Download - THE SKELETAL SYSTEM: THE APPENDICULAR SKELETON. The Pectoral Girdle (Shoulder) 2 pectoral girdles attach bones of upper limbs to axial skeleton



The Pectoral Girdle(Shoulder)

2 pectoral girdles attach bones of upper limbs to axial

skeleton each: 1 clavicle 1 scapula


last bone to stop growing 1 of most frequently fx’d bones (2

curves) usually from fall on outstretched arm

or see compression fx in auto accidents from shoulder strap which can cause damage to median n. (between clavicle & 2nd rib)


aka shoulder blade, angel bone large, triangular, flat bone in superior part of posterior thorax

between levels of 2nd & 7th ribs

spine: prominent ridge that runs diagonally across posterior surface

lateral edge: acromion a flattened expanded process, easily felt as hi pt of shoulder (tailors use it as landmark to measure length of arm)

glenoid cavity: inferior to acromion, smooth, shallow depression that accepts head of humerus in shoulder joint

Upper Limb

6 parts:1. Humerus2. Ulna3. Radius4. Carpals5. Metacarpals 6. Phalanges

Joints: Shoulder Elbow Wrist Hand


Pelvic Girdle

2 hip bones (os coxa) which unite anteriorly at pubic symphysis and posteriorly with the sacrum @ sacroiliac joint


largest of the 3 hip bones distinguishing features:1. Iliac Crest along superior surface1. Sacroiliac Joint (SI Joint) between sacrum and ilium



ramus of ischium fuses with pubis distinguishing features:

1. Ischial Tuberosity what you feel when someone sits

on your lap



Acetabulum formed by ilium, ischium, & pubis is the “socket” half of the hip joint

Pubic Symphysis joint between the 2 hip bones

True Pelvis/ False Pelvis

Pelvic Brim: line that distinguishes between true & false palvis

Male Pelvis

generally male bone heavier & stronger & have larger surface marker (because larger muscles attach)

Pelvis: deeper false pelvis, smaller, narrower pelvic brim heart-shaped acetabulum larger, faces posterior obturator foramen round

Female Pelvis

generally bones lighter & thinner Pelvis:

false pelvis shallow, widers pelvic brim larger, more oval acetabulum smaller & faces anterior obturator foramen oval

Male or Female?

Male or Female?

Lower Limb

30 bones in each: 1 femur 1 patella 1 tibia 1 fibula 7 tarsals 5 metatarsals 14 phalanges


longest, heaviest, & strongest bone in the body

proximally articulates with the acetabulum to form hip joint Head of the Femur: “ball” part of joint

small, central depression: fovea capitis Greater Trochanter

prominence felt & seen @ side of hip



distally articulates with: Patella Tibia

Patella (kneecap)

small, triangular, sesamoid bone develops in tendon of quadriceps

femoris muscle Parts: Base: broad, superior end Apex: pointed, inferior end



“shin bone”larger, medial, weight-bearing bone

of lower legproximally articulates with femur &

fibuladistally articulates with fibula &



medial malleolus forms prominence that is palpable & visible on medial ankle


parallel & lateral to the tibia & considerably smaller

head of fibula on proximal end

lateral malleolus at distal end

Tibia & Fibula


7 bones: 1 calcaneous: heel bone, largest of

the tarsals


5 bones between tarsals & phalanges

#’d I to V from medial lateral


14 bones that make up the 5 digits #’d I to V medial to lateral Hallux: great or big toe has 2 large

heavy phalanges

Arches of the Foot

2 arches in foot: 1. allows the foot to support weight

of body by distributing weight over the soft & hard tissues

2. provide leverage while walkingfully developed by age 12 - 13

Arches of the Foot

2 longitudinal arches (medial & lateral

1 transverse arch