Download - The Temple of Nim Newsletter - April 2005

  • 7/31/2019 The Temple of Nim Newsletter - April 2005


    Blue Mountains UFO Research Club Newsletter April, 2005.

    The Temple of Nim.


    Blue Mountains UFOResearch Club.

    Vol. 2 Issue No 4.

    April 2005.


    The Big Four.

    A Cretaceous Dinosaur at Kanangra.

    The Spanish Discovery of Australia.

    New Giant-size Blue Mountains Lion Tracks found.

    Latest UFO News.

    Club activities.


  • 7/31/2019 The Temple of Nim Newsletter - April 2005


    Blue Mountains UFO Research Club Newsletter April, 2005.

    Blue Mountains UFO Research Club News.Our next meeting will be held on Saturday 16th April 2005 atthe Gilroy residence, 12 Kamillaroi Road, South Katoomba,from 2pm onwards.

    We are situated on the corner of Kamillaroi Road and Ficus Street, and as we always say,park in Ficus Street where there is safer parking.

    PLEASENOSMOKINGONTHEPREMISES.ALSO, NO LARGE BAGS IN THE CINEMA OR HOUSE, THIS ACTION HAS BEEN TAKENBECAUSEOFTHERECENTTHEFTS.Please bring any friends interested in UFOlogy and the mysteries generally, and lets allhear of any personal experiences involving UFOs or the unexplained.

    Bring a plate of food to share for afternoon tea. Our meetings are usuallyheld on thethird Saturday of each month.We have of late been receiving strange threatening hate mail, howeverthe matter is now in the hands of the local Police and Australia Post

    investigators, so we will keep you posted.Looking forward to seeing you all again on April 16th..

    Program for the 16th April meeting. Documentary - September 11 conspiracy Painful Deceptions.

    Latest UFO Reports.

    Any UFO experiences/reports from members.

    Slide preview of the Gilroys new book Uru The Lost Civilisation ofAustralia.

    Revealing new photographic evidence of strange lights in the sky.

    As usual, weather permitting, there will be a Skywatch out beyond theWaterboard gate on nearby Narrow Neck Peninsula, so bring along yourbinoculars, cameras, and winter woolies for an enjoyable time.

    And other surprises...

    And remember, bring your friends as we always like to see new faces.

    Contact Information: Phone: 02 4782 3441, Email:[email protected]

    [or catch our website and type in Rex Gilroy.].

    Rex and Heather Gilroy,Australias top UFO andunexplained mysteries

    Research team.Photo copyright Rex Gilroy



    Our Last Meeting. Despite the weatherpreventing us from having a Skywatch, westill had a good meeting. Latest UFOsightings were reported on, together with

    Big Cat sightings and casts of their trackswere shown, followed by some veryinteresting videos in the Rex Cinema.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]://
  • 7/31/2019 The Temple of Nim Newsletter - April 2005


    Blue Mountains UFO Research Club Newsletter April, 2005.

    Lets hope the weather finally allowsus all to have a Skywatch on our nextmeeting, at the fantastic new site beyondthe Water Board gate. Narrow Neck iscertainly an exciting place for UFOwatching.

    The Big Four. Since the Symposiumheld at Orange, which has put DebraGoninan and Russell Dunns Central WestParanormal Research Group on the localmedia map, I have been working on moreideas to unite our clubs through regularcontact and the sharing of sightings reportsof UFOs etc, and regular combinedmeetings. I also believe that, as part of thisunity, whenever one of our clubs is having

    membership problems they should behelped by the others, such as for example,members of the others attending that clubsmeetings to help build up numbers, whichalso impresses any prospective newmembers for the particular club that mightbe present, encouraging them to comeback.

    Thus we are helping UFOlogygenerally and at the same time creatingcontinual good will among all concerned.Debra and Russell are doing a great job out

    west and should be supported by as manyvisitors as possible from the other clubswhile they are working to increase theirmembership.

    The Big Three, as I have christenedour enterprise,. ie Central West ParanormalResearch, Blue Mountains UFO researchand UFO Research NSW in Sydney nowbecome the Big Four with the addition ofINFODIG [Information Discussion Group] ofGosford. Everyone has a great time at all

    these groups, which are free of cliques, witheveryone meeting to talk about their latestUFO sightings and other phenomena, andwe all go home fired up to continue theresearch looking forward the next meeting and that is how it should be.A Cretaceous Dinosaur at Kanangra.By Rex Gilroy. Copyright Rex Gilroy 2005.During August 200l, while exploring forother things out on the Kanangra BoydNational Park, I chanced to stumble upontwo dinosaur tracks, embedded in volcanic

    ash and mud of a shoal layed down duringan eruption, over which the reptile hadwalked after the deposit had cooled. Rainhad fallen to react with the chemicals in the

    ash to create a concrete-hard solidification.This had protected these fossils sinceCretaceous times anywhere between 144and 66 million years ago.

    The two tracks differed in size, thelargest being 1.4m in length by 1.3m widthacross the three toes, 46cm width acrossthe mid-track and the same at the heel, by5cm in depth. 3.3m away was the secondtrack, which was 78cm width across the twoouter outstretched toes, and 53cm lengthfrom tip of mid toe to back of heel. It was12cm deep in the rock.

    The reptile that left these tracksthrough time was easily perhaps a fewmetres in height but its identity remains amystery for now. However, the shape of the

    tracks does tend to place it within thetyrannosauropus footprint taxon. That is, itbelongs to an Australian dinosaur speciesrelated to Tyrannosaurus rex [ not yetofficially identified from Australia].

    I know of other sites across the BlueMountains where identical tracks to this oneoccur. The locations of all these tracks mustremain secret, as we do not want a similarsituation to that of Broome, where dinosaurtracks whose location had become too wellknow to the public, were cut out of the rock

    for sale overseas. Only a tip-off to theauthorities saved them from being sold onthe International fossil black market. Theoriginals now rest at the Western AustralianMuseum, Perth and a metal cast of theoriginals has been implanted where thefossils once were.


    Tyrannosaurus rex. Sketch by Rex Gilroy. A similarcarnosaur is known under several names throughoutAboriginal Australia. Such a creature was known toWollemi tribespeople. Sketch copyright Rex Gilroy



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    Blue Mountains UFO Research Club Newsletter April, 2005.

    A fossil footprint of a bipedal reptile of the

    Cretaceous period over 65 million years ago.Kanangra Boyd National Park, NSW.Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2004.

    The Spanish Discovery of Australia.By Rex Gilroy. Copyright Rex Gilroy2005. Discoveries of relics, wrecks androck inscriptions along the ruggedAustralian coastline, speak of unknowncontacts with our shores by mariners fromPortugal and Spain, a century and morebefore the arrival of the first Dutchmen. The

    evidence for Portuguese voyages toAustralia is beyond the scope of this report,so I shall save it for a separate article.

    During the 1920s bushwalkers onStephens Island, 68km south of Cairns, farnorth Queensland, and 5km off themainland, stumbled upon a stone Peruvianidol, decorated in old Castilian jewellery,half-buried in dense jungle undergrowth.

    Many years ago, Aborigines onMurray Island, 165km northwest of Cape

    York, were found to possess light-coloured

    skins with definite Latin features and to useSpanish words in everyday language. Whilein Ingham, 83km u p the coast from

    Townsville, a farmer ploughed up three-and-a half swords of Castilian design andone with a highly embossed hilt. Also nearProserpine, 225 km down the coast from

    Townsville, another Spanish sword hassince been discovered.

    During the 1930s an old crumblinghuman skeleton was found, laid out upon a

    sandstone crevice in a deep rock shelter inthe mountains behind Mackay. It wasclothed in a morrion helmets andbreastplate. Also in the 1930s, two other

    human skeletons clothed in Spanish armourwere found preserved in a cave behindCooktown. Even in recent times, many 16th

    century Spanish coins have been found,washed up on a Cooktown beach. Somelocals claim the coins come from theremains of a Spanish vessel wreckedoffshore.

    The list of Queensland relics telling of16th and 17th century Spanish landfallshereabouts is far too extensive for thisarticle. Yet the New South Wales coast hasrevealed a good deal of evidence oflandfalls.

    During the 19th century, Aborigines ofthe Clarence River/Grafton district,

    informed settlers that long, long before the

    coming of the British, other white men andwomen had tried to settle the area. Thesevisitors, dressed in stone garments[armour], had sailed up the river from thecoast in giant canoes. They soon erected alarge camp surrounded by a woodenpalisade. It appears the unwelcome visitorsthen began building more substantialwooden dwellings and tried to subjugatethe Aborigines. However, the tribesmenfought back, and the stone-suited visitorsand their women abandoned their

    settlement, sailing away never to return.Many Aborigines met by the early

    British settlers in this district, were found topossess Latin racial features with paleskins, and used many Spanish words intheir language; and a number of Spanishcoins dating to the 1520s and 30s havebeen unearthed around Grafton and alongthe Clarence River. Perhaps the Spaniardswere looking for gold. An old Aboriginaltradition of the Tweed River district tells of

    strange men in stone garments attemptingto mine in the Mt Warning area manygenerations before the coming of theBritish. As further evidence supporting thistradition, a farmer dug up an old morrionhelmet at Kunghur, out of Nimbin further tothe south; and skin divers years agoclaimed to have retrieved a number of 16th

    century Spanish doubloons and other relics,from the remains of a wooden shipwreck off

    Tweed Heads.Spanish colonists were obviously

    being dispatched from Peru to establishsettlements in the Great South Land,which implies that expeditions had alreadyreturned from our shores to report on their


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    Blue Mountains UFO Research Club Newsletter April, 2005.

    discovery, and probably of the gold andother precious metals to be found there.

    In September 1985 while searchingfor Aboriginal rock art I stumbled upon anancient Spanish Latin doodle; inscription[ie a form of shorthand used by Spain andPortugal during the 15th to 17th centuries]on a ridge at Colo, near the HawkesburyRiver. They have since been translated toread:

    We in three galleons, the Almiranta; theCapitana

    and Concepcion, with colonists andsoldiers, take

    possession of this land for Holy Spain, bythe sign

    of the Cross 1558

    It reminded me of another, morefamous clifftop Latin doodle inscription,discovered at Bondi in 1912, by LawrenceHargrave, Australias father of aviation.

    This inscription consisted ofletterings and outlines of two ships one agalleon, the other a carrack [a vesselsteered by a sweep, like a Greek trireme],resembling the Santa Maria in whichColumbus sailed to the Americas in 1492.

    The letterings in capitals beside the ships,were BALN in one line and beneathZIAH. The letter W was beside thesacred symbol of a Cross within anelongated circle, the symbol of intendedconquest by Spain. It was emblazoned onthe sails of the Spanish Armada and theships of the Conquistadores on theirvoyages to the Americas. The inscriptionwas later translated to read:

    We in the Santa Barbara and Santa Isabelconquered W*from point to point by the sign of the


    AIH could have been the rocksignatures of witnesses to the declaration,he believed. [*W may have stood for thesouthern continent, which to the Spaniardsof the Americas, lay to the West of Peru].

    Hargrave discovered a faded Spanishstyle coat of arms and a Cross engraved

    adjacent to these doodlings, enough forhim to declare that the British were not thefirst explorers to land at Botany Bay andSydney Harbour. His claims caused a storm

    of academic protest at the time, yet in morerecent times, historians have speculatedwhether the names Santa Barbara andSanta Isabel mentioned in the inscription,were the very same ships of those nameswhich were lost from the second Pacificexpedition of Alvaro Mendana de Neyra,dispatched to find and colonise Australia in1595.

    On his first expedition, AlvaraMendana de Neyra sailed from Callao, Peru[ie New Spain] on 20th November 1567with two ships, 150 men [four of whomwere friars], and orders to establish asettlement. After a voyage of 80 days, theexpedition sighted land in February 1568.At first this land appeared to be so large as

    to be a continent, but it instead turned outto be the Solomon Islands. Due to the poorcondition of his ships, Mendana decidedagainst establishing a colony and soreturned to New Spain. Officialdom movedslowly and it would be another 27 yearsbefore Mendana would be able to leadanother expedition in search of the GreatSouth Land.

    The now-faded engravings found near Botany Bay in1912, by Lawrence Hargrave. Photo copyright RexGilroy 2005


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    Blue Mountains UFO Research Club Newsletter April, 2005.

    The engravings [surrounded by early 20th centurysignatures, are thought to have been left bycrewmen of the Santa Barbara and Santa Isabel in1595. Thus the Spaniards may have beaten Captain

    Cook [1770] by 175 years! Photo copyright RexGilroy 2005.

    By now the Dutch were movingswiftly to establish themselves in the SpiceIslands and the Spanish, with a fleetcommanded by Mendana, hoped to head offthe ambitious Dutch.

    Mendanas fleet consisted of threegalleons, a frigate and a carrack, with PedroFernandez de Quiros as chief pilot andcaptain of Mendanas galleon, the San

    Jeronimo. Lope de Vega commanded theSanta Isabel, Felipe Corzo commanded theSan Felippe, and Alonzo de Leyvacommanded the frigate Santa Catalina. Thecarrack was named the Santa Barbara.

    After sailing from Callao on 9th April,the expedition reached the MarquesasIslands without incident, however, whilenegotiating the Ellis Islands, the fleet struckbad weather, during which the Santa Isabelbecame separated. Following a fruitlesssearch for the lost vessel, Mendanas

    remaining ships discovered Santa CruzIsland. After dispatching the Santa Barbara

    to continue the search for the lost vessel,Mendana attempted to establish a colonyon Santa Cruz, but attacks by the nativepopulation, sickness and mutinousoutbursts among the ships crews doomedthe venture, especially after Mendana fell illand died. The remainder of his expeditionsailed for the Philippines, Mendanasattempt to establish a Spanish Australianempire at an end.

    Spanish ships conquer the Pacific Ocean, on

    voyages that brought them to the shores ofAustralia.

    A Spanish carrack, a ship of the 16th centurydesigned for both trade and war.


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    Blue Mountains UFO Research Club Newsletter April, 2005.

    However, the puzzle of the fate ofthe Santa Isabel and Santa Barbararemains, for neither ship was ever seenagain. The theory is that, if they were notwrecked, they may have reunited, sailingabout 3,000 km off course to find theAustralian east coast, and enter Botany Bay175 years ahead of James Cook RN, and atleast 10 years before the first Dutchexplorer, William Jantsz reached our shoresin 1606

    *****There are coming to light new leads

    which might one day help unravel themystery of the fate of these two ships andtheir occupants. In 1936 a lengthy SpanishLatin doodle inscription was found near

    the mouth of the Georges River, and aboutthis time, upriver at East Hills, ancientstone ruins located on the river bank werefound, from which a morrion helmet wasrecovered. In 1967 a cache of Spanishdoubloons from the Mendana period weredug up by workmen constructing a severalmetre deep pipeline at Macquarie Fields,south of Liverpool and near the river, all ofwhich suggests that Spanish explorers,perhaps from the Santa Isabel and SantaBarbara, had sailed from botany Bay to

    explore along this river.On Friday 26th May 2000 Greg Foster

    discovered some remarkable faded glyphscarved on a sandstone clifftop at BaulkhamHills. Together we cleared the rock surfacein search of more. Their faded conditionmade chalking their outlines necessary forphotographic purposes. We soon realisedthat the glyphs were old Spanish Latindoodles.

    There was a cross within a circle and

    two Spanish-type vessels outlines, and theyear 1595 in archaic letters among otherglyphs. Eventually the lengthy inscriptionwould be translated to read:

    We of the galleon Santa Barbara, of 51crew for Holy Spain

    in search of gold, together with the SanFilippe, with 51

    crewmen, San Jeronimo, with 57 crew,Santa Catalina

    and Santa Isabel with 57 crew each, sailed

    in search ofthe West Land of Gold on April 9th 1595.

    Alvaro Mendana de Neyra of the SanJeronimo

    our leader. Separated we sailed on. Weclaim this

    land for Holy Spain.

    The exact location of this inscriptionmust remain a secret to avoid vandalism,but it lies near Darling Mills Creek whichflows into the Parramatta River, which inturn flows into Sydney Harbour. It appearsthat this important find of Gregs suggestsconsiderable time was spent hereabouts bythe crews of these two ships before sailingon, presumably northwards up our eastcoast. Other finds of Spanish rock script anda carved Peruvian style face, cut in relief on

    a cliffside up a Sydney Harbour backwatermay shed even more light on the lostvoyage of the Santa Barbara and SantaIsabel.

    Perhaps they spent some time inBrisbane Waters near Gosford on their waynorth, for Spanish rock scripts have beenfound here.

    In 1859 the Barque Marina waswrecked on the Great Barrier reef north ofCooktown, her crew landed n Raine Islandto the east of Cape York Peninsula, and

    found an old wreck with a brass cannonbearing an inscription, Santa Barbara1596 engraved on the barrel. 108 yearslater in 1967, skin divers recovered from anearby reef a bronze cannonade, the barrelof which was also inscribed with SantaBarbara 1596.

    Could the Santa Barbara and SantaIsabel have been attempting to reach thePhilippines but come to grief on the GreatBarrier Reef in Torres Strait? We shall

    perhaps never really know. And, as thesetwo names were quite commonplace inSpanish shipping of


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    Blue Mountains UFO Research Club Newsletter April, 2005.

    The Girrakool Spaniard, a human figure Aboriginalrock engraving at Girrakool National Park, CentralCoast NSW. The figure displays a barrel-like chest

    with spiked elbows and knees, reminiscent of thebreastplates and armour joint of 16th centurySpanish soldiers. Similar figures are carved as farsouth as the Wollongong district. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2005.

    those times, the engravings on thosecannons might have been from some otherSanta Barbara.

    There are many more mysteries ofthe unknown Spanish discovery of Australia,such as the mysterious stone ruins,believed to be a Spanish Fort, located in asmall inlet near Eden, from which a Spanishmorrion helmet, breast plate and wine jugfragments among other relics wererecovered in the 1920s. A stone foundamong the ruins bore the date in archaicnumerals 1524.

    The Spanish discovery of Australia isa fascinating subject to which I shall returnin a future newsletter. However, it isinteresting to speculate that, had eventsturned out differently, rather than English,

    we might have been speaking Spanish oreven Portuguese today!


    A mystery Peruvian face carving on the shores ofSydney Harbour which was

    perhaps carved by Peruvian slaves under Spanishdirection.

    Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2005.The cross with faded coat of arms found near the

    Botany Bay. 1595 Spanish inscription by LawrenceHargrave in 1912. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy



    rockinscriptionfound by


    Note date 1595 in archaic letters beside the ruler.Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2 005.


    August 1993, Rex and Heather Gilroy uncovered twosets of ancient Spanish Latin shorthand rock

    inscriptions at a site near Maclean on the ClarenceRiver NSW. Are they evidence of attempted Spanishcolonisation of the nearby Grafton district, whichother finds thereabouts suggest?

    Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2005.


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    Blue Mountains UFO Research Club Newsletter April, 2005.

    The Spanish Latin shorthand rock inscriptiondiscovered by Rex Gilroy in September 1985, on theColo River at Maroota NSW suggesting an attemptedSpanish colonisation attempt in the Hawkesburydistrict in 1558. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2005.

    This inscription found is thought to state: This landis claimed by the San Jeronimo for Holy Spain in

    1545. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2005.

    Another inscription found on a nearby rock isbelieved to state: The galleons Vitteria and Dios

    Jesu claim this land by the sign of the Cross in1547.

    Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2005.

    Two cannon balls believed to be of early 16th centurySpanish origin, recovered from a beach on Long

    Island, off Cardwell, north Queensland in the early1970s near an ancient wooden ship wreck. Spanish

    pottery and other trinkets recovered from the wrecksite early in the 20th century led some historians tosuggest the wreck to have been a probable Spanish

    galleon. Photo Copyright Rex Gilroy 2005.

    The ruins of anapparent stone fort,

    hidden in scrubnear an inlet southEden, south coastalNSW. A date 1924is engraved into astone forming partof the wall. Photocopyright Rex

    Gilroy 2005.


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    Blue Mountains UFO Research Club Newsletter April, 2005.

    This 16th century

    Spanish wine jar wasrecovered in afishermans net southof the stone fort, offGabo Island, Victoria.Remains of a Spanishgalleon are claimed byskindivers to lienearby. Photocopyright Rex Gilroy2005.

    New giant-size Blue Mountains LionTracks found on Narrow NeckPeninsula, Katoomba.

    By Rex Gilroy. Copyright Rex Gilroy2005. On Tuesday 15th March 2005, while

    filming a program on big cats and theThylacine mystery with a team fromChannel 7s Sunday Sunrise program,Heather and I together with Greg, showedreporters the site, out on Narrow NeckPeninsula, where in March 2004 I haduncovered a number of large tracks at amuddy waterhole, of the mysterious, giant-size Blue Mountains Lion, a giantmarsupial cat species at least 2m in lengthfrom nose to tail tip.

    To our very great surprise westumbled upon a series of more of thesetracks, measuring 28cm width across thefour huge toes by 18cm length and up to2cm deep in the soil. The Lion tracks wereat least 2-3 days old. Many of the tracksthat we found had mostly been obliteratedby peoples footprints and a vehicle tyreimpression. The three remaining best-preserved specimens were spaced apart ina triangular fashion; two upfront were1.10m apart, the left one being 1.7m

    distant from the rear specimen, which was1m apart from the top right track.

    We will now be watching this locationfor it would appear the animals periodically

    return here. Meanwhile a special camerasent out from America by our Oklahomacolleague, Todd Jurasek, will be used toattempt to capture the animal/s on film.

    The camera will also be used in the Wollemiand Kenthurst localities where Lion andPanther [Marsupial Cat] tracks are stillbeing found, and a documentary film is tobe made of our efforts.


    Rex holding a Blue Mountain Lion track cast. Thetrack is one of the recent Katoomba finds. Photo

    copyright Rex Gilroy 2005.

    Blue Mountains Abuzz with UFOs . On

    Friday 25th

    March at 1am while walkingCuddles along Cliff Drive, near HildasLookout, I spotted a silvery glow in low-hanging misty clouds above the second armof Narrow Neck Peninsula. The glow was inthe act of descending and appeared to lightup the trees, as if to land in dense scrub outin a remote area known to me.

    On a previous occasion a bluish glowhas been seen to do the same thing, asearch of this area will be mounted soon.

    In our previous newsletter I reported

    on an approximate 1km length cylinder-shaped gigantic craft seen hovering ormoving over Blue Mountains skies in recentweeks. At least six more sightings confirmmy own observation [see previousnewsletter] and on Tuesday 22nd March2005, a Mr Jack Ackroft and friends spottedwhat appears to have been this sameobject, high in the sky over Lithgow, movingslowly from the northwest to southeastaround 5pm. He says it looked pinkish and

    was surely high above the earthsatmosphere.On Wednesday 23rd I had been

    walking Cuddles out on narrow Neck


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    Blue Mountains UFO Research Club Newsletter April, 2005.

    Peninsula, when at 7pm high above thewestern horizon in the fading sunlight, atabout cloud level, as I watched withbinoculars, a dark-coloured cloud of ball-shape literally imploded into itself todisappear within one minute!

    On Tuesday 1st February this samephenomena was observed by me out on thesame peninsula at around 3.30pm, in whicha sausage-shaped brownish cloudimploded high above Burragorang Valley.

    Ian Maurice of Sydney was driving onthe night of Saturday 22nd January this yeararound 9pm on a road at Lemongrove nearLiverpool, when he spotted a bright light[silver-white he says], moving towards thewest at cloud level. It appeared to increase

    in size from a very small object as it movedslowly across the sky.

    At 9.15pm a Mr John Richmondspotted what appears to have been thesame object from Emu Plains, and at9.40pm it was sighted high in the sky aboveLeura by several people. One woman who

    reported the event to me says that theobject, seen by her through binoculars,appeared saucer-shaped, and by now itappears to have increased to the size of afive-cent piece, as from the descriptiongiven. The object moved over Katoomba, tobe spotted by people in Megalong Valley,who said the great light just suddenlyswitched off.

    A saucer-shaped green-glowing craftwas reported seen on 12th March hoveringover Linden by Mrs Jane Trombetta at 9pmin a clear sky. She spotted the craft from afriends house bedroom window. Alertingher friend and others present, they all ranoutside to watch the craft from the frontlawn as it appeared to hover over Linden

    below cloud level for a couple of minutes,before moving higher into the sky as itmoved off slowly northward, towards theWollangambie-Wollemi region, beforeincreasing speed to shoot off out of sight inthat direction


    Next Issue. More surprises, and of course your valuable reports.

    Our previous meeting was a huge success and we lookforward to seeing another big roll-up at our next one. There

    should be some good Skywatches ahead of us up here atKatoomba, as winter brings crystal clear nights.

    Meanwhile, theres a lot happening up there at present so,until our next meeting

    Watch the Skies!

    Rex and Heather.
