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Page 1: THE TOUR MEDIA -… · LINE, GEORGY PORGY and Pie,Vc, Single OUT OF LOVE will he axcalable



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,Vc, Single OUT OF LOVE will heaxcalable within the next week


MUSICVolume 7

Issue II

September 8





MEDIA 'tThe European Music 8,

Broadcast Trade Magazine


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Page 2: THE TOUR MEDIA -… · LINE, GEORGY PORGY and Pie,Vc, Single OUT OF LOVE will he axcalable

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MEDIAThe European

Musk &


Trade Magazine

Bigot Quits Europe 1To Join France -Inter

by Emmanuel Legrand

Influential Europe 1

presenter and producer YvesBigot has been named as thefirst ever music director atFrance -Inter. The appoint -

CBS France

Forges MR LinksAn international A&Rmeeting formed the back-bone of the annual CBSFrance convention, held inParis on August 24-25.

Representatives from Cana-da and Israel joined delega-tes from the major Euro-pean territories in presen-ting new product.

Henri de Bodinat, presi-dent CBS France, said thepurpose of the meeting wasto improve internationalcommunication betweenA&R departments. Manyexpressed concern at thelack of acceptance to non-English material by themarkets in the US and UKbut were more encouragedat the increasing evidence ofpan-European co-operation.For details see page 5.

ment is part of an attemptby the national public sta-tion to modernise its imageand sound.

Bigot left Europe I, oneof France's top private sta-tions, on August 26 andbegan working at France -Inter the following day, afterhe was approached by In-ter's programme directorPierre Bouteiller. Bigot: "Inever thought I could leaveEurope 1, but I was made anoffer I couldn't refuse". Nocounter proposal was madeby Europe I.

Bigot, 35, joined Europe I17 years ago as an assistantproducer and then becamean on -air presenter. He is.also president of a rockcommission set up last yearby French minister ofculture Jack Lang and iseditor -in -chief of the popu-lar TV music show 'Rapidok

He says he will implementmajor changes to France-Inter's music programming,with the aim of making itmom open to new trends

continues on page 4


Europe Catching Up On US Totalsby Chris Fuller

The development of sou- Europe's top album marketthem European record (163.3 million units, upmarkets like Italy and Spain 4.2%) and predicts itsplus the growth of Germany strength as a repertoire basewill see European soundcar- will continue to grow par-rier sales surpass those of ticularly in terms ofthe US in "one or two German -language product.years", according to Man- "As Eastern Europe opensfred Zumkeller, MD of the up there will emerge anotherHamburg -based WEA 100 million potential buyersMusik. for German language music,

Commenting on combin- as many people living in theed 1989 [FPI figures which East have strong Germanshowed total album sales roots", he says. "It is an op -(669.05 million, 16 ter- portunity which must not beritories) only just short of missed!'the US (680 million), In the short term, Zum-Zumkeller says the recent keller says Europe's totalsrise of Spain (52.72 million will not be markedly af-album sales in 1989, up fected by the opening up.of20.9% on 1988) and Italy Eastern Europe and the(50.40 million up 9.9%) Soviet Union, where "basicwere more rapid than ex- needs will override the de-pected and will help con- mand for luxury goods forsolidate Europe as the some time to come. No oneworld's premier record should expect instantmarket. results. In East Germany,

Zumkeller notes West for example, the populationGermany's rise to become is around 25% of West Ger-

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many and the buying poten-tial is around 5%. I predictthat it will be at least fiveyears before they attain thesame buying potential as theWest: '

According to Zumkeller,Europe's natural mix ofmusical styles and in-

fluences, a result of the dif-ferent cultural communitiesthat it represents, gives it agrowth advantage over theUS, where "differencesfrom state to state are com-parably slight".

Gilbert Ohayon EMIMusic's marketing director,international repertoire,agrees that in Europe con-sumers are offered morechoice, though he doubtsthis is enough for Europe tosurpass the American unittotal. Ohayon: "I do notthink Europe will catch the

(iiiitiss, on poye 6

CONTENTSTalkback - PeterStromquist 8

UK Stations CompeteWith Gold SustainingServices 9

Gong Leads BavarianSales Drive 10

Paris Rock Outlet SeeksBacking II

Video . Third TimeLucky For Laser Disc? IS

ProgrammingDance Centre Pages

An EMI, pulalicazion in


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Page 3: THE TOUR MEDIA -… · LINE, GEORGY PORGY and Pie,Vc, Single OUT OF LOVE will he axcalable



Metro Prolongs Hostile Bid For YRNMichael Malicit, chairman of theUK's Yorkshire Radio Network(YRN), says rival broadcasterMetro Radio has been stripped ofone of the main sticks it had beenusing to beat YRN shareholdersduring its current takeover bid.

The Newcastle -based grouphad claimed YRN was "badlymanaged", but with 98.8% ofshareholders declining Metreslatest offer when it closed onAugust 24, Mallett argues his"successful management style hasbeen vindicated".

But Metro has decided to keepits takeover attempt alive for afurther fortnight, even though thestation is close to agreeing mergerterms with Owen Oyston'sTrarsworld Communications.Metro MD Neil Robinson says heis confident that by keeping theoffer open until September 7, andwithout improving the cashavailable, he will attract another49% of YRN shareholders.

Mallet says the extended offer"does not stand a cat in hell'schance, unless there is something Iam missing".

Commenting on Metro attrac-ting only 1.2% of YRN share-holders to date Robinson claimsthe low acceptance "did not causeus any concern at all. Let us waitand see what effect another fort-night has!' The thrust of thehostile takeover now seems likelyto centre on programming quality.

Robinson admits that of the

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1.2% of YRN shares Metro hasgathered, the company alreadyowned 0.75% "about 75.000shams". He was unwilling to say ifindividual large shareholders willbe targetted.

Mallett, though, remainscritical of Metro. "I just wish theywould go away. I would cake ex-actly the same vary on Metrowhether or not we were talking toTransworld. We see no logic in alink between the two businesses.Our transmission areas have us asneighbours, but with 120 miles ofnothing in between. I see no com-mercial advantage'

Talking about the the latest de-velopments with Owen Oyston,Mallett says: "Our respectiveboards agreed to merge threeyears ago. The IndependentBroadcasting Authority tamed itdown saying they could see nocommercial imperative!' Oyston

and Mallett will become jointchairmen if their deal is finallyapproved.

"The broadcasting bill has nowchanged ownership shape. I harebeen talking with Oyston since thebeginning of the year. The mainadvantage of a YRN/Transworldmerger would be the addition ofPennine Radio in Bradford to theYRN network!'

The AM set-up is less clear. "Ifeel I could possibly teach Oystana thing or two about successfulAM broadcasting;' says Mallen,citing the success of Classic Gold.Transworld's stations do not havea common AM link.

The two suitors already have ajoint commercial interest in RadioRadio, the overnight FM sustain-ing service, with YRN holding26% of shams and larnsworld31%.

Bigot Quitscontinued from page I

and artists. Bigot: "We will have apolicy of quality and diversity,which will be more artist andalbum -oriented than in the past.

"Record companies say theycan't develop artists' careersbecause of the dictatorship of thetop 50 and the lack of album -oriented stations. Meanwhile,they push singles instead ofalbums. Despite this, we want tobuild a good partnership withrecord companies!'

Bigot will continue to presenttwo weekly programmes, bath onFridays. The first, at 17.00-18.00,is 'France Interview' and will bebased on interviews with guest ar-tists by different journalists. Theother is called 'Stop 50' and isaired at 21.00-22.30. It is co -

hosted by Liberation journalistLaurence Romance and willfeature reviews of new releases.

Bigot has been joined atFrance -Inter by Bernard Lenoir,who hosted the daily rockoriented 21.00-22.30 slot onEurope 1. He terminated his rela-tionship with Europe 1 abruptly,when the station allegedly cancell-ed its sponsorship of the In-rockuptibles music festival, whichhe has close links with.

Lenoir, who is often referred toas "the French John Peel", willretain the same time slot at

France -Inter, from Monday toThursday. Lenoir worked atFrance -Inter in the 70s, beforemoving to FM station Kiss FMand then Europe 1.

Europe 1 programme directorPatrice Blanc-Francard says thedepartures will not destabilise thestation's programming: "Thereare enough resources at Europe 1to fill the gaps. Bigot has accepteda position that is a promotion forhim and I wish him well, but hewill be missed at Europe C'

However, Blanc-Francard sayshe was surprised by Lovoir's de-parture and claims that he learnedabout it only when he called thestudio where Lenoir was honinghis show. "If Lenoir didn't likeworking at Europe 1 then it wasnatural for him to leave. I justregret the method!' Blanc-Francard worked at France -Interwith Lenoir in the late 60s andhired him to work at Europe 1.

Due to the departures, EricLaccueille now hosts the chartshow 'Las Decouvertes Du Top50', which was presented by Bigot.Its time slot changes from Sundaymornings to 15.00718.00 everySaturday. Bigot's other show,which features music and sportand is also aired on Sundays, ispresented by DJ Yann Karig.Lenoir's slot will be taken over byhis former co -host Laurence Boc-colini, who now presents a newshow called `La Vie En Rock'. 0

e vtraie AtraRumours that the UK:, CapitalRadio ism buy Myrnouth Soundhave bum put on ice by itsnosiness development directorRichard Hunt -I think it is alljust rumour. I know of nothingon which to comment:' he asserts.The GWR-owned PlymouthSound u reported m be up forsale. Capital owns the neighbour-ing Devortair. Meanwhile the sta-tion is said to be about to spendE5 million on marketing itself asthe London ainvaam become evermore crowded.

* * *The restructuring at EMI Flameisn't over yet it seem,. Ro.ant ap-pointees Man Behan, A&Rstatuses and French marketingdirector Sean -Main Malairan havebeen told I heir services are nolonger required. EMI IMnee MD,Noel fuming, declined to mm -

on these departures at presstime

* * 1r

Battle is about to commitue forcontrol of the top 50 in NanceThe official French chart is ownedand Financed by radio nationLampe 1 (for an amount believed

- m be in mons of Fft 10 million -app USS 2 million) but the in-dustry is becoming increasinglycritical with the way it is compil-ed. Mon control over the of the chart is being sought byrecord companies whichareaboutto embark on the delicate task ofgaining that control. whik at thesame time still accepting EuropeI's financial support.

* * *CRS France preside. Henri deBodin. is showing signs of in -

ins Paris rock station Canal9. He is less keen on the outleescurrent ratings but is putting hisfaith in the tightly formatted rock

station's potential and an an-nounmment is expected soon. DeBedlam also says that CBS is stillmaking progress, if somewhatslowly. with its invokment in aMarseille, FM. The TV pro-gramme focusing on albums,which the conmany wanted to air,ss also behind schedule after IFS

aid it was nor interacted in theproject. However. Made -HannW iese, from public channelAntenna 2, has gam a verbalagreement to assist with the pro.gramme and an Bonlinar is silloptimistic that the show will bemade

1r *A tightlipped Mark Storm, new-ly appointed programme con-troller at Piccadilly Key 103 and1152, will confirm only thatchange is on the van at dm twostations. can't really say moreyet because it nvolves peoplearound here:. whispers Storey.

Priority Acts Presented At CBS Conventionby Emmanuel Legrand

CBS France took the opportunityduring its annual convention heldin Pads August 24-25 to set up aninternational A&R meeting. Itspurpose, as explained by CBSpresident Henri de Bodinat, wasto improve communications bet-ween A&R departments.

Attending the meeting wereseveral A&R representatives in-cluding Evelyn Rinker (Ger-many), Gerard Rutte (Holland),Adrian Vogel (Spain), Gerald Ha -jar (Austria), Vito Luprano(Canada), Moshe Morad (Israel),Norman Block (Switzerland) andBert Clockaert (Belgium). Arepresentative from CBS UK wasinvited but did not come anabsence that was openly regrettedby the other participants.

Cracking the English-speaking

markets seemed to be a generalwish, but the lack of openness tonon-English material from theseterritories is a major concern toall, whereas pan-European linksare starting to produce results asmom and more products are pick-ed and released by local com-panies.

The meeting consisted of thepresentation of the top nationaland international priorities of thevarious CBS companies. Canadacame with two female acts:Nanette Workman (no. 1 inQuebec with Changementd'Adresse) and Celine Dion.

Dion is a French-speaking ar-tist trying for international suc-cess by aiming to cross over with anew LP sung in English. VitoLuprano: "We wanted to get into

Greek Stations AttackedOver RightsGreece's private radio and TV sta-tions have been attacked over theirrefusal to pay performance fees bythe International Confederationof Copyright Societies (CISAC).

CISAC accuses the majority ofstations of a "categoric refusal"to make copyright payments sincethey were licensed, and is en-couraging members to protest tothe Greek authorities.

Meanwhile, the Greek copy-right body, AEPI, has startedlegal action against stations whichit accuses of refusing to agree afair rate for music broadcasts."We couldn't agree on anything,to the point where we had to startpraceedingsr says AEPI legal ad-viser Peter Xanthopoulos.

"We want them to pay 4% oftheir advertising income, which isthe EC average though for thefirst two years they can pay thesame as national (ERT) radio andTV, 2.2%. The private stationsshould pay more, because ERThas different objectives, with pro-grammes that are not incomegenerating!'

He saw the row flared inMarch, when negotiations withprivate TV stations broke down,"because they considered theircontract prices too high". Beginn-ing with the radio stations ownedby groups controlling TV stations,they then began a campaignagainst the society, encouraging

Paymentseven stations which had alreadysigned contracts to rescind them.

None of the stations contactedby Music & Media would com-ment an the issue However,counter -proceedings against theAEPI, accusing it of seriousfinancial mismanagement, areunderstood to have been initiated.

A recently published auditor'sreport alleges that the AEPI haswithheld US$ 390.000 in rightspayments to foreign artists, whiledirectors have granted themselvesand others "closely connectedwith the company" personalloans from its funds, contrary toGreek corporate law. The AEPIhas also been accused of "falsify-ing real lroyalty returns... by taking

dvantage of the artists' igno-rance of tax and other matters!'

Private stations have been legalin Greece since the end of 1987,with one of the conditions ofauthorisation being that they wereat least 'in negotiation' over per-formance fees. However, of the600 or so to have opened, onlyabout 140 radio stations and noneof the seven TV channels have ac-tually bothered to register, claimsXanthopoulos.

Because none of the stations,even authorised ones, havepublished any financial results, itis impossible to determine howmuch their non-payment is

costing the society. 0

a new market and we have beenable to convince Epic in the US torelease the album!'

CBS Holland's Gerard Ruttesurprised many by presenting thenew Nits single Radio Shoes. Itwas only completed the previousday and will have a September 17release. An album is expected inOctober, the same time as a fourthmonth Dutch tour is due to com-mence. Other Dutch product on

Joelle ursuk a cas Runge priority act

display included Rene Schuman'snew LP, Mission Of The Heart,and the Ferdi and Rob Bollandcover of Colombian hit La Col-egiala.

CBS Spain's Adrian Vogel wasparticularly keen to highlight hiscompany's signing of the UKband Immaculate Fools, claiming100.000 sales of their latestalbum, Another Man's World.

Spain, believes Vogel, is a sourcefor rich dance pickings with theRSP rap version of All Right Nowbeing among the best on offer.

Also very much dance orientedis the German market, accordingto Evelyn Junker: "About 6090 ofthe German charts are dancetracks, so our A&R strategy has toreflect this trend!' New releasesinclude This Is The Time, byMonette Evans, a US -barn modelin the Grace Jones mould andDepp Jones, a group made up offormer members of Die Arzte,Rainbirds and RubbermindRevenge Their first LP, Return ToCammba, has been produced byAC/DC and Led Zeppelin pro-ducer Tony Platt.

CBS France's internationalpriorities, presented by interna-tional promotion head, AnnickGeisler, includes Patricia Kaas.Her LP, Scene de Vie, is alreadyplatinum in France and foreignsales are expected to be boosted bya European and Canadian tournow under way.

Other priorities for the com-pany are Frances Eurovision en-try, Joelle Ursull, with her newsingle Amazon, the AlainChamfort LP, Trouble and theOctober release of Dana Daw-son's new album, Paris, New York

Moi.Jean Karakos used the conven-

tion to thank CBS staffers "whohelped make Kaoma's World Beata success". Total sales of thealbum exceeded 4.1 million unitsworldwide An album of Kaoma'svarious remixes will be out soon.

Century 21 And TM MergeToms -based broadcast companiesCentury 21 Programming andTM Productions, whose jinglesand production services are usedon stations across Europe, havemerged. From now on the com-pany will trade under the titleCentury 21/TM.

Montreux Companies, an ad-visory company for the media andentertainment industries, was in-strumental in the merger. RobbEden, Montreux's UK -basedmanaging partner comments:"Both Century 21 and TM Pro-ductions are very well-knownnames in Europe and this is a veryprestigious deal to be involvedwith. It gives us an ideal platform

from which to launch our servicesinto the European broadcast in-dustry!'

Montreux, whose founder andsecond managing partner, PeterStromquist, is based in Dallas,recently initiated and assisted inUK group Zomba Music's ac-quisition of Firstcom, one of thelargest creators and distributorsof production music libraries inthe US.

Montreux has also applied tothe UK Radio Authority to runone of the three commercial na-tional radio stations. The com-pany filed a letter of intent withthe IBA last month. 0



MUSIC S, MEDIA September S, 1.0 MUSIC A MEDIA -September S.1990AmericanRadioHistory.Com

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MTV Launches Satellite JukeboxMTV Europe and London -basedevents marketing firm The Chal-lenge Group have joined forces topresent 'The Satellite Jukebox', anall-night sponsored dance partylinked live across 26 countries andaimed at raising funds for theEuropean federation of youthclubs (ECYC).

Billed by MTV as the first in-teractive promotion between pro-grammers, viewers and dishretailers, the show will air for 12hours from 19.00 on November 3.It will be beamed directly into anestimated 600 youth clubs in theUK and up to 2.009 other venuesacross Europe.

In total, 'The Satellite Jukebox'aims to attract more than a

million active participants.The ECYC, which has natio-nal affiliates in 16 territories,is urging its members to gain

by Chris Fuller

sponsorship and dance all night.In the UK, in co-ordination

with Sky Television and RadioRentals, each participating clubwill receive a "satellite partypack" consisting of a receiverdish and stereophonic highresolution monitors. In continen-tal Europe, separate arrangementsare being set up with local dishretailers.

'Get A Dish And Dance, pro-motions will be held at town cen-tre Radio Rentals' outlets. MTV'sCEO and MD Bill Roedy: "Theinteractive element of SatelliteJukebox that MTV is helping todevelop is a prime example of howthe channels, and their program-ming, are helping to drive dishsales!'

Challenge Group director ChrisLong sees the event as the firststep in a three-year programme to

develop a communications net-work serving young people inEurope: ''We am supplying theclubs with equipment. Once inplace this will provide us with theopportunity of exploring furtherinteractive fund-raising projects:'In the UK, Long is hopeful ofraising "up to f 1 million" to in-crease youth club resources andfacilities.

MTV's manager for NorthemEurope, Chris Griffin, says that inprogramming terms 'The SatelliteJukebox' will be a video -danceparty, anchored by MTV Via atfour different live -music venuesacross Europe. There will also besix, one -camera feeds from a

selection of European youthclubs. The link -ups will be

organised with the help ofVisnews. 0

Europe Catching Upcontinued lnom page I

US. The lack of language barriersthere, the mom deeply ingrained'buying attitude' of the US publictowards music plus Europe'shigher prim levels will keep themahead for the near future!'

But working against these fac-tors, Ohayon believes that com-pared to Europe, the US has "avery insular attitude as regardsmusic and their charts and salesreflect that. Them is mom room inEurope for new product to enterthe charts. And the more choiceyou offer to the consumers themom consumers you may be ableto reach!'

Stuart Watson, VP of MCARecords International, also

predicts that Europe can surpassthe US in two years. While, ingeneral terms, the US shows lessvaried charts and mom conser-vative, though more plentifulradio, Watson observes that thesefactors "are not necessarilyobstacles to market growth".

Watson: "There am nowsophisticated promotional in-frastructures within most of themajor companies in the US, withclub promotion in particular farbetter developed. It means theyare not so dependent on radio asin previous years and are findingtheir way around it!'

Looking to Eastern Europe,Watson says the sensible approachto exploiting the new markets willbe long-term: "Our company's

philosophy is to invest promotiontime now. Kim Wilde, TransvisionVamp and Tiffany, for example,have played the Polish SOPOTfestival, which is broadcastthroughout Eastern Europe tomore than 100 million people Wedon't expect to see a pay-off im-mediately but this is importantgroundwork for the future'

He notes that the bulk of pro-duct selling in East Germany etpresent is budget and mid -pricealbums: "Companies such as

ours, with large back catalogues,can obviously take advantage ofthis. These are artists and albumsthat the East Germans may knowbut did not have access to firsttime around. And mid -price

material is more realistic for themeconomically!'

In terms of retail value, in 1989Europe built on its lead over theUS with IFPI reporting a billion -dollar plus European superiority(Europe US$ 7.632 billion, US$6.464 billion). But, according toTrish Heimers, a spokeswomanfor US industry body the Recor-ding Industry Association OfAmerica (RIAA), revenue com-parisons are invalid because pro-duct prices em far higher inEurope In the US, cassettes,

which carry the lion's share (60.7o)

of the market, are priced at US$7-8 per unit compared to anaverage US$ 12-13 in Europe, andCDs cost US $12-13 per unit com-pared to US$ 18-19.

Helmets: "When I was in Lon-

don recently I was appalled at theprice differences. The British empaying twice es much for theirmusical product as the averageAmerican:' She adds thatEurope's improved parity with theUS is "a natural development asthe markets there free up. Thepopulation as a whole is far largerand there is a greater variety ofproduct to choose from:'

In terms of total unit shipmentsthe US market showed a 5% in-crease in 1989 to 800.7 millionunits, against an 8% increase in1988. Helmets: "The slip ingrowth does not concern us

because 1988 was an exceptionalyear. The market has been af-fected by a shift in format choice(CDs were up 38.42%, vinyl LPsand EPs down 44.22%) and lastyear there was no real mega -hitlike a Thriller or a Born In TheUSA, which can really make orbreak a year. Nevertheless, the Plaremains a very healthy rate ofgrowth!' 0

Contrary to the story whichappeared in Music & Media('German Privates Suffer Set-back', August 4), the totalAGMA accumulated reach forboth ARD and private stationswas 87.3% (42.77 million).The total reach of all privateradios is 30.4% (14.90 million),the total reach for ARD sta-tions with advertising is 82.0%(40.20 million).

New USConsultant

Targets Europeby Paul Andre.

A new US radio consultancy hasbeen formed specifically to adviseEuropean stations. Radio ServicesInternational (RSI) is already ad-vising Birmingham incrementalBuzz FM, and claims to be infinal negotiations with other UKstations. In the future, it plans toextend its activities to other Euro-pean countries.

RSI founder Terry Hickmancites as his goal "to help radio sta-tions develop a compedtive ad-vantage by showing them how tomaximise their people, theirpotential and their profits!'Among services offered by thefirm are format design, training,marketing and promotions deve-lopment, including advice on acmining jingles and musklibraries, and even logo design.

"We'll help broadcasters deve-lop a product oriented to audienceneeds;' says Hickman, "form amarketing organisation that canbring the product in contact withpotential listeners and develop amarketing plan that identifiesstrategies and responsibilities forimplementing action plans thatwill achieve desired results!'

Hickman, who is based in Au-stin, Texas, claims 17 years expe-rience in US radio managementand programming at every level.

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Page 5: THE TOUR MEDIA -… · LINE, GEORGY PORGY and Pie,Vc, Single OUT OF LOVE will he axcalable




"They Just Find The Prospects Exciting"Investing in European radio - a US media broker's perspectiveDallas -based media

brokerage Montreux hasits eye firmly on Europe.

The company's currentprojects include a

proposed merger of twoEuropean broadcast

hardware companies,various US investments

into European mediagroups and, back the

other way, investment bya European broadcasterinto an American radio

network. For, as founderPeter Stromquist told

Chris Fuller, mediainvestment is atwo way street.

Q: What has trading been like todate?

A: It has surprised me. When Ifirst started forecasting I thoughtthe bulk of my activity would berepresenting US companies in-terested in doing deals in Europe.Actually the reverse turned out tobe true. Europeans, and especiallythe British, turned out to be thefirst clients and the most in-terested.

Most of our activity has beenrepresenting UK companies in-terested in investing in the broad-casting and related industries inthe US, but we have actuallyworked on some station situationsin Europe and tried to get USbroadcasters interested in makinginvestments there. The last six

months, things have started tochange. There have been moreand mom calls from US broad-casters and we have been holdingmini -seminars for US groups onwhat opportunities am availableAnd the National Association ofBroadcasters (NAB) have hadspecial segments and panels on in-ternational mdio and television attheir conventions.

Q: Are most of the large USbroadcasters now convinced themare opportunities in Europe?A: I can only speak about thefirms that I deal with; overall theanswer is yes, there seems to be aconsiderable interest to partici-pate Ban of our largest compa-nies - Group W (10% in London'sJazz FM) and Emmis (1507o inParis station Maxximum) - havealready taken steps to do so.

Q: What do you think are theultimate goals of US companiesinvesting in Europe?A: Their timetables, as far as I cansee, are very cautious. While thelevel of interest is very high, manyseem to be taking a 'wait and see'attitude. Perhaps the Group Wand Emmis deals will change this,perhaps not. One thing I find veryinteresting, every group that I talkto has a definite idea of wherethey want to be and what theywant to do and the goals are asdiverse as can be imagined. I

don't think any of them have along-range goal of dominatingany segment, they just find theprospects excelling, as I do.

(I: Do you favour a reciprocalinvestment in US radio by non -nationals?A: I'm sure this question will be ahot topic for debate oral the next

five years. Personally, I am verymuch in favour of opening ourborders to foreign investment inour media. First, I would hope itwould lead to similar, reciprocalagreements in other countries,creating new opportunities forour media owners. Secondly, ouruniverse of players in the US is afinite group, more or less, andallowing outside investment is away to keep the market vibrantand growing.

Q: What fields within Europeanbroadcasting do you thinkprovide the greatest opportunityfor financial reward with USinvestors?

A: Oddly enough I don't think itis station ownership. The aspect Ihave been pitching in the US forthe past two years is the ancillaryservice opportunities. As Eu-

rope's private commercial broad-casting community has not beenthat widespread, naturally, thesupport services have not maturedeither. One simple example is

presenter training. This providespotentially fertile ground fortraining schools and other ser-vices, like consulting companies,promotion firms, format pro-viders, will follow.

Q: In what areas can Europe learnfrom US broadcast companies?A: On a practical standpoint, US

broadcasters, over the past 10

years with the availability of easyfinancing, have been burdenedwith horrendous loads of debt.The upside is that they have team-ed to operate their stations muchmore efficiently, and to maximiseevery position, every dollar. It's amassive generalisation, but mostof the stations I have looked at inEurope seem like they could sur-vive with 50-75% staff reductions,and could really benefit here from

uJ expertence.

The Americans will also be ableto assist in balding local, retailsales staffs, training those staffsand educating the retailers on theadvantages of radio advertising.

I strongly suspect that as com-mercial radio spreads across

Europe, other segments will sufferdramatically. Cinema advertising,for example, which never reallycaught on in the US, will probablybecome a dinosaur in Europe Asto the flow in the opposite direc-tion, I can think of a hundredareas we (the US broadcastingcommunity) can benefit from...hopefully we will not be too blindto see it when it is offered.

Q. Do you think the US has toomuch mdio? Do you see Europebecoming this way?A: The US is definitely over -radioed. Ask any operator and hewill tell you that in any givenmarket he could use two or threeless operators. And we were notcontent to leave well enough alone- we have now taken it uponourselves to move stations into themajor markets from a hundredmiles away. Subsequently, a

number of local markets havebeen left without local serviceThat's a shame. But I don't thinkEurope will follow this pattern.Even if the UK added, say, 500local stations, per capita they willstill have only 25% as many sta-riom as the US. In Europeeveryone should be able to suc-cessfully operate, provided theyuse common sense and am allow-ed to programme according totheir communities' desires, andmarket on She same basis. 0

Peter titkomquist is the "Rxas:based founder and managingpartner of Montreux, a companywhich initiates trading and co.operative venues, between US.d European radio and TV com.panics. The also operates aUK orrice headed by managingpartner Robb Eden. Among re-cent completed deals, Montreuxswis involved in the UK ZombaMu.sies acquisition of PiptCom.the Dallas -based marketer °Imo.merges music libraries, and themergers of US.based Century

,ompanies Century 21and TM Productions. Prior tofounding Montreux, Stromquistworked in radio management andbroadcast brokerage.

UK & IRELANDStations Compete With Gold Sustaining Services

by Howard Shannon

Independent radio (1R) stations inthe UK yet to split frequencies arebeing wooed by two IR com-panies offering overnight goldsustaining services.

Yorkshire Radio Network's(YEN) Classic Gold and ChilternRadio, through its Supergold pro-gramming, are pitching for con-tracts with the IR stations stillsimulcasting.

A third player, Capital Gold, isalso believed to be preparing tooffer its own oldies sustaining ser-vice The station's business

development director, RichardHurst, confirms that work is

being done on the concept."As for the outcome I have no

comment;' he says. Hurst says amajor consideration before goingahead is the possible damage inLondon of stripping out theCapital name

YRN MD Roger Brooks saysClassic Gold is primarily aimed atnew AM services. "But we intendalso to talk to stations currentlyunhappy at the way its split ser-vices may be operating:' No sta-tions have yet signed up withYRN.

Chiltern's MD, Colin Mason,has already agreed a deal. Whiledeclining to name the station, heclaims crucial to signing has hisstation's use of the US computersystem DCS. It does away with theneed for tape and carts by puttingeverything on hard disc

The unnamed IR station, which

is expected to split in April nextyear, has invested £20.000 in itsown DCS in readiness for theChiltern feed. Mason has alsoconverted his Chiltern Hot FMnetwork to the system.

Brooks is pinning his syndica-tion hopes on stations "being able

to share in the huge success ourgold format has proved to be". Headds that YRN is willing to letanyone use the name ClassicGold, in effect franchising it. Thecompany will also offermarketing support.

Both stations intend to deliver

the sustaining services by landlineand satellite and offer windowsfor local advertising, news ofregional events and traffic reports.

The UK government has madeit clear to radio still simulcastingon AM that they must use it orlose it.

Ireland Plays Host To FourthCommunity Radio ConferenceThe fourth world conference oncommunity radio broadcasting,known by its French acronymAMARC, took place in Dublinfrom August 12-18. More than 3Wdelegates, from 53 countries, wereattracted to the event, which tookplace in Europe for the first time

AMARC is an internationalnon -governmental organisationserving the community radiomovement. Its work involves co-operation and exchange amongbroadcasters and promoting com-munity radio worldwide.

This year's overall theme was"the right to communicate" andthe conference's main talkingpoints included censorship, alter-natives to advertising and thedefinition of community radio.

The setting up of Euroday, anIrish initiative, will arrange net -

by Ken Stewart

working of programmes betweencommunity radio associations

and will look to become involvedin Eastern Europe from next year.Jack Byrne, chairman of the IrishNational Association of Com-munity Broadcasters: "Peoplewill move around the Continentto different stations. We feel thevacuum in Eastern Europe is be-ing filled by commercial radio.Community radio must also bethem So early next year a networkof European community radiogroups will have a conference inthe East. We have also put in placeprogramme exchange banks:'

Interest at the conference in the'Are Ads The Only Way' sessionwas high. Byrne again: "This isan important issue worldwide forcommunity radio. Some peoplebelieve you need advertising in

large quantities if you want toprovide and sustain a qualityradio sertice The discussion cen-tred around whether advertisingassisted quality radio or whethercheaply run radio, which is

amateurish but accessible, allowspeople more self -expansion.

'I am a great believer that allradio can be accessible to peopleI think it is a pity just to locksomebody in a room with recordsand talk out to people Somebodyat the conference used a goadslogan, 'Community Radio Is

Radio That Listens'. It is a usefulway of explaining what we amHow we differentiate communityradio from commercial, or evenpublic service broadcasting, is

that our basic commitment is

democratic access to themicrophone for everyone!' 0

Spectrum Sacks Staff ReportersLondon -wide incremental Spec- contracts. These have not beenteam Radio has sacked all fivestaff reporters claiming it has

always intended to review thefinancial situation after its firstthree months on -air. Three

reporters have since been offeredfreelance contracts to work onspecific programming.

'In effect, I am the newsroom!'says station and programme con-troller Keith Belcher. "I read

bulletins at 07.15 and 08.15 eachmorning. At other times the sta-tion uses ITN Radio News!'

Belcher declined to comment onwhether the changes were linkedto reports of financial problems.

"Since we launched, it was

made clear the newsroom staffould be on initial three-month

renewed. It is a matter of deploy-ing scarce resources and I felt thethan freelancers were better plac-ed in specific programming. Theycome in only as and when we needthem!'

Belcher was unwilling to say ifthere had been any developmentsin talks with the IBA over theabortive launch using the RadioCaroline 558 AM frequency.Though later allocated 990 AM,Caroline has since fallen silent."But far how long I do notknow:' he says.

Spectrum is planning its firstdipstick audience research inSeptember. "All the early signsare that we are proving verypopular!' claims Belcher. El

Lenny Kravitz congratulates Sonny SouMon after her debut British gig at tee Mar, barin London. Her first single, 'Falling Through A Cloud; was released on Siren on August13. An album, of the same name, is due out this month,



8 MUSIC 8. MEDIA - September B, MUSIC A MEDIA - September a. MD


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MEDIA Gong Heads Bavarian Sales Driveby Paul Andrews

The Gong group is heading a newadvertising sales drive for localstations in Bavaria. Most of thestate's locals, including the Gongand Charivari group stations,have joined the scheme, which isdesigned to make local radio morecompetitive with the statewide

Antenne Bayern and BayerischerRundfunk (BR) services.

Ulie Klef, head of radio ac-tivities at the Gong group, believesagencies will be able to reach up to90% of the region's local radiolistenership through the plan. Shedifferent packages offer adver-tisers access to stations accordingto format, area or market size.

The scheme implies the effec-tive merger of several of Bavaria'slargest sales houses, includingGong Funkpaket and Radio Rom-bi Charivari Sound, fromJanuary. Although it has not yetcompleted signing up stations, thegroup is due to start approachingagencies this week.

Klef: "We already have all thebig local stations and most of thesmaller ones. We are now com-petitive in price and audience withBR and Antenna Bayern - and wehave a lot more listeners in thebig cities than Antenne Bayern!'

Smaller stations have had trou-ble attracting regional and na-tional advertising, even throughregional sales houses. Klef nowbelieves that to cover all stationsmay cost advertising agencies as

little as DM 30 per second (app.USA 19), compared with DM 150currently.

But Klef does not believe it willsolve the financial problems fac-ing Bavarian local radios. "Theirproblem is not agency advertising,it is their small coverage areas and

the lack of local advertising. Itstill represents 80.85% of incomeat smaller stations and 60-70% atthe bigger outlets!'

Meanwhile, Gong - togetherwith Charivari and mbt (a consor-tium of regional press groups) -has submitted an outline for anew sustaining service for localstations in Bavaria to the statemedia licensing authority, BLM.

The project calls for two sta-tions for locals to choose between,one CHR based, the other MOR.They would replace the currentservice, Sat 2000, which closes onSeptember 30. The new serviceswould be supplied free, whereasSat 2000 (in which mbt is a part-ner) charges around DM 100.000annually to relay its programme.

However, Klef stresses that theproposal is tentative "Gong wasasked by the BLM to invest in Sat2000, but we said no - it was notsuccessful, nobody wanted to buythe programmes, and we couldn'tuse its easy listening programmeson our stations. So they asked uswhat we would do if we could!'

Klef condemns the BLM forpublishing the submission as a

definite proposal. "All we saidwas we would like to talk about it.Gong, Charivari and mbt stillhave very different ideas - we haveto talk first, so I don't think wecould start this year!'

Since the service would be sup-plied free, Gong also insists thatthe BLM should underwrite it.Klef refuses to cite the amount

demanded, but a figure of DM 5.6million has been reported by theMunich press,

However, publicity officerMonika Fen& is adamant that"the BLM will not be investing inthe new stations". They wouldalso have to be approved by theauthority.

inf nod Ebert bca ns), head of radio and pen as EMIcelebrated. Seth birthday in Co.gne walla& help of


pies. HMilgrim iuyi and Jeremy Hammond, op of Gomel internovonol,

Bavarian Local Looks Eastby Philipp Roses & Paul Andrews

Bavarian local private RadioEuroherz is making a bid to in-crease its advertising revenue byattracting listeners in East Ger-many. The station has filed an ap-plication with the state's medialicensing authority (BLM) to dou-ble its transmitter power to 200

Top Artists Back Mega ProjectWith a production budget ofnearly DM 500.000 (app. USA316.000), Last Paradise is one ofthe largest German rock projects

The album, which has beenreleased in GAS territories andthe Benelux on Dino Records, isby the Lenny MacDonell projectLost Paradise, which was initiatedby MacDonell and Mambo MusicMD Juergen Thurman.

MacDonell is a renownedflautist, whose real name is

Friedeman trines. He is also amusic editor at SDR Radio inStuttgart and owns the BlueFlame label.

Thuernau and MacDonellreviewed 256 demos by interna-tional composers before choosing10 for the Lost Paradise album,which ranges from orchestral

by Robert Lyng

compositions to heart -tendingballads and gutsy rock.

The artists featured includeMacDonell, David Hanselmann(whose Go Gel The Cup went top10 in Germany) Dominoe singerberg Sieber, ex -Kara singer LutzSalzwedel, John Lawton (UriahHeep, ZAR), Ina Lippmann(Queen Of Spades), Mery Spence(Mike Oldfield, Wishbone Ash),Maggie Reilly, Mike Oldfield andthe Austrian Christian Kolono-sits

The album was recorded invarious studios by the cream ofGerman producers, includingKolonovits, Armand Volker,Lothar Krell, Henry Staroste,

Harald Steinhauer and HaroldFaltermeyer.

Dino A&R manager MikeUngefehr says over DM 1 million

has been earmarked for promo-tion and marketing. In addition,the organisation Artists UnitedFor Nature will promote thealbum, which focuses on en-vironmental problems.

MacDonell: "This album is thebest way we, as musicians, couldreach people. After all, changescomes from people, not politi-cians!' Thuernau adds: "We wantto mach people who might other-wise not think about the problemsfacing us and our environment!'

The album features the singletimely Is The Night, sung by LutzSalzwedel and produced by

Lothar Krell. The song focuses onthe plight of whales.

Negotiations are under way tohave the album, which is publish-ed by Mambo Music in Munich,released in other territories. D

watts and to extend the Hofantenna from 37 to 78 metres.

By the time the application isjudged, the two Germanies will bereunited. Listeners in the Flammregion, close to Hof but currentlyin the East, could represent asubstantial new market for adver-tisers. According to Euroherz,it and Hof s other local station,extra Radio, with whom its

frequency is shared, alreadyhave some 50.000 listenersaged 14 -plus in the East, ofwhom 6K0 tune in every day.

The power increase would im-prove their reception of the sta-tion, and it is hoped that morewould then become regularlisteners. MD Heinz Zrenner seesthe extra listeners as "an impor-tant expansion of our scope. For acommercial enterprise, the poten-tial cross -border listenership is

surely a valid means to attract ex-tra advertising".

Although Euroherz showed arespectable 19% daily reach in itscurrent catchment area in the

latest Bavarian ratings survey'

(Funkanalyse Bayern 1990), manysmall private stations in the regionare having trouble reaching largeenough audiences to attract suffi-cient ad revenue.

Paris Rock Station Seeks Financial PartnerFinancial partners are beingsought by KWFM, a radio stationin the south of Paris which hopesto eventually gain a frequencycovering the whole city.

KWFM airs only rock musicand is strongly influenced by USalbum -oriented formats. Stationhead Jean -Eric Henley says thedecision to seek new investmentfollows the Mediametrie audiencefigures for April -June, which sawKWFM score a rating of 0.1%throughout Paris, even though itcan only be received in a smallarea in the south and was notregistered with the poll organi-sation.

Henley explains: "We startedbroadcasting in September 1989and we gave ourselves 10 monthsto prate that 100% rock is a viableformat which could And an au-dience The Mediametrie figuresshowed that we were right.

"Now that we have reached ourpotential in our current broad-casting area, we want to extend

by Emmanuel Legrand

our audience base Once we find apartner, we will apply for a Parisfrequency but until then the sta-tion is on standby, airing only ataped programme and jingles!'

KWFM's format is based onHenley's study of US radio, whichfocused on WPLJ in New York,K101 in San Francisco and KIISFM in Los Angeles. It consists ofrock from the 70s to 1990 with a50-50 split between gold recordsand new releases. Programming ishandled by a manual system butthe acquisition of the Selectorsoftware is being considered.

Artists featured range fromChristopher Cross to Guns N'Roses, with 40% of acts being USor Canadian, 30% British, 15%Australian and 15% from the restof Europe Few French tracks areplayed because "there are fewFrench acts that play the style ofmusic we need".

Henley says he will approach avariety of companies, ranginghorn record companies to finan-

cial groups, in a bid to fmd abacker. He adds that the station'sformat is cheap to operate, at Ffr

90.000 (app. USA 17.300)a monthfor 10 employees. 0

Canal Plus TurnoverReaches Ffr 4.8 BillionFrench subscription TV channelCanal Plus says its turnoverin 1989 reached Ffr 4.88

billion (app. US$ 920 million),making it one of the largestcommunications companies inFrance. Gross profits for theperiod were Ffr 1.6 billion, withnet profits at Ffr 768 million.

Canal Plus has 2.87 millionsubscribers paying Ffr 160 a

month for the service Its pro-gramming is dominated by films(365 a year, of which 50% areFrench), but also includes sportsshows, documentaries, children's

programme and music The

channel broadcasts France's of-ficial Top 50 chart, which is itshighest rated show. '

1989 was a turning point inCanal Plus's expansion. Havingreached almost its total potentialin France, the channel exported itsconcept to other territories,through joint ventures, to Spain,Belgium, Germany, and Africa.

Canal Plus also owns a minori-ty share of 12.5% in VirginMegastore's capital in France,

which was acquired for an initialinvestment of Ffr 10 million.

Milan Int. To Sponsor`Black' CHR Concerts

by David Scsnsfield

Radio Milan International says it sent a Janet Jackson Day, whichis close to finalising deals to spon- will include a one -hour special onsor concerts by Barry White, her career and an interview. ThereJanet Jackson and Earth, Wind & will also be a listeners contest,Fire. The three acts will perform with the prize being a trip to Lon -concerts in Italy in September and don to see one of her concertsOctober. them

Luca Dondoni, head of PR at Claudio Trotta of the Barleythe national network: "All the ar- Ans Productions company, whichtists Al into our black -oriented. is promoting Barry White's dates,CHR format. By sponsoring their says radio sponsorship is impor-concerts, we can publicise our tart for the artist's concerts.'commitment to the format!' However, he stresses the impor-

Dondord says that there will be Lance of choosing the right sta-no cash transactions between the lions: "Stations which have thepromoters involved and Radio largest audiences are notMilan International; the station necessarily the best for spon-will have its logo on tickets and sorship.posters, in return for advertising "It is important that the rightfor the concerts and medium rota- people gel the message and that islion of records by the artists why a station's format is impor-

He adds: "There will be posters tans. For example, we wouldall over various cities, including choose Bete 105 for INXS, Radioones where our profile is not high. Monte Carlo for Billy Joel, RadioOur promotion bus will also be Peter Flowers for Clash Of Theoutside each venue!' Titans and, of course, Milan In -

When the Janet Jackson deal is Emotional for Barry White!' 0finalised, the station plans to pre -

Baby Records SignsPolyGram DealIndependent company Baby

Records has signed a long-termlicensing agreement with Poly -Gram Italy. Oscar Dal Pozzo,PolyGram's director of businessaffairs, says the deal is worth ap-proximately L 10 billion (app. USA8.6 million) in advances to FreddyNaggiar, owner of Baby Records.

Dal Pozzo says that with theagreement, PolyGram has acqui-red the overall management rightsfor the Baby Records catalogueThese include responsibility forsales, distribution, marketing,promotion and advertising. ButDal Petro adds: "We will col-laborate with Naggiar on all pro-motion activities!'

Baby Records was an active andsuccessful company in the 1980s,and was the first in Italy to adver-tise product on TV. Dal Pozzo:"Naggiar has not been very in-volved in the record industry forthe last few years. But now he isre-entering the market, with thrsame mentality, strategy and in-

novation of the past. He told ushe wanted to start from scratch,and to collaborate with an inter.national group at PolyGram'slevel!'

Dal Pozzo says the agreement isformally for the national market,but that PolyGram will work withsome of its European aftilates torelease product in other ter-

ritories. The Baby Records logowill remain on all product. "Itstrademark has great commercialvalue" says Dal Pozzo.

PolyGram president Gianfran-co Rebulla says Baby Recordsplans to reinforce its mistingcatalogue and will also invest innew artists. Baby Records's mostrecent success was Conrerto, thelatest album by the Rondo Vene-ziano group, which charted inFrance

To contact David Stans field,our Italian correspondent,call 39-2-6684220



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SER ContinuesRatings Domination

by James Bourne

Results of the second wave ofSpain's EGM media audiencesurvey for 1990, undertaken bet-ween May and July, show few realchanges in national radio listeninghabits.

SER's Los 40 Principales is stillthe country's most listened to sta-tion with the SER AM serviceproving second best. State AMnews channel RNE 1 loses thirdspot in the ratings to FM sports/news/music station Antena 3.

The most listened to pm -gramme in Spain is SER's AMmorning show 'Hoy Por Hoy', at-tracting 1.1 million listenersfollowed by Cope's 'Protagoni-stas' with 1.04 million tuning in.

The ECM figures for Madridhave once again provoked con-troversy with erratic swings being

recorded. Carlos Finely, pro-gramme director at Radio Popu-lar Cadena is one of those mostcritical of Spain's leading ratingsservice, "My station has risen by10.0001isteners to 35.000 but I stilldo not think the service is anygood or has much credibility!'

Radio Minuto, RNE 4, Radio16, Onda Madrid and RadioEspana AM were all shown in thesurvey to have suffered a dramaticdecline in listeners, some as highas 50%. Further concern wasgenerated by the 55.000 listener -ship figure attributed to RadioOeste, which broadcasts to asuburb of Madrid. Finely claimsthis is demographically impossi-ble and says that the EGM figurescan only be relied on when thetotal audience exceeds 100.000. C

Spanish Radio Ratings(May-July)

SER L. 40 Principales 4.16 (404)SER AM 2.77 (2.45)Antena 3 2.18 (2.05)RNE 1 2.17 (2.20)COPE AM 1.74 (1.75)

Sauce EGM.' all figures in millions with figures in bracketsrepresenting Feb -April survey.

Private TV Set For PortugalThe law paving the way for privateTV in Portugal was approved bypresident Mario Soarer on August23. In a move aimed at restrictingforeign control of companies, thelegislation will limit singleshareholdings to a maximum of2577o, similar to misting mediaownership restrictions in Spain.The law also stipulates that com-panies seeking an investmentmust have minimum capital ofUS$ 17 million.

The licences will be awarded bya special commission chaired by amagistrate and made up ofgovernment appointees and repre-sentatives of the main politicalparties. Concessions will be validfor 15 years and on of outputmust be in Portuguese. The lawalso proposes two hours per dayof programmes by the CatholicChurch on state -run Portuguese

TV. The Church is currently seek-ing its own channel and is ex-

pected to bid for one of the newfranchises.

Other contenders for the con-cessions include daily newspaperCorreia da Manha, the weeklyExpresso and the Sonar group ofpublishers. Sonar is the only oneof the groups which is quoted onthe stockmarket and its presidentBelmiro Azevedo recently said hewould not apply fora TV licencefollowing arguments over radioconcessions.

"But what he says today mightnot be what he does tomorrow!'believes one Lisbon stockbrokerwho warns that the allocations offranchises for the new channelswill be a highly contentiouspolitical affair if the role modelset by recent radio awards is an in-dication of what's to come. 0

Mixed Response ToNew StationsThe launch of two new Scandina-vian satellite -to -cable radio ser-vices, The Voice Of Scandinaviaand RTL International, has metwith a mixed response from theregion's record companies (M&MSeptember I). Firms are stilluncertain how, or whether, thenew cross -border stations will af-fect them.

Seem Denmark MD CaiLehner welcomes the outlets andexpects more examples of pan -Scandinavian broadcasting in thefuture. ''It is to be expected thatScandinavia is seen as one area,and it is a good way for us to sur-vive - as one strong single marketrather than four, divided andweak.

"The accessibility and penetra-tion of domestic Scandinavianacts into the different markets willbe greater. It will make us less like-ly to accept something second-rate from England over a top -rateScandinavian act:' However, hebelieves RTL's decision to play on-ly a small proportion of Scan-dinavian music could mean "itbecomes just mother station".

Jonas Sjoestrom, MD ofSwedish independent MNW, saysthat despite the local radio explo-sion in Sweden, the stations have

had little impact on sales, and hebelieves the two new cable servicesmay also have little effect. "Thepan -Scandinavian notion is agood idea, but they need to havethe money to market it properly.But if they're professional, thenthey will have an impact!'

WEA Denmark MD FinnWork comments: "If The Voicegoes the way it did in Copenhagenand catches a young audience, itwill have a very definite impact.And it could have a tremendouseffect on the ability of domesticacts to cross borders.

"But RTL may run into troubleif it doesn't keep a close eye onwhat is happening in Scandinaviaand cater to that market. The daysare gone when people used to tuneinto Radio Luxembourg to knowwhat was happening. The com-petition here now is m strong asanywhere. People are more inclin-ed to listen if they feel there is alocal touch:'

EMI Sweden MD Rolf Nygrendoes not expect much from thenew outlets. "My feeling is thatthere are too many satellite ser-vices. At the moment, the onlythings that make any real impactare the press and, perhaps, MTV!'

Nova Wins Political SupportThree of Sweden's oppositionparties are demanding a change inthe country's media law, as thecontroversy over Radio No.'sdecision to illegally air advertisingcontinues (M&M August 18).

In a letter sent to prime mini-ster Ingvar Carlsson, a call for"free radio and TV" was Made bythe media spokesmen from theModeraterna party (AndersBjoerk), the Folkepartiet (Jan -Erik Wigstrom) and the CentreParty (Olaf Johansson).

The three say that imprison-ment for broadcasting radioadvertising contradicts the Swe-dish constitution and the Euro-pean Declaration of HumanRights. Bjoerk, who drafted theletter, was president of the Euro-pean Human Rights Conardssionfor three years.

The letter also calls for an im-mediate government investigationof the media laws.

A spokesman for cultureminister Bengt loeransson sapthe question of Nova and radioadvertising will be debated, butnot at the Social Democrats con-gress next week. He says he is sur-prised that Wigstrom was asignatory to the letter, because heem the minister who signed thelegislation to introduce the localNaerradio' stations in their cur-rent form in 1982.

Claes Nydaltl, Nova's MD, seesthe support from the threepolitical parties as a majordevelopment in the station's battleto be allowed to air ads.

The station still plans to goahead with its action in the Euro-pean Court in Strasbourg, follow-ing two unsuccessful appealsagainst the suspension, by thelocal radio governing body Naer-radionamnden, of two of its eightfinancial backers. One of the twois the Moderaterna political party


-Canal Plus Launches FNAC Album ShowBelgian pay TV channel CanalPlus has launched a new chartshow which is based on albumsales at FNAC's two outlets in theFrench community, at Liege andBrussels.

The show, called 'Top Album',follows the success of 'Top 50',

by Marc Mama

which was introduced in Apriland features a singles chart, alsobased on FNAC sales.

Daniel Schonau, head of musicat Canal Plus: "The informationfrom FNAC is better than the IF -PI chart, because it is more cur-rent. For example, Vaya Con Dies,

Ian Schoukens, director of BRT's youth channel Studio Brussel, announces frequency for the Leuven are, 102 FM. The announcement was made at the an-nual free Marktrock festival, where 9.000 stickers promoting the frequency weredistributed. Some 200.000 people attended Morktrock this yea,

Radio On Show At Firatoby Paul Andrews

Radio took a high profile at Am-sterdam's biennial Firato consu-mer electronics show, which washeld at the RAI exhibition centreon August 22 to September I.

Among the exhibitors wereDutch public broadcaster TROS,which set up full studio facilitiesand broadcast 40 hours of pro-gramming live from the event.

Also on -air from Firato was ex-perimental station Radio Data,which gave 20 young Dutchbroadcasters a chance to demon-strate their talent (MUM August4). Ttansinitting around the clockon local FM and cable frmmen-cies, the youngsters devised a'horizontal' daytime format of-fering broad -based music plus in-formation, with personal showsovernight.

The presenters, most of whomhad some experience in local or

hospital radio, received five daysintensive training in radio techni-ques prior to Firato. As well asprogramming and hosting shows,they carried out news -gatheringand technical and administrativeWork on the station, which wassponsored by public broadcastersNOS, VARA, NCRV and KRO.

Radio Data also supplied regu-lar information services via RDS(Radio Data System), includingtraffic and weather reports, newsand competitions.

Radio technology was promi-nent, too, among hardware m-hibitors. Car radios incorporatingRDS reception were demonstratedby a number of manufacturers,including Blaupunkt. Amongother innovations were DigitalSatellite Radio (DSR) hardware,notably from Sony and Philips. 7

Sinead O'Connor and Mecanotopped the FNAC singles chartbefore they reached no. 1 in theIFPI chart.

The 'Top 50', which is hostedby Jean Paul Pessemier, has beenvery successful and we have nowextended it by 10 minutes. Theshow is broadcast live at18.20-18.50 daily and unlike mostof our programmes, it is notscrambled and can be receivedwithout a decoded'

Pmseaner also presents the50 -minute 'Top Album' which ispre-recorded and broadcast everySaturday. Like 'Top 50', it can bereceived without a decoder.

Canal Plus was launched lastSeptember in the French-speakingpart of Belgium, and has no pro-gramming link with France'sCanal Plus. "We have adoptedthe pay TV formula from CanalPlus France, but we have our ownprogramme,' says press officerPatrick Blockry.

The station has 28.000 subscri-bers but needs at least 70.000 tobreak even. However, it hopes aseries of promotion campaignswill result in the station having140.000 subscribers within fouryears.

Paradiso LaunchedA new label, called Paradiso, hasbeen launched in Belgium by CNR'sWalter ErNelt and Roland Uytdn-dada's Music Service. It plans torelease an average of 16 albums peryear and its first is a greatest hitscompilation by Helen Shapiro,released on September 7. A four -month advertising campaign onVTM will promote the album, withadvertising on RTL-TVi scheduledfor next year. Future releases on thelabel include albums by Joe Cocker,Ray Charles and Tot° Ctougno.

VTM Extends ScheduleFlemish commercial station VTMhas extended Its broadcasting timeThe outlet's afternoon schedulenow begins at 15.50, instead of17.00. Guido Depraetere, Presidentof production and programming,says VTM wants to further increaseits daytime programming in thefuture.

Fleeting ConcertThe first date of Fleetwood Mac'sEuropean tour had to stop after just30 minutes, due to an injury suf-fered by bass player John McVE.About 10.000 people were at theconcert, in Ghent's Flanders ExpoHall on August 22. After the incident, another concert wax scheduledfor September 3 in the same venue.








23-26 November 1990BUDAPEST, HUNGARY

.1, Ara a Nun aim_

Following theenormous success of last

year's executiv conferencestaged in Est Berlin

as The Wall am down,Looking Eat 6 West

invites execu yes of themusic industry row records,

18, tooter s, radio,video, publis ing, rightsand facilitie to come

to Bud pest.

The conference will addressthe challenging a portunities for





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simultaneous translation

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12 MUSIC A MEDIA - September 8, 1990 MUSICS MEDIA- September 8, 1990


Page 8: THE TOUR MEDIA -… · LINE, GEORGY PORGY and Pie,Vc, Single OUT OF LOVE will he axcalable

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ASTER CHAR September1990 burs



IT'S NO I! SINGLESEmltoznithrnnmAeirrpfsaLe

ALBUMSPrince AirplayMT-Pretty Woman Sales

E X P L 0 S I V E 5 CHART BUSTERSExplosives features the major new releases by established and new artists

It includes recent releases .11 m need of support on European radioChart Busters is a quick ref erence IO INS week's H. 100 StnglesskIlbons and theEuropean Top 50 charts Chart posthons are inchcated where appropriate

'SINGLES OF THE WEEK I ' CHART ENTRIESMariah Carey - Love Takes Time

(C::,)Jonathan Butler - Heal Our LandCrosby Stills Nash - If Anybody Had A Heart (papa.)

Airplay Top 50New Kids On The Block - Tonight (12) (CBS)

London Beat - I've Been Thinking About You (29)(Anxio,RCA(BMG)Aswad - Next To You (31)Go West - The King Of Wishfull Thinking (37)


Deacon Blue- Four Bacharach & David Songs (EP) (46) (CBS)

Hot 100 SinglesBeat - I've Been Thinking About You (47)(MxiousatCASHG)

Jason Donovan -Rhythm Of The Rain (66) (PWL)

Matthias Reim - Ich Hab' Getraeumt Von Dir (67) (ROM,/Anthrax - In My World (713) (Islaml)

Top 100 AlbumsPrince - Graffiti Bridge (2) (Paisley Park)

Duran Duran - Liberty (37) (hi -Imbrue)

Black Sabbath - TYR (47) (I.R.S.)

'SURE HITSLiving Colour -Type (CPS)

Jive Bunny - Can Can You Party (Moo` '''''"'')Quireboys -There She Goes Again (7akOhonh)Billy Joel - That's Nov Her Style (CBS/


Reinhard Fendrich -Eslst So Fad Im DezernatWhitesnake Now You're GoneThe Pogues -Summer In Siam


Two Man Sound -Samba Megamix ,8M6 A''''')Vaya Con Dios - Nah Neh Nah 18,1G numb)

1 FAST MOVERS[EMERGING TALENTAirplay Top SOElton John - Club At The End Of The Street (1-10) (Rocket)

Matthias Reim - Verdarnint. Ich Lieb' Dich (2-3) e69.17George Michael - Praying For Time (3-7) (Eye)

Wilson Phillips - Rekase Me (9-113) MR)Sinead O'Connor - The Emperors New Clothes (13-21) (Ereqn)

Hot 100 SinglesBombalurina - key Bitsy Teeny Weeny Yellow_ (2-3) (Caws)Charles D. Lewis - Soca Dance (4-6) (Baran)Deacon Blue - Four Bacharach & David Songs (EP) (6-33) (CBS)

Betty Boo Where Are You Baby! (12-29) (Rhythm King)

George Michael - Praying For Time (13-24) (Epic)

Top 100 AlbumsCarreras/Domingo/Pavarotti In Concert (9-39) (Dacca)

Jon Bon Jovi - Blaze Of Glory (7-B) (9,74°)M.G. Hammer - Please Hammer Don't Hurt'Em (17-33) (Capra))

Michael Bolton - Soul Provider (21-32) (CRS)

Roxette - Look Sharp (25-34) (Parlophone)

Ruthless Rap Assassins - And It Wasn't A Dream (Space.)Shamen - Make It Mee ,One trade Ind.)DNA - La Sereirssima 1.w Bass)


Timmy Thomas Why Can't We Live Together ''''''''''")B-sus - Channel Z MeV)Adrian Belew feat. David Bowie - Pretty Pink Rose (Atlantic)

Alannah Myles - Lover Of Mine (Atlantic)

Dave Stewart & Spiritual Cowboys -Jack Talking (ACAll9G)


Buckwheat Zydeco - There's Fire (W.')Living Colour - Time's Up (CBS)

Los Lobos - The Neigbourhood (London)

Anthrax Persistence Of Time (Wand)Silje Tell Me Where You're Going (Ere)

No Sweat No Sweat (FM)Prefab Sprout - Jordan - The Comeback

(Ca')Gianna Nannini - Scandalo (799,901)Harriet Harriet (b"'.4Dread Zeppelin - Un-Led-Ed ((RS.)

I HOT ADDSBreaking Out On European RadioThe Cocteau Twins - Iceblink Luck (SAOBase-O-Matic - Fascinating Rhythm 0'4°)

YESTER HITS the Eurochart top frte from five years ago SEPTEMBER 8 - 1985SinglesBaltimore - Tarzan Boy (EMI)

Opus Live Is Life (0K/Polador)

Madonna - Into The Groove (Sire)

Tina Turner - We Don't Need Another Hero (Capita)Paul Hardcastle - 19 (Chrysalis)

AlbumsDire Straits - Brothers In Arms (Vertlgo)Sting - Dream Of The Blue Turtles ' (AMBruce Springsteen - Born In The USA. (CBS)

Bryan Ferry - Boys And Girls (,099,9Madonna - Like A Virgin (ST)



MASTER CHART - September B. 1990


Page 9: THE TOUR MEDIA -… · LINE, GEORGY PORGY and Pie,Vc, Single OUT OF LOVE will he axcalable

















united kingdom

Most played records comp. on BBCstations and the rimpor independents

Iondalleve.96Mertee979,7.767.67SM. kmut9669.7666 P.mAv. Spawn two nIe .avo


969641Sersant Com 'opineog sr.

Cocteau Nina oen a 5.


Most played recovds on national DRS 3 and the private stations. RadaAktuell. Radio by Radioand Radio 24. Comptled by Meda Con.trot Basel

t. Gaij M.o.. all 05. It. M.6.1Stiog immtan sm., tot 9466.

3 Deo. Michael -8..5.4 Madonna own..5 OMR Mat. Soname veto. roc, 09466 If odriaa Reno onannt in UV DO

ItC Hammer 11 Cam Town PmSinned O'Connor Ur Med an

9 nay Can Dios vor.,096.9.0 Ranan.varna .660.6 rot Me

fro a Alto.. Vere.ders. Lure1 Alanna n Myles No v.,3 NW* Nemo., The,mmot4 PlaxiIriete cat t9666

767961.066.969.6Mar. Carey -*On.Sone d.7.

8 Remene mistRov09976.9.9 Werd.0 ARMS On The M. tae

holland. _

Most played records compiled on Meyawns Radio 2 and Rodo 1 as

compiled by Sucking Nederland, Top40

I L.. Beat rn Tr., mom15. Con 0I o

3 UMOM Nat Swan. 55, nen.

eMan WO,. in.Dare SemeartDream Warr.

8 Ronad Nem I,hkee rlm.s Tele,

0 Madigratinael..-14wel000k.

Carr93 U. 1,,,cmCie inmp,De

M... Cm...10w5 Mato. veniamm,.

Beverly Crated home Be7 !YM Ca, imeo 01 imm

In1Collim Tems,moneWith9 Bryan Adams strt. 00 On RoM....ante al.


Most played records on Me ARD stab.and Me major privates. Compiled byMedia Control. Baden Baden

RMS= don e we...1 Ronne mittia69996.64S. Moine Schula d TWIN. I'm5 Madonna matPara66 WM ',v.,.7. john 0.0.ACIne WW1* Svem.0 ...Car vat. me9. Matthias Reim Onne. voa

Wilum MO. ktramMeW.. Reim mmomm.,,40-04Combos ZOmy.4 Kamen iMommeinM11946 aymonsone MemsManm

Men Rids On The 11.1.

Man. Orooneeneyer. Dm La* K..

Yap Can Oros mnm woman


,,ast records compiled loom RN

I. Alb Mabee 76012 An... ho TowI. Family folid. Oen.. F... Ie. se Co..5 In n aye. a6690.766,6. OG*/ Tererun. awe


Rang Re. 'Pee.....9 Free Ram.. .6,0695490,6O. Valtd.easi home Daher.

I The rime 066 061Sad I I Sold Weans....

3 bane fesssli3Omme4 MIA. franks ein anion,TrJOMa. Rand.,n o6. Wei. Lisa Inonon7 /Mee MIllii9tyttet0 Lune...0 Pers.....yea, -9979M,99

20. Maxi Mem Ono To.


The 20 be,t payed records in Spain MornCuarenta Pnncyales. covering the major

Spaniils mations.

I Men Kids On The NMF Sep 06.9

Beath., 66666Banne.4 Modena Ronne . 1.4no.5 BM.. FL. Gm. Az.6. Slack Roo Emmtmay (Mc.7 Los In.. 0Vt

9 0 None non I..Los Commons .nntannaonala De .

I Lot Innuromm v.., I Ma.. na. oan,1Teeneuee LY time Ezmlaus. New Kids On The 1.9 9.9.0/ MP3 Dean. ,,amemem,dArttrmWmeo Ie. oo. WilemFamr..4 Aon.r.a. V.. e tala..15 Inn5 Nontenejro Ow., Kil. 5... Imm:6 Los Romeos unto.. Nano Alannah.les etmem7 WMon PI7Ops itatc09 Va. Con Dios O.n.o.0 Tree, ISeto t C69.9 Ndka apiumes9 .... Fools .... R.. it Kai* ...ow0 Mewl Rose.,. flonono.o. I Rap., 11 Wm


Most played retards on the national popchannel 03 Compiled by Media Control.Baden Baden

1 Gm W. be Keg 0179.9.3607,2 Five 64/yemetes3 Mt...M.4 tmo Cum Yew MY5 U.164d

Ma.. Re. nnonn none 0967 PI* Ram, tat,0 The MerifleBrelhen .10.mme9 Unhand Fe..10 Coo.. e

franceMo. played records on the AM and FM

2.6.6, y62,Straybourg

'UM. Pet-Ohm-66nm (AM SM..)

Thieny Maa. 161.1.en a Para. Timmnudes O. L.nRko Daimo

Jo.... 69.teartemaillm6 r. Machine ow.7 Mare Gwrm

Myles P.mitvem1.1.0e,olmarefir

10 Roo, Von. amMan.MI. Oen Pon.,AM In 1AamInet So tie Ron. Clo WanP.m ladelet no

. Th.CMiNMM.t.6.4066S. Aton/olso Cm 61 TY Eta Ot 1,hr.50.1. Ia... tl

Riff o


Reeepthr,...Yet Ca M ter4766p6mt..11. La. 66.97. atom

Radios F14

MOrrin2 PIC., 6-6 06 Ye3 kw Non 6. A, Re 80 04 Th Sete

Denn e Mode PM5 (OwenM.4474mIlkts

799,9994494606,9,6MerN. NT... II an li,no8 Anon. Myles 1.5 onn4.....11.8mn,Ownle Doe non.Inon Von. tom rm.Tina Turner WM.The Chrinina noon.

BendeNan-atom now

CM,. O. Lerl, baDomeThe Pa* um T660Doe- Raman.; unl000nMart Lare. he loomThienyMman1 Lora

finlandMost payee records on 40 private statons as compd. by Discopress Tanyme,

MUSIC FILCI0 EANcirIF -7, 14573>

MEDIA -N-46:10 P



Club At The End Of The StreetElton fob- Rocket (Big Pig Music)0 Verdamrnt, Ich Lieb' DichMar... Reim, Mlyrlor (Kangaroo Mmlmerlag)

26 a2,..0, Haut; Geradec Hooch Gefehlt

® Soca DanceCharles D Lewis- BatterZolydor (Gem Musk)® Praying For Time

George Michael- Epic (Morrison Leahy Music)

4 " Tom's Dinereesen Vega- 4,811 (roar Keno

srWhat's A WomanVaya Con Dos Anola (tap Con DiosIBMG)

I've Been Thinking About YouLondon Bea, Arttims.R0991715 (Warner Chappell)

5 nka?;.Piwnkr,IYu sialue asquelWeboGirl)

6 9 x,Kingston TownUB40 rgin (Sparta Ebncla)


Taurtier,ow.,1n ryme- SBK (011Bladwo410166r06)

EEO, Next To YOUAmax!, Mango IRIaMPcepearp

'I Vision Of Love7 MM. Carey -CBS (Vision Of Loveleen jammin)

Stepd Bs n


StepBlock- (mssso Eras muss)

32 ZufaelligCornelius Teldec (Regulus)

Where Are You Baby?Betty Boo- Rhydrn King Whin Ittg Mum)33 30 3



Release MnWilson PhillipS- SW (EMI Blackwood,Will00,

Thievesnce lnr en.ThdenecTempleot yr,

Close To YouII Io

Maxi Priest 10 Records (Vanous)

34 10 3SamuraiErste Allgemeine Verunsicherting EMI (Copyright Convol,

wo. nrfwnlisfishst The Block. CAS (11.5tarrIEMI ApriPA. Laricelotti)

21 The c!,,,,Teor, ro Nmlgn


ew ClothesSlnead

14 ," Blue'1ales wilnAUTrIhrellociRsa4nlile (E.G. Musitlapyriet Con nor)

15 B

1,MC. HammerU Can t Teuchoo,TBtl,,

16 tzIt Must Have Been LoveRoma, 011 Os,,1Fun Mud,)



35 31 4I Can See Clearly Now

HoMouse flowers Fontana Mondor Music)

36 That's Just The Way It Is33 5

Phil Collins- Virgin/YEA (Phil Collbs/HIE And Run)

rozio. The King Of Wishful ThinkingGo West- Chrysalis (Campbell coma/come)





Hold OnWilson Milli, SBK (Varous)

9s1,71sle,Listepn To ,,Y.00temer, ,a,e;t

Moir' Craig McLachlan. Check 1.2. Epic (jewel Kik)

I, t.SyT7!!,


e e Ye1,1e7Pelka Dot Bikini

I Promised Myself- Nick Kano- WED (EMI Musi)

Black Velvet- Alannah Mylez Man. (EMMBILmbear Waltzes)

White Rgd, BlockVamr Blues


21 "23

Englishman In New York (Ben Liebrand Remix)Sore- nen (Magnetic/Regatta/Illegal)

MaldonZoulc Machine- BMG Al, (V, Hs.)

Blaze Of GloryIon Bon jovi- Vertigo (Bon joviieriMarner)

42 Insieme 1992Tom Cutugno. EMI (Elizioni No. 2)

43 Silly GamesLindy Layton feat fret Kaye Antall. Ormak Ttabell 7Varner Chappe9

44 1Lourk,MVe The HeartTlm arner Chappell)

45 sit', Only Your LoveBananararna. London Onner BRIO/Warner Chappe11)

46 EcIo. Four Bacharach & David Songs (EP)Deacon Blue- ces (MCA,Screen Gems EMI/Carlin)

47 la* Life Is What You Make ItTalk Talk Parlopbone (sand Mustaornba Music)

'SOT Dog,,Frees teat. junior Re4 flaw TV,Big (WillminMer)

24 ,0


She Ain't Worth ItGlenn Medeiros B Bobby Brown Lmmt Musm)

PAhleS a na ps



LoveyCBS and Hand MumeSmgel)

48 cap. Heart Like A WheelHoman League Vrpt (Copynght Contro)

49 How The Heart BehavesWas (Not WaS) Fontana. {MCA Musm)

50 Across The RiverBruce Hornsby A The Range- RCABMG lZmpolasically Vol

II MASTER CHART - September 8, 1990 MASTER CHART - September e, 1090 IIIAmericanRadioHistory.Com

Page 10: THE TOUR MEDIA -… · LINE, GEORGY PORGY and Pie,Vc, Single OUT OF LOVE will he axcalable





V ROCAnkk Ft-ir


U Can't Touch ThisM.C. Hammer. caw/ do&teisust-it)


sCD3 5

Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Yellow Polka Dot BikiniBombalurina- Carpet (Campbell Connelly & Co)

3 4 12Ooops UpSnap- Logic/BMG Ariola (Minder/Warner Chappell/Zomba)



6 7Soca DanceCharles D. Lewis- Baxter/Polydor (Glem Musk)


5 5 HIt Must Have Been LoveRoxette- EMI (Jimmy Fun Musk)


0 33 2Four Bacharach & David Songs (EP)Deacon Blue- as (MCA/Screen Gems EMI/Carron)


7 2 6Tom's DinerDNA feat. Suzanne Vega- A&M (Rondor Music)


8 5TonightNew Kids On The Block- CBS (MStarr/EMI April/A. Lancelott)


9 9 19Verdammt, Ich Lieb' DichMatthias Reim- Polydor (Kangaruh Musks)


10 8 12MaldonZouk Machine- BMG Ariola (Virgin Music)


II A Toutes Les Filles10 14

Felix Gray & Didier Barbevilien- Talar (Zone Mosque)

C) 29 4Where Are You Baby?Betty Boo- Rhythm King (Rhythm King Music)


13 24 2Praying For TimeGeorge Michael- Epic (Morrison Leahy Music)


14 14 23Kingston TownUB40- Virgin (Sparta Florida)


15 13 13White & Black BluesJoelle Ursull- cas (warner Chappell)


16 6 16I Can't Stand It


Twenty 4 Seven- Freaky Records/BCM (Stop & Go/Cat-Talk/Siegel)






27 22I Promised MyselfNick Kamen- WEA (EMI Musk)



49 4What Time Is Love? (Live At Trancentral) UKKLF- KLF Communications (E.GJZoo/Warner Chappell/Copyright Control)

37 45 alLe Temps De CopainsLes Vagabonds- Carrere (Editors Orlando)


47 3SamuraiErste Allgemeine Verunsicherung- EMI (Copyright Control)


39 35 14Insieme 1992Toto Cutugno- EMI (Edizioni No. 2)


40 44 6

We Love To LoveP.MSampson & Double Key- CBS (2nd Hand Music/Siegel)

81 2Groove Is In The HeartDeee-Lite- Elektra (Delovely)


82 2The JokerSteve Miller Band- capicoi(waTher Chappell)


43 443 13

Le GambadouPatrick Sebastien- EMI (Franca Vacher)

44 26 20Bo Le LavaboLagaf- Faenasch (Ecations Carrere)

45 37 22VogueMadonna- She (W8 Music/Bleu Disque/VVeboGrrl)


58 5II Suffit D'Un Ou Deux ExcitesFootbrothers- ces (capeen Click Prod)

3* I've Been Thinking About YouLondon Beat- Anxious/RCA/BMG (Warner Chappell)


48 Opel MantaNorbert & Feiglinge- Glamour/EFA (EMI Music)

49 41 4Avant De PartirRoch Voisin- GM/BMG Ariola (Ed Georges Mary)


50 48 27The PowerSnap- Logic/BMG Ariola (Hanseatic/fellow)

17 15 5Blaze Of GloryJon Bon Joel- wrap (son jawftwitirra


18 19 5Thieves In The TemplePrince- Warner Brothers (Causeway Musk)


19 7 7Turtle PowerPartners In Kryme- SBK (EMI Blackwood/Kkinit)


20 12 8Naked In The RainBlue Pearl- W.A.U./Mr Modo/Big Life (E.G. Music/Copyright Control)


21 17 4Listen To Your HeartRoxette PaHophone (Emmy Fun Music)


22 25 12Close To YouMaxi Priest- 10 Records (Various)








36 3MegamixTechnotronic- API (Bogarn/BMC Publishing)


8 12Step By StepNew Kids On The Block- ces (mune. seer Music)


23 11

It's On YouM.C. Sar & The Real McCoy- Zyx/Mikulslo (Wintrup Musik)


21 30Un' Estate ItalianaGianna Nannini & Edoardo Bennato- *gin (Sugar/Warner Chappell)


30 9Le jerk!Thierry Hazard- cas (ces Music)


28 12Vous Etes VousBenny B.- Vie Privee (Copyright Control)


29 20 21KillerAdamski- MCA (MCA/Beethoven Sr. Music)


30 39 2Can Can You PartyJive Bunny & The Mastermixers- Musk factory Dance (Various)


31 22 7Hanky PankyMadonna- see (we Music/Blue asque/WeboGir1)


C) 52 2SilhouettesCliff Richard- EMI (Sylvester Music)

UK k

C) 42 4Vision Of LoveMariah Carey- cas (vision of Love/Been/amain')


34 32 17

Se Bastasse Una CanzoneEros Ramazzotti- DOD (DDD/Una Lira/Stornbanda)




31 8I'm FreeSoup Dragons'. lgiiPOR!**P40 v Big Lilo (Westminster)


52 46 6Club At The End Of The StreetElton John- Rocker (Big Pig Musk)


53 55 4The King Of Wishful ThinkingGo West- chrysalis (Campbell Connelly/Zomba)

54 38 28SacrificeElton John- Rocket (Big Pig Music)


55 50 16What's A WomanVaya Con Dios- BMG Ariola (Vaya Con Dios/BMG)


56 62 10Aime MoiClaude Barzotti- Zone Music (Zone/Barzo Music)


57 34 5Hardcore UproarTogether- London (Copyright Control)



56 6The Emperor's New ClothesSinead O'Connor Ensign (EMI Music)

80 2Next To YouAswad- Mango (isiassaukepeav)



60 54 17Better The Devil You KnowKylie Minogue- PWL (All Boys Music)


61 43 4Englishman In New York (Ben Liebrand Remix) UK .kSting- A&M (Magnetic Regatta/Illegal)

62 53 14Everybody EverybodyBlack Box- Groove Groove Melody (Warner Chapped)


63 59 28Infinity (1990's Time For The Guru)Guru Josh- de/Construction/RCA/BMG (Copyright Control)

64 51 15Papa Was A Rolling StoneWas (Not Wasy Fontana (looete Marl



65 Silly Games UK66 4

Lindy Layton feat. Janet Kaye- Arista BMG (Arawak Trcabell Warner Chappell)

Rhythm Of The RainJason Donovan- pm (warner Chappell)

90 2

Ich Hab' Getraeumt Von DirMathias Reim- Polydor (Kangaruh Mak)

End Of The WorldSonia- Chrysalis (Maurogiade Musk)




89 4





Can't Get EnoughKim Wilde- MCA (Rkkim Music)

70 72 16Oui Je L:AdorePauline Ester- Polydor (Ducomte/PolyGrarn)


71 60 6Tricky DiscoTricky Disco- Warp/Outer Rhythm (Outer Space Musk)

72 65 5Violence Of SummerDuran Duran- Pariophone (Skintrade/EMI)


73 70 12Whose Law (Is It Anyway ?)Guru Josh- de/Constructkn/RCA/BMG (Virgin/Copyright Control)


74 75 3Come TogetherPrimal Scream- Creation (Copyright Control)


75 61 20Dirty CashAdventures Of Stevie V- Mercury (Copyright Control)


76 74 23Black VelvetAlannah Myles- Adana (EMI/Bluebear Waltzes)


77 84 4Latino Party- Polydor (Copynght Control)

The Party

In My WorldAnthrax- Island (Anthrax/Zomba Music)


79 78 3Heart Like A WheelThe Human League- Virgin (Copyright Control)


80 Look Me In The HeartTina Turner- Capitol (Warner Chapped)


81 69 8Rockin' Over The BeatTechnotronic feat. Ya Kid K- (Bopnveric Publeshing)


Now You're GoneWhitesnake- EMI pane Covertiale/WB Music)


That's Just The Way It Is83 79 PhilCollinsWrgin/WE4 (Poll Collins/Hit And Ron)


84 63 5AmandaCraig McLachlan & Check 1-2.- Epic (CBS Musk)


85 68 -

The Great Song Of IndifferenceBob Geldof-PierItrrokbrtirRersow


86 ci* I Found OutThe Christians- Island (10 Music)


87 CI* Don't Be A FoolLoose Ends- m Records (Brarkton/Copyright Control)

88 67 15Still Got The Blues (For You)Gary Moore- *pi ao Musc)



100 23Don't Miss The PartylineBizz Nizz- coo/tempo (MCA Musk)


90 1:1* Ritmo De La NocheChocolate- Teldec (Pink/Hanseatic)


91 73 7LFOLFO- Warp/Outer Rhythm (Rhythm King Music)


92 87 3Release MeWilson SBK (EMI Mc/mood/WIWI)


93 91 16Policy Of TruthDepeche Mode- Mute (Grabbing Hands/Solver)


94 94 2Sotto Questo SoloBaccini & Ladri Di Biciclette- CGD (EMI/Denny Rose/Ineernalue Tearn/Terni)

95 clz0. Merguez PartyLes Muscles- A -B Polydor (Abeditions)


96 Eiz* Zeil Je Voor Het EerstBart Kaell- RCA/BMG (BMG Musk)

97 76 5I Can See Clearly NowHothouse Flowers- Fontana (Rondor Music)


Dub Be Good To Me98 88 38 Beats International- Go' Discs (Go' DiscaEhll Songs)


99 D. Life Is What You Make ItTalk Talk- Pariophone (Island Music/Zomba Music)


100 cl* Groovy TrainThe Farm- Produce (Produce)


UK = United Kingdom. D = Germany. F = France, CH = Switzerland, A = Austria, I = Italy, E = Spain. NL = Holland.B = Belgium, IR = Ireland. S = Sweden, DK = Denmark, N = Norway. SF = Finland, P = Portugal, GR = Greece.

1.43= = NEW ENTRY



MASTER CHART - September 8, 1990 The Eurochart Hot 100 is compiled by EMR in cooperation with Buma/Stemra. (DEMR/Buma/Stemra - All rights reserved.AmericanRadioHistory.Com

Page 11: THE TOUR MEDIA -… · LINE, GEORGY PORGY and Pie,Vc, Single OUT OF LOVE will he axcalable


uk & ireland

Jason DonovanWytten Of The FUn fiWo

AswadNot b thaqataaal

Talk TalkLie's What You MA, It (ParbOone)

The FarmGroovy Train (Prosiva)


Aaucar MorenoPado utura

RevolverPais Del Sur (WEE

Miguel BoseLos Chitin No Doran INTA,

Ultimo De La FileMato Loco



1,4 0. Geed 11:'Z'

geray, austriaSwiterland

Matthias Reim10 00 Gwaeunia Von Dr neol.r Geo

ChocolateReno De U Noche fn.. Gerl

Herbert GroenerneyerDune Liebe Steht rf learolaGerAus Sc

Culture BeatMe You (CBS Ger)


Henna Boel0 Raw Matti lute To You qled.DenSae)

KayoAnother Dottier (Sow,.

IsabellaSubsume (WkesSnef

Uli & SussieWhat s The Colour Of LovetSonet


VI r





Les MusclesIlernet Party Won.,

Les ForbansLa Banta Won.

Alain ChamfortSours Puis9re CiFst Grave ff.,

Marc LavoineRue Fontaine (A,)


Bart KaellZell ja Voor Ha Eerst faCASHGeo

BZNA. fathom,. Hon

Two Man SoundSamba Henna OM G Awls 8,

Hank WipwaardHe Sao ( boar WO


Baccini & Ladri Di BicidetteSow Dues. Sole CLOI

Fiorellorte (So)Tulio De Piscopofastao Wawa (sr)

Elio & Le StorieBorn To Be Abram (CBS)



t op 100p.. INA




Afin,Ice;In-J 10..

MASTER CHART September 8. MO

MUSIC 3 SINGLES 'NItcov ..i. . 41::110 V" IEMEDIA

cot,,, / 1 1UNITED KINGDOM bf B'ZIA1/ Wmf Vsk" Ma CU BM' Four ..Batharach & David Songs (EP)a.Pe Tor ht

GERMANY Verdammt, kb Lkb' Dkh111.11.1..

Ooopsao am !at)

U Can't Touch0 ThisMC Mame 11

FRANCE so.. DanceOwe", .511,1.1

Makke.10.,....1 A TOMO Les Fileshatnnenan....4..)

ITALY Ur/ Estate karma11,/, Sotto Questa SoleBeaalballeadeeK. SZteC

SPAIN Litty4990'r Time For The Goo) 1 CatStand R,,,,,,,, Mi AhabWI.:111116.11.6.111

HOLLAND U Can't Touch Thisn. ,,,, IOW BeenMIAMI About Youwia.. Munn'

k Plust Have Been Love.2et.11

BELGIUM Soot Dance0., p ,,,,,,,,,, A Tastes Lee fillet `1.1./........1 2el1 Je Voor Het Dust,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

SWEDEN U Can't Touch Thisne maw. si?=tint

clover owl

DENMARK It Must Have Been LoveKam. .aa

Nogemen MkRa.. neThie In The

NORWAY it Must Have Been Love Praying For Timeamaaosi

SacrificeElm .1./..1111

FINLAND Jos Halm Saada....ea, tc.a

Blaze 01Glory..e. art buds This11.1.1.

IRELAND Put 'Em Under PressureHt., so ninon. Sinas A..

b y IliiennInrm!latanYellan Ma D Ilia a ForPryhjmealesTit.not

SWITZERLAND Wrd"ar''' k!' Lid?'" U Can't Touch Thisnni MA S.)..°M 'A

AUSTRIA Verdamint, Ich Lids' Dkh Samuraiho W.. wn,. OmPs UP,..,.........,

GREECE The Powert'T10:BCat7.

World In Motion051 . ,,,, hem.. oa sva rvar

PORTUGAL Nothing Compares 2 U..:10V.:111.1

Insieme 1992mutant.

Nao Ha Estrellas No....


E V 52 0 F. ECountry 1 2 3

UNITED KINGDOM Grar."6* In Concert....,,,....e.., ng Wrth The Past,GERMANY = ,

Matthias Reim......, But Seriouslyw cos, fwal

FRANCE Maldenzna nastatielin t. Htahelene

as. isw Pr. '4t1Inl if Vre'747'''

ITALY In Ogni sense......I, In Concert Fronte Del Palo,Vim P..0111

SPAIN The CollectionBe... I n ConcertDetwoonwina. Few.. -G"*"-

HOLLANDHOLLAND Past To Present l On, In ConcertC::::-...Panno Inn,.

Only Yesterday Greatest tsHia. c.a...BELGIUM In obiSens*

ha er. aaa,Night Owls1,..D.P164.1:,

,,Erry Breath You Take -The Siwles

SWEDEN Pretty tatnan Sill Got The Bluesc,,manspe Dark,DENMARK Only Yesterday Contest NMa.m.,' Deck Rusk*

awe s.MaanSit Got The B61«

NORWAY Town Sitara...akkat

Grab Bndgeam

Pretty %%nunr en

FINLAND Alannah Myles...A IIM Mo daaa

Blaze Of Gory...fitnenti

IRELAND An Emotional Fisham w imas.

Paradise In The Picture House.....0. No Sweatth Stta in..

SWITZERLAND tilt hea Reimv, )Night Owk...Hew Pre Woman

AUSTRIA Neppomuk's BacheF. Al.c...10, P11) Pr": ta°71.1.11

Ma h Rom..,....

GREECE Mo2wolL000 Woatoo.o Wald Power

PORTUGAL Vngos,,,,t Os Samurais Rastalia.::1.1

I'm Breathless'ammo,

MASTER CHART - September B. 1990 VIIAmericanRadioHistory.Com

Page 12: THE TOUR MEDIA -… · LINE, GEORGY PORGY and Pie,Vc, Single OUT OF LOVE will he axcalable

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Third Time Lucky For Laser Disc?by Pad AlOrevv,

Laser Disc, the videodisc formal which hasconsistently failed to find a market in Europe,has been relaunched for the second time

Under the auspices of the European LaserDisc Association (ELDA), founded this Mayby seven hardware and software companies andnow numbering 18 members, a new marketingstrategy has been devised to promote bothplayers and discs across the Continent.

Initially, French, German and Dutch speak-ing countries will be targetted, with effortsmoving to the UK, Italy and Spain next year.Local committees will co-ordinate the effort ineach territory.

As part of the initiative, software companiesincluding Warner, PolyGram and RCA/Col-umbia have promised to release product on discat the same time as on tape and efforts will bemade to make both hardware and softwareavailable from the same retail outlets, and at af-fordable prices.

In the past, believes the association, lack ofsoftware support has held back Laser Disc inEurope In Japan and the US, where the formathas achieved greater commercial success - withone million and 400.000 players respectively inuse - software catalogues have become cor-respondingly extensive In Japan, over 9.000titles are available in the US over s.000. But inEurope, there are still only a few hundred, whileplayer sales remain in the tens of thousands.

ELDA chairman Patrick de Tourris blames avariety of factors. "There was limited discpressing capacity in the PAL [Europe's TVstandard) area, due to the more complicatedspecification of the PAL system. Furthermore,software was restricted to music tides.

Therefore, the number of tides we wantedavailable was not achieved. Additional pro-blems in Europe are caused by the difference inlanguages, culture and distribution networks!'

But behind amuses of 'cultural differences'and 'economies of scale has been a general in-ability among companies involved to form aunited front on strategy and promotion. Manysoftware firms have been umvilling to committhemselves to large-scale support for a productwhich consistendy failed to deliver returns.

The format now known as Laser Disc wasoriginally launched in Europe during the early1980s, as LaserVision. However, despite subjec-tive advantages such as better picture quality, it

failed to find a niche in a market alreadydominated by VCR technology.

Consumers did not take to a product whichcost as much as a VCR, yet offered less off -the -shelf software and lacked the convenience ofrecording. They were confused, too, by thestandards battle with RCA's incompatibleSdectavision technology -

Dormant for many yaw, the format wasrevived in 1988 as CD Video (CDV)-effectivelya CD -plus -pictures product Digital sound andCD compatibility were major new sellingpoints, with players designed to stack with hi-fiseparates and the bulk of discs music based.The result was expensive hardware that found a

limited market, mainly among audiophiles, but

littk broad appeal.According to Steve May, editor of UK con-

sumer magazine What Video, who has doselyfollowed the development of LaserVisn,"they made a terrible error in not making anymovies available They said people don't want

to watch fdms, which has been proveddramatically wrong with the incredible growthof sell -through video.

"It was all musk, and the music was in-variably out of date - there would be pop col-lections that were a year old, instead of anentsingles released with a CDV version. It didn'tcapture anybody's imagination!'

The new initiative may finally correct that.De Tourist "The software industry now plansto introduce major movie titles simultaneouslyon video tape and Laser Dise And RCA/Col-umbia and Warner have scheduled disc releasesof major product from their back catalogues.

But the music industry has also recommittalitself to laser Dire Peter 011iff, head ofPolyGram International's production and

technical services media division, is the in-dustry's repn.entative to ELDA. "There isnow support for the system from all the majormusic groups in the world"' he says. "We feelthe time is right for it, and our commitmentwill continue'

ELDA members now include BMG VideoInternational, EMI Classics, Warner Music In-ternational, Teldec Classics, Sony Classical and

Maxwell Communications, as well as

PolyGram.A predominance of classical releases reflects

both the interests of the ELDA members andLaser Disc's perceived appeal as top -end AVhardware. However, among rock and pop tidesthis year will be a number from PolyGram, in-cluding The Wall concert in Berlin, and com-pilations featuring Status Quo, Tears For Fears,

Yam, Elton John and Bon Jovi.ELDA also aims to promote 'effective

distribution channels' for Laser Disc - a primeobjective is to bring hardware and softwaretogether at the same point of sale Althoughalmost unheard of for any AV product, deTourris points to experience in France -the onlyEuropean market where videodisc has knownany success, "thanks to joint efforts byCBS/Fox, Warner, PolyGram and the hardwarecompanies" - as justification.

But has the new initiative come too late tosave LaserVision? Steve May doesn't think so -providing it is developed to its full potential."It's an aching format - far momsophisticated than just a film carria. Picturequality is excellent and sound superb, but youcan also take advantage of incredible still frame

and tat storage capacities"That's what they do in America - film discs

include pages of original scripts, critics' ap-praisals and on -set stills. But you need im-aginative programmers who are prepared to ac-tually work on disc, rather than just dubbingfrom tape'

FAST FORWARDCastle Music Pictures' new series of musicvideos, Live Legends, features new live recor-dings of bands which have retained a consis-tent following over the years. The first threetapes are devoted to The Buarcocks (CMP6C01), Uriah Heep (CMP 6002) and DrFeelgood (CMP 6003). Future releases willinclude Lindisfarne, Hawkwind, FairportConvention and Ten Years Aft.

The annual Ilansmusicales festival, held atRennes, Brittany, has been preserved forposterity on video. The 80 -minute Made InTrans' is being distributed in France,

Switzerland and Belgium by Proserpine.Headliners include VRP (France), UrbanDance Squad (Holland), House Of Love(UK), Einsturzende Neubauten (Germany)and Bo Diddley (vs). Performances wereoriginally filmed and broadcast by La Septlast December.

* * *Also out on Proserpina in fiance are theAustralian Made concert featuring INKSand other Australian bands, Bill Wyman'sAIMS Gala Albert Hall charity concertfeaturing Phil Collins, Terence Bent d'Arbyand more, and C'est Ma Vie, Belgian singerAdamo live at the Casino de Paris

* * *BMG Video International has appointedScreen Ventures as exclusive agent for TVsales of its catalogue, to be launched at MIP-COM in October. Product involved rangesfrom Eurythmics - We Too Are One andClannad In Donegal to Hugh Masekela LiveIn Conant and Kenny G Line. MeanwhileBMG has also signed a licensing deal withMute Records, giving it worldwide (excludingNorth America) distribution rights to theUK indies music video product. It includesErasure - Wild Live, a live video and a clipcompilation from Inspiral Carpets and com-pilations from Depeche Mode RenegadeSoundwave and Cabaret Voltaire This pro-duct is also covered by the Soren VenturesTV rights deal.

Island Visual Ara is to release a 30 -minutevideo of the First UK Voguing Champion-ship on October 15. Voguing Eiarovagania(IVA 060) is being made by Jam. Lebon andPopata Films. The August 21 championshipsfeatured dancers from all over the UK com-peting for a El.003 first prize in the strike apose dance form popularised by Madonna'sVogue. Also covered is a fashion showfeaturing designer -wear popular with thevoguers, from the likes of Jean -Paul Gaul -tier, Thi.-ry Magic]. and Rifest Ozbd, fl


VIII MASTER CHART - September 8, 1990 MM. St MEDIA -September IMO 15


Page 13: THE TOUR MEDIA -… · LINE, GEORGY PORGY and Pie,Vc, Single OUT OF LOVE will he axcalable

SPOTLIGHTMEDIA Gianna Nannini - Still Breaking New Ground

by Robe, Lyng

Radio and TV have played a significant role in thedevelopment of Gianna Nannini's 14 year recordingcareer. They have provided her with a string of hitsingles, from 'America' to 'Un Estate Italian; and

have helped boost her albums to million -seller status.Robert Lyng talks to Nannini's manager, PeterZumsteg, about the way the media has helped

catapult the singer from the cafes of Milan to thelargest venues in Europe, and looks at the promotion

campaign for her new album, 'ficandalo'.

Gannai Nannini's firstbreakthrough camewith the hit single

America, which was from herthird album California, releasedin 1979. With the help of publicradio, the song was her first tocross over into West Germany andSwitzerland in 1980.

In 1982, the Cormy Plank -produced LP Latin Lover wentgold in both territories. It premie-red with a performance on theEurovision broadcast of WDR's`Rockpalasfi, which served tointroduce her to audiences acrossEurope.

Peter Zumsteg explains: "Pri-vate broadcasting had hardlydeveloped at the time Radioformats were still flexible and thepublic broadcasters had toconsider ethnic minorities in theirprogramming. Nannini, therefore,was particularly welcome''

The 30 -date tour of Germanywith rock star Udo Lindenbergwhich followed was vital because,as Zumsteg says, "it was the firsttime radio people had a chance to

see her live".Her next single, Foloromanza,

not only brought Austria into thefold but also became the single ofthe decade in Italy, selling 300.000units and putting Nannini at no. 1for two months. Then, in 1986,Nannini scored her first million -seller album, Profunto, whichfeatured the international hitsingles Profumo and Bello E

Zumsteg: "These hits establi-shed Nannini as a householdname at most European publicand private radio stations andopened the door for the single IMaschi, which became her firstreal European hit. It went to no. 1in Italy, Switzerland and Belgiumand reached no. 2 in Austria andSweden. The single also made thetop 10 in Germany and, for thefirst time, France!'

The pan-European success of IMaschi sae the single spendalmost one year in the EurochartHot 100 Singles, peaking at no.12.

With the release of Malafem-


mina, Nannini toured Scandi-navia for the first time. Mean-while, the single Hey Blonde, herfourth consecutive no. tin Italy,was chosen as the theme song forTestivalbari, a major TV musicevent in Italy.

Now Zumsteg is concentratingon making Scandalo, the titletrack single from Nannini's newLP, her biggest hit yet. The albumwas released on August 27 onMetronome in the GAS territoriesand by various PolyGram labelsin the rest of Europe, with theexception of Italy, where it is onDischi Ricordi.

Co -producing the LP withDavid Allen (The Cure) in

London's RAK Studios, Nanninihas incorporated aural impres-sions collected in China, typicalItalian melodies, Arabic riffs anda touch of psychedelia in theframework of her muscular rock.

She was assisted by aninternational line-up includingGermany's Hans Baeaer (bass)and Ruediger Braune (drums),Chris Jarrett (guitar) and Andy

Wright (keyboards) from the UK,and Italian guitarist MarcoColombo.

Radio programmers through-out Europe have been sent apromotional five -track CD, whichincludes two mixes of Scandalo.The single is one of Nannini'sstrongest rock songs ever but,Zumsteg admits, "it may not fitcontemporary radio's narrowformats". A video for the trackwas shot in Poland by Tello'sDieter Meier.

The promotion campaignincludes 60 30 -second spots onMTV Europe, cinema advertising,and a 44 -date European tour fromOctober 11 to December 16, to besponsored by BASF.

Meanwhile, Fiori Del Veleno(The Poison Of Flowers), which isalso on the promotional CD, hasbeen chosen as the theme song forthe international TV co-production (RAI 2, WDR, FR 3,TV E) of JM Simmel's 'Dock MitDen Clowns Kommen Die

Traenere, which will be broadcastthis month.

Goya & Carmina Signed to Phonogram

worldwide Publisher: Warner Basest Management: Roland

Vanbeneden, Brussels Group members: Francis Goya

(guitar), Carmina Cabrera(vocals)

Current album: Bahia Lady,released in June

Current single: Mas QueNada, released in June

Production: recorded atMadeleine Studios in Brussels,produced by Ruud Jacobi

Promotion: TV appearancesin Holland, 40 Dutch radiocommercials

Tour: a tour is planned for1991

Euro releases: negotiations areunder way to have the albumreleased in Portugal, Finland,Thailand, Taiwan and SouthAfrica

Francis Goya is Belgian andfanned his first group, LibertySix, when he was just 16. By thetime he was 20 he was alreadytouring Europe with the JJ Band.As a guitarist he accompanied


such artists as Shirley Bassey,Barry White, The Three Degreesand Vicky Leandros.

His debut solo single, Nostal-gia, released in 1976, reached no.

in Belgium, Holland, Germany,Finland, Denmark, Norway andBrazil. Since then, he has recorded18 solo albums, which have soldmore than eight million unitsworldwide.

Cabrera was raised in SouthAmerica and left for the UK whenshe was 18. After moving to

Brussels, she joined a SouthAmerican group. Cabrera metGoya while the band were touringSouth America. Two months afterforming the duo, they brought outthe single Bahia Lady. The albumof the same name is currently no.29 in the Dutch album chart. 0




16 MUSIC A MEDIA - September 8. 19,0


Page 14: THE TOUR MEDIA -… · LINE, GEORGY PORGY and Pie,Vc, Single OUT OF LOVE will he axcalable





0 90

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International Film and Program Marketfor TV, Video, Cable and Satellite

October 11th -15th 1990Palais des Festivals - Cannes - France

BUILTName Title

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I 'rreliilni,'lii=gli=lnii,177,iiinselric:nTrYiEiirI.FEFTu.'"Zuil=tillra"nlegiTee),i"'"

t seems that the effects of theIGulf crisis are being felt

everywhere. Aside from rumoursabout vinyl going up in price, mydear friend Keith Belcher, the sta-tion Manager at London -wideSpectrum radio, is demanding anapology from a Kuwaiti news-paper. Arab hacks had claimedthat the exiled Kuwaiti royal fami-ly intended to use the station tobroadcast to their nationals in theUK.

BBC Radio I is geeing involvedas wee. Presenter Simon Bales isdoing his bit by relaying half anhour of his morning show viaBritish Forces Broadcasting to

UK troops in Saudi, carryingmessages from loved ones.

And afternoon presenter Steve

Wright has given up his hot seatand left for the US. It seemsWright's US wife has a brother inthe task force in Saudi Arabia andthe pair were waiting at the USfamily home for news.

Nevertheless, it's welcome toBBC Radio I, Man Enke. He'sthe station's newest reggae

presenter, and hes been workingon BBC local radio for five years.Controller Johnny Belding sayshe has "one of the most excitingnew voices I've heard in years".

And so to the anniversaries fornext week, and there are lots ofthem for September 9. Otis Red-ding would have been 49, BillyPreston will be 44 and EurythmicDave Stuart will be 38. It will alsobe 35 years since Elvis Presleymade his first appearance on the'Ed Sullivan Show, shown fromthe waist up, per forming Don't BeCrud and Ready Teddy. OnSeptember 101966, the Monkees'Iasi Train To Clarksville wasreleased, and two days later thefirst episode of their TV show wasbroadcast in the US.

Pranks in the studio are ob-viously not confined to GLR'sChris Morris. Egil Houeland al

Radio 102 in Norway has told meabout how a competition he wasrunning almost led to him losinghis car. Firing a cart which told alucky listener that he had won abottle of body lotion donated by alocal chemist, Egil was astonishedto hear a voice saying the listenerhad, in fact, won hh own white1984 Ford Fiesta. Be warned thoseof you responsibly Egil tells mehe is plotting his revenge

Hello, Radio Hoorn, whichmust be one of the tiniest Dutchopt -outs there is. But little sta-

tions think big. Radio Hoommust also be one of the most in-ternational stations in Europe

because it's collecting programmetapes from the 12 EC countriesand re -broadcasting them. Eat

your heart out, you multi-national syndicators!

My good friends at MTVEurope, who just happen to bestepping up then marketing part-nership with Pepsi in line with thesoft drink's firms sponsorship ofTina Turner's current Europeantour, tell me that Pepsi has beenassociated with music since 1939when it was the first product touse singing radio commercials.


ThP cannot be true. Some of themusical ads on my station soundso creaky and corny they HAVEto be pre,1925, at least!

If anyone else asks me whetherI'm gonna be at the NAB conven-tion in Boston next month I'mgonna SMASH all my Rom-balurina back catalogue! This

month's budget doesn't stretch toBarnsley, let alone Boston! Ashame, because I'd have loved tohave caught AC -favourite BruceHornsby's solo piano set al syn-dicator's MJI Broadcasting'ssuite And Ml l's Gary Krantz tellsme they'll keep up the tradition ofserving White Castle burgers andlong neck beers. In the words ofthe Black Crowes....I'm jealous!Can anyone spare a !poor, im-

poverished DI a plane ticket?Talking of the horrid Bom-

Waring, someone tell the itsy bit-sy teeny weeny talent known asTimmy Mallet that his was quitethe worst performance I've seenon 'Top Of The Pops'since...erm...Craig McLachlan theweek before!

Tuning In To Radio Clyde Target audience: Clyde 1 -

20-M, Clyde 2 - 35-50 Potential audience: 1.91

million Aetna 50% mach Hours on air: 24 Launched: December 31 1971 Ownership: Private- Major

Programme controller AlexDickinson: "Clyde I, our FMservice, targets the 20-35 au-dience although you will nothear the more juvenile soundssuch as Bros and Kylie Minogueduring the day. Clyde 2 on AMis aimed at people who are pastchart music but still like to heara lot of familiar hits. There is aneasier listening feel to the sta-tion, much of which has beendone by slowing the pace of thepresentation. There is also a

high speech content."However, we still play con-

temporary music on Clyde 2. Wehave in mind a mythical personwho prefers albums and CDs.We are trying not to be an oldgold/classic gold station as wethink that gold records are like -

shareholders - Scottish TV(6.1%), Directors 5.7%

Address: Clydebank RosinessPark, Clydebank, GlasgowOct 2RX

Tel: 041-941 1111 Frequencies: 102.5 FM

Clyde 1, 1152 AM - Clyde 2

ly to get worn out very quickly."Music is chosen by two

heads of music. Mike Hollowayfrom Clyde I looks for thesounds that will appeal to theunder -35s while Mike Riddochwill look after the music for theClyde 2 audience We have alsojust installed Selector. Ourjingles are produced by MuffMurfin of Standard Sound Pro-ductions.

"Clyde is still very big onnews which has always been apart of our heritage When wecame on air there was no BBCRadio Scotland. We needed anidentity here and believed thatthe major key was news and in-formation. We have a full-timenewsroom staffed 24 hours aday by a total of 18 journalists.

We also have our own graduatetraining scheme We give the

news a feeling of coming fromthe west of Scotland so we do nottake IRN live but adapt theirmaterial with our own to give alocal mix.

"We do a lot of marketing andsponsorship. We are currentlysponsoring a show by youngmusicians. We also sponsor theGlasgow Philharmonic Or.chestra, and record and broad-cast their concerts. These aremainly popular classics and

music from shows. We have alsojust run a Young EU Of The Yearcompetition with f 1.000 of discoequipment as the prize The win-ner is currently practising and wehope to be able to train him andgive him his own slot

"As well as the Sunday after-noon 'Network Chart Show' wealso have the 'Benny BrownAmerican Countdown' show andhave been taking Unique's 'LALive show. We are currentlylooking at the possibility ofcreating a chart show for all of

the Scottish stations to reflect thetastes of the record buyers here.

"We enjoy a good relationshipwith the record companies andare well serviced by them. Likemany other stations we are look-ing to get more on CD than vinyland this is getting easier withmost of the companies,

"In the future we plan to con-solidate the separation of ourAM and FM services. Some 60%of the population in West CentralScotland is over 35 so we are very

strong in the 35-50 age group. Wewill gradually widen the gapthrough promotion which is thekey. It is extremely difficult topersuade an older listener to

change stations so we're chasingthm end of the spectrum throughconstant promotion to get themto try it. PR is important but pro-motion is the thing!" LI


MUSIC n MEDIA -September a, 5590 19


Page 15: THE TOUR MEDIA -… · LINE, GEORGY PORGY and Pie,Vc, Single OUT OF LOVE will he axcalable

STATION REPORTS STATION REPORTSUpdated reports and playksts*ions from Me major radiosaooma Furope


MI Additions to the playksrLP: Aburn d week

CL:CpST StudioIN: totem.

&ea. of a p.m h.,. tome ofMe UK rert.s are frozen.


BBC RADIO 1 LondonChris Lye. Sen. Prod.

List:. Cliff Rich.- Silhouettes

Deacon Blue. I'll Never FallB List

AD Janet jadson. BIDS C,KLF-. What Time Is LoveLondon Beat- I've BeenCfifireboys. There She GoesSonia- End Of The World

GP1TAL RADIO LondonRichard Park Pos. Contr.

AD 1NXS- Sumide BlondeDeeeLites Groove Is In TheLA Mix- Coming Back For MoreAdamski- Space JungleCaron Wheeler. Livin. In TheWhitesnake- Now You're GoneYen. Talk To Me

Janet Jackson- Black CD

Loose Ends Don't Be A Fool

METRO FPI - NewcastleGiles Squire Prof. Contr.

ist:AD Adarnsld. Space Jungle

Janet Jackson- Black CatLA Mix- Coming Back For MoreDerek 1, You L. To Look UpVVorld Party- VV ay Down NowQuirebom. Them She GoesLois Lane- It's The FirstChristians: Greenbank Drive

PICCADILLY RADIO MancherterDavid Dunne Head Of MusicA ListAD Deacon Blum I'll Never Fall

Human League- Heart Like ACliff Richard: Silhouert.UB.10. Wear You To The Ball

AD LA Mix- Coming Back for MoreWhiremake Now You're GoneSteve Wier Ban. The JokerDemlite. Groove Is In ,Richard Mao:- Endless SummerChristians. Greenbank Drive

GREATER LONDON RADIO. LondonTrevor Dann -Held Of MusicA List:AD Christians- Green.. Drive

Parry. EPAbrld Way Down NowDarling Buds- Crystal ClearNick Lowe- What's Shak, OnGary Moore: Walking By Myself

B List:AD Cocteau Twins Iceblink Luck

Steve Miller Band., JokerDNA/Suzanne Vega- Ta. Diner

rya Con Dios What's A Wonsan

BRMB BirmihamRobin Valk Heangd Of MusicAD Caron Wheeler- Limn' In The

Adarnski. Space JungleMedeirosiParker. All I'mChristian, Greenbank Drive

Neville Brothers River Of

RADIO CLYDE - GlasgowAlex Dickson 'Prof. Dr.A Lish

Dan Reed Networks Star..Christian, Greenbank Drim

Splash- Need RhythmMedemosiParker. All mDee-Lte- Groove Is In The

Tyler Cams Girls' NightNeville Brother, River OfTalk Talk- Life's What You

RADIOLiverpoolTony McKenNe . Head Of MusicPowerlist:AD MS Adventures. Undeniable

Brent Bourgeois- Can't FeelMichael Bolton. Georgia On My

List:AD Leo R Sind, Undercover

Miro. Mix- ChainsHarriet. Temple Of LoveDeacon Blue- I'll Never FallCaron Wheeler. urn- nn TheNumber One- You're My NumberDeeesLite Groove Is In TheElton John: Club At The EndSplash- I Need RhythmSonia- End Of The WorldHuman League- Heart Like AAfter I. Cat StopDuran Dran- Violence OfBreathe. Say A Prayer


Len GN Deputy Prog.DirharnA List:AD ...Lite. Groove Is In The

pn's GreenbanCDrve

Richard Marx- Endless SummerDarling Buds Crystal Clear

List:AD Neville Brothers. River Of

Sony Sothon- Falling ThroughC L.AD Roe Miller Band- The Joker

Whitesnakes Now You're GoneThat Petrol motion:Hey VenusLiving olour- Type

DOWNTOWN ADIO. BelfastJohn Rodsorough - Head Of Pros.

Nwille Brothers- River OfJason Donovan. The Rhythm Of

GWR - Bristol/SwindonAndy Wertgate - Head Of MusicA List:AD George Michael. Praying For

Deacon Blue- I'll Never FallCliff Richard. SilhouettmJive Buoy: Can Can You Party

List:AD Elton John. Club At The End

Magnum: Heartbroke And BustedWhaesnakes Now Youre GoneChristians Greenbank DnvePrimal Scream. Came TogetherFrazierbe Step Offra Chorus. Nothing

Sonia- End Of The WorldGary Moore. VValkrng By MyselfRichard Marx- Endless SummerShafin' Stevens Pink

Fleetwood Mac- In The BackKorgis Everybody's Got To

RFD ROSE PA0110. Preston:BlacpoolKenni James- Head Of MusicB List:AD Loose En. Don't Be A FoolC ListAD Magnum- Heartbroke And Busted

Sweet Sensatrom If WishesDan Reed Network- Lover

ATLANTIC 225 County MeathPaul Kavanagh Head Of MusicTop 10 Playlist:

Manah Ca, Vision Of LoveNew Kids On The Blok- To


George Michael- Praying FDiner

orBetty Boo- Where Are You BabyBlue

JosIn The Rain

Jo BonBlaze Of GloryBad English- Possession

RADIO RADIO. ManchesterNigel Williams Sen. Prod.A LW:AD Aswad- Next To You

Owe -Lice- Groove Is In .MC Hamrner- U Can't Touch ThisJae Jackson:Stepp, OutTina Turner- Look Me In TheWilson Phillips Release Me

ist:AD Paul Carrack. Loveless

Christians- Greenbank Dr.Frazier Chorus. NothingHariet- Temple of LoveJon Bon Jovi. Blaze Of GloryLondon Beat- I've BeenLoose Ends Don't Be A FoolTalk Tak- Life, What You

World Party- W, Down Now

RADIO HALLAM - SheffieldDean Papal! Head Of MusicA LIst:AD New Kois OIT Block- Tonight

Tyler Co....Girls' Night OutSonia End Of The WorldJanet Jackson. Black Cat

1.00AD Christian, Greenbank Drive

Paul Carrack:LwelessWhimsnakes Now You're Go.Loose Ends Don't Be A FoolSinitta- Love And AffectionQuireboys. There She GoesNumber One- You're My NumberDan Reed Network:. Lover

C List:AD II( 25. Let It All Hang Out

Deee-Lites Groove Is In TheLP Prince

Elton JohnRonneRiver City



Randy Crawfoebworth '90

RADIO BROADLAND NonvichDave Brown -HeadHead DI MusicPP Paul Carrack- Loveless

Cliff Richard. SilhonamElton John- Club.WhispersNew Kids 01a, TonightDeacon Blue EP

Prefab Sprout- Looking ForB List:AD Melba Moore- Do You Really

Marla McK. Show Me YourC List:

FOX FM OxfordSteve Ellis rog. Contr.A List:AD Betty Boo- Where Are Baby

Human League- Heart Like ALindy Layton- Silly Games

Cliff Richard: SilhouettesB List:AD Bob Geldols Love Or Something

Janet Kay: Silly Games

tninngrTI:World y

List C:AD Mans, Space jungle

Christians- Greenhank DriveSo outSony Shon. Falling ThroughCaron Wheeler- Lavin' In The

RTL 011- LondonJeff Graham Prog. Dlr.PP laser Jackson- Black Cat

Adainskfi Space JungleThat Petnol Emotion- Hey VenusLiwng Color -Type

A UstAD Sonia- The .01 The WorldB Lfst:AD Caron Wheeler- Limn' In The

Red Hor Chili Peppers- HigherC ListAD Londo Crowe,e Been

Bkk Ha. To NudeWorld Pry- Way Dawn Now

agnum. HearMroke And BustedAwesome 3- HardBang Holding My HeartPetra Co. Just Mt Go

SWANSEA SOUND WalesDavid Thomas-


PP Jaz. Donvan. The Rhythm OfRuth Campbell- This Is It

A List:AD George Michael. Praying ForB List:AD Bang. Holding My Heart

Next To YouChristians Greenbank DriveFrazier Chorus Nothing

C List:Vaya Con Dos- What's Woman

D. Robert Cn, The Forecast

BAYERN 2 . MunichClaw.. Seethes Need Ent Pgms.A List;AD Bombdunna- Bitsy T.,

Dirk Busch. Keine Grenze furFlash And The Pan. Something

Harriet- Temple Of LoveAnne Murray- ked Pals FireRogers:Parton. Love Is Strange

Talk Talks Such A Shame

El List:

Alannah Myles- Love Is

WON CologneWolfgang Roth - DI/Prod.

"'''rtrg:Trgh Dont PayRoy Orbisons Oh Pretty WomanGroenemeyer. Deine Liebe Kleist

Talk Talk- It's My Li,

Billy Joel- Down'''easter Nem

FrVu'rrTalk Talks Such AS meAnis- Ships Are SailingKim Wilde. Can't Get EnoughSeikalWahlbers. The RightNew Kids OR Block- Step By

AD R.P0- Ids ORMoney alks- Bram Young BoyPleasure PrincIple. Shake

John Hiatt- Bring BacaYourProjom Rocking TiGo W.t- King Of Wishful

NOR HamburgLutz Aekermann Head Of MusicPower Picks:

Marianne Rosenberg. Eins ZweiMatthias Reim. Ich Ha,London Beat- ve Been

Peter Bakeley. Crying In TM1eCraig McLachlan- MonaEAV: Samurai

Wilson Phillips- Hold OnDance WM Stranger. InvisibleNew Ki. OR Block- TonightPoo, Napoli Per NoiRoxette: It MUSE Have Been

Gary Moore. Still Got TheAD Timmy Thomas Why Carer We

Bomhalurina. I, Bit, TeenyJohnny Gill:Kenny G- My My MySmokie. In The Middle OfCagey Strings. Hence Nacht

SWF Baden BadenUlli Frank DJ/Prod.

AD The SmIthereens. Ell. PeriodCohn James Give It UpHarnet. Temple Of Love

LP Prince

Gianna Nannini

SDR StuttgartHans Thoma- Prod.

PP George Michael- Praying ForLP Prime

BB 4. BiltrtlenAxel Sommer..Burghers! Bausch OpProd.

Aswads Next To YouClaudia Bruecken. AhsolutChicago- Hearts In TroubleEveryday People- Headline

Human League- Heart Like ALindy Layton- Shy GamesLondon Beat- I've n

Prefab Sprout:Looking For

Shack. I Know You Wellm Mary Had A Little Boy

Dave StewartJack Talk.Wilson Phillip, Release Me

SR/EUROPAWELLE SAARDieter Rater 01,Prod.AD Luke, Live Crew: Banned In The

Curtis Mayfield. Superfly '90Clyde Ward- Follow You FollowThe Smithereens Blue ',nodMart, 'n' DBM. Sun:Marna.Respect- Love Drives On




Wheeler: Livin. In TheJackson- Black CatStax. Mary Had A Little B,plan Mendez- Feel LikeSt Pauls Stranger To LovePleasure Principle- Shake

R1AS 2. BerlinHe, Gross- Head Of MusicA List:

Joe Cocker- Living In TheAndrew White- I'm Only

AnIra:MILU.LveLittle aesar- The VVhole OfMedeirosiBrown. She Ain'tThe Pasadena, ReelingPrefab Sprout. Looking PaFleetwood Mac- Skies TheBelinda Carkle. Summer RainTimmy Thomas- Why Can't WeSuzanne Veg. To. DinerWilson Phillips- Release MeCove racy Everytime YouKim VWd: Can, Ger EnoughDave StewartJack TalkingMaxi Piet- Close To YouGroenemeyer. Deine Liebe KlebtBig Fun Sania,ou've Got ADusty Springfield- ReputationHamm Roe, I Wanna Make Love.Horse- S.. Thing

SFB 2. Berlinuergen uergens Head Of Music

A List:AD Flash And The Pa Something

Charles D eSoca DanceBonme Rants Have A HeartPrefab Sprout- lookIng ForWilson Phillips- Me

Dave Stewart- One World OneB List:AD Maloo- Lovegrow

Hothouse Flowers.: Can t See

DNA/Suzanne Vega- Tom, Diner

HUNDERT, 6 BerlinFred Schoenagel - Head Of Music

PP John

Caey Strings- Heute NachtGM Benny Gs My My My

AD Son, Everybody KnowsGlen Campbell. Remember YouTanis Jonak:Regen Auf DerDave Emunds- King Of LoveSandra- One More NightClaudia Jung. Fag"n ick Auf

Southern Paclfic &yond Lc.N. K:ds CfiT Block. bmght

on,. CruseDesert Rove ...Summer WindGary Pane- Wings 01PurityDusty Springfield. Send It ToNick, Wenn Du &Mir BistCIO Richard- Silhouett.

Jude Cole. Time For LettingCohn James- Give It Up

Giannina Facie -Bayne Two ThreeNeil Diamond. b Can I Hold

iko- Einmal Urn Die GrosseTo Cutugno. Malian°Rosanne ash- Don't KnowKenny Rogrs- One Night

RSH KielMartin


chwebel- Head Of MusicPP George l. Praying For

Cohn James- Give It UpAD MattNas Reim- Id NM'

Purple Schulz- Hast MirNew Kds OR Block- TonightRoy Orbsom Windsurf.DNAISuzanne Vega Tom, Diner

Jon &glom- Blaze°, Glary

Human League. Heart Like ANeville Brothers- Bird On AMariah Care, Vision Of Love

LP Edo ZankiMariah CareyWas Not Was

RADIO GONG 000 MunichWalter Prelwald Music Dir.PP DNA:Suzanne Vegas Torn's DinerAD Groenemeyer. Deme Liebe Kleht

Purple Schulz- Du Hast MirMatthias Reim. Ich Hab'

LP Nor& BroMers

RADIO GONG NurembergSteffen Meyer - Music Dir.PP DaveStewart-J ad Talking

Purple Schulz. Du HastAD Richard Barone- Rise To

Culture Beat. Mike YouGronerneyer- Deme Liebe KlebtPemr Richter. So We Du BM

LP Peter Richter- But Du

RADIO CHARIVAR1. NurembergMathias Hofmann Music Dir.PP PM Sampson- We Love To Love

Rom.- It Must Have BeenMaxi Pries, Close To YouDNA/Suzann Vega. Torn's DinerNew Kids Oa Block- Tonight

AD Matthias Rem- Id HallkAMchae- Praying For

STARASAT RADIO - GreenwaldJo Lueders Prof. DixPlayilrt Top 10:

New K. OR Block. TonightMari, Carey- V:sion Of Lo.Tina Turner- You Know WhoMedeirosiBrown: She Ain'tJeff Lynne- Stormy WeatherRandy Newman. Loay ve

Jeff Lynne- Don't SayGoero Tell Me Something

Hothouse Flowers I Can SeeBeach Boys: Problem Child

AD Depec. Mode- Policy Of Truth

Johnny GalrKenrry G- My My My

Girls Next Door. How 'Bout UsBB Queen- Blueshouse

IUDIO REGENBOGEN MannheimMarkus Wahl Music Dir.PP Wet VVet Wet. Stay With MeAD Wilson Phillips- Release Me

Awed- Next To You

RADIO XANADU - MunichArmin Kessler Head Of MusicPP George Michael- PrayingAD Jude Cole- Time For Leta:1g

Jonathan Butler- Heal Our LandSmokles In The Middle Of AVision Fields- Voices

LP Duran Duran

SCHWARZWALD RADIO. FreiburgLothar Engel Head Of PlinkPlaylist Top 10:

Belinda Carlisle. Summer RainRoxemes It Must Have BeenSifted O'Connor- The EmperorLeo Strew Cool TouchKiMna. Hanky PanItyJeff Lynns Every UnitSantana. Gypsy WomanBrum Dickinson- All The YoungBob Geld., Great Song OfPaul Young. Sof tly VVhiing

AD Prince. Thieves In ThesperTemple

Everyday People Headline NewsBlow Monkeys, PasskmaraDave Smwart- ack TalkingCharles D Lewis. Soca DanceBang- Holding My Heart

Tommy Page. Turn On The Rad.

RADI01 TON. Bed MergentheimThomas Tscheschner Head Of MakPP Cagey Strings Heu:eNacht

Wet Wet Wet- Stay With MeHarriet- Temple Of LoveDiem Adams Circle Of OneDario Ghannais MoMer Nature

RADIO SALU SaarbrueckenAdam Hahne Prot. Dir.PP Was Not Was. How , Heart

Betty Boo- VVhere Are You BabyCandy Duller. SaxualityArt Of ose- Art Of Love

AD DNAISmanne Veg. Tom, DinerUB 40- Wear You To The BallPrefab Srout. Look, ForCameo- I Want It Now

LP Bob Geldof=111RMC - ParisNaMalie Andre Head Of MusicAD Elsa- !lien Que Pour Ca

Johnny Halliday- CadillacKreille Mathieu- Ce-So leDave Stewart- Jack Talking

They Might Be Giants. IstanbulDevo: Post Post:Modern ManElectronic: Getting Away With

SI.10 RADIO ToulouseMarie Ange EE Prog. Dir.AD Gloria stefan: Here We Are

Francois Feldman- Petit FranckDavid Halliday Tears Of TheJane Birkin- Amours Des

Franck -Duel Temps

NRJNetworkMax Guanini Dir.Hitparade:AD Patrick Bruels Alors Regard

Dave Stewart- Jack Talking

Mark Dome- Hey Little GirlElmer Foot Beat- Damela

SKYROCK ParisLaurent Bouneau Prot. Dir.AD Eros Ramazottis Se Bastasse

George Michael. Praying For`lass- Treat Me GoodElmer Foot Beat. Damela

FUN RADIO. ParisSP. Millet - Prof. Dir.PP Vaya ConD. What's A Woman

UB 40- Kingston TownMedeirosBrown. She Ain'tWilson Pillips- HoH OnThe Christians I Found OutMC Sac. h's On YouLisa SurafeM What Did DoDep.. Mode- Policy Of TruthMC Hammer. U Can't Touch This

Doan John. Club At The EndAlan. Myles Birth Velvet

AD jaws Jackson. Come BackMaxi Prien Oose To YouLoOm Gordon. Beyond YourDNA:Suganne Vega. Tonis DinerNew K. Oa Block - TonightScored O'Connor- The Emperor

Beats Intl Won't Talk AboutBetty Boo. Doin' The DoMarmh Carey- Vision Of Love

EUROPE 2. ParisMarc Gerrie Prog. Dir.PP U1340- Kingston Town

Dave Stewart. JackFondMader Dmeland

Prefab Sprout. Looking For

LP House Of Love

doREM La Radio FM Networklean.Bruno Michaud Prog. Mgr.PP Suzanne Vega- Book Of Drearns

Tina Turner: Foreign AffairPhil Collins- HappenedJock Ursull. White fi BlackPatricia Ka. Les Mannequins

Dave Stewart: Jack TalkingPoch Vomnes Avant De Partir

METROPOLTS - Marco En Berate!Philippe Schernberg - Prog. Dr.Bruno Allain Prog. Dir.PP Double Dee. Found Love

Big Fun Soma- You've Got AMart Lavoine. Rue Fontaine

Adarnski: KillerUB.1- Kingston TownDNAiSmanne Veg. Toms dinerMark Boyce- Hey Little GirlEr. Rarmazotti. Bastasse

Kiwi. Pompe PornpezAD Rozlyne Clarke. Eddy Steady

PH Collin, That's JustEs. Bien Que Pour Ca

RADIO NANTESPhilippe Nossent rog. Dir.PP David Stewart. Jack Talking

AD Patrick Brarel- Mors RegardeEh. Nen Que Pour CaJohnny Hallyda, Cadillac

LP Pixies Bassanova

RADIO V1TAMINE ToulonMathies Comhes Prug. Dir.AD Betty Boo- oin' The Doo

Johnny Hallyday: Cadillac

Menne. Une Femme Avec UnePremous Wilson- M, BePrince- Thieves In The TempleTouch Of Soul. We Got TheDIM River, Comrne Le Loup

RIVIERA RADIO. Monacoacid Fortune Music Dir.

AD Michael Bolton- Back On MyGeorge Michael:Praying ForDusty Springfield- DaydreamingMight Be Giants- IstanbulNevIlle Brothers- B. On ANew Rods On Block. Step ByRichard Roger, Crazy In Love

VERONICA HilversumHans Van Der Veen Prot.` Kids 07 Block- TonightAD Geard. Joling- Corazon

Dream VVarriors Wash YourIce MC- CinemaPartners In Kryme. TurtleJohn Spencer- Knock OutFAB:MC Parker. Thunderbirds

NOS HilversumTon! Blomberg . EN/Prod.PP The Serene Rebecca

AD Deacon Blue. Ill Never Fill

George Michael. Praying ForHuman League Heart Like A

VARA HilversumRolf Kroes Head Of Music


Groove Is In TheAD Caron Wheeler- Livin' In The

Stne Wynn. Carolina

AVRO HilversumJan St


eeman - Head Of MOSSPP Gillan. No Good Luck

Term- Jack

TAOS . HilversumFerry Meat Head Of MusicPP Gerard Joling- Corazon

KR O HilversumPaul van der Lett Head Of MusicPP Chic*: Hearts In TroubleTop 5:

Jona,. Butler- Heal Our LandJoe Cocker- You Are SoThe Soup Dragons- grn FreeSteve Miller Band. The JokerMavis Staples- Melody Cool

NCRV Hilversumpap De GrootHenk Mousse 0D/Prod.

PP Ankle Bagger: Where VVere You


Jothan Butler- Heal Our LandDurnaan Dunn

SKY RADIO BussumTon Lathouwers Operations Plgr.A List:

Roxeme- It Must Have BeenManah Careys Vision Of LovePhil Collin, That's Just TheZoult Machine. Maldon

London Beat- Me Been

Warm Sounds- Birds And Bees

U1340. The Way You Do ThePrinces, I Wish oil LoreClomeaus WetilN Oat leMadonna- Hanky ParkeBeverly Craven- Promie MeGeorge Michael- Praying ForMean. Hija De La LurwMaya Con The, What A Woman

Gloria Etefans Cum Both WaysC List:AD Vaya Con Dia, Nah Neh Nah

Out Of LoveThe Carpenters- Close To You

RADIO 21. BrusselsClaude Delacroix Prof. Dir.PP Bombaluri. Issy Bit, Tee,

Brand New Heavies: Dream ComeSoul II Sol. People

Z7S:STVB=cle "

BRT - Studio BrusselsJan HautekietiMark Coenen Prod.Top 1Thp ylal.

e Soup Dragons- Im FreePrince CDNeville Brothers CDLiberties CDLuk:1 Live Crew- Banned InSinead O'Connor. The Emperor

NA:Suzanne Wga- To. DinerPrefab Sprout CDTenas Tornados CD


StewartJack TalkingGary Moor- Walking By MyselfThe Men They Couldn't Hang CD

law Pop CDAn Emotional Fish CDA Tribe Called Quest -Bona

udiBRT East Flan

Sinie Prod.ders

Top 0:MC Hammer. Can, Touch This

Route:It Must Have BeenMaxi Priest. Close To YouGrapBarbeinen- A ToutesLore. Ramo De La Noche

Charles D LovaSaga DanceLondon Beat 've BeenAdams.: KillerCnis McLachlan. Mona

AD jen Soap. Blue 01 LbryKid Frost. La Rasa

Bryan Adams Summer 01 '69!awn Donovan. MA 01 TheUS40. The Way You Do neLee Kay. Stand, On A BoatHelen Shapro. Look Who!, isHelmut LOIM Moth- NachtenFlat, 0.ok

KM RADIO g. HainautA. 8,0000/Ph. faunieuxTap 10:

Char. P Lewis SocaGraylarbehiew ATBenny 6 Vow Eta Fa.ha Machine. MaidenClaude Barton, Aga MotS.P. Doom UpAdamsk:.Fra nk hkhael. T'en Vas Pas

PIC Hammett, Can't.. TIMVaya Con Dios Nah Neh Nand

AD New Esser- Je LAcloreLP New Kids Oir Block- Step By

RADIO CONTACT F BrusselsJeanLou Berlin Prog.Dir.A ist:

Zouk Machine- MaldonClaude Barmtti. Aime MoiCharl.D Lewis- Soca Dame

mcThderry Haw, Le JerkLorca. RItmo De La LunaMarc Lavoine- Rue Fontaine

nos Ramamottis An-faru EMadonna:. Hanky Panky

Phil Collins That's Just TheAD Tears For Fears- Famous Last

ammo on page 22


Bruce Hornsby

David Lindley

evie Ray Vaughan


DaVid Crosby

Kenny Aronoff

George Harrison

Jimmie Vaughan

aulinho Do Costa

Randy Jackson

Al Kooper

Elton John

Waddy Wachtel




Out next



20 MUSIC 0 MEDIA September A, 1990 MUSIC IL MEDIA - September 11, 1990


Page 16: THE TOUR MEDIA -… · LINE, GEORGY PORGY and Pie,Vc, Single OUT OF LOVE will he axcalable

STATION REPORTS STATION REPORTSGraf.- Princesse Ma FoliePatrkia Ka.: Les MannequinsMichel Delpech lEtais m'sDNAStaanne Vega- Tom's DinerBeverly Craven. Promise MeGloria Estefan- Cuts Both WaysLondon Beat. I've BeenDave Stewart -lack TalkingMariah Carey. Vision Of LoveGeorge Michael. Praying ForTwenty 4 Seven. I Can't Stand


Con Dios- Nah Ne'n Nah.0ro. Canzone Per

Maureen Walsh- Thinking Of

RADIO CONTACT HL- BrusselsDanny De Bruin Prog. Dir.A List:

5via'1'Tirtyr¢CashMn Neygen Sanne. Wel Te

Maxi Priest. Close To YouNew Kids On The Block. StepMC Hammer, U Can't Touch This

Roxette- It Must Have Been

Clouseau. Wil Niet Oat JeBart Kaell. Zeil le Moor HetPlaza- 0-0hONAIStaanne Vega- Torns Dlner

AO London Beat. I've Beenystic. Ritmo De La Noche

Sinead O'Connor. The EmperorMariah Carey. Vislon Of LoveWill Tura- In De Armen Van

RADIO FXPRES AntwerpMarc Ohollander -Head Of MusicPP Craig McLachlan- Mona

Ban eVRom.- It Must Have BeenLorca- Ritrno De La NocheMadonna. Hanky PankyBryan Adam, Summer Of 69

Maxi Priest- Close You

Mecano- Hijo De La LunaVaya Con Dios- Nah Neh NahErik Van Neygen- Te

AD Mat.a, Reim. *HammGeorge hchael- Praying For

RADIO ANTIGOON AntwerpPiet gelzer DimPP DNA/Suzanne Vega Tom's DinerAirplay Top 10:

George Michael- Praying ForRonne., Must Have BeenMaxi Priest- Ce You

Phil ollins. That's Just TheMadonna- Hanky PankyMarials Carey. Vision Of LoveAdarnski-Stevie V. Oirry CashMC Hamme- U Can't Touch ThisConfetti's. Put 'M Up

AO MC Sar- It's On YouGary Moore -Walking By MryellOWD- EnergyNew Kids OR Block -TonightThe Cult Of Snap- HI Power

RADIO ROTAAL HamontAchelTom Holland- Prog. Dlr.PP George Ilkhae¢ Praying For

AO MC Sar- It's On You

Dam. Ile al Er VoorCarles Lewis. Soca Dance

Hpy Mondays Step OnMaattphias Reirn. Verdun. IchInnocence. Silent VoiceMichael Fran. The Art OfDave Stewartryack Talking

wardFamous Last

Gerokryeg- CornonWet Wet VV. Swy With MeBananararna. Only Your Love

LP Rene Shuman

ENIMEMin:1DRS 3 BaselChristoph Alispach Music Coorti.

Electronic. Getting AwayGanglords- Girls Dern Nice

Soup Dragon, m FreeLP Willryones

Fred Koller

The Men They Couldn't HangNeville BrothersPrince


COULEUR 3 LausanneGerard Sudan Mead of MusicPP The High. Up And DownAD Shack- Only One In Your LoveLP Wire Tr.i

RADIO . ZurichMem OM DI/Coord.AD Cob Hay. Help Me

WI Healey- While My GuruGromerne, Dein Liebe Klelm

Somme Vegm Tired OfVam Con Dim Nan Nell Nah°lades 0 Lewm.mOmmSmead Tie PmpuoreM Vega- lbdsOMue Pea, MAedln,Un

LP Jon on jam


WM Jones


Howie WillCroslry Sulls



I.N.1:11zuse Frs

RADIO FORDER BAND - BernRes Hassenstein op. -Ord.PP BaccindLado Biciclette-

Sotoa Quest. Sole

Flash And The Pan- Something

Tina Turner- Break ThroughThe Men They Couldn't Hang.Great Expectations

RADIO ZUERISEE StadeUeli Prey Head Of MusicAD Dave Ste.n. Jack Talking

Wet Wet VVet. Stay With MeHaMet. Temple Of LoveMaxi Priest- Close To YouNew Kids OIT Bock. Tonight

PP Jonathan Butler- Heal Our Land

OE 3 . ViennaGuenther Lesjak - Head Of MusicAO Undy Layton- Silly Games

AusMan Mix Project. AIleCraig McLachlan- MonaPeter Cornelius. Zufaellig

LP Neville BrothersKnebworth '90

1====1RETE IRS MilanAlex Peroni rog. Dir.Grant Benson - UProd.Playlist Top IS:

Denis Azor- A Li LaDuran Duran LPD.ble Dee. Found LoveSnob Feat. 0 John onSayMariah Carey LPRoe- Soledad

Billy Idol LPSanne. Love Is Gonna CallBananarama- Only Your Love5.111 Soul LPOlen Adams LPEveryday People.


lloOreHeMOr HeavenUndonny Bop

AO Thiyo. Man In The Moon 2Static. Feel That BeatClark Datchler LPAndrew Ridgeley LP

RAI STEREOUNO RomeE.Molinari Dir.E.Bellisario Prog. Dir.PP Black Box- Everybody

Madonna. Hanky PankyBob Ga., The Great bng OfEnrico Rugged, Ayr,

Francesco Baccini 8 LDB. Sotto

Duran Duran-le.

VCiolence Of

AD Enao AvitabirediPartners In Kryme. TurtleGo West. King Of WishfulSt Paul- Stranger To Love

Devo- Post Post -Modern ManVixen. How Much LoveThe Time. Jerk OutVasco Rossi- MuovitiPH Collins- That's Just TheSoul II Soul. Missing You

fdoardo Bennato-Abbe DubbiBilly dl. L.A. VVornanWas Nor Was- How The HeartMC Hammer.V Can't Touch This

RADIO DIMENSIONS SUONOCarlo Mancini Music DirectorPP John VVaite. Deal For Lk

Asia. Days Like These

Mike ndp- The Spirit IsHuman League. Heart Like A

AO Nelson- Can't Live WithoutPebble, Glving Y. TheTram Spencer- Save Your Love

Wild Weekend- VVhere Does It

RADIO MONTE GRLO - MilanMignon,. Prog. Contr.

Manah arey- Vision

Jude Cole LPOST 0 Of Thunder LPJimmy Ryser- Same Old LookEvery Day People LP

Concrete Bloncle- JoeyMike Lir., ChugesDuran Duran- Violence Of Summer

Brent Bourget.',Nip To FallEnergy Orchard SailortownJeff Lynne LP

Crosby StilU Nash- L.Mui Priest. Close To YouClark Datchler LPGeorge MichaeL Praying For Time

AO Cheap Trick- Can't StopPrefab Sprout. Looking For

RADIO KISS KISS MaplesGianni Sindoll Prog. Dir.PP 0 areene- Drive My CarAD Halo James. Wanted

Blow Monkey, La PassionaraBob Gelder. Love Or SomethingDaYeene- Drive My Car

DeeeLite- Graave Is In TheGene Loves Jezebelryealous

ANTENNA DELLO STILETTO NanaFilippo PedeliPP Prince. Thieves In The Temple

Hothowe Flowers- Give It UpLori Mar, Una StoriaRgheira- Perragos

teTarZntotn5;riuLP Mango

RADIO STAR VicenzaMaurizio Maressi Dreg. Dir.PP Stevie B. Love 8, Ernouon

AO Orchestra JB- Free SpiritR.P0.- Lovely ThingPaul Johnsn- Don't Make MeCool Downo Zone. Heaven Knows

Fatman- Release Me

LP The TimeMarie CareyMaxl Priest


Nael Revert Music Mgr.I Playlist:

a=rc.ids OR Block- Step ByPP Moreno. A Cabal,

Black Box- Fantasy

24 Dioptria, Una GuitarraJive Bunny. Can Can You ParryPamonon- Como Un SusurroLos Coyotes. Corazon De RelojTennesse. Par Un Minute DeGeorge Michael. Praying ForDave Stewr, Jack Talking

Popular FMCADMIAMadridCarlos Finely Music DirectorPlaylist Top S.

Elton john. SacrificeRadio Future- Stir De Tiza

Gary Moore. Still Got TheThe Chimes- I Still Haven'tEl Ultimo De La Pila.

AO George ichael- Praying For

Cornlices. Los TeiadosMariah Carey, Vision Of LoveEl Golpe- Agaw

GMAL SUR RADIO -AndaluciaPaco Sanchez -Music gr.PP Los Romeos, No Te Escapes

Lucy En El Cielo- MejorMarshall Tucker Band LPKiara- You Are Right AboutSmbad- Ain't Cry!,

AO VVas Not Was LPGeorge Michael- Praying ForKnebworth '90 LPHothouse LPThe Chills LP

TopLP (Soul II Soul

Los Ronaldos

Radio FiguraThe ChimesEl Ultima De La File

Bn.rxr"Mn'Olets Adams'WM=

R1KSRADION Pl. KLANG a C:0Weekdays 12.30-3 PMPontos Enhorning - Prod.Playlist

Harriet -Temple Of

JamToy Matine. Last Plane OutSteve Earle- The Other KindDave Stewart. Jack TalkingAswad- Next You

Adolphso,Falk. Pa Jakt

Hensel Thor, Soy GottOh oy- En Ensam Man

LP GunbunmesHuman Radio

VVendy Usa



RIKSRADION P3 TRACKSLISTANSaturdays 2.4 PMKaj Kindvall - Prod.

MC Hammer. Can't Touch ThisooOSnap-

therps Up

Kayo- Ano MotherMaxi Priest- Cbse To YouMedeiros/Brown- She Ain't

Jon Bon iory Blaze 01 Glcmy

Adams, KillerPrince. Thieves In The TempleNew Kids 0¢1. Block- Step ByGo Wes, King Of WishfulZemya Hamilwm. Going ThroughPoison- Unsknny Bop

tSmeAlannah yles- Is

Mariah Caey. VLoveision Of Love

Nick Kamen -1 Promised MyselfPapa Dee. Lewi' Off SteamHanne Boel- 1 Wanna Make Love

AD MaeeKn. Beig Wd nVVod

Gary Moore. Walking By MyselfPartners In Kryme. TurtleRob liaalLega K Just TellDNAISuaanne Vega. Tom's DinerNew Kids 07 Block- TonghtGeorge Michael. Praying ForDave Stewar, Jack TalkingZook Machine. MaldenBlue Pearl - Naked In The Rain

SAF RADIO StockhoeadlmMartin Loogna - H Of MusicPP Aswad- Next To You

AO Thiy.o. FlowersTina Turner- Look Me In TheDr Alban. No CokeAswad- Next To You

Betty Boo- Where Are Tou Baby

MC Menne, Hase You Seen HerPebbles. Giving You The

Jonathan Butler- 05 Our LandIT 8, The Big Family- ForeignMavis Staples- Melody CoolAlannal, Myles. Lover Of Mine14ryin Paige- Touch Of ParadiseAd Falk. Pa Ga..hnotranic.MegamixRosie Ama- Eyes Of A VVoman

Top 3:NC Harmer- U Can't Touch This

Tor,=:rt;orG"RADIO CITY 101 GMhenhurgLars Bodin - Music DirectorPP Sun. OWester- AlskaAD Michael Franks. The Art

Peter Lem.- Mellan Deg OchCandy Flip. This Can Be RealEarth Wind Fire. Wanna Be

Wilson Phillips. Release MeConcrete,Blonde- Joey

W""Callarn/Grace. Last Night ABilly Idol- L. A. WomanChicago. Hearts In TroubleSI Paul- Stranger To Love

Propaganda, Only One WordLP Dave Stewart

RADIO STOCKHOLM . StockholmUlo MasUng - 011Prod.

AD BrownSharpe Sun WorshIppersAswad Next To YouThyry FlowersJulian Jonah It's A Jungle

Neopop. Talk To Me

RADIO GOTHENBURGLeilWivart Head Of Music

AD ropaganda. Only One WordGams Nannin,- ScandaloPrefab Spru, L.king ForGo West. King Of Wishful

LP Papa DeeTidy°

HIT FM StockholmJohan Bring Prog. Dir.Tap 10 Playlist:

Soul Rebellion- Simple RhythmMC Tunes- The Only RhymeThe Beloved...6 After TimeYea, Treat Me GoodPartners In Kryrne- Tor,Everydtiy People. Guess ItOkmax- Last Nite OJ Saved

Go West. King Of Wishful

Secret Secy.- All MyBorn

Linear- Sending All My LoveAD Eric B Rakm- Let The Rhythm

Marcel.- Quick QuickVismr, Jazz

SFR Morhopinglohm Kam. Head or MusicPP Phil Thaes Jo 15AO The Chimes- True Love

Don Patnol. All Night LongPapa Dee, HypocritesKevin Page- A Touch OfLondon Beat- I've BeenDodo it The Dodos- Du Skal .Kevin McDermott OrGunsch- WheelsBoogre Down 100

Just 0- N Gaeng Till



- Prod.Playlist Top 10,

Po,son- Unskinny BopFad No More- EpicRoxette. It Must Have Been

&Sus.- What's TheMichael Bolton. How Can We BeNew Kids Orr Block, Hangin.Heart- All I Wanna DoChyp Nom. Nothing Co -unarmMaxi M.. Close To YouPaul Jana. Every little Tear

AO DNA/Suaanne Vega- Tom's DinerThe Soup Dragons- I'm Free

RADIO 1 - Oslo

AcFaarlund DJ

AO New Kids 0/T Block. TonightThe Time. Jerk OutHeart -1 Didn't Want To Need

UnskInny BapIDNA/Suaanne Vega...DinerBeverly Craven- Prorrise Me

RADIO OST RadeKai Roger Ottesen Prod/DIAO Poison. Unskinny Bop

:171C 'Sr':17a,g Senator, Browm yed GirlMC Hammer. U Cant Touch This

hicago. Hearts In TroubleRosie ia- Eyes 01 A WomanLindy Layton. Silly Games

Lovely ThingJohnny GilliKenny 0- My My MyMaxi Piest- Peace ThroughoutPropaganda. Only One WordDuran Duran- Violence Of

RADIO He OsloGrete Torn Head 01MusicPP George Michael. Praying ForLP Delbert McClinton

RADIO 103. HaugesundEgil Houeland - Head Of Music

AD The Durn Dem Boy, En Plass 1Dave Stewart. Jack TalkingLiberties- Lonely TonihtDeaconI.Nevegr Pall

Mk, BiItsyCan TeSeeenyH,ouse Nowers.John Haw- Bring Back YourAn Emotional Fish, Celebrate

Wilson Phillip, Release MePrimal Scream. Come TogetherThe Soup ragons-I'm FreeBetty Boo- Where Are You Baby

Nelson- Just Can, LkLP Black Sorrows


MSiaxi Priestwoman

Was Not WasIN Kim Wilde

Beverly Craven

STUDENTRADICIEN TROMSORune Hagen Head Of MusicAirplay Top 10:

Alannah Myles. Love IsPrince- Thieves In The Temple

De Lillo, HankovalsmMatchstick Sum Mr PoreermanIggy Pop- HomeBilly Idol. L A. WomanThe Stone Roses- One LoveSinead O'Connor. The EmperorGary Moore- Walking By MyseR

RADIO FINN HarstadTom Berg - Head Of MusicPP Dave Rena, jack Tallung

The Soup Dragons. I'm FryeLonnie Gado, Beyond Your

AD Rosie Ania. Eyes Of A WomanONA,Suanne Vega- Tom's DinerLindy Layton. Silty GamesMaw Priest- Close To YouR.R0.- Lovely Thing

Jonathan Butler- Heal Our LandZouk MMachine, usue DansHanne Boel. Light In Yoiqur

LP PrinceMatchstick Sun

IN Matchstick Sun

ENIEMICEMDANMARKS RADIO. ArhusLeif Wivelsted Mead Of Prog.

Top 5:Roxette- It Must Have Been

MC Hammer- U ouch This

Wilson Philips. Hold OnTwenty., Snen- I Cn't StandSnap- Ooops Up

RADIO VOICE CopenhagenBo osBerg Dir.PI Poison- Unskinny Bop

Deee-Lite- Groove Is In TheAztec Camera. Crying XeneSte. V. Dirty CashVogue- Lies

Airplay Top 10:Lauren Wood- FallenMadill Carry. Vlsion Of LovePrince. Thieves In The TempleDNA/Suzanne Vega- Tom's DmerMaxi Priest. Close To YouThomas Lang. Pail

Peter Smith- walkingin KysGary Moo, By MyselfFrazier Chorus- Cloud EightJon Bon Jovl- Bille Of Glory

AO Billy .1- L.A.Woman

Go VVest- King Of Wishful

RADIO VIBORGHenning KristenseMPool Posed Mead 01 MusicPP Mang Carey. Vision Of Love

Vary Con Dios. Nah Neh NahUB 40- Wear You To The BallCraigh McLachlan. MonaTommy Page- Turn On The RadioGuido Mine°. Win That Game

AD Go West- King Of WishfulSrnokie. Peel Love

ONA¢Suzanne Vega. Tom, DinerKeld g Hilda. Hva Vi? Du Ha'

trtr:rE;brery'g-5Z ayont"Wet Wet Wet- St With Me

AALBORG NAERRAD10- AalborgOlaf Maditaky. DI/Prod.PP Bombalurina-Bdsy Teeny


ByJryhouse Rap

Rockers By Cholce.abalderDNAISuzanne Vega- Tom's Dine

Charles D Lewis- Sole Dance

Han. Boel. Wangs Make

Max Priest- Close To YouAwni Baker. CompositionsThe Time- Jerk Out

Next To YouWalk The VValk- Le. At AllKim VVilde- Time

, Ned, Brothers

AARHUS NAERRADIO AarhusFrankie Fever Head Of Music

Candy Fhp. Can This Be RealGeorge 1¢1,chael, Praying For

Dream ariors- Wash YourGo Wryt. The King Of WishfulJarn On The Muths- HotelZouk Machine, Mus,que DansManah Car, on Of Love


Vega. Tom's Diner

LP Jona

Cheap Trick- Can't Stopthan But.

PRADIO HORSENSan Boogaloo Head Of Music

PP Dave Stewart. Jack Talking

Stnead O'Connor- The EmperorPrince. Thieves In The Temple'Bryan Adams- Summer Of '69

ornbalurina. Bit, TeenyPHYIIa

Btg ountry- Heart Of TheDiana Ross. i.111 Still WaitingDave 51¢¢¢3¢1. jack Can'tTaingTwenty Sven- Stand

Alan Oben- Mer EM En

AO Gird.. Blue Eyes

Jam On The Mut. HowlTommy Page, Turn On The RadioRockers By Choice- Rabaklen.Pretty Awanon

LP Red Squares


GMerdalmPeter Hald Head Of MusicAirplay Top 10:

DNA/Swum Diner11.gam'serMari, Carey. Vision


OfMC ammer. PraMaxi Priest. CloserTo You

ederovBro.. Airy WorthBlue Pearl- Naked In The RainTangle Brothers- Doing OurDag Taylor.. All RightGary Moore- Walking By MyselfPrince. Thieves In The TemplePeter ¢¢1. SW Mine Kys

AO DNA/5mm¢ Vega- Tom's DinerRockers By Choice. Raa.,Nick Kamm. Promised MyselfThe Jerk Out

SLR SlagelseMichael Hansen - Head Of MusicPP JohnnyGilliKennyG.MyMyMy

George Michael- Praying For

AO DNA!Suzann¢ ega. Tom's DinerWendy MaHarr CaliforniaWet VVet et. Suy With MeSam Brown- Once In My Lile

LP Paul Young

Mariah Carey

YLE VRADIOMAFIA HelsinkiArlha Hawn, Music Coordinator1¢1¢ World Party- Put The Message

Kultakuume.Nurnmo I Jon BonJov¢ MadeLuke, Live Crew. Banned InPuolkuu- Olkoon NiinFad

O'Connor. The EmperorDread Zeppelin- Whole LattaDave Stewart. Jack TalkingZook Machine. MaldonMelba Moore- Uft Every Voice

condnues on page 24


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22 MUSIC a MEDIA September 11. MU C A MEDIA September B, 1990 23


Page 17: THE TOUR MEDIA -… · LINE, GEORGY PORGY and Pie,Vc, Single OUT OF LOVE will he axcalable


RADIO MUSA TamperePenni Terarainen ProducerAO INg Fun. Hey There Little Girl

Human League- Heart Like ATom, Page- Turn On The RadioRichard Barone- River To River

Zouk Machine- Maldon

Lonnie Gordon- Beyond Your

L P e

O ISCOPRESS TampereTIAN Lindell -CoOrd.Finland's 51Srll Chart

PP MC Nikke T. Hal.AD Bananarama- Your

Was Not Was- Papa Was AMr Lee. Like Girls


14Ziar'ZPI. M"'Rui Veloso- Paixao

George Michel- raying ForMari. Careya. Visa Of LoveSn.- Coops Up

CORRE10 DA MANNA LisbonRuiFrog. Dir.

A UseAD Maxi Priest, Pe0e Throughout

weds Party- VVay Down Now

Lukea Live Crew. Banned InUse

AD George Michael. Pray, ForDeacon Blue.111 Never FallPower Of Dreams Never Been


Alex.der Richardos DyProd.PI Lim Ford. HungryAD Guns a Roses- Civil War

Dio- One LoveLP Gary MooreIN Alice Cooper

MGR JERONIMO GROOVY -AthensO .1. Nagel 5 D1rProd.

Top 10 *WireBeloved- Time After Time

Jason Donovan. Another Nightranee, Sending All My LoveSnap. Om UpMedeiros/Brown. Shore in'tSonia 8,14 Fun- Y CotPaul Young, Oh GirlLois Lane- 1 Wanna BeThe Chimes. kg Haven,New Kids 0/T Block- Step By

SEVEN X.98.7 FM - AthensApostolos Laskarides- Prod.

Anew Tap lo:JaetJackson-, Come Back To Me

Jon Bon Jo. Blaze To GloryGeorge Michael- Praying ForVaya Con Dior Nah Neh NahThe Beloved- Time After Time51. Hornsby. Acmss TheMadonna- Hanky PankyPonce. Thieves In TheNevi Brothers- Bird OnToto.lle Love Has T. PowerA

Dance Airplay Top 10:Maureen Walsh. Thinking OfSnap- Ooops UpWas Not Was- Papa Was A


101- Talking With

Culture Beat- Like YouInnocence. Silent VoiceBeats Intern., Won't TalkMadeiros . Brown. She Ain'tArt Of Noise- Art Of Love

POLSKIE RADIO 3 WarsawNara Niekwiecki -Prod.PP Dave Stewart. Mr ReedAD George Michael. Praying For

Michael Bolton- Georgia On MyBoh Geld, The Great Sorig OfHorse- The Speed°lett Adams. Circle 010.New Kids OM Block- Tonight


Heavy Rotation:CL Adamski- Kiler

Roxere. Itoast Have BeenMC Hammer- U Can't Touch UsSnap. Ooops Up

eonCaVision 01 Love

,lon jovi. Nan Of GloryCogins- That Just The

UB 10. Akar You To T. BallSinead O'Connor- Emperor

Ponce- Thieves In The Temple2ouk Machine. MahlonTina Turner- Look Me In TheTechnotronic- MegamixSoul 11 Soul- People

Active Rotation:CL MooreThomas- V.y Can, We

Gary Wallong By MyselfDam Stew., jack TalkingWash loon Wares The HeartCoh just Came Backjanet Jackson, No. CatLondon Bea, ,e Been

Medium Rotation:CL Chad Jackson- Hear The

Wendy A, LIR. Strung OutThe Stone Roses- One Love

S'oPu-p 17/7ons. 1, Pr.Duran Duran, Violence OfCharles 0 Lews- Soca DanceBilly Idol. A WomanWilson Phillips Release MeInnsle Brothers Dom YourEros Ramassotn- Arnaro E


L. Merry Mead Of MusicPlayletCL Brand New Heavies Dream Come

Nick Kamen- Oh How HappyNick Kamen. Looking GoodNew Kids 07 Block- Sr. ByBananarama- Only Your Love

Pretenders- Never DoOnNorman Coo, Blame

TIt On The

PowerplayeCL Manah Carry. Vision Of Love

Jungle Brothers- Vegan' Our OwnDNA5uyanne o, DinerPonce- Threves In The TempleIonon jovi- Blaze Of GI,

Hot Tips:CL Ruby Blue- Primitive Man

Togerher- Hardcore UproarSung- Englishman In NY

COUNTDOWN OVER EUROPERola de Boer -Prod.Dance Top 10 featuring:ST Paula Abdul



arDP5 1111

P8, -PS

Paul Ciani - Prod.

Sonia- End Of The WorldKLF. What T,me Is LoveSteve Miller Band- The joker

try Boo. Mere Are You BabyNew Kids OIT Block- TonightWon Donner We Aryam 01Bombalunna- Imy Bits, TeenyWhitesnake. Now You're Gone


Gilbert Foucault - Music Co -Ord.Clip Des Clips:CL Is Aubert- UniversForce 11:CL Innoce.e- Natural Thing

jean.Pierre Mader. DixielandKurt Maloo- Love GrowMono Negro. Pas Asey De ToMean.- Une Femme Avec Une


Chope GhanaNew Kids OR Block- Step ByFlorent Pagny- CO Pa, Des NuitsVaya Con Dior What's A WomanKlm Ilde. Can, Get Enough

Force 8:CL loan Armatradmg- More Than

Basia. Cruising For BruisingAlain Chamfort- SourisFTC. I'm Not The Man UsedIndochina- Des Pleas Pourjean -Michel Jerre- Calypso

Maxi Priest- Close To Youflontaney-fe TAimerai EncoreNiagara-1'a'Vu Vanessa

Patsy- Cetm Force En LeiPhilippe Poider.Lry VoyousTonton David- Peoples Du loelleUrsulk White & BlackWashor Was- Papa Was A

EuromosiqueAnnie Amsellem Head Of Pros.CL JeamMichel Jerre. Calypso

Florent Pa,gny. Ca Fait Des WitsArt Mengo- Demain, DemainDepeche Mode. Policy Of TruthCharles D. Lewis Soca Dance

Alain Comfort. Curss can:'Claudia Phillips- e ,Mano Negra- Pas Assay De Toi

Sydney Youngblood- An, Nm


Aleksander Hain Of Music151. Rotation:CL That's Just The

Wilson Phillips. Release Me

Human Heart Like ARobert Eaveilson- NeverEAV. Samurai

Medium Rowan:CL Dave Stewrt- Jack Talking

Guido Minaeo. Win That GameManah Carey- Vlslon Of LoveRosie Ania, Eyes 01A VVomanChocolate. Ritmo De La Noche

RIAS TVLe Gate -ProducerVideo Chau New Entries:CL DNA1Suaanne Vega- Tom, Diner


Beats 9 V- Not OverPhil Collins That's just TheAlannah Is

Hig Li harts:CL

h Cavedy Dulfer- exu

MedeirosIBrown- She Ain'tMC Sar- It's On YouSonic Youth- Cool ThingGuru forh- Whose Lawlggy Pop HomeRosie Ania- Eyes Of A Woman&try Boo- Where Are You BabyGloria Estefan- Cuts Both

Mill -Live Special:CL Style Council


VERONICARob de Boer -Prod.CL Hank Wungaard.- He Su.

BZN- TepeeLiebrand5cott, Move To TheGeorge Michael- Praying ForMC a, lt, On You

BryanMachine- Maklon

Bryan Adams. Summer of '69London Beat- 1,e Been


Super SOJos van Oosterwildr Pee.CL Jason Dononn- Rhythm Of The

Yap Con Dies. Neh N.Manah Carey- Vision Of Love

Tina Turner. Look Me In TheLondon Bea, 1,e 13.1Craig McLachlan, MonaDNA/Suzanne Vega- Tom, DinerLorca- Ritmo De La NocheMC Hammer- U Can,Totich This

ST Bart Kull- Zeil Je Voor HetT. Romans Twice A Day



ONASuganne Vega


TNIB lest The Way It It ,TP

NNW Cartythate011me.emMC HammerUfa* Audi Ths mitNCO.Home MumLasoilon BMMem TIPMENton SW mamaP.mTheelallelePe mom Memo

Loa NadineMon

11911.1Blue Of Gory. ,r. CW1B etty BooWhere are tea BaN NenSnead O'ConnorThefwevorTheaGMet omenMaxi PentCM To Du Paw werN em Hedlies& Baby kmWM, Worth -

100M11311131UWEIkWq No Do TM Th. rts, It PmWilson MipsMdse Ne. fee tem

UBNWeir EV la Tbe BO seSnap

Dowem emiteEdAmktW itte

Tina tenoltM

I Tic HemWendy &Lisa

Out armChad JacksonNes 11nOrtamer


io You t. &..w


H YMN LeagueHeart Up A

New 10.0n The BledSip By Stait Gm momBilly idoLA AMPonoppwD ewy ThomasWhy CanIES Togedier , .

dwtDIM Om Own Dap me ivNew KiliOnThellladtTo4gkr law nesconThe Soup DragonsG Free. am

D uran DuranWM, Cl5mmet viaI=1ShiaThe. 01The Weld maim

Now entire Gana mLindy LaytonSlis Garnet 11.131

Personally...One of the highlights of Nordic beat SAfrika. It had an underground following MSbefore being released as a single. It has an ONsound. with a dash of reggae. world beat arid.hop. Yet despite the dance wave, Rock 8. RHOnot lost ground here, as the Wannadieswith their latest album. Also check out theof Rote Ania. who could well become theAnita Baker in a couple of years.

Cs, 103 a a local rop 40 ttation N Gothenbas rargetteri15-45 year olds and broxbaing 9000 musk a Loon

OLIVIER ALLARDETVoltage FMTP Keith Sweat- Make You Sweat

Everyday People- Headline NewsPerfect Gentlemen- 001 La La

LP Stanley Clarke/George DukeJanice Dempsey

MARGARETA ANDERSERG 5Radio City 103TP Dr Alban:Leda K. Hello *Mita

Guaranteed Raw. Make Your BodyRosie Ana. Eye, Of A Woman

LP Dave StewartThe Wannehes

TOM BLOMBERG NLNOSTP Christians- Green Bank Drive

Cliff Richard -SilhouettesOuireboys- There She Goes

LP Harry Connick Jr.Mar. Carey

KJET1L H. DALERadio 102TP Beverly Craven- Promise Me

An Emotional Fish- CelebrateLiberties Lonely Tonight

LP Matchstick SunBrent Bourgeois

CARLO DEBLASIRadio Stereo 103TP DNA/Suzanne Vega- Toms Diner

Prefab Sprout- Looking ForDave Stewart- Jack Talking

LP Mariah CareyWilson Phillips


Dave Stewart -Jack TalkingEarth Wind 11 Fir, Wanna Be A

LP PrinceMahal Carey

FRITZ EGNERBayeriuher Reedier.TP St Paul- Stranger To Low

Timmy Thomas- Why Can't WeDave Stewart- Jack Talking

LP PrinceThe Time

TIM FINLAY UKYorkshire Radio NetworkTP London Bea, I've Been

Claudia racken- AbsoluteEmotional Fith- LaXe Virginia

LP China CrisisColours

NEIL FRANCIS UKInyicta RadioTP Bob GeldoT Love Or Something

Junior Giscombe- Step OnMC Hammer- Have You Seen Her

LP Bad EnglishJohnny Gill

ARTUR FRANKRadio SalimTP Chicago- Hearts In Trouble

Maxi Pries, Close To YouPolar Po, Eisbaer

LP MC HammerKnebworth '90


Radio AntigoonTP Prefab Sprout- Looking For

The Cult Of Snap- Hi PowerVaya Con Dios- Nah Neh Nah

LP Prefab SproutVaya Con Dios

RUNE HAGENStudentradioen TromsoTP Flower. Up- les On

The Senators- Brown Eyed GirlSoup Dragons- I'm Free

LP Matchstick SunPixies

PETER HALO DKRadio SydkystenTP UB40- Wear You To The Ball

White House- Held OnGeorge Michael- Praying For

LP Peter SmithAve Star

MIKKO HIRVONEN SFRadio Oikea AsemaTP Sou. Garden- Big Dumb Sex

Robert Lloyd Nothing MattersMark Stewart- Hysteria

LP The Neale BrothersCandy Duller

EGIL HOUELANDRadio 102TP Primal Scream- Come Together

Dave Stewart- Jack TalkingJohn Hiatt- Bring Back Your Love

LP The Black CrowesWas Not Was

ULRIK HYLDGAARD DKRadio HenningTP Mari. Carey- Vision Of Love .

Diana Row It, Still WaitingMr Le, I Like Girls

LP Mariah CareyPrince

LOTJE IJZERMANS NLVPROTP Swervedriven Son Of Mustang

Living Colour TypeCrime Sr The City Solution- I

LP Beast Of BourbonD -E aver.

KENNI JAMES UKRed Rose RadioTP John Wete- Deal For Life

Maria McKee- Show Me YewGarage- Hearts In Trouble

LP Jude ColeJon Bon Jovi

HAAKAN JANSSONHit FMTP Army Of Lovers- Supernatural

Deee-Lte- Groove Is In ThePapa De, Latin' Off Steam

LP Move Your BodyJust D.

GUENTHER LESJAK AUOE 3TP DNA/Suzanne Vega- Tom's Diner

New Kids 07 Block- TonightGeorge Michael- Praying For Time

LP PrinceJon Bon Jovi

MAREK NIEDZWIECKIRadio Poland 3TP Propaganda- Only One Word

Prince- Thieves In The Temple Tole- Out Of Low

LP An. BakerDead Can Dance

KALLE OLDBYRadio Sweden/MalmoTP Rosie Ania- Eyes Of A Woman

London Bea, I've BeenJohan Kinde- V,ona

LP Carlene CarterAn Emotional Fish

KAI ROGER OTTESENRadio OstTP Poison- Unskinny Bop

Everyday People- I Guess ItBeverly Craven- Promise Me

LP Beverly GravenMaxi Priest



RETE 105TP An Emotional Ash- Celebrate

Brent Bourgeois Dare To FallGeorge Michael- Praying For

LP Duran DuranNobody's Child (Comp)

FREDRIK NICIEBERGRadio UpplandTP Dive- Same Old Town

Harries Temple Of LaveTrance Dance- Another Perfect

LP TrapMariah Carey


Dread Zeppelin- HeartbreakMan Galled Adam- Barefoot

LP Prefab SproutBell Biv DeVoe


FRANCIS TORNADETop FMTP DNA/Suzanne Vega- Tom's Diner

KLF- What Time Is LoveYell, Unbelievable

LP Kool SkoolBasic Black

META DE VRIES NLAVROTP Mecano- La Forza Del Destine

Prefab Sprout- Looking ForIan Gillen- No Good Luck

LP Prefab SproutStevie Was

'Trends relate the metal "of European radio 131s

are new recasts. amWend


Me he potential. and are givenairplay in the week before publication. DPcan fax their Les 43 Th. Tamil. Music 0

LMetie 31-106691551.

MUSIC & MEDIAa plea. al Erman NWSem IN an Watlibeeni

CWorl"="Int"'0eiret 941 OA enteinlarnitr=

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24 MUSIC A MEDIA - September B. H. MUSIC A MEDIA -September 8, IWO 25


Page 18: THE TOUR MEDIA -… · LINE, GEORGY PORGY and Pie,Vc, Single OUT OF LOVE will he axcalable






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Page 19: THE TOUR MEDIA -… · LINE, GEORGY PORGY and Pie,Vc, Single OUT OF LOVE will he axcalable


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Dance - The Airplay Debate ContinuesThe European dance

explosion has now reacheda point where it dominatesthe charts as never before.

Gary Smith looks at howrecord companies have

been gearing up to keepdance music firmly at thetop, in terms of both sales

and airplay.

Ai, Europe's major com-panies have now set updance labels or, as in the

case of CBS Germany and its newDance Pool, created separate

A&R/marketing sections withintheir companies. Couple that withthe amount of new independent

trt.' ,Ferry Moot says the singles markt is

labels dealing exclusively with

dance music, and it seems thegenre is set to have a high profilefor some time to come.

Yet much mainstream radio isstill unwilling or unable to reflectthis situation with programmersclaiming the dance boom is merelya passing fad of too tildesubstance to warrant any signifi-cant airtime Of course the labelsinvolved in the dance scene

disagree but they do recognise thatwithout daytime airplay supportthey are missing out on a significant

proportion of their potential market."We don't play any dance,

because other people do!' So saysTrevor Dann, head of music atBBC local station GLR. "RadioLondon, our predecessor, majoredon dance when they weren't beinga serious talk station. I took theview that the market was ade-quately covered, both then andnow, with the arrival of Kiss FM.GLR is as identifiable by the factthat we don't play dance as KissFM will be by the fact that it does.All things to all men radio is athing of the past!'

Chart importance"We have major problems getting

radio play:' says Simon Dunmore,label manager at Cooltempo. "Itseems a big club record holds noweight with BBC Radio I orCapital. You can have an act makethe top 40 but the record is notplaylisted. Don't Miss The Par-tylint by Ehatinezz spent 10 weeksin the UK charts, reaching no. 7.But outside Jeff Young's Radio Idance show it gel only nine

daytime Radio I plays. It'spathetic!'

Yet the vast amount of highcharting dance records makes it

unavoidable that a fairly high

percentage of records will be

played on top 40 -based stations.Soren Berzon, product managerat PolyGram International: "It'sstill something of a problem butgenerally radio is getting morebroad-minded, especially towardsthe more ethnic dance numbers.You have to bear in mind that thesingles market is in decline andthese days a lot of territoriesregard them purely as promo.tional tools. That has an effect onthe way DJs perceive them as well!'

The bottom line in this debate ishove much the more general 'pop'oriented radio stations should

reflect the singles chart? FerryMaat, head of music at TROSradio in Holland: "The singlesmarket these days is so small thatkids dictate the chart. It's no

longer that important and that'swhy we don't play so much dancestuff.'

TROS does of course play

dance music in drive and daytimeprogramming but only if they areeither new entries or in the top 25of the Dutch singles chart. Thestation does, however, have a

dance music programme called'Dance hacks', the only show ofits kind in Holland. The show,broadcast every Thursday eveningfrom 19.W and 2I.W, is hosted byMartiM Krabbe and attracts au-diences of 250-350.000. "We try toplay only 12" singles, althoughthat depends on what is availableeach week:' says Krabbe. "But ourmain aim is to play dance hits twomonths before they hit the chartsand always to play new material!'

The show does not have any for-matas such, the general rule is thatthey play up -tempo tracks for thefirst half-hour and then break thatup with a ballad and some danceclassics. Krabbe admits to beingpleasantly surprised by the show'spopularity and he has firm opi-nions about why some people areso reticent to programme dancemusic: "There was a time whenrock was the most progressivething around but now dance is thenew progressive music. Some peo-

ple are bound to react againstthat:'

Radio play"Radio always seems to have aconvienient excuse" says Dun-more "It's too clubby, too fast,too slow, a cover version!' Yet at-

titudes vary from one territory toanother. Belgium has long been astronghold of dance music andGino Moerman, promotionmanager at ARS Records in Ant-werp, is well aware of the ability ofairplay to increase sales: "We gel a

lot of help, especially from theprivate stations. Radio Contact isvery into dance music and VTMmonitors what it plays so it's notlong before you are on the national

network. In the French-speakingsector, RTBF has several dance.shows and they are also very recep-tive.'

Tillman Uhrmacher is both a1/1 and a musician. He plays withGerman chart -topping group TheOmen and does a weekly show forRadio RPR in Mannheim called'Maximale'. The show runs forthree hours starting at 18.00 everySaturday and is sponsored by theWorld Of Music (WOM) chain ofrecord shop,

"We mainly play club musicfrom Cologne, Frankfurt and

Munich plus of course a few im-ports:' says Uhrmacher. "Wechoose the bulk of the materialfrom the new records each week.We only play 12"s and we don't doany talkover, I think that's very im-portant.

"Judging by the feedback fromour listeners they really like thefact that we play the whole recordand the DI doesn't talk over thetrack. We have competitionswhere listeners can win and each week we make a

mega -mix from a listener's threefavourite songs. There is definitelyan audience for this type of pro-gramming, I'm sure that if otherstations were prepared to take arisk they would find that it works!'

But apart from aiming forairplay, some labels concentrateon radio advertising. Brussels -

based Pima, has tan extensiveradio campaign for Patti BurnsAnd The News, with the Belgianarm of Fun Radio having an ex-clusive on the new single EveningNews for part of August, and a tic -

in with the national lottery, broad-cast on RTBF. Promax also cir-culated advance copies of themaxi -single to Belgium's majorclubs.

The newly launched Kiss FM isthe UK's first and only all dancemusic station. Kiss made its nameas a pirate station, playing non -

continues on page 56



MUSIC MEDIA September It 1990 SS


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contwand damn., ss

stop dance, and head of program-ming Lindsay Wesker said they


will not play safe just because theynow have a licence: "During theday, between 06.00 and 19.00,

`RPR-Maximale' sample playlist

Classic O'Rap, Flagrant Desir, Import/PolyGramSlow Down,2 Tuff, ZYXHardcore Uproar, Together, ImportGhetto Heaven (Celestial experienre mix), Family Stand, WEASimple Rhythm (IVOM special tipk Soul Rebellion, Cardiac RecordsSilent Voice, Innocence, Chrysalis

Rytmo De La Noche, Chocolate in Frankenreich Lorca, TeldecLet The Rhythm Eliam, Eric B& Rakim, ImportZulu Groove (Cult Of Snap), Shaka Shaka, ImportSchwankende Gestalten (mmix), Select Midi, CBSWhat Is Love?, Dee Lit; WEAI Need Rhythm, Splash, WEAMonk In The Middle, Monk, ChrysalisOops Up Immix), Soap, Log.Laser Edit (B-SMtel, Duce, Boy Records

Kick The Power, Boogie Boys featuring Boogie Knight, SPVNiemand, Key Zero PolydorLa Rasa, Kip Frost, Import

Raise, Boys Own Productions, ImportEasy Life, Cabaret Voltaire, ImportLos Ninon Del Parque, Liasons Dangereuses ImportBlackman In Effect, Boogie Down Productions, Anola0-011 (Alcatraz AM version), Playa, Import

Broadcast on August 11, 18.00-21.00, compiled by Tillman Uhrmacher

them will be a playlist that the Rhwill stick to pretty closely, but itwill be a radical playlist. Thewhole basis of Kiss FM is that weplay credible records that are ontheir way up. And in fact it doesn'thave to be a record, we'll playacetates, tapes, anything that'sgood'

Logic Records' A&R managerMarcus Loeffel would welcomethe arrival of a German Kiss FM,but sees little likelihood of thishappening, especially in Frank-fuer: "In Germany you get noradio play. There are only aeon*of Munich -based independent sta-lad that play dance music!'

Targetting the DJBut with the huge volume ofreleases around, labels do have aproblem with largetting the DJwho is likely to play their product.Boris Loehe, head of EMI Elec-trola's dance division, has a

careful and methodical approachto marketing: "The first step is tomail out about 500 white label;Between 2.00-300 of those go toselected Ws, 100 to specialistdealers and the rest go to the radio

stations that have dance shows. Ialways play the track to an in-dependent distributor whose opi-nion I can trust.



II ratp fe with the

"If they like it I'll In them havesome pre -sale copies so when Elee-

trola's sales team goes into actiondealers are already aware of therecord. I follow that up with

contonues page SH




REINTHE DANCE -CHART BREAKERSINGLE 903 172 123-7 MAXI 903 172 124-0 5 Inch CO 903 172 125-2


MC HEUER 1113111111t1TER SY alla


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continued fromssevesd

selected advertising and somedegree of personal contact withradio DJs. It must be said thoughthat they get so much productthrust at them and are very fussy.Consequently, it is hard to getthem to play anything!'

gain Laehe believes in rower, Dsseacufaar

Dunmore takes a similar line"We operate a DI and a shop mail-ing list. We send between two and20 white labels to specialist shops.There are some Din we might have

missed so the shops help us pin-point these by giving them awayfree - or selling - to Din the shop

Italian company Ala Bianca hastwo dance labels, Flea Recordsand Mighty Quinn. MD MauriceBettelli says their dance productreceives little in the way ofspecialist radio attention but saysthe main networks do playa lot ofdance product. Ala Bianca is,

however, prepared to do differentedits for different media: "Pro-ducers usually prepare three ver-sions - a main version, a radio ver-sion and an instrumental!'Together with distributor EMI,"we combine our marketingstrategies. Both of us decide which

radio to send the records to".Belgian label Indisc recently

launched its own dance label,Buz. Product manager CatherineKlausling: "Vde do not do mixes


specifically for radio, although wedo have two for Gale, but these arecommercially available Everyonebuys dance on 7" and CD. We us-ed to make 12"s but they are notselling as well. Kids buy the CDs:'

Alternative marketingThere was a time when a DJ wouldwalk into a record shop and buy allthe dance 12"s on sale Now thenumber of records released makesthat impossible More and moreproduct has to fight for the

privilege of being part of a

dramatically shrinking market.

You can have a no. I single in theUK's Record Mirror dance chartand only sell 10.000 copies, A no. Iin the UK Gallup singles chart canbe yours for the sale of 23.000copies.

Inevitably, the labels are look-ing at other ways of promotingtheir records. One overlooked, orperhaps somewhat underrated,method is of course the personalappearance (PA). John Saunder-son of DMC (DJ Mixing Club) is afirm believer in the value of havinghis artists meeting the farm: "PAsare a serious promotional tool.When I organised them we'd dosix per night in and around a city

20,00 with a show for the kids,then go over to Piccadilly radio fora spot and then move to moreclubs. It must be said things havechanged recently though - the ar-tists are not nearly so visual, a lotof the acts are Rh and the music isjust done on computers'

Computers or no computers,deConstruction MD Keith Black-hurst takes the opposite view:"I'm not into PAs at all. None ofour artists have ever done them, Iwouldn't try to stop an artist ifthey wanted to do that but I thinkit's a cheap way of promoting adance record. Basically, a show is a

show and a record is a record!'Logic has built up its own

distribution company, AMY,which deals with specialist dance four or five different types of Din,

retailers only. Loeffel also concen-Oates on club DJs, by approachingthem directly, which is how hebroke Snap. He also lines up clubappearances and Logic also has itsown clubs in Frankfurt, where,says Laeffel, "we test our product.This is worth far mom than sen-ding records to radio people!'

Snap, a worldwide dance success for Leg,

Club promotionThem has been a rise in thenumber of companies doing clubpromotion but Saunderson be-lieves that most of them are notdoing their job particularly well:"They have a mailing list of maybe500 Ells but then they send dif-ferent types of music to all ofthem. You have to be more selec-tive than that, there's no point insending the wrong record to thewrong DJ. It'll just end up in their

garage'Black hurst agrees: "There are

all of whom have a different con-ception and that reflects in thetype of music they play in theclubs. There's no point in sending

hardcore material to commercialDin!'

So there can be little doubt thatthe influence of clubs has grown,and alongside that the importance

of specialist record shops. FredBerkhout, A&R /promotion man-ager at Amsterdam -based in-dependent label Go Bang!, whorecently had a string of successesin Benelux and the UK with D -Shake, King Bee and Dicky Disco:"The clubs are very powerful rightnow because there are so few radiostations that will play our sort ofmaterial,

"Go Bang! is after all a clublabel, we don't do radio edits, wesee that as a compromise. Foryears we tried all sorts of methodsto get our records played on theradio and it didn't work. Since we



For your dance partnerin Italy, contact us:

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decided to please ourselves thingshave gone well!'

This idea of a lack of com-promise is also close to the heart ofdeConstruction's Blackwell: "Wesee radio play as a bonus, we don'tgo out of our way to try and get it.You have to please yourself andtrust your instinct, there's no bigmagic formula. The same goes formaking the music - copying whatis going on just means that youend up with a watered-down ver-sion. The public these days areeducated and they will always gofor the original rather than thecopy!'

Changes in tasteBut with the chart success ofdance, major labels are buying up


any label that has even a modicumof success and you could end upwith a pretty gloomy picture. Yet,despite this, new labels are still be-ing set up. Loehe is leaving EMIElectrola in Germany to run hisown dance label. He believes thatwhatever the future holds in finan-cial terms there has been a fun-damental change in modemmusic Guitar -dominated rock isno longer the rebel's choice.

Welker agrees: "The basic at-titudes of the public have changoiThere was a time when pop musicwas bands like the Beatles and theRolling Stones. That is no longerthe case and some people in radiohave not moved on.

"Traditional teeny -bop acts arenot lasting like they used to, people

are turning away from that sort ofmanipulation. Kids generally aregrowing up much quicker andyour average 12 -year -old now

simply rejects pop pap. They aremuch more interested in wearingthe biggest, best trainers and fin-

ding pirate mmixes of their

favourite tracks!'On the other hand, Bettina

Pieper, international productmanager at Phonogram Germanysees plenty of reasons to try and

conunueson ;3,0511

Lindsay Wesker's Top 10

I. I Love ENeuthing About You, Stevie Wonder, Motown2. Way Out, Steve Arrington's Hall Of Fame, IConglather

3.1lip Hop Be Bop, Man Parrish, Polydor4. Peer Piper, Run DMC, Profile5. Never New l_ove Like This, Alexander O'Neal, Tabu6. The Night I Fell In Love, Luther Vandross, Epic

7. A Night In Tunisia, Chaka Khan, Warner Brothers8. Outstanding, Gap Band, Phonogram9. Beteha Wouldn't Hurt Me, Quincy Jones, A&M10. Fool's Paradise, Melissa Morgan, Capitol



Se MUSIC L MEDIA September A, 1990 MUSIC MEDIA ptember A, 0 59


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wed /romp,.make your dance records poprecords as well: "We go for dancepop more than hardcore material.Although we focus on club andspecialist retail outlets we do try tomake our products for the radio aswell"

Pieper is, among other things,in charge of the newly reformedCasablanca label which, in the late70s, was the label on which DonnaSummer and Giorgio Moroderhad a string of hits. At the mo-

ment she is resisting the tempta-tion to put out lots of product asmany dance labels do. Pieper: "Ifthings go well then we will expandand similarly with publicity, thedemand for the product will deter-mine how much more we do.

"I think that the dance scene isa passing fad. There am so manyacts coming and going so quicklywithout any discernible personali-ty that I think soon people willstart to get tired of it all"

Brian Carter, MD of BCM

Swedish Dance Chart, August 27

I. U Can't Touch This, MC Hammer, Capitol2. Oops Up, Snap, Logic3. !Can't Stand It, liventy 4 Seven, Mega/Coma4. Close 7b You, Maxi Priest, Virgin5. Dirty Cash (rembd, Stevie V, Mercury6. Such A Food Feeling, Esquille featuring Natalie, LF Records7. Just Tell Me, Rob & Raz featuring Leila K, Telegram8. Mother, Kayo, Swemix10. I Like Girls, Mr Lee, Jive

Compiled by Future Waves Promotion, bused on reports from 85 DJs.


agrees with Pieper: "Dance is themost brutal in terms of the expen-dability of the artists. The publicnow just don't care, they takeevrything on a product -by-product basis. If you're hot youhave to get out them straight awayand make your money - fast!'

The current situation is, in someways, a slightly artificial one, asthere so many 'pop' groups whowere, until recently rock -based,releasing dance singles, Conse-quently, the number of so-calleddance records has startled. Butpeople like Marshall Jefferson,Anita Baker and Luther Vandross;who have always done soul/dancewill keep on doing so and withconsiderably more credibility thanbefore.

Overall, though, Carter takes adim view of both the major labelsand their masons for getting in-volved in the dance scene: "Themajor labels have always had pro-blems breaking pop acts so nowthey have jumped on the band-wagon. Having said that, anydance act being at the top of thecharts is a good thing. A lot of rap-pers hate acts like MC Hammer

Oren erferne


but if that's what the kids wantthen you can't knack it"

There area lot of people in themedia who are hoping that dancemusic will go away but the simplefact is that this is now highlyunlikely. Not only has this 'trend'lasted much longer than its detraoors expected, it has also becomeso established that it is difficult tomagine such a huge and creativesection of today's music industrysimply disappearing. 0

[Additional reporting dby Howard Shannon

is a subsidiary of Ala Bianca Group s.r.l. - Via Mazzoni 34/36 - 41100 Modena - Italy - phone 059/223897 - Fax 059/219218

MUSIC a MEDIA - September S. MO SI 3


Page 26: THE TOUR MEDIA -… · LINE, GEORGY PORGY and Pie,Vc, Single OUT OF LOVE will he axcalable


MEDIA Rap Music - Finally Taking Off In FranceYo B -Boyd! In France

record companies and themedia are now actively

promoting rap, after yearsof indifference. EmmanuelLegrand charts the rise of

international rap in theFrench market and the

corresponding emergence!local talent.

A(though a couple of raptunes have hit the French

charts in the last few

years (Erik B & Rakim's Paid InFull, Neneh Cherry), rap in Francehas never generated much in theway of sales or media attention.Ewn Run DMC's crossover effort

with Aerosmith, Walk This Way,was hardly played on radio andsales remained poor.

But now it seems as if all the ma-

jor labels are busy pushing rapproduct in France: CBS has a win -

with Public Enemy; EMI hasput its weight behind breaking MCHammer; WEA has faith in theJungle Brothers; Musidisc hashigh expectations for 2 Live Crew;BMG Arida has a wide range ofrap acts with its variouscatalogues; Island has a roadshowtouring the country; and Virgin isfocusing on local talent.

Turning pointTo many in the industry, the turn -

Island's 'Nation Rep. bus has teen routing the country

ing paint was Public Enemy'sParis concert in April, attended by6.000 people, No other rap act hashad such extensive media cover-age, generated in part by Professor

Griff s resist comments aboutJews and black supremacy. CBSlabel manager Have Deplasse:"Public Enemy started to have afollowing in France with SpikeLee's movie 'Do The Right Thing'.Thanks to the movie, sales of thealbum It Takes A Nation To HoldUs Back jumped from 3.0(0 to19.000. So we had a good reason tobelieve that the new LP would dobetter. Initial orders of Fear Of ABlack Planet were 7.090 copies,and after five weeks, sales exceed-

ed 35.000.In July, CBS launched a major

push for all its rap catalogue,under the title Yo Rap Attack, in-cluding a Ffr 500.000 (app.

US$ 95.000) spot campaign onM6. CBS, Def Jam and Epic actsare all involved, as well as twoFrench acts: Lionel D and Titi et.Nobru. he addition, PublicEnemy's single 911 Is A Joke was

serviced to radio stations andSkyrock put the song on mediumrotation (twice a day).

Laurent Bouneau, Skyrock pro-gramme manager: "I discoveredthe song by watching a TV pro-granune on M6 featuring rap acts,and! was seduced by the bend andthe song. Public Enemy are a veryinteresting group, but they play

music that is hard to programmeon a station that aims to reach alarge audience. It's a gamble forus. Rap has a following in France,but is not yet mainstream, so wehave to programme rap musiccautiously, in order not to looseour audience.'

Jean -Michel Canitrot, radiopromotion manager at Island,finds it hard to understand why sofew radio stations will programmerap: "After all, rap is a music youcan dance to, so why are stationswhich play house or disco so un-willing to play rap?" But Deplasseis not surprised: "Radio stationsare commercial so you can't expectthem to support a new musicaltrend as radical as this one. Theyhave a wait -and -see attitude'

Local talent

Rap has also begun to inspireyoung French acts. CBS ownedlabel Squatt has just released thefirst LP from local pioneers

Lionel D and Dee Nasty andVirgin France and indie labelLabelle Noir have released thecompilation Rapattitudes whichhas tracks from 10 acts includingTonton David, Daddy Yod, EJM,Supreme NTM. Sales of the com-pilation exceeded 10.000 units dur-

ing the first month of release,showing that a local market is star-ting to emerge

Island France has chosen to





focus both on US acts and give aboost to local acts by going on theroad to meet the public, Allsummer a truck equipped with asound system travelled aroundFrance, stopping in the main citiesorganising contests with local rap-pers. All the winners will take partin the Paris finals later this monthand the overall champion will begiven the truck, a recording con-tract with Island and M6 will pro-duce a video.

The project is a joint effort bet-ween magazine Actuel, its sub-sidiary Radio Nova, M6 and retailchain FNAC. To coincide with thetour, Island has also released a rap

compilation titled Nation Rapfeaturing, among others, Tone-Loc, Eric B & Rakim and Eary-EEach slap in the tour is linked withlocal promotion with FM radiostations and FNAC stores.

Media attention

Island's Canitroti "It has alwaysbeen difficult to get media atten-tion for rap music. With this cam-paign, we try to reverse the trend.We have chosen to work with local

radio stations instead of a nationalnetwork, because we want to

create a partnership with them andassociate them with a new musicaland social movement. Few radiostations play rap music. They havereservations and consider it as arough music, and we want to showthere is a new potential audience,larger than they imagine'

Philippe Desindes, BMGAriolamarketing manager, considers theIsland plan as a "fantastic" way topromote rap. BMG is also startinga marketing plan in July calledRap Attack, featuring all the rapacts on the BMG labels and heregrets that radio stations don'ttake more risks in programmingrap music: "Rap is hardly playedon French radio. Lyrics are veryimportant in rap, but they have tobe accepted by programmers and arap tune needs a musical gimmick.Acts like De La Soul, A Tribe Call-ed Quest or Queen Latifah are go-ing to make it commercially inEurope because they have that lit-tle musical hook'

Deplasse believes rap is nowbeginning to spread outside Paris:"In the beginning, 70% of sales

Chuck D from Public Enemy (left), with Nina Hagen (right) and Herm Deplassefrom CBS France after Public Enemy's ground -breaking concert.

were made via retail chain FNACand 60% of the sales were in Paris.Now, Paris only accounts for 35%of Public Enemy's sales, and alltypes of stores carry the album.But it is also very difficult to set upanything with US rap acts. They

am totally unreliable, very hard towork with, they change planseveryday. As long as they will notchange their attitude, they willhave trouble coming and breakingin Europe'



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