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Page 1: The use of ict in some children’s diseases


Page 2: The use of ict in some children’s diseases

The Use of ICT inSome Children’s


Page 3: The use of ict in some children’s diseases

Technology made everyone’s life easier.

In this work some children’s diseases arebriefly characterized and some examplesof how ICT can be used to improveddisabled children’s life are given.

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Down Syndrome

happens when there are three copies of achromosome.

Pictures, sound effects, animations…andmusic can make for a captivatingexperience.

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Cerebral Palsy

Is a non progressive neuromuscular disorder.

People must adjust the computer controlpanels and settings.

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Spina Bifida

Is caused by the incomplete closing of theembryonic neural tube .

MAS is a flexible software platform designed tohelp people with disabilities.

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Is a disorder of neural development.

Computers and other ICT devices such aselectronic communication aids can be usedto support children who havecommunication difficulties.

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Can be described as a physical state inwhich a person is abnormally and easilyexcitable.

Computers have infinite patience, provideprivacy, promote discovery learning andhelp them develop problem- solving skills,can excite and motivate pupils…

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Hearing impairment

It happens when the ability to detectcertain frequencies of sound is completelyor partially impaired.

ICT can be extremely useful as it is astrongly visual medium, and can be usedwithout being too dependent on the spokenword…

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Visual impairment

Is vision loss or a limitation of visualcapability.

Screen magnification, screen navigationutilities and speech output are just a few ofthe utilities available.

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Intellectual giftedness

Is an intellectual ability significantly higherthan average.

They can display their talents at the highestlevel of which they are capable, by using ICTto acess a wider range of learning materialsand experiences.

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