Download - The Structure, Function, and Evolution of Biological Systems · Identifying Power Laws • Need big range on x- and y-axes to determine power laws because this minimizes effects of

Page 1: The Structure, Function, and Evolution of Biological Systems · Identifying Power Laws • Need big range on x- and y-axes to determine power laws because this minimizes effects of

The Structure, Function, and Evolution of Biological Systems

Instructor: Van Savage Winter 2015 Quarter


Page 2: The Structure, Function, and Evolution of Biological Systems · Identifying Power Laws • Need big range on x- and y-axes to determine power laws because this minimizes effects of

Review of power laws

Page 3: The Structure, Function, and Evolution of Biological Systems · Identifying Power Laws • Need big range on x- and y-axes to determine power laws because this minimizes effects of

1. Types of Power Laws

!y = axb

 1.  Physical laws--planetary orbits, parabolic motion of thrown objects, classical forces, etc. (these are really idealized notions and do not exist in real world) 2. Scaling relations--relate two fundamental parameters in a system like lifespan to body mass in biology (physical laws are special/strong case) 3. Statistical distributions

Page 4: The Structure, Function, and Evolution of Biological Systems · Identifying Power Laws • Need big range on x- and y-axes to determine power laws because this minimizes effects of

Identifying Power Laws

•  Need big range on x- and y-axes to determine power laws because this minimizes effects of noise and errors

•  Can give good measure of b, the exponent •  r2 is property of data and measures how much

variance in y is explained by variance in x. It is NOT really a measure of goodness of fit!

!!ln y = bln x + lnaLinear plot: slope=b and intercept=ln A

Page 5: The Structure, Function, and Evolution of Biological Systems · Identifying Power Laws • Need big range on x- and y-axes to determine power laws because this minimizes effects of

Examples of Power Laws

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Parabolic Motion (Type 1)

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Rates related to vascular networks (Type 2)

Savage, et al., Func. Eco., 2004

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Word  usage  (Type  3)  

Page 9: The Structure, Function, and Evolution of Biological Systems · Identifying Power Laws • Need big range on x- and y-axes to determine power laws because this minimizes effects of

Word  Usage  (Type  3)  

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Web  Sites   (Type 2)

Page 11: The Structure, Function, and Evolution of Biological Systems · Identifying Power Laws • Need big range on x- and y-axes to determine power laws because this minimizes effects of

Identifying Power Laws •  Maximum likelihood methods are good for

identifying power laws if used in correct way •  Whether to curve fit in linear or logarithmic

space depends on distribution of errors because regressions make assumptions about these: homoscedascity->variance in y is independent of value of x

•  Parabolic motion (error in distance measures is independent of y or x)--linear space

•  Body size (for population, variance in body size or heart rate varies linearly with x)--logarithmic space

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Self Similarity and Fractals

Page 13: The Structure, Function, and Evolution of Biological Systems · Identifying Power Laws • Need big range on x- and y-axes to determine power laws because this minimizes effects of

Imagine taking a picture of smaller piece and magnifying it, and then it looks like original part.

•  Once a useful process is found in nature, it tends to be used over and over again--physics constrains possible processes and evolution tends to maintain it because most mutations are harmful


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Other examples of self similarity

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Page 16: The Structure, Function, and Evolution of Biological Systems · Identifying Power Laws • Need big range on x- and y-axes to determine power laws because this minimizes effects of

Benoit Mandelbrot

Hun8ng  the  Hidden  Dimension  special  on  Nova:    hAp://­‐hidden-­‐dimension.html  

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How  do  you  think  this  one  was  generated?    

Page 18: The Structure, Function, and Evolution of Biological Systems · Identifying Power Laws • Need big range on x- and y-axes to determine power laws because this minimizes effects of

One  movie  just  for  fun    


Page 19: The Structure, Function, and Evolution of Biological Systems · Identifying Power Laws • Need big range on x- and y-axes to determine power laws because this minimizes effects of

Power Laws Self Similarity

-­‐>                                                                                <-­‐                                                                                        


Equation form for self similarity: f (λx) = λ p f (x)

f (x) = ax p

f (λx) = a(λx)p = λ pax p = λ p f (x) pλ p−1 f (x) = df (λx)dλ


df (λx)d(λx)

= x df (λx)d(λx)

Chain Rule

Free to choose =1

x df (x)dx

= pf (x)⇒ dff= p dx

x⇒ f (x) = ax p

Differentiate with respect to λ

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Fixed Points and Universality

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Dynamical systems flow relative to fixed points

What is functional form as fixed point is approached? This describes region and dynamics that are relevant for many scientific questions.

Page 22: The Structure, Function, and Evolution of Biological Systems · Identifying Power Laws • Need big range on x- and y-axes to determine power laws because this minimizes effects of

Non-power-law functions often behave as power laws near critical points

•  Other functions commonly occur in nature: ex, sin(x), cosh(x), J(x), Ai(x)

•  These functions can generally be expressed in Taylor or power series near critical points (phase transitions, etc.). When x is close to x*, difference is small, and first term dominates.

p-exponent of leading-order term Any functions with the same first term in their series

expansion behave the same near critical points, which is of great physical interest, even if they behave very differently elsewhere. Source of universality classes.

f (x) = (x − x*)k

k!dk fdxk

(x − x*)"






∑ ~ C(x − x*)p

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Near x=0, both of these functions scale like x!

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 Dimensional Analysis and Power Laws

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Dimensional Analysis •  Often used in physics •  For reasons given thus far, many processes

should scale as a power law. •  Given some quantity, f, that we want to

determine, we need to intuit what other variables on which it must depend, {x1,x2,…,xn}.

•  Assume f depends on each of these variables as a power law.

•  Use consistency of units to obtain set of equations that uniquely determine exponents.

f (x1,x2,...,xn ) = x1p1 x2

p2 ...xnpn

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Example 1: Pythagorean Theorem

•  Hypotenuse, c, and smallest angle, θ, uniquely determine right triangles.

•  Area=f(c, θ), DA implies Area=c2g(θ).  




c a


Area of whole triangle=sum of area of smaller triangles

a2g(θ) + b2g(θ) = c 2g(θ)⇒ a2 + b2 = c 2


Page 27: The Structure, Function, and Evolution of Biological Systems · Identifying Power Laws • Need big range on x- and y-axes to determine power laws because this minimizes effects of

Example 2: Nuclear Blast

•  US government wanted to keep energy yield of nuclear blasts a secret.

•  Pictures of nuclear blast were released in Life magazine with time stamp

•  Using DA, G. I. Taylor determined energy of blast and government was upset because they thought there had been a leak of information

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•  Radius, R, of blast depends on time since explosion, t, energy of explosion, E, and density of medium, ρ, that explosion expands into

•  [R]=m, [t]=s, [E]=kg*m2/s2, ρ=kg/m3

•  R=tpEqρk

1= 2q − 3k0 = p − 2q0 = q + k

q=1/5, k=-1/5, p=2/5 R∝ (E / ρ)1/5 t2/5 ⇒ E∝ R5ρt2

m s kg

unknown constant coefficient can be determined from y-intercept of regression of log-log plot of time series

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Pitfalls of Dimensional Analysis

•  Miss constant factors

•  Miss dimensionless ratios

•  But, can get far with a good bit of ignorance!!!

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Summary •  Self-similarity and fractalsèPower Laws •  Behavior near critical point èPower Laws •  But, Power Lawsènear critical points •  Dimensional Analysis assumes power law

form and this is partially justified by necessity of matching units

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If people do not believe that mathematics is simple, it is only because they do not realize how complicated life is. -John von Neumann

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Theories are approximations that hope to impart deeper understanding

We all know that art [theory] is not truth. Art [theory] is a lie that makes us realize truth, at least the truth that is given us to understand. The artist [theorist] must know the manner whereby to convince others of the truthfulness of his lies.

--Pablo Picasso

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A little philosophy of science

•  Many general patterns are power laws

•  Can often explain these without knowledge of all the details of the system

•  Art of science is knowing system well enough to have intuition about which details are important

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Single prediction models are not enough

•  Much better to predict value of exponent and not just that it is a power law

•  To really believe a theory we need multiple pieces of evidence (possibly multiple power laws) and need to be able to predict many of these.

•  Understanding dynamics and some further details allows one to predict deviations from power law, and that is a very strong test and leads to very precise results


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Barabasi et al.

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Power laws in statistical distributions and scaling of growth of networks

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Erdos-Renyi random graphs

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Examples of distributions of real data

Actors                                                Internet                                  Power  grid  

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Growth models of networks

1.  Start with m0 unconnected nodes 2.  Network grows one vertex at a time (gene duplication,

species invasion, etc)

3.  Add 1 node at a time and form m new connections between this node and existing nodes. (Why?)

4.  Connections are formed with probability where ki is the connectivity of node i.

(Preferential attachment/rich get richer/proportional model) This is a type of self similarity! Power laws are

to be expected. €

ki / k j∑

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Scaling of connectivity

Total number of nodes at time t is m0+t Total number of edges is mt=

Connectivity at next time step is on average (edges can’t be lost):

k j∑ /2

ki(t +1) = ki(t) + m[ki(t) / k j ]∑

ki(t)∝ t

Number  of  new  edges  at  next  8me  step  

Probability  of  that    connec8on  going  to  node  i  

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Scaling of connectivity

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Scaling of probability density

P(ki > k) =mk


# $


& '

mtm0 + t"

# $


& '




* * * *



- - - -

Connec8vity  at  8me  that  node  i  came  into  existence  

Average  connec8vity  of  any    node  at  8me  t  

Connec8vity  for  comparison  and  probability  

P(ki < k) =1− P(ki > k) =1− m2tk 2(m0 + t)


∝ k−3Probability  density  

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Scaling of probability density

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Scaling of probability density

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Scaling of probability density

Adding  edges  without  adding  new  nodes  does  not  reach  equilibrium      

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Metabolic networks

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E coli metabolic substrate network

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Archaea   E  coli  

C  elegans   Average  across  43  organisms  

Scaling of probability density in metabolic networks

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Distributions of pathway lengths

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Scaling of connectivity

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Scaling of lengths with node removal

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Return to motifs

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Similar frequencies of subgraphs in real networks

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Universal scaling exponents in metabolic networks

                         γ  is  degree  exponent  and  α  is  clustering  exponent.  Exponents  characterize  local  and  global  network  organiza8on      

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Statistically significant subgraphs (i.e., motifs) for power law networks  



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Scaling of probability density of triangles

T  is  number  of  selected  subgraphs  passing  by    a  node  

Dis8nct  components  

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Scaling of probability density of penta-graphs

Giant  component  

T  is  number  of  selected  subgraphs  passing  by    a  node  

Page 59: The Structure, Function, and Evolution of Biological Systems · Identifying Power Laws • Need big range on x- and y-axes to determine power laws because this minimizes effects of

Phase transitions in hex-graphs: Before transition are motifs

Aggrega8on/clustering  decreases  with  number  of  edges  in  subgraph.    Normalized  by  size  of  largest  connected  component  

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Free Network software

1.  Network  workbench  (NWB)  

2.  Fanmod  

3.  Gephi  

4.  Prism.m  

Quick  demos.    Can  use  these  in  your  research!  

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All  humans  are  caught  in  an  inescapable  network  of  mutuality.  -­‐Mar8n  Luther  King,  Jr.  

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Can  display  same  network  in  different  ways  

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Can  look  at  different  network  or  levels  for  given  system  

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Can  look  at  different  8mes  

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Can  look  at  different  8mes  

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What have we learned? 1.  Evolu8onary  theory—selec8on,  drig,  muta8ons,  epistasis,  neutrality,  coalescence  2.  Network  theory—mo8fs,  subgraph  structure,    branching  hierarchical,  op8mal,  clustering,  growth,  preferen8al  aAachment  (genes,  proteins,  food  webs,  disease)  3.  Kolmogorov/Diffusion/Fokker  Planck—how  to  combine  direc8onal  and  non-­‐direc8onal  processes,  cell  migra8on,  cancer,  gene  expression,  species  abundance  4.  Scaling—power  laws,  self  similarity,  asympto8c  expansions  5.  How  to  read  a  modeling  paper  and  work  through  the  math  and  logic  without  just  reading  figures  and  punch  lines  6.  How  to  relate  assump8on  to  figures  and  fundamental    equa8ons  and  predic8ons  7.  Fixed  points,  ODEs,  sums,  delta  func8on,  gamma  func8on      

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THANKS to all of you!

Good luck with your projects!