Download - The TMJ (temporomadibular joint) and TMD (temporomandibular disorder)

Page 1: The TMJ (temporomadibular joint) and TMD (temporomandibular disorder)

The TMJ (Temporomadibular Joint) and TMD (Temporomandibular Disorder)

The condition TMJ is actually a large group of disorders relating to the function of the jaw joint and the muscles around it. Everyone not only has it, they have two. Disorders of the TMJ are called Temporomandibular Disorders or TMD.

Page 2: The TMJ (temporomadibular joint) and TMD (temporomandibular disorder)

TMD can be caused by -

TMD can be caused by a wide variety of problems including, but not limited to: grinding (also known as Bruxism), clinching, trauma to the TMJ or jaw muscles, stress, fatigue, arthritis, etc.

Page 3: The TMJ (temporomadibular joint) and TMD (temporomandibular disorder)

Signs and symptoms of TMD

● Signs and symptoms of TMD include aching, stiff neck, disorganized bite, multiple bites, limited opening of the TMJ, headaches, sensitive teeth, sometimes popping or grinding noises in the TMJ, worn teeth, etc.

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Treatment is case specific -

● Treatment is case specific, but most often involves a stretching regimen, anti-inflammatory medications, and a splint or nightguard (shown below).

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If you suffering from TMD -

If you feel that you may be suffering from TMD please contact our office at



Contact No.

We would be happy to evaluate your condition and get your started on the road to treatment and health.

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