Download - The Truth About · PDF fileDr. Brian Alman, Creator of The Quick Results Self Hypnosis Program . ... He, literally, trained with the founder of clinical hypnosis, Dr. Milton Erickson,

Page 1: The Truth About · PDF fileDr. Brian Alman, Creator of The Quick Results Self Hypnosis Program . ... He, literally, trained with the founder of clinical hypnosis, Dr. Milton Erickson,

The Truth About Hypnosis

by Jim Katsoulis and Tellman Knudson

Transcription with

Special Guest Dr. Brian Alman,

Creator of The Quick Results Self

Hypnosis Program

Page 2: The Truth About · PDF fileDr. Brian Alman, Creator of The Quick Results Self Hypnosis Program . ... He, literally, trained with the founder of clinical hypnosis, Dr. Milton Erickson,

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Jim: Alright, everyone, welcome. This is Truth about Hypnosis and this Jim Katsoulis and every

week, we talk to a different hypnotist and get their take on what hypnosis and self-hypnosis is so that you can get the most powerful changes in your life in what I consider to be the most powerful way using hypnosis and self-hypnosis. And we have a real, real expert here today, a real master of clinical hypnosis, and his name is Dr. Brian Alman and he is actually, a clinical hypnotist. He, literally, trained with the founder of clinical hypnosis, Dr. Milton Erickson, and it’s gonna be really interesting to hear some of the stories he has about that and he gives perspective on it.

He has worked with really hundreds of thousands of people over the years individually and

through the programs that he’s created, worked with corporate clients such as Apple, Harvard Medical School, Kraft, Pfizer, all the big companies, he’s really worked with. He’s the founder of and he has also created a program called Quick Results Self-Hypnosis which we’ll be talking a little about today. Dr. Alman, how are you doing today?

Brian: Very good, thank you, Jim. Jim: Very good, thank you for joining us. Let’s jump right into it. Give us a little bit of a background.

What’s your background and how did you get started with hypnosis? Brian: Okay. Well, probably like everybody, as a kid, you grow up with curiosity, you wonder about

these things, you know, how [inaudible] 1:29 to that, you've seen a show, and I really never thought of it other than a [inaudible] probably like any kid but, unfortunate for me, I was born [inaudible] anyone who has [inaudible] knows how much it interferes [inaudible]

So, I went to all the traditional treatments, therapeutic surgeon, body cast, recommendations

for surgery, medication, [inaudible] So, when I was about 20 years old, somebody had recommended because I was about to get a surgery for in my back to be in a body cast for another six months [inaudible] 2:25 that I try medical hypnosis mind-body healing, and self-hypnosis. I just couldn’t imagine how any [inaudible] probably 15 years of your life, you've been chronic or you've been to a lot of doctors [inaudible] and I was in pain about 90 percent [inaudible] So, anyway, I thought, “Why not?” [inaudible] 3:17 You know, I am going to surgery [inaudible]. I went to an MD, a doctor in Boston [inaudible] hypnosis sessions [inaudible] and it was a totally boring approach, looking back and [inaudible]

Page 3: The Truth About · PDF fileDr. Brian Alman, Creator of The Quick Results Self Hypnosis Program . ... He, literally, trained with the founder of clinical hypnosis, Dr. Milton Erickson,

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So, that was one of those days that changed the course of my whole life [inaudible] 4:46 where you have a defining day, defining moment, and I decided I would learn everything I could about hypnosis, self-hypnosis, mind-body healing [inaudible] help people to help themselves and I started reading like craze and Milton Erickson’s name kept coming up [inaudible] 5:15

And so, I ended up writing him a letter to ask him if I could work with him [inaudible] told him

my whole story [inaudible] and he wrote me back saying if I got an MD degree or a PhD in Psychology, he would train me. So, I wrote him back [inaudible] that I just wanted to learn hypnosis and self-hypnosis, and help myself, and help other people help themselves and [inaudible] 5:55 in this corpo age, what we’d would look at is that if you get an MD degree or PhD, then I will train you. Several [inaudible] said okay. I ended up moving from Boston to San Diego [inaudible] regarding masters and PhD instead of just Psychology at San Diego [inaudible] and he took me on, I learned years later because [inaudible] and I was quite young. I was only 21, the average of those other students [inaudible] 6:35 They were all great doctors and clinical practitioners already and I was sort of the one who didn't know much and didn't have much experience but had to pay [inaudible]

So, that was [inaudible] 6:57 and I started off as a student and probably anybody who’s

[inaudible] graduate school [inaudible] and unfortunately for me, I had serious [inaudible] challenges during that time so I ended up being a patient as well. And [inaudible] He helped me write my book, Self-Hypnosis. He was a reader on my PhD dissertation. He helped me with my research and my writing [inaudible] so we had quite a few relationships [inaudible] relationship. So, that's how it all started.

Jim: Wow, that's really interesting, I mean, especially, for me, I've been reading so much hypnosis.

I've read so much about him. You're like at the foot of the master. What was it like on a personal level? Was there ever … you know, I've seen videos of him and I've read about him and it seems like every time he looked at you or … I don't know how you see him, he is like … he is hypnosis.

Brian: Right. Jim: Was there ever a time when you ever had like a … you kinda had a “normal conversation?”

Was it always that … a hypnotic way? Brian: Probably not. [inaudible] 8:27 normal conversation [inaudible] Milton Erickson like a playful

kid. He was looking for an opportunity to haunt you in a direction that might be healthy for you

Page 4: The Truth About · PDF fileDr. Brian Alman, Creator of The Quick Results Self Hypnosis Program . ... He, literally, trained with the founder of clinical hypnosis, Dr. Milton Erickson,

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even though you might not realize it, help you see things [inaudible]. He had a real sort of playful, curious, altruistic, really kind and intellectually challenging approach to almost everything, always something that we see as charming but also always something that is leading you in a positive direction. It’s like he’s teaching you how to dance in a scary way and before you know it, you know how to dance.

Jim: Sure. Brian: I would say that was his style, personality, medical approach, psychology approach, hypnosis

approach (overlay) Jim: You know, you mentioned something interesting, too. I remember … and this is something I

have thought about often; but I remember reading … one of the things you just said is that he always felt that hypnosis should be used by people with PhDs.

So, what do you think? I mean, because sometimes I see that the traditional

psychiatric/psychological community doesn't seem to really embrace a lot of the hypnosis or NLP technique. Was it different back then? Was it similar now? What was the theory behind that?

Brian: I think there are a couple of things. First of all, the reason he wanted me to get a PhD in

Clinical Psychology [inaudible] 10:11 typical of the man is that he really wanted to make sure you understood people. You have an extra understanding of medicine, psychology, of human beings [inaudible] in addition to just hypnosis or just knowing clinical hypnosis and that's when NLP hadn’t even started yet, and he just didn't want people to think of hypnosis as a technique or a way of fixing people or as a way doing something.

Hypnosis is more of a language, a way of communication [inaudible] 10:50 a way of

connecting and healing and, clearly, almost like an undercurrent river and not the whole river itself. You needed to have human relationships there. You have to be able to have the trust of the patient, of the client, the person you’re working with.

And so, from his perspective, he really didn't want me or anyone else using hypnosis or any

other approaches as a stand alone just do this, this will fix everything, go forward. He really wanted the whole person from a bio-psycho-social perspective to be more comprehensive than that.

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I, personally, after 30 years of practice and training [inaudible] cases out [inaudible] 11:40 over a million people without a seminar or do trainings on a book , CD, DVD [inaudible]. I have a different perspective. [inaudible] and people like ambulance drivers, paramedics who are on the spot in the moment that people needed most, they would be a wonderful group to be trained. They do have the relationship with the patient [inaudible].

So, I actually had challenges within the local society [inaudible] within the Ericksonian groups

and other groups, and for me, it’s more the individual and, you know, there should be an application which I [inaudible] when I certify people but I'm not of that same perspective that [inaudible] 12:38 and, of course, that’s a big move at that age and to study hypnosis [inaudible] PhD in Psychology of all things [inaudible] Here, you want to study hypnosis, oh, my God, would that [inaudible] and then just study with a guy who’s 75 years old [inaudible] who we was.

The first thing he said to me was this, “After 50 years, you'll have a lot to learn.” And I thought,

“Oh, God, this is my worst day. This is not good. Did I do the right thing? Oh, my God,” and, of course, before he did his own self-hypnosis at 75, he looked about 125 [inaudible] he was on a wheelchair and, really, it was amazing how he persevered all these years to be so brilliant, but then after his self-hypnosis sessions of an hour every morning, he looked young, creative, and had glitter in his eyes, that smile [inaudible] transformation every morning and, of course, I realized that I made the right decision, and that would happen a couple times a day [inaudible]

So, after 30 years of experience, [inaudible] 14:14 I still have a lot to learn. He was right, it’s

true because everyone is so different and you have to use individual, develop their own conscious inner intuitive, but let’s say it’s artwork and science put together and you have a lot to learn [inaudible] any kind of coaching or any kind of approach [inaudible] people’s attention.

Jim: Now, so for anyone who doesn't know, tell me what is hypnosis? What’s your definition of

hypnosis and how it works and then compare that to Ericksonian hypnosis? Brian: Okay, very simple. Hypnosis and meditation are the exact same state. From looking at

[inaudible] 15:26 in all kinds of measures, there's a relaxation. There's a turning inward. There's a presence. There's [inaudible]. There's a distance from everyday worried and stresses. There's a focus. There's a regulation of blood pressure, pulse rate, respiration rate. So, meditation and self-hypnosis, hypnosis are always the same thing [inaudible] spirit.

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They're delightful, warm and caring, self-nurturing, great experience. There are hundreds and hundreds of [inaudible] it’s almost impossible [inaudible] 16:30

So, that's always the same [inaudible] all delightful, all going in the same direction, all

[inaudible] personal transformation, dealing with [inaudible] 17:02 being the best athlete that you can be, quitting smoking, getting past an old barrier; so once you're in a state [inaudible] you have the resources. You can see it. It’s unmistakable. [inaudible] because it’s unique to everybody. But with hypnosis and self-hypnosis, you go up to a specific [inaudible] With meditation [inaudible] stay awake, stay relaxed, stay peaceful, stay open, and the idea with meditation is that it accumulates [inaudible] and meditate everyday outside and it makes you feel good. It makes a big difference. It’s rest for the mind, body, heart, and soul, an inspiration at the same time.

Hypnosis and self-hypnosis is that but also as a specific [inaudible]. The Ericksonian approach

which [inaudible] and, you know, probably for a lot of people [inaudible] 18:15 you met Erickson or heard about Erickson, [inaudible] When I did my dissertation, this was huge to make sure [inaudible] he was really concerned because he wasn't sure I could teach it in a book [inaudible] he wasn't even sure about that so all throughout that book, there are quite a few opportunities as many as he wanted me to have where I explained how you really had to work with imagery, and work with symbols, and work with [inaudible] so highly [inaudible] highly creative, really respectful of the individual, all their experiences and [inaudible] a very nonjudgmental place. [inaudible] how to get deeper into meditation with hypnosis [inaudible] and Milton Erickson, without probably having as much understanding about meditation [inaudible] 19:34 but it was quite a bridge between meditation and hypnosis unconsciously perhaps without realizing it. He’s very nonjudgmental, very spiritual, loved the American Indians, loved the stories, very Indian meditative life and also very [inaudible] very specific [inaudible] and while he trained me, he [inaudible] changed immediately [inaudible] 20:17

Jim: That's interesting. I mean, one of the things in what you're saying is that sometimes, a lot of

hypnosis or hypnotists may just be reading kind of a general script. What you're saying is completely opposite of that.

Brian: Completely opposite. Most people, Jim, think of hypnosis, elf-hypnosis, mind-body healing,

imagery, visualization, all these different techniques as controlling. You get rid of something, you get rid of a [inaudible] 20:46 you fix a problem. Then you start to get into control [inaudible] that you can give to somebody and you probably [inaudible] as long as you could.

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So, the whole approach [inaudible] I'm gonna guess that's probably 80 to 90 percent of the approaches out there. I'm not going to have much effect on anybody [inaudible] some improvement that you really get the breakthroughs, the transformations, you really get the life-changing experiences physically, emotionally, mentally in any way, in any form [inaudible] relationships, with your success and your money. It’s free. It’s not a controlling [inaudible] that's inside of you. It’s an incredible process and it’s quite the opposite of that fix, control, direct approach [inaudible] tell people what to do.

When you see yourself physically, emotionally, consciously, unconsciously, and you get these

[inaudible] the same time, it’s like I'm [inaudible] your creativity flows, you ideas flow, you come up with your own best answers [inaudible] so if you stayed with that image just for a moment, the traditional hypnosis and the scripted direct hypnosis [inaudible] do this, do that, follow this follow that.

It’s like taking [inaudible] 22:30 trying to control the flow, control the direction, maybe it would

stop the river in certain areas [inaudible] What I'm saying in real healing, health, happiness [inaudible] really getting in the flow, trusting yourself at a deeper level than ever before, finding the answers, finding freedom, and that [inaudible] the gift that you give yourself with these approaches, and it could change a lot [inaudible] of course, it’s all yours so [inaudible] the rest of your life.

Jim: Sure. That's so fascinating. I mean, it’s great to hear that description of it for anyone who’s …

Explain the Ericksonian stuff, you know, you read about all this stories he does and someone comes in for problem A, and he’s talking about X,Y, Z and, all of a sudden, problem A disappears. It’s funny because you never really get to the explanation of how that happens with the approach.

Brian: No, never. I never explain what I do. I never talk about it afterwards. [inaudible] 23:22 It’ll

never grow. Jim: Sure, sure. Brian: [inaudible] the unconscious mind, the inner mind, the intuition [inaudible] It’s capable of far

more than anybody wants to achieve whether it’s taking control, money, deep trance, deep meditation, success and relationships, finding a soul mate, [inaudible] 24:17 stress from your past, abuse, trauma, people have more resources inside, Jim, than they would ever use We're talking about the more powerful [inaudible] We're talking about trillions of possibilities

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and associations. Everybody has his own code [inaudible] Everybody has his own history, experience, the way their life [inaudible] the way they [inaudible] consciousness works. Everybody has his own style so all these things have to be utilized but [inaudible]

It’s not really that complicated once you understand how the unconscious intuition inner mind works to help people help themselves and the conscious mind, the rational, logical everyday mind doesn't even really need to understand it. I mean, do not talking about direct hypnosis or the way that people work. [inaudible] 25:15 try to fix their problems, solve their problems from A to Z [inaudible] be rational, logical, practical, cognitive and, basically, your idea was you go from the conscious mind, rational, and practical to the unconscious inner, intuitive, creative mind. Okay, the opposite is true in my experience that that easily can take decades. I see [inaudible] 25:41 20, 30, 40, 50 years including therapists themselves, medical doctors and that rational, I know what I should do, I shouldn’t overlook [inaudible]. I know what I should do, I should be more [inaudible] relationships, and they kinda work it, and they come up with formulas [inaudible] 25:59 Basically, they try to talk to their unconscious mind [inaudible] conscious, rational mind think they should do. They try to stop a river [inaudible]. Now, when you approach somebody, approach yourself in self-hypnosis, from your intuition, your unconscious, your inner mind, it overflows beautifully to your conscious mind, and the conscious mind [inaudible] 26:21 we function at a much deeper level than that.

Jim: Sure, sure. Well, I hope [inaudible] 26:33 because as we do these series, I think people are starting to hear that over, and over, and over again, and it’s opposite of a lot of what you hear now in the world.

Brian: Yeah, it’s entirely intuitive. Jim: Sure. Brian: It’s because you think you should be able to talk yourself with [inaudible] 26:48 and what you

know you should. The perfect example, my book, Keep it Off, my whole weight loss program I've done with Pfizer [inaudible] forever which is all about keeping it off. Everybody can lose the weight but 95 percent of people gain it back. What most people [inaudible] that if you had more information about carrots and celery and, in fact, you would eat that, but here’s the thing. I deal with obese people all the time [inaudible] what they should do.

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They just can't make themselves do what they know they should. They know about fat,

calories, and problems. There are lots of information out there. They know how much they should be exercising. Everybody knows what they should do. But how can you actually get yourself to do it. That’s the [inaudible] be a robot, do whatever people do. [inaudible]

It’s like gambling. You know, one person’s gonna win out of a hundred. And we just reinforce

it enough to think, “Well, maybe I should go do that, too.” Hypnosis, self-hypnosis, these kinds of techniques are so much more powerful than people realize. People have so much more power inside themselves [inaudible] ability that it’s amazing. It’s like having [inaudible].

Jim: Right. Brian: [inaudible] don't have that connection, and a beautiful thing is it’s their hypnosis and self-

hypnosis [inaudible] what you already have. Jim: Right. Brian: That's already there. Jim: Let me ask you. This is a question I [inaudible] 28:32 I wanna get to another one in a second

but why do you think … because this [inaudible] powerful, I've seen in my own practice, working with people … almost like miracles and solutions where none had ever happened, and this happens over, and over, and over again, why isn’t this more mainstream and more people knowing about it?

Brian: Well, first of all, it really takes a lot to get really good at it. So, it’s like tennis, or guitar or

something, you can't start off as novice [inaudible] play a few songs, play some games and all of that but you don't really wanna be helping people with the novice level or helping yourself even that much [inaudible]. You really want to develop your skills. You wanna develop your ability [inaudible]. It’s kind of fascinating, it’s enjoyable every single time, so one, you get people whether it’s guitar or sport or hypnosis or any approach, most people don't like to go from novice up to quite effective. That's a process with people. They wanna go from novice [inaudible] 29:44

So, that's one dilemma. It’s just the human challenges [inaudible] basically falling in love with

helping people help themselves, and helping yourself because, of course, you have to practice

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what you preach. [inaudible] The other is, hypnosis has a [inaudible] quite a strange reputation as I mentioned [inaudible] sing like Barbra Streisand so there's a fear of losing control which is a huge issue with people.

The irony [inaudible] Milton Erickson said this to me directly is that you learn to let go of some

control to gain an even greater control. That's true. But people don't wanna lose control. That's [inaudible]. Certainly, medical doctors, psychologists, [inaudible] health care people, nurses, they're afraid, well, what if somebody did lose control, what if somebody did remember something they weren’t supposed to, what if you couldn’t get somebody out. All of those misconceptions, and by the way, after 30 years in showing millions of people, none of those things have ever happened.

So, [inaudible] 31:09 I think they did a study at Harvard showing that 99 percent of [inaudible]

but never happened. But, specifically, in the area of hypnosis, you know, it’s a real [inaudible], it’s a real area of expertise and that's [inaudible] but a bigger one is [inaudible] control. I don't want to control people. I don't want to [inaudible] and controlling them. It’s unique but here’s the perfect parallel. People who don't fall in love, and don't allow themselves to get into a really close relationship whether it’s a lover or a friend or relative, they don't let themselves [inaudible] You could get hurt. [inaudible] a problem, things don't work out, so people never get into a loving relationship because they associate the love with the pain part.

Well, let’s face it, love does have some pain part but it’s one of the most powerful human

[inaudible] in the world, it’s the most powerful [inaudible] people can imagine so wouldn’t wanna [inaudible] you would wanna learn how to be more and more in the celebration of it, more and more in the [inaudible] it’s a big misconception [inaudible] I've seen it in my career. It’s becoming more and more mainstream.

I read an article in the New York Times about me [inaudible] three weeks so I didn't even I was

gonna be in there [inaudible]. It’s becoming more mainstream [inaudible]. People don't realize this, they're much more powerful than they ever thought they could be. They get into [inaudible]. Those people become more open, and people need support more, and, you know, better approaches [inaudible] some hundred years from now [inaudible] that we're wondering about, it’ll be probably be mainstream just [inaudible] I've written scientific articles on hypnosis, the medical journals to get more and more people interested so read thousands and thousand of articles [inaudible] 33:54

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Jim: So, let me ask you. Give me a kind of a basic understanding … you know, you mentioned earlier … we were talking about weight loss. Everyone knows what to do. The question is can you get yourself to do it, so what’s a basic model of a mind of how you get yourself to do something? How do you deal with the unconscious and communicate with it in a way where you can get yourself to do the things you know you should do [inaudible] 34:18

Brian: Okay, well, first of all, you have to learn how to get into the [inaudible] mind-body healing

states. So, first things first and this is from my training with Dr. Erickson and my 30 years sonce and really training from all these thousands of individuals, all these people I worked with. You learn something from everybody. So you have to learn how you can get into that mind-body healing hypnosis [inaudible] meditation state, that's number one. You won’t go anywhere without that.

So, that can take moments. You can get there within a breath. That can take imagery, that can

take creativity. A lot of people [inaudible] hypnotized, I'd never ever [inaudible] from a little, little kid to people in their 90s, everybody in between, small-sized kids, medium-sized [inaudible] the most resistant people, the people [inaudible] I've never met anyone who can’t. Everybody can because it’s a natural ability.

It’s like sleeping or daydreaming or being awakened into natural state. So, you have to

[inaudible] your own comfort zone, eyes closed, focus in on your breathing, and as soon as you close your eyes, you automatically get inside so there's a shortcut, and with your eyes closed, if you just accept your breathing as it is, [inaudible] 36:02

And once you get into a mood, [inaudible] with your eyes closed so you automatically get

[inaudible] and you accept your breathing [inaudible] you're creating an [inaudible] you're getting a glimpse of what it feels like to accept yourself as you are, to accept your body as it is, to accept your accept [inaudible]. You're getting a glimpse into that undercurrent, that approach. You can start to move forward into some very creative processing [inaudible] 37:05 and once you're in the state, [inaudible] 37:14 changes, imagery, spontaneous creative process that there's so much that happens [inaudible] exciting part and then, finally, all of the post-hypnotic suggestions, all of the things that help people [inaudible] into their everyday life. Milton Erickson and I agree that it takes 10 post-hypnotic suggestions to [inaudible] so you really need to have an abundance of techniques because the key to hypnosis … everybody can hypnotize, everybody can do self-hypnosis, everybody can [inaudible] 38:05 so they're more creative and they do that all the time. [inaudible] very skeptical and very doubting [inaudible] even oftentimes through their skeptic, doubting self [inaudible] and then, they

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integrated it into a life [inaudible] because you want to help people immediately, and you wanna help people, and they're gonna useful and beneficial forever that's why the post-hypnotic suggestions [inaudible]

But, most important, post-hypnotic suggestions, the most important suggestions [inaudible]

somebody in hypnosis or self-hypnosis so even in meditation or any of the mind-body healing techniques taught to me by Dr. Erickson [inaudible] I was willing to change each day. [inaudible] 39:04 loving, caring, friendly, compassionate relationship with yourself inside and out. So, that's number one. Once you know how to do that, at least, you can keep coming back to it [inaudible]

Jim: Wow. That was awesome. [inaudible] 39:50 Brian: I love what I do. I love to share what I do. I'll share it with anybody who’s motivated to help

himself, and I've learned that you can help people … my private sessions are two days at the beach, people flying from all over the world. They have eight hours with me for two days. That was influenced by Dr. Erickson, my sessions with him were always very long, half day, all day, a couple of days, four years [inaudible] like that so my private sessions are all day. You’ll learn a lot. It could be 20 years of work for 2 days especially at the ocean which is like an automatic meditation [inaudible] 40:33

And then, also, I follow people up on the phone. I follow people up by e-mail, by text, and a lot

of my sessions are very brief, five minutes, ten minutes. I'm a big believer in follow up [inaudible] 40:48 That Quick Results program, those are like the top techniques that Milton Erickson taught me about hypnosis and self-hypnosis so I, over the years, based on … people see that I take the best techniques I could and the ones that people love the most, practice the most, get the most out of, and put them into Quick Results programs so you don't listen to all 30 techniques in a row. You listen to each one, practice with each one, and possibly you won't find one that will work for you [inaudible] 41:33 so in any way possible from my original work, from my relationship with Dr. Erickson, I'm committed to helping people [inaudible] Mark my word, it’s all about hypnosis. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis.

Jim: Even if people haven't still learned self-hypnosis like intentionally, explicitly, isn’t that that

phenomenon, in a sense, isn’t that what’s the real, beautiful description of how people are operating anyways?

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Brian: Definitely, Jim, people say to me all the time, [inaudible] 42:13 “I can't believe that this is self-hypnosis. I would never have believed it could be this simple. Why didn't anybody ever teach me this a long time ago? Why didn't I learn this in school? Why didn't anybody show me? If it’s this easy, and I'm getting better so far, how come everybody doesn't do this?” But you know what, this is what they always say [inaudible]

I had a lady [inaudible] 42:38 the other day who came in because she has a very challenging

neurological problem [inaudible] in assisted living [inaudible] and it’s quite a downward spiral for a couple of years [inaudible] 43:00. unassisted so, anyway, she gets to my office. She comes in and she’s in terrible discomfort and [inaudible] and did the technique, did great, she felt that her discomfort went from a six to a one, her major stress also went from a six to a one [inaudible] 43:32 and she could do it herself. We practiced, she did beautifully, and she said it was the best that she had felt in years. And here’s what she said. This is the [inaudible] which was really powerful. She said, “The last time I felt this, I was on a bed in a hospital, and the doctor said that I wasn't going to make it. He’d already told my family I wasn't going to make it. Everything was all set [inaudible] I was laying there,” she told me, “and I did this work where I talked with my body which is [inaudible] and listened to my body, and I had a loving relationship with was going on and I decided that I was gonna learn, and I was going to make it, and I was going to be okay [inaudible] oversimplifying it but it was simple and beautiful without a doubt.

Obviously, she lived; obviously, she did [inaudible] that she would, and she said to me the only

other time that [inaudible] self-hypnosis was when I decided I was living. That was it. And so, now, I know what you're teaching me will work because I did it to live or die and I

chose living. And we're working on taking control and feeling more comfortable and all the other goals that she’s had for our work, and she made fantastic improvement in two hours. She felt better than she felt in years so she’s already been doing self-hypnosis, she had one very powerful experience that had, basically, brought her back to life.

So, all of the techniques that I teach, all the ones I learn, people will say, “I've done that, I've

done something like that, I'm not scared, I know what we're doing because [inaudible] all the best techniques or just techniques and strategies to unblock you, to help you connect with what’s always been there and what will always be there. [inaudible] they're all natural approaches that's helping a river flow downstream, and that can happen over, and over, and over again.

Page 14: The Truth About · PDF fileDr. Brian Alman, Creator of The Quick Results Self Hypnosis Program . ... He, literally, trained with the founder of clinical hypnosis, Dr. Milton Erickson,

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Jim: You talk about it. I mean, anyone listening, Dr. Alman … and not only does he know hypnosis but what I find profoundly unique about you is that you obviously have an extensive PhD Clinical Psychology background as well, and it comes through in the way you're talking and describing [inaudible] 46:16

If anyone listening is enjoying this and wants to learn more, [inaudible] I'm gonna get one as

soon as this call’s over, go to and check out his Quick Results Self-Hypnosis Program. I gotta tell you that that kinda turbo charge very quick and it needs to be used right away.

Talk a little bit … I mean, just kinda give us a little background. What is the Quick Results Self-

Hypnosis Program? Brian: The Quick Results Program has the top techniques that no generics have [inaudible] to help

people get into self-hypnosis, utilize the experience to help themselves ways [inaudible] 46:59 and then to develop the post-hypnotic suggestions, the techniques [inaudible] the strategies to integrate each into everyday life. So, they are sort of the best hits, the greatest hits, the best strategies that I learned from Dr. Erickson compiled into a three-CD program and, basically, takes you through a training process for those three days.

Jim: Is this something that you could use for weight loss, for making money, for getting rid of

phobias? Brian: Yup, it’s for everything. It’s really the self-hypnosis experience so whether it’s for relationships,

or health, or success, or sports … I see a lot professional athletes and teach them the quick results techniques, addictions … I see a lot of people with all kinds of additions from A to Z, and addicted to almost anything, let’s face it, and the Quick Results Program is used for that. Even parenting, any area that you really want to improve and you know you need to, you need to go inside to find your own best interests [inaudible] travel the four corners of the earth and, ultimately, you'll find your own best interests inside yourself. How do you get [inaudible]? How do find your own solutions? How do you check into your resources?

If you have an unbelievable amount of resources physically, emotionally, mentally, spriritually,

[inaudible] 48:44 it’s totally up to you. It’s all designed, set up [inaudible] to be individualized, to put you in your specific [inaudible]

Page 15: The Truth About · PDF fileDr. Brian Alman, Creator of The Quick Results Self Hypnosis Program . ... He, literally, trained with the founder of clinical hypnosis, Dr. Milton Erickson,

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Jim: Sure. And what are like kinda side effects do you think when you listen to these techniques, you use them, you start working with them on yourself, do you think like on a deeper level, you almost begin communicating with yourself differently, you begin talking to yourself differently?

Brian: Definitely, Jim, because you know what? Almost everybody who talks to himself and, by the

way, people do it all the time, the mind never sleeps or hardly sleeps [inaudible] when we're in a deep sleep is very short. It doesn't last long at all [inaudible] 49:32 in a daydream and the mind is like the ocean, you know, it’s just constantly moving in an incredible dynamic process, and once you get from the self-talk, your relationship with yourself which probably is the number predictor of your relationships with other people, with success, weight, health, good happiness, your internal relationship, the one that you would [inaudible] 50:11 from being judgmental, critical, never satisfied, skeptical, doubting, perfectionist, who feels inadequate, all those thing that go on all the time for almost everybody [inaudible] and you're trying even harder and do your best, [inaudible] get what we wanna get but [inaudible] you tend to go round and round and round in circles [inaudible] gonna be able to get us where we wanna go most of the time. [inaudible] 50:55 you open up an incredible resource, what a reservoir [inaudible] approach with yourself as friendly, caring, and compassionate, that's what love is.

And it’s an add on, Jim. You don't get rid of the skeptical, doubting, never satisfied; you keep

that forever, you've been doing it for decades [inaudible] 51:38 part of you. Don't even waste your time in therapy, hypnosis, [inaudible] to try to not be negative, and not be skeptical, and not be doubting. You got it. It’s part of you, thank your parents, [inaudible] it’s there. But you wanna add on, you wanna add on a whole other dimension. You wanna add on a whole another approach [inaudible] life that's inside of you that is friendly and compassionate, that goes deep, that can be trusted, that is supportive, that has your best interest in mind. When you mix those two together, it is amazing. [inaudible] 52:27 the intensity of wanting to win, not lose [inaudible] do great and mixing that never-say-die athlete attitude which is an extreme situation but you know [inaudible] or anybody who does it in peak performance, in the abstract, in the zone. [inaudible] whether any hypnosis goal, self-hypnosis goal, any life goal, if you just try to force this to happen, you make yourself [inaudible], you make yourself eat that, you make yourself lose weight, [inaudible] 53:15 until you've reached the goal [inaudible]

Don't try to get rid of it, it’s there. It’s part of the [inaudible] 53:29 They add on or add in

[inaudible] resources that everybody has [inaudible] 53:53 and you come up with great stuff and great techniques. [inaudible]

Page 16: The Truth About · PDF fileDr. Brian Alman, Creator of The Quick Results Self Hypnosis Program . ... He, literally, trained with the founder of clinical hypnosis, Dr. Milton Erickson,

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Jim: Sure, sure. That’s a brilliant paradigm and it’s the opposite. It’s almost like, you know, if you know how to make two recipes and you spend all your time trying to force yourself to like them instead of learning how to make some new recipes that you'd really enjoy.

Brian: And add on to the recipes you already have, Jim. Jim: Right (overlay) Brian: [inaudible] 54:11 and then you add on [inaudible] and if this a goal you were working on, that

recipe [inaudible] keep doing what you're doing. It adds more of you … add your unconscious resources, add your creativity, [inaudible] and remember, Jim, the idea, the suggestion, the technique, the intergrated into everyday life becomes the [inaudible] approach 54:54 and then the gym approach is what you keep evolving and [inaudible] 55:02 that I've been feeling like crap, I thought I'd have to feel worse before I felt better.

No! You should feel better immediately. You shouldn’t feel worse before you get better with

these techniques ever, ever, whether it’s self-hypnosis or your own with the Quick Results or with me at the beach, you'll feel better immediately [inaudible] 55:20 it feels right because it is right and that's the way we [inaudible] it’s natural to tap into your unconscious inner resources [inaudible] you're just learning the how to’s and the how to’s are a blast, they're fascinating. they're amazing.

Jim: It’s true. With reading so much about medicine, I think [inaudible] a lot of hypnosis and

therapy-type things but just the idea of not being judgmental with yourself, so could you talk a little bit about like the idea of states, emotional states, state of mind at any moment of time and how that affects our ability to access certain resources (overlay)

Brian: Okay. Well, first of all, you make a very important point in the beginning which is the

judgmental, criticism [inaudible] 56:25 That's true, that's like putting a dam in the middle of the river. [inaudible] And as we said a few minutes ago and I think we agreed, you're not gonna get rid of the judgment and the criticism. So, when you are being judgmental and critical, a hundred times a day, ten times a day, three times a day, for moments or minutes or hours, you must work with it. That's what’s happening.

If you try to stop it, you try to fix it, chances are, it’ll get stronger and stronger. So, you have to

work with it, that's number one and that's probably the first mistake people make in everyday

Page 17: The Truth About · PDF fileDr. Brian Alman, Creator of The Quick Results Self Hypnosis Program . ... He, literally, trained with the founder of clinical hypnosis, Dr. Milton Erickson,

Discover The 9 Most Powerful (and well hidden) Secrets of Hypnosis at: Page 17

life, in self-hypnosis, in relationships, in health … is they try not to feel, they try not to be [inaudible] is going on.

Now, the other piece of [inaudible] fascinating [inaudible] is that oftentimes, the very center of

the judgment and the very center of the criticism oftentimes are the answers to your problems. So, in other words, you wouldn’t wanna get rid of them but u can't anyway so there's no problem but oftentimes, at the very depths of that is the answer [inaudible] 57:40

So, getting into this state, this self-hypnosis, these meditative states, basically, being more

meditative in your life, being more present, being more in the here and now, [inaudible] self-hypnosis and meditation, and how to move in that direction whether it’s your specific goal or it’s just to feel relaxed and confident. You have to, as we just said, work with what’s going on so if the river is flowing judgmentally and critically, you see your consciousness is more negative, you have to work with that.

You have to listen to it maybe like a dog that's barking too much or a friend [inaudible] or a

parent who won’t give you a loan, or a partner who’s reminding you of everything’s that wrong with you so when you're doing that to yourself, you basically have to listen. Now, most people think that if they actually stop and listen to that judging negative [inaudible] 58:44 for hours. What’s so funny is that it’s actually [inaudible] spend hours trying not to be negative or you could just go with the flow [inaudible] so that's a lifesaver, a timesaver right there.

When you bring self-hypnosis, and meditation, and trance, and hypnosis, any of these

techniques in your everyday life, when you really accept and allow and express [inaudible] difficulty, the negativity, the judgment about your body, the judgment about yourself, that judgment about your relationship, when you really give that the freedom, you will lead yourself right into a self-hypnosis [inaudible] you're comfortable and meditative in this here and now state.

So, what you try not to do, oftentimes, it’s exactly what you want to allow to have happened so

can move into new resources. So, that's step one as far as how to be in the here and now, how to use self-hypnosis to be present, how to be meditative, how to use self-hypnosis [inaudible] to change is you have to start with who you are and you work with it in this friendly way. I mean, if you're friendly towards your body, your body’s gonna be friendly towards you. If you're friendly towards your negativity, [inaudible] 60:22 it’s gonna be friendly to you. [inaudible] well, you're gonna get the same treatment just like your relationship with another person, if you treat them like crap, they're gonna treat you like crap. If you treat them great,

Page 18: The Truth About · PDF fileDr. Brian Alman, Creator of The Quick Results Self Hypnosis Program . ... He, literally, trained with the founder of clinical hypnosis, Dr. Milton Erickson,

Discover The 9 Most Powerful (and well hidden) Secrets of Hypnosis at: Page 18

they're gonna treat you great. Same as with your body, same as with your thoughts, same as about your emotions. It’s a whole new way of understanding relationships and the reciprocity in relationships [inaudible] 60:59 within you.

Jim: Let me ask you this because, a lot of times, people … [inaudible] from the misconceptions

about hypnosis and self-hypnosis, but really sometimes, people think that a hypnotist or even if you're doing self-hypnosis, they’ll say some things, then [inaudible] different. How much do you think is the suggestions and how much do you think is the experiencing of the state and the understanding of the this approach, this structure of the mind?

Brian: Truthfully, in my experiences, it’s all [inaudible] 61:26. It’s really everything. It’s sort of like to

work with pain, or with weight, or with relationships … I believe in doing everything, medical [inaudible] nutrition, acupuncture, rocking, singing, sharing with other people, meditating, self-hypnosis. I'm a believer in doing everything you can to help yourself feel better. Once you feel a lot better, then you can start [inaudible] away [inaudible] medications you don't wanna take [inaudible] 62:05 because of my own pain, I look at it from the patient’s perspective and if you're not feeling good, and you wanna feel better, I would say, do everything and then [inaudible] as you feel better. So, don't hold back and don’t just do one thing. Feel better as soon as you can and then move forward.

The same hold true with suggestions, very, very powerful … imagery, [inaudible] metaphors,

stories, anecdotes, all of these are very important. Getting into the states … vital, essential, delightful, [inaudible] making sure you have the [inaudible] 62:46 super important, probably the most important. And, really, it’s all of the above. There really isn’t one thing that you should do or shouldn’t do [inaudible] in your approach to self-care and helping yourself as well as if you're learning these skills [inaudible] what Milton Erickson said after 50 years, I can say after 40 years, we still have a lot to learn.

Jim: Alright. [inaudible] I keep hearing from you actually that's beautiful to hear because you don't

hear it a lot but it’s inclusive, it’s everything. You know, instead of saying, “Oh, it’s just this one thing, it’s just this one thing.” I think we need to hear more of that. (overlay)

Brian: It’s true, Jim, and it’s exactly what we're saying before about people busy, rational, practical …

people [inaudible] 63:50 90 percent of their time and 10 percent of their [inaudible] I meet people all the time from weight loss experts to people who wanna lose weight and keep it off, to athletes, to regular folks, to addicted people who have spent their whole life trying not to be negative, trying not to be doubting, trying not to be [inaudible] 64:10

Page 19: The Truth About · PDF fileDr. Brian Alman, Creator of The Quick Results Self Hypnosis Program . ... He, literally, trained with the founder of clinical hypnosis, Dr. Milton Erickson,

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Jim: Right, right. Brian: And it’s crazy because it ends up turning into medical problems, they never really end up

reaching their potential, and even if they do, they’re always thinking about what they should do better, more [inaudible] 64:22 We all have that. Everybody has it. You wanna talk about all inclusive. You wanna talk about a lifetime membership. I'll tell you all about that. [inaudible] are actually qualities. The judging and the critical and the skeptical, that busy rational mind that won’t let you meditate and won’t let you do self-hypnosis, and won’t let you relax, is actually a bridge. It’s actually helpful. [inaudible] all kinds of techniques to utilize that, to embrace it, to learn from it, [inaudible] I mean, there's a whole bunch of really interesting ways to gauge and befriend that part of you that you've been trying to get rid of [inaudible] and you never will because nobody ever does. I've been to India and sat with enlightened gurus. I've been with many gurus. [inaudible] great meditators who have been meditating 60, 70 years [inaudible] meditation and hypnosis [inaudible] shooting heroin everyday, drinking [inaudible] nobody gets rid of that judgmental, critical, skeptical, exciting part of themselves. You don't get rid of it whether you're enlightened or you're doing every addiction, you can't just shut it up. It’s still there.

The only difference with the gurus, with the Milton Ericksons, and the people [inaudible] is they

can move [inaudible] part of the mind. [inaudible] Jim: Sure, and so, in a sense, they’ve developed that “muscle” of [inaudible] or whatever and they

can get to that easier than they can get to the other one. You know, listening to you, anyone on this call, again, so much of what you're saying, I think, is absolutely brilliant. At the same time, it’s so commonsensical. You hear it, you know, like, “Oh, my God, no kidding.” Anyone listening, that's the point I wanna put through to you with the outcome of this series that it’s just listening to this stuff and getting to hear it over and over because the frustrating thing … you must feel this … is that people will hear this sometimes stuff and say, “Oh, my God,” and in you're in the [inaudible] park and you see them have this epiphany and then they go back into their regular life sometimes and it’s almost like they forget about it. (overlay)

Brian: [inaudible] 67:27 I am a very strong proponent of self-hypnosis, meditation, mind-body healing

[inaudible] while walking, gardening, exercising, [inaudible] in nice clothes, in gorgeous environment … whatever it is, I insist that the ritual [inaudible] whether it’s a CD, DVD, beach session, [inaudible] session that they learn how to do this for themselves [inaudible] I make it so ridiculously simple that it’s impossible that they won’t practice and, of course, thank you,

Page 20: The Truth About · PDF fileDr. Brian Alman, Creator of The Quick Results Self Hypnosis Program . ... He, literally, trained with the founder of clinical hypnosis, Dr. Milton Erickson,

Discover The 9 Most Powerful (and well hidden) Secrets of Hypnosis at: Page 20

Milton Erickson, I know how to [inaudible] and motivated them to help themselves in ways that they won’t that know that [inaudible] to put out any effort at all.

For example, somebody who wants to lose weight and keep it off, a post-hypnotic suggestion can be tied every single time they walk into their house. It can be tied into the evening every time at 6 o’clock or later so [inaudible] every single day no matter what, those are really nice ways to connect people. [inaudible] being friendly towards their skeptic, doubting, judging self, learning how to be more free, creative, and playful so I'm very focused on making sure that if somebody has any experience with this [inaudible] at all, that they have it with them for the rest of their lives.

Jim: That's great. And they start to recognize because sometimes they do it anyways like if you get

into a fight with your significant other and you see him later that day and still you get angry. Brian: Right. Jim: You already do a lot of stuff. Brian: Exactly, relationships are the greatest mirrors so you always see your self-care and how you

take care of yourself and your relationships that [inaudible] of the other person, exactly how you take care of yourself for [inaudible]

Jim: Right. Brian: Do you treat them as badly as you treat yourself? [inaudible] out loud to yourself. Jim: Sure. Brian: [inaudible] out loud to them. So, that's one of the first things that happens. When [inaudible]

hypnosis, your relationship with yourself evolves to the best level it’s ever been right away. That's it. That will have an effect immediately right away on your relationship with your significant others. I have people say to me all the time, “My kids love that I do that.” They said I've never been this nice to them in their life. My wife is thrilled [inaudible] 70:16 to practice. My boss thinks it’s the best thing I've ever done to my career, and my employees, people who work for me loves being around now when they couldn’t stand me before. Everybody supports my self-hypnosis practice and I'm really doing this for [inaudible] 70:33 So, it has a great ripple

Page 21: The Truth About · PDF fileDr. Brian Alman, Creator of The Quick Results Self Hypnosis Program . ... He, literally, trained with the founder of clinical hypnosis, Dr. Milton Erickson,

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effect which is everything because really everything is an autobiography, Jim. Everything we do from driving to eating to our relationships are mirrors of our relationship with ourselves.

So, that's fine and everybody may know that and that may even be pop psychology, a cliché by

now or maybe people are still learning it [inaudible] 71:10 Well, how do you [inaudible]? How do you actually have an [inaudible] relationship with yourself? How do actually develop your unconscious, intuitive, creative abilities to help yourself in your everyday life [inaudible] how do get to where you are, to where you wanna be? That's the part that fascinates me.

Jim: Right. And that's the missing piece for a lot of people. So, again, anyone listening to this. If

you know what you wanna do but you've been struggling or having difficulty making it a reality for yourself and you always feel like you're … I mean, it’s so common if people say like they're struggling with themselves and this rebellious part of themselves, this program is super for this and, obviously, Dr. Alman’s approach is profound and it teaches you how to deal with these things in a such a unique way. So, instead of spending all your energy trying to get rid of a part of yourself, you're working on encouraging and enlightening parts of yourself.

You can learn more about it at, Quick Results Self-

Hypnosis. The beauty is once you learn these things, you begin doing this to yourself kinda naturally and automatically throughout the day so definitely check this out and even can go to the page, and just read through it. There's a ton of information … just read on the page [inaudible] will teach you some more things.

Dr. Alman, I totally appreciate your time. I know we went over a little bit over an hour here. I

really appreciate you getting on the call here and helping us all out understand hypnosis and self-hypnosis [inaudible] Milton Erickson’s stories [inaudible] all day long.

Brian: Thanks, Jim. I really enjoy connecting with you, guys. I loved your questions. I can tell you

practice and I love to share with you and your listeners. Jim: Great, that's obvious. Thank you very much and thank you everyone. We’ll talk to you all next

week. Have a great week.