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  • 8/9/2019 The Urja Watch March 2010final


    A monthly newsletter of

    Indian Association of Energy


    The Urja WatchMarch 2010, Vol. III/Issue 21

    It is about Conscience Keeping on Energy Matters

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    The Urja Watch March 2010Vol. III/Issue 21



    Whats inside?From the EditorUsing Energy Smartly3

    Letters to the Editor5

    Upcoming Events5

    Demand Side ManagementThe art of managing electricity-useeconomically 6

    DSM Application to HTConsumers 10

    Concept of Energy & ResourcesDemand Audit- An Effective Toolto Manage Future Demand



    Editorial Board

    S. Subramanian (Editor)

    Sunil Sood, Amit Gupta, R.V. Ramana Rao, S.K. Panigrahi

    Reporters: Vikas Apte Regulatory affairs, D.K. Agrawal, Jaipur

    Website: Editor Contact: [email protected]

    Contributors for this issue

    Ramanathan Menon, R.V. Ramana Rao. Sunil Sood[email protected]:[email protected]://
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    From the Editors Desk

    Using Electricity SmartlyElectricity is a unique form of energy. The instant you flip a switch,electricity is transported in the required quantity and delivered to yourdevice in milliseconds. The rapidly growing digital economy reliesheavily on such precision and speed.

    It is electricity that drives most industrial equipmentand all types of microprocessors - from computersand cell phones to entertainment systems andengineering processes. With the vast majority of modern devices using electricity for energy input,

    and the proliferation of such devices, it is no surprisethat electricity consumption continues to rise.Consequently, power generating stations are

    constantly required to face the burden of increasing electricitydemand.

    New energy technologies are coming in streams - but they cannotbridge the gap between electricity supply and demand tomorrow. Wemust, therefore, look for other tools that will help use the availableelectricity more wisely. One of the demonstrated and effective tools isthe Demand-Side Management or DSM in short. DSM refers to active

    efforts by electric utilities to modify customers energy use patternsthrough innovative programs.

    During the 1970s, in response to the oil shock, the United States took alead in utility DSM programs and aggressively promoted the adoptionof energy-saving technologies and practices. They grew rapidly duringthe late 1980s as state regulators provided incentives for utilities topursue least-cost or integrated resource planning. The utilities, in turn,provided rebates and incentives to energy consumers who adoptedmeasures to use energy efficiently.

    How does it help to pursue DSM programs in India? Reducing theelectricity demand through efficient use at the end users premises canrelease some capacities in electricity generation, transmission anddistribution. The freeing up of capacities can quickly contribute toenergy "supply" at costs much lower to building new power stations. Inaddition, there are economic gains for the electricity boards most of whom are already suffering from financial crunches.

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    Letters to the Editor

    Dear Sirs: The self-revelation articles in the Feb.2010 issue of Urja Watch arevery interesting, touchy, candid, thought-provoking and above all mostinspiring.

    My great appreciation to those authors, editor and the IAEMPyahoogroup.

    M.R.Menon aka Solar Menon

    Upcoming Events

    Power & Electricity World Asia Singapore April 5-9, 2010

    POWER-GEN India & Central Asia New Delhi, India April 21-23,

    Clean Energy Council Conference Adelaide, Australia May3-5, 2010


    Renewable Energy:

    Business opportunities for CO2 ReductionBangkok, Thailand June 2-3, 2010

    Website: http://www.renewableenergy-asia.comContact name: Ms. Aroonsri Pimpaporn
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    Demand Side ManagementThe art of managing electricity-use


    By Ramanathan Menon

    All of us prefer to have the convenience of electricity by just pressing anelectric switch. We should know that behind this convenience in our homesand industries there is a complex chain of supply that stretches back

    hundreds of kilometers to power stations across the country. The art of managing this supply chain is called Demand Side Management (DSM) .

    Energy-use can be ideally and economically managed by supply and demandinteractions in the market. For electricity use in particular, the price paid onthe market is often regulated or fixed, and in many cases does not reflect thefull cost of production. Electricity use can vary dramatically on short andmedium time frames, and the pricing system may not reflect theinstantaneous cost as additional higher-cost ("peaking") sources are broughton-line. In addition, the capacity or willingness of electricity consumers toadjust to prices by altering demand (elasticity of demand) may be low,particularly over short time frames. In many markets, consumers (particularly

    retail customers) do not face real-time pricing at all, but pay rates based onaverage annual costs or other constructed prices.

    Various market failures rule out an ideal result. One is that suppliers' costs donot include all damages and risks of their activities. External costs areincurred by others directly or by damage to the environment, and are knownas externalities. Theoretically the best approach would be to add externalcosts to the direct costs of the supplier as a tax (internalization of externalcosts). Another possibility (referred to as the second-best approach in thetheory of taxation) is to intervene on the demand side by some kind of rebate.

    Energy demand management activities should bring the demand and supplycloser to a perceived optimum. Demand for any commodity can be modifiedby actions of market players and government (regulation and taxation).Energy demand management implies actions that influence demand forenergy. As a concept, DSM was originally adopted in energy distribution.

    Today DSM is applied widely to utilities including water and gas as well.

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    Reducing energy demand is contrary to what both energy suppliers andgovernments have been doing during most of the modern industrial history.Whereas real prices of various energy forms have been decreasing duringmost of the industrial era, due to economies of scale and technology, theexpectation for the future is the opposite. Previously, it was not unreasonableto promote energy use as more copious and cheaper energy sources could beanticipated in the future or the supplier had installed excess capacity thatwould be made more profitable by increased consumption.

    In centrally planned economies subsidizing energy was one of the maineconomic development tools. Subsidies to the energy supply industry are stillcommon in some countries.

    Contrary to the historical situation, energy prices and availability areexpected to deteriorate. Governments and other public actors, if not the

    energy suppliers themselves, are tending to employ energy demandmeasures that will increase the efficiency of energy consumption.

    DSM in India: The historic problems of the Indian power sector can betraced to three root issues unacceptably high transmission anddistribution(T&D)losses, large commercial losses due to poor billing,metering, collection and energy theft, and, low end-use efficiency of energyuse specifically in agriculture. There is now widespread agreement that

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    restoration of the financial health of the sector can be only enabled bydemand side initiatives.

    To be specific, the electricity distribution area is where the historic problemsconverge. This convergence is most felt in the agricultural sector where thewater-energy nexus is a major root cause for the precarious financialcondition of the power sector in India today. Water withdrawal is an energyintensive operation throughout the agricultural sector, with the result that 30-40% of Indias power consumption is used for irrigation. The irrigationpumping electricity use is at the heart of the subsidy issue and along withelectricity theft and T&D losses, comprise the root cause for the sectorsfinancial dilemma.

    The reasons a power utility in India may undertake DSM include: a) demandoutstripping the capability to provide supply, particularly peak supply, b)improve the cash flow revenues of the utility, c) improve the quality andreliability of power supply, and d) mitigate the impact of rising tariffs to thesubsidized customers. For agricultural sector particularly, utility DSM is highlybeneficial because of the subsidized prices and high costs of supply resultingfrom technical and commercial losses.

    Electricity network losses vary substantially from less than 4% to more than20%. A major potential for reducing network losses lies in distributiontransformers as they are used by utility companies to transform theelectricity from a voltage level of 1 to 50 kV the level at which the power istransported locally and supplied to many industrial consumers to a voltagelevel ranging between 120 V and 1 kV - typically used by residentialconsumers and the tertiary sector. A small efficiency increase can add up tosignificant energy savings over the lifetime of the transformer.

    Barriers to Energy Efficiency Improvement: There has been a greatinterest in energy efficiency improvement since the first oil price shock in theearly seventies, and recently interest has heightened further because of theglobal warming effects of high energy use. This four decade long experiencein implementing energy efficiency projects in the OECD countries hasprovided substantial documentation of both the economic and theenvironmental benefits of adopting energy efficiency improvement measures.

    Those associated with energy efficiency related work in India find some of thebarriers listed below:

    Customer inertia : Many facility owners and managers realize thatopportunities to save energy and lower costs may exist, but they nevermove forward with them.

    Others do not perceive the need, or feel a sense of urgency, toimplement energy efficiency measures. It is a low priority comparedwith other mission objectives;

    Lack of technical resources : Managers often lack detailed energyconsumption information about their facilities to help them understand

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    their own energy and infrastructure needs as well as to identify andimplement more beneficial energy savings choices. They also may lackthe analytical tools to determine whether their facility is a goodcandidate for an energy efficiency retrofit and the technical expertiseto implement a retrofit using existing staff.

    Absence of focus: Energy efficiency is not a core functional area. Manyorganizations have competent and knowledgeable technical staff thatcan successfully implement energy efficiency improvementprogrammes. However, their core functions and responsibilities arequite different: maintenance, or production.

    Given this emphasis they do not have the time or other resourcesnecessary to successfully develop and implement energy efficiencyimprovement projects.

    Poor understanding of project synergies : Most facility owners and

    managers are not aware that comprehensive energy efficiency projectscan meet multiple objectives. Energy efficiency retrofits not onlydecrease energy use and costs; but they also improve the facilityinfrastructure, lower operating and maintenance costs, reduceenvironmental impacts and improve comfort levels. In many instancesenergy efficiency helps a facility owner to improve its competitivenessby lowering operating costs.

    Capital constraints and unattractive hurdle rates : Often, facility ownersare leery of taking on long-term debt. Because of this, they areunwilling to undertake energy efficiency projects even though the debtrequired to finance the projects would be paid out of the energy

    savings. Additionally, many facilities, particularly in the commercialand industrial sectors, expect a higher rate of return on capitalinvested in energy efficiency projects than that of projects undertakenas a part of the facilitys core mission. In many cases this means anenergy efficiency project will be rejected outright, though the financialreturns on the investments are similar.

    CEOs & CFOs are not interested in Energy Efficiency Improvement :Perhaps, the greatest barrier to energy efficiency improvement in Indiais that this is still considered to be the engineers domain, and CEOsand CFOs are not yet aware of the potential that energy efficiencyimprovement has to improve the profitability of their companies. Astudy in the late 1990s showed that the average energy cost of companies listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange was 5% on sales; theaverage profit before tax of these companies was also about 5% onsales! It is possible to reduce energy costs by 25% or more throughconcerted efforts. This translates as a 25% (or greater) improvement inthe profit before tax without assuming market and financial risksassociated with introduction of new products or attempting to increasemarket share.

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    The author is a freelance energy writer who had worked as BahrainCorrespondent for The Middle East Electricity, U.K., and Media Manager (India) for Washington, DC-based Business Times. He was also the Editor and Publisher of Sun Power the quarterly renewable energy magazine. He may be reached at: [email protected]

    DSM Application to HT ConsumersBy R.V. Ramana Rao


    The definition of Demand Side Management (DSM) is It is the process of managing the consumption of energy in order to optimize the available and

    planned generation resources. This article examines DSM of state electricityboards (SEBs), as applicable to High Tension (HT) consumers, to alter the enduse of electricity whether it is to increase demand, decrease it, shift itbetween high and low peak periods, or manage it when there are intermittentload demands with the objective of reducing the utility costs. DSM in thiscontext includes implementation of those measures that would help the HTconsumers to use electricity more efficiently and while doing so help toreduce the energy cost.

    The DSM techniques are categorized into two types:

    1. Energy Conservation and Efficiency programmes to save energy.2. Load response programmes to shift and reschedule the consumptionprocess.

    POINT TO PONDERWe all claim to be law abiding citizens but how many of us follow even thenatures laws. How many of us care for the Mother Nature? Forget the laws of thenature, how many of us willingly; and on our own initiative follow the law of theland unless compelled due to fear of getting caught and fined/jailed? Even lifesaving laws like ban on smoking in public places/wearing of helmet need strictenforcement. How can we then prevent criminal wastage of energy andresources without enforcing the relevant laws and policies? Will it not helpmanage the demand?

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    DSM Programme approach

    1. To conduct general information programme for customers aboutenergy efficiency options.2. Information programme about specific DSM techniques appropriate forindustrial consumers.3. Mechanisms for financing programme to assist customers to pay forDSM measures.4. Alternate rate programmes by the utilities like time-of-use rates andefficiency programmes.5. Incentives for new innovative thoughts and technologies for loadresponse and load management programmes.

    DSM Promotion

    DSM can be promoted and implemented using:

    1. Govt. policies and regulations of BEE2. Electricity boards initiatives

    ElectricalSavings inEquipment





    Peak hour loadmanagem


    Uninterrupted power supply


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    3. Customer participation in energy efficiency and peak load rescheduling of HT consumers. This can also be extended to the agricultural, residentialand commercial consumers.

    DSM Strategy

    1. Identify the sectors and end users as the potential targets.2. Visualize the needs of the targeted sectors.3. Develop customized programmes.4. Conduct analyses for cost effectiveness.5. Prepare an implementation plan to market the programme.6. Implement the programmes.

    DSM Practices

    Sector wise energy efficiency programmes and improvements as DSMmeasures in HT consumers are indicated in this subsection.

    1. Demand Control: Considerable savings can be realized by monitoringpower usage and switch off non essential loads during the periods of highpower use.2. Power Factor Measurement- Voltage control-KVAR control- intelligentpower factor controller3. Energy Efficient Motors4. Electric furnaces5. Electrolysis and Electroplating6. Steel production equipment7. Minimising watt loss in Motors8. Lighting systems Time based controllers and micro based chips

    installations-optimising and using day lighting-efficient lighting systems-operating at optimum voltage levels.

    Energy improvements measures include energy efficiency in electricalutilities, motors, blowers, pumps, fans, compressors, chillers, HVAC,refrigeration, cooling towers and lighting and similar kind of electricalappliances. The energy saving from DSM practices as mentioned above areillustrated in a sectoral savings.

    Benefits of peak load management as DSM measure to consumers,enterprises, utilities and societies can as follows:

    1. Reduction in consumers consumption bill2. Reduction in need for building new power plants to meet the extrademand and related costs.

    3. Reduction of peak power tariffs levied by utilities. Reduction in airpollution.

    4. Adaptable when coupled with energy efficiency practices for overalleffectively.

    DSM in HT Consumers - Options

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    1. DSM awards.2. Monitoring and Verification DSM workshops.3. Financial Arrangement implementation of DSM.4. No cost / Low cost DSM options.

    5. Consortia formation, technology providers.6. Communication of DSM Practices trust building, interaction workshops Technology Demonstration DSM cell formation, man power andinfrastructure

    Load response programs

    Load response programs are effective part of Demand Side Managementwherein the shaping and managing of peak loads is practiced. The loadresponse programmes create an opportunity to trade-off power usage duringpeak load period with benefits to the consumer in terms of low tariff duringoff-peak hours and high tariff during peak hours. This in turn creates

    opportunity for bringing market and business opportunity for the utility aswell as the consumers. In other words, it refers to switching off orrescheduling of non-essential and non-critical loads by the end users inresponse to the request of the utilities.

    Supply side management .

    Supply side management includes detailed assessment of existing powersituation. This includes the grid supply from thermal power plants and othercaptive plants.Supply side control also includes the measures to optimize supply throughadopting energy saving measures in the power plant and reducing the load

    on the grid. Supply side control measures that can be effective in enhancingthe substation and distribution network include the following:

    1. Feeder metering for measurement power in each feeder and loosesthereon.

    2. Rerouting and reconductoring of feeders where huge losses areinvolved.

    3. Conversion of LT lines to HT lines4. Strengthening of substations and distribution systems.5. The installation and monitoring of capacitors for PF improvement6. Up gradation / replacement of old inefficient transformers. And

    relocation of transformers near to the load centers.7. Proper and sufficient earthing system for the transformers which gives

    more life and safety of feeder system.8. Preferring low resistance AAAC instead of ACSR conductors.9. Avoiding loose jumpering, loose contacts in the feeders etc., Strategic recommendations for Demand Side Management

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    tuned to look at the whole process from energy & resources efficiency pointof view. The final purchase decision is still on the initial cost basis and not onthe life cycle cost basis .

    It has also been observed that various utility equipments and systems likelighting, air conditioning and ventilation systems, air compressors, boilersand steam piping, DG sets etc. are often selected keeping very high safetymargins of over 100 200 % in both capacities and quantities. This results inun-necessary expenditures on the oversized and extra items, as huge sumsof money are blocked in procuring the same while in some cases moreimportant items are left out. The main causes of these problems are:

    - In adequacy of available data.- Ambiguity in the industry codes and standards.- Unawareness about the requirements of the end user.- Inexperience of the designers.- Unnecessary consideration given to future expansion, which has very

    less chances of materialization.- Quantities and capacities of equipments are sometimes increased on

    purpose, for obvious reasons.

    The concept of Energy & Resources Demand Audit

    A prudent way to overcome such a situation is to introduce the concept of Energy & Resources Demand Audit (ERDA). Under the concept, the completeplanning process compulsorily is vetted by an expert agency to review thefinal selection from the view point of energy and resources efficiency.

    The audit will basically include intense scrutiny of theitems/equipment/systems planned as a pre- requisite of a project to be set upin respect of their capacity, quantity, and other specifications. This is carriedout with a view to ensure its best performance, utility and adequacy. Itinvolves value analysis in which the specification of the equipments arechecked whether they suite the infra structure requirements.. Hence, in thisprocess the over sizing or even under sizing of the equipments is avoided. Allin all, it helps in the selection of appropriate technological and utilityequipments as far as their specification and quantities are concerned. Thewhole exercise results in bringing down the energy & resources requirement.

    In other words Technical audit helps the project implementation authorities todecide about the adequacy of and necessity of an engineering item orequipment before they are ordered.

    Typical Example of over design

    In the following paragraphs a typical calculation of a Ventilation System forSwitchgear Room and Basement Ventilation has been given.

    _____________________________________________________________________________ _

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    Switchgear Room Basement

    VOLUME = L x W x H VOLUME = L x W x HLength = 43 m Length = 43 mWidth = 10.5m Width = 10.5mHeight = 4.5m Height = 4.5mVolume = 2032 cum A Volume = 1128.75 C

    Length = 17 m Length = 7 mWidth = 11.98 m Width = 11.98 mHeight = 4.5m Height = 4.5mVolume = 916.5 cum - B Volume 509.15 D

    Therefore Total volume (A+B+C+D) = 4586.4 cumNo. of air change considered / hr. = 15

    Therefore total calculated air quantity = 68796 cum / hr. -------- (1)


    Heat Load due to Electrical Equipment (HT,LT & Aux. Panels) = 12.75 kWHeat load due to power cables = 10KW.Heat Load due to LightingArea for Switch gear Room = 655 sq. mtrs.Lighting Load = 655 x 5 watts /

    = 3275 Watts= 3.275 KW

    i) From Exposed Roof Size of roof = 43 x 10.5 + 17 x 11.98 = 655 sq, mtrs.

    Qr = U x A x temp. Diff 0.00277 x 655 x 5.2= 9.4 kWii) By Exposed Wall

    Size of wall = 10.5 x 4.5 + 11.978 x 4.5 = 101.15 sq. mtrs.QW = U x A x temp diff.

    = 0.00204 x 101.13 x 5.2= 1.07 KW

    Metabolic Heat LoadConsidering 4 persons max. @ 125 Kcal / Hr. / person

    Total Metabolic heat load = 4 x 125 = 500 Kcal /Hr. = 0.58 KW. Total Heat (a+b+c+d+e)Now, 1 KW = 860 Kcal / Hr.

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    Therefore QT = 31914 Kcal / hr.When DBT = 40 degree C & RH = 59% , The WBT is 28.7 degree C for outside air(From Psychrometric Chart)Considering 90% Saturation Efficiency, the supply air from Air Washer unitshall be 30 degree C.Hence, allowable temperature rise = (38 32.8) = 5.2 degree C

    Required air flow rate = Total Heat Load/ Density of air x SP Heat x temp rise= 21418 cum/hr. -------- (2)

    Supply air quantity considered (higher of value (1) & (2) i.e. 68796 cum / hr.Considering 10% margin on calculated air quantity = 75675 cum / hr.We consider 1 no. Centrifugal Fan of capacity= 76000 cum / hr.


    a)Pressure drop in air intake louver = 2.0mmwgb) Pressure drop in air filter = 15.0mmwgc) Pressure drop in mist eliminator = 5.0mmwg d) Pressure drop in fan out let damper = 2.0mmwgVelocity of air in outlet damper V = 12m/secVelocity pressure VP = 8.810mmwgPressure drop in fan outlet damper = 0.6VPmmwgPressure drop in louver = 5.286mmwgPressure drop considered in fan out let damper = 5.5mmwgf) Pressure Drop in Ducting with fitting

    Friction factor (mmwg/meter of duct)F = 0.25Duct length considered = 60mPressure drop = 15mvwgPressure Drop in Supply Air GrillsVelocity in Supply Air GrillsVelocity of air in grill V = 4m/secVelocity Pressure VP = 0.979mmwgPressure drop in grill = 1.0 x vp mmwg

    = 0.979 mmwgPressure drop considered supply Air Grill = 1.0mmwgPressure drop in Gravity LouverVelocity of air gravity louver V = 7m/secVelocity Pressure VP = 2.998mmwgPressure drop in grill = 1.0 x vp mmwg

    = 2.998mmvgPressure drop considered supply Air Grill = 3.0mmwgRoom over pressure V = 3.0mmwg

    Total Pressure drop (a+b+c+d+ef+g+h+i) Total pressure drop with 20% margin = 65.4mmwg

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    Fan static pressure selected = 62mmwg

    C. FAN MOTOR POWER CALCULATIONFan Type = CentrifugalFan Capacity selected (Q) = 76000 Cum / hrFan Static pressure selected (H) = 62mmwcFan efficiency considered (n) at 50 deg. = 70%BKW at fan shaft = 18.3 kwMotor shaft power ith 20% margin = 21.99 kwSelected motor rating = 22 kw / 4p


    Fan capacity = 76000 cum/hrVelocity across the filter = 2m/sec

    Total filtering area required = 10.55 sq. mtrs.Filter Size (0.610 x 0.610) = 0.372 sp mtrsNo. of filters required = 28.37 nos.

    ( Say 30 Nos.)


    Pump CapacityFan Capacity = 76000 Cum./hr.Capacity of pump for air washer = 76 Cum/hr(Considering 1 cum / hr water per 1000 cum / hr. of Air)

    Pump HeadLength of pipe considered(including equivalent length for pipe fitting) = 20mtrsFriction = 0.180 m/mHeat loss in pipe = 3.6 mtrs.Nozzle pressure required = 25 mtrs

    Total head required = 28.6 mtrsConsidering 20% margin = 34 mtrs.

    ( Say 40 mtrs)


    Pump Capacity Selected (Q) = 76 cum/hrPump head selected (H) = 40 MWCPump Efficiency (n) = 65%BKW = 9.81 x Q x H / (3600 x n)

    = 12.74 KWConsidering 20% margin = 15.29 KW


    Makeup water considered 2% of pumping capacity = 1.1 cum/hr.

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    How ERD Audit could have helped?

    The above design if passed without proper scrutiny, would not only result inhuge initial cost to the owner but would also add much more to recurringdemand for electricity, water, spare parts and consumables which otherwisecould be brought down. The above calculations when subjected to asystematic ERD Audit would have revealed the basic mistakes and wrongassumptions in addition to exploring the other alternatives and innovativeideas. Some of the points which the designer has overlooked in this particularexample are:

    1. The designer has combined the calculations for the switchgear roomand the basement which is not correct as the ventilation requirementsare different for the two applications.

    2. The designer has selected the air change criteria for fixing the capacityof the system. The National Building Code, 2005 and ASHRAEStandards also mention that air-change criteria are not veryappropriate for sizing the ventilation system.

    3. The designer has considered air-washers of old design with nozzlesinstead of modern designs with pads.

    4. The calculations of pressure drops for sizing of fan and pumps aredone with very safe margins.

    Combining all the good practices and innovative design, the system could bedesigned with just one fourth capacity air-washer for the switchgear roomworking in tandem with exhaust system for the basement utilizing the airsucked from the switchgear room. Such a system could have reduced theenergy and water demand by as much as 50-60 %.

    This is not an isolated example. Every day, similarly oversized systems arebeing planned and there is hardly any check.. This not only results in hugeinitial expenditure but also puts further strain on the already strained naturalresources. In the following paragraphs, expected benefits which can berealized with introduction of ERD Audit have been mentioned in brief

    Expected Benefits

    Saving in Capital Investment

    As per the experience gained during execution of earlier projects, 10-20% of the investment can be avoided with proper audit of energy and resourcesdemand projected during the initial planning stage.

    Employment Generation

    It is estimated that around one lakh engineers and other supporting staff canbe gainfully employed with very little investment.

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    Will Make Project Planners More Accountable

    Proper introduction of the concept will help in fixing proper accountability inGovernment and public sector undertakings as well as in large private sectororganizations. However, to achieve this objective, the ERD Auditors shall bemade accountable and they should guarantee that the final selection of equipments/ systems is within +5% to +10% of the requirement.

    Saving of Operational & Maintenance Costs

    There will be a better utilization of equipment with more appropriate valuebased selection which will result in saving on recurring based on maintenance& operation of plants.

    Timely Completion of Projects

    With proper accountability of the ERD auditors, and more appropriateselection of equipment, projects will be completed faster thus avoiding costover run & production losses.


    Considering the vast potential offered by the concept of ERD Audit it isimperative for the Government to start an immediate action plan for effectiveutilization of this concept in the planning of the new projects. The IntegratedEnergy Policy,2006 prepared by the Planning Commission and approved bythe Central Government in the year 2008 also advocates that all thepurchases shall be based on the Life Cycle Cost instead of the initial cost. Inthis concept, even the initial cost is can be lowered with proper scrutiny of the equipment/systems to be ordered from the view point of energy &resources demand.

    Share your experience

    Do you have an area of expertise in energy management? Have yousolved a difficult problem or have an interesting case study? Do you wantto share a joke with others? Or just have a word of appreciation for thisissue. Share your knowledge with others and promote yourself throughThe Urja Watch.

    You may also tell us about upcoming energy-related events in your area.Be sure to mention the title of the event, organizers, dates, venue, city,and contact information to get more details of the event.

    Please note the following points while making your submissions:

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    Articles must be original, in electronic version, 500 words or less. If youare using material from external sources, please acknowledge them.

    Please include contact information (full name, title/organization, phonenumbers, and email ID) with your submission.

    Articles should be in MS word, single spaced, with easily readable font,preferably Arial size 12. Photos should be of high resolution.

    Please e-mail your submissions to The Editor, The Urja Watch [email protected]

    There are no deadlines for submissions. You may submit articlesanytime.

    We reserve the right to edit, rewrite or reject any article.

    We Need Your Feedback Too!

    Please write your views and suggestions to the editor at: [email protected] must include the writers name, address, phone and emailID.

    We appreciate your feedback and thank you for your support.

    Disclaimer: This newsletter is published by the Indian Association of Energy Management Professionals (IAEMP). It is intended for IAEMPsexisting and potential members who are interested in energy management and IAEMP's activities. It does not imply endorsement of the activities, individuals or organizations listed within. Views