Download - The Shingle - 09/13

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The Newsletter of Gilead Presbyterian Church, Carmel, NY September 2013 Dear Friends, What does being Presbyterian mean to you? What does Gilead Church mean to you, or for you? Where do you think God may be calling us? Are you perfectly content with every single thing about your church, or would you like to see some changes in how we minister to each other and reach out to our community? If you have ideas—and who doesn’t?—then you need to join in the discussion some of us had right before summer began. Beginning as a goal-setting conversation among the elders and deacons, we’ve opened our questions to the entire congregation. During the next year, we would like our entire Gilead faith community to be in prayer about what direction God would have us go. We want to Increase the Vision; and there are (at least) three different ways to do that: Increase the Vision for what is around us right now. How are we nurturing one another? How can we better pray, praise, study and have fun together, so that we may draw closer to God through Jesus Christ? One way we’ve talked about is using Facebook and email for alerting one another to prayer requests and prayer opportunities, reaching out to one another in new ways as we move into the twenty-first century. “Sing to the Lord a new song” may mean instant messaging! Would you like to be on the Electronic Church Team? Let me know. Not into tech? We haven’t forgotten the human touch. We’re going to start offering more prayer opportunities at our meetings, and discussion groups after church. Increase the Vision others outside of Gilead have of us.

We want to increase our visibility in our community! Sometimes it feels like Gilead is a wonderful secret. We’re looking at increasing our event publicity, our Facebook and Internet presence, and send mailings out to new residents. Would you like to serve on the PR team? Let me know. Increase the Vision we have for where God may be calling us in the future. This may be our most important visioning strategy. We want to invite God to come into our hearts during this year, and tell us where to go. You’ll be hearing about multiple opportunities to come together in prayer throughout the year, and right now I invite you to add to your prayer concerns each night a prayer for our long-range vision.

A popular translation of Proverbs 29:18 reads, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” And interestingly, the word Presbyterian comes from a Greek root which literally means “old eyes,” (and came to mean elder; we are governed by elders). So let us not suffer from presbyopia, a form of aged near-sightedness. Let’s catch the Vision, and move forward with fresh insight. Remember, another hallmark of Presbyterianism is that we rely on one another. We’re not ruled from decision-makers on high, and the clergy are not in charge. Neither are the elected elders. We are the church together—that’s why there are so many committees! We need your vision, your voice, and your energy. Join one of our teams, or come to the many activities and mission opportunities we offer. If you wonder where the future lies for Gilead, or even what tomorrow holds in store, it may be within you to make it happen. Let’s do it together. And remember Matthew 19:26, “With God, all things are possible!” Love and light, Martin

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By the grace of God, many of us have made some interesting trips lately. Some have involved happy times at favorite vacation places. Some have involved sad duties as loved ones have passed from this life. Some have involved new locations not visited before, while yet other travel was necessitated by family changes and planning for the future.

Whatever the reason, we generally feel the pull of home and its comforts when our time away is coming to a close, and so it is as we come back to Gilead after being away in the course of a fine summer season.

We heard a song on August 25 that helps us understand how a safe and enjoyable trip should be conducted. The song, written by Mike Latini who is a long time friend of Gilead, is titled, “When I Go Downtown”, and highlights some of the many situations in which we find ourselves when we are away from home. The song reminds us that the way of faith is by having Jesus with us as we go about everyday living. The focus of the song is a line that says, “When I go downtown. Jesus goes with me.” Many of us would never start a day, a commute, or a trip to anywhere without first praying and asking Jesus to travel with us. It’s so comforting as you fight traffic to know Jesus is riding with you. (It also tends to change the vocabulary.) I relate to the song from the many times in my life that Jesus has ridden in my car, or on the plane in which I was a passenger, or in someone else’s car. It just doesn’t make sense to plan to go anywhere without including Him in the plans.

Paul tells us to “Pray without ceasing.” He wasn’t talking just about travels, but about every facet and activity of our daily lives. We don’t need to fold hands or bow our heads with eyes closed to pray effectively. God deals well with one-liners! What is important is that we address Him in all situations, good or bad. Whether we pray for help, or in thanks, or for someone else, or just in praise for a particularly nice sunset, we need to acknowledge God in all situations. As a line in Mike’s song says, “He’s always there to take my part.” The key word here is ‘Always.’ If we practice continual prayer, we will be able to sense His presence with us, and to know

the fellowship with Him that keeps us moving ahead with our lives in a positive direction. Sure, God is always there with us! How silly and just uninformed of us not to realize that this is so. We can’t go someplace where God is not. Wherever we’re headed, God is already there. He’s even prepared a place for us ahead of time, and for the loved ones who have gone on ahead of us.

Seasons change, people change, God does not. The Bible tells us that Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Cell phones, the social media, hybrid cars... these things all change. The only real constant in our lives is that God loves each one of us, and that Jesus Christ has freed us from the consequences of our sins when we have faith in Him. So, continue to travel with Him, even when you stay home, and live every minute in His presence. That’s the essence of eternal life. Why wait? Start living your eternal life right now by taking Jesus downtown with you every time you go.

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A Note from the

Gilead Music Department September 2013

I hope you have all had a wonderful, relaxing summer and are now ready to get back into the swing of the Fall Schedule. Gilead Worship has been very musical this summer with many of our talented musicians helping to make our service meaningful. Many thanks to all of you.

September 1 (Labor Day Weekend) Communion Sunday Junior Bell Chimes rehearse at 9:15 am and will play in Worship today

Wednesday, September 4, will be the first rehearsal of the:

Senior Bell Chimes at 6:30 pm Senior Choir at 7:45 pm

If you have been thinking about getting involved with either (or both) of these group, please come to our rehearsal(s). The Senior Choir sings every Sunday & the Bell Chimes usually play once a month (or more.) Both groups are lots of fun and very welcoming. September 8

Senior Bell Chimes 8:30 am - (we’ll be playing in Worship) Senior Choir 9 am (we’ll singing in Worship)

Wednesday, September 13

Senior Bell Chimes 6:45 pm Senior Choir 7:30pm

September 15 (Rally Day) 1st day of Church School

Penny Cameron will be working with the Praise Makers during Church School.

After Worship: Parents register for Praise Makers (pre-school-4th grade); “The 3-Gs” (Gilead Gospel Group), an intergenerational group of singers, guitars, harmonicas, etc. We’ll discussed rehearsal times and how often we want to participate in Worship.

Junior Bell Chimes/Orff Instruments (5th grade and up) we’ll discuss rehearsal time

and when we can sing/play in Worship. 3:00 pm Celebration of the life of Judi Stavrides - Senior Bell Chimes will play Wednesday, September 18

No Senior Bell Chimes No Senior Choir

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September 22 Senior Choir 9:00 am

Wednesday, September 25

Senior Bell Chimes 6:45 pm Senior Choir 7:30 pm

September 29

Senior Choir 9:00 am Wednesday, October 1

Senior Bell Chimes 6:45 pm Senior Choir 7:30 pm

So, Welcome Back, Choirs and all those Who Like to Join! It’s going to be an

exciting fall. If you have any questions, give me a call @ 845 225-6958.

Mary Temple, Music Director .

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Gilead Youth Group News

September 2013

Rockettes Christmas Show – LAST CALL

There was interest last year in a trip to the Rockettes for the Christmas show. I have secured tickets for November 24 the 4:00 pm show. The price would be $90.00 for Lunch, bus and Front Mezzanine tickets 200 section Rows B-E. I ordered 50 tickets and I need to pay for them in three weeks. So if you are interested in attending, you will need to let me know and pay by the end of August. .

Schools back in session!!!! Exciting times as we set schedules, plan activities, shop for new clothes and get anxious about new beginnings. We all want to be happy and most importantly we want our children to be happy. It has been said: that being happy is doing what is right. The problem lies in that it is not always easy to do what is right. It takes courage, bravery and commitment to do the right thing. It takes involved parents, to teach what is right. Follow your children as they travel the halls of their schools this year, help them navigate the difficult task of friendship and relationships. Talk to them often, listen to interactions and be aware of their time and conversations on social media. Together this year we will explain and guide them to a better understanding of the Be-Attitudes as they grow in mind, body and spirit A quick review for you as the bell rings and the bus arrives. Lessons to learn; Don’t be selfish. Ask for and give forgiveness. Be sensitive to others. Be aware of what you don’t know. Give understanding. Be honest. Learn to get along with everyone. Put others first. I look forward to another great year @ Gilead, knowing that together we are helping everyone find peace and happiness each day. Warm Regards Fran

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Before I die....................... It is easy to get caught up in the day-to-day and forget what really matters to you. Before I Die is a global public art project that invites people to reflect on their lives and share their personal aspirations in public space. Originally created by artist Candy Chang on an abandoned house in her neighborhood in New Orleans after she lost someone she loved, the project is coming to Gilead thanks to our Youth Group. We wanted to create a space for members of our church and the community to share more with the people around them. More than 200 walls have been created in over 15 languages and in over 40 countries. This wall will be yours. Please visit, for more information on this project. We hope to launch this project for October 2013.

Youth Calendar of Events September 2013

Saturday 9/14 to Sunday 9/15 Overnight retreat for you & friends 5th grade and older. Filled with a fun excursion, friends and faith building activities. See flyer for details.

Sunday 9/15

Rally Day youth serve Brunch following worship.

Friday 9/20 Pizza and project party Meet at Gilead at 7:00 pm RSVP Fran 628-7413 Parent helpers welcome.

I need ideas for a fun interesting and new activity for Saturday. Call me 628-


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Come join us this year!

Learn about Biblical people

chosen to be God’s Messengers.

How can YOU be one of

God’s messengers?

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Church School



2013 - 2014

Positions are available in all


Curriculum is provided.

Please share your faith with our youth.

Please sign up in church lounge

or contact Diana Drake Behan

845-225-1979 or [email protected]

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A Live Guided Tour of the Christmas Story

December 14 - 15, 2013

Tilly Foster Farm 5:00 to 7:00 pm

Please join us! We need actors, parking and tour guides, people for costuming and set building, and help in the refreshment area. Our vision is to have participants from all of our local churches. The Planning committee will meet at Gilead Church at 3:30 pm on the following dates:

September 8 October 6 November 3 December 7

For more information please contact Reverend Martin McGeachy at

845-225-4586 or by email at [email protected].


to the


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WORSHIP AND MINISTRY Pastor McGeachy generally follows the lectionary each week, but there are occasional exceptions. We are making these available for those who may wish to read the likely scripture readings in advance of Sunday worship. The daily lectionary and the Mission Yearbook for Prayer and Study are available on our website:

Lectionary for Sundays and Festivals Scripture Reference September 2013

Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost—September 1 Twenty–second Sunday in Ordinary Time Semicontinuous Complementary Jeremiah 2:4–13 Proverbs 25:6–7 Psalm 81:1, 10–16 Psalm 112 Hebrews 13:1–8, 15–16 Hebrews 13:1–8, 15–16 Luke 14:1, 7–14 Luke 14:1, 7–14 Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost—September 8 Twenty–third Sunday in Ordinary Time Semicontinuous Complementary Jeremiah 18:1–11 Deuteronomy 30:15–20 Psalm 139:1–6, 13–18 Psalm 1 Philemon 1–21 Philemon 1–21 Luke 14:25–33 Luke 14:25–33 Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost—September 15 Twenty–fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Semicontinuous Complementary Jeremiah 4:11–12, 22–28 Exodus 32:7–14 Psalm 14 Psalm 51:1–10 1 Timothy 1:12–17 1 Timothy 1:12–17 Luke 15:1–10 Luke 15:1–10 Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost—September 22 Twenty–fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Semicontinuous Complementary Jeremiah 8:18—9:1 Amos 8:4–7 Psalm 79:1–9 Psalm 113 1 Timothy 2:1–7 1 Timothy 2:1–7 Luke 16:1–13 Luke 16:1–13 Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost—September 29 Twenty–sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Semicontinuous Complementary Jeremiah 32:1–3a, 6–15 Amos 6:1a, 4–7 Psalm 91:1–6, 14–16 Psalm 146 1 Timothy 6:6–19 1 Timothy 6:6–19 Luke 16:19–31 Luke 16:19–31

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9/1 Penny Cameron Paul Verdesi Dolores Knapp Roy Knapp Lucy Ojeda

9/8 Tina Annunziato Sal Rinaldi Diana Rinaldi

9/15 Margaret Karell Lucy Ojeda Jose Ojeda

9/22 Antoinette O’Conner Chris Newe Jim Healy

9/29 Martin Schuldt Louise Andres Pauline Silberquit

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Memorial Service for Judi Stavrides There will be a memorial service on September 15 to at 3PM to celebration the life of Judi Stavrides.

Sean Meyer Lent Sean Lent is participating in the Young Adult Volunteers program of the Presbyterian Church (USA). He will be volunteering at Discovering Opportunities for Outreach and Reflection (DOOR), a non-profit organization, while living with a few housemates his age in Denver, CO. He will be there from August 26, 2013 - August 15, 2014. DOOR is a faith-based network of six cities that provides opportunities for service, learning and leadership development within the urban context. They highlight the strengths of our cities, as well as the needs. They believe this is best accomplished through collaboration, mutuality and partnership. You can follow his work by reading his blog at We’re sure he’d love to hear from home, so you can keep in touch as follows: Address: 1330 Wolff St., Denver, CO 80204 Email: [email protected] Cell: 914-519-8932

To further support Sean’s work, you can make a donation to DOOR: To Donate by Check: payable to "DOOR" - write "Sean Lent" in the memo line Mail to: DOOR, 430 West 9th Ave., Denver, CO 80204 To Donate on line:

New Members

We welcome our newest members:

On August 4, Jeanne Van Vlack rejoined Gilead by letter of transfer and her great granddaughter, Becky Van Vlack joined by affirmation of faith.

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Dave and Carol Lewis

Dave and Carol Lewis celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on August 24th. They were long-time members of Gilead, and Dave served as Treasurer for much of

that time, frequently guiding us through some turbulent financial periods. We extend our heartiest congratulations to them on reaching this milestone!

Sunday Evening Devotional

“Are any among you suffering? They should pray. Are any cheerful? They should sing songs of praise. 14 Are any among you sick? They should call for the elders of the church and have them pray over them, anointing them with oil in the name of the Lord. 15 The prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise them up; and anyone who has committed sins will be forgiven. 16 Therefore confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another, so that you may be healed. The prayer of the righteous is powerful

and effective.” (James 5:13-16) We have a new informal worship opportunity at Gilead. Called our Sunday Evening Devotional, on the last Sunday of each month at 7:30 p.m., we are gathering in the lounge for a time of prayer, Scripture, discernment and fellowship. Bring your joys and concerns, faith and love. The next service will be on September 29.

Reed Memorial Library Family Fun Day Celebration Reed Memorial Library is holding a Family Fun Day Celebration on September 21 from Noon to 3:00 pm on the grounds of Gilead Church. There will be old time carnival games, music, crafts, food, and fun for everyone. So come out to support our neighboring community organization as it celebrates its 100th anniversary!

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OUTREACH AND MISSION Gilead Food Pantry The Gilead Food Pantry is open Friday mornings from 10:00 am until noon to offer food to those who are in need. Donations of food or funds are always welcome. Food items can be placed in the basket in the lounge while funds are best given directly to Marj Williams or placed in the offering basket with the notation “Food Pantry” on the envelope or memo line of your check.

The Salvation Army has begun supporting our food pantry by offering free breakfast to food pantry clients on Friday mornings from 10:00 am until 11:30 am. We greatly appreciate their ministry! For more information on this important ministry, please see Marj Williams.

While the goods received during the Kid’s Kitchen Collections have been a great help to the food pantry, please remember that other things continue to be needed, so please continue to bring other items on non-communion Sundays. Thanks!

Gilead Church School Kid’s Kitchen

As has been our tradition, children bring an offering for the food pantry on the first Sunday of each month. We are expanding upon this tradition by introducing the Gilead Church School Kid’s Kitchen. Each month will have a different theme, and children are requested to bring up an item related to that theme with

them during “Time for the Young at Heart”.

In September, the children brought home a calendar for the next 12 months to remind them what to bring each month. Please help your child to remember to bring this important offering for our food pantry ministry. The calendar for this school year follows, and will be also posted on the Church School Bulletin Board by the Church School entrance. If you have any questions about this offering project please see Diana Drake Behan.

Habitat for Humanity Habitat for Humanity is part of our church mission. There are volunteer opportunities on house sites or off site work. Steve Biolsi is the Project Manager for Habitat for Humanity of Putnam County. He can be reached at 914-774-9314. You can get more information on the web at and you can find them on Facebook

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Gilead Church School

Kid’s Kitchen Calendar

Month Item to Bring I remembered

September Applesauce and Canned Vegetables

October Spaghetti Sauce and Pasta

November Cake Mix and Frosting

December Paper goods and/or a 2 lb. bag of rice

January Jelly and Canned Fruit

February Instant Mash



Paper Towels


Easter treat and/or

2 lb. Bag of Rice


Complete Pancake Mix and Syrup


Paper Napkins

July Juice Boxes and Cookies


Toilet Paper

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Financial Report

As of 07/31/13:

Regular Income Year to Date 99,294

Expenses Year to Date 111,001

Surplus (Deficit) (11,707)

We’re in the final stretch…. Help Gilead payoff our Renovation Loan

Outstanding Renovation Loan Balance: $25,514 Monthly Payment: $1,835 Number of Payments Remaining: 15

Online Giving Is Now Available Online giving is an easy, secure way to support Gilead Presbyterian Church. You can conveniently make a donation at any time. Just go to the Gilead website, and click on the “Donate” button, and you will be taken to the PayPal website to complete the transaction. (Please note that PayPal keeps 2.2% plus $ .30 for each transaction as a processing fee.)

You can also click here

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Faith Discussion Group As the group resumes its Thursday evening meetings beginning on September 5, discussions will center on Peter’s letters and on the Book of Leviticus. Somehow, God puts these two unlikely scriptures in front of us and may we end up with new understanding of what the Catechism is after when we are asked to describe the “chief end of Man.” Please plan to come on Thursdays when you can, and participate in this faith-strengthening exercise. Speak with Don De Vries for more information and answers to any questions about the group.

Prayer...In the 21st Century by Rob LoAlbo

Prayer is such a powerful tool. Prayer roots us in our faith, giving us discernment and a vision. God speaks to us in those quiet moments, strengthening us in spirit. It is good for His people to pray together. But what happens when our life gets so busy that we can’t find the time to be in the same place together?

At the beginning of the summer, during a discussion about the many helpful uses of technology in regards to communication, I was struck with an idea: create a virtual prayer group. I posed a challenge to everyone within earshot, and to everyone on Facebook, that we would pray as one, even if we were not together. As a result, some have made a commitment with me and have been praying specifically for our church, its future, and the roles of its members, every Thursday night, wherever they

are at 9:00 PM, for 10 minutes. Additionally, we have been posting on the church’s Facebook page as a means of reminder and encouragement. We may not be physically together as a prayer group, but we are one in purpose, which is just as effective. If you would like to commit with me, set an alarm on your phone and wherever you are, join me in prayer at that time every week, praying for our fold and future. Join us in our Facebook discussions on the Gilead Church’s Facebook page. Did you forget to pray at 9 and wanted to? Or maybe you couldn’t get to it until an hour later. Not to worry! Hop in when you can. Whatever you’re offering, it is fine by God, as He looks to the heart and to your commitment to Him. Remember, He longs to spend time with you.

Gilead Designer

Gilead Designers will be meeting on September 20.The group meets at Gilead at 6:00 pm. Anyone interested in creating craft projects is invited. Please see Mary Temple or Ellen Nielsen for more information.

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Stretch Exercise Classes

Stretch Exercise Classes are being given every Monday and Thursday at 11:00 am at Gilead. Annina and her friend Brigitta have organized this ongoing class. There is a charge of $1.00 per class which is being donated to Gilead every month. Those with physical problems would especially benefit by these classes. Everyone is welcome. If further information is needed, please contact Annina at 845-225-7012.

Medieval Banquet

Hear ye, hear ye! We will be holding our third Medieval Banquet this coming January, in celebration of Twelfth Night (Epiphany). We will be featuring German foods and music in honor of our talented cook, Fern. If anyone is interested in becoming a part of Gilead Castle- musicians/singers, artists, kitchen staff, jesters, etc. - please see Lady Cecilia (Mariah Warren), as preparations will soon be underway. Thanks to thee and fare thee well!

SpiritWalkers (Ecumenical Hiking Group)

God spoke, “Let us make human beings in our image, make them reflecting our nature

So they can be responsible for the fish in the sea, The birds in the air, the cattle, and, yes, Earth itself,

And every animal that moves on the face of the earth.” Genesis1:26-28 We are hiking in Tarrywile Park (CT) on Sunday, Sept. 15th. Meet in the Drew Methodist Church parking lot at 12:30. All are welcome! If you would like to be kept up to date on the year’s schedule and any updates, please join the Spirit Walkers Ecumenical Hiking Group page on Facebook. All hikers must have a signed waiver on file with the church prior to hiking with us, and, if age 18 or under, a signed permission slip.

We look forward to seeing you as we explore the beauty of God’s creation!

Our Daily Bread

Please note that the current issue of our Daily Bread is now available in the lounge. Pick one up for some daily inspiration.

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Gilead Prayer Chain The prayer chain organized by the Deacons is an avenue of support for congregation members who are experiencing joy, pain or dealing with unexpected situations. Currently there are 19 members who have volunteered to be on the prayer chain and are emailed/called about prayer request as they

come in. The Prayer chain is a fast way to gain a community of support when you need it! If you have any joys/concerns you would like us to hear about, Prayers can be emailed to:

Prayer Chain Coordinator: Lindsay D’Ascoli : [email protected]

If you would like to volunteer to be added to our prayer chain email list Email [email protected] or contact (845)225-0221

Prayer Chain for Pets

Yes! Thank you, thank you for your great response/interest: there will now be a pet*/pet owners prayer chain for those pets and/or pet owners who have health/behavioral concerns for their treasured friends. We are looking for anyone who would care to join us in a prayer chain for anyone needing prayers for their pets. The following have agreed to act as contacts for the group:

Joyce Scott Carmel 845-225-7293

Mary Lou Cassidy Carmel 845-225-7268

Shirley DeVries Brewster 845-279-8688

Sue Surovic Carmel 845-225-2988

Alicia Briley Carmel 845-228-4672

Please feel free to call any one of us for prayerful support during difficult times..

Prayer requests can also be posted on the Facebook page. I will be checking in with anyone who submits a request by phone, in person or email if they would also like the request posted on the Facebook page. I've noticed sometimes it helps to get comments of encouragement and support when you have a prayer! If you have any questions, always feel free to ask.

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Sermon Podcasts: or They are also available through iTunes software.

YouTube: Facebook: Public Page:

o Facebook Closed Group:


When you click on the Gilead Facebook page, please make sure you click on the “Like” button – it’s another way to keep up with events at Gilead.

Have your remembered the church in your will?

Young Adults of Gilead

Calling all Young Adults of Gilead - there is now a Facebook group just for you "Gilead Presbyterian Young Adults".

What age group are the Young Adults of Gilead? People post confirmation through college graduation. The group is brand new. It was created 4/24/12 and comments are appreciated. it is a place where you can find support and help when you need it or provide support and help when someone needs it. it is a way to stay connected to Gilead or reconnect with Gilead. Links to the Gilead website and PCUSA are there and events will be added they become known. Look for scripture and postings by Micah Rose Emerson, a former youth director of Gilead. Use the group as a way to keep God by your side as you find your way in the world. Come and have a look!

Please remember to support the Deacons’ Fund, either by using the special quarterly envelopes or by designating “Deacons’ Fund” on a check.

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The CNS Pre-K Program is Gilead's nonsectarian school for 2 1/2 to 5 year olds. Since it was founded in 1949, the Pre-School has been a respected community resource for early childhood education. Our staff consists of three teachers and an aide with many years of experience at CNS between them. All are active members of the community and volunteers in the school district.

The school offers two, three and five day programs. They follow the same calendar as the Carmel Central School district.

In preparing a child for Kindergarten, their philosophy is teaching the whole child to grow. They provide a daily routine balanced between academic skills and lessons, crafts, free and structured play time, music, story time, computer time, snack, and outdoor activities on the large playground. The curriculum was developed in conjunction with the area kindergarten teachers to best prepare the child for kindergarten and instill an enthusiasm for learning in a fun loving environment. Utilizing the team teaching method, three teachers give a student to teacher ratio of approximately 8 to 1. For children scheduled to enter public school in September of the year, we routinely prepare a detailed evaluation of Kindergarten readiness.

For more information, please call the school at 845-225-8044, or visit them at, or on Facebook.

Used with permission.

Copyright Gospel Communications International, Inc.

Used with permission.

©Communication Resources, Inc.

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Tastefully Simple So far you helped raise over $100 for Gilead, simply by ordering The Food That You Love!

The Tastefully Simple Fundraiser will continue each month with a featured special. A link has been posted on the website, so you can order anytime.

If you would rather place your order with me or have any questions, please call me!

Cynthia Davern Tastefully Simple Senior Consultant

"the food you love, the time you deserve" 845-225-3878

[email protected]

There is an easy way to help Gilead’s finances if you shop at Gilead receives a commission from Amazon if you enter their site through Gilead’s web page. Just go to and click on Gilead Staff Recommendations on the left side menu – the bottom choice just above the church’s name.

You can also reach that page directly at . You can bookmark the page for easier access!

From that page you can view books, music, and other items recommended by Gilead staff members, or search Amazon directly.

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9/2 Roy Knapp 9/22 Erin Clark

9/5 Philip Spinnelli 9/22 Justin Perez

9/5 Emily Montano 9/23 Ron Hill

9/8 Matthew Pinchbeck 9/24 Thomas Talerico

9/10 Kimberley Nielsen 9/27 Amy Grieco

9/10 Michael Davern 9/30 Diane Devlin

9/11 Kaitlyn Ann McCarvill

9/14 Leslie Sweeney Anniversaries

9/14 Patricia Schwerkolt 9/5 Renae & Lou Lent

9/15 Craig Dickson, Jr. 9/10 Joan & Paul Francis

9/16 Merwin Foard 9/26 Cindy & Mike Davern

9/18 Warren Behan 9/27 Beth & Conrad Cowan

9/20 Della Temple 9/30 Geraldine & Jim Healy

9/20 Zoe Temple

9/21 Michael Karell

Please accept our apologies if we have missed you during the year. If you wish to share these events, please either send an email to [email protected] or leave a write it on a slip of paper and leave it in The Shingle mail slot in the office.

For more information about Gilead Church, please visit our web site:

Please remember that the deadline for submissions is the 20th of each month. Submissions preferably can be emailed to Martin McGeachy at the church office: [email protected] with a copy to Warren Behan at [email protected], or you may drop off a hard copy at the Office.

Gilead Presbyterian Church 9 Church St.

Carmel, NY 10512 845-225-4586

Email: [email protected]

Martin McGeachy Pastor

Fran Croughan Youth Director

Mary Temple Music Director

Acknowledgements: Some Images © or ©Communication Resources, Inc.

Page 24: The Shingle - 09/13


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

110:00 AM Morning Worship with HolyCommunion and Church School


11:00 AM StretchExercise Class7:00 PM AA Meeting

3 46:30 PM Bell ChimesReheasal7:00 PM AA Meeting7:45 PM Senior ChoirRehearsal

511:00 AM StretchExercise Class7:30 PM Faith DiscussionGroup

6 710:00 AM PRPH

810:00 AM Morning Worship and ChurchSchool3:30 PM Journey to the Manger PlanningMeeting

911:00 AM StretchExercise Class7:00 PM AA Meeting

107:30 PM Session Meeting

11Patriot Day6:30 PM Bell ChimesReheasal7:00 PM AA Meeting7:45 PM Senior ChoirRehearsal

1211:00 AM StretchExercise Class7:30 PM Faith DiscussionGroup

13 14

Overnight Retreat10:00 AM PRPH


10:00 AM Morning Worship and ChurchSchool10:00 AM Rally Day11:00 AM Youth Brunch12:30 PM SpiritWalkers Hike in TarrywilePark (CT)3:00 PM Memorial Service for JudiStavrides.

1611:00 AM StretchExercise Class7:00 PM AA Meeting

17 186:30 PM Bell ChimesReheasal7:00 PM AA Meeting7:45 PM Senior ChoirRehearsal

1911:00 AM StretchExercise Class7:30 PM Faith DiscussionGroup


6:30 PM Gilead Designers7:00 PM Youth Pizza andProject Party


10:00 AM PRPH12:00 PM Reed MemorialLibrary Family Fun Day


10:00 AM Morning Worship and ChurchSchool

2311:00 AM StretchExercise Class7:00 PM AA Meeting

24 256:30 PM Bell ChimesReheasal7:00 PM AA Meeting7:45 PM Senior ChoirRehearsal

2611:00 AM StretchExercise Class7:30 PM Faith DiscussionGroup

27 2810:00 AM PRPH

2910:00 AM Morning Worship and ChurchSchool7:30 PM Sunday Evening Devotional

3011:00 AM StretchExercise Class7:00 PM AA Meeting

1 26:30 PM Bell ChimesReheasal7:00 PM AA Meeting7:45 PM Senior ChoirRehearsal

311:00 AM StretchExercise Class7:30 PM Faith DiscussionGroup

4 510:00 AM PRPH