Download - The Vegan Winter 2001

Page 1: The Vegan Winter 2001

The magazine of the Vegan Soc ie ty

Milk and BreatiMjm National Ve^^esl Hospital Experience} Cartoons, Competiti and Crossword

Page 2: The Vegan Winter 2001


o ^ j c u r t ^ d o e s n o t g o i n f o r s a l e s g i m m i c k s 1 such as putt ing masses of calcium in its alternatives,

because it is omnivores who lose calcium from their bodies. So P lam i l p r e s e n t s respons ib ly f o r m u l a t e d , we l l ba lanced a l te rna t i ves to udder mi lks and inc lude t h e essent ia l v i tamins B2, B12 and D2



enjoy super t as t i ng bars t ha t d o not conta in whey (no w a y ! ) nor butter fat ( they need no butter ing up!)

nor cows milk nor any an imal emulsif ier or re lease agents to be found in many confections

Organic chocolates Soya based chocolates Soya based carobs • fUmlt /As


, v^n^ / CHOCOLATE Q


Plamil 's confections are different from mainstream ones; they do not contain denatured white sugar nor use artificial vanillin (they contain natural vanilla)

EGANINFANTS ase Histories the most comprehensive cover

of vegan infants ever published

Now includes the first year's monitoring of the infants. The Society's Dietitian says: "this year's reports are additional evidence that a vegan child does develop heathily and normally on a vegan diet"

• |i . » — | i> Plriue PlraM-"lease send A o size or larger s .a . e . lor:- Tirk Tick ^ \

^ f t ® ^ I n f o r m a t i o n p a c k o n r a n g e o f p r o d u c t s D free M e d i c a l r e s e a r c h p a p e r o n P e a P r o t e i n Ufree V e g a n Infants Case Hi s tor i e s b o o k l e t 0£2

N a m e

A d d r e s s

P l e a s e s e n d t o P l a m i l F o o d s L t d . F o l k e s t o n e K e n t C T 1 9 6 P Q

Page 3: The Vegan Winter 2001

New broom? Although I am the new Editor of the magazine, I have been involved with the Society for over twenty years as a member. I have also been a local contact and have served on the governing Council as Chair, ViceChair and Treasurer. Now I have taken on the role of Editor of the magazine and ChiefExecutive of the Society. Many of you may recognise the name - Rick Savage.

I should first like to pay tribute to all those who have preceded me in this task. I should also like to say a big thank you to all the staff and volunteers - past and present - who have worked so hard for the cause of veganism.

I believe we all share the Society's aim of promoting ways of living which avoid the use of animal products — for the benefit of people, animals and the environment. In order to achieve this we must all keep in mind that the real opponents of this aim are those profiting from animal exploitation -factory farmers, slaughterhouses — not those who share our views but fail to live up to our expectations. Let us all expend our energy constructively and compassionately to bring an end to the hundreds of millions of animals slaughtered and abused to satisfy our nation's love of animal flesh and animal produce.

The Society's aim remains constant but the challenge is to modernise so as to deliver this effectively and efficiently in the 21st Century. With your help and support, we shall succeed.

Finally, thank you to all those who completed the questionnaire in the Autumn Vegan. We are carefully analysing your views and opinions so as to help us provide a better service. We hope to be able to publish the results in the Spring issue.



Ha»lftut Lavender

, *k S E V E N W I V E S
























TH\?gan Editor Rick Savage Design and production by Geerings of Ashford Printed by Geerings of Ashford on G Print chlorine-free paper

Editorial Support Rhian Thomas, Jules Farrar and James Southwood Front Cover photograph: Pavlos Mastiki

ISSN 0307-4811

Local rate 0845 45 88244 Tel 01424 427393 Fax 01424 717064 e-mail: [email protected]

© The Vegan Society The views expressed in The Vegan do not necessarily reflect those o f the Editor or of the Vegan Society Council . Noth ing printed should be construed to be Vegan Society policy unless so stated. The Society accepts no liability for any matter in the magazine. The acceptance o f advertisements (including inserts) does not imply endorsement. The inclusion of product information should not be construed as consti-tuting official Vegan Society approval for the product, its intended use, or its manufacturer/distributor.

Contributions intended for publication are welcomed, but unsolicited materials will not be returned unless accompanied by an SAE.

1 The Vegan , W i n t e r 2001

Page 4: The Vegan Winter 2001

COSMETICS TESTED USING ARTIFICIAL SKIN A Japanese company, Nippon Menard Cosmetic Co, launched a new range of cosmetics in September which has been developed using artificially cultivated human skin. According to the company this develop-ment process is the first of its kind in the world and the skin is made by cultivating skin cells thus al lowing animal based experiments to be bypassed. Researchers can actually analyse the effi-ciency of the cosmetics from within the skin itself and obtain accurate records something that is impos-sible by using animal skin. Nippon Menard are plan-ning to reveal details of these safety tests to the Japanese Society For Alter-natives For Animal Experiments. The new cosmetics are being sold under the brand name of Meriease.

REIKI Gill W e b b (one of our mem-bers) runs professional training courses in Reiki, Indian Head Massage and Hypnotherapy/NLP. Check out their website: or phone 01202 424991

MEGAN IS ON HOLIDAY Megan will be back for the Spring issue.

CHIMPANZEES THE LATEST VICTIMS OF BSE Secret and controversial experiments will be carried out soon on monkeys infected with the mad cow disease. The EU's most powerful scien-tific committee has said that important and valuable infor-mation will be gained from such experiments, such as how BSE is caught by humans. The monkeys will be fed brain matter from British and French meat infected with BSE. The Observer learnt in September that the European Commission chose not to pub-licise this despite new rules over public access to informa-tion. Anti-vivisection groups are, not surprisingly, furious over these barbaric and unnecessary experiments.

ANIMAL RIGHTS ACTIVIST DIES ON HUNGER STRIKE Barry Home, who was sen-tenced in November 1997 after being convicted of a two-year firebombing cam-paign, died shortly after 8.30 am on 5th November of liver failure. Barry had been on sev-eral hunger strikes and had refused food and drink since October 21st. He had also signed a directive stipulating he did not wish for medical treatment. His persistence in hunger strikes aimed at forcing the government to set up a royal commission into vivisection won him universal support. Animal rights cam-paigner Carla Lane said Barry would be "revered by those he would want to be revered by."

VEGIVENTURES XMAS HOUSEPARTY In Exmoorthis year. 24-28 December, 4 nights full board from £199. Contact


50 MILLION ANIMALS TO DIE IN TOXICITY TESTS A plan by the European Com-mission to test thousands of chemicals will cause the death of at least 50 million animals. The plan involves testing at least 30,000 chemicals which are found in everyday prod-ucts to make sure they are safe for humans and the environ-ment. Obviously these tests are being condemned by animal rights groups and Wendy Higgins of BUAV says "The majority of the testing will go to the UK and these tests are about as cruel as you can get." The Guardian estimates about 50.2 million animals but BUAV says at least 63.2 million will be required. The tests will involve monkeys, rabbits, guinea pigs, mice, dogs, hamsters, birds and fish

WOODLAND TRUST The Woodland Trust, in fur-ther communication with us, have assured us that their cur-rent stance on hunting is as spelt out on their website The stance on foxhunting says "..we do not allow fox hunting to take place in our woods" and " w e emphasise that hunting is strictly not allowed."

VEGAN DELI EDEN OPENS Nottingham is home of the country's first vegan delicatessen at 383 Alfreton Road. T. 0115 970 4315

and scientists will force-feed them chemicals resulting in bleeding from the nose and mouth, convulsions, vomiting and a slow agonising death. Such a programme would provide a boost to Britain's contract animal testing industry with Huntingdon Life Sciences, Quintilesand Covance being set up for years with work. BUAV claim enough alternatives are now available to make animal testing a thing of the past but the European Commission argues there is no other way but to use animals if society wants safe chemicals. "To the extent that alternative methods are available and reliable they will be used." they said.

FAIR PRISON FARE The US Bureau of Prisons is now offering vegetarian meals to inmates at all 98 fed-eral institutions in the USA. The American Vegan Society has long supported prisoners wanting to lead a life gov-erned by the principle of Ahimsa.

THE ECOLOGIST In the October issue Sally Fallon (CoAuthor of The Cook-book that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and Diet) and Bruce Friedrich (PETA) locked horns over 'Is Veganism a better way of life'.

VWV3S O r t ^ f Y l ) \ r l l l i ^ ^ ' Unfortunately a j j y * * * ™ ' problem has been discovered

with the manufacturer supplying Reliv with the syn-thetic vitamin D for their Classic (as featured in the Autumn edition of The Vegan). It seems the initial feed material for this synthetic Vitamin D involved an animal-based product but Reliv had been assured the Vitamin was suitable for vegans and labelled the product as vegan in good faith. Reliv are reformulating the Classic so that it will be suitable for vegans; Reliv have also applied for the Vegan Society Trademark so when the reformulated product appears it should bear our familar logo.

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BENJAMIN RELEASES NEW BOOK Benjamin Zephaniah has written another novel for teenagers with the same fast-talking style as before. Called 'Refugee Boy' the story is inspired by the Ethiopian refugees Benjamin met and the novel is published by Bloomsbury price £4.99. Benjamin has also published another book of poems called 'Too Black, Too Strong (Bloodaxe)' in which he uses legal language as a satirical weapon to educate and inform us. The strongest poem 'Appeal Dismissed' is about a Polish Refugee sent home because rape was not considered by the judge to be torture.

'SPEAK TO THE VEGAN SOCIETY' A letter challenging the promotion of milk in Llanidloes High School, Powys was published in the Cambrian News on 18 October from new Council member, Laurence Main.

BOYS ON THE BRAIN Jean Ure (vegan) has written this fresh and funky diary of a teenager growing up in an Ab Fab kind of family. 12-14 year olds will empathise with Cresta and Charlie and their problem parents. The book is pubished by Collins Children's Books, price £3.99.

GIVE A GOAT FOR CHRISTMAS!! Send a Cow think goats at £125 each are appropriate Christmas gifts for farmers in Africa. Their email address is:

TURKEY FASHION Fashion graduate Gillian Fraser designs accessories made from turkey skins. It takes one or two skins to make a handbag according to Gillian but she is having difficulty getting hold of the skins. Her email address is:

BATTERY BUNNIES Several companies are now selling toy cats made from real rabbit fur. Rabbits bred for their fur are kept in wire cages and killed at 6-7 months. Nauticalia (T.01932 244396

is one of the main retailers for these toys.

WHITE STUFF STUFFED The advertising campaign is to be suspended in the New Year as dairy companies are refusing to extend the funding period. Apparently the campaign has boosted milk sales by 60 million litres over 18 months! The National Farmers Union is working with the dairy industry to try to find alternative funding for the campaign.

WINNERS OF THE TRAVEL GUIDE UPDATE CONTRIBUTORS Miss H Boyce from Chichester Miss Sarah Bramwell from York and Mike Crawley from Humberside. Thanks to everyone who sent in entries. The lucky winners got Indian Summer hampers.

DOLEFUL DOLE The Vegan Society made representations to the Employment Service on behalf of vegan Jobseekers refusing unacceptable work eg butchery etc. The response received made it clear that while the Employment Service recognised people held strong beliefs it would normally refer refusals on the grounds of ethics eg veganism to an inde-pendent adjudication officer.

BERLI'S, SALISBURY A new dedicated vegan cafe and restaurant in the heart of Salisbury, Wiltshire run by Debbie and Mark Scott. Head Chef is Andrew Ainsley who has realised his personal ambition of running a vegan kitchen, The premises are located in the city's Market Square.

35th WORLD VEGETARIAN CONGRESS EDINBURGH 8-14 JULY 2002 All the food is going to be vegan. Think you might want to go? Find out more by telephoning the Vegetarian Society on 0161 925 2000 or emailing them at

Alter-natively, look at their website

WORLD VEGAN DAY 2001 Two traders - Plamil and Condomi - issued press releases in support of World Vegan Day - November 1.

QUARRY WOOD by Joyce Sandground

D o you k n o w that there are H o m e s fo r E lder ly V e g e t a r i a n s and V e g a n s in Has t ings?

M y husband and I have lived in Qua r ry W o o d in H a s t i n g s since D e c e m b e r 1999 and are very happy here . W e r ece ive a very g o o d d inne r at midday and there are little c lo sed o f f k i tchens in ou r own apar tments for b reak fas t and t ea t ime use . O u r t w o r o o m apa r tmen t is se l f -conta ined . It is c l e a n e d for t -nightly. The re are sa fe ty 'pulls ' in eve ry r o o m c o n n e c t e d to the M a n a g e r , her depu ty or in their a b s e n c e . C a r e L i n k . Every th ing is done fo r o u r safety and c o m f o r t - e v e n l ight-ning c o n d u c t o r s at each end of the bu i ld ing . T h e r e is a cha i r lift to the first f loor but some stairs to c l i m b to the s e c o n d f loor f la ts wh ich are untenanted at present .

W e at tend to ou r o w n laundry but there is an e f f i c i en t wash ing mach ine , a veritable sun t rap to hand out the wash ing and a very w a r m boiler r o o m f o r d ry ing c lo thes in rainy weather . A highly eff icient centra l hea t ing s y s t e m ensures more than adequate w a r m t h in win te r .

At lunch we mee t and talk with the o the r res idents .

The re is a beaut i fu l , wel l -mainta ined g a r d e n for t he bene f i t of the res idents , with garden furn i tu re and s u n s h a d e s .

The re is an annua l ou t ing for tea in a not t o o fa r a w a y Ga rdens and an out ing to a Dinner r endezvous .

For fu r ther in fo rmat ion write to the Vege t a r i an H o u s i n g Assoc ia t ion , C h a n c e r y House, St N icho la s W a y , S U T T O N , Surrey. S M I 1JB

3 The Vegan , W i n t e r 2001

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The range of vegan goods just keeps getting bigger. Debbie Holman reviews some innovative new products, and Gemma Barclay takes the digital photographs.

LUSH LUSH, who sell fresh, hand made cosmetics, produce their own colourful and amusing LUSH TIMES depicting all the products they sell, many suitable for vegans. In fact vegan items are clearly marked by a green blob and a red blob, like a peanut, alerts people suffering from nut allergies. Lush shops are interna-tional and there are quite a few in Britain too, although they do a good trade in mail order. Everything from LUSH smells fantastic, the perfume of their products impregnates anything they come into contact with. LUSH kindly sent us a box of vegan goodies to try and even the box smelt like paradise and con-tinued exuding wonderful smells 3 weeks later! Firstly, we flung some bath ballis-tics in the tub and soaked ourselves in unadulterated luxury...we gave the cafe latte one to a coffee addict(the latte part is dried soya milk) and she recorded a real caf-feine buzz and an invigorating half hour in the silky waters...! We also tried a world piece, moulded to represent the world and con-

taining the best oils from places like Israel and the USA. The sweet-ness of grapefruit met the calm of peppermint with the strength of Russian pine oil and the peace of Kenyan Cypress oil - all together a 5 star treatment in the tub! Feeling tranquillised, invigorated and conditioned 'we' climbed out. The last bath ballistic was the lotta/lotta, containing masses of seaweed that dissolved into a rich gel that nourished and soothed our dry skin. The whole oats and invigorating lemongrass com-pleted the treatment and we really did feel body, mind and soul toning up as we relaxed among the sensuous waters. Next we tested LUSH's solid deodorant - a nice idea because it works in tune with the body by neutralising the bacteria that causes the smell, but not pre-venting the body perspiring, which is how body temperature is regulated. We tried the Aro-marant, a generous block of refreshing spicy ingredients including bicarbonate of soda which masks all body odours. We found it very successful, even after vigorous exercise, and after 2

weeks use it had hardly made an impression on the block. It was very easy to apply and respected sensitive skin. LUSH do a wide range of mois-turisers and skin creams to help everything from eczema to oily problems and we tried two - skin drink and dream cream. The first contains aloe and roses as well as cocoa butter, and is for very dry skin that needs extra moisture without heaviness. The cream did indeed disappear into the skin, leaving it heavenly soft, smooth and comfortable. The dream cream was created for sensitive skin, although its perfume was not especially pleasant, but it certainly did its job and moisturised those rough, flaky areas that can get itchy and sore. Gentle chamomile, lavender and benzoin made the skin supple and strong again and after a few applications the differ-ence was clear. Lastly we shook our locks and tested some of LUSH's easy to use Henna Block - No s**t hair colour and shine. We chose the coca rouge - the real bright orange-red colour that lasts for 6 to 8 weeks and conditions as it shines.

These five lovely prizes to win, donated by LUSH. Send a photo of your favourite bathroom accessory - the more original and unusual the better your chances of winning! -by 31 January 2002 to the Vegan Society, 7 Battle Road, ST LEONARDS ON SEA, East Sussex TN38 7AA. Please write your name and address on the back of the photo.

Although rather messy and involving mixing, leaving on for hours and becoming entwined in cling film, the final result was well worth it. Not only was the colour intense and vigorous, but the con-dition of the hair was noticeably improved - stronger, thicker and softer. An ideal way to combine a change of colour with a condi-tioning treatment. Eight washes later the colour was fading gradu-ally and evenly and the hair still felt smooth and looked shiny. LUSH have shops in London, Nottingham, Bath, Brighton and many other towns and cities. Mail order details are LUSH TMES, 29 High St, Poole, Dorset, BH15 1AB. Tel 01202 668545 Fax 01202 661832. Head office Tel 01202 667830 for shop location enquiries.

(with on-line ordering facility)

SWEDISH SOFT A new soft non-dairy cheese has been produced by Fayrefield Foods. Made from premium soya and vegetable oil it is the vegan alternative to full fat soft cheese, containing 30g of fat per 100g. We taste tested it on hot toast and crackers and found it satisfy-ingly rich and creamy. It has a delicate taste and a thick, spread able consistency, but it does need to be kept refrigerated as it soon separates out when left at room temperature. A truly luxurious topping for baked potatoes, pizza, lasagne etc, but watch the fat content! Contact Fayrefield Foods, Englesea House, Barthomley Rd, Crewe CW1 5UF for stockists.


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SEVEN WIVES SOAP Seven Wives Natural Soap Company pride themselves on producing totally natural soaps that moisturise and soothe the skin. They use a cold manufacturing process, which does not harm the environment and this takes up to 10 weeks to conserve all the natu-rally produced Glycerin. Using natural moisturisers such as avo-cado oil, a detergent and chemical free soap is produced. All the ingredients used are of the highest quality and although sodium hydroxide is required in the soap making process it is not present in the final product. Seven Wives make two different ranges of soap - The Care range with 14% olive oil and the Castille range with 24% olive oil. We tried two soaps - the rosemary and tea tree shampoo bar for dark hair in the care range and the hazelnut and lavender in the castille range. The first was a very healing treat-ment for itchy and sore scalps and we persuaded someone to try it who suffers from psoriasis. This person had tried lots of different treatments with no success. After a couple of weeks using the shampoo bar they did notice an improvement in their scalp with

Hazelnut Lavender

SEVEN W I V E S hfffitoaiie «s»itirtr till soap

is less itching and soreness. The bar cleanses gently without chemicals and conditions the hair with essen-tial oils. It certainly left the hair in good condition and with no build up of harsh chemicals or per-fumes, thus being suitable for sensitive scalps. The other soap was wonderfully rich and fragrant and felt luxurious on the skin, cleaning without drying it. The skin was very smooth afterwards and needed less moisturiser as all the natural oils were left intact -chemicals and perfumes obviously dry skin out. Both soap bars do not go mushy or soft after use but remain hard and last for ages. They are good value at £2.55 for the care range and £2.95 for the castile range. To contact Seven Wives Hand-made Soaps, ring 01736 741274 Fax 01736 741280 or write to - The Seven Wives of St Ives Soap Com-pany Ltd, 7 Rospeath Business


HEALTHSPAN NEW GELATINE FREE CAPSULES Healthspan are the latest company to give gelatine the boot and pro-duce 2 supplements suitable for vegans. These are natural source vitamin E and evening primrose oil. Healthspan pride themselves on being considerably cheaper than their competitors whilst still sourcing the best possible vitamins and minerals. For a brochure or to order call Healthspan on free phone 0800 7312377 or Prices (as of Nov 01) 180 capsules of evening primrose oil £4.95 + p&p. Vitamin E 120 capsules £7.95 + p&p. 240 capsules £14.95 + p&p. Healthspan plans to modify all its supplements to be gelatine-free by early 2002.

ZEDZ FOODS Yet again Zedz Foods packed us up a box of vegan goodies, this time including "pizza" pasty, coconut curry pasty, rich fruit cake and date and ginger flapjack. Remembering how they tantalised our taste-buds last time with their muffins we picked up our knives and forks and tucked in...

PIZZA PASTY A pasty filled with tomato, onion, garlic and vegan cheese awaited us first and most tasters found it quite pleasant apart from one who thought it lacked flavour and needed more herbs or spices to give it a bit of 'zing'. It had a good chewy consistency and was filling without being stodgy or heavy. Definitely tasted better when hot.

COCONUT CURRY PASTY Another pasty this time filled with sweet potato, courgette, peas, onion, carrots and creamed coconut. Opinion was divided here with some appreciating its mild, creamy flavour and others thinking it should be hotter and spicier. The pastry had a good, light consistency but it was a bit greasy and the filling was not over-generous. Again the flavour was much sharper when eaten hot.

DATE & GINGER Onto sweet things now! This flap-jack was a b'rt disappointing as it was rather dry and too chewy for most tasters liking. Although the ginger could be detected the dates seemed almost non-existent and despite the spice the overall effect was rather bland. It was rather hard and would have been better if it was more moist and sticky.

RICH FRUITCAKE A dark cake sweetened only with molasses and apple juice and con-taining apricots and prunes as well as currants, raisins and sultanas. Ground almonds lent a nutty flavour and carrot and lemon gave ft a sharp edge. This cake was quite popular with most tasters liking it. Only one complained it lacked fruit and all appreciated its good consistency, moistness and delicate sweetness which was inspired by the fruit and not sugar. Some people thought it needed more spice but it was rich in flavour and yet not stodgy and heavy. Altogether the most pop-ular of the products. Zedz foods can be contacted on 0161 835 1442 or reached on



V A C A N C Y i . e . . ™ The Vegan Society is looking to appoint a Press Officer, with a view to building up the Society's public profile and responding rapidly to relevant news items. Salary will be in the range £10,554 to £12,390 per annum.

Applicants should be literate and have a good knowledge of telecoms and IT systems, including iMac. Must have good telephone manner and be prepared to work at own initiative. Previous experience in public relations, or the print/electronic media would be an advantage. Applicants must be practising vegans (at least dietary), and live within daily traveling distance of our office in St Leonards-on-Sea, or be prepared to relocate.

We aspire to be an equal opportunities employer, but regret that our present premises are unsuitable for wheelchair users and some others with mobility difficulties.

For farther details, contact: Rick Savage, Chief Executive, The Vegan Society, Donald Watson House, 7 Battle Road ST LEONARDS-ON-SEA, East Sussex, T N 3 7 7AA Telephone: 0845 45 88244, ext 839 Email: [email protected]

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T h e death o f A r e n i Manuelyan

By Dr Stephen Walsh

During September, veganism was in the media spotlight. Areni Manuelyan had died at 9 months of age from pneumonia, almost cer-tainly brought on by malnutrition. Her parents, Hasmik and Gabaret, had experienced difficulties with breast-feeding and were relying on raw plant foods including fruit, nuts and tomato juice to supplement Areni's diet. On September 14th they were convicted of child cruelty by gross negligence and sentenced to community supervision. The real punish-ment, as the judge recognised, was the loss of the daughter they undoubtedly loved.

Some newspapers accurately described the diet as a raw food diet centred on fruit but others were quick to use this tragedy as a launching pad for an attack on vegan diets in general. The Scotsman was the most extreme. In an article entitled "Fed on ignorance", they opined, "The slogan was once Meat is Murder, yet since the tragic death of little Areni Manuelyan, it is the vegan diet itself that is now on trial." The Times headline was "Vegan par-ents spared after letting baby die". The Guardian ran a one-page article, "The parents who cared too much: A baby girl died of mal-nutrition after her mother and father insisted on rearing her on a 'healthy' vegan, raw-food diet."

The Vegan Society Council immediately sent letters in response to the above articles and sev-eral others. The main reply points were:

thousands of healthy children have been raised on vegan diets; research has confirmed the beneficial effects of a vegan diet in reducing risk of heart dis-ease; an appropriate vegan diet is a safe, compas-sionate and caring way to raise a child.

The letters noted the importance of ensuring adequate B12 and calorie density in infant diets and emphasised that, provided these potential problems were avoided, independent research had confirmed that the growth and develop-ment of vegan children was fine.

The letter to The Scotsman concluded, "Par-ents feeding their children an appropriate vegan diet can be confident that they are meeting their nutritional needs while pro-viding them with protection from heart disease and from animal-borne infections ranging from salmonella to vCJD. Given Scotland's leading position in the heart disease stakes you do not serve your readers well by denigrating

the healthfulness of appropriate vegan diets." The letters were not published by the papers to which they were addressed but have been widely circulated on vegetarian Internet mail groups and can beviewed on

An appropriate vegan diet is a caring diet for children. That is the main message we must convey. The lessons about adequate B12 and adequate calorie density for infants have been long understood, though they bear restating. All vegans should consume an adequate amount of B12, from fortified foods or supple-ments. Breastfeeding infants get B12 from their mother's milk, provided the mother's intake is adequate. Low-fat diets are not suitable for infants. Breast milk is about 50% fat by calo-ries, and nature is not wasteful. A dietary source of vitamin D is important when the sun is not high enough to produce vitamin D by the action of sunlight on skin, e.g. from October to February in the UK. This is uncontentious for most vegans. However, some raw-food advocates do not seem to have understood these messages.

Some books by raw-food advocates argue that fears of vitamin B12 deficiency in raw-food vegans are unfounded and go so far as to sug-gest that such concerns are hype or a hoax. Many raw-food vegans have become seriously B12 deficient. Two scientific studies of raw-food vegans found signs of inadequate B12 intake to be common. The risk of B12 defi-ciency is no hoax. Raw-fooders avoid common fortified foods, such as fortified plant milks and fortified breakfast cereals, placing themselves at high risk of deficiency. Most other vegans pick up some B12 from fortified food without even trying. All vegans over eight years old should aim to get at least three micro-grams ofB12 a day to ensure they get the full benefit ofB12. Half this amount is adequate for younger children.

Most parents experiencing major problems with breast-feeding would use an infant for-mula. Farley's vegan soya-based infant formula, produced by Heinz, would be the normal choice for vegans in the UK. Many raw-fooders would be reluctant to use this as they often consider cooked or processed foods to be harmful or even poisonous. So what to do? In

another book by a raw-food advocate we find the claim that a blend of many different fruits will result in the nutritional equivalent of mother's milk. A blend of many fruits would be a high-fibre, low-fat food with negligible amounts of vitamin B12 and very long-chain fatty acids. Human milk is a low-fibre, high-fat food containing vitamin B12 and the fatty acids needed by the rapidly developing infant. Fruit has many merits, but the comparison to human milk is ludicrous and misleading.

We may never know to what extent such ideas influenced the Manuelyans. Let's make sure such ideas don't influence anyone else by exposing them for the nonsense they are.

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Vegans looking for good advice on raising chil-dren should consult the information sheets and books provided by the Vegan Society. The booklet "Vegan Infants: Case histories", pro-duced by Plamil, provides good guidelines and many examples of raising healthy vegan chil-dren and is available from the Vegan Society for just £2. "Becoming Vegan" by Brenda Davis and Vesanto Melina has excellent information on diet during pregnancy and on feeding infants and children.

An information sheet on B12 can be found at or can be obtained on request from the Vegan Society.


asp Histories the most comprehertsiir cover

of vegan infants ever published

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t ANIMAL FRIENDLY FOOTWEAR Send name and address for free colour brochure, range includes mens and ladies shoes and boots, leisure shoes, walking boots,

safety boots, jackets, belts etc... 12 Gardner Street, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 1UP Tel/Fax: 01273 691913


Phone 0 8 0 0 458 4 4 4 2 for a short catalogue of animal-free shoes & clbtyes


Famous Tofurky Comes to the UK! "The Holidays aren't just for carivores anymorei

Tofurky, America's #1 Turkey Alternative, is now available at Planet Organic in London and other Health Food Stores! A limited number are available on a first come, first served basis.

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9 The Vegan, W i n t e r 2001

Page 10: The Vegan Winter 2001

Peanut allergy in children By Sandra Hood, Dietitian

What Is the difference between food allergy and food intolerance? A food allergy is a reaction to an other-wise harmless food or food component that involves the body's immune system. A reaction occurs when the body's immune system responds abnor-mally to the protein or proteins in that particular food. The body reacts by flooding the system with histamine and other chemicals to fight off what is per-ceived as an invader in the body, as it would to an infection by a virus or bac-teria.

Food allergy can be severe and symp-toms may occur rapidly - vomiting, diarrhoea, urticaria (skin eruption), angioedema (swelling of the face, throat or skin), stomach pain, exacerba-tion of atopic eczema, asthma, and anaphylactic shock that may involve the respiratory and cardiovascular systems and result in death. Peanuts and tree nuts are the most likely foods to cause the extreme form of severe food allergy, analphylactix. Reactions to food or food ingredients that do not involve the immune system are called food intolerance or sensitivity. Conditions relating to food intolerance such as IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), eczema and migraine affect some 45% of the UK. Coeliac disease, an intolerance to gluten, is estimated at around 1 in 1000 but it seems likely that the condition is underdiagnosed and this figure consid-erably underestimated. The incidence of coeliac disease in children has declined, probably due to changes in weaning practices, with avoidance of exposure to gluten before four months of age. (see "Being a gluten-free vegan" in 'The Vegan' Autumn 1991) Intolerances are not life threatening but can cause long term damage and a lot of distress.

What causes food allergy or Intolerance? It has been suggested that the increase in allergies and intolerances may be environmental, or due to our more sterile lifestyles or maybe caused by the poor Western diet composed of meat and milk. Other schools of thought are that the majority of people do not eat enough fruits and vegetables which undoubtedly build up our immune system and protect against many dis-eases. Environmental pollutants, genetics and diet may all play a part. Allergies and intolerances can be inher-ited although this does not mean that parents who are allergic will pass it on, but it is more likely. It is not the specific allergy that is passed on but the suscep-tibility to have allergic reactions. Adverse reactions to food can occur at any age - about 20% of adults in the UK believe they are allergic to particular foods but the true prevalence is around 1%. Allergy is more likely in infants than adults because the Gl (gastro-intestinal) tract is immature and the immune system is not fully developed.

Prevalence of food allergy and intolerance Figures show that more children are suf-fering with food allergies and food intolerances than ever before. In the UK as many as 5-8% of children suffer with food allergy, around 15-20% of children suffer with eczema (3% of which may have a significant problem with food), asthma affects some 14% of all children, an increase of over 300% since the 1970's and hyperactivity is increasing and ear infections are common. How-ever the incidence of food allergy and intolerance has not been investigated in vegan children and it would be inter-esting to know whether the incidence is lower than in omnivorous children.

Understandably many vegan parents have expressed their concern regarding allergenic foods, particularly peanuts and their suitability for young children, especially as the prevalence of peanut allergy is increasing. The symptoms of peanut allergy do vary, from mild to potentially life threatening and there-fore the allergy warrants extra care. However it should be remembered that allergic reactions are nearly twice as likely to occur from milk and eggs than from peanuts. In the UK around 6% of children under the age of 5 suffer with cow's milk intolerance causing nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, asthma and eczema. It has been suggested that chil-dren exposed to cows' milk early in life may have a higher risk of developing diabetes. Allergy to eggs is relatively common in infancy and can cause a severe reaction with 20% of these chil-dren suffering allergic reactions into adulthood. Eggs and dairy foods are well known causes of allergic ailments in the very young but in the vast majority of cases a child is highly unlikely to expe-rience anaphylaxis.

How common is peanut allergy? It is believed to affect around 1% of the pre-school children in the UK but the true prevalence is unknown. Peanuts are the most likely food to provoke fatal anaphylaxis in children and adults but many other foods including cows milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, seeds and tree nuts can cause this. The age at which peanut allergy occurs appears to be decreasing, often presenting before a child is 2 years old. Peanut allergy is usu-ally a life-long condition but there may be changes in symptoms and severity and in a small number of cases, it does disappear.

The peanut (Arachis hypogaea) is a legume and although it is related to peas, beans and lentils, the majority of peanut allergic patients can eat other legumes without adverse affects. It is more common for people with peanut allergy to react to tree nuts, the most common being brazil, almond, walnut.

pecan and hazel. Therefore it is recom-mended that a peanut allergic child avoids all nuts.

Peanuts have many beneficial qualities and are rich in nutrients, containing the antioxidant vitamin E, folic acid, phyto-chemicals, fibre, vitamins, minerals and plant protein which may all contribute to heart disease protection. Peanuts are high in mono and polyunsaturated fat which is known to reduce cholesterol -raised cholesterol levels are linked to heart disease. Peanuts are a very useful addition to the vegan diet and need not be avoided in children unless there is a history of allergy in the family.

In those who are allergic to peanuts, the symptoms are severe and occur rapidly - vomiting, diarrhoea, urticaria (itchy skin), angioedema (swelling of the face, throat or skin), stomach pain, exacerbation of atopic eczema, asthma, and anaphylactic shock. If untreated, anaphylactic shock can result in death due to the obstruction of the upper or lower airway or low blood pressure and heart failure. This happens within min-utes to hours of eating peanuts. Owing to the seriousness of this, it is not sur-prising that vegan parents are concerned as to whether they should expose their children to peanuts.

Is my child at risk of peanut allergy? The evidence is that allergic reactions to peanuts occur in children whose parents or siblings already suffer from allergies including asthma, eczema and react to inhaled allergens (an allergen is a sub-stance that can produce an immune response) such as dust mites and also react to specific foods.

Why do peanuts cause such a severe reaction? W e do not know. The main allergens appear to be glycoproteins - the pro-teins in peanuts. In severe cases, an immune response can lead to the lining of the lungs to swell, obstructing the upper or lower airway making breathing difficult or impossible. Peanut protein has been shown to be unde-tectable in refined peanut oil and no adverse reactions have been shown in peanut sensitive people exposed to refined peanut oil.

Should peanuts be avoided by pregnant or breastfeeding women? Only if there is a history of allergies. It is suggested that women who are atopic (suffer from asthma, eczema or food allergy) or where the father or any sib-ling has atopic disease, may wish to avoid peanuts in their diet in order to reduce the risk of their children devel-oping peanut allergy but this is just precautionary as there has not been any conclusive evidence. Any child that is born to an atopic family is encour-aged to be breast fed, preferably

exclusively for the first four to six months as exclusive breastfeeding offers protection against the develop-ment of allergies.

Breast milk contains proteins which block the entry of whole proteins from the baby's immature gut into the blood-stream until the gut is naturally unable to absorb such molecules. It also con-tains immune factors which helps the baby's immature system to mature more rapidly. Despite the protection of breast milk, allergic disease can still occur but this is usually in the case of the highly sensitive infant where there is a strong family history of allergy.

When can peanuts be introduced to children? In families where there is a history of allergy, eczema and asthma, peanuts and peanut products should be delayed until the child is at least three years of age. All other nuts are suitable. How-ever, if a child is allergic to peanuts, it is recommended that all tree nuts be avoided until the child is at least three years of age. All other children may have peanuts and tree nuts of a suitable texture, such as smooth nut butter, from the age of six months or when weaned, but not before the age of four months.

There is no doubt that parents can pass on a susceptibility to disease including allergies and intolerances. However, if children develop strong and fast immune systems this will protect and prevent many of the diseases afflicting the western world. There is no doubt that the vegan diet, rich in fruits, nuts, pulses and vegetables, low in saturated fat and high in fibre is highly protective and provides our children with the ability to live long and healthy lives.

Summary • Peanuts are the most likely food to

cause the extreme form of severe food allergy, anaphylactic shock, and tends to be a life-long condition

• Allergic reactions are nearly twice as likely to occur from milk and eggs than from peanuts

• Exclusive breast feeding up to 6 months of age offers protection against the development of allergies

• Peanuts should be avoided by preg-nant or breastfeeding women if there is a history of allergies

• A peanut allergic child should also avoid tree nuts

• Peanuts are rich in nutrients which may contribute to protection against heart disease

• A vegan diet with its high levels of antioxidant vitamins, particularly fruits and vegetables, protects against many diseases

8 The V e g a n , W i n t e r 2001

Page 11: The Vegan Winter 2001

Milk and Breast Cancer By Dr Stephen Walsh

During September and October this year, the dairy industry propaganda machine sprang into action to promote the idea that drinking milk reduces risk ofbreast cancer. The Dairy Council's nutrition manager Anita Wells said, "To discover that l ife-long milk drinkers have a. reduced risk ofbreast cancer is an exciting step forward." "Good health starts with dairy," said Greg Miller, Ph.D. , F .A .C .N. , execu-tive vice president o f nutrition and scientific affairs for the National Dairy Council.

These claims were triggered by a prospective study o f premenopausal w o m e n in Norway, published on September 15 ,2001 in the Interna-tional Journal of Cancer. This study found a significantly reduced risk o f breast cancer in w o m e n w h o reported high milk consumption both as adults and as children compared with w o m e n w h o reported low milk consumption both as adults and as children. The risk ofbreast cancer among the high milk group appeared to be about 50% of the risk in the low milk group.

If this study had been one o f many studies finding similar results, the claim o f a protective effect would have some credibility. However , consid-

ering other prospective studies on breast cancer and dairy products shows that that this is not so. O n e study found a significant increase in risk with milk consumption and another found a significant increase in risk with cheese consumption. A Finnish study agreed with the recent Norwegian study that there was a protective asso-ciation with milk products. T w o other studies found no significant associa-tion, with one finding a tendency to a beneficial effect and the other finding a tendency to an adverse effect. The authors o f the most recent study state, "The contradicting results may indi-cate that any association between milk and breast cancer is not a strong one." This seems a fair conclusion. Indeed, if a true effect exists there is no reason to assume it will prove to be beneficial. The suggestion that consuming milk reduces breast cancer risk is therefore unjustified.

In a bizarre twist, some reports latch on to a constituent o f dairy fat - con-jugated linoleic acid (CLA) - as a likely explanation for the suggested benefi-cial effect, suggesting that milk fat might benefit health. Neither o f the two prospective studies that found a beneficial association o f milk with breast cancer showed a link with milk

fit. The more likely explanation for any beneficial effect, if one exists, is the calcium and vitamin D content o f the milk. Even if CLA showed some bene-fits, it must be recognised that it is only a small part o f dairy fit and that breast cancer is only one aspect of health. Milk fit is highly saturated and pro-motes elevated cholesterol, which is strongly linked to heart disease. Milk fit is therefore a most unlikely choice as a health food. Calcium and vitamin D can of course be obtained from many sources other than dairy prod-ucts.

Several studies have shown that c o n -suming milk increases levels o f a growth hormone, IGF-1, in the body. Increased IGF-1 levels are strongly implicated in prostate cancer, co l -orectal cancer, pre-menopausal breast cancer and lung cancer. The effect of milk on IGF-1 may be due to absorp-tion o f IGF-1 from the milk or may simply be due to the high protein con-tent o f the milk.

For those concerned with risk ofbreast cancer and with their overall health there are useful recommendations to consider. Weight gain in adult life increases breast cancer risk. Physical activity helps in maintaining a steady

weight and also has additional benefits in reducing risk. Ol ive oil provides a healthful alternative to saturated fits. Alcohol consumption increases risk o f breast cancer, even at moderate levels, but this increase in risk can be ef fec-tively countered by high folate intakes. As moderate alcohol intake is associ-ated with reduced risk o f heart disease increasing folate intake may be a better option than cutting o u t alcohol alto-gether. Folate is found in green leafy vegetables and many other plant foods and can also be obtained from folic acid supplements. Adequate calcium and vitamin D will probably also be beneficial.

There is a lot w e can d o to take control o f our health for the better, including reducing risk ofbreast cancer. Green leafy vegetables, olive oil and physical activity can all be expected to be b e n e -ficial. Drinking cows' milk doesn't appear o n the list. G o o d information supports health. Pass it around.

This article is supported by a detailed scientific briefing paper that is available on www.vegansoc ie tv .com or on request from the Vegan Society.

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11 The Vegan, W i n t e r 2001

Page 12: The Vegan Winter 2001

ISLAMIC TEACHING (with specific reference to Animals)

A. R. Spiritual Vegan

In view of recent events (September 11,2001) it is perhaps a good time to be reminded of the teachings of Islam. The Koran teaches tolerance: "There shall be no compulsion in religion" (The Koran, 2.256); "He has kept strict count of all his creatures" (The Koran, 19.88). Islam speaks of human rela-tionships with animals: "Doing good to beasts is like the doing of good to human beings, a deed of charity; while cruelty to animals is for-bidden, just like cruelty to human beings," (Mishkat al Masabih Vol 2).

Muhammad, spoke against those w h o captured young birds and upset the mother bird. He also left his coat on the ground rather than dis-turb his cat Muezza, who was sleeping on it. Muhammad showed his concern for saving animal life.

Every kind of cruelty to ani-mals is forbidden in Islam, as the fol lowing Hadiths show. There are scores of laws in Islam where vivisection is out-lawed; 'Omer reported the Holy Prophet (SAWS) having condemned those who muti-late any part of an animal's body while he is alive'. The Holy Prophet (SAWS) forbade the beating or the branding of animals. Once He saw a donkey branded on his face and said: "May Allah con-demn the one who branded it."

Islam, unlike Christianity, is strict over cruelty to animals.

Islam will not allow animal baiting. The Holy Prophet (SAWS) forbade the setting up of animals to fight each other. Nor would Islam allow blood sports. 'The Holy Prophet (SAWS) condemned those who pinion or restrain animals in a way for the pur-pose of target shooting'. So much so that even an animal being caged is forbidden. The Holy Prophet (SAWS) said: "It is a great sin for man to imprison those animals who are in his power." Islam recognises the merits and rewards for those who show kindness to animals. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) was asked by His companions if kindness to animals was rewarded in the life here-after. He replied "Yes, there is a meritorious reward for kindness shown to every living creature."

Every Muslim is supposed to mould his life according to Quran and Sunnah and, judging by these teachings in Islam, there is no reason that a good Muslim can be any-thing other than vegan/vegetarian. It should come as no surprise there-fore, that the local Mosque has served free food and it was all vegetarian.

Muhammad is quoted as saying, "He who takes pity on a sparrow and spares his life, Allah (God) will be merciful to him on the day of judge-ment." The Koran (24.36): "Do you not see how Allah is praised by those in heaven and earth? The very birds praise Him as they wing their flight." (also note 24.44).

Muhammad, (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) told his companions many stories about kindness to animals. He told them how Allah rewards such kindness but punishes cruelty. "For a Muslim," he said, "it is an act of charity to plant a tree, or till a land where birds, people, or animals come and eat of its fruits." Muhammad was mindful of animals, and spoke of them as God's creatures, and that they must be treated with kindness and care. He stated: "Even looking after plants and trees is an act of virtue."

Muhammad gave the story of the crying camel. The prophet, finding a camel tied to a post, overworked and underfed, asked of its owner, "Do you not fear Allah because of this camel." Allah had given the camel into the man's care and he had a duty to treat the camel well. The owner of the camel accepted the teaching and declared "I have done wrong." He accepted that in future he must look after his camels properly and ensure that they had enough food and water. In another story Muhammad declared: "Who has caused trouble to this sparrow by taking away her young ones?"

The stories are there to be read, giving a deeper meaning to life and the world around.

The compassion continues in the story of the ants. During a journey Muhammad found a man who started a fire and had endangered some ants.

Muhammad was very dis-turbed to see this. "Who made this fire?" He asked. "I made the fire, O Messenger of Allah!" came a reply. "Put out the fire! Put out the fire!" was Muhammad's teaching.

The thirsty man who climbed down a well to drink found a thirsty dog on his return. This man went back for more water, so the dog could drink. For his kindness, this type of man was shown to go to par-adise.

Yet another story is the one about the cruel woman and her cat, which the Prophet told. The cat was not given anything to eat or drink, and was shut out of the house. The poor cat was taken in by a neighbour who would not allow the cat back. However, after promising to look after the cat, the owner was finally given the cat back again. The owner however, had lied. The story continued until one of Muhammad's companions cried, "What a terrible thing to do." and "What a very cruel and wicked woman!" Muhammad told his compan-ions that a great sin had been committed because one of Allah's creatures had been ill-treated. The woman who had treated her cat so cruelly was not forgiven her sins: she was sent to Hell for her wrong-doing.

These are the brief outlines of the Islamic teaching. There is nothing to say that a Muslim may not be a vegetarian or vegan. The message is clear: God rewards kindness to ani-mals but punishes those who are cruel.

10 The V e g a n , W i n t e r 2001

Page 13: The Vegan Winter 2001

Creating a Culture of Compassion John J . Morlino, Jr. Founder of The E.T.H.I.C. (The Essence of True Humanity Is Compassion)

Presented at the Closing Plenary Session of the Animal Rights 2001 Conference Washington, D.C. 4 July, 2001 Over the course of my career as a social worker and humane educator, I've become painfully aware of the suffering of both humans and animals. Yet when I sat down a few weeks ago to gather my thoughts for this presentation, I found myself unprepared for the range of emotions that I was about to experience.

I had planned to speak about the array of compassionate choices we could make each day that would save the lives of innocent animals. But as I started to draft an outline for that speech, I suddenly began to cry.

For the longest time, I was unable to console myself. The thoughts and images that raced through my mind that night were not only those of animal suffering. There were also images from articles I'd been reading, seemingly every day, that described the human-to-human violence and oppression occurring in Sierra Leone, Columbia, Indonesia, and the United States.

I began to feel as though the very foundation of my belief system was beginning to crumble.

In the days that followed, I confided to my closest friends that, for the first time, I was beginning to question the

very essence of my work — wondering whether I, or anyone else for that matter, could truly make a difference in the world, for humans or animals.

Having never before experi-enced this level of uncertainty, I decided to revisit the writings of those individuals who had previ-ously provided me with not only a sense of perspective, but also a source of inspira-tion. It was a journey that led me to the work of two former prisoners of con-science: Adam Michnik and Nelson Mandela.

I began by reading Jonathan Schell's account of Michnik's role in the pre-Solidarity movement. Two decades ago, in the face of what appeared to be insurmount-able odds, the citizens of Poland, inspired by Michnik's letters from prison, began what proved to be one of the most remarkable non-violent social transformations in modern history. Their efforts culminated in their country's first free election in more than 40 years.

A large part of their success can be traced to their deci-sion to conduct themselves "as if" they were already living in a decent and humane society. And as they began to do so, something extraordinary happened: "The 'as if' started to melt away."

By placing their emphasis on how they chose to live their

daily lives, the movement suc-ceeded in developing a new source of power -where one had never before existed. This revolutionary strategy for effecting widespread social change was based upon the following premise: If you wish to live in a more compas-sionate and just society, you must first begin by actively living by those principles. And when you do, not only will you create a better tomorrow, you will also create a better today.

My own sense of purpose was further strengthened after reading a quote from Nelson Mandela. During his lifelong effort to end Apartheid in South Africa, he was impris-oned for over a quarter of a century. Yet during his 1994 Inaugural Address, Mandela gave testimony to his faith in the human condition when he proclaimed:

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond mea-sure."

And as I read those words, I began to realize that the question is not: Can we make a difference? But rather: Do we have the courage to embrace our unlimited capacity to address injustice in the world? And do we have the conviction to honour our moral obligation to do so ?

It's been said that, ultimately, we define ourselves by the choices that we make. So if there truly is hope of creating

a Culture of Compassion, w e must continue to raise our level of expectations, not only of ourselves, but also of each other: If we actively live our lives in concert with our moral and ethical beliefs, we can create a world where both humans and animals can live free from violence and oppression.

In the words of Norman Cousins: "Nothing is more powerful than an individual acting out of his conscience, thus helping to bring the col-lective conscience to life."

© Copyright 2001 John J. Morlino, Jr All rights reserved, reprinted by permission.

About the author:

John Morlino is the Founder of The E.T.H.I.C. (The Essence of True Humanity Is Compas-sion), an organization that offers presentations and workshops for individuals and groups who wish to create a world where both humans and animals can live free from violence and oppression. He is an internationally known speaker and writer on the subject of compassion and a frequent lecturer at schools, universities, and conferences.

11 The V e g a n , W i n t e r 2001

Page 14: The Vegan Winter 2001

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12 The V e g a n , W i n t e r 2001

Page 15: The Vegan Winter 2001


Reviews Free The Animals by Ingrid Newkirk

This is a book in a million. Com-peliingly put together as a flowing, dramatic novel it brings us into the hearts and minds of the American ALF. By the end of a couple of chap-ters we can see what fires their courageous actions (if anyone had any doubts anyway!) and Newkirk intriguingly puts us at the centre of the raids with the resulting drama and tensions. Although the minute details of animal suffering in the labs is heart breaking and depressing the fact that so many people are prepared to risk their freedom to rescue these innocent victims of mad science gives hope. Each chapter is refreshingly dif-ferent with the underlying theme of raid and rescue permeating the book with a satisfying richness. The characters are just ordinary people from different walks of life all coming together because they pos-sess one overpowering quality compassion and the courage to do something with it.

f ' o r e w o n i ny i free «fie animals INGRID NEWKIRK PMO.E FOR THE ETHICAL TREATMENT OF ANIMALS

As the story unfolds our heart goes out to the bravery of those activists and the individual precious lives they rescue. Goofy the bloodhound guarding her dying puppies, Geral-dine the cat with an implant in her skull and most famous of all

Britches, the monkey who had his eyes sewn up when taken. Here are the real heroes and heroines. It is now when the happiness of the novel hits us that the lucky ones actually go on to enjoy a life of love and freedom. This is much more than a novel it is an inspirational plea for sanity by ending the grossly misleading cruelty men call vivisec-tion. Anyone with any convictions that animals have a place in science will lose them by the end of this book as the horrors of vivisection unfold. And if anyone is tempted to brand these activists as terrorists they should go in to the labs this is where the terrorism begins and Newkirk paints the painful picture so well. This is a book for the beginner to animal rights or the experienced activist alike it can entertain, inspire and educate both with its vivid images and powerful language. Yet somewhere, at the end of each chapter, reason and optimism lurk. I would defy anyone who truly believes they possess compassion to read this book and not admire these wonderful people as they journey through the pages to free the animals.

Reviewed by Debbie Holman.


For those of you already familiar with Linda Majzlik, these two books are in a similar style. They are slim and unillustrated, facts which are reflected in their very reasonable price. Each book contains over 100 recipes.

Both cover the common format of introduction and list of store cup-board ingredients followed by the recipes, from starters to desserts, with an additional section on baking in each and another section on drinks in the Caribbean book.




Neither book is for the lazy or inex-perienced cook and both contain some very lengthy lists of ingredi-ents (13 for a starter, 19 for a soup!). Some of the ingredients are pretty unfamiliar too; what exactly js eddo - or callaloo? Some are explained in the store cupboard sec-tion but others are not. This might not be a problem in London or other large cities with a plentiful supply of ethnic shops and markets but could be a bit frightening in a small seaside town whose local Co-op doesn't even stock soya milk let alone vegan mozzarella.

Having said all that, if you're feeling adventurous or are bored with your usual stews or nut roasts, these could be the books for you. And if you're an expatriate Italian or West Indian vegan, the recipes could be a taste of home. They might even convince your meat-eating friends that there is a bit more to a vegan diet than a nut cutlet and a lettuce leaf.

Reviewed by Wendy Woller

13 The Vegan , W i n t e r 2001

Page 16: The Vegan Winter 2001

THIRD NATIONAL VEGAN FESTIVAL The best vegan day out in the world

Imagine over 1,000 vegans in one place for a who le day. Incredible, won-derful, it's already happened three times in the place that veganism started, England, at London's Conway Hall on Sunday 16th September. This was the greatest totally vegan gath-ering anywhere in the world, with 1,500 of us enjoying a day of music, international speakers, vegantastic food and drink, campaigning and rescue groups and the best ethical suppliers.

Vegan Mike Butcher from Rochester, NY, w h o m I met at Animal Rights 2001 in DC in June and who's in Britain for three months study, was ecstatic. " M y impression of the National Vegan Festival was of the overwhelming amount of people that showed up. The building was con-stantly packed with people looking at the tables and talking to people around them. It had the sense that everyone was glad to be with others w h o share the same beliefs. The mood was quite joyous and uplifting. These festivals always give you that extra reassurance as to why you chose this lifestyle. The forum itself was a bit

Alex Bourke reports from London small at times because of the enor-mous amount of people present which made it hard to get around sometimes, but it was worth it. The diverse speakers there gave me a break to just sit and relax and listen. Overall, the Festival was very enjoy-able and I am glad I made the trip to it." "It was glorious," added fellow New Yorker Dawn Carr, who's been making a big splash in the British media fronting PETA's anti-angling cam-paign.

40 exhibibitors included EarthSave UK, the Fruitarian and Raw Energy network, Hunt Saboteurs Association, London Animal Action, London Vegans, PETA, vegan cheese and cake manufacturers, Roz Gruben and Douglas Graham who teach nutrition all over America, Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty, the Vegan Society,, Vegetarian Guides and Viva! There were video showings, talks on nutrition. Uncaged on the secret history of pig to primate trans-plants, and ALF Press Officer Robin

Webb on animal liberation. I didn't even have time to get around to the vegan age music, vegan beers, aro-

matic Indian head massage, henna tattooing, and the children's art work-shop where they used collage to make fantasy animals and masks.

Organiser Bernie Laprade commented "I have rarely attended an event where the energy was so positive, the people so caring, so obviously enjoying themselves and so filled with love. W e had even more visitors from abroad than in previous years. I met some very friendly Austrian, German, Italian, Spanish, French, Dutch, Swedish, American and Canadian vegans who had all managed to make it in spite of the air travel problems. Some visitors actually came over from France just for the day! By 11am there was already a long line at the Veggies Catering Campaign food stall. And huge praise must also go to all of the other food stalls who provided some of the best vegan food I have tasted in a long while. Smiling faces always tell a story and this was a story of happy tummies. From children to grandpar-ents everyone appeared to be eating with a smile. And I guess this was part of the reason why there was so much love and camaraderie in the air."

One of the greatest joys for me working the Veggie Guides table was the reply to the first question I ask enquirers: "Are you vegetarian or vegan?" "Vegan of course!" was always the proud reply.

So for those of you thinking of going to or organising an event in America, here is some more encouragement from happy Brits:

"A great success! Fantastic! When's the next one?" said Graeme Wother-spoon of Viva!

"A fabulous day filled with happy smiling faces and lots of new mem-bers!" said Peter Despard of London Vegans

14 The V e g a n , W i n t e r 2001

Page 17: The Vegan Winter 2001

"This is the best day out we've had in years!" enthused vegan twins Julia King and Ann Mallen. Yvonne Taylor of national campaigning group Animal Aid summed up the vegan grub: "It all started with 'Ronny's Cakes' for breakfast. If anyone ever doubted the quality and variety of vegan food available then today has certainly put them right. It is all so scrump-tious. I love it here. It's so nice to meet up with so many of my friends and so many of our members. Can we do this again next week?" Bernie Laprade again: "So there you have it folks. If you missed it then you definitely missed out! But don't be sad - just make sure you get here next year. Put a note on your fridge today. W e will strive to make Vegan Fes-tival 2002 bigger and better than ever." Look out for next year's dates around September 2002 at For info on vegan events in London, accommodation and food go to And for the full lowdown on a dozen vegan and a hun-dred veggie places to eat, pick up the new edition of Vegetarian London by Alex Bourke and Jennifer Wharton, £5.99 or US$9.95, published 2 December 2001 and available from the Vegan Society T.0845 45 88244

EDITOR: And a big thank you to Robin Lane and Alison Coe for organising a hugely successful vegan event.

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15 The Vegan , W i n t e r 2001



Page 18: The Vegan Winter 2001

HospitalEXPERIENCE On the 31st of May this year I had to be admitted to the local general hospital for surgery because of uterine fibroids.

As a very new and enthusiastic vegan I knew that I would have to forewarn the nursing staff, dietician, kitchen manage-ment, anaesthetist and pharmacy of all aspects of the requirements necessary to prevent absorption or consumption of animal products of any kind.

At my pre-admission check I told the senior house officer that I was vegan and to my surprise he asked me what it meant and was it the same as a vegetarian. Needless to say that my confidence was boosted and as an aware patient I ques-tioned his experience in the field of gynaecology to which he replied "very little" and that he was retraining and that he may be al lowed to hold a pair of for-ceps during my operation! I didn't continue my questioning for fear of what I may have discovered.

I then spoke to the ward sister about my dietary needs and she was most helpful putting me straight in touch with the kitchen by telephone. "After all dear w e don't want you eating just lettuce leaves during your stay! "

The kitchen staff assured me that they would do everything possible to ensure that my needs would be catered for and at their request I sent a list of foods that I could and couldn't eat and drink.

Now for the reality which was far removed from the promises that had been made! On a positive note I would like to state that the ward staff couldn't have been kinder or more professional in their approach to their work, sometimes and mostly under considerable pressure, due to the complex needs of the large number of a very mixed group of patients.

The young staff nurse who greeted me with " O h you're the vegan, bloody hell you'll be lucky if you get anything to eat" did leave me feeling slightly adrenalin boosted but I reluctantly and surprisingly kept myself in check, observing that she only spoke to me once more during my stay, to say "good morning have you been f ed ? "

The first evening I was offered a jacket potato and baked beans and a sad

by Marilyn McCarthy

looking apple, my last meal for 48 hours, taking into account surgery and recovery. The next occasion I was offered food was teatime on the Saturday evening and lo and behold what do you think was on offer again? YES You guessed right, jacket potato and baked beans and this time a very sad orange. Luckily a very thoughtful friend bought in some deli-cious soya sausage sandwiches, remarking that she thought that I would be lucky to get special dietary requisites at the weekend. And yes I did get the obligatory vegan lettuce accompanied by tomato and cucumber.

Sunday I survived on toast and mar-malade, potatoes and vegetables, and a banana! Food was not allowed to be stored in the fridge on the ward therefore I couldn't take in yoghurts or desserts which needed chilling.

On the Monday morning I asked if I could see the Kitchen manager and the phar-macist regarding food and medication.

The manager was "appalled" to hear of my experience and I told him that I was too! He left me in great haste to organise some food and that day I had two one course meals consisting of boiled pota-toes, mixed vegetables and vegan pie and fishless fish cakes and chips. The next day I had boiled potatoes green beans and an organic tofu fritter. It proves what can be done when you talk directly to the top person. The nursing staff came in droves to have a look at my plates of food and were surprised to see such a variety of ready food. It also provided a great opportunity to say a little about life as a vegan.

I took a few leaflets with me but felt that it wasn't the appropriate time to give them a double whammy but I have decided to take them a vegan hamper as a thank you gift when I go for my check up in four weeks time.

Maybe I'll put a few vegan recipes in too. The pharmacist went away promising to check the contents of the HRT prepara-tion but sadly she failed to get in touch with me again.

I'm sure that there are health workers who will read this and doubt the con-

tents, wondering why I didn't enlist the help of others who have vast experience of how to get things done. In hind sight I realise that I created stress and work for myself and the staff which I could have done without during a time of recupera-tion .

The nursing staff didn't express any nega-tive comments about veganism and some were happy to discuss it.

Just as a postscript I lost 4 kilos whilst in hospital and although some of that could be put down to the surgery I think that it was the dietary regime that played the biggest part.

So what has been the lesson of this expe-rience?

Prepare well before admission by letter to the appropriate departments. Check again at the pre-admission appointment and on the day of admission.

One of the staff nurses said that the hos-pital should employ me as a trouble shooter on behalf of patients to which I replied " they would probably shoot me".

NHS & VEGAN SOCIETY Hospital food, it is generally perceived, would rarely top any lists for best or most inventive cuisine. Anyone on a vegan diet may be concerned about the availability of appropriate food should they have to spend time as a patient. Pleasingly, this could soon be very dif-ferent, because NHS food is currently undergoing major improvement. Special new menus have recently been unveiled, and they feature, amongst other things, 'Chefs' Dishes', created by top chefs at Loyd Grossman's invitation. Some hospitals have taken care to pro-vide ethnic and kosher certified foods, and tailor-make menus for patients with eating disorders. Here is an opportunity to introduce vegan sentiment into the NHS kitchens. The Vegan Society was approached on this topic, and we have already made notes on the different vegetarian dishes so they can be adapted for vegans. It would greatly complement our advice if anyone has ideas or recipes that may interest the NHS - send them to us and we will pass it on as part of our feedback.

16 The V e g a n , W i n t e r 2001

Page 19: The Vegan Winter 2001


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Page 20: The Vegan Winter 2001

J festive 'Hecipes If you like your food, especially hearty, sticky comfort food, winter gives you all the excuses you need to indulge yourself. A time for stoking your boiler and warming your heart by eating and celebrating with family and friends. O f the many winter festivals, Christmas holds good memories for me, as it was then that I turned vegan. I had expected my family to find it hard to cater for me, or find my timing inconvenient, but my mother's first attempt at a vegan Christmas meal - a Mediterranean style bean and vegetable hotpot with tomato and herb dumplings - was enough to persuade us both that I had done the right thing!

Special occasions, Christmas included, should be a chance to eat your favourite food. For me, this includes the traditional roast potatoes, hot chestnuts, dates, nuts and satsumas etc. But at the same time it was no surprise to look in the fridge recently and see last year's jar of mince-meat, only a token dollop short of full, and some cranberry jelly I made last Christmas — both still well within their useable dates! When I started thinking of ways to use them up, I amazed myself with what could be done, and in the end I even had to go out and get more mincemeat! The griddle cakes are based on Welshcakes and are great for breakfast, alone or with marge, jam, or even vegan cream cheese — it isn't hard to eat five or six straight from the pan!

The recipe for dumplings has to be tried — they are like miniature Christmas puddings, and should give the menu a bit of welcome variety. They are also lighter than you would think, and because they are not too rich in mincemeat, they really allow its fruity spiciness to come out. The orange liqueur complements this, but if you do have it for pud, you might want to leave the orange zest out of the hazelnut stuffing.

The roulade takes less than half an hour to make from start to finish, and as well as looking impressive on the plate, it's surprisingly rich, with its watercress, chive and vegan cream cheese filling. There will be enough for four people to have two slices each, which should be plenty. For a light meal, enjoy the roulade with two or three o f the stuffing balls, and decorate your plate with leftover watercress and hazel-nuts, cherry tomatoes, and a swish of cranberry sauce. For a fuller meal, your traditional roast potatoes, parsnips, and chestnuts with sprouts will go really well. Hearty, sticky, comforting, and boiler-stoking!

18 The V e g a n , W i n t e r 2001

Courgette Roulade Makes 6-8 shces.

2 courgettes, weighing approx llb/500g 3oz/75g vegan marge 4 teaspoons lemon juice 6oz/175g self-raising flour salt

For the filling 4oz/l OOg vegan cream cheese (this is now available in many supermarkets) a squeeze of lemonjuice, to taste 2/3 tablespoons finely chopped chives 2 handfuls chopped watercress a knifepoint of cayenne pepper

Preheat your oven to 200°/gas 6. Wash, top and tail the courgettes, then grate them into a mixing bowl. Sprinkle with a teaspoon of salt, and leave for 15 minutes. Squeeze out their liquid. You'll get about 100ml/4 fl oz ofbright green juice. Reserve thejuice and the courgette. Mix the marge and lemon juice, then add the flour, and mix well. Add the courgettes and half of the courgette juice (i.e. 50ml/2 fl oz). Mix well. Pour into a greased non-stick baking tray (or use greaseproof paper to line your tin), and smooth out until about 1cm/ - inch thick. Bake for 15 minutes until just starting to turn golden (don't overcook, or it may dry out).

Meanwhile, make the filling by mixing all the ingredients well. Remove the courgette sponge from the oven, and allow it to cool slightly, then turn out of the tray carefully onto a clean tea towel. Spread all over with the cream cheese mixture. You'll worry about the next bit, but you'll be fine, honest. Gently roll from one end, using the tea towel to help keep everything together (pull it towards the other end of the roulade, checking as you go that the sponge rolls up neatly underneath). When it is all rolled up, you can either take the roulade to the table like this, or slice it with a sharp knife using a gentle sawing motion. Serve warm or cold.

Page 21: The Vegan Winter 2001

T ,

Hazelnut and Apple Stuffing Makes nine walnut-sized balls.

2oz/50g hazelnuts, ground roughly 1 small cooking apple, grated 1 slice bread, crumbed — medium onion, very finely chopped 1 oz/25g vegan marge 6 fresh sage leaves, finely chopped/ — teaspoon dried sage 1 sprig or — teaspoon dried thyme zest of 1 /8th of an orange - optional

Cook the onion in the marge until starting to soften. Mix well with the remaining ingredients. Fonn the mixture into balls, place on a greased baking tray, and bake at 200°/gas 6 for 20 minutes, until golden, turning once.

Cranberry sauce Cook cranberries with half their weight in sugar, and the same volume of water as sugar. Boil for 10 minutes to make sauce, or cook for 20-30 minutes and put in clean jars for a ready supply ofjelly, great with roast dinners, salads, toasted sand-wiches etc. To use the bottled jelly as sauce, mix it with about half as much boiling water and serve hot. Mine has kept well for a year in the fridge, though it has lost some of its sharpness.

Festive mincemeat griddle cakes 6oz/175g self-raising flour pinch salt 4oz/100g mincemeat (see above) 2-3 £1 ozI 50-75ml soya cream

Mincemeat dumplings with hot toffee and orange sauce Makes 8 dumplings — serves 4 2oz/50g self-raising flour 1 oz/25g vegetarian suet 1 oz/25g mincemeat (N .13. most varieties of mincemeat are now vegan, but check the label to be sure) water to bind — approx 1 tablespoon/ 15ml

For the sauce 2oz/50g unrefined sugar 1 oz/25g vegan marge orange liqueur to taste — approx 1 tablespoon 2 fl oz/50ml soya milk or cream

First make the dumplings. Mix the main ingredients, then form them into a sticky dough by adding the water slowly. Break into eight pieces, and roll lightly into balls. Place these in a steamer above boiling water, and leave to cook for 12-15 minutes.

For the sauce, heat the sugar, marge and liqueur in a small pan until melted. Add the milk or cream, and bring to the boil, stirring well to avoid burning. Turn the heat down and cook for five minutes until the sauce is thick but still pourable.

Serve hot with the dumplings.

Option — instead of the liqueur, try dark rum or whisky instead, and use a dark sugar such as muscovado. This gives a richer sauce, and because the sugar is fairly strongly Savoured, you may also want to use more booze.

Sift the salt and flour into a bowl, add the mincemeat and mix it in. Slowly add the cream to form a sticky dough — about 2 fl oz/ 60ml should do it. Dust your hands and the work surface lightly with flour, and roll the dough out into the thickness of a digestive biscuit. Cut into round biscuit shapes — the mixture makes 10. Heat a griddle, baking stone or frying pan, and melt a very little solid vegetable oil on it, coaring the cooking surface evenly. Turn the heat down a little, and place the cakes on the heat for about 2-3 minutes each side, or until slightly risen and quite brown. Eat warm.

© Graeme Reekie 2001

The V e g a n . W i n t e r 2001 19


Page 22: The Vegan Winter 2001

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Page 23: The Vegan Winter 2001

Postbag Contributions to Postbag are welcomed, but accepted on the understanding that they may be edited in the interests of brevity or clarity.

Iam wondering\f you or any of your readers of the Vegan Magazine can help me. I am trying desperately to get a copy of a book called 'The Cruel Deception' by Dr Robert Sharpe. I've con-tacted the publishers but it is now out of print! So I was wondering if any of your readers might have a copy they no longer want. I would be very grateful for your help on this. Ms Tina

I'm writing about Lesley Kirk's article "Their Right to Live" in the Summer issue. I quote 'It has to be said that previous testing on animals effectively produced vac-cines for polio, smallpox This part is seriously out of order. Edward Jenner discov-ered the vaccine, and he did no testing on animals what-soever. Polio was largely eliminated by isolation, not through animal testing. This mistake must be cleared up as soon as possible. Monica


In an otherwise excellent article against vivisection by Lesley Kirk, I feel I must point out that previous testing on animals did not effectively produce vaccines for polio, smallpox or any other diseases.

The history of vaccination is too long to be entered into

here, but vaccination against smallpox was already known by the time Jenner published his find-ings in 1798 - research which had been carried out entirely on humans. W e also know that vaccines only made a marginal contribu-tion to eradicating the infectious epidemics of the last 100 years or so. In the case of measles, scarlet fever, whooping cough and diptheria, around 90% of the fall in deaths had already been achieved by the time widespread immu-nisation was introduced.

As for polio, although in 1949 scientists showed that the virus could be grown in human tissue cul-ture, monkeys were a more convenient source of tissue and both Salk and Sabin produced their vaccines from monkey kidney tissue. This was found to harbour more than 60 viruses, some of which proved fatal to humans.

Vacccines against viral dis-eases can all be made from culture of human cells. In the final analysis, vivisection tells about animals, and until the clinical stage is reached, we can never know how humans will react.

Julie Surrey.

Editor: The Vegan Society opposes animal experimen-tation on ethical grounds as opposed to the scientific merits or demerits.

Thank you forrunning the article on Wheatears Guest House last year. A friend and I recently spent three nights there and we enjoyed it enormously. Susan and Richard are wonderful hosts and were very quick to respond to any of our needs. The food was absolutely gor-geous for two committed vegans and our en suite room had everything we could require. W e were made to feel very welcome and we took advantage of the wealth of information that is provided about the area and its wild life. I thought your readers would like to hear about our lovely experience. W e do hope to go again

Jenny Lancashire

We congratulatethe Green-house, Edinburgh on their success in the recent Vege-tarian Society Awards. Perhaps your members would be interested to know that our vegan, organic Bed and Breakfast in Bangor-on-Dee, North Wales was one of the other three nominees in the Hotel/Guest House/Bed and Breakfast category. Winny, who is a Vegan Society member, was photographed by the local newspaper who wrote about the B&B.


Editor: See article on Fraser Cottage, page 36

lam tryingto promote the alternatives to the mass con-sumption of animal, bird, fish flesh and their many products, towards the attainment of a cruelty free plant-based diet.

It is only by constantly ques-tioning supermarkets, coffee houses etc, asking for what we want, to be labelled, stocked and sold, in far greater quantities, that we can, and a wider public, can get what we want. If the supermarket store manager or staff member, and who-ever may be in charge of the coffee shop, is negative, or seemingly unable to satisfy, it is then helpful to name a rival supermarket or coffee shop which is able and willing to stock the items w e want. Verbal enquiries and/or letters can firmly make the point!

Comments from experi-ences, enquiries and replies can be relayed to me, at my home, or sent direct to VEGA (Vegetarian Economy and Green Agriculture), 14 Woodland Rise, Greenford, Middlesex, UB6 ORD T. 0208 902 0073 Email:

which is endeavouring to organise a wide survey of the food and drink retail market.

Michael S

21 The V e g a n , W i n t e r 2001

Page 24: The Vegan Winter 2001

V-chic Winter Fashion Guide By Zofia Torun

H o l d i n g strong ethical beliefs and being a vegan should no t preclude you from fashion. T h o s e w h o don ' t wan t to shop in markets and live in t ie-dye can happily return to the high street confident that cruel ty-free, t rendy fashion and, more important ly , gorgeous accessories abound!

I've been ou t on the high street researching w h a t hip clothes and accessories are out there for us to achieve the latest rock, glam and chic looks this season.

T h e popular Swedish chain Hennes & Maur i t z is awash with m a n - m a d e fibres. You'l l find here great outfits at rock-b o t t o m prices, for partying, work ing and hanging ou t . D o n the flared black sheen 1950s-inspired skirt (£20) for your Chr is tmas party and look like Sophie Ell is-Bextor. Look 'cutesy' in cotton and acrylic mix cardigans in baby blue and caramel (£10). O r turn up the heat in the indigo d e n i m sheath dress — a mere £20 . T h e y also have classic wardrobe essentials like the black shirt dress (£15). For grunge aficionados the red or black canvas shoulder bag (£10) w o u l d suit, while for g lamour queens there are sequin and fabric evening bags galore.

H & M also have their o w n lingerie line, but happily wi th n o silk; instead, they stock fun animal prints, seductive sheers and luxuriously silky lingerie. T h e r e is even a saucy pink and red sheer 'babydoll ' nightie wi th match ing g-string —at jus t £10. But keep away from the fireplace — flames of passion are o n e thing, bu t setting fire to your g-s t r ing w o n ' t be funny! A m o n g the bra and knicker sets is a burgundy basque with lace detail for £15 .

Perfect for the win ter season is the fake fur stole at £8 . Great selection of vegan-friendly groovy belts here unde r a fiver: a ra inbow fabric belt, and a patent super slim (leather-look) baby blue belt wi th sleek silver buckle . Also for the evening is a silver chain belt and diamante butterfly buckle detail. O r if you are a rock chick buy the 80s thick hip belt - very Kim Wilde!

Laura Ashley does m u c h more than floral cot ton dresses of yesteryear. This winter , take a look at their beautiful well made handbags. Russe t -co loured corduroy handbag wi th vinyl (leather-look) straps is jus t £20 ; chocolate b r o w n with pale blue

and cream check handbag (looks like wool fabric with leather piping, but is actually polyester and PVC) costs just £25.1 loved the feel of their decadently soft aubergine 'moleskin' trousers (£45) — adaptable for either daytime or evening.

And for children - little girls will absolutely adore the suede-effect pink bolero jacket with fake fur trim. It looks expensive but is just £25 and, being machine-washable, is incredibly practical.

Nex t has a suprisingly fabulous range in smart handbags. These include a leather-look handbag and a nice variant of the Bowling-style bag, both under £20. A denim handbag with leather-look details, perfect for weekends away, and a black leather-look larger workbag, are just £25. Bobble hats never won style points, but try instead the Russian-inspired fake fur hat (£13) — you don't need snow to look swish!

For evening glamour, why not slip on a pair of C o m e Dancing style glitter heels. Dazzle and dance in silver or gold glittery stilettos, complete with sparkly thin straps. Next's vegan shoes are under £30. Stock up now for summer with the 3.5 inch open toe kitten heels (to match your Capri pants) in red or black herringbone pattern, fabulous with handbag for £20 to match. Also available is a black fabric shoe with cross over straps and either 4 inch heel or wedge heel. If you need something to keep up your activist combats, look no further: camouflage green fabric belt with sparkly amber crystals buckle or similar belt in black canvas and Union Jack crystals buckle both cost £10. Gold metal belt is£17.

Marks and Spencer has just launched its latest 'Per Una ' range, and it too has something for the animal-friendly. A denim coat with fake fur collar - £125; a burgundy leather-look coat and red/black fake fiir collar - £89; and 'mock fur'jacket -£99 for posh princesses. If you like the 70s retro look, you will appreciate the brown 'wallpaper' dress for £55. Ideal for the office is the grey skirt (hovering around the knee-line) with pale blue check (£35).

Men, don ' t feel left out. The more exclu-sive M & S' Autograph range had exquisite black velvet suits, sold as separates: £225 for the jacket (lovely iridescent lining) and £125 for the trousers. This would make a

very impressive alternative to the boring dinner suit. Another gorgeous suit in the more expensive range was a thick cord, camel-coloured number - sold as separates for a more reasonable £150 for the jacket (nice lining finishing detail again) and £75 for the trousers — great for awkward dress-down Fridays or a smart weekend in the country. M&S are paying attention to small detail: 3-handkerchief set (£5) in attractive vibrant colours — blue and purple, and the obligatory matches-everything white. Get out the chequebook for the black leather-look suit carrier - £50 (good saving when you consider that the leather version is £125). For ladies, a black 'Organiser' bag in fake leather (£35) will fit a laptop, or for just a filofax and mobile phone there's the smaller more chic handbag/back-pack version (£25).

Etam is bargain-city and great for teenage girls, with a wide range of fake leather and dinky fabric handbags from just £10. Fake leather jackets are great value here — the 'Mars'jacket in either stone-coloured or black is £38, the 'Pluto' 70s style jacket is only £30 (now discounted further), the 'Hera' three-quarter length brown leather-look coat is a fantastic £40 (now also £10 off). If imitation leather is not your look, strut your stuff in the black puffa 'Tom' jacket with fake fur collar and cuffs. Keep well wrapped up for winter with fake leather black 'driving' gloves (£5). While quality is not Etam's strong point, it does occasionally have some wonderful style specials, such as a black, red, taupe and white 'SUSHI' skirt — inspired by a Japanese haute couture designer — a snip at £22.

Pinks and T M Lewin, the famous men's shirtmakers, now cater for women too. At Pinks, women can find elegantly tailored smart shirts and, stop press, handbags to match. Daytime bags come in 'Marled cord' or 'Pinstripe brushed cotton' co-ordinating colours for £45. T.M.Lewin also offer co-ordinating fabric handbags (now half-price at £32.50) with their bnght ladies' shirts.

Oh , and if money's no object, visit LIBERTY 'S in London and select a Lulu Guinness non-leather quirky handbag — perfect to match your felt Philip Treacy hat.

22 The V e g a n , W i n t e r 2 0 0 1

Page 25: The Vegan Winter 2001


S o w h a t is the internet publ ic l ook ing at o n o u r site: -

F r o m July to O c t o b e r 2001

T h i s chart gauges Page Performance , i .e . the n u m b e r o f specif ic pages v i e w e d in a m o n t h as a trend.

For those o f you lucky enough to have a computer wi th internet access, you will k n o w what a difference it is making to the world o f c o m m u n i c a -tion today, and even i f you don't, I am sure you have heard the words internet, or email. It can appear bewildering but it is fascinating to think that w e are part o f a global chain, the wor ldwide w e b . T h e w e b is increasing in popularity every day and can be a force for the benefit o f people, animals and the env iron-ment .

T h e Vegan Society has made major and serious changes to its website, and since last year m y main role as webmaster for the site has been to change the foundation structure o f the site. This involved bringing the code in line with an organisation called w 3 c (world w ide w e b consor-tium - w w w . w 3 c . o r g ) ; this is the group that steers the course and deve lopment o f the internet. O n e particular project they are k n o w n for is the W A I ( W e b Accessibility Initia-tive); this gives internet users with disabilities access to a website regard-less o f the type o f computer device they are using to v i e w the informa-tion, it usually also improves the funct ioning o f a websi te for able-bodied users. And that's just what we've done; w e re-wrote the code from the b o t t o m up and are cont inu-ally amending and improving it. N o w that we've achieved the goal o f accessibility, w e are commit ted to improving function and information, which you will have not iced (if you've been fo l lowing the site's e v o -lution). Many changes are still to be implemented and 1 am often up till the early hours bashing away at a key -board with the help o f a nocaf. A most important step forward was to register our site wi th child safe search engine www.surfsafe lv .com by making our site compatible with the I C C S (International C o n t e n t Cert i -fication Standard) and the I C R A (Internet Content Rat ing Associa-tion) - organisations that strive to provide a safe space for the y o u n g person and all people using the internet. It is not on ly responsible and ethical but essential that the Vegan message is available to the young.

Another overhaul has been to the Search engine facility for the site. T h e original search engine was

assessed and considered to be t o o cumbersome to use and the results were not as accurate as w e wanted. S o w e installed a different search engine facility o n the site and i m m e -diately saw a huge i m p r o v e m e n t in locating d o c u m e n t s and information. This helps you find what you need quickly so reducing your t ime onl ine and those phone bills. T h e search facility n o w appears on every page and makes quick decision searches possible. O u r statistic chart b e l o w shows you h o w popular it is becoming , with use o f the search engine increasing monthly .

By far the most groundbreaking introduction to the site must be our O n - l i n e shop facility. W e have begun with the Vegan Society publ i -cations and merchandise, www.vegansoc i e ty . com/shop . a l lowing you to shop in the comfor t o f your h o m e , buy gifts for friends and relatives and at any time o f the day or night you like. W e h o p e to place our entire catalogue range o n the site, whilst making it a fun e x p e -rience. W e have, o f course, obtained a secure server certificate, w h i c h means y o u can part with your credit card details in conf idence . M e m b e r -ship subscriptions and donations can also be made safely online.

O v e r the past t w o years the w e b site has s h o w n a dramatic increase in activity from around 4 0 0 0 hits a m o n t h to an average figure o f 2 0 6 , 1 1 4 hits per m o n t h (Jul-Oct 2 0 0 1 ) . T h e trend is firmly upward.

Hits only represent the number o f 'clicks* made o n our site, it does not give a true reflection o f the sites overall funct ioning i.e. pages v i ewed and visits made. S o the fo l lowing information is given to show y o u just h o w many visits the site received

from around the entire planet dur ing the period J u l - O c t 2 0 0 1 .

July 20172 S e p 1 7 4 9 3

A u g 19470 O c t 2 2 3 0 9

A n d all these from approx 1 2 , 0 0 0 u n i q u e different points o n the planet. S o i f you 're n o t on l ine or y o u are b u t haven't visited our site, please d o w w w . v e g a n s o c i e t y . c o m , there are over 2 0 0 pages o f in format ion , fact and products . A great w a y to share and learn the c o n c e p t o f veganism throughout the U K and b e y o n d . . .

23 The Vegan , W i n t e r 2001

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The correct answer to the Autumn Grow Vegan puzzler was © a family tree and the winner was Mrs R C Morris, Gwynedd. Congratulations.


GROW VEGAN PUZZLER What is the term used for a plant with either male or female flowers only on each specimen? (a) a 'singular' plant (b) a 'bifloral' plant (c) a 'dioecious' plant

All correct entries will be entered in a prize draw. Send your answer on a postcard to: Grow Vegan Puzzler at The Vegan Society's usual address by 31st January 2002.

Wi th Winter now upon us, our native Holly, 'Ilex aquifolium' is the perfect seasonal plant to enjoy and cherish in the garden or allotment. Holly is valued not only by humans, but also as essential winter protection and food for birds, particu-larly thrushes and starlings. Its flowers in late Spring/early Summer are also an important source of food for the Holly Blue butterfly caterpillar.

Holly is a very accommo-dating plant and although slow-growing, will suit most garden conditions. It also has the benefit of being resistant to exposure to salty and windy conditions and pollu-tion, as well as being capable of coping with all but the coldest of winters.

Although it can grow up to 9 metres tall with a spread of 5m, it is tolerant to hard pruning for use within a small space and can be grown successfully as an evergreen hedge and in topiary in formal settings.

GROWING YOUR OWN Holly is best propagated as a semi-ripe cutting in late Summer, common to many evergreen shrubs, or by lay-ering in the Autumn. It can be bought 'bare rooted' in the Autumn or early Spring but is best planted no later than May as the roots are susceptible to drying out in dry or windy conditions.

It will grow in any reason-able garden soil but prefers a

fertile, well-drained soil ( a moist 'loam' type) and ide-ally, slightly acidic conditions. It can be grown in sun or shade, although the leaves tend to lack the same lustre when grown out of the sun.

An important point to note if you want to see berries on your plant is that hollies have either male or female flowers on any given plant (it is 'dioecious'). It is therefore imperative that for female plants to produce berries, a male plant is grown nearby for pollination to take place. One male can pollinate up to 5/6 female plants, so an excessive number of males is not required.

Holly flowers in May/June and later produces red berries from September to January. Pruning to keep it in shape should take place around April before its small white flowers appear.

It suffers from few damaging pests and diseases. The Holly Leaf Miner and aphid are most common although are unlikely to warrant drastic treatment where natural predators exist. As always, the weakest or most dis-eased stems can be removed during routine pruning.

AN EVERGREEN PROTECTOR Holly has played an impor-tant part in folklore for centuries, mainly as a symbol of protection against malevo-lent forces. It was often planted outside homes and churches, believed to fend off anything from witches

and 'demons' to lightning. When worn by men during a night out it was believed to protect against witchcraft. Until recently it was consid-ered bad luck to cut down a Holly tree, a belief dating back to Celtic times.

Although our faith in Holly as a protector against all things nasty is certainly less widespread, it remains very useful against more earthly attack. As a prickly security hedge or barrier it is very effective against intruders, a function appreciated by our feathered friends too.

Bringing Holly into the home is believed to date back to Roman times as part of their festivals of 'Saturnalia'. This was an ancient festival cele-brated in December and renowned for its general merry-making and revelry. Saturn was the Roman god of agriculture and vegeta-tion whose reign was considered a 'golden age'.

Eitfoy your festive season this Winter!

REFERENCES 'How to Make a Wildlife Garden', Chris Baines. Frances Lincoln Ltd 2000. T h e Organic Gardening Handbook', Margaret Elphinstone and Julia Langley. Thorsons 1995. 'Plants For a Future', Ken Fern. Permanent Publications 1997. 'Organic Gardening' magazine December 1999. Published by Organic Gardening, PO Box 29, Minehead, Somerset TA24 6YY. Tel 01984 641212. Email:

. T h e Bird Table Book', Tony Soper. David and Charles 1977.

24 The V e g a n , W i n t e r 2001

Page 27: The Vegan Winter 2001

f o ) C O ' i 0 '0 0)0, flil

0 © Designed in assodation with the Vegan Sodety and

the G.P.S. Dietidan at North London Hospital 2001

COMPETITION FOR UNDER 11s Have the page enlarged to A3 at your local photocopy shop. Colour it in and send it back by 31 January 2002 to the Vegan Society, 7 Battle Road, St Leonards on Sea, East Sussex. TN37 7AA. REMEMBER to include your name & address. The best three will win a Vegan Mug and a Hemp Union purse/bag [Thanks to Hemp Union for their prizes].

Page 28: The Vegan Winter 2001

Phone now for a free mail order catalogue F R E E P H O N E

0800 980 4992

Over 200 Vegan organic Wines along with many other beers, ciders, spirits, juices and oils from around the world.


A T V M M ! m

VMM, the first dating & friendship agency specially For vegetarians and vegans (established 1980)

V M M , Concord House, 7 Waterbridge Court Appleton, Warrington W A 4 3 B J

tel. 01925 601609

1 > f f Wc;



The Order of the Cross, an informal fellowship whose members are vegetarian or

'' '» vegan and pacifist, was founded in 1904 by the Reverend John Todd Ferrier.

The Order seeks to follow a mystical, spiritual path and "to proclaim a message of peace and happiness, health and purity, spirituality and Divine Love." Its Message is universal in its scope, revealing the essential oneness of all religious aspirations, the continuity of life, and the unity of all living creatures in the Divine. It touches the deep issues of life and explains our relationship to the Eternal Warld through our spiritual constitution. The Cross is seen as a symbol of spiritual being in which the life attains uprightness and balance.

Regular public meetings and worship services are held on Sundays at 11 am and Wednesdays at 7 pm (except during the Summer recess) at the Headquarters of the Order as below. Meetings are also held at other centres throughout the UK, as well as in the USA, Australia and New Zealand.

For further information and publications list, please contact THE ORDER OF THE CROSS (VGN), 10 DE VERE GARDENS,

LONDON W8 5AE Telephone: 020 7937 7012


^'positively t h e

— vemariorTy v e g e t a r i a n c o o k e r y

s c h o o l Learn to cook creative vegan food Day & w e e k e n d courses in Ba th Hands on teach ing in small g roups Relaxed, in fo rmat i ve & fun

30 Belgrave Crescent, Bath, BA1 5JU 01225 789682

Feeding the World with Compassion

Registered Charity No. 1075420


that helps animals and

people. HIPPO is working around the world to help hungry people to obtain and where possible produce their own high protein foods to overcome malnutrition. Whilst many overseas aid agencies encourage the expansion of livestock production we emphasise the value of vegetable proteins. This reduces the pressure on land and water-supplies that keeping livestock inevitably causes, and also saves animals from the cruelty of being exploited for food. In the developing world we support projects run by local people and supply food for orphanages and the homeless. Our staff are volunteers and our costs are very low.

Please send donations and/or enquiries to: HIPPO, LLANGYNOG, CARMARTHEN SA33 5BS

Tel/Fax: 01267 241547


Superb Location. Spectacular Views.

Daily Tariff from £ 2 0 to £ 4 0 per person.

All breaks include 4 course Dinner, B&B. 55 En suite Bedrooms.

Outdoor Pool. Entertainment. Close to beaches. Vegan Owner. Choices of Standard/Veg./Vegan at all meals.

Phone 01637 8 5 2 2 2 9 for brochure or fax 01637 852227

28 The V e g a n , W i n t e r 2001

Page 29: The Vegan Winter 2001

ethical WARES is a vegan company supplying an extensive range of the best quality animal free footwear and accessories.

Fully breathable, durable and completely leather free - our shoes are designed for the compas-sionate consumer, proving that you don't have to compromise on style or comfort to enjoy your cruelty free lifestyle.

For a FREE full colour catalogue call 01570 471155, fax 01570 471166 or write to: Ethical Wares Dept VM, Caegwyn, Temple Bar, Felinfach, Ceredi-gion, SA48 7SA, UK. Visit our website at: • • •1 • g b or e-mail us at:


You may chink there is very little any individual can do to help the environment, prevent large

scale animal abuse and so on. However, the power of investment is immense. The more of us who indicate that we care about

what happens to the money in our pension funds, endowments and other investments, the better off

we will all be.

For advice or more details contact: David Walters

Financial Services Horseshoe Cottage, Brownbread Street,

Ashburnham, East Sussex TN33 9NX

Tel. 0800 0183110

David Walters is a member of Animal Aid and the Vegetarian Society

A member of DBS Financial Management PLC which is regulated by the Personal Investment Authority


production of The Vegan

Tel: 0207 603 4422 Britain's oldest Lebanese restaurant, established 1968.

We also serve vegetarian and vegan meals. A special set vegetarian or vegan menu at £10.85 per person (minimum of

two people) consisting of nine different selections of hot and cold Lebanese hors d'oeuvres (Mezzeh).


Vegan & Organic Wines Over 200 vegan wines, juices, beers and ciders

5% discount for Vegan Society Members Rapid nationwide delivery List from Vinceremos, 19 N e w Street, Leeds LS18 4BH 0113 205 4545 email in website: w w w .v Vegan starter case (12 bottles) £ 4 9 delivered

29 The V e g a n , W i n t e r 2001

Page 30: The Vegan Winter 2001

e unjloweYs lotte:

The Sunflower Lotter Bws you tfi

bocie^crntf stand 1 everwjrnont

julardor :ha

to the Vegan rig cash prizes

Evejjj^jffonth -®iree ^sh prizes - comprising 50% of thaftmonth's entry money - are drawn. A monthly entry is £1.50 but you can pay for as many entries as you choose. The draw takes place on the last working day of the month. A list of the winners is published in The Vegan.

spor t s the fegan Society " ish prizes every m o n t h

There's more Every year, the winners of the preceding 12 monthly sunflower lotteries are entered into a 'Super' Sun-flower Lottery for a chance to win £100.

To enter Fill out the form below and return ft with your remittance for 3,6 or 12 months as required. Don't worry about forgetting to renew - you'll be reminded in good time. Good luck! SOCIETY

R E S U L T S October 2001

1 st



November 2001 1 2nd


, .. ft







Name Address

Post Code Tel

Please enter me for: 1 entry for 3 months @ £4.50 • 6 months @ £9.00 • 12 months @ £18 • Starting Month

2 entries for 3 months @ £9.00 • 6 months @ £18.00 • 12 months @ £36.00 • or • entries for • months @ £

• I enclose a cheque/PO payable to 'The Vegan Society' for £ C I Please debit my Visa/Mastercard/Access/Eurocard/Switch/Visa Delta/Connect Card

N u m b e r n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n • Start date • • • • Expiry date • • • • Switch Issue No • •

Name on card Signed Today's date • • • • • • Return to: The Vegan Soaety, Donald Watson House, 7 Battle Road, St Leonardson-Sea, East Sussex TN37 7AA Tel 01424 427393 Fax 01424 717064

Participation is restricted to those residing in the United Kingdom

28 The V e g a n , W i n t e r 2 0 0 1

Page 31: The Vegan Winter 2001



(When writing, please send SAE. See also Vegan Society Local Contacts on page 33)

East Riding Vegans

Vegan Society members receive a discount from hundreds of businesses, providing holiday, dining, retail and mail order services. For a current list

send an SAE marked 'Discounts' to The Vegan Society.

New Discounts

Founder Donald Watson Hon Patrons Serena Coles, Freya Dinshah, Dr Michael Klaper, Arthur Ling, Cor Nouws, Wendy Turner, Donald Watson, Benjamin Zephaniah Council Alex Bourke, Vanessa Clarke, Laurence Klein (Hon Treasurer), Laurence Main, Karin Ridgers, George Rodger (Chair), Zofia Torun, Patricia Tricker, Stephen Walsh (Vice Chair) National Local Contacts Coord inator Patricia M. Tricker STAFF Administration/Finance Officer Bill Palethorpe Information Assistants Gemma Barclay Debbie Holman Catriona Toms Fundraising/Marketing Officer James Southwood Membersh ip Officer Rhian Thomas Sales Officer Jules Farrar Sales Assistants John Rawden Derek Waller Volunteers Liz Costa Joyce Sandground Erica Wilson Dietary Consultant Sandra Hood

VEGANISM may be defined as a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as possible and practical, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose. In dietary terms it refers to the practice of dispensing with all animal produce — including meat, fish, poultry, eggs, animal milks, honey, and their derivatives. Abhorrence of the cruel practices inherent in an agricultural system based on the ab/use of animals is probably the single most common reason for the adoption of veganism, but many people are drawn to it for health, ecological, resource, spiritual and other reasons.

If you would like more information on veganism a free Information Pack is available from the Vegan Society in exchange for two first class stamps. THE VEGAN SOCIETY was formed in England in November 1944 by a group of vegetarians who had recog-nised the ethical compromises implicit in lacto-vegetarianism (ie dairy-dependent). Today, the Society continues to highlight the breaking of the strong maternal bond between the cow and its new-born calf within just four days; the dairy cow's proneness to lameness and mastitis; her subjection to an intensive cycle of pregnancy and lactation; our unnatural and unhealthy taste for cow's milk; and the deoxygenation of river water through contamination with cattle slurry.

If you are already a vegan or vegan sympathiser, please support the

Society and help increase its influence by joining. Increased membership means more resources to educate and inform. Full membership is restricted to practising (at least dietary) vegans, as defined above, but sympathisers are very welcome as supporters of the Society. Both members and supporters receive The Vegan.

The Vegan Society Trade Mark is the property of the Vegan

Society. The Society is prepared to authorise the use of its trade mark on products which accord with its

'no animal ingredients' and 'no animal testing' criteria.

The Vegan Society s o c i e t y Donald Watson House, 7 Battle Road, St Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussex TN37 7AA, United Kingdom Tel 01424 427393 Fax 01424 717064 email: [email protected] Office hours: Mon-Fri: 9.00-5.00 Visitors by appointment please Registered Charity No. 279228 Company Registration No. 1468880 VAT Registration No. 448 5973 95

EVENTS DIARY Please note that The Vegan Society office will be closed from 22 December2001 until 1 January2002 inclusive -Happy New Year!

December 2001 January 2002

(dates and times to be arranged) LISA CENERI is hoping to organise volunteers to distribute leaflets in a campaign aimed against fast food chains. Interested?

January 2002 13th - London Vegans second Sunday drop-in lunch at Country Life, London W1,

20th/21 st - The Green Trade Show, Royal National Hotel, London WC1, 020 8672 7111

25*727* - The Soil Association National Conference will be taking place at Harrogate International Centre.

February 15th -17 t h - The Good Health Show, NEC. Birmingham,, 0870 333 1277

March/April 29th March - 1st April - The Organic and Vegetarian Festival, the Camden Centre London, 020 8672 7111

May 4th/5th/6th _ The Festival of Holistic Living. The Royal National Hotel, London WC1, 020 8672 7111

July 13th _ Viva! march and rally "End fac-tory farming - before it ends us!". Kennington Park, London for pre-march rally, the Camden Centre London for exhibition. Contact Viva! on 01273 777688,

gth _ 14th _ j h e 35th wor ld Vegetarian Congress. Edinburgh Conference Centre, Heriot-Watt University. See for details. Contact: The Vegetarian Society T.0161 925 2000 To coincide with 'National Vegetarian Week ' .


The Vegan, W i n t e r 2001 29

Page 32: The Vegan Winter 2001

THE VEGAN Prize Crossword 26

C o m p i l e d by Kate Sweeney

Solut ion to T h e Vegan Prize Crossword 25: Across - 6 Brunch 7 Oyster 9 Stew 10 Baguette 11 Prepare 13 Small 15 Spout 17 Paprika 20 Marjoram 21 Farm 22 Nutmeg 23 Tender

Down - 1 Grater 2 Snow 3 Rhubarb 4 Dough 5 Lentil 8 Steamer 12 Plum Jam 14 Basmati 16 Peanut 18 Kernel 19Trugs21 Fine

Send in a photocopy (or original) of the solution to this crossword, together with your name and address, by 31st January 2002 and you'll be entered in to a draw with a chance to win Bubble Bath, Shower Gel and Shampoo donated by Mother Hemp. Solution in the next issue. Congratulations to West Sussex winner of The Vegan Prize Crossword 25.



Alternative to leather footwear (7,5)

Used fresh as a seasoning especially in Oriental cookery (4,6)

9 Single central seeds (6)

10 Takes peas out of their pods (6)

11 These may be red or spring (6)

14 Kind of tofu (6)

16 Someone who only eats fruit (10)

17 Agriculture which involves cattle (5 ,7)

DOWN 1 Germinating pulse (9,4)

2 Container for e.g. juice (6)

3 Long, narrow pieces (6)

4 Highly acidic fruit used especially in marmalade (7,6)

6 Protective netting for soft fruit (5)

7 radish (5)

12 Provide, tender (5)

13 Fill (5)

14 Supplies food (6)

15 Root vegetable (6)

Return to: The Vegan Prize Crossword 25, The Vegan Society, Donald Watson House, 7 Battle Road, St Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussex T N 3 7 7AA, UK


VEGAN PUBLICATIONS V e g a n Views Informal quarterly. 4- issue sub: £ 4 (non G B — £5) Flat A15, 2 0 Dean Park Road, Bournemouth B H 1 1JB Figan C y m r e i g (The Wales Vegan) Bilingual quarterly. Sub: £ 1 . 5 0 Bronyr Ysgol, Montpel ier, Llandrindod, Powys, Wales

LISTS Send an SAE to the Vegan Society for any o f the following lists: Animal-Free Vegan Shopper Update; V e g a n Travel Guide Update ; Health Care Professionals; Informat ion Sheets; International Contacts — mainly individuals; Trade Mark — registered users; Vegan Families — child-raising vegans willing to be contacted to provide mutual support.


30 The Vegan , W i n t e r 2001

Page 33: The Vegan Winter 2001

NORTH EAST VEGANS REPORT One World Stall 27th October Durham Town Hall

butcher a chicken and win a prize) and helped moved a less popular line. Total takings £42.75

available. The venue wasn't bustling but we were able to put our bank account in the black, raise awareness and make a few connections. Total takings £31.45

aprons featured. W e had a few friendly inquiries from a Muslim and tales of Norwegian Veganism. Total takings £30.25

Cullercoats Fair 24th November Cullercoats Parish Hall This was a very poorly attended event for all the stalls present; but it was very local and we did not make a loss! Total takings £27.70

Just four days before Halloween we held a fund raising and information stall, with a wide range of gifts for Halloween, Christmas and home-cooked foods. Gordon made a display stand, which held 'spooky soup', an American pumpkin recipe (the lantern on display too)! and small embroidered pumpkin treat bags with organic sultanas. Soya sausage rolls and 1/2 chocolate flapjacks were also fresh foods along with reindeer droppings (chocolate coated sultanas and walnuts). Gift bags also held chocolate covered ginger-bread shapes, organic jelly babies, lollies, surprise parcels, barley sugars and oatflake biscuits. Hand-stamped recy-cled paper and Vegan Society information sheets, books, and information packs were also

Morpeth Green Fair 10th November The Vegan Society is not affiliated with any political party Morpeth Town Hall As we entered November more traditional Christmas Fayre appeared on this stall including pickled onions, home-cooked Christmas cakes and puddings. Along with soya sausage rolls and 1/2 chocolate flapjacks, organic chocolate brazils, handmade Xmas cards and gift tags appeared. Beanie babies in stockings, gift stockings and

Corbridge Animal Aid Fair 17th November Sorry no photo for this stall, very similar to previous stall with the exception of Samual's 'Pick a tomato win a prize!' Held in Corbridge Parish Hall. There was a lovely atmosphere at this animal fair. W e met some Vegans (one of whom had been working in our hometown undiscovered for years!) The Christmas pud-dings and Winter Vegetable Soup sold well. A wide variety of craft gifts sold. Unfortu-nately Janet had tendonitis so there was less fresh produce than usual. Samual ran a pop-ular tombola (with subliminal message, pick a tomato not

WORLD VEGAN DAY- November 1 The theme this year was farming and the Society pro-duced a new poster featuring a calf and its mother entitled 'The White Stuff" and asking "If you're made of it, what does the calf drink?'. This along with other literature were made into World Vegan Day packs and sent out in response to 45 requests. The Society nationally fielded two radio interviews, one with Manchester Radio and one with Somerset Radio. Both were well received. The Society also produced its new booklet 'Go Vegan' in time for World Vegan Day, which is

ideal for all newcomers to veg-anism.

Feedback from contacts is a little thin on the ground at the moment but:

Denise Bangs held a successful event in the White Chapel Library on World Vegan Day.

Tina Canham from Ipswich in Suffolk wrote:

On World Vegan Day I made up a vegan food parcel and sent it to BBC Radio Suffolk, who gave World Vegan Day a big mention. This led to other fellow vegans in the region phoning in and sharing their

experiences of being vegan.

And from California (in Norfolk!), A Hawthorne reported:

I put an information stall in Great Yarmouth market place and distributed many leaflets. People seemed reluctant to approach the stall as I had used the 'Join the Vegan Society' poster on the front and I now realise that it must have seemed to many people that they were required to join if they came up to the stall!

Apart from that I did have a few positive reactions and only

one decidedly negative one from a female who said 'Of course I eat meat, that's what I've got teeth for.' Tapping her front teeth with her fingernails she marched off! [Editor: What big teeth you have grandmamma ?] There was also a lot of indifference from people unfortunately.

Nevertheless, I will not let this put me off or deflate my enthusiasm. I did meet one other vegan which was very refreshing. W e must continue to spread the message in the most positive way we can.

31 The V e g a n , W i n t e r 2001

Page 34: The Vegan Winter 2001

VEGAN SOCIETY LOCAL CONTACTS Local Contacts are Vegan Society members who have offered to act, on a voluntary basis, as a point of contact for those interested in the Society's work. They are not official representatives of the Society. Their levels of activity and knowledge may vary according to their individual circumstances. When writing to a Contact, please remember to enclose a SAE.

Nj k> o

N a t i o n a l L o c a l C o n t a c t s C o - o r d i n a t o r : P a t r i c i a T r i c k e r

32 The V e g a n , W i n t e r 2001

Page 35: The Vegan Winter 2001

CLASSl L-L ED ACCOMMODATION A C C O M M O D A T I O N available. Room in Vegan Household. £45 p/w up to six weeks, N. London, Herts. Children welcome for details. R O O M T O LET at Vegfam H Q N/S vegan. SAE to: 'The Sanctuary', Nr Lydford, Okehampton EX20 4AL. A C C O M M O D A T I O N offered for rent (or possibly in exchange for help) on vegetarian organic small holding on beautiful hill top in Mid Wales. Telephone 01686 688748. Email:

male seeks room in

ANIMAL CARE VEGAN CATS! Animal-free supplement for home-made recipes. In use since 1986. SAE: Vegecat, The Vegan Society, Donald Watson House, 7 Battle Road, St Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussex TN37 7AA, UK.


B A R C A F E V E N U E 50-60 King Street Glasgow G1 5 Q T

0141 553 1638

C o m e a long to T h e 13th N o t e and exper ience o u r del icious h o m e - c o o k i n g . T h e r e is a 10% d iscount o n food bill f o r

all Vegan Society m e m b e r s . T h e 13th N o t e cafe is comple te ly

an imal /da i ry f ree and is t h e r e f o r e sui table for b o t h vegans and vegetar ians .

Opening hrs: N o o n - 1 1 . 4 5 p m Food served noon-10pm

VEGan restaurant

H O T B U F F E T E 5

veg 244 west hendon broadway nw9 0208203 6925

22 golders green road nw11 10 greek street soho

Wts&tx {Me* VEGAN

R E S T A U R A N T 20 Ashley Rd, Boscombe,

Bournemouth, Dorset Tel 01202-309867

www.geocit ies .com/vegan_restaurant

I a . Welcc Blcome!

Come and taste! Come and see! Vegan Restaurant

& N a t u r a l Food Shop Fantastic! Healthy dining and shopping all under one roof!

Lunchtime Buffet - Evening a la Carte

3-4 Warwick Street, London W 1 B 5LS Phone: 020 74342922 Fax: 020 7434 2838

Web Site:

FOOD T E M P E H KITS - Its so easy and cheap to make the PERFECT protein food for vegans at home. Kits comprise enough starter for 10.5kg finished tempeh PLUS a colour instruction/recipe book - £\5.00. Call Polly at P H Y T O F O O D S -01547510242.

Seatue'd for all your dietary require-ments - vegetarian, vegan, macrobiotic, organic, gluten/wheat/sugar/ additive/GM free. 10% discount for members. 77b, High Street, Fareham, Hants, P 0 1 6 7AW Tel: 01329 822916

Reade r s a r e asked t o no t e tha t adve r t i s e r s in The Vegan m a y a lso of fer non-vegan p roduc t s a n d serv ices .

HOLIDAY ACCOMMODATION D E V O N (Lydford). S/C for N/S visitors at VEGFAM's H Q . SAE to: 'The Sanctuary', Nr Lydford, Okehampton EX20 4AL. Tel/Fax: 01822 820203. E N V I R O N M E N T F R I E N D L Y B&B and R E T R E A T S Magical Victorian country house, natural carpets and paints, vegan organic meals, overlooking stunning coastal conservation area. Easy for public transport. South West Wales. 01267 241999 N O R T H Y O R K S H I R E Comfortable, homely, exclusively vegetarian/vegan B&B from £16 p.p. at Prospect Cottage situated in Ingleton village. Wonderful walking country. Tel: 015242 41328. ST IVES Cornwall. Vegan guest house. Close to beaches and picturesque harbour. En-suite rooms. Self-catering apartment also available. St Judes, St Ives Road, Carbis Bay, St Ives, Cornwall T R 2 6 2SF. Tel: 01736 795255. W H I T B Y B&B. Vegan/Vegetarian. Organic bread, etc. Quiet location, seven minutes walk from centre and harbour. Lounge and sunny breakfast room. Parking near house. Tea-making facilities. £18 (plus child reductions). Tel: 01947 603507. Y O R K Homely veg/vegan B&B in attractive village near York and Hambleton Hills. Garden and parking. Mosdy organic. Children and pets welcome. Tel: Scilla 01347810205.


f O ^ ^ s " Organic Vegan ) \ Guest House U J ^ St. Ives, Cornwa l l

Beautiful eco-renovated Victorian House, Overlooks harbour & beaches. Close to Tate.

Special diets welcome. Yoga breaks, seal & dolphin tours. Best Vegan Guest House 2000.

For a brochure, call Simon: 01736 793 895 w w w . m a k i n g - w a v e s . c o . u k

FUNERAL SERVICES GREEN/DIY FUNERALS Eco-friendly inexpensive coffins, memorial tree-planting. Please send £ \ in unused stamps with A5 size 33p SAE to Box 328.

HEALTH I N D E P E N D E N T MIDWIFE, available for individualised. Holistic, one to one care throughout your pregnancy. Surrey Indepen-dent midwives covering Southern Counties. For information. Andrya Prescott (RM), Tel:

T H E VEGETARIAN CYCLING & ATHLETIC CLUB established 1888, includes vegans and members of all abilities. Affiliated to sports governing bodies including the triathlon. Club Kit to help spread our

or visit VEGAN B O D Y BUILDING is possible. Muscles without meat. Prove a point. Free membership help/advice & contacts. Please send SAE to VVBB, 17 Inglewood Road, Rainford, St Helens, Lanes WA11 7QL. R A W F O O D HEALING R E T R E A T , Devon. Supervised fasting, nutritional consul-tations, iridology, emotional healing, books, etc. Contact Dr Gina Shaw

/ / " * j Quiet Country Hotel ^J\{/GG(MM overlooking beautiful

tidal estuary and bird sanctuary. Britain's oldest vege-

tarian/vegan hotel stands in its oum grounds close to beaches and unspoilt coastal walks. 'Woodcote', The Saltings, Lelant, St lues, Cornwall Tel. 01736 753147

garlands tjuestJ-louse Stives Cornwall

Tin joy ourVeganA'egetarian "sunshine" breakfast and relax in our cozy Victorian Cfuest .'House. Minutes walk

Jrom town, beaches and coastal walks. 'Treeparking, non-smoking, families welcome.

'Ring SSfatrya + 'Valid 01736 79 faq?-


Exclusively Vegetarian and Vegan Bed & Breakfast

A warm welcome awaits you in our family-run B&B. 3 rooms with showers

and wash-basins. Delicious home cooking. Outstanding breakfasts and optional evening meals. Close to village and beaches. Spectacular coastal walks.

Peaceful. Non-smoking. Open all year. Lanherne

Meaver Road, Mull ion, Helston, Cornwal l T R 1 2 7DN

Tel 01326 241381


T H E C R O F T , Coverack, Cornwall TR12 6TF www .com wall-online

Offers magnificent sea views from all rooms. Terraced garden bordered by S.W.

Coastal Footpath, stream and cliff edge. Sandy Beach. Exclusively vegan/vegetarian &

non-smoking. Home cooking, including the bread! Twin en-suite accommodation. Lift.

OS ref: SW 783187 For brochure telephone/fax



Sedgwick, Kendal. Cumbria, LA8 0JP 2 Rooms . 4 miles south of Kendal . South Lakes .

Strictly n o smoking . Chi ldren very w e l c o m e . G o o d local walks & marve l lous vegan f o o d !


SELF-CATERING (Sleeps 4 plus baby)

Fax/Tel:- Sylvia or Chris on 015395 61241


CUMBRIA LA 22 0LB Vegetarian/vegan B&B. delightful country house

accommodation. Situated in Beatrix Potter's picturesque village with its olde worldc inn, 2 miles

from Hawkshead, Lake Windemere (car ferry) 2 miles. Dclicious breakfast, lovely bedrooms.

Superb lake/country views. For brochure tel. Sylvia and Richard Siddall.

015394 36356. O r visit our web-site:


No.3 Vegan B A B Lovely Victorian House in the Historic Market Town of

Chesterf ield on the edge of the Peak District. Totally organic, log f ire, homemade breads. Delicious,

plentiful breakfasts, packed lunches and evening meals. 100% vegan.

Wonderful rooms, en-suite available, drinks, home baked cookies and fresh f ru i t provided.

Friendly Happy Atmosphere. Non Smoking. Telephone: 01246 203727 fo r brochure



Fern Tor V e g e t a r i a n & Vegan

G u e s t H o u s e Relax in our 12 acres, or explore

Exmoor, Nor th A Mid-Devon En-suite, non-smokmg rooms.

Children & pets welcome. Cordon Ver t host.

Te l /Fax 01769 550339

35 The V e g a n , W i n t e r 2 0 0 1

Page 36: The Vegan Winter 2001

DEVON continued


Comfortable Edward i an guest house w i th spectacular v iews across For lock Bay and set in

t h e hear t o f E x m o o r ' s wi ld hea ther m o o r l a n d . Delirious t radit ional vegetarian and

vegan cuis ine . F ine wines . Log fires. Candle - l i t d inner s . L u x u r i o u s b e d r o o m s , all en-su i te .

E T B 2 c r o w n s High ly c o m m e n d e d A A 3 Q R e c o m m e n d e d

2 day b reak N o v - F e b incl " £49 p p / D B & B Christine Fitzgerald, Seapoint, Upway,

Porlock, Somerset TA24 8QE

Tel: 01643 862289



100 % Vegan Most ly Organ ic . N o smoking .

W i n n e r o f t h e Innovat ion Award . H igh ly c o m m e n d e d . Paradise for vegans.

3 9 W o o d f i e l d R o a d , B l a c k p o o l F Y 1 6 A X .

Tel 01253 346143




(All rooms en-suite)

Non smoking (Dinner available on request)

5 minutes walk to sandy beaches & town

John & Mary Anderson Tel (01983) 862507 or Fax 862326


The, OLiSckooL House West Ckiituujton-West Sussex.

Ma^uaI self-catering kcluUysfor tun> in,pic-turestju*, vilLuje* ideal for exploring Sussex. Run,

by vegans. htilf> uritbfvociprovided. phone-for brochure-.

01798 812S74


T H E B Y R E V E G E T A R I A N B & B ,

H A R B O T T L E C e n t r a l N o r t h u m b e r l a n d , b e a u t i f u l w a l k s . C h e v i o t s .

B & B f r o m £ 1 8 .

E T C 4 d i a m o n d s E M / 1 0

T e l : 0 1 6 6 9 6 5 0 4 7 6


14 Hartington Gardens. Edinburgh EH 10 4LD

Winner of The Vegetarian Society's Best Guest-house Award 2001. Situated in the heart of this beautiful and historic city, ' / j t f f w i 20 minutes walk to the City Centre. + We offer an extensive vegetarian/ — • — • vegan menu (special diets on request). Refreshments in all rooms and en-suite facilities available. Non-smoking.

Contact Hugh Wilson and Suzanne Allen on:

Telephone: 0131 622 7634

C0MET0CRUACHAN Vegan/vegetarian non-smoking bed and breakfast - Minard, mid Argyll, Cordon Vert evening meals. Good walking base, lochs and hills, standing stones and other places of interest.

Special cookery breaks available throughout the year including 'Vegan Versatility',

Indian, Italian, and herb weekends

Tel: 01546 886378


Fraser Cottage B & B B a n g o r - o n - D e e

N o r t h W a l e s Borderlands

V e g a n , O r g a n i c f o o d e n - s u i t e s h o w e r r o o m s , n o n - s m o k i n g , d o g s w e l c o m e . ' N A %

Tel/Fax: 01978 781068

www.f raserco t tage .com




The Old Post Office ^ j r f K ^ IJanigon, Hay-on-Wye j s k j j t * '

Exclusively vegetarian/vegan En-suite £25 p.p. standard £ 17 p.p. Recommended by Which? Hotel and B&B Hay-on-wye 2 miles Black Mountains 1 mile Brecon Beacons 12 miles Tel: 01497 820008

HOLIDAYS ABROAD A N D A L U C I A C A S A Monchi to ' Mounta in village cottage to rent. Rustic with mod cons. Beautiful area, Forests, rivers, views south to the Med and Nor th Africa beyond; easy drive up the mountain f rom either Gibraltar or Malaga. Also, limited number of spaces available for all-inclusive guided tour of the local area in vegetarian/vegan Hotel 'Monchito'. River swimming and spa bathing in the natural R o m a n bath order of the day.

F R E N C H P Y R E N E E S : Vegan N/S B&B in old stone farmhouse with converted bam run by English organic vegetable growers. T w o double rooms with private bath, one wi thout . Prices from 660 FF (£69) per person/per week. Ideal area for walking, cycling, bird watching, relaxing. Contact : Sue or Trevor, Le Guerrat, 09420, R i m o n t ,

site: h ttp:/vegan .port 5. com/Jlashuegangite. html K E R A L A , S O U T H I N D I A A vegan's paradise. Tours, accommodat ion including self-catering. Brochure: Tel: 01892 122440, Voice Mail/Fax: 01892

Website: uk S P A I N . Sunny Almeria house sleeps six. Pool. Holiday lets. Views, Birds, Walks, Beach 25 minutes. Car essential. English owners. 0034 950 469304.

MISCELLANEOUS F R E E SAMPLES! Make-up not tested on animals. N o animal ingredients. ( No Beeswax etc.) SAE. VEGSAMPLES, Roundlodge, Belsteade Road, Ipswich 1P2 9EH

FURNITURE S O F A S & C H A I R S Manufactured from reclaimed timber. Affordable! Send name and address for details: 98A Milton St., Southend, Essex. SS2 5BU

COURSES L E A R N about healthy vegan nutri t ion! Nutrit ional Science correspondence course. Contact DrGina Shaw, MA at True Health, /pageone.html.


C&NTaCT CE'NT'R'E CONTACT CENTRE is a caring, low-fees friendship agency catering exclusively for vege-tarians and vegans both in Britain and abroad for any purposes. CONTACT CENTRE enables you to choose your fiiend(s) from detailed profiles, while you can write an advertisement yourself without dis-dosing your name and address. CONTACT CENTRE provides you with a ser-vice attuned to your personal wishes, so much so that you don't even have to complete a form. As we cannot tell all in this advertisement, please write for membership details from

c o n t a c t cewth'E (MV)

BCM Cuddle, London WC1N 3XX stating your gender and enclosing an SAE.


CALLING AUTHORS & ARTISTS The Editor invites authors, artists

and cartoonists to submit material for possible publication in

The Vegan. Fees negotiable. W r i t e to: The Editor, The Vegan,

Donald W a t s o n House, 7 Batt le Road, St Leonards-on-sea,

East Sussex TN37 7AA, UK To ensure return of your wo rk

please enclose an SAE

SPIRITUAL V E G A N I S M - The Ult imate Belief -

- 0 -Spintual Vegans,

Kent House , Kent Place, Lechlade, Glos. GL7 3 A W

W h e n replying to an advertisement please ment ion that you saw it in THE


cious age. Vegans will particularly appreciate the

varied and imaginative cuisine using organic and farm-fresh local produce.

Tel : 0 1 2 7 3 - 6 0 1 2 0 3 F 3

fectly preserved Paskins evokes memories ot a

in the heart of one of

Town Come and enjoy warm

flair and style of Tranquilly situated

34 T h e V e g a n . W i n t e r 2 0 0 1 34


Page 37: The Vegan Winter 2001

EVENTS O N A VEGAN DIET, but still don't feci you have achieved O P T I M U M HEALTH? Come and meet Loren Lockman and hear his simple but effective solutions. European Tour 2002 with semi-nars and lectures in England mid-late February. Call Victoria on 01892 533648 for further details.

PUBLICATIONS AHIMSA. Quarterly magazine of the American Vegan Society. Veganism. Natural Living, Reverence for Life. Calendar Year subscription £.12. Address: PO Box 369, Malaga, NJ08328, USA. (856)6942887 M I D N I G H T M O U N T A I N : A collection of poems from outer space and other places, byjared Golombic. Signed copies jC4.50. Cheques payable to R. Wakeham, St Paul, F-81140, Penne.

The new and completely updated Vegetar ian Visitor 2002

will be published in early December, and is clearly coded

for Vegans. The price of this attractive

paperback is again only £2.50 Order your copy now (post free)

from Jon Carpenter Publishing (TV), 2 Home Farm Cottages,

Sandy Lane, St Paul's Cray, Kent BR5 3HZ.

Credit cards: 01689 870437

PAYMENT Pre-payment please by cheque or postal order made payable to 'The Vegan Society', or by credit/debit card. Eire and overseas: Payment must be by stating cheque drawn on an British bank, by sterling International Money Order, or by credit card. PUBLICATION DATES March, June, September, December C O N D I T I O N S O F A C C E P T A N C E Advertisements are accepted subject to their satisfying the condition that the products advertised are entirely free from ingredients derived from animals; that neither products nor ingredients have been tested on animals; and that the content of such ads does not promote, or appear to promote, the use of non-vegan commodities. Books, records, tapes etc. mentioned in advertisements should not contain any material contrary to vegan principles. Advertisements may be accepted from catering establishments that are not run on exclusively vegan lines, provided that vegan meals are available and that the wording of such ads reflects this. The submission of an advertisement is deemed to warrant that the advertisement does not contravene any Act of Parliament, nor is it in any other way illegal or defamatory or an infringement of any other party's rights or an infringement of the British Code of Advertising Practice. The Vegan Society reserves the right to refuse or withdraw any advertisement. Although every care is taken, the Vegan Society cannot accept liability for any loss or inconvenience incurred as a result of errors in the wording, or the late or non-appearance of an advertisement.


RATES AND CONDITIONS All prices inclusive of V A T Loyalty discount (repeat advertising): 10% Series prepayment discount (4 issues): 20% Box No: (per insertion) >62.40 extra Lineage Commercial: £7.92 for 20 words (minimum) Additional words: 47p each Non-commercial: £5.41 for 20 words (minimum) Additional words: 29p each Copy of Vegan in which ad appears: £1 .95 Semi-display (boxed) Commercial: £8.50 per single column centimetre Non-commercial: £5.80 per single column centimetre Typesetting: £5.00 Graphic scanning: £5.00 Spot colour (green): £5.00 Display (non-classified boxed) & Inserts Please ring for a rate card.

BOX NUMBERS When replying to a box number address

your envelope as follows: Box No. , 77ic Vegan Society, Donald Watson House;

7 Battle Road, St Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussex TN37 7AA.


Articles and Advertisements

to be submitted by


for the Spring Issue of

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CLASSIFIED ORDER FORM (LINEAGE) Please insert this ad in the next issue/s of The Vegan under the heading

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35 The Vegan , W i n t e r 2001

Page 38: The Vegan Winter 2001

FRASER COTTA This article is a great opportu-nity to introduce ourselves and thank all our mystery guests who voted for Fraser Cottage vegan, organic B&B in the Vegetarian Society 2001 Awards. It was a very pleasant surprise!

Fraser Cottage has been open for two years and is run by Winny (from Antwerp) and Helen -both dedicated vegans. It took us two years work before we could open our door in July 1999 to our first guest. . . . a vegan one!

This was a very fortunate start, w e think!

Bangor-on-Dee (or Bangor Isy-coed in Welsh) is a rural village situated in the North Wales Bor-derlands halfway between

Chester and Shrewsbury and five miles from Wrexham.

Buses run between Bangor-on-Dee and Wrexham. There is also a railway station at Wrexham and, if necessary, we are willing to collect you there.

Our B&B is a private house in the High Street. You can park your car in our driveway which is directly opposite the Post Office. W e have three bedrooms with en-suite shower rooms. TV, video, clock radio, tea and coffee are provided. Our house is carpet free and non smoking. We do welcome dogs.

Have you noticed the "Thankyou for taking your shoes o f f ' sign in the porch? This is Winny ' s latest invention

to keep the rooms twice as tidy. And, guess what, it works!

All guests are treated as individ-uals. We are a small business and prefer to keep a low profile.

Our main aim is to give our vegan guests "that worry-free feeling" about the food which is exclusively vegan. Our non vegan guests will, hopefully, gain a positive introduction to our lifestyle. We want fun in our

kitchen - not too much boring beans. We certainly bring in some variation by serving you a different breakfast every day.

And for the future? We will try to keep on doing our very best. That 's a promise.

Winny and Helen


0 0





i M V O S A OD






The V e g a n , W i n t e r 2001 36


Page 39: The Vegan Winter 2001

.-»•'' compromise on comfort ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ - try a pair of Freerangers

f — ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ and discover how wonderful J animal free can be. Every pair is

hand made from Lorica - a revolutionary synthetic material that 's breathable, durable and supremely comfortable to wear. You'll be refreshed to know that Freerangers o f fer style,

^^comfort and individuality unmatched by other vegan shoes. Shown above left Maple, right Holly -just two of our footwear styles. Send for our latest FREE colour catalogue for the whole family

and see for yourself the range we have created for your lifestyle.

Kind to Animals. Kind to your feet. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ sAiee toot'..,

Call us for your Free brochure 01661 831 781 / j f / f ^ J K / g ^ e-mail: [email protected]

Or visit our web site: f- i products reg s*ered by the

v'eaan Society

Page 40: The Vegan Winter 2001

A selection from the Dr Hadwen Dr Hodwen Trust J J Trust's VEGAN and CRUELTY-FREE Humanity in Research K l i

luxury confectionery range. bout the

1. Classic Gold 2. Hadwen Magic Selection 3. Rose and Lemon Turkish Delight 4 Vanilla Fudge 5 Coffee Creme Dream 6 Animal-free Christmas Pudding

£5.95 £14.79 £2.99 £2.99 £3.85 £3.49



Donation for Postage I would like to make a donation to the Dr Hadwen Trust's non-animal research

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Thank you for your support.

Order now on 01462 436819 or send the coupon below to: Dr Hadwen Trust, FREEPOST SG335, Hitchin, SG5 2BR

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[ ] Please send me information about the Dr Hadwen Trust. I enclose a cheque/PO made out to "Dr Hadwen Trust" for [ j I would like to order: Qty. Total £ Total

Dr Hadwen Trust...

The Dr Hadwen Trust works to find alternatives to animal experiments.

In Britain alone over 2Mz million animals are used in experiments every year. These include cats, dogs, rabbits, monkeys and mice.

In contrast our research into cancer, diabetes, heart disease, dementia and other illnesses doesn't cause a single animal to suffer. By finding superior, non-animal alternatives we can save animals from experiments.

By making a purchase or simply sending a donation, your support

5. Coffee creme dream (120g) Dark, vegan chocolate cradles the smooth taste of coffee; waiting for you to bite your way in! £3.85.

6. Animal-free Christmas pudding (375g) Sultanas, currents, raisins, candied orange and lemon peei, spices... and if that's not scrummy enough, it's vegan and absolutely delicious. Tastes great with vegan custard too! Microwavable. Only £3.49.

1. C lass ic Gold (225g) The very best in vegan chocolates make up our irresistible Classic Gold selection. Top-of-the-range favourites include orange marrakesh, pecan parfait and raspberry creme, all gift boxed in Dr Hadwen Trust inscription gold ballotins. Handmade to perfection. £5.95.

3. Rose and lemon Turkish delight (300g) This traditional delicacy uses natural rose and lemon oil extracts to bring alive the taste of the Turkish Delight. Full of vegan promise. £2.99.

2. Hadwen Magic Selection (1 lb) The ultimate indulgence. Luxurious dark chocolate envelopes the most sumptuous centres imaginable to create this vegan showcase selection. Beautifully presented in our handmade, gold-foil Dr Hadwen gift boxes. £14.79.

4.Vanilla fudge (150g) A first class fudge that's creamy, sweet and a match for dairy cream fudge any day! A put-your-feet-up-and-relax treat. Go on... you know you want to! Gift boxed. Vegan. £2.99.

Dr Hadwen Trust Trading Ltd (company number 3273710, V A T registration number 700484760) is wholly owned by the Dr Hadwen Trust for Humane Research (registered charity 261096), and trades only to raise funds for its parent charity's objectives.