Download - The Vocab Weekly_Issue _41

  • 7/31/2019 The Vocab Weekly_Issue _41


  • 7/31/2019 The Vocab Weekly_Issue _41


  • 7/31/2019 The Vocab Weekly_Issue _41


    The Vocab Weekly

    1 Aug 1-Aug 7| Issue 41



    It is that thing which comes with your French fries or yummy pakoras. Accompaniment is also that instrument,which plays when you hum your favourite song and it is also that necklace that goes so well with your evening

    gown, making your dress complete. However, accompaniment can also be an act of your best friend to protect

    you. Accompaniment has originated from the union of two words .i.e. accompany and ment. Accompany is a

    verb and means to company someone or to be present in association with and ment is a suffix, which when

    attached to accompany, makes a Noun .i.e. accompaniment.

    Pronunciation: uh-kuhm-puh-ni-muhnt, uh-kuhmp-ni-

    The dictionary definitions for accompaniment are as follows:

    1) Instrument or vocals arranged to sustain, maintain or match/complement a symphony or a melody.

    2) An ornament or a thing that is added for fullness or evenness.

    Master tip to learn accompaniment:If you want to learn accompaniment in the easiest possible way then, just remember the cheese dip that comes

    with your garlic bread to make it complete and tasty .i.e. cheese dip is the addition or the accompaniment in this


    Accompaniment can be used in following ways:

    1) Her voice sounds rough without any musical accompaniment. (Noun)

    2) Diamond necklace was given to her as an accompaniment for her evening gown. (Noun)

    3) Sauce is a usual accompaniment for fried prawns. (Noun).
  • 7/31/2019 The Vocab Weekly_Issue _41


    The Vocab Weekly

    2 Aug 1-Aug 7| Issue 41



    Pronunciation: grohs

    There are different opinions on this advert and some regard it as terrific example of creativity. But my personal

    opinion is that the ad is a little ewwwww.that is gross in its content. Just to imagine an umbilical cord

    hanging like that is a little disturbing, isnt it?

    You can have your own opinion on the ad but I just gave mine.

    Meaning of Gross:

    1. Brutishly coarse, as in behavior; crude.

    2. Offensive; disgusting.

    There are other meanings of gross and you would do well to look them up. I have just highlighted the ones

    applicable in the given case.
  • 7/31/2019 The Vocab Weekly_Issue _41


    The Vocab Weekly

    3 Aug 1-Aug 7| Issue 41



    Its that time of the year when Santa comes down the chimneys or pipes, if you have no chimneys. So, it is the

    time to be happy. Season of thanking and giving should not be forlorn for your soul if you believe in Santa. It

    is an adjective.

    Pronunciation: fawr-lawrn

    The dictionary definitions for forlorn are as follows:

    1) A person appearing/feeling sad or lonely

    2) Dejected and miserable

    3) A person or situation deprived of hope/ hopelessness

    4) A person deprived of comfort or a destitute

    Master tip to learn forlorn:

    Forlorn can be learnt by associating the sound of first half (for) and second half of the word (lorn) to two

    different words. For (Fur) lorn (lawn) .i.e. lawn of fur and if you want to associate with the meaning of forlorn

    then lawn of fur will be a sad state of affairs anyway.

    Forlorn can be used in following ways:

    1) Forlornness of his mind could not give him happiness all his life. (Noun)

    2) Forlornly sitting in that corner, Swati could not stop thinking about the accident. (Adverb)
  • 7/31/2019 The Vocab Weekly_Issue _41


    The Vocab Weekly

    4 Aug 1-Aug 7| Issue 41



    During Indian elections, lots of people are intimidated by the politicians to vote for their party. Intimidation is a

    tool used by the powerful to control the meek, to make them surrender to their wishes.

    Pronunciation: in-tim-i-deyt

    The dictionary meaning of intimidate

    1. To make timid; fill with fear.

    2. To coerce or inhibit by or as if by threats.

    3. To make timid or fearful; make afraid; inspire with fear; deter by threats

    Master tip to learn the word:

    Intimidate can also be learnt by in+timid(..fearful)+ ate... when we are in fear we get FRIGHTENED.This way

    it can be remembered.

    Usage Examples

    1. Her boss intimidates her.

    2. Good for Speaker Pelosi standing her ground and principles on not letting Mr. Weinstein intimidate her with

    his demands.

    2. Unions were this afternoon accused of attempting to "intimidate" the Government by warning of.
  • 7/31/2019 The Vocab Weekly_Issue _41


    The Vocab Weekly

    5 Aug 1-Aug 7| Issue 41



    Ever wondered the reason for some people to be absolutely crude, rude and heartless? Well, they must surely

    take these characteristics from objects with bristles, crude and heartless for anything that comes in the way o

    the bristles. It is an Adjective. Its first usage dates back to 1655-65 and has originated from the combination

    of two words seta and aceous. Seta means a bristle and aceous is a suffix, which means similar to or having

    the nature of something.

    Pronunciation: si-tey-shuh s

    The dictionary definitions for setaceous are as follows:

    1) Object with bristles/thorns or barbs

    2) Similar to bristles/thorns in nature

    3) Shaped like bristles

    Master tip to learn setaceous:

    Setaceous sounds wicked just like its meaning. However, to make it easier, we can associate the word

    setaceous with delicious in a way, seta is delicious.

    Setaceous can be used in following ways:

    1) Porcupine is a setaceous animal. (Adjective)

    2) She is a setaceous lady, as she never fails to plot against her mother-in-law.
  • 7/31/2019 The Vocab Weekly_Issue _41


    The Vocab Weekly

    6 Aug 1-Aug 7| Issue 41



    English is a funny language; so many words can mean the same and yet be spelled differently. Pliant,

    compliant and supple, all mean the same thing. It is an Adjective and of course, the suppler you are better

    chances you have surviving in a carrier that require erratic shifts.

    Pronunciation: suhp-uh l

    The dictionary definitions for supple are as follows:

    1) Bending readily without any damage

    2) Characteristic of a person who can easily bend in body and mind.

    Master tip to learn supple:Supple can be easily learnt with the help of a picture of a ballet dancer. The way a ballet dancer moves

    according to the changing waves of music, yet filling the audience with happiness. Imagery of ballet dancer

    also shows that changing moves according to changing music can be difficult (pain shows with the dancer on

    the toes), but with practice it is rewarding.

    Supple can also be learnt by relating it to the word, yielding, compliant and pliant, which means readily

    changing according to situations.

    Supple can be used in following ways:

    1) That dancer has supple legs, making her perfect in all the styles of dancing. (Adjective)

    2) Suppleness of elastic makes it possible for us to put it in the clothes of all sizes. (Noun)
  • 7/31/2019 The Vocab Weekly_Issue _41


    The Vocab Weekly

    7 Aug 1-Aug 7| Issue 41



    When we see old people, we see their freckled faces and one which are wan. Wan means unnaturally pale.

    Pronunciation: won

    Meanings of Wan

    1. Unnaturally pale, as from physical or emotional distress.

    2. To become pale

    3. Suggestive or indicative of weariness, illness, or unhappiness;

    Masters tip to learn Wan

    We can understand wan as wan rhymes with maruti van. She liked to travel in a Scorpio but she is traveling in a

    van, so she is pale.

    Sentences examples for Wan

    1. Through the frayed curtain at my window, a wan glow announces the break of day.

    2. She now seemed very happy to see a friendly (albeit wan) face.

    3. His hair seemed grayer, his face wan.

    4. His hair seemed grayer, his face wan.

    5. He walked stiffly, looking wan and serious.
  • 7/31/2019 The Vocab Weekly_Issue _41


    The Vocab Weekly

    8 Aug 1-Aug 7| Issue 41

    Work Out Zone

    Work Out 1: Match the following words with their respective meanings or synonyms.

    Word Meaning or Synonym

    1 Accompaniment A despair

    2 Forlorn B terrify3 Intimidate C supplement

    4 Setaceous D adaptable

    5 Supple E sad

    6 Misery F pallid

    7 Wan G sharp

    Work Out 2: Did you really understand the word?

    1. Accompaniment of talented people hinders progress. yes no

    2. People are forlorn after a defeat. yes no

    3. Jolly-natured guys tend to be intimidating yes no

    4. Porcupine is a setaceous animal. yes no

    5. Supple nature helps to survive in all conditions. yes no

    6. Success is the most common cause of misery. yes no

    7. Sick children carry a wan and tired look on their faces. yes no

  • 7/31/2019 The Vocab Weekly_Issue _41


    The Vocab Weekly

    9 Aug 1-Aug 7| Issue 41

    Answers: Work Out Zone

    Work Out 1

    1-C, 2-E, 3-B, 4-G, 5-D, 6-A, 7-F

    Work Out 2

    1-no, 2-yes, 3-no, 4-yes, 5-yes, 6-no, 7-yes

  • 7/31/2019 The Vocab Weekly_Issue _41
