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Page 1: The Solar System

The Solar System

Effects of the movement of the Earth


Dayna Bignal

Page 2: The Solar System

The Universe

Earth and all the planets in our solar system make up just a tiny part of the

universe. Billions of other stars like our Sun all form a group called the

Milky Way Galaxy. The universe holds many strange things, such as

exploding stars. It holds great clouds of gas and dust where new stars form. It

also holds black holes. Black holes have a pulling force called gravity.

Gravity is the force that holds you to the ground and makes things fall when

you drop them.

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The Solar System

The solar system consists of the Sun, its eight orbiting

planets, and their moons as well as asteroids, comets, and

meteoroids. The planets are, in order from the Sun: Mercury,

Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

Pluto, known for a long time as the ninth planet, is now

called a dwarf planet.

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Planet, a round body in space that orbits a star. To be a planet, a body must

be big enough to settle into a rounded shape from the inward pull of its own


A planet shines by reflecting light and not by releasing nuclear energy the

way a star does.

Our solar system has eight major planets—Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars,

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune— as well as a dwarf planet which is

Pluto. A planet-like body that revolves around a larger planet is called a

satellite or moon rather than a planet.

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Similarities of planets1. All revolve around the sun.2. All have moons3. All orbit on the same plane4. All are spherical in shape

Differences of planets

1. Small Large2. Solid surfaces Balls of gases, no solid surfaces3. Greater densities Low density 4. Spins slowly Spins faster compared to inner

planets5. No rings Have rings

Inner planets Outer planets

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The Sun

The sun is the centre of the solar system. It is a hot ball of

gas comprising mostly of hydrogen and helium. It provides

gravitational pull for the other planets.

Characteristic s of the Sun1. It is the main source of energy , for both the Earth and other


2. It provides heats

3. It sustains life on Earth

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The EarthThe Earth is the third planet from

the sun and it is the only planet in

the solar system that has life form

inhabiting it. It orbits the sun

between Venus and Mars and it

takes 365 ¼ days to complete a

revolution. It has one moon and

because of its distance from the sun

can support plant and animal life. Earth is the largest of the four inner planets and it is

sometimes referred to as the ‘blue planet.’ In addition it

is a rotating sphere which spins on its axis causing

rotation. While it also revolves around the sun.

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Effects of the Earth’s MovementThere are two major impacts of the Earth’s movement. Two

results is rotation and revolution.

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RotationRotation is the spinning of the

Earth on its axis for a period of 24

hours. The period of one complete

rotation is defined as a day and

takes 23 hr 56 min 4.1 sec.

Rotation result in:1. The occurrence of day and night2. The differences of the seasons3. The difference of 1 hour every

15˚4. The deflection of winds and

current5. The rise and fall of tide.

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The Rise and Fall of Tide

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The Deflection Of Winds And Current

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A revolution occurs as the earth moves around the sun. The

time it takes for one revolution = 365 1/4 days = 8,766

hours .

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The Effects of Revolution

1. The effects of revolution are the changes in the

altitude of midday sun.

2. Varying the lengths of day and night

3. The occurrence of the four seasons

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Effects of RevolutionThe difference of altitude of the

midday sun

Page 15: The Solar System

Pop Quiz1. What is rotation?2. What are two effects of rotation?3. What is the third planet from the sun?4. Differentiate between rotation and

revolution?4. Name two effects of revolution?

Page 16: The Solar System

References Brown. A., Browne., C. & Browne., W. (2001).

Social Studies for Jamaican Schools. Carlong Publishers (Caribbean) Limited. Kingston, Jamaica.

Taylor-Browne, W. & Robinson., P. (2005). Carlong Primary Social Studies – Jamaica Island Nation Year 4. Carlong Publishers (Caribbean) Limited. Kingston, Jamaica.

Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009. The Solar System.