. God will give His Holy Spirit to those who honor and obey Him. Acts 5:32, “We are His witnesses to these things, and so also is the Holy Spirit whom God has given to those who obey Him.”

If we are going to liberate Muslim nations like the first century disciples liberated the Roman Empire- we, the Church must operate in the same power of the Holy Spirit and produce evidence of our resurrected Lord. 2 Cor. 3:17 says, “Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.” According to this scripture, true freedom is only found where the Holy Spirit is Lord, whether an individual life, family unit, or an entire nation.

As we cooperate with the fullness of the Holy Spirit and operate in all His gifts, we will manifest the greater works of Jesus and we will be transformed from closet Christians to world changing disciples. Romans 8:19 says, “For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God.” The sons of God mentioned here are those who display their Fathers character and na-ture.

We have to ask ourselves this question, “Are we true wit-nesses, who not only can tell what we have seen, but can also produce evidence of what we have seen with signs, wonders and miracles?” So how do we position ourselves? The following passages show us the foundational answers.

Being with Jesus - Acts 4:13, “Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, (Kamran, put your name in there) and perceived that they were uneducated and un-trained men, they marveled. And they realized that they had been with Jesus.”

United Prayer - Acts 4:29-31 “Now, Lord, look on their threats, and grant to Your servants that with all boldness they may speak Your word, by stretching out Your hand to heal, and that signs and wonders may be done through the name of Your holy Servant Jesus.” And when they had prayed, the place where they were assem-bled together was shaken; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke the word of God with boldness.”

Ministry of the Word - Acts 6:4, “We will give our-selves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the word.”

The Presence of God - Exodus. 33:12-16, “Then Moses said to the LORD, “See, You say to me, ‘Bring up this people.’ But You have not let me know whom You will send with me. Yet You have said, ‘I know you by name, and you have also found grace in My sight.’ Now there-fore, I pray, if I have found grace in Your sight, show me now Your way, that I may know You and that I may find grace in Your sight. And consider that this nation is Your people.” And He said, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” Then he said to Him, “If Your Presence does not go with us, do not bring us up from here. For how then will it be known that Your people and I have found grace in Your sight, except You go with us? So we shall be separate, Your people and I, from all the people who are upon the face of the earth.”

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Feature Article

Do you realize that the Father loves you just as much as Jesus? Since He loves you like that, you can expect Him to show you all the things He does. so that the world may marvel at how awesome our God truly is!!!

Let me pray for you. Father, I lift up everyone reading this. I ask you to reveal Yourself to them and empower them with a fresh anointing for unprecedented miracles. Let them dis-play Your greater works to all those in need in Jesus name. Amen!!!

Notice what is suppose to seperate the Church from the world. It is the manifest presence of the Lord in our midst,

which will produce the unprecedented miracles! This is the year that the Lord has given a fresh revelation of His unprec-edented miraculous power. This was released on the day of Pentecost to His Church. This is the power to operate above human abilities in order to show the world that there is a Liv-ing God who is not made by human hands or ideology. His name is Jesus and at His name every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.

Let me encourage you to separate yourselves unto Jesus. As you do, you will see how Jesus did the works that He did and you will do the same and will liberate people all around you.

John 5:19-20 says, “Then Jesus answered and said to them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of

Himself, but what He sees the Father do; for whatever He does, the Son also does in like manner. For the Father

loves the Son, and shows Him all things that He Him-self does; and He will show Him greater works than

these, that you may marvel.”

“Let me encourage you to separate yourselves unto Jesus. As you do, you will see how Jesus did the works that He did and you will do the same and will liberate people all around you.”

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Distinction Between Islam and Muslims

We have to make a distinction between Islam and Muslims. Most Muslims are “secular-ized” and are Muslims in name only. They

do not study the Quran. They can be compared to tradi-tional Christians who listen to their leaders and follow traditions but do not know the Bible.

Most Muslims do not even know what the Quran really teaches. They do not know that Islam in itself is an evil and anti-Christ religion. If they were to look at scriptures in the Quaran carefully, they would see things like this:

“O believers, make war on the Jews and Chris-•tians who dwell around you. Let them find firmness in you.” (Surah 9, Section 123)

“Fight those Jews and Christians who believe not •in God even if they be People of the Book until they agree to pay the tribute in recognition of their submissive state.” (Surah 9, Section 29)

“You will be called to fight a mighty nation of •Jews and Christians; fight them until they em-brace the God of Mohammad.” (Surah 48, Sec-tion 16)

“Then fight and slay the Jews and Christians •wherever you find them. And seize them, be-leaguer them and lie in wait for them, in every stratagem (of war).” (Surah 9, Section 5)

“Those who believe fight in the cause of God; and •those who reject the true faith of God fight in the cause of Evil; So fight ye against the Jews and Christians, those Friends of Satan ....” (Surah 4, Section 10, Chapter 76)

“Take not the Jews and Christians as friends or •protectors.” (Surah 5, Section 8, Chapter 51)

“The Jews and Christians perverted the things •they learned in the Covenant of God.” (Surah 3, Section 19, Chapter 187)

“The God of Jacob has turned his face from Jews •and Christians, and Muslims should do the same.” (Surah 4, Section 7, Chapter 47)

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Distinction Between Islam and Muslims

Fortunately, if you showed this to the majority of Muslims, you would find out that they have never seen these things before!

Most ordinary Muslims do not believe that “to be a true Mus-lim one has to kill infidels”. Those who do so are extremists who are considered lunatic fringe elements even by most other Muslims.

So really, while Islam is evil, many Muslims are not evil; they are people like us, and are Muslims because they were born into it and have never really studied the Quran. The danger however is that these “secularized”

Muslims can be pushed towards “extremism” when they are pressured and victimized by people who hate them just because they are Muslims.

Are there Christians who believe that we should kill Muslims? Yes there are!

Consider this quote by a celebrated Right-Wing fanatic who is considered by many to be a Born-Again Christian. This is her Gospel:

“We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and con-vert them to Christianity. We weren’t punctilious about locat-ing and punishing only Hitler and his top officers. We carpet-bombed German cities; we killed civilians. That’s war. And this is war.”

We say, “No self-respecting Christian or normal human would ever agree with such a statement”. But sadly, there are Ameri-can “Christians” who would!

I tell people, “If you want to know about Muslims and how to reach them for Christ, talk to ministers who are laying down their lives ministering to Muslims, instead of to people who make statements like this.”

Unfortunately, I run into these Muslim-haters in my trav-els. They preach the Word of God, worship Jesus, yet their world-view is a mixture of “Patriotism” which is more akin to Milosevic-style nationalism, Far-Right lunacy, fear, big-otry, conspiracy theories and bits of Old Testament scrip-

tures about war and destruction thrown in for good measure.

Missing are Jesus and what He said about how to treat those who hate us. Reaching the world with the Gospel is way low-down on their to-tem pole, the reasons for which are most ob-vious.

In my view such people have made themselves useless and re-

dundant for the Gospel.

The scary thing is that in the eyes of these people, their way of thinking is “true Christianity”.

It has been said to me, that Arabs are Amalekites and we as Americans have to destroy them. This makes me angry. I tell them that we as Christians have no right to call for the deaths of other human beings, when we have never made an effort to reach them with the Gospel. And once we do share the Gospel with them, we begin to love them so much that it becomes difficult for us to hate them. That is why I love Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Catholics - people, because I have spent the last 16 years of my life preaching Christ to them.

Many people’s patriotism is greater than their love for lost and dying Muslims who need Jesus. For them their Flag rises higher than the Cross. I love America but I totally re-ject this mind-set because Jesus has nothing to do with this garbage. I can say this; these people will never experience revival unless they first come to a place of brokenness and repentance from this stuff.

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Real Life Stories

Nahid called us from Germany. She was divorced about 17 years ago and after that she immigrated from Iran to Germany with her two children. She also had a little daughter that she had to leave her with her uncle in Iran, only to find out that, after a while, her daughter was molested by her uncle. She quickly applied to take her to Germany. Being full of resentment for the terrible things that had happen to her and her children, she spiraled into a life of fornication and immorality. She learned a little about Jesus but she continued in her sin. The longer she continued in sin, the more conviction she felt. She called in response to the program and she was overwhelmed with gratefulness for the message of freedom in Christ. She was touched and decided to call and recieve freedom from all the bondage of sin. We prayed with her to recieve Jesus as Lord! She completely received her freedom that day!

Abolfazl from Iran called and told us that he and the rest of his family received Christ some years ago. He was addicted to drugs and was set free by faith in Jesus. He was living in the city of Ghom, which is the center for Radical Islamic leaders and the activities of their organizations. He lived in extreme danger as a Muslim who converted from Islam to Christian-ity and he received daily death threats. Eventually the danger forced him and his family to leave there, so they moved to Tehran. Now, they are being fed spiritually by Christian, Farsi satellite programs and growing in their faith. Recently he called us to pray for his wife, who had arthritis. We came in agreement with him by phone and prayed for her healing and she was miraclously healed! Praise God!

The Voice of Freedom..... 1 Broadcast.... Daily.... Last 3 months... Over a 1,000 Phone Calls and E-mails...Many People Saved... Healed... Delivered

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Real Life Stories

Jilla phoned in April 2008. She is in her late twen-ties and received Christ about a month ago. She is from Marivan Kurdistan, Iran and she was born into a very religious family. She told us that her father is very strict and since he heard about her faith in Jesus he has begun to control her heavily. Since receiving Christ as her Lord and Savior, her life has been totally changed. She wasn’t able to find a Bible for several months and then she began to hear the Word of God through Christian, Farsi programs. She called the ministry and asked us to pray for her. She wanted prayer for her life to be changed from hardship and persecution because of her faith. We frequently keep in touch with her and she is experiencing a greater peace in her life now!

Zahra received Christ about seven month ago. She is from Iran and a strong Muslim family. She testified about how her life has changed and how God talks to her through dreams. She was Baptized in the Holy Spirit as she watched the program and is grateful for being taught the Word of God. She has no access to the Bible so she is fed by satellite programs. She is excited about her new life in Jesus! We plan on getting her a Bible very soon!

The Voice of Freedom..... 1 Broadcast.... Daily.... Last 3 months... Over a 1,000 Phone Calls and E-mails...Many People Saved... Healed... Delivered

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Islam in America: Where is the outrage?Author Anonymous

I Thought That Detroit Was The Only Place We Would See This Happen And Now This. Our Tax Payers Money Is Allowing What Our 80% Christian Nation Has Not Allowed In Our Schools!!!

Is a Taxpayer-Funded Muslim School Coming to a Neighborhood Near You?

I love my home state of Minnesota and don’t want it to take on the title of “the late-great state of Minnesota.” It seems to be a trend-setter when it comes to all things Islamic. Our state elected the first Muslim Congressman, Keith Ellison. And the slow but steady Islamization of Minnesota has been in the news for more than two years. On April 9, Katherine Kersten broke a story in the Minneapolis Star Tribune concerning a tax-payer-funded Muslim school in the Twin Cities.

It is the Tarek ibn Ziyad Academy (TIZA), a K-8 charter school in Inver Grove Heights, a suburb of St. Paul. Charter schools are public schools and by law must not endorse or promote religion. Kersten states, “Evidence suggests, however, that TIZA is an Islamic school, funded by Minnesota taxpayers.

“Amy and I took this photo right outside of Chicago O’hare Airport, off a major interstate. We believe this should serve as a wake up call for all Americans!”

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Islam in America: Where is the outrage?Author Anonymous

“TIZA has many characteristics that suggest a religious school. It shares the headquarters building of the Muslim American Society of Minnesota, whose mission is ‘establish-ing Islam in Minnesota.’ The building also houses a mosque. TIZA’s executive director, Asad Zaman, is a Muslim imam, or religious leader, and its sponsor is an organization called Islamic Relief,” says Kersten.

Students pray daily, the cafeteria serves Halal food – per-missible under Islamic law -- and “Islamic Studies” is offered at the end of the school day. Kersten was not encouraged to visit the school by Ziyad, but now a substitute teacher has come out and spilled the beans. Prior to a School-mandated assembly, the teacher says she was told her duties would

include taking her fifth-grade students to the bathroom, four at a time, to perform “their ritual washing.”

Afterward, the teacher said, “teachers led the kids into the gym, where a man dressed in white with a white cap, who had been at the school all day, was preparing to lead prayer. Beside him, another man was prostrating himself in prayer on a carpet as the students entered.

“The prayer I saw was not voluntary,” she said. “The kids were corralled by adults and required to go to the assembly where prayer occurred.” She also noted the kids were studying the Koran. School buses did not leave until all “Islamic studies” were over.

Why does the Minnesota Department of Educa-tion allow this sort of religious activity at a public school? According to Zaman, the department in-spects TIZA regularly, and has done so “numerous times,” to ensure that it is not a religious school. And is a school like this coming to a neighborhood near you, funded by your tax dollars? The Depart-ment of Education in Minnesota has visited the school three times, so what’s up? According to federal guidelines on prayer in schools, teachers at a public school cannot participate in prayer with students -- yet they are according to the whistle-blower teacher.

As Kersten concludes, “Schools cannot favor one religion by offering services for only its adher-ents, or promote after-school religious instruction for only one group. In addition, there’s a double standard at work here. If TIZA were a Christian school, it would likely be gone in a heartbeat. TIZA is now being held up as a national model for a new kind of charter school. If it passes legal muster, Minnesota taxpayers may soon find them-selves footing the bill for a separate system of edu-cation for Muslims.”

Where is the outrage?

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VOF Bonus Feature Article

When Hell Comes for Your Freedom,

Just Worship!By Amy Karimi

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VOFBonus Feature Article

We all go through times when we are crossing thresholds into something new that the Lord has called us too. In those moments, we are crossing into greater freedom found only within knowing what we were uniquely created for on this planet.

But what happens when you cross that threshold and hell is waiting on the other side of it to question what you thought you were so sure of? What do you do when you are unpre-pared for the attacks that come at you? What do you do when hell comes to challenge and take your new found free-dom and identity?

I recently experienced a heavy attack and onslaught from hell itself and all these questions ran through my mind. I cannot begin to explain to you the absolute cruelty and vi-ciousness of the war brought to the door of my soul by the enemy. I can only tell you that God literally became my shield and all I could do was hide behind Him and let him war for me. I have found that it is not about me warring but rather my trust in Him to be my shield.

In the middle of all this, I was continually reminded of Psalm 91 (NLT), which says:

1 Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. 2 This I declare about the LORD: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I trust him. 3 For he will rescue you from every trap and protect you from deadly disease. 4 He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protec-tion.

to be an expert on them either, rather to be an encourage-ment to those of you whose freedom is being challenged.

Earlier I mentioned that all I could do, when my freedom was challenged, was to hide behind the Lord. How do you hide behind the Lord? I have found that the most effec-tive way is to simply worship. All you need to do is wor-ship! When you worship you are magnifying God in your life and circumstances. That is what the Psalmist was doing in Psalm 91. He was saying God you are bigger and greater than this enemy I am facing! You see when the enemy wants to magnify his plan in your life and destiny, the best counter attack is to magnify the Lord. You simply need to make God bigger in your mind and soul than the attack of the enemy.

Magnify means: Extol, Laud, to cause to be held in greater esteem or respect, to increase in significance: Intensify, Ex-aggerate, to enlarge in fact or in appearance.

Basically, when hell wants to make its stake on you and your freedom, you must hold God to be greater, extol Him, in-tensify Him, exaggerate Him, and MAGNIFY Him!

Psalm 34

1 I will bless the LORD at all times: his praise shall con-tinually be in my mouth. 2 My soul shall make her boast in the LORD: the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad. 3 O magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt his name together.

Sometimes you write because you’ve seen something, and then there are times that you write because you have experi-enced something. I have done both and today I am writing based on something that I have recently experienced.

I know what you are thinking! “I know those scriptures.” In fact, I bet you have heard them a million times. But like most things in life, you probably only mentally acknowl-edge them, not really understand them. I am not claiming

“All you need to do is worship! When you worship you are magnifying God in your life and circumstances.”

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Psalm 69:30 (KJV) I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify him with thanksgiving.

You see what the Psalmist did, and so many like him throughout scripture, was magnify God in his soul to such a point that he literally silenced his enemies through his worship. I get a picture of a frail man deflated like a balloon.

He begins to worship and as he does he begins to grow strong. He goes from frail to Iron man just by worshipping the Lord. Wor-ship is to your soul what air is to that balloon. The more you wor-ship the lighter you get and the higher you’ll climb. When you worship, your soul is magnifying the Lord. When you magnify the Lord the enemy will run in stark terror. He cannot abide the presence of the Lord and he will leave every time you put God on display through your worship.

When you worship, you take the limits off God. You tell God that He has the freedom to do whatever He wants in your life. As a result, you are set free through your worship into the limitless bounds of His love and protection. If you remember in Psalm 91 it said in verse 1:

“Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.”

Freedom is found in His shelter and under His shadow. You are free in the limitless bounds of His shadow. Think about it! There is no end to God, so would there be any end to His shadow? Definitely not! You are free under His protection!

John 8:36 says, “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free in-deed.”

Free means: Having the legal and political rights of a citizen, Enjoying civil and political liberty, Enjoying political independence or freedom from outside domi-nation, Enjoying personal freedom : not subject to the control or domination of another ,

Relieved from or lacking something and especially something unpleasant or burdensome, Not bound, con-fined, or detained by force, Not obstructed, restricted, or impeded, Not allowing slavery.

And indeed means: Without any question, In reality , All things considered: as a matter of fact

How exciting! Without any question you are free! The number one way the enemy will move you out from the shadow of God is by placing questions in your mind about the freedom that God has given you through Je-sus. Every time he comes at you with questions of doubt and unbelief you have to tell him to SHUT UP! Tell him that you are free without any question!

Remember the more you worship and magnify the Lord, the freer you will become. Jesus has paid the price for our freedom once and for all and all we need to do is just worship! If you worship and magnify the freedom Giver you will be free to do all that you are called to!

P.S. Just as a side note, I came across this song that has been such a blessing to me. The name is “All I Need” by Rita Springer. You can find it on Itunes. You will be so blessed. Check it out!


“When you worship, you take the limits off God. You tell God that He has the freedom to do whatever He wants in your life.”

Page 15: The Voice of Freedom Summer 2008

VOFAre you Available For Great Exploits?

Who Will Respond To Their Cry? Today—For The First Time In 15 Centuries

The world is beginning to witness a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit among Farsi-speaking Muslims. God has begun to shred the fragile fabric of Islam in fulfillment of Jeremiah 49:38-39 when He promised, “I will set My throne in Elam (Iran) and I will destroy from their king and princes, says the Lord. But it shall be in the latter days (the end of days) that I will reverse the captivity and restore the fortunes of Elam, says the Lord.”

Iranians are at a crossroad, desperate for change and a new spiritual identity!

Is God Calling You?

Does the thought of reaching millions of Muslims who have never experienced Christ excite you? Does the pas-sion of the Great Commission burn in your heart as it does in ours?

Then call, write, or visit our website to learn how you can use television to bring the message of freedom in Christ to desperate people who would otherwise never hear it.

Join the ranks of a passionate group of people who are advancing freedom through Christ all around the world!

I was available…To preach the Gospel to 30 million Muslims a day through daily television, in Farsi, ......a language I don’t speak.

To be a part of seeing over 850,000 former Muslims give their lives to Jesus in one year, countries I have never been to.

To make a difference in the lives of people who had never heard of Jesus .....and who I have never met.

How? I partnered with Global Exploits Ministries and joined the Freedom Campaign! Why don’t you join me in advancing freedom in Jesus among Farsi-speaking Muslims around the world? You’ll love it! Marion, 80 years old, Texas

Will it be Secularism, Western Materialism, Mormonism, Terrorism, or A VOICE OF FREEDOM?

Global Exploits Ministries is reaching 105 million Farsi-speaking people world wide through our daily, television broadcast Nedaye Azade which, in English, means The Voice of Freedom.

The Lord has called us to serve as a voice for Him to trans-form the Islamic wilderness into a fruitful land and to cast a net that will harvest Farsi-speaking Muslims worldwide.

Page 16: The Voice of Freedom Summer 2008



Understanding the blessing posi-tions you for a life without limita-tions. In this 8 CD series you will get prophetic revelation of the blessing, which will empower you to live your life to the fullest.

Why does God want you blessed? When we understand the purpose of the blessing and apply ourselves to it, our lives will be meaningful and we will enjoy God’s blessing on everything we do. In this 6 CD series you will see the purpose of the blessing for your life.

In this 5CD series you will learn practical steps of how to receive what is already yours by faith.

Proverbs 10:22 “The blessing of the Lord makes one rich, and He add no sorrow with it.”

In this 7CD series, you will learn practical steps to seeing your God given vision fulfilled by the power of the blessing.

Proverbs 29:18 says, “Where there is no vision, the people cast off all restraint, but happy is he who keeps the law.”

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In these CD sets, you’ll go on a journey of discovering how to get Faith, Vision, Purpose and Understanding for the blessing.

Did you know that God wants you blessed in every area of your life?

If you have questions about Islam and how it relates to the Church, please e-mail us at [email protected] and we will respond!

Pastors if you would like to inform and equip your churches with the knowledge of how to deal with Islam and how to minister to Muslims in your

area and around the world please contact us! 817.370.9229

If you would like to know more please visit our website at

“Just wanted you to know that I have been go-ing to Blessing University in my car. I know the blessing cd’s have been a great investment. It has become good fellowship at the start or end of a long business day.” Clayton, Roscoe, Illinois