Download - The University of Sheffield Joanna Holt 20 th October 2006 Emission line outflows: the evidence for AGN-induced feedback Clive Tadhunter.


The University of Sheffield Joanna Holt 20 th October 2006 Emission line outflows: the evidence for AGN-induced feedback Clive Tadhunter (Sheffield), Raffaella Morganti (ASTRON) Joanna Holt University of Sheffield The University of Sheffield Joanna Holt 20 th October 2006 Introduction case study: PKS (Holt et al. 2006) the radio properties the emission line outflow young radio source with a natal cocoon? the nature of the AGN & the outflow outflows in other young (compact) radio sources The University of Sheffield Joanna Holt 20 th October 2006 PKS : z = compact one-sided radio jet (VLBI) ~420 pc flat radio spectrum variable core suggests radio axis is close to L.O.S. (King 1996) 2.3 GHz young radio source The University of Sheffield Joanna Holt 20 th October 2006 PKS : z = compact one-sided radio jet (VLBI) ~420 pc flat radio spectrum variable core suggests radio axis close to L.O.S. but we see significant HI absorption! (King 1996) (Morganti et al. 2001) 2.3 GHz young radio source The University of Sheffield Joanna Holt 20 th October 2006 PKS Wavelength () Relative flux [O III]4959,5007 z = FWHM ~ 1350 km s -1 [O II] [Ne III] [O III] HH [Ne V] [O II]3727 z = FWHM ~ 650 km s -1 z ~ 600 km s -1 outflows in the ionised gas? Tadhunter et al. (2001) The University of Sheffield Joanna Holt 20 th October 2006 PKS VLT+FORS1: Gunn r 5 arcsec E N Holt et al. (2006) high surface brightness elongation to N (4 arcsec/10 kpc) pair of tidal tails/edge on loop to S (10 arcsec/24 kpc) fainter jet-like feature to NNE (12 arcsec/29 kpc) knots of emission to SSE & NNW indicative of a recent merger which induced star formation in the halo The University of Sheffield Joanna Holt 20 th October 2006 PKS VLT+FORS1: Gunn r 5 arcsec NTT: PA -5 VLT: PA 75 NTT: PA 25 E N Holt et al. (2006) The University of Sheffield Joanna Holt 20 th October 2006 PKS VLT+FORS1: Gunn r 5 arcsec NTT: PA -5 VLT: PA 75 NTT: PA 25 Broad [OIII] (FWHM~1350km/s) Narrow H (FWHM but where is the large-scale outflow? The University of Sheffield Joanna Holt 20 th October 2006 Outflows in young radio sources 11/14 show evidence for fast outflows systemic to broadest component different distributions: K-S test significance: 99.9% size is important Histograms: systemic-broadest Number of sources Extended radio sources (Taylor 2004) Compact radio sources (Holt 2005) Shift (km s -1 ) GPS CSS Other Holt (2005) The University of Sheffield Joanna Holt 20 th October 2006 Outflows in young radio sources 11/14 show evidence for fast outflows systemic to broadest component different distributions: K-S test significance: 99.9% size is important orientation may be important Holt (2005) The University of Sheffield Joanna Holt 20 th October 2006 The University of Sheffield Joanna Holt 20 th October 2006 PKS VLT+FORS1: Gunn r 5 arcsec NTT: PA -5 VLT: PA 75 NTT: PA 25 Broad [OIII] (FWHM~1350km/s) Narrow H (FWHM