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  • 7/26/2019 The Use of Jigsaw Technique in Improving the Students






    2012/2013donggomataram/ October 1, 2013




  • 7/26/2019 The Use of Jigsaw Technique in Improving the Students


    This study attempts to fnd out whether or not signifcant the use o jigsaw

    technique in improing the students! spea"ing abi#ity and what are the

    students! response toward jigsaw technique in teaching spea"ing$ This study

    was true e%perimenta# research$ &o there were two groups o samp#e, they

    were e%perimenta# and contro# groups$ The popu#ation o this study was '(1

    students$ The researcher too" (2 students as the samp#e by using c#uster

    samp#ing technique$ )s the research instruments which was dee#oped to

    co##ect data, the researcher used ora##y test$ The orm o the ora# test or

    spea"ing test emp#oyed is conersation$$ *n order to get data, the writer

    administrated the way o co##ecting data were, frst, the writer presented pre+

    test second, the writer gae treatment fna##y, the writer gae post+test$ Theresearcher presented the criteria o scores were accuracy, -uency and

    comprehensibi#ity$ )ter co##ecting and ca#cu#ating the data, the researcher

    ound that the mean score o pre+test and post+test or e%periment group

    were 3, 2. and $, whi#e or contro# group were 2, and 3,2$ )nd in

    testing the hypothesis, the researcher used t+test ormu#a$ The researcher

    ound that t+test was 3,0. and t+tab#e in signifcant ran" 0$0' '4 was

    1,(.$ *t proed that t+test was higher than t+tab#e 3,0.51,(.4$ &o the

    a#ternatie hypothesis was accepted$ *t indicated that the use o jigsawtechnique improed students! spea"ing abi#ity at the tenth grade students o

    &6)7 6ataram in academic year 2013/201$ *n addition, the researcher

    used questioners to "now the students! response$ &o, the researcher ound,

    the students! response toward 8igsaw technique had 2,., positie

    response and 1,0. , negatie response$ &o that, based on the criteria was

    more than ha# students 2,.4 had positie response toward jigsaw


    9ey words:Jigsaw Technique, Speaking Ability


  • 7/26/2019 The Use of Jigsaw Technique in Improving the Students



    )))))) *


    APPROVA!))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) **


    STATEMENT)))))))))))))))))))))))))))+ ***


    )))))+ *,


    )))) ,


    )) ,*

    TA!E OFCONTENTS)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))+ ,**


    )))) *-


    1$1$ ;ac"ground o the

  • 7/26/2019 The Use of Jigsaw Technique in Improving the Students


    1$'$ >ypothesis o the study=======================$ (

    1$($ &cope o the &tudy=========================$$

    1$$ ?efnition o 9ey Terms=======================


    2$1$&pea"ing )bi#ity=========================== .

    2$1$1 The ?efnition o &pea"ing )bi#ity============= 10

    2$1$2 The *mportant o &pea"ing )bi#ity=============$ 10

    2$1$3The )spect o &pea"ing )bi#ity===============$ 11

    2$1$ @unction o &pea"ing )bi#ity================$ 1

    2$1$' 9inds o Ora# Aomunication================$$ 1'

    2$2$ 8igsaw Technique=========================$$ 1

    2$2$1 ?efnition o 8igsaw ====================$$ 1

    2$2$2 &tep o 8igsaw Technique in the A#assroom========= 21

    2$2$3 )dantages and ?isadantages o 8igsaw Technique===$$ 22

    2$2$3 Be#ated &tudy======================== 23


    3$1 6ethod o the &tudy======================== 2

    3$1$1Besearch ?esign=======================$ 2

  • 7/26/2019 The Use of Jigsaw Technique in Improving the Students



  • 7/26/2019 The Use of Jigsaw Technique in Improving the Students


    ))) '$1


    === '$2








    &+& a./gro0nd o1 t23 St0d4

    The era o techno#ogy nowadays has orced eeryone be ab#e to spea"

    Cng#ish$ *t has become a compu#sory subject in orma# education in our

    country starting rom C#ementary &choo# to Ao##ege #ee#$ &ince *ndonesian

  • 7/26/2019 The Use of Jigsaw Technique in Improving the Students


    aces o ree mar"et, communication in Cng#ish #anguage is the essentia#

    needed by us$ 6oreoer, it is an internationa# #anguage$ Thereore, the

    mastery o spea"ing s"i##s in Cng#ish is a priority or many second+#anguage

    or oreign+#anguage #earners$ Aonsequent#y, #earners oten ea#uate their

    success in #anguage #earning as we## as the eDectieness o their Cng#ish

    course on the basis o how much they ee# they hae improed in their

    spo"en #anguage profciency Bichard 200:1.4$

    &pea"ing is one o our #anguage s"i##s$ Ehi#e, Bichards et$ a#,$ 20024 says

    that spea"ing is one o the e#ements o communication$ Ehere

    communication is the output moda#ity and #earning is the input moda#ity o

    #anguage acquisition$*n other hand, it is a means o ora# communication in

    e%pressing ideas, inormation and ee#ing to the others&a#mawati,2004$>ence, this rea#ity ma"es teachers thin" that spea"ing

    abi#ity shou#d be mastered by their students,in order they can coney ideas,

    opinions and inormation we##$The use o jigsaw technique in improing

    students! spea"ing abi#ity is important to inestigate,which canaDord to

    c#ariy and to identiy the ways improe o spea"ing instruction$

    )ronson 20124 says that the jigsaw c#assroom is a cooperatie #earning

    technique with a three+decade trac" record o successu##y reducing racia#

    con-ict and increasing positie educationa# outcomes$ The basic premise ojigsaw is diide prob#em into sections, on or each group member$ Cach

    student receies resources to comp#ete on#y his/her part$ The students who

    are responsib#e or the same section join together and orm a new,

    temporary ocus group whose purpose is or the students to master the

    concepts in their section, and dee#op a strategy or teaching what they

    hae #earned to the other students in their origina# co##aboratie #eaning

    group$ *t proides a #earning community in c#ass room in which the students

    wi## respect to others capabi#ity )ronson in ?heni, 2010: '4$

    ;esides, most o the time, the students tend to be more comortab#e and

    secured wor"ing in groups rather than indiidua##y$ They wi## #earn and spea"

    more i they are put in group wor"s, moreoer they wi## try to contribute their

    best or the success o their group perormances because they "now rom

  • 7/26/2019 The Use of Jigsaw Technique in Improving the Students


    the beginning a#though they wor" in groups, but they wi## be assessed

    indiidua##y >ersu#astuti, 20104$

    The study ojigsaw technique in spea"ing c#ass has been conducted by some

    researchers as o##ows )ronson et$ a#$, 1.4 in Te%as Fniersity, &u#aeman

    20104 in *ndonesia, >ersu#astuti 20104 in *ndonesia, ?yah Eu#andari

    200.4in *ndonesia, and &ri Bahayu 20124 *n Indon35*a+ T234 1o.05 on

    t23 6a45 to 3n2an.3 5t0d3nt5 573a/*ng a8*9*t4+ a53d on t23*r

    r353ar.2: 573a/*ng *n5tr0.t*on 0535 J*g5a6 t3.2n*;03

    *m7ro,355t0d3nt5 573a/*ng a8*9*t4+ T234 1o0nd t2at ersu#astuti>20104$*n his

    research fndings thatthe atmosphere o #earning was much better because

    the students ound another interesting way in spea"ing c#ass$ Theyparticipated actie#y into the #earning, since eeryone had to e%change the

    inormation in e%pert groups and then present it in their home team, made

    them more productie, and created better interactions among the members,

    a#though some mista"es occurred Hhere and there!, but they e#t e%cited as

    we##, they a#so he#ped each other when they ound any diGcu#ties in their

  • 7/26/2019 The Use of Jigsaw Technique in Improving the Students


    presentation$ )## those positie things are in #ine with the princip#e o what

    ma"es spea"ing c#ass successu#$

    Ehi#e, &ri Bahayu 20124 conducted research regarding Improving Stuents!

    Speaking Competence "sing Jigsaw$ &he ound the use o jigsaw improed

    the students! Cng#ish spea"ing competence and the students! motiation in

    the #earning$ *t cou#d be seen rom the students! motiation and interest

    increased$ Their main obstac#es as #i"e shy nerous, araid to ma"e mista"es,

    and een inerior signifcant#y decreased$ ;esides, rom the co##ected data,

    the students had better progress rom cyc#e one to ne%t cyc#e$

    *n the preious study aboe, there are a ew researchesinc#uding the use o

    jigsaw in improing students! spea"ing abi#ity$ The teachers! perormanceshows their abi#ity or prob#em in spea"ing instruction$This study is better to

    "now c#ear#y about the way in conducting the research$ On the other hand,

    the writer needs to increase "now#edge about it,in order to fnd out a portrait

    the use o jigsaw technique in improing students! spea"ing abi#ity$

    ;ased on the e%p#aination, the writer is interested to fnd out wheather or not

    signifcant the use o jigsaw technique in improing students! spea"ing

    abi#ity$ ;esides, it is e%pected to contribute and to gie an objectie portrait

    in so#ing prob#em in teaching spea"ing$

    &+$ Stat3m3nt o1 t23 Pro893m

    ;ased on discussion in the bac"ground o the study aboe, the writer

    ormu#ates o the research prob#em as o##ows:

    14 ?oes the use o 8igsaw techniqueimproe students! spea"ing abi#ity at

    the tenth grade o &6)7 6ataramI

    24 Ehat are the students! responses in using 8igsaw technique in teaching


    &+( P0r7o53 o1 t23 St0d4

  • 7/26/2019 The Use of Jigsaw Technique in Improving the Students


    This study is aimed as o##ows:

    14 To fnd out whether or not signifcant the use o 8igsaw technique in

    improing the &tudents! spea"ing abi#ity$

    24 To fnd out the students! responses toward jigsaw technique in teaching


    &+@ S*gn*.an.3 o1 t23 St0d4

    The resu#t o the study is e%pected to be used theoretica##y and


    14 Theoretica##y

    1$ The resu#t o this study is e%pected to be ab#e to widen the s"i## o

    teachers in using jigsaw technique in order to improe student!s

    spea"ing abi#ity$

    2$ )s a reerence to other researchers who want to study jigsaw

    technique more intensie#y in teaching spea"ing$


  • 7/26/2019 The Use of Jigsaw Technique in Improving the Students


    The hypothesis o this study was prepared as a tentatie answer or

    the research prob#em stated preious#y$ *n this case the a#ternatie

    hypothesis is stated as o##ows:

    J8igsaw Technique improes students! spea"ing abi#ityK

    The a#ternatie hypothesis >a4 needs to be changed into nu## hypothesis

    >o4 as o##ows:

    J8igsaw technique does not improe students spea"ing abi#ityK

    &+ S.o73 o1 t23 St0d4

    The scope o the study is #imited to the subject and object inestigated$

    1$ &ubject

    The subject o this study is the Tenth Lrade &tudents o &6)7 6ataram in

    )cademic Mear 2012/2013$

    1$ Object

    The object o this study is the Fse o 8igsaw Technique in *mproing &tudents!&pea"ing )bi#ity$

    &+# D3n*t*on o1 K34 T3rm5

    The purpose o the c#arifcation o term is to aoid misunderstanding$ The

    terms are, as o##ows:

    1$ 8igsaw technique

    8igsaw is a cooperatie #earning which each member o a group was assigned

    a diDerent part o materia#$ Then, a## the students rom diDerent groups who

    had the same #earning materia# gathered together and ormed an Je%pert

    groupK to discuss and communicate with each other unti# they a## mastered

  • 7/26/2019 The Use of Jigsaw Technique in Improving the Students


    the materia#$ Nater, the students returned bac" to their home group to teach

    the materia# to other members o their group 6engduo and iao#ing, 20104$

    1$ &pea"ing abi#ity

    7unan in Bosita 20114 defnesJspea"ing abi#ity is o spea"er to coney

    inormation, e%press ideas, thought, ee#ing and reaction in appropriate

    structure, speech sounds and patterns, appropriate ocabu#ary according to

    situation and subject matter, and use the #anguage quic"#y and confdent#yK$

    *n this study, spea"ing abi#ity is the abi#ity o students to coney inormation

    on doing Cng#ish spea"ing by using accuracy, -uency and comprehensibi#ity

    in spo"en #anguage$



    $+& S73a/*ng A8*9*t4

    &pea"ing abi#ity is the "ey o human to interact in their #ie$ >ence, it is ery

    needed by human being$ ;esides that, spea"ing is a#so the second s"i## that

    needs to be comprehended by the peop#e chrono#ogica##y in their #ie

    Busniati, 2004$Met, ;rown and Mu#e 1.34 be#iee that many #anguage#earners regard spea"ing s"i##s as the criteria or "nowing a #anguage$ They

    defned -uency as the abi#ity to communicate with others much more than

    the abi#ity to read, write, or comprehend ora# #anguage$ They regarded

    spea"ing as the most important s"i## students acquire$ &tudents assess their

    progress in terms o their accomp#ishments in spo"en communication$

  • 7/26/2019 The Use of Jigsaw Technique in Improving the Students


    6oreoer, spea"ing is used or diDerent purposes to ino#e diDerent sty#es$

    @or instance, someone purposes may be to ma"e socia# conte%t with peop#e,to estab#ish rapport, or to engage in the harm#ess chitchat that occupies

    much o the time we spend with riends$Ehereas, Bichard 2002:2014 adds

    that when we engage in this discussion with someone to

    the other$The purposes may be to see" or e%press opinion, to persuade

    someone about something, or to c#ariy inormation$ *n some situation we use

    spea"ing to gie instruction or to get things down$ Ee use spea"ing to

    describe thing, to comp#ain about peop#e behaior, to ma"e po#ite request or

    to certain peop#e with jo"es and anecdotes$ Cach o this diDerence purposeor spea"ing imp#ies "now#edge o the ru#e that account or how spo"en

    #anguage re-ect the conte%t or situation in which speech occur, the

    participant ino#e and their specifc ru#e and re#ationship and the "ind o

    actiity the spea"er are ino#ed in$

    ;ased on the e%p#aining, the writer can simp#iy thatspea"ing abi#ity is the

    undamenta# media used to coney messages, "now#edge, emotions,

    ee#ings, ideas, and opinions direct#y in socia# interaction$

    $+&+& T23 D3n*t*on o1 S73a/*ng A8*9*t4

    &pea"ing abi#ity consists o two words Jspea"ingK and Jabi#ityK$ ;rown in

    6urad 200.:14 defnes that spea"ing is an interactie process o

    constructing meaning that ino#es producing, receiing and processing

    inormation$Tarigan in Busniati, 2004 says that spea"ing is the capabi#ity to

    articu#ate the e%pression and de#iering thought, opinion and wish$Ehi#e,

    abi#ity is the capabi#ity or a power to do something physica# or menta##y

    ornby, 1..' )dance Lrammar!s

    ?ictionary, 2004$ Thereore, the writer can conc#ude thatspea"ing abi#ity is

    the capabi#ity o someone in an interactie process o constructing meaning

    to coney thoughts, wishes, or ideasand so on$

    $+&+$ T23 Im7ortant O1 S73a/*ng A8*9*t4

  • 7/26/2019 The Use of Jigsaw Technique in Improving the Students


    6urad 200.:1(4 adds that spea"ing s"i##s hae been ound to be a

    undamenta# s"i## necessary or a chi#d success in #ie$ &o that, it is needed by

    #earner in rea# communication to e%press any message and inormation

    7asin in &ahri#, 2012:134$

    This process occurscontinua##y in our #ie, and it cannot be separated in a

    socia# community$ >ence, spea"ing is undamenta# to human

    communicationNawtie in &yam 20104$ Ni"e, when human de#iers a message

    and the other ones is acceptab#ewhat is about, so,this is stated a

    communication$ ;ut, * the communicant does not understand what the

    message is about, so, it is defnite#yoccurred misunderstanding$

    $+&+( T23 A573.t o1 S73a/*ng A8*9*t4

    &pea"ing requires that #earners not on#y "now how to produce specifc

    points o #anguage such as grammar, pronunciation, or ocabu#ary #inguistic

    competence4, but a#so they understand when, why and in what ways to

    produce #anguage socio#inguistic competence4 Aunningham in 6urad,

    200.:1'4$ &o, there are some essentia# aspects o #anguage which must be

    masteredby peop#e$ They are consists o utterance or pronunciation,

    grammar, ocabu#ary, -uency, content and comprehension 7urhadi, 1.>eaton, 1..4$


  • 7/26/2019 The Use of Jigsaw Technique in Improving the Students


    Pocabu#ary cannot separate with the words it can be a message, an

    idea, and etc$ This idea message4 must to coney through spea"ing$

    &pea"ing is an e%pression o words ora##y and c#ear#y$ *n this case, ocabu#ary

    shou#d be mastered a #ot in order that communication is dee#oped$

    Bichard 2002:2'.4 c#arifes that "nowing a minimum o about 3000 words

    was required or eDectie spea"ing$ Thereore, the spea"er wi## be more

    -uent and easi#y in spea"ing process to the other depend on how much were

    they mastered ocabu#ary$

    1$ @#uency

    @#uency is a goa# at this #ee# but on#y within #imited utterance #engths,

    -uency does not hae to app#y on#y to #ong utterance Bohaniyah, 200:104$>armer 2004 mentions thatthere are some eatures o -uency$ @irst, pauses

    may be #ong but not requent$

  • 7/26/2019 The Use of Jigsaw Technique in Improving the Students


    1$ Aontent and 6eaning

    Aontent and meaning are important in spea"ing process$ &o the spea"er

    shou#d p#an or prepare materia# beore e%pressing his/her ideas$ ?ea#ing with

    this statement, Tarigan in &ahri#20124 e%p#ainsthat the content and meaning

    in spea"ing abi#ity can be seen rom mista"e, competence, c#arifcation, and

    simp#icity what the topic is about$*n the other hand, spea"ing abi#ity is

    re-ected requent#y o spea"ing what is used to spea" about$ *n this case,

    comp#eteness o idea, thought or sense either it is ta#"ed simp#e or not$ The

    content o spea"ing must be systematic, #ogica# and attractie$

    $+&+@ F0n.t*on o1 S73a/*ng A8*9*t4

    &pea"ing is a mean o us to e%press thought, wish, and opinion and so on$

    7owadays, the student is hoped be ab#e dee#op their spea"ing abi#ity, inorder that they can share or coney their thought, opinion or others correct#y$

    6oreoer, spea"ing is as one o the #anguage s"i##s that hae ita# unction to

    e%press any messages, ideas, opinions and emotions ora##y Busniati

    200:14$ @raser in Busniati 2004 e#aborates some unctions o spea"ing as


    1$ Bepresentatie unction

    *n this unction, spea"ing has an important ro#e to ma"e statement and tosend inormation about "now#edge$

    1$ ?irectie unction

    *n this iew, spea"ing is used to e%press any suggestions and adices ora##y$

    1$ Ca#uatie unction

    *n this case, spea"ing is used to "now and to ea#uate comprehension

    degrees o spea"ers and #isteners about the substances o spea"ing$

    $+&+B K*nd5 o1 Ora9 Comm0n*.at*on

    ;yrne in Behana 2004 mentions that ora# communication consist fe

    genera# types, they are:

  • 7/26/2019 The Use of Jigsaw Technique in Improving the Students


    1$ *ntrapersona# communication

    Aommunication can be estab#ished between personand more tothe others$ *n

    this case, the person spea"s to himse# asno one to communicate$ *t is

    genera##y happened when someone thin" or communicatejust inhis mind$

    7eerthe#ess, it can a#so be a#oud because someone occasiona##y hears

    spea"ing with himse# with #oud#y oice$ This communication is ca##ed

    mono#ogue, or e%amp#ewhen someone had a diRRy mind in deciding

    whether he had to continue his study or not$ >e tried to communicate to

    himse# or fnding out his potentia# and #ea"$ This was done because he did

    not want to ai# in the way o his study$ Ehen he taught the prob#em oer, he

    did produce a#oud oice, so no one can hear his oice and understand what

    was thought by him$ 7eerthe#ess, someone occasiona##ysay, JEhat wayshou#d * ta"eIThisquestion was actua##y just to him, not to the others$

    1$ *nterpersona# communication

    The common communication is interpersona# communication where

    someone spea"s with someone e#se$ Thus, there are two peop#e ino#ed in

    this communication, spea"er and the hearer$ @orinstance J8ane is going to

    meet ?ar" or discussing, their prob#em concerning this thesisK$ They coney

    their prob#em to each other and try to so#e the prob#em by themse#es, theydo not ino#e to the other ones,but just they themse#es$

    1$ Lroup communication

    Lroup communication is happened when seera# peop#e ino#e in

    discussion together$ *t has the same opportunity to spea" and #isten$ They

    usua##y spea" by return a#though it may any presenter and then they wi##

    estab#ish discussion section$


  • 7/26/2019 The Use of Jigsaw Technique in Improving the Students


    dean o acu#ty is the spea"er and a## students are in audience who just #isten

    the speech$

    1$ 6ass communication

    S 6ass communication is simi#ar to pub#ic spea"ing because the sing#e

    spea"er communicates to pub#ic or audience$ >oweer, there a#so has

    diDerent name#y mass communication is done through media such as radio

    and te#eision$Thereore,the spea"er and #istener do not ace to ace in room$

    $+$ J*g5a6 T3.2n*;03

    $+$+& D3n*t*on o1 J*g5a6

    8igsaw is one o cooperatie #earning technique which suggests students

    more actie and responsib#e or each other in comprehending the materia# to

    get the achieementma%ima##y *sjoni 2011 ain, 200' &ahin, 20104$ The

    unique characteristic o jigsaw is that students are gien portion o the tota#

    #earning tas" master and then teach that segment to the other members otheir teamain in )nonymous,2010:304$

    The app#ication o jigsaw was frst used by C#iot )ronson in 1. to improe

    the co##aboration o students that inc#udes two diDerent actions o sma##

    groups >edeen in 6aden, 2010: 14$ *t is strategy o the #earning method

    which demands the students on group with +( member students who hae

    heterogeneous abi#ity *sti"homah, 200.4$The ft number o students

    according to ain!s e%perimenta# resu#t says, +( students was more

    understandab#e than group which has member 2+ student$ >ence, in

    co##ecting their group, the teacher shou#d choosetheir group members,

    becausei the student is reed to se#ect their group members themse#es, so,

    inrequent#y they wi## se#ect their c#osed riends *sjoni, 2011:'4$

  • 7/26/2019 The Use of Jigsaw Technique in Improving the Students


    *n the app#ication o 8igsaw technique, the students separate rom their own

    groups and orm new groups with the other students who are responsib#e or

    preparing the same subjects$ These groups, ca##ed Jgroups o e%pertsK try to

    ma"e other students understand the subject they ma"e p#ans about how

    they can teach the subject to their riends, and prepare a report$ )terwards,

    they turn to their own groups and teach their subjects to them with the he#p

    o the reports they hae prepared$ *n the #ast stage, stage o comp#eting,

    teachers can perorm some actiities with indiidua#s, sma## groups or the

    who#e c#ass in order to uniy students! #earning$ @or instance, she/he can

    ma"e one o the home groups or indiidua# students ma"e presentations in

    the c#assroom on their subjects$ *n the ea#uation stage, the study is

    comp#eted by ma"ing the ea#uation proposed by the cooperatie #earning

    method &imse" in &ahin, 2010:4$

    This technique a##ows students to actie#y participate in #earning process$ ;y

    being constant#y subjected to this method, they shou#d ee# more

    comortab#e about their ro#es$ Eays o ea#uating the groups can enhance

    the eDectieness o the jigsaw technique by ma"ing each student hae a

    sense o responsibi#ity or their group!s perormances Nucas in &ahin,


    *n addition, 8ohnson, 8ohnson and >o#ubec in 6engduo and iao#ing

    2010:114 put orward fe princip#es or jigsaw strategy as o##ows:


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    1$ *ndiidua# and Lroup )ccountabi#ity

    The siRe o the group shou#d be "ept sma##, or the sma##er the siRe o the

    group is, the greater the indiidua# accountabi#ity may be$ The teacher is

    e%pected to gie an indiidua# test to each student, random#y e%amine

    students by as"ing one student to present his or her group!s wor" ora##y to

    the teacher in the presence o the group4 or to the entire c#ass, obsere

    each group and record the requency with which each member contributes to

    the group!s wor", appoint one student in each group as the #eader, who is

    responsib#e or as"ing other group members to e%p#ain the rationa#e

    under#ying the group answers, and monitor students to teach what they!e

    #earned to the others$

    1$ *nterpersona# &"i##s&ocia# s"i##s are a necessity or the success o jigsaw #earning in c#ass$ &ocia#

    s"i##s inc#ude #eadership, decision+ma"ing, trust+bui#ding, communication,

    con-ict+management s"i##s and so on$

    1$ Lroup

  • 7/26/2019 The Use of Jigsaw Technique in Improving the Students


    jigsaw technique considers that can be moresupportingthe students in

    improing their students! spea"ing abi#ity$

    $+$+$ St375 o1 J*g5a6 T3.2n*;03 *n t23 C9a55room

    8igsaw is one o the cooperatie #earning techniques, is based on group

    dynamics and socia# interactions &ahin, 20104$ *t means that the student

    must study in a group )nonymous, 2010:304$ Thesteps o jigsaw

    techniqueas o##ows:

    @irst, teacher diides the students into sma## groups$ Cach group consists o

    three to fe students$ These groups are ca##ed jigsaw group$ Teacher gies a

    passage consists o some segments o the materia# to a## students in jigsawgroup$

    &econd, each student in 8igsaw groups is assigned to choose a section or

    portion o the materia#$ )ter that, students who choose the same section

    gather and ma"e a new group ca##ed e%pert group$ *n this step, the

    researcher gies time to these JC%pert LroupK to discuss the main point o

    their segment$ They may share ideas, opinions, and comprehension about

    the materia# and try to so#e their prob#em$ )ter that, they return to theirjigsaw groups and e%p#ain the materia# to each other, unti# a## o them in

    jigsaw groups comprehend the materia#$

    @ina##y, gie a quiR based on the materia# to fnd out students! achieement

    ain, 200' 6engduo and iao#ing, 2010 >ersu#astuti, 20104$

    ;ased on the aboe statement, the writer can conc#ude that jigsaw

    technique is simp#e technique or practicing in the c#assroom$

    $+$+( Ad,antag35and d*5ad,antag35o1 J*g5a6 T3.2n*;03

    )s a teaching technique,8igsaw has some adantages

    http://serc$car#eton$edu/sp/#ibrary/jigsaws/why$htm#4 as o##ows:
  • 7/26/2019 The Use of Jigsaw Technique in Improving the Students


    1$ &tudents are direct#y engaged with the materia#, instead o haing

    materia# presented to them, which osters depth o understanding$

    2$ &tudents gain practice in se#+teaching, which is one o the most

    a#uab#e s"i##s we can he#p them #earn$

    3$ &tudents gain practice in peer teaching, which requires them to

    understand the materia# at a deeper #ee# than students typica##y do

    when simp#y as"ed to produce on an e%am$

    $ ?uring a jigsaw, students spea" the #anguage o the discip#ine and

    become more -uent in the use o discip#ine+based termino#ogy$

    '$ Cach student dee#ops an e%pertise and has something important to

    contribute to the group$

    ($ Cach student a#so has a chance to contribute meaningu##y to a

    discussion, something that is more diGcu#t to achiee in #arge+group


    $ The group tas" that o##ows indiidua# peer teaching promotes

    discussion, prob#em+so#ing, and #earning$

    $ 8igsaw encourages cooperation and actie #earning and promotes

    a#uing a## students! contributions$

    .$ 8igsaw can be an eGcient cooperatie #earning strategy$ )#though the

    jigsaw assignment ta"es time in c#ass, the instructor does not need to

    spend as much time #ecturing about the topic$ * p#anned we##, theoera## time commitment to using the jigsaw technique during c#ass

    can be comparab#e to #ecturing about a topic$

    @rom the description aboe, the writer can inc#udes that jigsaw is a technique

    shou#d actiein #earning process,becausethe c#ass is needed toa## o students

    or indiidua##y comprehend the materia# we##$@ina##y, they teach themse#es

    in their groups to one another$ ;y this way, a## o them wi## dee#op their

    spea"ing s"i## as we##$

    ;esides there are e%pects and researches dec#are that jigsaw is an eDectie

    method which has many adantages$ Met, jigsaw technique has a#so

    disadantageswhich may happen in imp#ementing in #earning process$ @or

    instance, &ofana 7ugroho 20124 say:

  • 7/26/2019 The Use of Jigsaw Technique in Improving the Students


    1$ *n jigsaw technique, #earning and teaching actiity need more time$

    2$ The teacher needs more s"i##s because each group need diDerent


    $+( R39at3d St0d4

    The use o jigsaw in improing students! spea"ing abi#ity has been conducted

    by seera# researchers as o##ow:

    @irst#y, Cooperative #oel Type Jigsaw to Improve Speaking Skillwas

    conducted by &u#aeman 20104$ >e says that through the cooperatie

    #earning type jigsaw in #earning process can enhance the students spea"ing

    s"i##$ >e adds that through his study shown the students actiities and the

    students spea"ing had enhanced ater #earning process$ @ina##y, he states theuse o cooperatie mode# type jigsaw can rea##y improe the students!


    &econd#y, re#ated research o Implementing Jigsaw Technique in Speaking

    Class of Describing Someone has beenconducted by >ersu#astuti>20104$*n

    his researchfndingsthatthe atmosphere o #earning was much better because

    the students ound another interesting way in spea"ing c#ass$ They

    participated actie#y into the #earning, since eeryone had to e%change theinormation in e%pert groups and then present it in their home team, made

    them more productie, and created better interactions among the members,

    a#though some mista"es occurred Hhere and there!, but they e#t e%cited as

    we##, they a#so he#ped each other when they ound any diGcu#ties in their

    presentation$ )## those positie things are in #ine with the princip#e o what

    ma"es spea"ing c#ass successu#$

    Third,the $Jigsaw% Approach &rings 'essons to 'ife

    was conducted by;af#e2004 in 6engduo and iao#ing, 20104$ >e states a#so that students are

    eager participants in the #earning process and are responsib#e or the wor"

    and achieement whi#e being he#d accountab#e by their peers students hae

    more chance to appreciate diDerences and share e%periences through

    indiidua# participation and instruction the jigsaw c#assroom stimu#ates

  • 7/26/2019 The Use of Jigsaw Technique in Improving the Students


    students! motiation and increases enjoyment o the #earning e%perience and

    promotes a great dea# o negotiation or meaning the jigsaw c#assroom

    reduces students! re#uctance and an%iety to participate in the c#assroom

    actiities whi#e increasing se#+esteem and se#+confdence fna##y, jigsaw is

    an eDectie strategy to integrate arious #anguage s"i##s and trans#ation in

    one Cng#ish c#ass with the teacher no #onger the so#e proider o "now#edge$

    @orth, ?yah Eu#andari 200.4 adds in her research o Improving Speaking

    Skill by "sing Jigsawat (th)ear Stuents of S#*+ *racimantoro$ The resu#t

    o her study shows that the students! spea"ing s"i## improes$ The students

    accepted and joined the 8igsaw imp#ementation because they cou#d o##ow

    the cooperatie #earning princip#es and 8igsaw components we##$ @ina##y, she

    ound that there is signifcant diDerence o students! achieement that aterimp#ementation is better than beore$ )nd she adds that the teaching

    spea"ing using 8igsaw is successu# to improe students! spea"ing s"i## to

    #earn spea"ing Cng#ish$

    @ith, &ri Bahayu 20124 conducted research regarding Improving Stuents!

    Speaking Competence "sing Jigsaw$ >er research ound the use o jigsaw

    improed the students! Cng#ish spea"ing competence and the students!

    motiation in the #earning$ *t cou#d be seen rom the students! motiation

    and interest increased$ Their main obstac#es as #i"e shy nerous, araid toma"e mista"es, and een inerior signifcant#y decreased$ ;esides, rom the

    co##ected data, the students had better progress rom cyc#e one to ne%t


    ;ased on the re#ated study aboe, writer thin"s 8igsaw is suitab#e technique

    to improe students! abi#ity in teaching spea"ing$ &o, in this research, the

    writer aims to fnd out whether or not signifcant the use o jigsaw technique

    in improing students! spea"ing abi#ity$

  • 7/26/2019 The Use of Jigsaw Technique in Improving the Students




    (+& M3t2od o1 t23 St0d4

    The study inc#uded quantitatie research$ ;esides, the study used

    e%perimenta# research, because in research conducted jigsaw technique in

    c#ass e%periment$ *t aimed to fnd out whether or not signifcant improes o

    students! spea"ing abi#ity ater being treated by using jigsaw technique$

    (+&+& R353ar.2 D35*gn

    The research used atrue e%perimenta# design withpretest+posttest contro#

    group design$>ence, the writertoo" e%perimenta# and contro# group$ ;oth o

    them had same #ee#, but it used diDerent setting in teaching and #earning

    process$ *t meant, the e%perimenta# c#ass was treated by using jigsaw

    technique, whi#e the contro# c#ass was taught through conentiona#


    ;esides,the research design ino#ed between pre+test and post+test

    design as o##owing ormu#a:

    Ta893 (+&E-73r*m3nta9 D35*gn


  • 7/26/2019 The Use of Jigsaw Technique in Improving the Students







    U &tudents! spea"ing scores o e%perimenta# group in pre+test

    M U &tudents! spea"ing scores o contro# group in pre+test

    T U treatment using jigsaw technique

    O U treatment using non+jigsaw technique

    eU students! spea"ing scores o e%perimenta# group in post+test

    Mc Ustudents! spea"ing scores o contro# group in post+test

    (+$ Po709at*on and Sam793


    The popu#ation o this studywas the tenth grade students o &6)7

    6ataramin academic year 2012/2013$There were seenteen c#asses, name#y

    c#ass ) unti# V with tota# were '(1 students$

    (+$+$ Sam793

  • 7/26/2019 The Use of Jigsaw Technique in Improving the Students


    The samp#e o the study was ta"en by using c#uster samp#ing technique$

    )ccording to &ugiyono 2010: 1214, c#uster samp#ing technique used to se#ect

    samp#e i the object wi## be researched or data source is #arge$ Thereore,

    random is not conducted direct#y to a## students, but according to c#ass

    6argono, 1..(: 124$

    ;ased on the e%p#aination, the writer too" two c#asses as samp#e, name#y L

    and * with tota#swere (2 students$There were 31 students or c#ass

    e%periment, whi#e c#ass contro# was 31 students$

    (+(+In5tr0m3nt o1 t23 R353ar.2

    The instrumenta# research was an ora# test$ *t was re#eant instrument in

    measure students! spea"ing abi#ity$ >eaton 1.':.4 states that the testmust be appropriate in terms o our objecties$*t depended on the eidence

    proided and particu#ar situation$

    ;ased on the statement aboe, this research used a spea"ing test to fnd out

    students! spea"ing abi#ity by using jigsaw technique$ Then, the researcher

    a#so usedsome questionnaires to fnd out students! responsesater using

    jigsaw technique in teaching spea"ing$

    (+@+T3.2n*;03 o1 Data Co993.t*on

    *n this study, the researchertoo"two c#asses$ One c#ass was or e%periment

    and the other was or contro#$ Thee%perimenta# c#ass was treated by using

    jigsaw technique, whi#e the contro# c#ass was treated by conentiona#


    ;eore teaching actiity,the researcher gae pre+testtowardboth

    e%perimenta# and contro# groups$*n this study, the materia# was about

    e%pressinggratitude$ &o that, in this test, the researcher proided some

    statements in situation orm which ocusedon materia# aboe$ Then, the

    students made practice the situations into conersation orm with their

    partnerand #imited time$6oreoer, aterteaching process, the researcher

    gae post+test byusing spea"ing test$ *t was simi#ar test #i"epre+test$ *t aimed

  • 7/26/2019 The Use of Jigsaw Technique in Improving the Students


    to fnd out whether the students! spea"ing abi#ityis signifcant ater using

    jigsaw technique$@ina##y,the resu#t o the indiidua# scores between pre+test

    and post+test scoreswas administered as data o research$

    *n addition,the researcher proidedsome questionnaires$ *t was conducted

    especia##y in the e%perimenta# c#ass$ *t aimed to fnd out the students!

    responses ater using jigsaw technique in teaching spea"ing$

    (+B+T3.2n*;03 o1 Data Ana945*5

    To ana#yRe the data, the researcher used the o##owing steps:

    1$ &coring the &tudent Test

    *n this test, the researcher used 1+( point sca#e to measure thestudents! ora# answers based on rating abi#ity$The scoring o the students!

    test ranged rom an impression mar" to a mar" arried at on the basis o

    air#y detai#ed mar"ing scheme showing accuracy o pronunciation, -uency,

    and comprehensibi#ity4$ The o##owing mar"ing scheme using a 1+( point

    sca#e4 as o##ows:

    Ta893 (+$ T23 A55355m3nt o1 Ora9 T35t

    Rat*ng A..0r


  • 7/26/2019 The Use of Jigsaw Technique in Improving the Students



  • 7/26/2019 The Use of Jigsaw Technique in Improving the Students


    range o e%pression

    Rat*ng Com7r323

    (Casy or the #istener to understand the spea"er!s intention andrequired

    'The spea"er!s intention and genera# meaning are air#y c#ear$ )

    are necessary

    6ost o what the spea"er says is easy to o##ow$ >is intention ishim to coney the message or to see" c#arifcation

    3The #istener can understand a #ot o what is said, but he must cspea"er!s more comp#e% or #onger sentence

    2On#y sma## bits usua##y short sentences and phrases4 can be uwho is used to #istening to the spea"er

    1>ard#y anything o what is said can be understood$ Cen when unab#e to c#arity anything he seems to hae said

    )dopted rom >eaton, 1..:


    ;eside the technica# o scoring through si% sca#es aboe, the writer a#so

    ma"e rating c#assifcation as o##ows:

  • 7/26/2019 The Use of Jigsaw Technique in Improving the Students


    C9a55*.at*on S.a93

    C%ce##ent ( Q 100

    Pery Lood 1 Q '

    Lood '( Q 0

    @air#y Lood 1 Q ''

  • 7/26/2019 The Use of Jigsaw Technique in Improving the Students


    Q The ormu#a used or the contro# group as o##ows:


    U the mean score o contro# group

    M U the deiation o score pre+test and post+test

    7 U the number o samp#e

    U the sum o sigma4

    &uharsimi, 1..4

    1$ Noo"ing or standar deiation scores

    &?%U X%12Q and &?yU Xy12Q


    &?% U standard deiation score o e%perimenta# group

    &?y U standard deiation score o e%perimenta# group

    % U the deiation o e%perimenta# group

    y U the deiation o contro# group

    7 U tota# numbers o the subject

    1$ >ypothesis Testing

    *n the research used t+test ormu#a or hypothesis testing as o##ows:

    t U

  • 7/26/2019 The Use of Jigsaw Technique in Improving the Students



    6%U mean score o e%perimenta# group

    6yU mean score o contro# group

    7 U tota# numbers o the subject

    % U the deiation o e%perimenta# group

    y U the deiation o contro# group

    X%2can be gotten rom X%2 Q

    Xy2 can be gotten rom Xy2Q

    7etra in &usanto,20124

    Q * t+test W t+tUab#e in the signifcance #ee# o 0,0' pU0,014,

    >o is rejected$ *t means that the e%perimenta# groups hae higher s"i## in

    spea"ing than contro# groups$

    Q * t+test 5 t+tab#e in the signifcance #ee# o 0,0' pU0,014,

    >o is accepted$ *t means that the contro# groups hae #ower s"i## in spea"ing

    than e%perimenta# groups$

    e$The ?ata )na#ysis o Vuestionnaire

    The ormu#a o percentagewas app#ied to ana#yRe the questionnaire


  • 7/26/2019 The Use of Jigsaw Technique in Improving the Students



  • 7/26/2019 The Use of Jigsaw Technique in Improving the Students


    A..0ra.4 F903n.4 Com7r323n5*8*9*t

    B1 3 3 3

    B2 ' '

    B3 3 2 3

    B 3

    B' ' (

    B( 3 2 3

    B 3 2 3

    B 3


    B10 3 2 3

    B11 2 2 3

  • 7/26/2019 The Use of Jigsaw Technique in Improving the Students


    B12 3 3

    B13 3

    B1 3 2 3

    B1' 3 3 3

    B1( 2 2 2

    B1 3 2 3




    B1. 3 3 3

    B20 2 3 3

    B21 3 3 2

    B22 3 3 2

    B23 3 3 3

  • 7/26/2019 The Use of Jigsaw Technique in Improving the Students


    B2 3

    B2' 3

    B2( 3 3 3

    B2 3 3 3

    B2 3 3

    B2. 3 2 2

    B30 3 2 3

    B31 2 3 3

    # & &%&


    &core: -uency Y accuracy Y comprehensibi#ity


    Tab#e $2$ A#assifcation o the

  • 7/26/2019 The Use of Jigsaw Technique in Improving the Students


    ( Q 100 ( 0

    1 Q ' ' 2

    '( Q 0

    1 Q '' 3 20

    2( Q 0 2 2

    Z 2' 1 0

    *n this tab#e, there were 2 students 104 who got ery good scores,

    students 234 got good scores, 20 students ('4 who got air#y good

    scores, and 2 students 104 got poor scores$

    Tab#e $3$ &core o

  • 7/26/2019 The Use of Jigsaw Technique in Improving the Students


    B2 ( ' (

    B3 ' 3

    B ' '

    B' ( ' (

    B( 3

    B 3

    B ( ' (

    B. ' ' '

    B10 3


    B12 3

    B13 ' '

    B1 3

  • 7/26/2019 The Use of Jigsaw Technique in Improving the Students


    B1' ' '

    B1( 3 3 3


    B1 ' '

    B1. 3

    B20 3

    B21 3

    B22 ' '

    B23 3

    B2 ' '

    B2' ' ( (

    B2( 3

    B2 ' 3

  • 7/26/2019 The Use of Jigsaw Technique in Improving the Students


    B2 '

    B2. 3

    B30 ' 3 '


    &(@ &$ &(@

    Tab#e $$ A#assifcation o the

  • 7/26/2019 The Use of Jigsaw Technique in Improving the Students


    Z 2' 1 0

    *n the tab#e aboe, the students who got the e%ce##ent scoreswere students

    134, which got ery good scores were students 2(4, whi#e 1 students

    '4 who got good scores, and 1 student 34 got air#y good scores$

    Tab#e $'$ &core o

  • 7/26/2019 The Use of Jigsaw Technique in Improving the Students


    B ' ' '


    B10 3 3

    B11 3 3


    B13 3 3

    B1 3 3

    B1' 3 3

    B1( 3 3 3

    B1 3 2 3

    B1 3 3 3

    B1. 2 2 1


  • 7/26/2019 The Use of Jigsaw Technique in Improving the Students


    B21 2 3

    B22 2 3

    B23 3 3

    B2 3 3 3

    B2' 3 3

    B2( 3 3

    B2 3 3 2

    B2 3

    B2. 3 3

    B30 3 2 2

    B31 3 3


  • 7/26/2019 The Use of Jigsaw Technique in Improving the Students


    Tab#e $($ A#assifcation o &tudents! &pea"ing )bi#ity in

  • 7/26/2019 The Use of Jigsaw Technique in Improving the Students



    A573.t o1 573a/*ng

    A..0ra.4 F903n.4 Com7r323n5*8*9*t4

    1 3

    2 3

    3 3 3



    ( 3 3


    ' ' '


    10 3 3

    11 3 3

  • 7/26/2019 The Use of Jigsaw Technique in Improving the Students


    12 ' '

    13 3 3

    1 3 3

    1' 3 3

    1( 3 3 3


    1 3 3 3

    1. 2 2 1


    21 2 3

    22 3

    23 3 3

    2 3 3 3

  • 7/26/2019 The Use of Jigsaw Technique in Improving the Students


    2' 3

    2( 3 3

    2 3 3 2

    2 ' ' '

    2. ' 3

    30 3 3 2

    31 3

    &&( &&% &%#

    Tab#e $$ A#assifcation o the pre+test in the c#ass contro#

    S.or3 Rat*ng Fr3;03n.4

    ( Q 100 ( 0

    1 Q ' ' 3

  • 7/26/2019 The Use of Jigsaw Technique in Improving the Students


    '( Q 0 12

    1 Q '' 3 1'

    2( Q 0 2 1

    Z 2' 1 0

    @rom the tab#e aboe, there were 3 students 104 who got ery good

    scores, 12 students 3.4 who got good scores, 1' students 4 who got

    air#y good scores, 1 student 34 who got poor score$

    @+$ T23 Com70tat*on o1 M3an S.or3

    Noo"ing or mean score o the pre+test and post+test, the writer used

    this ormu#a$

    )ter showing the data o scores o the pre+test and post+test with two

    c#asses aboe$ >ere was the computation o means score$ Noo" at the

    o##owing e%p#anations$

    C%perimenta# Lroup:


  • 7/26/2019 The Use of Jigsaw Technique in Improving the Students



  • 7/26/2019 The Use of Jigsaw Technique in Improving the Students


    The tab#e standarddeiations o the e%periment and contro# c#asses were, as


    Tab#e $.$ The Aomputation o ?eiation &core o the A#ass C%periment




    Var*a893 "


    >- 4?

    1 3 +1

    2 ' ( +1

    3 3 +1

    ' +1

    ' ' ( +1

    ( 3 +1

    3 +1

    ( +2

    . ' +1

  • 7/26/2019 The Use of Jigsaw Technique in Improving the Students


    10 3 +1

    11 3 +1

    12 3 +1

    13 ' +1

    1 3 +1

    1' 3 ' +2

    1( 2 3 +1

    1 3 +1

    1 ' +1

    1. 3 +1

    20 3 +1

    21 3 +1

    22 3 ' +2

  • 7/26/2019 The Use of Jigsaw Technique in Improving the Students


    23 3 +1

    2 ' +1

    2' ( +2

    2( 3 +1

    2 3 +1

    2 3 +1

    2. 2 +2

    30 3 ' +2

    31 3 +1

    (& &%$ &( (#

    Tab#e $10$ The Aomputation o ?eriation &core o the A#ass Aontro#

    nd3nt Var*a893 Var*a893 " " >- 4?

  • 7/26/2019 The Use of Jigsaw Technique in Improving the Students


    >7r3t35t? >7o5tt35t?

    1 0

    2 3 +1

    3 3 3 0

    3 +1

    ' 0

    ( 2 3 +1

    3 +1

    ' ' 0

    . 0

    10 3 3 0

    11 3 3 0

    12 ' +1

  • 7/26/2019 The Use of Jigsaw Technique in Improving the Students


    13 3 3 0

    1 3 3 0

    1' 3 3 0

    1( 3 3 0

    1 3 +1

    1 3 3 0

    1. 2 2 0

    20 0

    21 3 3 0

    22 3 +1

    23 3 3 0

    2 3 3 0

    2' 3 +1

  • 7/26/2019 The Use of Jigsaw Technique in Improving the Students


    2( 3 3 0

    2 3 3 0

    2 ' +1

    2. 3 +1

    30 2 3 +1

    31 3 +1

    (& &&% " &$

    ;ased on the tab#e aboe, the writer #oo"ed or standard deiation score o

    the two groupsca#cu#ated by using the ormu#a as o##ows:

    Q C%perimenta# Lroup

    &?%U X%12Q

    U '0 Q

    U '0

    U '0 ,1(

    U ',

  • 7/26/2019 The Use of Jigsaw Technique in Improving the Students


    Q Aontro# Lroup

    &?yU Xy12Q

    U 12 Q

    U 12

    U 12 ,(

    U ,3(

    @+@ T23 Com70tat*on o1 t23 S*gn*.ant o1 M3ant S.or3 D3,*at*on

    )ter getting the students! means score and standard deiation score, the

    writer continued to ana#yRe the data by using the ormu#a as o##ows:

    t U

    t U

    t U

    t U

    t U

    t U

    t U

    t U 3,0.

    @+B T23 Int3r7r3tat*on o1 t23 R3509t

  • 7/26/2019 The Use of Jigsaw Technique in Improving the Students


    The resu#t o t+test o both e%periment and contro# groups was 3,0.$ This

    resu#t consu#ted with t+tab#e by using the confdence #ee# 0,0' and the

    degree o reedom d4 was(0 (2+14$ Thereore, it was gotten 1,(. or t+

    tab#e scores$ *n other hand, the a#ue o t+test was higher than t+tab#e

    3,0.51,(.4$ @ina##y the writer inerred that nu## hypothesis >o4 which

    stated J8igsaw technique does not improe to students spea"ing abi#ity was

    rejectedK$ The a#ternate hypothesis >a4 was defnite#y accepted$

    @+ T23 Com70tat*on o1 t23 St0d3nt5 R357on53

    Vuestionnaire used to "now students! responses toward jigsaw technique

    ater giing treatment$ *t was gien to 31 students with 10 questionnaires$

    Tab#e $11$ &tudents! Besponse in using 8igsaw Technique

    Po5*t*,3 R357ond >? N3gat*,3 R357ond >"? P3r.3ntag3 >?

    30 1 .

    2' ( 1

    2( '


    2 3 .0

    1 1 ''


  • 7/26/2019 The Use of Jigsaw Technique in Improving the Students


    20 11 ('

    2( '

    $$ B( #(%

    )ter that, the tota# aerage o students! responseswere ca#cu#ated as



  • 7/26/2019 The Use of Jigsaw Technique in Improving the Students


    Tab#e $12$ The interpretation score o students! responses


    10 Q 20

    21 Q 0

    1 Q (0

    (1 Q 0

    1 Q 100

    Biduwan in

  • 7/26/2019 The Use of Jigsaw Technique in Improving the Students



    B+& Con.905*on

    ;ased on the aims o the study were, to fnd out whether or not the

    use o jigsaw technique in teaching spea"ing and what are students!

    responses toward jigsaw technique in teaching spea"ing$ &o,the resu#t o the

    research had beed shown as o##ows:

    1$ The use o jigsaw technique improed students! spea"ing abi#ity$ *t

    proed as shown as o##ows:

    1$ The resu#t o the ana#ysis o the study, it was ound that the

    a#ue o t+test was 3,0. and the a#ue o t+tab#e rom df 304 ondegree o signifcance o 0,0', got 1$(.+Thereore, t+test was the

    higher than t+tab#e 3,0.51$(.4$ *t proed the nu## hypothesis

    which stated Jthe use o jigsaw technique does not improe

    students! spea"ing abi#ityK was rejected$ @ina##y, the a#ternatie

    hypothesis stated defnite#y was accepted$

    2$ @rom the statistica# ana#ysis, it was ound that the mean score

    and the standard deiation o e%perimenta# groups were higher than

    contro# groups$ 6ean score o e%perimenta# group was ,, whi#ethe mean score o contro# group was 3$2.

    3$ )## o the data aboe indicated that the e%perimenta# group was

    more successu# than the contro# group$ The fgure o t+test was a#so

    higher than t+tab#e3,0.51$(.4$ *t meant that the deiation o the

    two means score were signifcant$

    2$ The students! responses toward jigsaw technique in teaching spea"ing

    were, 2,. had positie responses, and 1,0. who had negatie

    responses$ Thereore, there were more than ha# students had positieresponses toward jigsaw technique in teaching spea"ing$

    B+$ S0gg35t*on

    ;ased on the conc#usion aboe, the writer put orward the o##owing


  • 7/26/2019 The Use of Jigsaw Technique in Improving the Students


    1$ The Cng#ish teacher shou#d a#so app#y jigsaw technique in teaching

    spea"ing materia#, because this one is appropriate method in teaching

    spea"ing, which a## o students are more actie discussion$&o that,

    student can dee#ops their spea"ing abi#ity$

    2$ The head master shou#d motiate and support to the Cng#ish teacher o

    Cng#ish to app#y this method especia##y in teaching spea"ing at their

    schoo#$;esides, the head master shou#d pay attention more with each

    teacher o Cng#ish, about how their students! spea"ing abi#ity is and

    what "ind o the method is a#ways used by him/her$*n this case,he/she

    can #oo" or the suitab#e method or them in order their student can

    raise their abi#ity in spea"ing$

    3$ The students shou#d rea#iRe that jigsaw technique is one o the better

    technique in teaching spea"ing, because each students are assigned to

    actie we## in discussion$


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