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The English Language & the UK Dilemma

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The language of a people tells a lot about their culture. How a language formed or came into use tells a lot about their history. Analysing the culture and peoples of the UK, and their spirit of conquest, diplomacy, and economy, can be done through analysis of their language and how it developed.

The Celts came into being, from being a simple neolithic-age tribal people, when civilised Jews and Phoenecians fled the brutal Assyrian empire, settling in Brittany and what is now Ireland. They even named Ireland ‘home of the Hebrews’ initially.

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By the time of Caesar, Celts were a diverse group known as the Germani (warriors) or the barbarians (uncivilised, relatively). There were among them, speakers of proto-modern languages including English.

The evidence for major mistakes made by the UK, comes through in the way English developed or was forced to absorb foreign structure and terms.

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This is also a fact elsewhere in the world such as then, Malaya where colonialists enriched Bahasa Melayu with many foreign words after subduing the sultans of the day. Should Europe have developed logically, the dominant language would be French.

Joan of Arc who died at the stake, upon capture by the English for witchcraft, died in a ‘Renew’ period in the A.B.Y. personality calendar. A similar renew period is seen in the English witch, Mother Shipton’s prophetic rhyme:

“…Of rotting bodies of beast and manOf vegetation crisped on land.

But the land that rises from the seaWill be dry and clean and soft and free

Of man-kinds’ dirt and therefore beThe source of man's new dynasty…”

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There was a conspiracy before the 100 years’ war to place wealthy men into the French noble houses. Because of this, taxes had to be levied on the poor. Should the status quo have continued, and Joan of Arc never raised up, much of France and maybe Germany would have decayed immediately. Who was Joan of Arc anyway, huh?

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Did the Hebrew influence cause the English to have no economic fervour other than to depend on sheep as in the battle for God’s love between Cain (a farmer) and Abel (a shepherd)?

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Are the roots of Zion-Israel deeply ingrained into the English language, resulting in a wholesale adoption of the common man’s Germanic Middle English following the 100 years’ war?

The Promised Land was divided following the Joseph, son of Israel / Jacob affair. Joseph was given the northern regions called Israel or Zion, while his brothers formed the southern kingdom named Judah. Under assault from the Assyrians, it is possible that the Jewish migrants to Europe were mainly the supporters and distant family of Joseph and bore his traits and teachings.

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“Joseph dies in Egypt at the age of 110. Before dying, Joseph makes his children promise that when the Israelites eventually leave Egypt, they will take his remains with them. In the story of

the Exodus (13:19), Moses does just that, carrying Joseph's bones on the way to Israel.” -

Joseph, for all his adventures and cutting judgements, was, like his father Jacob / Israel, not someone anybody loved except for the love of his father. What conclusion can you draw from the prophecy and high office given to him in spite, seemingly, of his personality, other than that he and Jacob were to back up God’s plan by forming Zionism - the militant and conspiratorial half of the Jews which holds sway over the nations; still hated by anti-Semites throughout the world for its high-handed methods. Is the U.K. secretly bearing out distasteful prophecy; just a country with bad judgement; or both?

ConclusionWhy did Breytonic give way to Old English, and lose the favour of the Holy Land? Why did

Zionistic English supplant all the other established languages in the U.K. within just several hundred years? Was there a falling away from family values, and religious adherence? Did the leadership in England take politics and spirituality for granted or pervert it (witchcraft), leaving the lower classes dissatisfied and a law and an eclectic language unto themselves?

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CreditsThanks to all the websites and organisations who did the hard research which I sampled,

along with various graphics, URLs of which are mentioned in the underlined text links.

AppendixHow does the UK dilemma affect the world at large? With two World Wars fought in Europe;

terror between 2 branches of Islam; the Turkic race pit against the Roman Catholic Church; does the Englishman stand guard over the fire as it burns?

The 2014 leadership crisis in Egypt, the 2013 Moro Army invasion of East Malaysia, the attack on MH370, the South Korean ferry disaster, the Boston Marathon bomb, 9-11, the list goes on and the pattern is getting clearer. See graphics below:

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Boston - Kuala Lumpur (technology city - spiritual city)Petaling Jaya - Cambridge (linked by top universities?)

Was that why the marathon was attacked - to destroy World Government alliances?

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Are the Czechs and Slovaks the brains of Europeand the White people? Did the balance of power

in the East push Germany to war? Why did the Turks, Italy and Japanswitch sides from WWI to WWII? Did the Allies want control

over the Balkans, maybe even the Holy Land? Was Russia under the weak Tsar & Wiccan Anastasia easy meat for UK’s

Karl Marx and his communism?

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Why is the gun of Islam pointed at Karachi, capital of Pakistan? Aren’t all Muslimsfriends? What force has been destabilising the Turk and the Arab - the Shia and the Sunni?

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Both the Star and Moon, and the Fish are symbols from man’s early birthplace - Sumeria.What has been destroying the Church of Rome and spreading anarchy among the mystic Moslemsunder the crescent flags, including Cypress, Egypt; Malaysia and their assailants, the Morro Army?

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Is the burning tower of Nostradamus a wake up callto the ignorant and sheltered among us?