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  • 8/2/2019 The Son of the Second King



    The Son of the Second King by

    Nicholas Knowles is about the

    strife and turmoil of a young boy

    during Medieval Times. Theyoung boy is wrongly accused and

    banished from his own people only

    to be vindicated many years later.

  • 8/2/2019 The Son of the Second King



    Nicholas Knowles

  • 8/2/2019 The Son of the Second King



    Story by Nicholas Knowles Authored by Nick KnowlesPost Scripted by Sherry Knowles

    The Son of the Second King

    Drawing by Nicholas

    The Son of the Second King

    Drawing by NicholasThe young man stood upon the watch tower, the highest point in the entire

    City. His gaze traveled past the buildings of polished stone and beyond the

    inner wall, continuing past the farmers' houses of thatch and clay, and the vast

    fields of paddies surrounding the Great City.

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    From this height he could see the great outer wall, which enclosed the fertile

    farmlands. This structure of quarried stone, hewn into mammoth blocks, stood

    over thirty feet high and fifteen feet thick, providing an impenetrable defense

    against whatever lies outside its four gates. Beyond the wall was natures

    domain. To the west and the south, the blue-green sea flowed past the limits

    of his vision. To the east serrated mountains cut across the horizon, providing a

    jagged cradle for the rising sun. And to the north, less than a day's journey

    from the iron gates of the outer wall, was the forest. Yet, even from this

    vantage, with a score of miles between the primeval wood, the trees dwarfed

    the great wall; the magnificent timbers serving as a constant reminder of the

    limits of man's control.

    Though it was midday, the sun shone heavy in the sky. The forest seemed filled

    with shadow, adding to the young man's excitement and apprehension. For

    tomorrow, along with twenty others, he would go there to enact a rite of

    ancient tradition . . . . The Hunt.

    Girru reluctantly descended the spiral staircase within the tower and made his

    way home along the west road. Normally, when he visited the tower, he let his

    eyes linger on the threshold of nature into the forest or to the mountains. No

    time today.

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    There were seven circles of nobility in all. The closest to the center possessed

    the greatest power. His father's house, built in the third circle, was made of red

    stone. Those in the second circle were black. The buildings of the first circle,

    including the palace of the King, were constructed of brilliant, shining white

    stone. Those of the fourth and lesser circles were constructed of common gray

    granite. As a noble of the third tier, his family had both wealth and status. So

    while not of royal descent, there were few families in the City that outranked

    his own.

    Girru opened the wooden door, engraved with his family's symbols, and passed

    over the threshold of tumbled green marble. He entered through the waiting

    room and into the plaza where his mother and two sisters, Kina and Lila, lay

    lounging and taking their midday meal. He felt hungry but was regrettably

    forbidden, by tradition, to eat the day before the rite of passage. Nodding to

    them, he continued through the house,towards his father's study.As usual, the door to the study remained closed, so he pulled the cord, hearingthe bell ring, and awaited an invitation to enter. Soon he heard his father call,

    so he opened the door and stepped through. It was rare that he was allowed

    into this room, for it was his father's private sanctum. Unlike the rest of the

    house, this room had walls of paneled wood. To the right stood a heavy table

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    laden with papers and curiosities; to the left the wall was dominated by a brick-

    lined hearth containing a single, smothering log.

    His father sat in his large chair at the opposite end of the room. He was

    dressed in the formal attire of the aristocracy, a blue-dyed robe of woven wool.

    However, contrary to the current fashion, his father wore his dark hair and

    beard long loose. Around his neck, he wore an amulet engraved with the

    family's glyphs. Between them, on the floor, stretched the hide of a great

    brown bear slain by his grandfather on the day of his Hunt, many years ago.

    The elder held a long pipe, from which he occasionally drew, releasing a thin,

    bluish smoke with an acrid scent. This pipe weed had a deepening effect on his

    voice. Girru's brother, the firstborn son, resembled their father more than he.

    Both had wavy, dark brown hair and gray eyes, slightly blue. But his own hair

    was a lighter brown, with a shaggier composition, and his eyes shone a deeper

    blue. Several moments of silence passed until finally broken by his father's

    voice. "Tomorrow's the day," he said as he took a puff from his pipe. The dry

    smoke hovered at head height. "Even you must be excited today!"

    Girru wished that he didn't have to go through with it. He had asked his father

    once, but received no reply. So now, he was trying to approach the ritual for

    whatever positive influences it might have, even if it just meant pleasing his


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    "I have excellent news!" his father paused to draw again from his pipe, "I have

    managed to place you in the tribunal with the King's own sons tomorrow."

    Girru was taken aback. There were a least four others participating in the ritual

    who outranked him. His father continued, "This is the first time the twins will

    participate in a public ritual. All of their childhood ceremonies were held with

    only the royal family. Everyone is beginning to wonder if they are hiding

    something. I've heard their hair is black, like the King's, but their skin is fair to

    his swarthy, and they have light eyes. You must remember to let one of the

    princes take the kill. You will benefit from association, but you don't want to

    outshine the royal family. You had better get to the temple now. Tomorrow

    may prove to be a fate-filled day for you."

    Girru bowed to his father and exited the room, closing the door behind him.

    He felt anxious about the matching his father had made. He hurried through

    the plaza, so occupied with his thoughts, that he did not even hear the calls for

    luck from his family.

    The temple stood in the first circle, beside the palace. Girru took the north

    road through the second circle and directly to the heavy double doors of the

    temple. With a deep breath and much conviction, he opened the door and

    stepped inside the Temple of the Sun.

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    The interior stood in dark contrast to the world outside. In here, the sunlight

    filtered weakly between the muted tapestries, covering the open windows.

    The primary source of illumination emanated from a large brazier sitting upon a

    raised platform in the center of the room. Behind the braziera stone altarstood, framed on both ends by a pair of tall, red pillar candles. The platform

    held the shape of an equilateral triangle, with one point indicating the door

    through which he had entered. Before each face of the triangle were resting

    benches. Upon these benches sat seventeen young men. Girru now knew that

    he was not the last to arrive, and he was glad for it.

    The empty bench, opposite the doors and facing the altar, were reserved forthe King's twin sons and himself. He took his place on the foremost seat in

    silence, further perceiving the interior of the temple. Three more and they

    would all be here.

    The adolescent sons of nobility were dressed in fine cloth befitting their rank.

    Normally, the Hunt was held during the seventeenth year, but the stars were in

    special alignment this year, so that the youngest was fifteen years and the two

    eldest were eighteen. The air was thick with musty incense issuing from the

    central brazier. The smoke rose slowly toward the vaulted ceiling, mingling

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    with the dust, obscuring the errant rays of sunlight that had evaded the


    Within half an hour, the remaining participants arrived. The two princes sat on

    opposite sides of Girru: the elder, Elios, on the right side; the younger, Krelus, to

    his left. The twins each stood close to six feet tall, Elios the taller by a finger's

    breadth. Their hair was black, long and straight. Their faces were the same,

    save for one detail; each had a pair of mismatched eyes, one blue and one

    green. The placement of the colors was different for each brother.

    With the arrival of the final participants, three priests entered the chamber.

    Two went to bar the door and the third took his place by

    the altar. The priests wore robes of crimson and black

    and their heads were shaved clean. The two acolytes

    joined the High Priest at the altar, taking their place at the

    corners of the platform. Then, together in the archaic

    tongue of the temple, they began to chant.

    The High Priest drew forth a powder from a pouch on his

    waist and cast it into the brazier. Upon contact with the

    embers, the powder exploded into a hissing burst of light.

    The sudden illumination captured the attention of all those assembled, exactly

    Carving by Nicholas

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    as the priest had intended. Looking out at the forty-two eyes locked on the

    brazier, the priest began in his clear, deep voice . . . "Tomorrow marks the

    summer solstice: the turning point of the sun's yearly journey. On this day, the

    sun is at its most receptive place to the affairs of men. Tomorrow, boys will

    become men in the eyes of the people and in the eye of the sun. The Lord of

    the heavens has decreed that man shall be ruler of beasts, and tomorrow you

    shall understand this responsibility. To realize yourselves, you must prove your

    worthiness by expressing your dominance over the lesser creatures of this

    world. As the King holds dominion over his subjects, so do not all men hold

    dominion over nature?"

    There was no need for the priest to explain the details of the ritual, as the boys

    knew what was expected of them. Seven groups of three would be taken to

    the forest. There, they were to track and kill one of several totem animals. The

    type of beast and the skill of the kill would be used in the determination of the

    status awarded to the hunters. The City subsisted mainly on agriculture and

    the only meat came from the domesticated pigs, goats and sheep. Huntingwas a purely symbolic act, and any animals killed in the ritual would not be

    eaten by the people of the City.

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    The rest of the day was devoted to purification rites: bathing in "purified"

    water, chanting sanctifying prayers and preparing mentally for the arduous task

    to come. That evening, the boys were led to a chamber beneath the temple.

    They were told by the priest to spend the time sleeping or in prayer.

    The night passed quickly, and the boys were returned to the temple before the

    rising of the sun. They were seated on the same benches as the day before.

    Today, beneath the benches, they found full bags made of woven fiber. The

    three priests took up their positions within the temple. The High Priest stood

    before the altar, whereupon laid a white lamb. The second priest stood by the

    eastern wall, holding a braided cord, which was attached to the tapestry

    covering the window. The third priest stood at the northern point of the


    The Temple was dark, even more so than the day before. The brazier was

    empty. The only light came from the two red candles framing the altar. Their

    flickering glow underlay the priest, bestowing a sinister look to his visage. Thelamb lay still in the center of the stone table, only occasionally animated by a

    small shudder or a quiet bleating. To the left of the lamb was a black-handled

    knife and to the right, was a silver chalice. The temple had a strange way of

    muffling sound and soon, even the scuffling of feet, the sound of breathing,

    and the lamb's gentle crying were lost to the stifling effect of the temple's

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    ominous aura. Somewhere outside a cockerel called to the sun. At that

    instant, the priest by the eastern wall ripped the cord, tearing the tapestry from

    the window. A searing beam from the sun bore down on the center of the

    temple, illuminating the altar.

    The lamb screamed for an instant, before being silenced by the black-handled

    knife, wielded by the shaven-headed priest. The creature's blood splashed

    over his face and, for a moment, time stood still. The crimson fluid, running

    down the sides of the altar, collected in channels carved in the stone. The

    priest picked up the shining chalice and collected the flowing blood from the

    spout where the channels met. "This is the water of life!" he roared. "The very

    essence of existence is contained herein."

    Dumbstruck with shock, the boys stared, wide-eyed at the spectacle before

    them. The priest met their gaze with eyes of fire. Again he called out, "Drink!

    Drink from the chalice each of you! By this drought, you are bound to each

    other and to the task before you." He handed the cup to the nearest boy andeach, in turn, drank from it.

    At last the chalice came to the bench of Girru and the twin princes. Elios drank

    first, passing the cup to Girru. Girru took his drought and passed the chalice to

    Krelus. The mismatched eyes of the prince locked onto those of his brother as

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    he drained the cup; and in the way of twins, much was said without the voicing

    of a single word.

    The High Priest took the empty chalice from the prince, while still the brothers'

    eyes were locked. Elios paled, breaking the stare. The priest replaced the

    chalice and knife on the altar and looked about at the twenty-one boys.

    Standing at the northern point, he reached below the platform and gathered

    some coals and placed them in the brazier. The High Priest withdrew a small

    The Temple

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    candle from his robe, lit it from one of the altar lights, and then touched it to

    the coals. A low flame spread quickly through the brazier.

    The High Priest then returned to the altar, picked up the knife and removed the

    heart of the lamb. He held the organ aloft in the sun's beam from the east

    window. Then he quickly placed it upon the burning coals. The flames soared

    in the center of the brazier, and within moments, the heart of the lamb was


    Meanwhile, the acolyte, who had removed the tapestry, was unbarring the

    north door. The second acolyte joined him and together they opened the

    heavy doors and then stood to either side, facing the altar. The sunlight

    streaming in through the open door reflected off the bronze tips of twenty-one

    spears leaning beside the entrance to the temple.

    The High Priest donned his cowl, and the other two priests followed suit. "Take

    up the packs beneath your seats and follow me," he commanded. He raisedhis arms towards the sky and turned and headed for the door. The acolytes

    and the High Priest stepped through the opened doors. The boys rose from

    their benches, collected their bags and followed him in single file. As each

    passed through the door, an acolyte handed him a spear marked with the

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    emblem of his house. When the last boy had exited, the acolytes followed,

    closing the temple doors behind them.

    The empty streets suggested the entire City lie asleep. The procession followed

    the north road, passing through all seven circles of the inner City and arriving at

    the first gate. At the command of the High Priest, the gateway opened and the

    procession continued its march. In the distance, the outer wall loomed over

    the pasture, seeming to grow increasingly more massive as they approached.

    Until, finally, they arrived at the outer gate.

    The north gate was wrought of black iron in a complex spiral pattern. Looking

    through it, they could see only the wild fields that lay directly before it. Again,

    the High Priest commanded the doors to open, and they opened. Stepping

    through the outer wall was a revelation to most of the boys, for they had never

    before been outside of the City. Most felt overwhelmed and some were

    frightened. A few, however, seemed unaffected. Girru felt elated, for many

    years his eyes had held this outside world in his mind, and now he was steppingout into it. The princes had been out before in the company of their father but,

    still, the vastness of the landscape was discomforting for them both. Once the

    acolytes cleared the gate, it closed behind them. For a moment, twenty-four

    people stared in wonder at the forest in the distance.

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    The High Priest started onward again and the others followed. By midday, they

    had reached the forest's edge. What had seemed vast from a distance could

    only be described as monumental now. Here, where the plains met the woods,

    the trees soared taller than the watch tower in the City. Yet, in the distance,

    the true forest monarchs reigned. Rising from the thick green canopy, the

    majestic crowns capped venerable trees that made even these giants seem


    The priest gathered together with the boys, between them and the forest. The

    High Priest kept his eyes locked on them, stealing the scene from nature's

    splendor. "Each group must find its own path," he began. "Three are as one

    for the Hunt, but each group must succeed or fail on its own merit. In three

    days, we shall return and learn the truth of your endeavor. Hunt well! he

    commanded. With this he turned and, followed by the two acolytes, headed

    back towards the City.

    The boys had no actual experience with hunting. They had been "taught", fromcrumbling texts, the behaviors of some animals and the tracks they left. They

    had practiced throwing a spear at a target of bound straw. Their practical

    ignorance was evident now, as they were overburdened and under-prepared.

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    Each boy looked around the group, searching perhaps for a guiding hand. The

    seven groups hesitated a while longer before each entered the woods. They

    headed in different directions, each group seeking a private hunting ground.

    Beneath the heavy canopy, the sun was enfeebled and it left the forest moist

    and cool. The slight breeze barely disturbed the foliage. In a way, the silence

    and dimness of the woods was reminiscent of the temple but, here, the effect

    was not stifling. Instead, it was calming and reassuring.

    The group, composed of the King's twins and Girru, made their way in a north-

    westerly direction. They soon lost sight and sound of the other groups. The

    forest was thick here. The great trees were spaced at a fair distance, allowing

    the sunlight to reach the lower levels.

    The abundant brush tore at their legs and obscured their vision. No one spoke.

    They walked in silence for several hours. Gradually, the quiet of the forest

    receded and the boys became aware of the myriad of sounds filling the landaround them. The farther north they traveled, the larger the trees became.

    With the thickening of the upper canopy, the underbrush was thinning. They

    came upon a stream and began to follow it, knowing that not only would they

    need its water, but animals must drink from the stream as well.

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    "We will camp near the stream." Elios said. "That way we will have a landmark

    to hunt from and a steady supply of water." "You dolt!" his brother replied.

    "That way no animals will come near the stream! We will camp a distance

    from the water so we may lie in ambush for any beasts who come near." "You

    go and gather the firewood," he ordered Girru.

    Girru wandered off to find some kindling, leaving the brothers to their

    bickering. The lush canopy here claimed most of the sunlight for itself, so there

    was very little new growth, and thus, few branches. He wandered farther and

    farther from the twins and the stream. He came to a grove filled with birches.

    The thick ceiling of the forest opened. The massive oaks that dominated the

    rest of the landscape stood in a wide circle here. Standing still beside the birch

    trees was a stag, a doe and two fawns. Girru stopped short, having never

    before seen animals in their natural domain. The stag wore a crown of

    magnificent antlers. The stag stood staring at Girru, unafraid.

    Girru's thoughts returned to the speech of the High Priest. He knew that hewas far from being superior to this noble creature. If anything, he should bow

    in reverence to the King of the forest. Girru took a step forward. Suddenly, the

    doe sprung away, followed closely by her young. The stag turned to follow her,

    taking one last look at the human and then bounding away.

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    Girru stood spellbound, enchanted by their grace and form. How anyone could

    kill such a creature as this? he thought. After a moment of further reflection,

    Girru began to gather dry branches and some paper-like bark from the birches.

    With his arms laden with kindling and his mind with thoughts of deer, he

    headed back towards the stream, taking a slightly different path in hopes to

    find some larger branches for the fire. Looking to the distance rather than at

    the ground before him, Girru's foot caught in a hole and he stumbled forward,

    dropping the wood.

    Leaning over to gather it up again, he saw that he had tripped, not in a hole,

    but rather in a footprint. It was unmistakable; the print was larger than his foot

    and quite deep. The marks of the toes were followed by those of large claws.

    A bear! he thought, and a huge one according to its step. Girru spotted a

    nearby pine tree, where a section of its bark had been torn off and was laying

    on the ground. He walked over to it and saw that the trunk bore the marks of

    heavy claws. Trapped in a protrusion of the rough bark was a tuft of thick,

    brown fur. Girru picked up the remaining kindling and made his way quicklyback to the princes.

    The princes were arguing in low voices as he approached, but when they saw

    Girru coming, they stopped. Elios raised his hand and called out to Girru, while

    Krelus busied himself digging a hole, presumably for the fire. Girru piled the

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    wood near a tree and went to wash his hands and face in the stream. The

    elder prince joined him. "We're going to camp here for now and look for tracks

    in the morning." he said. "My brother says to keep the fire small so that we

    don't scare off the animals."

    "I found the tracks of a bear down by the stream," Girru spat out. "Huge," he

    gestured. Elios smiled. "A bear? That's great, the bear is the strongest. If we

    kill it, we will be heroes!" Elios said. "Heroes?" Krelus interjected as he joined

    them at the edge of the stream. "You had better kill it. At least then the

    people will have one thing to praise you for when you are King." he snickered.

    "God knows it won't be for your visionary majesty," Krelus continued.

    "Go to hell, you cretin! Elios spat back at his brother. "See that?" spoke Krelus,

    "that is your future King. By accident of birth, that inane buffoon was born

    moments before me, which of course means that he should be King. I mean,

    the fact that he is hardly blessed with half a brain, surely should not disqualify

    him from the regency." Girru continued washing the dirt from his hands."Well, at least I won't have to bow to his simple-minded desires" continued

    Krelus. "That privilege is reserved for you lesser nobles and, of course, the


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    Girru wiped his hands on his tunic and turned back towards the camp. Krelus

    stood by the edge of the stream a moment longer before he returned to the

    site of his fire pit. They quickly completed the construction of the camp, with

    little talk between them. The boundaries consisted of a cluster of three

    younger trees to the northwest corner, a small drop-off of perhaps twenty or

    thirty feet down the southwest side, and a short distance up to the southeast

    corner. From the northeast corner to the northern side of the drop-off, the

    three were hidden from the stream by a small cluster of new growth in the

    trees and a patch of reeds and cattails. The fire flickered gently from the far

    side of camp, hidden by some taller trees and further veiled by the blind of

    woven reeds.

    As night overtook them, the fire pit became the center of activity. The

    comforting protection of the hearth is

    a pleasure known by all, regardless of

    a person's class. But, in the forest,

    with only your companions aroundyou, everyone is equal before the fire

    and all take comfort in the glow of its


    Painting by Nicholas

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    Girru awoke the next morning after a firm shaking from Elios. "Get up," he

    whispered. "We have spotted a stag elk over the stream on the knoll with the

    willow. My brothers lies in wait, on guard. But remember: I must take the kill.

    Take up your spear and join us. We must cut off his escape," Elios

    commanded. The prince hurried off to a watch position. Girru knew with

    utmost certainty that this was the stag he had seen the previous afternoon.

    Rushing about to find his sandals and spear, he stumbled, snapping a twig

    beneath his foot and eliciting a scornful lingering glance from the younger

    prince. Girru swiftly gathered his things and ran to join the elder prince.

    "What about the bear?" Girru whispered. "The bear is a stronger totem than

    the elk," Girru continued. "So it is," Prince Elios replied. "But the elk is known

    for his cunning and nobility and here he stands right before us. Where is the

    bear? God has delivered to us the stag and concealed the bear, for whatever

    reason, and we must follow his guidance," Elios added.

    Prince Krelus stood glaring at them and motioned for them to take up thehunting formation. "Let's get moving before the stag becomes suspicious," Elios

    said as he pointed to the reed patch, which was to be Girru's position. Girru

    announced, "He has a mate and has young. They cannot survive unprotected

    in the wilderness. They would make easy prey for wolves or cats. What do I

    care about that?" Krelus contended. "He exists for my benefit," Krelus

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    proclaimed. Girru respectively declared: "Your Highness, there may be glory in

    the kill, but there is no honor in it."

    Meanwhile, Girru and Elios noticed that Krelus was starting to slowly

    stalk in towards the increasingly wary stag. His spear rested on his shoulder

    with the end of the shaft in the cup of his spear thrower. He was poised for

    the kill, and gauging his range. "Go!" Elios called out to the stag. "Go to your

    mate and her young!" The stag jerked to attention, suddenly aware of the

    danger. The younger prince launched his spear towards the elk, but it arrived

    moments too late and stuck quivering in the root of a willow.

    "Damn you!" Krelus cried as he threw his spear holder to the ground. "Must

    you have it all Elios? Can you not give me even a moment's glory? You would

    have been credited with the kill, and I would have experienced the victory!

    We both stood to gain! But no, you think you must have it all!" Krelus


    "The kill must be mine'" his brother Elios answered. "You know that is what

    father said, for the honor of the crown, Elios explained. Should not my

    success reflect our father's name as well?" Krelus whined. "I am the heir and

    this ritual reflects the most on me" Elios said. "Whomever takes the kill

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    reflects on me. If I take the kill, the glory is not only for me, but for the

    throne and the crown as well," Elios declared.

    "Even if I had killed the beast, you could have taken the bear and over-

    shadowed my stag, Elios cried. We could have both held the laurels," Krelus

    protested. "Three are as one for the Hunt. You know there is only one kill

    from a tribune. That has always been the tradition," his elder brother

    retorted. "But we are the sons of the King. We are beyond the rules and

    laws of the commoners and nobles. An exception would be made for us,"

    Krelus added. "The stag kept a mate and young. It would be unbefitting of a

    King to leave them unprotected from predators," Elios declared. "We could

    eat the doe and give the young to the Court Yard Keeper to raise as pets for

    the girls of nobility. That way, all of our needs are met. You get the glory of

    slaying the stag, we feast on fresh-killed game, and we attract the admiration

    of the feminine aristocracy," Krelus contended.

    "The point is lost, as is the stag. He has taken to the deeper woods, Girruinterjected. He is gone to us now, so the argument is futile! We must

    concentrate on the bear now," Girru insisted.

    "You dare issue an order to me?" Krelus roared at Girru. "Perhaps my

    brother is easily manipulated, but you will find that I am not," grumbled

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    Krelus. He then crossed the stream at a thinner section, walked up the bank

    and onto the base of the small hill. Removing his spear from the willow's

    gnarled root, Krelus stalked back to the camp.

    Elios approached Girru. "You were right about sparing the stag, but I warn

    you about making a further enemy of my brother. Once crossed, he never

    forgets. I think it is better that we hunt the bear, not only for the glory, but for

    the honor of the act, Elios concluded.

    Together they returned to the camp where the younger prince sat. Krelus'

    eyes were fixed upon the softly glowing coals feeding a tiny tendril of flame,

    the last remnant of the past nights fire. "For good or for evil, what is done has

    been done and only the future remains within our control, he said as they

    approached. "We shall hunt the bear and my brother will take the kill. I was a

    fool to let my emotions overcome my reason, Krelus acknowledged. The

    good of the Crown must come before my personal ambition," Krelus declared.

    Krelus then motioned to Elios, "Your call caused my spear to strike a stone and

    blunt its tip." He looked over to Girru and continued, "Give me your spear

    so I will be prepared to help my brother face the bear." Girru handed his

    spear to the prince and received the damaged spear in return.

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    "I am glad to see that reason has returned to you, my brother. The bear is the

    greater prey and the glory of the kill belongs not only to he who throws the

    spear, but to the tribune as a whole, Elios asserted. "Show us where you saw

    the tracks and we shall follow them to the beast's lair," Elios said to Girru.

    Girru led the twins to the

    damaged pine and

    pointed out the fur and

    footprints. "It must have

    rested here for a while,"

    Elios remarked. "These

    needles look as if they

    have been slept on. The

    tracks stop at the stream,

    but they seem to go back

    for quite a distance,

    Girru explained. My brother and I will follow the trail back while you checkupstream to see if the trail continues further north," Elios said to Girru.

    So they parted company; the brothers retracing the path of the bear towards

    the west and the young man following the trail to the north. Girru followed

    the stream, walking in the shallow water, investigating the shoreline for

    The Forest

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    evidence of an ursine traveler. Several hundred yards in a generally

    northern direction, the stream took a rather sharp, westerly turn. Shortly

    past this bend, Girru spotted a torn-up patch of mud along the southern

    bank, sloping down several feet to meet the water. This spot bore the marks

    of a large creature climbing the bank. Indeed, upon reaching the slope, he

    found the water had deepened to nearly four feet, accounting for the

    scrambled appearance of the prints.

    He crossed the stream, only to find disappointment amidst the tracks. No

    water wet the bank where the bear must have stood dripping after wading in

    the stream. The tracks seemed at least a day old. Luckily, they were still clear

    to the eye, so Girru took to the bank, following the bear and heading west. He

    trailed the bear for hours, slowly coming to identify it as male by the size of

    its prints and the territorial markings he left along his border. For this trail

    clearly marked a border of some kind, presumably the "guard walk" of the

    bear. This meant that his den must be near, and perhaps they could catch

    the beast asleep, Girru thought.

    The trail headed a hair's breadth south from the southwest, and the tracks

    indicated that the bear had taken this stretch of the route with reasonable

    leisure. At a quick jogging pace, he followed the trail of the bear over a

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    small meadow and through a dank marsh, until finally returning to the pine


    There was a noise in the distance; a rustling of leaves and snapping of sticks.

    Shortly after that, there was a cry that must be human and a roar that

    identified bear. Girru quickly found the direction by following the trail of

    sound to its point of origin. Coming through a thick swath of reeds, he saw

    the bear.

    It was a giant bear at least twelve feet tall, when, as now, it stood on its hind

    legs. He noticed the twins a moment later; the elder hovering within ten feet

    of the bear, brandishing his spear. The younger brother sitting, apparently

    tangled in the twisted roots of an old spruce. He held his spear in his hand,

    using it as a lever to escape from the roots.

    The bear took a slow step forward, lowering his head and releasing a roar.

    Elios launched his spear. It burned through the air, until colliding with thecolossal beast, taking him in the abdomen. The bear faltered for a moment

    before rearing up again; this time signaling a charge.

    Noticing his way of escape was blocked by a wall of tightly growing hemlock,

    Elios tried a daring maneuver. He backed toward the wide trunk of an elder

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    oak tree and, as the bear charged, he grabbed his spear, with its bronze tip

    and several inches of shaft still embedded in the bear's thick hide. He would

    ride the force of the bear's attack, holding on to the handle of the spear and

    positioning it perfectly to catch in the niche of the thick bark of the old oak.

    He tried to use the bear's own force to impale the spear deeper into the beast.

    Instead, the shaft snapped, wounding the bear only slightly and leaving the

    prince undefended.

    Girru, seeing Elios in danger and the younger prince seemingly incapacitated,

    leaped from the reeds and leveled his spear for the kill. He could not throw

    yet, for Elios could be hit. The bear threatened to rake Elios with his claws.

    Elios was bleeding and senseless, but his wounds did not appear mortal.

    Girru found his window and hurled his spear forward.

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    Girru's cast proved true, catching the bear beneath its muzzle, through the

    gristly tissues of his neck and straight into his brain. The lordly beast shook

    twice, before falling dead toward the ground. Yet, as the bear descended

    with the limp body of the elder prince leaning heavily upon it, the scene was

    stricken by the flight of the final missile. This one landing in the back of the

    elder prince, stapling him to the falling ursine, leaving the two hunters locked

    in death.

    Girru turned to regard the living prince. The grasping roots no longer bound

    him. Perhaps they never really did. "By the keepers of the deep, what...what

    just happened?" Girru cried. Krelus, unaffected by what had just transpired,

    calmly made his way to the stream. He washed his hands and face, and

    then made his way to the fire pit. Krelus sat down and smiled at Girru. He

    looked happy. Girru then said, "Do you not realized what you have just done?

    Your spear has impaled Prince Elios!"

    Krelus smiled again and said, "Your spear, my friend. Your spear has killedPrince Elios!" His mouth smiled, but his eyes did not. "As I saw it, he

    continued, "I saw my brother steal your kill. It so enraged you that you

    stabbed him in the back. I threw my own spear, felling the bear, but alas, it

    was too late for the heir-apparent."

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    "You are a Serpent!" Girru hissed, "a Kin-Slayer!" Girru made the sign against the

    supernatural towards Krelus. "You had better hurry back to the priests before

    the Huntsman is roused! Girru warned. "The Huntsman is a fool's superstition

    that the priests use to control you," Krelus said. "Only the royal family is privy

    to the true mysteries. Ignorance is obedience," Krelus snorted as he drank

    from his waterskin. "Besides, whatever I am, you shall bear the blame and I

    shall inherit the throne. I will throw you on the mercy of the Council because

    alive you collaborate my story. Dead, you only raise more questions. If you

    cooperate and confess you may be banished instead of executed," he said.

    "Whatever becomes of me, I shall go into it knowing that you have dug your

    pit and you must someday lie in it," Girru growled. "You are a Kin's-Slayer; your

    fate will be worse than mine!" "You are the murderer," Krelus contended.

    "You took the life of the Crown Prince. It's Treasonous! Blasphemous! You

    are a damned murderer! Krelus proclaimed

    The young prince pulled every drop of sarcasm from his words. "The peoplewill cheer at your execution. There he is the vile dog! Take your time

    "chopper", don't hasten justice. I will be the figure of remorse, reluctantly

    accepting the crown in light of my brother's death! You must cooperate or die!

    Krelus contended.

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    The evening eventually presented, but not with the calm quiet of the previous

    night. The forest was withering with unseen life. Eyes were upon the pair

    the whole night through, watching and waiting for events to unfold. Amidst

    the calls, cries and screams of the nocturnal haunting, the two boys huddled

    close to the dying fire. No words passed between them and each sought

    hard to ignore the presence of the other.

    The damned night lasted an eternity and when daylight finally broke, the sun

    was weak behind a gray sky. The wet air lost few raindrops to the fog. The

    wretched fog, which drains the heat of the season, reflected the sun's rays

    above it and kept the land below bitter and damp. The two rose from their

    beds beside the now smoldering fire, their muscles stiff from stony pillows

    and their bones aching from the chilly air. Three days before, they had gazed

    in wonder at the giant trees in the distance. Now they were among them

    and they had an incredible distance to cover before nightfall.

    Meanwhile, the dead prince's body could not be left behind. His brotherdid not want his "evidence" disturbed, but he knew they had to take Prince

    Elios with them. They constructed a sled, using sticks and bed roils, and laid

    the body therein. They began their journey back to the City.

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    The forest smelled musty and decaying this day, a drastic difference from

    when they had first arrived. Krelus carried his own pack, which held claws,

    teeth and other tokens of the bear. They left the bear behind. Girru trudged

    slowly along, dragging the sled, which was laden with the dead prince and

    the prince's pack and spear, as well as his own. They kept a steady pace, both

    anxious to finish what had been started. They walked four long hours, each

    alone, painfully aware of the other.

    The dismal day took a turn for the worse when the prince tripped and

    sprained his ankle. "We will stay here" Krelus demanded. "The priests will be

    quick about locating the King's sons. My injury only gives more to my tale,

    Krelus argued. Girru pulled the sled into the shade of a gnarled pine. He

    chose a seat close by and sat still, in silence . . . brooding. The midday hours

    crept by. The prince slept the hours away, but Girru was aware of the

    passing of every minute. Several long hours past noon, they heard voices in

    the distance.

    "They must have come this way," called a still distant voice. "You're

    Highnesses! Are you near? Girru?" the voices shouted. The voices

    continued and soon it was evident that they were indeed drawing near.

    Girru and the prince heard hounds among the group. "My rescue party has

    arrived," sneered the prince. "Or is that your angry mob? It's hard to tell from

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    here. Also, you will notice, the Huntsman never came last night. The story

    says that he strikes only at night, and only in the wild. Today, we leave his

    domain, and tonight I sleep in the palace," the Prince boasted. Girru offered

    no response.

    Together they sat; neither called out to the searchers. The prince was

    content watching his play unfold and Girru was in no hurry to see whose

    story would be believed. Soon, the searchers found them. The party

    consisted of the High Priest, an acolyte and several young Indians leading the


    News of the elder prince's death raced them back to the City. A litter,

    hastily constructed, bore the injured prince home. His brother remained

    on the sled that had carried him thus far. Circumstance slowed the return

    of the group, but left the "messengers" free to run ahead. By the time the

    prince's party reached the outer gates of the City, the inner circle knew there

    was a new heir to the throne.

    Upon entering the gates, the group was led immediately to the palace. Krelus

    quickly disappeared within the palace walls. The dog handlers accompanied

    by the acolyte, headed for the temple and the kennels. The High Priest

    entered the hall, followed by the dead prince. The prince's litter was now

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    bore by two royal servants. Girru fell in behind them. The procession

    ended with a large guard, who blocked the way to the door. Prince Krelus

    retired to his chambers while Girru followed the guard to a small room.

    There, a feather bed on a wooden frame rested underneath a small window.

    The guard left Girru there, locking the door behind him.

    The bed was comfortable and wonderfully seductive after three days in the

    woods. Sleep overcame anxiety and Girru slept as soundly as if in his own


    The morning came early. Somewhere a cockerel's call aroused Girru, while the

    scent of incense permeated the air. A box rested on the low table by the

    door. It contained a hunk of brown bread, some cheese, and a strip of

    grilled meat. Girru felt incredibly at ease with himself and the situation.

    When he was waiting in the forest, worry and dread had held him tightly.

    But now, he felt calm and ready to face the Council.

    Soon after he finished the food, the door to the room opened, revealing a

    servant bearing a basin and a cloth. The servant took the food tray and left

    Girru to prepare himself. Girru found clean robes on the chair beside the

    bed. He washed, dressed and waited for things to begin. Soon, a guard

    entered, announcing a visitor. Girru saw his father waiting for him in the

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    hallway. They were left alone, cramped together in the small room. They

    each found a seat on the bed. "We don't have long, so listen carefully" his

    father said. "If you dispute the prince's story, they will believe him over you.

    If you confess to murder, you will be executed. So, the only choice is to say

    that you killed him by accident. Your story may vary slightly from the prince's

    but it must not contradict his." his father warned.

    "But I did not kill him father! His brother did. I swear it!" Girru exclaimed. "I

    think Krelus planned this from the start!" Girru cried. "Whatever happened,"

    his father replied, "the prince has already told his side of the story. What

    "evidence" do you have to discredit him now? If you call him a liar with

    nothing to back up your claim, he will have you killed for sure."

    "What will happen if I do say that I killed him by accident?" Girru asked. "It is

    hard to say," his father answered. "But it must be better than the ax," he

    concluded. His father stood and turned towards the door. As he grasped the

    handle, he turned to his son. "I believe you my son, and the people all knowwhat a devious kind of person Krelus is, but he is still the son of the King.

    And now, he is the King's only son, his father added. The father regarded his

    son a moment longer before exiting the room.

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    With barely a moment's hesitation, Girru told the story his father had

    suggested. He and the prince had thrown in close sequence, with the younger

    prince's spear killing the bear, while his own spear missed, erroneously striking

    the elder prince. Girru begged for the mercy of the Council.

    The masks worn by the Council members were meant to preserve the

    anonymity of the Council. The judges were intended to be independent

    entities, removed from the prejudices of those wearing the robe and mask.

    The three judges turned their backs to Girru, deciding his fate in whispers.

    Soon they turned back to face him. The center judge rose to deliver the

    verdict. His voice was clear, though not so deep as the priest. It sounded

    familiar to Girru, although he could not name it.

    "This Council has found you responsible for the death of the elder Prince Elios.

    However, we have ruled it as accidental. Tomorrow, before the House of

    Nobles, your sentence will be spoken." Girru sat waiting. The Council

    members departed the chamber in silence. The door opened and a guardmotioned to Girru. Girru returned to his cell and awaited the morning.

    The morning arrived with a knocking at the door to his room. Girru found

    himself curious, yet unafraid of the sentencing to come. He had slept soundly;

    his dreams were untroubled and even pleasant. The guard led Girru to a large,

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    circular room. Although empty now, the walls were lined with tables and

    chairs; enough for many people. The guard pointed to the chair in the center

    of the room. Girru sat and awaited the assemblage of the Council.

    Soon, the House of Nobles began to fill. People entered through all of the

    rooms four doors. Seated in front of Girru, the King sat on his tall chair, which

    nestled between the High Priest and a prominent nobleman of the Second

    Circle. The Council was nearly assembled when Girru noticed his father

    entering the room through the east door. The din of low voices and shuffling

    chairs quickly faded as the men took their places. When all were seated, the

    King called for attention.

    "The death of my son affects not only the Royal Family, but the Kingdom as a

    whole. The one responsible, whether through malice or folly, must be

    punished to balance the scales. The young man before you has been named

    as such and he must bear the consequence. The High Tribune called the death

    accidental and I have been asked to show mercy." A pause built suspense asmany eyes moved between the King and Girru. "Death is "warranted" for

    murder with intent. Here, there was no intent. Therefore, the boy will be

    banished," the King commanded.

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    A murmur rose throughout the room. In many ways, banishment was worse

    than death. When one loses his "identity", his spirit is denied entrance to the

    next world. However, if one survives the term of banishment, the people can

    then welcome him back and his name would then be cleared. Through the

    eyes of the people, exile to the wild offers little chance of survival.

    "For twelve years, you are banished," said the King. "You may never set foot

    or show your face within the outer wall of our City during this time. On the

    final day of the twelfth year, the gate will open and you may come home."

    Girru saw his father, his head in his hands, unwilling to believe his son's fate.

    Twelve years is such a long time. In twelve years, Girru would be twenty-nine,

    long past the time to form a family or earn a reputation. Why not just kill him?

    Life as a noble and member of Council was taken from him. What was left?

    Living out his life as a ward of his father's house? Yet, even now, Girru's mind

    filled with visions of the birch grove and the vast, coniferous kingdoms outside

    the City limits. One life ends, so that another may begin, he thought. The

    future no longer seemed bleak. Indeed, it held a promise of personal freedom.

    Girru was soon returned to the small room. His father came, bearing a pack

    and three gifts: a bronze spear, a knife and a silver ring. "These will serve you

    well in the forest," he said to his son. "The spear makes you a hunter; the knife

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    a toolmaker, and the ring offers you the protection of Spirits." Their eyes met.

    Words were no longer necessary.

    Girru was given provisions by the Guard, which he put inside his pack. Then, in

    the company of the King, the High Priest and his father, Girru began his return

    to the forest. The sun bore heavily upon them. Again, the gates opened at the

    call of the High Priest. The air was quiet and solemn as they approached the

    edge of field and forest. The priest took Girru aside. They talked quietly, while

    the others turned their backs to offer them privacy. Girru rejoined the King

    and his father. The King motioned for Girru to follow him. They talked quietly

    behind his father and the priest. In this close conversing atmosphere, the

    King's voice sounded similar to his father's.

    Finally, when all four were together, the King and the priest took their leave,

    nodding to his father as they passed. After those two had walked a fair

    distance away, his father sat with his back against a tree. Girru sat down next

    to him. "What did the priest say?" his father asked. Girru replied "He said,that even though he knew I was innocent, there exists a conflict between

    moral law and "human" law and he must appease the human law first, so that

    moral law could be realized in the long run. He said the complexity of divinity

    can only be understood by observing God's plan as it reveals itself, over time

    and through true morality or divine law," Girru continued.

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    "Father, that priest was at the High Council; he was the Speaker of the Law!"

    Girru exclaimed. "How do you know that priest was the Speaker of the Law?"

    his father questioned. "Were they not wearing the masks?" his father added.

    "Of course they wore the masks," Girru retorted. His father then snapped at

    Girru and said, "Then how do you know he was the priest?" Girru calmly

    replied, I knew by his voice father; he has a distinctive pipe voice." "And what

    is this... ah . . . pipe voice?", his father asked. "Father, I am certain you

    remember the term. Coined, I think, by Lila," Girru responded. "Truly I do

    not," his father retorted. "In fact, I am convinced you have made it up just

    now," replied his father.

    Girru knew that his father remembered the term. When he and Lila were both

    around four or five years of age, they had often teased their father about his

    "pipe voice". His father's face never showed the smile he concealed inside.

    "What about the King? his father asked, "What did he say?" "He told me that

    the wrong prince had died," Girru answered. "Then he also knows the truth,"

    his father said aloud. "Then why must I go if everyone knows I did not killPrince Krelus?" Girru asked his father. "The people must see the law in effect,

    to keep them obedient. There is no other way. I am damned that you must be

    the example," his father stated.

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    The King and the priest had said more to Girru . . . . something of stunning

    significance. However, they bound it to secrecy by oath and threat. Girru

    wanted to tell his father; to "ask" him, but he was impotent in the face of the

    dire results that were described to him by the High Priest.

    The time had come and they both knew it. "Twelve years is not so long, my

    son," his father said. "When you return, you will be in your prime and I won't

    be a feeble old man either," his father stated. "You will learn a lot in twelve

    years. I think it so in the wild, as in the City. When you return, we will sit and

    talk as men, on equal terms." "When I return, we will still be father and son;

    we can never be on equal terms," Girru replied. "No", his father said, "on that

    day, I shall give you the heirlooms of your accomplishments and the talk of

    secrets." His father took the amulet with their family's symbols from around

    his neck and placed it over his son's head. "Wear this until your return."

    The glyphic amulet was only passed from a man to his heir, and usually not

    until the distribution of an inheritance. This gift meant a great deal to themboth. They sat in silence for a short while. Then, abruptly, his father nodded

    to him, stood and turned toward the City. Girru stood there awhile after his

    father began to walk away. For a moment he wanted to call out, but he

    realized the futility and denied himself the impulse.

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    Girru turned his back on the City and stepped forth again into the forest. The

    searing sun soon dispelled by the elder trees intricate headdress. Rich air

    revived him while the silence filled with bird song. He traveled on into the


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    Twelve years time developed amazing transformations. The young man who

    had entered the forest was replaced by a man at the apex of his abilities. Gone

    were the woven fabrics of the City. Upon his shoulders spanned a cloak of

    wolf hide, his tunic and leggings made of buckskin. He wore his ratty mane

    tied back with a leather thong and his beard bore several braids. In the

    distance, he saw bright light reaching through the trees. In only an hour's

    time, he would be able to see the City. Civilizations' somber air could be felt

    this near to it in the woods, renewing memories of the same woods over a

    decade in the past.

    A roar to the west revealed a panther attacking, followed fast by a cry that

    must be human. Girru took his bronze spear and his knife from the pack slung

    across his shoulders. Dropping the pack, he ran, following the continuing

    sound barrage to its origin. The panther had a young boy cornered up a short

    tree. It proceeded in scaling the trunk of the tree and was closing in quickly on

    its helpless prey.

    Girru let loose with his spear. A sudden wind carried the spear higher than

    Girru expected and upon its descent, the spear struck the cat in its right hind

    leg, slightly injuring the beast. Girru charged: knife in hand, he leapt upon the

    angry brute, slashing and striking at whatever flesh became available. The

    spear fell from its leg as the big cat fell backward beneath the onslaught. As it

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    fell, the cat twisted, landing on its feet and throwing Girru over its back to land

    hard on the ground. His blade had carved its mark on the cat's left side and

    across its muzzle, leaving a cut the length of the knife blade. As Girru struggled

    to his feet, the panther licked at its wounds. By chance, Girru had landed

    within the reach of the spear, and he retrieved it and threw it in one motion,

    catching the panther in the neck. The cat shook twice and fell.

    Drawing by Nicholas

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    Cautiously, the boy climbed down from the tree. He wore the colors of

    Royalty. "He was going to eat me!" the boy said to Girru. He sounded

    outraged, rather than frightened. "The danger is past now," Girru said. "Wait

    here and I will return shortly," Girru commanded. Girru carried the body of

    the panther off into the deeper woods.

    Half an hour later, he returned and found the boy sitting where he had left

    him. "What is your name, boy?" Girru asked. "My name is Rika" the boy

    replied, "and I am not a boy; I am a Prince." "Strange, I thought your King was

    too old to father any more children." Girru thought aloud. "My father is not

    old; he is no older than you," the boy replied. "If you mean my grandfather, he

    died before I was born," Rika added. "I must be mistaken." Girru said and

    passed it off. "Come on; let's get you back to the City."

    The two began walking towards the City. The boy looked to be nine or ten

    years of age. He had glossy black hair and bright eyes. Girru wondered at the

    fools who had left this precocious child unattended. "How is it you are here

    Rika?" Girru broke the silence. "I don't know; how should I know?" Rika

    replied. "You don't know how you came to be in the forest?" Girru

    questioned. "Oh . . . in the forest." the boy answered, "yeah, I know how I got

    here." He hesitated a moment and then said, "I walked in.

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    "Your father is accustomed to allow a young boy to walk alone into the

    forest?" Girru asked. "Well," replied Rika, "he . . . ah, he doesn't really know

    that I am here. I snuck out." "Now that you have been here and have seen

    what can happen, I hope you will give more forethought to your future

    rebellious endeavors," Girru scolded. "I've been out here two other times,"

    the boy boasted. "I can sneak out whenever I want to."

    "You were a fool to come out here by yourself. Girru warned. "That cat

    would have eaten you up if I had not come along." "But he didn't eat me

    because you did come along." the boy stated. "Fortunately I was there! You

    had no way of knowing or even expecting anyone to come to your rescue. Just

    think how your mother would feel if that cat had eaten you up," Girru warned.

    "My mother is dead." said Rika. "I'm so sorry," Girru replied. "Your father

    then, he must be worried about you?" Girru replied. "Why?" asked Rika.

    Why would my father be worried?" Rika asked. "Because a child should not

    have to lose his mother" Girru stated. "My father does not care what happens

    to me," Rika declared. All he cares about are taxes and the Council and

    proper decorum. He does not even know that I am gone." Rika cried. Rika

    felt so at ease around Girru. He did not even ponder who he was. Even Girru's

    barbaric costume did not alarm the boy. To him, it fit within the context of his

    woodland experience.

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    The boy was inspired by Girru. He felt cared about and protected. It was a

    feeling he had never had before. He admired his rescuer. Together they

    reached the boundary of the forest. They could see the gates to the City. To

    the south, the silent trees sat centered on the landscape. The City gates were

    closing in. They had arrived home.

    Rika quickly ran inside the doors and headed to the eastern halls, hiding like a

    fox, outsmarting its trackers. It didn't take long for the people to notice Girru.

    It was obvious he had come from the wild. "Who are you?" one onlooker

    inquired. "Are you from the forest?"

    Girru was brought before the High Priest. The High Priest knew exactly who he

    was, but he did not let it be known. Girru recognized the face of the High

    Priest too, but he was stunned by how much he had aged. The skin on the

    priest's face was loose with deep creases that Girru had never seen before.

    Was this a man of God or just an old man? Girru knew his secret. The High

    Priest was himself a former King. He had given his throne to his son, the father

    of the twin boys. Girru would never know all the secrets surrounding the King,

    but he knew this one because Krelus' father had told him the day he was

    banished to the forest. He also told him that he should never reveal the

    secrets of the King because if he did, his punishment would then have to be


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    The High Priest motioned Girru towards the south hall and then ordered the

    guards to take Girru with them. Girru was then brought to a room fit for

    noblemen. The room was full of fresh greenery, clean linens and a full bath.

    The smell of the room was enriched with woody incense. Clean clothes lay

    over brick. Girru first took to cutting off his beard. He then used the blade to

    clear the hair from his face. He meticulously trimmed his brows and hairline.

    He left his hair long and braided but pulled back off his shoulders. He was

    ready to bathe. The bath was warm and inviting. The soap was sweet and it

    lathered his body effortlessly. It was several hours before Girru arose from the


    By the time Girru opened the door, his father had arrived to greet him. They

    both stood staring at each other for a while, smiling. No words were needed.

    Then the father spoke, You will live with me for we cannot stay here.

    Girru settled into his father's home without any resistance from his neighbors.

    Everyone welcomed him. Girru was bestowed the respect of his father. Both

    were honorable men and good to their word and deeds. Girru made many

    friends, but he missed the forest. The forest had been his home and he sought

    comfort there. Girru would occasionally go, in secret, to the forest whenever

    he needed to revive his spirit or whenever he sought contentment. He didn't

    tell anyone of his escapades because he knew it was forbidden. His father

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    knew Girru returned to the forest from time to time, but never said a word.

    Sometimes, his father would notice fine pieces of shrub and underbrush in

    Girru's clothing. He kept his sons secret.

    In the palace, Rika kept a similar secret. He learned to love the forest and

    would go there often for its solitude. He never ran into Girru again while in the

    forest, but he remembered him. Girru was a part of the world Rika most

    admired. Rika was learning wisdom from the forest. He had the mind of a boy

    but the heart of a man.

    A day finally came when Prince Rika and Girru happened to both be in the

    forest at the same time, neither aware of the other. The forest was frenzied

    that day, heightened by wild activity. It was late Spring and the animals were

    anxiously competing to complete their tasks. The forest belongs to those most


    Rika heard the cries of baby kittens and his curiosity compelled him to seek

    them out. They were close by though, crouched in the open base of a giant

    oak. The mother was nowhere in sight. Rika looked around for the mother.

    He knew she wouldn't be far away. Rika backed out away from the kittens in

    the direction from which he came. He did not want a confrontation with the

    mother cat. Once away from the clearing, Rika moved on to a field of moss.

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    He felt safe here, far enough away from the cat's lair. He lay upon the moss.

    The moss bed was soft and smooth and the sun was warm, filtered by trees

    lining the region. It was a perfect place to rest.

    When he awoke, Rika could hear the cries of the kittens in the distance. Had

    the mother cat not returned? He had not been sleeping long but he knew it

    was long enough for her to be with her kittens. Rika scrambled to his feet and

    cautiously headed back to check on the kittens. When he saw the kittens, they

    looked hungry and thin. Could it be that the mother could not return? Is it

    possible she could have perished somewhere out there in this vast forest?

    Rika pondered the fate of the mother cat for a while, until he heard her

    unmistakable growl. He spun around to see her creeping toward him; she was

    clearly preparing to attack.

    Rika slowly backed away from the kittens and the big cat. He deemed he was

    about to be ripped apart by massive claws, so he closed his eyes. Then he

    heard the kittens call out again, this time recognizing their mother. He opened

    his eyes. The mother cat still had him in her sights, but then she turned and

    headed towards her kittens. Rika was no match for this colossal cat, and they

    both knew it. The mother cat returned to her kittens and consoled them


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    Rika's heart was racing now. He knew how lucky he was. He knew he had to

    get to out of there quietly, without rousing any further suspicion in the big cat.

    How noble a creature the mother cat is, he thought. She knew I was no longer

    a threat and therefore no longer wanted to kill me, Rika concluded. Rika

    slowly backed himself out toward the moss fields. Once he felt far enough

    away, he turned and started to run. He ran all the way back to the entrance to

    the City. There, Rika hid in the shrubbery, waiting for his opportunity to enter

    without detection.

    This time, Girru spotted Rika as he hid for cover. It had been years since Girru

    had seen Rika. He was taller than when he saw him last, but his frightened

    face was just the same. Girru was himself hidden and awaiting his chance to

    re-enter the City.

    The noise at the gate to the City was unusual, but familiar. The coordinated

    stepping sounds of servants immediately alerted Rika that his father was near.

    Why would the King be brought to the City gates? Is he looking for me? Rika

    wondered. Girru watched as his persecutor approached the gates.

    The High Priest stood beside the King, looking out from the gates and spoke:

    "Prince Rika, we know you are out there; Present yourself!" he demanded.

    Rika was shocked and saddened that his "secret get away" had been

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    discovered. He knew he could no longer hide. Even the forest could not

    protect him from his royal responsibilities. Rika only wanted not to be

    controlled by the heartless man he called his father.

    Rika came out of his hiding place and bowed before the King. "Father, I am

    sorry if I have offended you," he said. I know I was never to leave the palace

    without permission and I know it is forbidden for me to leave the City

    unescorted. Please, forgive me Father," he pleaded. "But, I must tell you, he

    added, "the forest has been very good to me. I have learned so much here

    and it has protected me. The forest is very peaceful and it treats everything

    equal with a common justice and purpose," he explained. "Enough!" the King

    roared. "This disobedience shall not go unpunished! You dare mock the

    King!" he cried.

    Then, suddenly, as if the gates of Hell had just opened, a huge monster came

    running in through the gates from the forest. The gates were wide open and

    the City was now in grave danger. The beast was angry too! Girru could

    hardly believe his eyes at first, it was a colossal bear!

    The bear was 16 feet high when it stood and its claws were a foot long. What

    had angered this beast? Girru wondered. Girru knew he had to move fast, if

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    he had any chance of defending the City. Girru jumped out of hiding and

    followed the bear into the City.

    King Krelus saw Girru run in from the forest. He was puzzled, but too alarmed

    by the great bear to ponder Girru's sudden appearance. The bear circled the

    King's men, growling and thrashing at them at every turn. The bear had the

    advantage over the King's men by his sheer size and the gripping fear that

    overtook them. The bear then set eyes on the King. Was this bear after the


    "Protect your King!" Krelus

    commanded. "You have the

    beast outnumbered!" he

    cried. "Draw your swords;

    get this beast off me!" Krelus

    pleaded. The bear's eyes

    remained locked onto the

    King. It was now clear that

    the King was in great peril.

    Most of the King's men just

    ran away from the bear,The Colossal Bear

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    never even drawing their swords. Those that tried to confront the angry bear

    were just tossed aside by the bear's powerful arm, like ragdolls.

    "Girru, protect me!" the King commanded. The bear was swaying back and

    forth, just yards away from King Krelus. Rika watched in horror. The King's

    men, peasants and other onlookers watched everything unfold from a

    distance. Was this the end for their King?

    Girru called out to the bear, trying to distract the bear's attention from the

    King. The bear just ignored him. Why was this bear after the King? he

    wondered. Was this bear trying to protect Rika? he thought. Girru quickly

    drew a sword from the scabbard of one of the Kings guards. He would protect

    his King, even though he persecuted him.

    The first thrust pierced deep into the side of the bear. The bear took a

    moment to recognize that it had been attacked, and then it turned on Girru.

    Girru stood his ground and thrashed the sword back and forth as if to warn the

    beast of the power of his blade. The beast then turned his attention back to

    his prey, the King.

    "Help me Girru! The King pleaded. "This beast wants to kill me!" the King

    whimpered. Girru looked at the bear and then looked back at his King. Why

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    does this bear want to harm the King? Girru questioned to himself. The King

    was very frightened. "Girru, I will do anything you want! Please, stop this bear

    from killing me!" King Krelus cried. The bear then swiped the King's leg with its

    giant claws, shredding his flesh. The wound split wide open, leaving a pool of

    blood beside him. The King cried out in pain, "Ahhhhh!" The bear started

    swaying back and forth again, toying with the King.

    Girru yelled out to the bear: "Over here beast! I will fight you!" The bear

    looked over towards him and then back to the King, swaying angrily back and

    forth. "Girru, please, do something!" the King cried. "Get this bear away from

    me!" he pleaded. "I will exonerate you!" he begged. Girru gave the King a

    puzzled look. The King then quickly announced to all the onlookers there:

    "Girru is an innocent man! He did not kill Elios! I did! It was me! I am sorry!

    Please, save me Girru!" he yelled.

    Girru ran towards the bear with his sword held

    firmly in front of him, like a jouster in a

    tournament. The bear kept his sights on the King.

    From the side, Girru plunged his sword into the

    bear. This time, making the bear stumble and fall

    to its knees. The bear quickly recovered though,

    and looked at Girru. The bear then turned and ran away toward the City gates.

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    The bear slammed into the side of the gate as he exited, dislodging the sword,

    which fell to the ground. In fear, the onlookers quickly closed the City gates.

    The crowd looked on in horror. Some were in shock. Some were relieved that

    the beast was back in the forest. The King lay wounded. Then the murmur of

    the crowd began. "Our King is a killer?" "Did he say he killed his brother?"

    "Girru is innocent?" "What shall become of the King?"

    The crowd became restless and started shouting their discontent. "The King is

    a murderer!" one onlooker shouted. "The King does not deserve to live!"

    shouted another. "Kill him Girru! Finish him off!" came out from the crowd.

    "No" roared the High Priest, raising his hand with authority. "No! This is not

    how it shall be!" he roared. "The Huntsman has spoken! No killer of a prince

    of ours shall rule as our King, regardless of his birth! The crown must be

    passed on to Prince Rika. King Krelus is hereby abolished as our King. His fate

    will be determined by our new King, King Rika!" he exclaimed.

    The crowd began chanting the new King's name: "King Rika! King Rika! King

    Rika! King Rika!"

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    Rika knew what he must do, and he courageously stepped forward and

    addressed the crowd. "Honorable People, please, please, settle down" he

    commanded. The crowd quickly hushed and anxiously waited for words from

    their new King. The crowd was silent, except for the moans of an injured


    Rika looked at his father and said, "Father, you cannot be King. You were

    supposed to protect and honor your King as well as the prospective King!" he

    roared. "And you killed him!" he shouted. "How could you do this? You even

    allowed another man to be prosecuted for your crime! You cannot be our

    King," he proclaimed. King Rika paused and then declared: "You are my father;

    I shall not have you executed. You will be given the same fate you gave the

    man you punished for your crime! Your wound will be tended to and then you

    shall be banished to the great forest. May God forgive you father!"

    Rika then turned to Girru. "I am sorry for the deeds of my father," he said.

    "You were wrongly accused. You are an honorable man," he declared. "And, I

    need you," he continued. "I need your wisdom. I need your protection."

    Rika raised his hands to the crowd and said: "My People: Listen to me. I

    hereby declare the honorable Girru to be our first Spiritual Warrior," he

    announced. "He shall be my spiritual advisor. He will live in the palace and he

    shall devote his life to disciplining his mind and body and to developing his

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    spirit in order that he shall be the King's advisor" King Rika declared. "His

    wisdom shall be passed on to future noblemen who shall become future

    Spiritual Warriors. He will work with our High Priests to ensure that our

    kingdom, and our world, remains just and true. Spiritual Warriors will master

    their minds and their bodies with wisdom and strength and will protect their

    King and their people, with their lives, King Rika declared.

    And so, the Spiritual Warrior was born.

    The End

    The Great City

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    Samples of Nick's drawings

    Young Nicholas

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    Young Nicholas

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    Nicholas Knowles

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    Other Art Samples by Nicholas KnowlesNicholas Knowles

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    Painting by Nicholas

    Cubism by Nicholas Knowles(Cubism was a 20th century art movement pioneered by Picasso and Braque)

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    Other Drawings by Nicholas

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    Nicholas Knowles was born on January 20, 1979 and died on March 01, 2007. He had justturned 28.

    Nicholas was loved by all who knew him. He was an inspiration to others.

    He helped many people discover their own truths and find their own inspirations in


    Act in accordance to the way you want to be remembered. - Nicholas

    Always be true to yourself.- Nicholas

    Show family understanding, acceptance and love.- Nicholas

    Honor your Friends.- Nicholas

    Do not fear adversity- Nicholas

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    Celebrate Life