Download - The Swiftest Tactics to Lose Pounds May Not Be Effective


Many are so desperate for the fastest way to lose some weight that they would almost be willing to cut off a limb to bring down the weight scale. The swiftest way to lose

some pounds and the smartest way to get rid of the weight , however , are totally different! All those trend

diets that offer the quickest way to shed some weight are doing damage to you on the inside.

I'm not teasing. Shedding weight too swiftly truly, truly screws you up. We all know the best way to lose

weight, slowly but surely, and I will be able to review that at the end of this tract. First, let me cover some of the preferred trends - here is what To avoid to lose weight.

Please save yourself the agony of the fat!

Quickest Ways to Lose Weight

(and screw up your constitution, deprive yourself of imperative nutriments and get depressed about the yo yo

cycle, while putting your hard earned money into the hands of weight loss gimmick promoters who live on overweight people who don't know any better, I


Quickest way to lose weight 1: Fast. Go without food for days at a time. While short fasts can be excellent for you (maybe) - fasting for weight loss lowers your metabolic rate and encourages binge eating after the fast. This is

perhaps the most dangerous part of fasting. If you eat too much too quickly (which most people do) when you break the fast, you throw your system into shock and probably

make yourself sick. In the days following a fast, most people compensate for the absence of food by eating more than usual. Don't do it! Fasting is serious business and shouldn't be attempted casually.

Best way to lose weight 2: The Master Clean. Or the lemonade diet. This approached advocates drowning

yourself in lemonade and maple syrup for days or weeks on end. Theoretically, you get all of the nutriments you

need from the syrup (if you believe this, I have some great off-shore investments for you). This is laughable. You will lose some water weight and masses of muscle mass on

this diet, but , like fasting, it is deadly when you come off it and start to eat real food again as you will tend to over do


Best way to shed some pounds 3: The hCG diet. This theory here is that, man or woman, you trick your body

into assuming it is pregnant - or something weird, in order that you can bear an exceedingly low calorie diet - 500 cals

each day - and not destroy your metabolic rate or even feel hungry. BS! This is the biggest load of molarkey

I've ever heard. To complicate matters, most HCG sold today is homeopathic, nothing more than alcohol

water. Avoid this one, please.

Quickest way to lose weight 4: Assorted shakes, bars, powders and meal replacements. You substitute these concoctions for real meals in order that you can shed

pounds. Hence when did replacing almost nutrition-less, highly processed junk protein and carbohydrates for real food become GOOD for you? Most all meal replacement

plans are JUNK FOOD. More deprivation of urgent nutrition for your body. I'm sure your body will be


Best way to lose weight 5: Single food diets. The watermelon diet. The banana diet. The grape diet. You eat

only 1 food for days and days. Right. Again, why deprive your body of what it needs solely to destroy your

metabolic rate and make a large compensatory food craving on the other side.

Swiftest way to lose pounds 6: Take thermogenic tablets which will jangle your nerves, make you sweat, make you

anxious, make you pace, make you BURN OUT YOUR ADRENALS. These supplements aren't health

additions. They jack your system and artificially boost your metabolism (allegedly). When you stop taking them, you are back to square one and - oops - now you want to give

more cash to the supplement company.

Quickest Way to Lose Weight Legitimately

(It is so easy that I have to apologize because I know it is troublesome, too). Before beginning any weight loss program, you need to consult a certified nutritionist.

Here are the best weight loss tips ever given:

1. Drink masses of water. Without water, your liver and kidneys can\'t release poisons and are forced to store

them - guess where - in FAT cells. This creates a demand in the body to hang on to fat. Water is the best weight loss

elixir ever.

2. Go raw. At least 51% of your diet should be made from raw vegetables and fruit. The body needs to nutrients and fiber. If it isn't getting what it needs in nutriments, it

will not let go of fat, sorry!

3. Eat 5-6 little, healthy meals a day. Don\'t bust your caloric budget, but eat meals balanced with protein, carbohydrates and healthy fat several. Times a day. It

raises your constitution naturally and - here it is - gives your body what it basically wishes! Malnutrition is weight

loss enemy 1. Feed yourself responsibly.

4. Make a 15-25% calorie delinquency. This will enable you to lose weight slowly but surely, while saving muscles

mass and your constitution.

5. Exercise. Sorry. Find something you enjoy and just do it. It will help you create that calorie deficit.

6. Avoid sugar, processed food, chemicals, simple carbs. These just gunk up your organs and inspire fat storage. Is

this what you need?

7. Cope with stress. Learn how to manage your mind and develop some personal discipline.

If after studying this, you Still want to try one of those speediest tactics to lose some weight, then weight loss is

not your biggest problem. Immaturity is. Grow up for a bit then come back and reread this document.