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The Value of an MIT Executive MBA

Submitted by aCandidate to the MIT EMBA Class of


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Current StateOUR Company• Growing rapidly - $1B goal

• Active acquisition strategy

• International success (25% YoY annual growth)

• Industry specialization pressures products and services

• H&F deadline looming – focus on valuation

Personal• Current role is good fit – using quant skills to sell

• FY 2012 attainment 135%, through 3 quarters

• Broad functional experience

• Admitted to MIT EMBA program, class of 2014• Selectivity 110 candidates accepted from pool of 1,600

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Cost of Program• $141K over 3 fiscal years

• Current OUR Company tuition reimbursement program • $4K per year

• $10K from Line Department budget per year

• Request for corporate sponsorship

2012 2013 2014

$32,000 $55,000 $30,000

2012 2013 2014

$18,000 $41,000 $16,000

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Proposal: OUR Company SponsorshipIn Exchange For:

Program Benefits• Enrollment in program will actively improve ability to do current job

• Organizational Lab – consulting engagement for OUR Company

• Global Organizational Lab - engagement with OUR Company customer

• CEO speaking engagement – executive networking

• Partnership opportunity – thought leadership

Program Output• Formally trained General Manager

• Commitment of 2 years after graduation

• Seed of future OUR Company leadership development program

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Organizational Lab :: O-Lab

Details• Each student conducts a consulting engagement with

his/her own company

• Opportunity to use the coursework so far – particularly System Dynamics and Operations Management – to improve a process in the student’s own organization

• Project spans an entire semester

Benefits• Built-in consulting engagement for OUR Company

• Focus on change management

• Resources of Sloan School available to team

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Global Organizational Lab :: GO-Lab

Details• RFPs sent to candidate inter- or multi-national companies

• Students work as part of a small EMBA-only team with an international company to help them solve a global integration issue. This includes one week at multiple company sites worldwide for field research and immersion in the company’s challenges.

Benefits• OUR Company could nominate customers to host GO-Lab


• A way to provide additional value to strategic, global accounts

• Provide guidance on a topic we would not have been able to before, e.g. international growth strategy

• Could parlay in to PR opportunity

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CEO Speakers

Details• Executives of student companies are invited to speak to a


Benefits• XYZ Company is perfectly suited for this

• Great story to tell

• Evolution over years, technology, regional star

• Interesting audience

• Executive networking

• C-level Market awareness / lead generation

• All industries represented in cohort

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Details• World-class university

• Perennial Globe Top 50 Company

Benefits• Two Boston-area stars joining forces

• Thought-leadership

• Big Data

• Marshall Fisher and Zeynap Ton in Retail

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MIT: A World Class Institution

Economic Power MIT has launched over 25,000 new firms, who created 3.3

million jobs and currently produce $2 trillion in annual revenues. This translates into a revenue engine equivalent to the 11th largest nation, between Brazil and Russia.

Research MIT is the leading research university in the USA, and routinely

leads all universities in patents granted. Each year more than $800 million in sponsored research is

conducted at MIT.

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Cohort Demographics – Program Peers

High-LevelEvery Industry


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Corporate Sponsorship – Benefits

Corporates sponsors who send high-potential mid-career executives begin to realize benefits immediately BECAUSE the student is working and attending MIT EMBA classes. You will benefit through:

▪ Access to MIT’s cutting-edge expertise and research in global leadership, innovation and strategic development several years before it becomes mainstream▪ The networking and cross-industry cohort learning that is a key element of the EMBA▪ Increased efficiency and productivity as the student brings and applies new learning and broader perspective back on the job▪ Accelerated development for high potential employees

▪ Building executive bench strength and organizational commitment

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Corporate Sponsorship – Candidates

Invest in your Stars and High Potentials who:

• Are taking on increasing amounts of responsibility• Need to develop new knowledge and tools• Will benefit from broadening their perspective to

include Corporate Strategy and/or Operations • You want to retain and grow• Are too valuable to leave for a full-time program

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Tuition Schedule: Class of 2014

Sample MIT EMBA Tuition Payment Schedule (Class of 2014)*

Tuition Term Date Due Amount

Deposit: No later than August 6, 2012 $10,000

Fall 2012 October 1, 2012 $22,000

Spring 2013 January 1, 2013 $38,500

Summer 2013 July 1, 2013 $16,500

Fall 2013 August 1, 2013 $24,000

Spring 2014 January 1, 2014 $30,000

Total Tuition $141,000

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OUR Company Tuition Reimbursement

Actual Program Participation – Past 5 Years



Total Participant

CountTotal Tuition


2007 3.5% 113 $565 K

2008 3.2% 106 $530 K

2009 3.1% 94 $470 K

2010 2.7% 84 $420 K

2011 2.5% 81 $405 K



