Download - THE USE OF DUOLINGO TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ VOCABULARY Muddin.pdf · vocabulary of the language, they will be difficult to understand that language. Vocabulary is one of English components





Submitted by:

Addal Muddin

Student of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training

Department of English Language Education

Reg No. 231324418




2018 M/1439 H



Alhamdulillah, all praises be to Allah ‘Azza wa Jalla, The Most Gracious

The Most Merciful The Most Beneficent who has given us love and blessing that

made the writer able to finish the research and writing the thesis. Peace and

salutation be upon our beloved prophet Muhammad SAW, his family and


The writer presents sincere gratitude to main-supervisor and academic

advisor Dr. Maskur, M. A who has given him invaluable advices and

encouragement throughout the whole semesters in the university. Honorable also

to Yuni Setia Ningsih, M. Ag as co-supervisor for her time, supports, advices, and

valuable corrections during the writing of this thesis, and all the lecturers of

Department of English Language Education who have taught and guided during

the study.

Henceforth, the writer would like to express the greatest love and thanks to

his beloved motivators in the world, his father Ismail and his mother Rukaiyah for

their wisdom, patience, love and everything that have made him to be the luckiest

son in the world and to all his sisters and brothers for their endless love who

inspired and motivated his all along acomplishing the thesis. The writer also

would like to thank to his inspirator and motivator Dr, Muhammad Nasir, M.

Hum, without his attention and guidance he would not be able to finish the thesis.


The last, the writer would like to thank to all of PBI 2013 (expecially for

Unit 8 family and FAAMSS) for the inspiration and happiness that we share all

along. Also unforgettable big thanks for Hajrul Rahmat, Ardiansyah, Jasmadi and

Adri Jernih Miko who always cheer him up in running the days and enrich his in

completing this thesis. May Allah ‘Azza wa Jalla bless us and unite us even

stronger. Amin.

Banda Aceh, January 20th 2018

Addal Muddin



ACKNOWLADGE ......................................................................................................... i

LIST OF CONTENTS .................................................................................................... iii

LIST OF TABLE ............................................................................................................ v

LIST OF APPENDICES ................................................................................................ vi

DECLARATIONS LETTER ......................................................................................... vii

ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................................... viii


A. Background of Study .......................................................................... 1

B. Research Question ........................................................................... 3

C. The Aim of Study …....... ................................................................... 3

D. Significance of Study .......................................................................... 4

E. Terminology ........................................................................................ 5

1. Improve ......................................................................................... 5

2. Student Vocabulary ...................................................................... 5

3. Duolingo ....................................................................................... 6


A. The Nature of Vocabulary ................................................................. 7

1. The Definition of Vocabulary ..................................................... 7

2. The Importance of Learning Vocabulary .................................... 8

3. The Component of Effective Vocabulary Teaching .................... 9

a. Encouraging wide reading ..................................................... 9

b. Promoting word conciosness ................................................. 10

c. Providing explicit instruction of specific words .................... 11

d. Providing modeling and insturuction in independent

word-learning strategies ........................................................ 12


4. The Problem of Learning Vocabulary ......................................... 13

B. Duolingo ............................................................................................ 14

1. Definition of Duolingo ................................................................ 14

2. The Purpose of Using Duolingo .................................................. 16

3. Advantages of Duolingo .............................................................. 17

4. Disadvantages of Duolingo ......................................................... 18

5. The Procedure of Learning Vocabulary by Duolingo ................. 19

C. Previous Study ................................................................................... 21


A. Research Design ............................................................................... 23

B. Population and Sample .................................................................... 23

C. Technique of Data Collections ......................................................... 24

a. Test ........................................................................................ 24

b. Questionnaire ......................................................................... 25

D. Technique of Data Analyses .............................................................. 26

E. Validity of Data ................................................................................. 27

F. The Process of Data Collection ......................................................... 28


A. The Brief Description of MTsN 2 Aceh Besar ............................... 31

B. The Analysis of Tests .................................................................... 34

a. The Result of Pre-test and Post-test....................................... 34

C. Analysis of Questionnaire .............................................................. 38

D. Discussion....................................................................................... 44


A. Conclusion .................................................................................... 46

B. Suggestion ..................................................................................... 47

C. Bibliography ................................................................................. 48



Table 4.1: The headmasters’ name of MTsN 2 Aceh Besar ..................................................... 32

Table 4.2: The amount of MTsN 2 Aceh Besar Students ......................................................... 33

Table 4.3: The English Teachers’ name of MTsN 2 Aceh Besar ............................................. 34

Table 4.4: Students’ grade in Pre-test and Post-test ................................................................ 35

Table 4.5: The students feel more motivated to learn English by using Duolingo ................. 38

Table 4.6: Learning English by using Duolingo makes the students more skillful ................ 39

Table 4.7: The students intersted in learning English by using Duolingo............................... 39

Table 4.8: learning with Duolingo provides an opportunity to be active. ......................... …...40

Table 4.9: using Duolingo in learning is boring ........................................................................ 40

Table 4.10: Duolingo makes difficult for students .................................................................... 41

Table 4.11: Duolingo is less useful for learning vocabulary ..................................................... 41

Table 4.12. Students cannot express their opinion , while learning using Duolingo .............. 42

Table 4.13. Duolingo encourage students to discover new ideas ............................................. 42

Table 4.14. Learning with Duolingo makes students understand the material ...................... 43

Table 4.15. Learning by using Duolingo get students in mastering new

Vocabulary .................................................................................................................................. 43

Table 4.16. learning by Duolingo allows students to apply their skill in daily life ................. 43



i. Appointed Letter of Supervisor

ii. The letter for doing research from faculty of education and pedagogy

iii. The letter of finishing the research from MTsN 2 Aceh Besar

iv. Lesson plan

v. The tests and students’ scores of Pre-Test and Post-Test

vi. Key answer of tests

vii. The questionnaire and the Result of Questionnaire

viii. Pictures : the pictures while the researchers was Implementing

Duolingo in English class

ix. Autobiography




Name : Addal Muddin

Student Id : 231324418

Faculty/Major : Education and Teacher Training/ English Education

Thesis Title : The Use of Duolingo to Improve Students’ Vocabulary

Advisor 1 : Dr. Maskur, M.A.

Advisor 2 : Yuni Setia Ningsih, M. Ag.

Keywords : Teaching English, Vocabulary Mastery, Duolingo

This research was conducted to find out the effect of using Duolingo in

teaching English to improve students’ ability in mastering vocabulary and to

know the students’ perception toward the implementation of Duolingo in teaching

English subject at MTsN 2 Aceh Besar. The research design of this research is

pre-experimental research. This research only need one class as sample with five

meetings. The data collection techniques were tests and questionnaire. Based on

the quantitative data, the students’ score is increased. The average score of pre-

test is 44.75, and the average score of post-test is 59.75. It shows that the post-

test’s mean is higher than the pre-test’s mean. The result show there is a positive

effect of students’ ability in mastering vocabulary through using Duolingo. Based

on the questionnaire, the result of the research showed that the use of Duolingo in

teaching English has many positive effects to the students, such as: the students

are more motivated in learning; make students easy to understand the material;

getting the opportunity for fair turn in practicing the material; less boredom in

learning; getting encourage for new ideas; facilitated in remembering and

practicing the material in daily life. They also learn enthusiastically in teaching

learning activities. The students showed positive attitude toward the

implementation of Duolingo.




A. Background of Study

One of the importance aspect in learning language is mastering vocabulary

of target language. If the foreigners learn a new language without mastering

vocabulary of the language, they will be difficult to understand that language.

Vocabulary is one of English components or sub skill that must be taught to the

learners because vocabulary has the primary role for all languages. Moreover,

there are some researchers regarding that vocabulary more important than

grammar. Carter (2014) stated that vocabulary is knowledge about words and

word meanings.

Vocabulary is the basic competence that must be reached by students in

order to get other competences like reading, writing, listening, and speaking. In

order to communicate well, the students need to have adequate vocabulary. It is

difficult to master the other competences without mastering and understanding the

vocabulary well. In learning English students should know about vocabularies,

because by knowing the words, they will try how to use it to express their ideas

and communicate. In fact, the vocabulary can not be separated from other aspects

of language.

According by Amri (2013, p.28) the concept of curriculum 2013 is scientific

approach which means students learn more independently in the learning process.

So, if students have lack of vocabulary, they will be difficult in learning and


understanding the material which provided by curriculum. It is important to

consider because vocabulary learning will help students to understand the


Teachers as facilitator in learning process will have an important role.

Besides, they should fulfill students’ achievement in their lesson plans. They must

think how to improve students’ vocabulary. Nowadays, teachers just focus on

material in syllabus. In syllabus, there are no teaching vocabulary, it just focuses

on 4 aspects, such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing. So, the students

who have lack of vocabulary will be difficult in doing the exercise and some of

them also have a problem where there are many words that have multiple


Usually, students are ordered by teacher to rewrite the vocabulary on the

white board, pay attetion on what teacher’s explanation, and memorize the

vocabulary that they have written at home. Hammer (1991) stated the problem on

improving vocabulary that researchers can find. Many studentsare difficult to

improve vocabulary because the technique of teaching from the teacher is not

interesting and make students feel bored. Teachers should think and implement

the creative method and media which will increase students’ motivation in

learning vocabulary. They are indeed using media in teaching, but ignore to

support vocabulary learning with those. In this case the teaching of the 4 skills

should be taught together with vocabulary for language learners to avoid many

problems in learning English language.


Nation (1994, p.20 as cited in Muttahidah, 2011) has given several strong

reasons for which the vocabulary components of language courses should be

planned carefully. First, the different of vocabulary gives a very different

feedback for study. Second, most language teaching courses make vocabulary

learning more difficult than it should be. And third, vocabulary learning

opportunities and the quality of vocabulary learning can be greatly improved

through the careful design of both vocabulary and other skill activities.

Therefore, the writer wants to see how the influence of Duolingo if teacher

implemented it in classroom teaching to the students of MTsN 2 Aceh Besar. It

will be aimed to see whether it will help them to improve their vocabulary or not.

It is expected to be positive atmosphere in the classroom. It is also can be an

alternative way to keep the students vocabulary. According to the explanation, the

writer intends to conduct an experimental research entitled: “The Use of

Duolingo to Improve Students’ Vocabulary”.

B. Research Question

In line with the background of the research, the writer formulates the

research question as follows:

1. What is the effect of Duolingo on students’ vocabulary mastery?

2. What is the students’ perception toward the use of Duolingo to

improve their vocabulary?


C. The Aim of Study

The aim of this research conducted is in order to improve students

vocabulary through Duolingo at third years Students of MTsN 2 Aceh Besar and

to make them exciting and interesting in learning and practicing their English,

especially vocabulary by using Duolingo and also want to see whether it will be

helpful and enjoyable or not for them in practicing their English.

D. Significance of Study

The finding (result) of this research are expected for 3 (three) groups, they


1. The teacher

Based of this research, the writer expected duolingo can be one of the

media that it will be using by the teachers in terms of teaching English

vocabulary and to solve the problem of students difficulties in memorizing

the meaning of vocabulary then it will make the learning process in classroom

more interest and active for students espescially second years student of

MTsN 2 Aceh Besar.

2. The students

For students, this research expected to provide mastering the English

lesson by using Duolingo will make them feel exciting and enjoy when they

learn English in classroom or at their home. Then, it can solve their problem

in understanding the meaning of word in the sentence, because the teachers

use the suitable media in teaching them as if it is like something new for

them. Therefore, the students can use the duolingo everywhere and everytime


because it will help them to memorize vocabulary and they can used those in

everyday communication.

3. The further researcher

This research expected to give a new knowledge of the further

researcher to do the better research of teaching and learning cases, and to

solve the students vocabulary problems by something new, and also the

teachers that have the similar problem with this researcher.

E. Terminology

In order not confused the readers. The writer need to explain some terms

which used in this thesis, they are:

1. Improve

Improve is a process of making something better. (Oxford Dictionary,

2008, P.224). According Adi (2014) improve means the increasing of skill and

ability be better than before. Here, the word “Improve” means the increasing

students’ ability in mastering vocabulary by using Duolingo as media in

teaching English. The student could be claimed their vocabulary improve if

their score post-test higher than pre-test and their score must be above 60.

2. Student Vocabulary

In the Dictionary of Indonesian Language (1990), the student means a

person (children who were studied (learning, schooling). Meanwhile, according

to Shafique Ali Khan (2005), understanding the student is a person who comes

to an institution to obtain or learn some types education. Here, student is the


participants of the research who follows the learning teaching process with

Duolingo as media.

In Oxford Dictionary (2008, p.495), Vocabulary means the words

which it uses and knows by people. According to Wallace (1989) vocabulary is

a set of words that are owned by a person or other entity, or a part of a

particular language. In this research, vocabulary is the basic vocabularies

which provided by Duolingo, those are about animals, their characteristic, and

their life’s style.

So that, the meaning of students’ vocabulary in this research is the

vocabulary which students must know and learn which it is provided by

Duolingo. It will be simplified by examining the score of vocabulary of the

students before and after the treatment.

3. Duolingo

Duolingo in English means multilingual, In Oxford Dictionary (2008,

p.288) the meaning of multilingual is knowing or using more that on language.

Duolingo is an application designed to help foreign learner to learn a new

language and they can learn more than one language there. It designed easily

and comfortably, so do it does not feel like the users are learning, but rather to

have fun - fun with games. Because of that the writer try to use it classroom

activity as media in learning English, to see it will help students in mastering

vocabulary. It based on Munday (2015, p.96), he said that if Duolingo can

serve well as an addition to a formal language course offered through a school

or university, whether in the classroom or online.





A. The Nature of Vocabulary

1. The Definition of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is the most important aspect which must considered in

learning language. It is a basic element because vocabulary is required when

language learners learn to speak, read, write, and to make them understand from

what they listen from a language that they have listened. It means that a

limitation in mastering vocabulary will cause the obstacles to language learners

in learning a new language. Jack C. Richards (2002, p.255as cited in Kartika,

2011) says that:

“Vocabulary is a core component of language proficiency and provides

much of the basic how well learners speak, listen, read, and write.

Without an extensive vocabulary and strategies for acquiring new word,

from making use language learning opportunities around them such as

listening radio, listen to native speakers, using the language in different

context, reading, or watching television.”

Students must master vocabulary to develop another aspect in language,

such as speaking, reading, listening, and writing. According Nunan (1991,

p.118as cited in Kamal, 2012) vocabulary is hardly get in learning process in

classroom although it is the easiest aspect of second language to learn. The

teachers at senior high school and junior high school do not really focus in



teaching vocabulary that causes to help their student more easily to increase their

ability in understanding the language because mastering vocabulary is needed by

all language skill. For instance in reading, the students will get difficulties in

understanding or comprehending the text which they read if they do not know the

meaning of the words in the text. In speaking, they will be hard to communicate in

foreign language if they only have few vocabularies. mastering a language is not

easy if not start with the easiest one, it is impossible to learn a new language

without mastering vocabulary.

2. The Importance of Learning Vocabulary

To learn something new, people should know the importance of the

things what they want to learn. In this case the importance of learning

vocabulary is to help the students in mastering a target language what they

learn. Learning language is not only prepared the material of the language bot

also provides training to students how to use that language, whether oral or

written. Many definitions of the purpose of learning vocabulary can be found,

Indonesian National Education Department (cited in Muttahidah, 2011) pointed

learning vocabulary:

“In accordance essentially language learning, learning vocabulary not

taught the words of phrases separated off, but was involved in discourse

context, with regard to subjects and also related with specific areas as

an example of the discourse on the theme of games. In order to achieve

optimal learning outcomes vocabulary, teachers need to equip their

students with words related to particular field. In every field of science



used special words. Vocabulary enrichment effort needs to be done

continuously and can be obtained through certain areas.”

From the explanation above, mastering vocabulary is very important in

order to understand the language. The students are able to communicate both

verbally or orally. To achieve those students’ need, the teachers must make sure

the component in teaching learning process adequate in mastering of

vocabulary. Therefore, the words related in specific areas to the students are the

words around them like nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs.

3. The Component of Effective Vocabulary Teaching

To be effective, a program of teaching vocabulary should provide

students with opportunities for word learning by:

a. Encouraging wide reading

Students learn words by encountering them in the text. By reading,

increasing the opportunities for such encounters improves students’

vocabulary knowledge. as a teacher, the single most important thing they

can do to improve their students’ vocabulary is to get them to read more

and more. (Texas Education Agency, 2002). The volume of students'

reading is strongly related to their vocabulary knowledge. According

Herman et al., 1987, cited in Texas Education Agency, 2002), in their

research shows the effects of wide reading; First, there is the evidence of

those avid readers who acquire large vocabularies largely apart from any

type of explicit instruction in vocabulary. Second, there is a growing body



of research showing that, although the odds of learning any particular

word from context are small, the cumulative effects of learning from

reading can be large. Consider the following argument for the effects of

wide reading.

The teachers can help their students in developing reading

strategies that will allow them to read more challenging texts with lower

levels of frustration. When students have been taught comprehension

strategies, they tend to do more reading, so the teachers have an important

role in motivate their students in reading. As is true for any method of

promoting vocabulary growth, based on Texas Education Agency (2002)

wide reading has some limitations. One is that it obviously cannot be

effective with very young students who are not yet able to read very much

on their own. Another limitation is that, although wide reading may be

effective in producing general vocabulary growth, it is not an effective

method for teaching the words that students need to master a particular

selection or a concept related to a specific content area.

b. Promoting word consciousness

Word consciousness means having an interest and awareness of

words. Word consciousness involves awareness of word structure,

including and understanding of word parts and word order. According

Graves &Juel (2000) Word consciousness is the knowledge of and interest

in words. Word-conscious students enjoy learning new words and



engaging in word play. They know and use many words, and are aware of

the subtleties of word meaning and of the power words can have.

Word consciousness can be promoted in a way that helps students

become aware of differences between Standard English and non-standard

varieties, without stigmatizing the latter. Shirley Brice Heath (1983, Cited

in Texas Education Agency, 2002) describes classrooms in which students

learned to be "language detectives," studying how people speak differently

in different groups and in different situations. She believes that this

awareness made an important contribution to the students' academic

success. Based on that, teacher should take advantage of opportunities to

develop students interest in words, how to have fun with words, and how

words and concepts are related across different context.

c. Providing explicit instruction of specific words

Although students gain most of their word knowledge through

wide reading, explicit instruction of specific words and their meanings

also can contribute greatly to their vocabulary development. Explicit

instruction is especially important for students whose exposure to the

vocabulary of literate English is limited (Texas Education Agency, 2002).

To be most effective, explicit vocabulary instruction should be dynamic

and involve a variety of techniques.

Students often need explicit instruction in how to use what they

find in a dictionary entry so they are able to transfer that information into

something useful. Students may be confused by different meaning for the



same word, or the meaning of the word that provided in dictionary may be

difficult to understand. The Texas Education Agency (2002) suggested the

ways how to resolve that problem:

1) use background knowledge about the content in the text

2) have a sense of the grammatical use in the text

3) read and understand more to each definition of the word

d. Providing modeling and instruction in independent word-learning


Techniques that teachers can model and teach to students so as to

help them figure out the meanings of unknown words on their own.

Because students learn most new words incidentally, through wide

reading, helping students to acquire a set of word-learning strategies is

important to their vocabulary development.

One of the example of instruction in independent word-learning

strategies is teaching students how to use information about word parts can

be very valuable in promoting vocabulary growth. Many students,

however, are not aware of this strategy. Even students who have learned to

break words into parts in their decoding instruction may not understand

that they can use this knowledge to figure out word meanings. Teacher

modeling helps to make the strategy's value clear to students. (Beck et al.,


4. The Problem of Learning Vocabulary



There are several strong reasons why mastering vocabulary can be an

important components of language course which needs to be carefully planned.

MuhibbinSyah (2005, p.132) classifies two factors that make learners facing

problem in learning vocabulary. There are; individual factors and social factors.

Based on his statement, individual factor is the factor which come from

the learners, it consists of motivation, growth, attitude, and aptitude. While,

social factors are the factors which come for surrounding the learners such as

family, teacher, environment, teacher, and facilities.

Many problems faced by students in learning a target language such as

English in mastering vocabulary. First, they are lack of vocabulary so that they

cannot understand the meaning from what they read and listen. Sometimes they

are also confused in using the words, it can be because they do not what the

function of the words they know. Lack of vocabulary can make students

difficult in mastering all of skills in English.

Second, students learn based on what their teacher teach to them. If their

teacher asks, they do. If not, they do not. It happens maybe because there is no

motivation of them to learn English well, they need high motivation. According

Hinson and Brown (2001) defined motivation as an important component or

factor in the learning process. Learning and motivation have the same

importance to achieve something. Learning makes us gain new knowledge and

skills and motivation pushes or encourage us to go through the learning process;

meanwhile motivation is defined as the condition which can initiate, guide and

maintain our behaviors until a goal has been reached.



The last, it is about the media which used by teacher. Commonly, the

media that used by teacher is not interesting to students. Some teacher some

prepared simple media for students and students feel bored with it. If they bored,

they will not focus in learning process. The teachers must attract students’

attention by using the interesting media.

B. Duolingo

1. The Definition of Duolingo

Duolingo is a free language learning applications and website. Like what

they said at their website ,“ Duolingo builds a world with free education and no

language barriers. Users are able to learn languages for free while

simultaneously translating web”(Jaskova, 2014, p.16).

It has various and up to date techniques in learning language especially

on vocabulary. It can make the students easier to understand and memorize the

words, make them interest, enjoy, and happy in learning because it provided

gamitation in learning prosess.

Duolingo is being as a future in learning language. It can easily access

and provides a lot of language, so it is so helpful to those who want to learn a

new language. Duolingo has a lot of features which can help the learners easily

in learning language, such as list words for every day, discussion with other user

so the learners can share with each other, the Lingot store, and immersion for

more advanced learners.



In duolingo guide book (2015) stated that Duolingo have a lot of

language which language learners can choose the language what we want to

learn, such as English, Arabic, Spanish, French, Dutch, and other languages. It

also have educators forum that the users can exchange lesson ideas and

experiences with each other such as teacher or student to them more easier in

leaning. It can measure students achievement and dedication with perfect ways.

It provide data such as point earned, of course overview tree, the streak, and the

time spent.

The techniques which Duolingo provides in learning are so various and

comfortable for beginner who learn a new language from the very basic. It is so

easy to use because the prosedures for the use are simple. It is because the target

of Duolingo can be used for all ages such as children, teenagers, parents, and

others. Munday (2016, p.96) stated that Duolingo is prefered than regular

assignment and media because of the convenience it provides, it based on his

research. It means that Duolingo is easy to use and more interesting so it will be

comfortable to be one of the media that we use in teaching in classroom. Grego

and Vesselinov (2012), they did a research which is see the effectiveness of

Duolingo in learning language. Their research showed that the students are

satisfied in learning language with Duolingo and they enjoyed to learn with it.

2. The Purpose of Using Duolingo

Mastering vocabulary is important to who is still beginner in learning a

language, especially for foreign language learners. If they are lack of



vocabulary, they be will hard to understand what they read or listen because for

beginner to understand the sentence is not easy. That is why vocabulary is

strongly important to understand a language. Teacher must know the exciting

technique to present the vocabulary to students.

According to Ruth Gairns and Stuart Redman (1991, p.73-74), there are

two techniques in presenting vocabulary, visual technique and verbal technique.

a. Visual techniques include photograph, wallchart, flashcard. They are

extensively used for teaching which focus on items of vocabulary.

b. Verbal techniques include the use of illustrative situation (oral or

written), use of synonym and definition, contrast and opposite, scale

and example of type.

From the description above, the techniques which provides by

Duolingo included both of those.

The purpose of Duolingo is the user can understand a language and they

can use it. In the part of what it provides in learning, the users will know if

Duolingo focus on mastering vocabulary. Based on it, Duolingo can be a

medium for students to improve their vocabulary and teachers used it in

classroom in teaching to help their students in mastering vocabulary. One idea

of using Duolingo is, it may help students in master new vocabulary through

games so they will not be bored in learning, and one game particular that can be

played for this purpose is Duolingo.



3. Advantages of Duolingo

There are several advantages of Duolingo as medium of learning in

classroom. The advantages include:

a. Duolingo is a language learning media which can be used to

increase levels of active leaners in teaching learning process. It can

be because Duolingo incorporates some gamification aspect in

learning with, it can motivate and engage learners in learning with

Duolingo (Munday, 2015, p.88). The material which learning for

game usually difficult to forget, it can be because the learners

enjoy in learning.

b. Duolingo can create a homework so besides learning in classroom,

Duolingo also can support to make students practice to improve

their vocabulary with Duolingo at their home. Based on research

which done by Munday (2015, p.93-94) shows that if the A1

student 84.8% agreed if homework with Duolingo better that other

types of homework.

c. Duolingo can be accessed anywhere and everywhere, so teachers

are not difficult to implemented it in indoor learning or outdoor

learning. It is a media learning language as well which allows the

learners to learn wherever they have internet connection and

whenever they feel like it.



4. Disadvantages of Duolingo

Every media for learning definitely have positive and negative side

according to situation and condition of learning. There are some disadvantages

of using Duolingo as media in learning vocabulary:

a. Duolingo is an online media learning, so it is hard to implement in

classroom if there is no internet connection.

b. If teacher wants to use Duolingo in the classroom, they must use

projector. It will make student more active and they will participate

in learning teaching process.

c. It needs more preparation for the teacher for time allocation and

tools if it does in regular classroom, such as time to prepare

projector, loudspeaker, and notebook.

d. In terms of grammar, Duolingo does not offer any explanations

whatsoever on grammatical use. For language learners, grammar is

an essential part of language learning and there are not direct

grammar lessons. There should be a way to incorporate it along

with vocabulary.

e. In listening exercises, the way the sentences are spoken is not a

representative way of native people speaking that language. The

machine can never really provide the learners with a great listening

activity when it is automatic.



5. The Procedure of Learning Vocabulary by Duolingo

The core teaching in Duolingo is extremely clear. The exercises are solid

and replicate some of the typical drills. Exercises build on one another so that

the leaners are introduced to words and concepts at the right point in the

program. There are five types of activities that Duolingo employs in learning,

such as:

a. The first exercise which Duolingo give is a selecting pictures

exercise for vocabulary where the learners are ordered to select the

right meaning of pictures and vice versa.

b. Next exercise is translating the sentences. There is the translation

from the learner’s native language to the target language and vice

versa. There are two kind the way how to translate the sentences.

First, the learners just choose the right translation of the words

which provided and the they must arrange those into the right

sentences. The second, the learners must type the right translation

based on the sentences.

c. There is also a listening exercise where the learner listens to a

sentence being spoken and types in what they heard, it is possible

for the learner to slow down the pace of the spoken sentence if they

do not understand all of it and it is also available to be listened to

as many times as the learner wishes.

d. A speaking exercise is offered as well, during which the learners

have to read out loud a sentence in the language they are learning.



e. The lastly, It has also the exercises fill in the blank. In exercise in

the form multiple choice. The learners must choose the right

answer among two or three choices.

One of the reason what kept language learners going with Duolingo is

learning language with it is like playing a game. The learners have three hearts

for each exercise which means that they only get three chances to get each

lesson in each level right; otherwise they have to start over. This structure

makes Duolingo really suitable for beginners, which is not always the case

with language-learning programs.

There are a few notable aspects of Duolingo that make its exercises

great. One is that small typos are tolerated. If the learners accidentally

misspell a word, within reason, the exercise might still be marked correct,

though Duolingo will point out the typo. If the learners made a small typo,

Duolingo will mark it wrong regardless. The learners can know the fact that

their answer should have been accepted although their answer not fully right.

The format that presented the message and information which is

adapted by Duolingo called Drill and Practice. According to Arsyad(2011,

p.95), Drill and Practice give to students the examples to increase the their

ability which it will make them practice directly. The important thing of this

consept is they student will not continue the lesson and practice if they do not

understand the lesson.



C. Previous Study

There are many studies of Duolingo which have been done (e.g.,

Vesselinov & Grego, 2012, Munday, 2016, Heba Bahjet Essa Ahmed, 2016).

Vesselinov & Grego (2012) discussed about the motivation for learning a new

language take a primary role in the progress of the learners’ levels in

improving their new language. people who are motivated are more likely to

follow the program’s regulations. The participants had to learn Spanish for

two months by depending on Duolingo though some of them were not

committed to the program. The findings displayed that the majority of learners

developed over time without any external sources or assistance. The results

indicate the importance of being determined and having an incentive in order

to learn energetically and independently by using online websites and apps,

such as Duolingo.

The study which had done by Munday (2016) ”The Case for Using

Duolingo as Part of The Language Classroom Experience” examined the

efficiency of Duolingo in corporate with the traditional teaching method, and

it was used in Spanish university courses. The purpose of the study was not to

cram for Spanish learning, but to enhance their learning process by not

limiting them to a number of hours. At the end, it was shown that Spanish

learners enjoyed the app, and achieved more than the required levels.

However, advanced learners did not show an adequate development in

comparison to first-level learners who improved rapidly through the course.

Munday (2016) recommended that Duolingo should be used in the classrooms

as the learners prefer to have it instead of homework. Furthermore, there are



students who kept using Duolingo even after the end of the course (Munday,

2016). The results demonstrate that Duolingo could be more enjoyable and

beneficial for basic level learners than the sophisticated levels.

This study was done by Heba Bahjet Essa Ahmed (2016). It explored on

the use of technology in order to promote language learning. Duolingo is one

of the modern applications that facilitate acquiring a second language. Hence,

the study aims to confirm the hypothesis that Duolingo helps promote

acquiring two languages simultaneously for beginners. The results showed

that Duolingo can promote acquiring two languages for beginners, but it has

limitations. Thus, it is recommended to develop Duolingo for advanced levels

as well as for English language learners. From previous study findings

reviewed, it can be understood that Duolingo can help students, especially

who is still beginner in improving their English.




A. Research Design

In line with the research problem, the writer uses pre-experimental research

with one group pre-test and post-test in this research. There is only one class to

be researched to know the students’ vocabulary before and after the implemented

the media. (Syamsuddin & Damaianti, 2009, p.157). If the score of post-test is

higher than pre-test, it shows the improvement of students’ vocabulary and the

treatment is effective as the media in teaching vocabulary.

This research was done by the writer himself by conducting an

experimental teaching using Duolingo to the first-years students of MTsN 2

Aceh Besar. He did the research in 5 meeting. By applying this treatment, the

writer was able to find out the effectiveness of the media.


B. Population and Sample

1. Population

According to Bryman (2001), the population is the whole in which a

sample is chosen by a researcher, while the sample is the part chosen by him to

represent the whole unit or group. He also added that the population and sample

should not always be human or people, but it could be nation, school, some of

theories, and others. The population of the research is the third-year students of

MTsN 2 Aceh Besar in the academic year 2017/2018. The school was chosen

because it has good facilities in implementing the media.



2. Sample

Semiawan (2007) states that "the sample is a segment of the population

chosen to represent it”. In this case, the samples are the third-grade students of

MTsN 2 Aceh Besar. The class which be the subject of the research is VII-7. The

class was chosen by same reason, such as; their score in English subject still

below expectations and most of them are misbehavior students in the classroom.

C. Technique of Data Collections

In this research used two instruments, test and questionnaire. It takes based

on the research question. The test is to see the effectiveness Duolingo after

implementing to students and questionnaire is to know students’ perception after

learning by Duolingo.

1. Test

The first instrument is test. The test used in this research is pre-test and

post-test. The pre-test was done before implementing Duolingo. Before

treatment, the writer gives the students 20 questions consist of basic

vocabulary, its about animals life’s and their characteristics. The objective of

the test is to know the basic score of students’ vocabulary.

After treatment, the writer once again conduct a test. The purpose of this

test is to know the scores of students’ vocabulary after using Duolingo. the

writer also gives the students 20 questions in post-test. Together with the

result of pre-test, this score will be analyzed in order to know the effectiveness

of Duolingo in improving students’ vocabulary. Overall, this research uses



quantitative approach, which means the data used is in the form of number

(Suharsimi, 1993, P6 cited in Hisan, 2012, p.20). Then, he analyzed the data

by formulas that appropriate with the aim of the research and explain the

results descriptively.

In this research, the test was conducted in form of matching pictures

with words, translate the sentences from the learner’s native language to target

language and vice versa and gap filling.

2. Questionnaire

The second instrument is questionnaires. The questionnaires were in

closed-ended item questions form. Specifically, the questionnaires are to find

out the students’ perception after learning English through Duolingo. In this

research, the respondents were distributed the likert-scale questionnaire. There

are 12 questions, 1-4 are about students’ interest after learning by Duolingo, 5-

8 is about the disadvantages of Duolingo and 9-12 is about the advantages of

Duolingo. The questionnaires are administered to student at the last meeting.

All questionnaires distributed are returned after they have filled in.

D. Technique of Data Analyses

This research used quantitative approach. The writer gave a test to students

before and after implementing the Duolingo to get the data of quantitative. In this

case, he collected the entire data which was gained. In analyzing the numerical

data, first he tried to get the average of students' vocabulary score among pre-test

and post-test. It is used to know how well student’s score as a whole on



vocabulary which it has taught and given by reseacher. It used the formulas

which suggested in Sudjana (2002, p.67).

∑ x

X =


X : Mean

x : Individual Score

n : Number of Students

After getting the result of pre-test, the writer identified whether or not

there might have students' improvement score on vocabulary comprehension

from pre-test up to posttest score. In analyzing that, he used the formula :

y l - y

P = X 100%


P : percentage of students' improvement

y : pre-test result

y l : post-test

The use of questionnaire was to find out the information of students’

response toward the using Duolingo in teaching vocabulary. There are twelve

closed-questions in the questionnaire. The data from questionnaire was analyzed

by using the following formula:




P = X 100%


P = Percentage

𝑓 = frequency of respondents

𝑛 = number of sample

100 = constants value

E. Validity of Data

Validity is one of the essential requirements of good educational testing

which can represent an acceptable on research. Validity should be determined by

the purpose will be reached by using test. In this research the writer used two

kinds of validity are outcome validity and process validity. First, outcome

validity requires that the action emerging from particular research leads to

successful resolution of the problem with using new media in teaching

vocabulary. Second, process validity is “the validity that requires a research has

been conducted in a “dependable” and competent “manner”. It could be

concluded from the explanation above that we could be seen the outcome validity

from the students’ result of the test. Moreover, in process validity the writer

notes all events happening during implementing Duolingo in the classroom.



F. The Process of Data Collection

In this study, the writer choose class VII-7 as participant in this research. To

gain the data, the writer used experimental teaching, tests and questionnaire.

1. Meeting I (Thursday, January 04th 2018).

In this meeting, the writer introduced himself to the students and

welcomed to them. Then he explained that the writer came to their class is for

collecting the data that the writer need for his research. The writer explained

about the material that proposed in his thesis was about “The Use of Duolingo

to Improve Students’ cooperative with the writer.

After the writer introduced himself to the students, he checked the

students’ attendance list to know participants and to know who did not come

in the classroom that day. Then he started the class by giving a test to each


2. Meeting II (Saturday, January 06th 2018).

At the beginning of the class, the writer said greeting to all the students in

the class, check the students’ attendance list, pray together before start to learn

the material and review what have they did last meeting. Then the writer

showed to the students to see the picture of animal by using Duolingo, then

the students were asked to identify those animals and their meaning. He also

asked to students to try to spell the name of those animals and identify the

characteristic of the animals that was showed by Duolingo. and then, he gave

a change to students to asked the question, some students asked the aim from

what they have done and from the question the writer explained little bit about



text factual report. He gave exercises listening to students by using Duolingo,

the audio is about animal and the writer asked to students to response the right

answers from what they listened. The students were ordered to translate some

sentences about animal which the exercise also provided by Duolingo, they

also were ordered to make a sentences of text factual report from those

sentences and they should also do some exercises gap-filling from it. After

that, the writer asked them to make a simple sentence of text factual report in

individually and some students were ordered to read their work to others.

Then the writer and students concluded what they have learned together.

3. Meeting III (Monday, January 08th 2018).

At the beginning of the class, the writer said greeting to all the students in

the class, pray together, and check the students’ attendance list before start to

the main activity. Then, he started to the main activity. The writer divided into

four group and asked them to sit based on their group that had divided. he

showed some picture of animals with Duolingo and asked the students to

identify the meaning, the right spelling and characteristic of those animals.

After that, the students ware showed some example of text factual report to

make them clearer about it. he gave some exercises to students with Duolingo

such as; listened some sentences, asked them to translated some sentences and

also ordered asked them to did some gap-filling exercises, those exercises did

based on group. Every group also was ordered to make a short text factual

report and read it to another group. In the end lesson, the writer and students

concluded what they have learned together.



4. Meeting IV (Thursday, January 11th 2018).

The writer started the class by saying the greeting to all the students in the

class, pray together, check the students’ attendance list and asking the students

about the previous material. The writer showed some picture of animals with

Duolingo and asked the students to identify the meaning, the right spelling and

characteristic of those animals. The students were showed a video example of

text factual report about “Dolphin” and asked them opinion about it. he gave

some exercises to students with Duolingo such as; listened some sentences,

asked them to translated some sentences and also ordered asked them to did

some gap-filling exercises, those exercises. The students were ordered to make

a short text factual report individually. In the end of the class, the writer

concluded the material and suggested the students to prepare themselves for

post-test in next meeting. The writer also said thank to the students for their


5. Meeting V (Saturday, January 13th 2018).

In this meeting, the writer said the greeting, pray together, checking the

students’ attendance list before start classroom activities, asking the students

about previous material and review it together. Then he distributed a test to all

students and also distributed the questionnaire to collect the data from the

students to know the students’ attitude toward the implementation of Duolingo

in teaching. The students may choose some possible alternative answer that

suitable for them in the questionnaire and it would not give effect to their

score in English subject.




A. The Brief Description of MTsN 2 Aceh Besar

MTsN 2 Aceh Besar is one of Islamic junior high schools under controlling

department of religious affair. The school is located on Jln. Tgk. Glee Iniem,

Tungkop, Darussalam, Aceh Besar. It was existed in 1962 which was established

by Tgk. Chik Di Lamnyong. It is about 1 kilometer away from campus or 10

kilometers from Banda Aceh. MTsN 2 Aceh Besar is established in the same

location of MAN (Islamic Senior High School), MIN (Islamic Elementary

School), and Kindergarten. The location and condition of the school building are

very cool environtment for teaching learning process.

Originally, the school’s name was Sekolah Menengah Islam or SMI

(Islamic Junior high School). On 15 July 1968, SMI was changed state owned

and the name became MTsAIN and then in 1980 MTsAIN changed to be MTsN

until now. The old building was burnt in 2003 and now they are using the new

building that estalished in 2003.

Since its first day, MTsN 2 Aceh Besar has been led by some headmasters,

as seen in the following table, name of the leaders of MTsN Aceh Besar from

1962 until 2017, they are;


Table 4.1: The headmasters’ name of MTsN 2 Aceh Besar

No Name of Headmaster Period Name of school








Ilyas Yusuf, BA

Drs. Ibrahim Ismail

Drs. Burhanuddin Umar

Drs. Uzair

Dra. Sri Rahayuningsih

Drs. Hamdan

Drs. Asnawi Adam, M. Pd

1968– 1973

1973 – 1991

1991 - 2001

2001 - 2002

2002 - 2005

2005 - 2011

2011 – Now








Source :The administration office of MTsN 2 Aceh Besar.

The school has many rooms used to support teaching learning process,

such as : 21 classrooms, 1 art room, 1 headmaster room, 1 teacher room, 1

counseling room, 1 science laboratory, 1 language laboratory, 1 administration

room, 1 library, 7 toilets, and 1 mosque used together with the school nearby. In

addition, the school also has a large playing court for the students to play basket

and volley ball.

Almost all facilities are in good condition and useful to support all

activities of teachers and students. The library as the crucial element in the

school has a lot of books, including text books as well as story books. The books

are available on Bahasa Indonesia or English. In supporting English lesson, the

library provides all textbooks needed by students. Furthermore, students can

also find English story books or other books related to English, such as;


dictionary, English grammar book, etc. All books can be checked out by


The students and teachers

Every year the students of this school are increased. Most of them came

from around Darussalam and Tungkop. The total number of students are 570 in

academic year of 2017-2018. The students are classified into three levels. All of

students are classified into seven classes. The first-year level consists of 210

students, the second-year level consist of 200 students and third-year level

consist of 160 students. It can be seen clearly in following table.

Table 4.2: The amount of MTsN 2 Aceh Besar students

Class Number of students







Total 724

Source :The administration office of MTsN 2 Aceh Besar.

The first-year students are classified into seven classes, The second year

students are classified into seven classes and the third year students are also

classified into seven classes.

In MTsN 2 Aceh Besar, there are 51 teachers that consist of 11 males and

40 females. Most of them are graduated from Islamic University of Ar-Raniry

and Syiah Kuala University. In addition, some of them are graduated from other

universities or institutions. There are 3 English teachers at this school who are


teaching English to the students in different level of students. The data of

English teachers can be seen as follow:

Table 4.3: the English teachers’ name of MTsN 2 Aceh Besar

No Name of Teachers Graduated Teaching Level




Mawardinur S. Ag, S. H

Mawaddah Warrahmah, S. Ag

Erna Wati, S. Pd

IAIN Ar-Raniry

IAIN Ar-Raniry





Source :The administration office of MTsN 2 Aceh Besar.

In teaching the students, the teachers use the curriculum which

decided by the Department of Religious Affair of Indonesian Republic.

Nowadays, the are using Kurrikulum 2013 (Curriculum 2013).

A. The Analysis of Tests

The tests were given to the students in order to know the effect of

using Duolingo in teaching English to their abilities in mastering

vocabulary. The analysis was used to know if there is a difference

between score test in the first meeting and the last meeting (before and

after giving the treatment). The writer determines the minimal mastery

level criterion is 60. The result of the tests could be seen as follow:

1. Result of Pre-test and Post-test

The pre-test was conducted as the preliminary study or done

before the treatment to identify the students’ real competence in

vocabulary. In pre-test, the students assigned to answer some

question related to their competence in mastering English vocabulary.

There were 5 questions in determining the meaning of some pictures,


10 questions in translating sentences English to Indonesian and vice

versa, 5 questions in matching pictures with their meaning, 5

questions in gap-filling. The Pre-Test was conducted on Thursday

04th January 2018.

The post-test was conducted on Friday 12th January 2018. The

test was done after the treatment to identify the students’ competence

in vocabulary after learning English with Duolingo. In post-test, the

students assigned to answer some question related to their

competence in mastering English vocabulary. The questions are same

with the test on pre-test. The result of pre-test and post-test could be

seen as follow:

Table 4.4: Students’ grade in pre-test and post-test

No Students’ Initial Pre-Test Post-Test


































































































































Total 32 1432 1912

Based on the table above, the highest score for Pre-Test is 60

and the lowest score is 36. There were just 2 students who reach 60,

so almost all of students did not pass the test based on the minimal

mastery level criterion which determined by the writer. To get the

result of pre-test, the writer calculated the mean score by using the

following formula:

∑ x

X =


= 1432


= 44.75

Based on the result of pre-test, the data showed that the mean

score of pre-test is 44.75. it could be seen that almost the score of

respondents was still low.


Based on the table above, the highest score for post-test is 84

and the lowest score is 44. There were 14 students who got score 60

and above, the students who were not pass the minimal mastery level

criterion are 18 students. The increase in students’ score in post-test

result after the writer taught them to understand and master

vocabulary by using Duolingo. To get the result of post-test, the

writer calculated the mean score with formula:

∑ x

X =


= 1912


= 59.75

Based on the result of post-test, the data showed that the mean

score of pre-test is 59.75. It showed if after implementing the

treatment their scores are increased. Finally, the calculation of the

improvement percentage is gained from the following formula:

y l - y

P = X 100%


59.75 – 44.74

= X 100%



= X 100%


= 33.5%


Based on the result of students score, the was better

improvement of students’ average score from students’ vocabulary

achievement. The mean score of pre-test was 44.75 and the mean

score of post-test was 59.75. the percentage of their improvement

score are 33.5%.

B. The Analysis of Questionnaire

Questionnaire were used to get the data about students’

perception after learning English subject using Duolingo as media in

learning. The numbers of questions in questionnaire are twelve. The

writer provided a closed-ended questionnaire. The data can be seen in

following tables and description.

1. Students’ interest.

Table 4.5: The students feel more motivated to learn English by using


Option Frequency Percentage

Strongly agree 12 37.5%

Agree 17 53.1%

Disagree 3 9.4%

Strongly disagree 0 0%

Total 32 100%

From the table above, there are 53.1% agree that they feel more

motivated to learn English by using Duolingo. There are 37.5% of students

strongly agree, the rest are disagreed. This calculation shows that using


Duolingo has positive effect on students’ motivation in learning process. Most

of them feel motivated to learn by using Duolingo.

Table 4.6: Learning English by using Duolingo makes the students

more skillful in memorizing vocabulary

Option Frequency Percentage

Strongly agree 11 34.4%

Agree 21 65.6%

Disagree 0 0%

Strongly disagree 0 0%

Total 32 100%

Based on the data, 65.6% of students agreed that using Duolingo

makes them more skillful in memorizing vocabulary and 34.4 of them are

strongly agree. It means that all of them agreed that learning speaking by

using Duolingo makes them more skillful.

Table 4.7: The students interested in learning English by using

Duolingo because it makes them easier in understanding the

meaning of new vocabulary well.

Option Frequency Percentage

Strongly agree 11 34.4%

Agree 16 50.0%

Disagree 5 15.6%

Strongly disagree 0 0%

Total 32 100%

Based on above, almost all of the students said that using Duolingo in

learning make them interested in learning English. There were only 15.6%


disagreed. It means that using Duolingo as a tool in teaching can increase

students’ interest.

Table 4.8: Learning with Duolingo provides an opportunity to be more

active in learning

Option Frequency Percentage

Strongly agree 15 46.9%

Agree 12 37.5%

Disagree 5 15.6%

Strongly disagree 0 0%

Total 32 100%

Based on above, 46.9% students choose strongly agree that using

Duolingo in teaching provided them an opportunity to be active in learning,

while 37.5% are agree. There were only a few of them chose disagree

(15.6%). That mean if learning English with Duolingo give them opportunity

to be more active in learning process.

2. Weakness.

Table 4.9: In my opinion, using Duolingo in learning is boring.

Option Frequency Percentage

Strongly agree 0 0%

Agree 6 18.8%

Disagree 20 62.5%

Strongly disagree 6 18.8%

Total 32 100%

Many of students disagree that using Duolingo in learning is boring

(62.5%) and strongly agree (18.8%). The rest is agree (18.8%). Based on the

result, Duolingo is not a boring media in learning English.


Table 4.10: Duolingo makes it difficult for students in understanding

and practicing vocabulary.

Option Frequency Percentage

Strongly agree 0 0%

Agree 8 25.0%

Disagree 20 62.5%

Strongly disagree 4 12.5%

Total 32 100%

Based on the data above, it was shown that most of students disagree,

62.5% students are disagree and 12.5% are strongly disagree if Duolingo

makes them difficult to practice speaking skill while 25.0% of them agreed. It

shows that Duolingo ease them in understanding and practicing their


Table 4.11: Duolingo is less useful for learning vocabulary.

Option Frequency Percentage

Strongly agree 0 0%

Agree 3 9.4%

Disagree 13 40.6%

Strongly disagree 16 50.0%

Total 32 100%

Based on the table above, it shows that most of students (90.6%)

though that Duolingo is useful for learning vocabulary.

Table 4.12: Students cannot express their opinion, while learning

using Duolingo

Option Frequency Percentage

Strongly agree 2 6.3%


Agree 11 34.4%

Disagree 16 50.0%

Strongly disagree 3 9.4%

Total 32 100%

From the data above, there are various answers of the students. 50.0%

students disagreed and 9.4% are strongly disagree if Duolingo makes them

difficult to express their opinion while 34.4% of students are agree and rest of

them are strongly agree.

3. Advantages

Table 4.13: Duolingo encouraged students to discover new ideas

Option Frequency Percentage

Strongly agree 4 12.5%

Agree 22 68.8%

Disagree 6 18.8%

Strongly disagree 0 0%

Total 32 100%

Duolingo can encouraged the students to discover new idea, it is

shown from the table that almost of students have positive attitude toward

Duolingo (81.3%).

Table 4.14: Learning with Duolingo makes students better understand

the material

Option Frequency Percentage

Strongly agree 0 0%

Agree 22 62.5%

Disagree 8 25.0%

Strongly disagree 4 12.5%

Total 32 100%


From the data, 62.5% of students agree that learning to speak with

Duolingo makes students better understand the material. 25.0% of them are

disagree and rest of them are strongly disagree.

Table 4.15: Learning by using Duolingo get students in mastering new


Option Frequency Percentage

Strongly agree 5 15.6%

Agree 21 65.6%

Disagree 5 15.6%

Strongly disagree 1 3.1%

Total 32 100%

From the table, it shows that almost all of the students are get new

vocabulary by learning English with Duolingo, because 81.2% students agreed

about it and just little bit of them are disagree.

Table 4.16: Learning English by using Duolingo allows students to

apply their English skills in their daily life

Option Frequency Percentage

Strongly agree 0 0%

Agree 23 71.9%

Disagree 9 28.1%

Strongly disagree 0 0%

Total 32 100%

The data shows that almost all of them agree that learning English by

using Duolingo allows them to apply their English skill in their daily life.


C. Discussion

In this study, the writer applied the implementation of Duolingo in

teaching English subject for the students of MTsN 2 Aceh Besar. The writer

successfully collected the data using tests and questionnaire in order to answer

the writer questions. The purpose of this research is to know the effect of using

Duolingo in teaching English to improve students’ vocabulary mastery and to

know their perception toward implementation of Duolingo in teaching English.

Hopefully, this media could make them to be more motivated in mastering

vocabulary and get more understanding. They are enjoying the learning, and

they could practice their English in daily life. To get clear idea on the result of

this research, the writer would explain as the follows.

There are two research questions, the first research question is about the

effect in implementing Duolingo on students’ vocabulary mastery. The writer

found that almost all of students got better post-test score than pre-test. The

data of post-test’s score indicated that there was the improvement on students’

score. The mean of post-test is higher than pre-test (59.75>44.75) which means

that students’ vocabulary mastery has been improved. The percentage of

improvement is 33.5%. From that result, it showed that there was a significant

improvement of students’ scores before and after getting the treatment.

The second question is about the perception of students on learning

English by using Duolingo. The result showed more positive perception than

negative from students, such as; the students were more motivated in learning;

more skillful because the interest of learning increases; easy to understand the


material; giving the opportunity to all students to get a fair turn in practicing

the material; eliminate boredom in learning; encourage the idea of new ideas;

and facilitate students in remembering also practice the material in daily life


It can be concluded that Duolingo gave a good effect to improve students’

vocabulary mastery. It was because of Duolingo was an interesting media that

can be used in teaching English vocabulary for beginner level.





A. Conclusions

The main purpose of this research is to investigate about the use Duolingo in

teaching English to improve students’ vocabulary, and also to find out the

influence of Duolingo on students. Based on the result and discussions in chapter

IV, the conclusion can be drawn as the following:

1. Applying Duolingo in improving students’ vocabulary mastering

improves the students’ ability in mastering vocabulary. It can be

proven by the findings that the mean of the post-test scores was

higher than pre-test scores. The mean of the post-test was 59.75

while mean of pre-test was 44.75. the percentage of improvement

shown the result if there are 33.5% of the improvement.

2. Duolingo is one of the effective media in teaching-learning

vocabulary for beginner level students. It is considerably interesting

for students as they showed excellent responses toward this media,

they are easy to understand the material, having an opportunity to all

students to get a fair turn in practicing material, Duolingo can

eliminate boredom in learning and also encourage them of new idea

in learning.


B. Suggestions

After conducting Pre-Experimental research and analyzing the tests and

the questionnaire, the research purposes some suggestion that would be the

beneficial for students, teachers, and other researchers who are will interested in

applying Duolingo in improving students’ vocabulary mastery. The writer

suggestions are:

1. To make learning process more interesting, teachers should apply

an appropriate media. Besides teaching by using text book

teachers can also provide audiovisual media such as Duolingo. it

helps students find new vocabulary, helps them understand

material, and also help to memorized the vocabulary well.

2. Duolingo will increase students’ capability not only to acquired

new vocabularies but also help them to understand how to use

those and be able to use the vocabulary in their daily life.

3. This research can be used by next researchers as reference to their

research. Duolingo not only can used as autodidact learning but

also it can be implemented in classroom or others activity learning





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Web, (2015), Duolingo Guide For School, accessed on 22/1/2016 at






Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : IX

Materi Pokok : Factual Report

A. Kompetensi Inti

K.1. Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

K.2. Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin,

tanggungjawab, peduli (gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), santun,

responsif dan pro-aktif dan menunjukkan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi

atas berbagai permasalahan dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan


lingkungan sosial dan alam serta dalam menempatkan diri sebagai

cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia.

K.3. Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan faktual,

konseptual, prosedural, berdasarkan rasa ingintahunya tentang ilmu

pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan

kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab

fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada

bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk

memecahkan masalah.

K.4. Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah

abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah

secara mandiri, dan mampu menggunakan metode sesuai kaidah keilmuan.

B. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator

2.4. Menunjukkan perilaku santun,

antusias, kreatif, ekspresif,

interaktif, kerjasama, dan

imajinatif dalam menghargai

budaya dan bahasa

2.4.1 Menggunakan bahasa santun

ketika berkomunikasi dengan

guru dan teman

2.4.2 menunjukkan perlaku tanggap

terhadap pendapat orang lain

4.14. Menangkap makna dari teks

ilmiah faktual (factual report),

lisan dan tulis, pendek dan

sederhana terkait dengan mata

pelajaran lain di Kelas IX, dengan memperhatikan fungsi

4.14.1. Menghasilkan kalimat-kalimat

teks ilmiah factual (factual

report) dalam bentuk tulisan yang

sederhana dan singkat berkaitan

dengan binatang, benda,

tumbuhan dan gejala alam

dengan memperhatikan fungsi

sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan yang benar dan

sesuai konteks.

C. Materi Pembelajaran

TEKS REPORT adalah teks yang menyampaikan informasi dengan

mendeskripsikan sesuatu secara umum, yang meliputi berbagai hal/benda yang

ada di alam, hal/benda buatan manusia, dan fenomena social yang terjadi disekitar

kita. Teks report berisi serangkaian fakta yang logis dan bersifat objektif, tanpa adanya keterlibatan pribadi (pendapat pribadi ) penulis.


1. General classification (klasifikasi umum) : pengantar tentang

objek/fenomena yang akan dibahas.


2. Description (deskripsi) : menerangkan objek/ fenomena yang dibahas,

meliputi bagian-bagian, kualitas, dan perilaku.


1. Mengunakan simple present tense, kecuali apabila sudah punah,

menggunakan past tense.

2. Mengunakan action verbs (kata kerja tindakan) dan relating verbs

misalnya is, am, are, look, dan seem.

3. Mengunakan general nouns (kata benda yang bersifat umum),

misalnya green sea turtles, northern Lights, orchids, platypus, and etc.

D. Media Pembelajaran

1) Laptop

2) Proyektor

3) Papan tulis

4) Spidol

E. Sumber Belajar

F. Langkah- langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Tahap

Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran




Guru mengucapkan salam dan

memulai pembelajaran

Guru mengabsen siswa

Guru menyapa peserta didik

dengan menanyakan kabar siswa

Guru melakukan apersepsi

tentang apa yang sudah siswa

pelajari di pertemuan


15 menit

Kegiatan Inti Mengamati

Guru menampilkan beberapa

gambar binatang dengan

menggunakan Duolingo.

Dengan bimbingan dan arahan

guru, siswa mengidentifikasi arti

dan spelling yang benar dari

nama-nama binatang tersebut.

Guru menyuruh siswa untuk

25 Menit


mencoba mengindetifikasi ciri-

ciri dari binatang-binatang



Guru memberikan kesempatan

siswa untuk bertanya tentang hal-

hal yang tidak mereka mengerti

dari apa yang sudah mereka

lakukan bersama-sama.

10 Menit


Guru memperdengarkan beberapa

kalimat yang ada di Duolingo

yang berhubungan tentang

binatang dan menyuruh mereka

mengemukakan yang mereka


Guru mengajak siswa untuk

menerjemahkan beberapa kalimat

di Duolingo yang berhubungan

tentang binatang dan memancing

mereka membuat kalimat teks

report sederhana dari kalimat-

kalimat tersebut.

25 Menit


Guru mengajak siswa untuk

menyelesaikan beberapa exercise

gap filling yang ada di Duolingo.

Guru menyuruh siswa membuat

beberapa contoh kalimat teks

report yang dilakukan


10 Menit



Guru memerintah beberapa siswa

untuk mengemukakan beberapa

contoh kalimat teks report yang

mereka kerjakan kepada siswa-

siswa lainnya.

8 Menit

Penutup Kesimpulan Peserta didik bersama guru

menarik kesimpulan 7 Menit


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris


Kelas : IX

Materi Pokok : Factual Report

G. Kompetensi Inti

K.1. Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

K.2. Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin,

tanggungjawab, peduli (gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), santun,

responsif dan pro-aktif dan menunjukkan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi

atas berbagai permasalahan dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan

lingkungan sosial dan alam serta dalam menempatkan diri sebagai

cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia.

K.3. Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan faktual,

konseptual, prosedural, berdasarkan rasa ingintahunya tentang ilmu

pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan

kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab

fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada

bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk

memecahkan masalah.

K.4. Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah

abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah

secara mandiri, dan mampu menggunakan metode sesuai kaidah keilmuan.

H. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator

2.4. Menunjukkan perilaku santun,

antusias, kreatif, ekspresif,

interaktif, kerjasama, dan

imajinatif dalam menghargai

budaya dan bahasa

2.4.1 Menggunakan bahasa santun

ketika berkomunikasi dengan

guru dan teman

2.4.2 menunjukkan perlaku tanggap

terhadap pendapat orang lain

4.15. Menyusun teks ilmiah faktual

(factual report), lisan dan tulis,

pendek dan sederhana, tentang

orang, binatang, benda, gejala

dan peristiwa alam dan sosial,

terkait dengan mata pelajaran

lain di Kelas IX, dengan

4.15.1. Menghasilkan sebuah teks

ilmiah factual (factual report)

dalam bentuk tulisan yang

sederhana dan singkat berkaitan

dengan binatang, benda,

tumbuhan dan gejala alam

dengan memperhatikan fungsi


memperhatikan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan yang benar dan

sesuai konteks.

sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan yang benar dan

sesuai konteks.

I. Materi Pembelajaran

Teks ilmiah faktual (factual report), lisan dan tulis, pendek dan sederhana, tentang

orang, binatang, benda, gejala dan peristiwa alam dan sosial.

Ex: Pandas are mammal. It means that pandas bear live babies. They feed the

babies on milk.

Panda is like bear. their bodies are typical. It has two dominant colors, white and

black. Panda’s fur is seen dominantly in white or snowy. While the legs, ears,

eyes, and also the muzzle are covered with black fur.

Formerly, panda lived in South and East China. It was also found in part of

Myanmar and Vietnam. Today, panda is seen a lot in forest area in Sinchuan,

Gangsu, and Shaanxi of China

Panda looks cute however it is actually a wild animal. It is like a bear. Because it

has strength, panda potentially becomes a frightful animal.

J. Media Pembelajaran

5) Laptop

6) Proyektor

7) Papan tulis

8) Spidol

K. Sumber Belajar

L. Langkah- langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Tahap

Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran




Guru mengucapkan salam dan

memulai pembelajaran

Guru mengabsen siswa

Guru menyapa peserta didik

15 menit


dengan menanyakan kabar siswa

Guru melakukan apersepsi

tentang apa yang sudah siswa

pelajari di pertemuan


Kegiatan Inti


Guru membagikan siswa kedalam

kelompok secara random yang

berjumlah 6 kelompok.

Guru menampilkan beberapa

gambar binatang dengan

menggunakan Duolingo.

Siswa mempehatikan gambar

yang ditampilkan oleh guru.

Dengan bimbingan dan arahan

guru, siswa mengidentifikasi arti

dan spelling yang benar dari

nama-nama binatang tersebut dan

menyelesaikan beberapa soal

translate kalimat yang ada di


Selanjutnya guru menampilkan

contoh teks factual report, dan

menyuruh mengamatinya dan

setiap kelompok wajib

memberikan pendapatnya.

Guru membantu siswa untuk

mengindentifikasikan (fungsi

sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan) dari contoh teks

factual report yang ditampilkan.

25 Menit


Siswa bertanya tentang hal-hal

yang tidak mereka mengerti dari

materi factual report (fungsi

sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur


10 Menit


Guru memperdengarkan beberapa

kalimat yang ada di Duolingo

yang berhubungan tentang

binatang dan menyuruh mereka

mengemukakan yang mereka


20 Menit


Guru mengajak siswa untuk

menerjemahkan beberapa kalimat

di Duolingo yang berhubungan

tentang binatang dan memancing

mereka membuat kalimat teks

report sederhana dari kalimat-

kalimat tersebut.


Guru mengajak siswa untuk

menyelesaikan beberapa exercise

gap filling yang ada di Duolingo.

Siswa mengarang sebuah teks

factual report sederhana dan

singkat bersama dengan anggota


20 Menit



Siswa membaca teks factual

report yang sudah mereka

kerjakan kepada kelompok-

kelompok lain

5 Menit

Penutup Kesimpulan Peserta didik bersama guru

menarik kesimpulan 5 Menit


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : IX

Materi Pokok : Factual Report

M. Kompetensi Inti

K.1. Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

K.2. Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin,

tanggungjawab, peduli (gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), santun,

responsif dan pro-aktif dan menunjukkan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi

atas berbagai permasalahan dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan

lingkungan sosial dan alam serta dalam menempatkan diri sebagai

cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia.

K.3. Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan faktual,

konseptual, prosedural, berdasarkan rasa ingintahunya tentang ilmu


pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan

kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab

fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada

bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk

memecahkan masalah.

K.4. Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah

abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah

secara mandiri, dan mampu menggunakan metode sesuai kaidah keilmuan.

N. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator

2.4. Menunjukkan perilaku santun,

antusias, kreatif, ekspresif,

interaktif, kerjasama, dan

imajinatif dalam menghargai

budaya dan bahasa

2.4.1 Menggunakan bahasa santun

ketika berkomunikasi dengan

guru dan teman

2.4.2 menunjukkan perlaku tanggap

terhadap pendapat orang lain

4.15. Menyusun teks ilmiah faktual

(factual report), lisan dan tulis,

pendek dan sederhana, tentang

orang, binatang, benda, gejala

dan peristiwa alam dan sosial,

terkait dengan mata pelajaran

lain di Kelas IX, dengan

memperhatikan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan yang benar dan

sesuai konteks.

4.15.1. Menghasilkan sebuah teks

ilmiah factual (factual report)

dalam bentuk tulisan yang

sederhana dan singkat berkaitan

dengan binatang, benda,

tumbuhan dan gejala alam

dengan memperhatikan fungsi

sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan yang benar dan

sesuai konteks.

O. Materi Pembelajaran

Teks ilmiah faktual (factual report), lisan dan tulis, pendek dan sederhana, tentang

orang, binatang, benda, gejala dan peristiwa alam dan sosial.

P. Media Pembelajaran

9) Laptop

10) Proyektor

11) Papan tulis

12) Spidol


Q. Sumber Belajar

R. Langkah- langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Tahap

Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran




Guru mengucapkan salam dan

memulai pembelajaran

Guru mengabsen siswa

Guru menyapa peserta didik

dengan menanyakan kabar siswa

Guru melakukan apersepsi

tentang apa yang sudah siswa

pelajari di pertemuan


15 menit

Kegiatan Inti


Guru menampilkan beberapa

gambar binatang dengan

menggunakan Duolingo.

Siswa mempehatikan gambar

yang ditampilkan oleh guru.

Dengan bimbingan dan arahan

guru, siswa mengidentifikasi arti

dan spelling yang benar dari

nama-nama binatang tersebut dan

menyelesaikan beberapa soal

translate kalimat yang ada di


Guru menampilkan sebuah video

teks factual report tentang lumba-


15 Menit


Guru memancing siswa untuk

bertanya tentang hal-hal yang

tidak mereka mengerti dari dari

video teks factual report yang


10 Menit


Guru memperdengarkan beberapa

kalimat yang ada di Duolingo

yang berhubungan tentang

20 Menit


binatang dan menyuruh mereka

mengemukakan yang mereka


Guru mengajak siswa untuk

menerjemahkan beberapa kalimat

di Duolingo yang berhubungan

tentang binatang dan memancing

mereka membuat kalimat teks

report sederhana dari kalimat-

kalimat tersebut.


Guru mengajak siswa untuk

menyelesaikan beberapa exercise

gap filling yang ada di Duolingo.

Guru memerintahkan siswa untuk

mengarang sebuah teks factual

report sederhana dan singkat.

Siswa mengarang sebuah teks

factual report secara individu

20 Menit



Beberapa siswa membaca teks

factual report yang sudah mereka

kerjakan kepada murid-murid lain

di depan.

10 Menit


Kesimpulan Peserta didik bersama guru

menarik kesimpulan

10 Menit


Guru bertanya tentang proses

pembelajaran hari ini dengan

meminta kesan dari peserta didik

A. Rubrik Penilaian

Untuk setiap jawaban benar diberi score = 4

Nilai maksimal = 100

No Name Mention

















Instrumen penilaian.

Score The Range

1. Excellent

2. Very good

3. Good

4. Enough

5. Fail

81 - 100

61 - 80

41 - 60

21 - 40

0 - 20

Pre-Test/ Post-Test



A. Mention the name of the picture below in English!!!

1. = 2. =

3. = 4. =


5. =

B. Translate the sentences into Bahasa Indonesia!!!

6. The Horse eats grass.

7. Eagle is a bird.

8. I have a turtle.

9. The crab lives in the swamp.

10. The lions like to hunt together.

C. Translate the sentences into English!!!

11. Burung saya makan roti.

12. Gajah menggunakan belalai mereka untuk minum.

13. Adik perempuan saya menyukai kelinci.

14. Anjing saya senang bermain dengan saya.

15. Monyet itu melompati pohon.

D. Please match the picture with its right meaning!!!


16. Goat

17. Mouse

18. Cat

19. Camel

20. Whale

E. Complete the sentences below with the appropriate words from the


21. My grandmother ……….. her cats.

22. The birds use ………. wings to fly.

23. The horse ……… my animal.

24. The horse is the ……… animal in my farm.

25. My younger sister like to ………. with her turtle.

Loves Fast Are Play


Is Their Fastest Love

Kunci Jawaban TEST



F. Mention the name of the picture below in English!!!

26. = Duck 27. = Bear

28. = Dog 29. = Turtle

30. = Shark

G. Translate the sentences into Bahasa Indonesia!!!

31. The Horse eats grass. Kuda makan rumput

32. The Eagle is a bird. Elang adalah seekor burung

33. I have a turtle. Saya punya seekor kura-kura

34. The crab lives in the swamp. Kepiting tinggal di rawa-rawa

35. The lions like to hunt together. Singa suka berburu bersama-sama

H. Translate the sentences into English!!!

36. Burung saya makan roti. My bird eats bread

37. Gajah menggunakan belalai mereka untuk minum. The elephant uses their

trunk to drink

38. Adik perempuan saya menyukai kelinci. My sister likes rabbit


39. Anjing saya senang bermain dengan saya. My dog like to play with me

40. Monyet itu melompati pohon. The monkey jumps the tree

I. Please match the picture with its right meaning!!!

41. Goat

42. Mouse

43. Cat

44. Camel

45. Chicken


J. Complete the sentences below with the appropriate words from the


46. My grandmother …… (Loves) her cats.

47. The birds use …… (Their) wings to fly.

48. The horse ….. ( Is) an animal.

49. The horse is the most…… (Fastest) animal in my farm.

50. My younger sister like to ….. (Play)with her turtle.

Loves Fast Are Play

Is Their Fastest Love



Nama :

Kelas :


1. Bacalah semua pernyataan dengan teliti dan cermat

2. Pilih satu criteria yang sesuai dengan pendapat anda, dengan cara member

tanda ( ) pada salah satu criteria skor.

3. Keterangan kriteria skor:

STS :Sangat Tidak setuju S :Setuju

TS : Tidak Setuju SS :Sangat setuju

No Pernyataan SS S TS STS

1 Saya merasa lebih termotivasi belajar

dengan menggunakan Duolingo.

2 Belajar dengan menggunakan Duolingo

membuat saya lebih bersemangat dalam


menghafal kosakata bahasa inggris.

3 Saya tertarik belajar menggunakan

Duolingo karena memudahkan saya

memahami arti kosakata Bahasa inggris

dengan baik.

4 Belajar menggunakan Duolingo memberi

kesempatan untuk saya lebih aktif dalam


5 Menurut saya, Duolingo dalam

pembelajaran yang membosankan.

6 Duolingo mempersulit saya dalam

menghafal dan belajar kosakata bahasa


7 Duolingo kurang bermanfaat untuk belajar

didalam kelas.

8 Saya tidak dapat mengemukakan pendapat saat belajar menggunakan Duolingo

9 Duolingo mendorong saya untuk

menghafal kosakata bahasa inggris yang


10 Belajar menggunakan Duolingo membuat

saya lebih dalam memahami materi


11 Belajar menggunakan Duolingo saya

menghafal kosakata baru.

12 Belajar menggunakan Duolingo membuat saya bisa menerapkan keterampilan saya berbahasa inggris dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.