Download - The Saint Mark's MessengerNext Concert by the San Marco Chamber Music Society February 9, 2014, 7:00 PM St. Mark's Evangelical Lutheran Church Organ Showcase Concert Featuring Organist

Page 1: The Saint Mark's MessengerNext Concert by the San Marco Chamber Music Society February 9, 2014, 7:00 PM St. Mark's Evangelical Lutheran Church Organ Showcase Concert Featuring Organist


The Saint Mark's The Saint Mark's The Saint Mark's

Messenger Messenger Messenger

Church Office Hours

Mon, Tues, Thurs, & Fri 9:30-3:00

Wed 9:30 –1:30

Phone: (904) 396-9608

Fax: 396-3515


Email: [email protected]


Rev. Thomas Hanson

Phone: (904) 396-9608 x 14

Cell: 416-5341

Email: [email protected]

Dir. of Ministry Administration

and Volunteers: Wendi Orr

Phone: (904) 396-9608

Email: [email protected]

Director of Music Ministry:

Tony Cruz

Phone: (904) 396-9608 x 21

Email: [email protected]

St Mark's Ark

Director: Patrice Roux-Neal

Phone: (904) 346-0404

Email: StMarksArk@

[email protected]

February 2014February 2014February 2014

The Lutheran Story

Pastor Thomas S. Hanson

It’s interesting that I’ve recently found myself in several discussions or reading books or articles about people discovering for the first time that “being good” is not what faith in Christ is all about. Those I’ve talked with and read are amazed to find that it is not up to them to try to earn God’s grace and mercy. They are amazed to discover that Jesus’ death was not payment for our sin but it was the end of that transactional system. God did something new in Christ. God put an end to the law. God loves us because of Christ, not our actions.

I said, it is interesting how certain topics of conversation pop up on a regular schedule. Every generation, it seems, has to discover for itself that we don’t have to convince God to love us. God loves us while we are yet sinners. We are, at the same time, “sinners and redeemed” (most often spoken of as “sinners and saints”).

There are so many people who have lived under a judgmental eye of God; it is no wonder that they are suspect of the church and what they see as the Christian message. For many, the Christian faith is about what we don’t do rather than what Christ has done. When we focus on what we’re supposed to do or not do, we get hard on ourselves and fear if we will ever be good enough. And when we are hard on ourselves, we become even harder on others. We erect walls of expectations, fences of laws, and barriers of requirements. As we describe the work Christians must do, the laws and expectations of ourselves and others only grow, and we are bound even tighter.

It is always a thrill when people finally see that it is not up to them to get good enough for God to love them. It is always a thrill when people finally hear that righteousness is God’s business and righteous is what God makes us through Jesus Christ. It is always a thrill to see the joy in their hearts when people hear that when God looks at them, God sees Christ first.

Sometimes I wonder why people haven’t heard this gospel of grace

before — it has been the center of our Lutheran witness since the early

1500s. Maybe we haven’t heard that message ourselves over all the noisy

demands of our modern world. Maybe this good news seems too good to

be true. Maybe we all need to think and pray about this good news and

our role in sharing it with others.

Page 2: The Saint Mark's MessengerNext Concert by the San Marco Chamber Music Society February 9, 2014, 7:00 PM St. Mark's Evangelical Lutheran Church Organ Showcase Concert Featuring Organist


A Message from The Ark

Tony's Musical Notes

Labels for Education is a program that allows schools to redeem product labels for school supplies. St.

Mark’s Ark is now a part of this program. Please check your cans and boxes’ UPC code for “Labels for

Education”, cut them out and put them in the box in Hart Hall.

If you have a friend or relative that teaches school, you know that teachers can’t help spending their own

money on supplies they want for their classes. Our teachers are no different. When they are out and see

the “thing” they really need for a special lesson, they buy it. I would love to give a teacher a catalog and

say pick something. You can join in to help our children get needed supplies and play equipment by stuffing

our box full of UPC labels. With your help, we can do big things.

Also keep your eye out for the Sweet Frog Fundraiser dates. If you eat at the Lakewood location on those

dates and let them know you support St. Mark’s Ark, we get a percentage of the proceeds.

God’s peace,

Patrice Roux-Neal

Singing the Praises of St. Olaf’s Choir

The world-renowned St. Olaf Choir, hailed as one of America’s premiere collegiate

ensembles, will present a concert of choral music and pipe organ music at Palms

Presbyterian Church, 3410 South Third Street, in Jacksonville Beach.

“Hearing the St. Olaf Choir is more than just a musical experience,” says the choir’s

director, Anton Armstrong. “What makes this ensemble distinctive is the way our

singers perform at the highest artistic level and touch the hearts and souls of our listeners. Through body,

mind, spirit, and voice, our audiences are transformed.”

Tuesday, February 4, 7:30 P.M. Free!

Psalms Presbyterian Church 3410 South Third St. Jacksonville Beach, FL

On February 1, 2014 we will have our monthly Men in Mission. Please join us starting at

7:30 am in the Fellowship Hall for prayer and breakfast. We usually work until around

noon. Men, women, youth (ALL) are welcome. We have some catching up to do since the

workdays were short in December and January. The typical work is A/C filters, light bulb

replacement, and general small projects, such as gluing baseboard, faucet repair, cleaning,

painting parking lines, etc.

Page 3: The Saint Mark's MessengerNext Concert by the San Marco Chamber Music Society February 9, 2014, 7:00 PM St. Mark's Evangelical Lutheran Church Organ Showcase Concert Featuring Organist


We will hold our Contemporary/Casual Worship services

Saturday, February 1st & 15th at 5:30 PM in the Nave.

Please join us and bring a friend.


Thoughts for you:

1.) Life is fragile, handle with prayer.

2.) When you reach your wit’s end, you will find that God lives there.

Uncle Stew


Thanks to you Saint Mark’s Garden is healthy and yielding tangible benefits! The Fall Appeal yielded 73 promises of support for 2014 totaling $279,182. This support of our church is critical to our church leadership in planning for the future mission of Saint Mark’s. There is always time for you to contribute to the garden for 2014 if you have not offered a financial pledge. Contact Rose Tallman or myself for details.

Christians consider Stewardship to be the wise management of God’s resources which HE first gave to us. During 2013, Stewardship at Saint Mark’s continued with the help of the Holy Spirit along with the members of our congregation as a year round effort.

Stewardship is rooted in Scripture and touches our lives daily. It involves our Time, Talents and Treasures. During the year the Committee presented opportunities for members to participate in service to our church and community including the Time and Talents volunteer drive. Our committee is optimistic that with the addition of new church members as well as the support of current members that our church’s blessings will continue to be multiplied throughout the year. Your offerings of Time, Talents and Treasures are appreciated. Should you have an interest in a particular area of service please watch the calendar and attend the next meeting of that team or ministry. You may also contact the church office to get more information regarding any of our activities here at our church.

The committee members in 2013 were Gary Pudimat, Mary Berglund, Carl Moser, Bill VanAs as well as Rose and Larry Tallman. During the coming year the committee looks forward to sharing a variety of Stewardship thoughts and practices with the Saint Mark’s family. I encourage you to participate and grow the seeds of faith this coming year!

Respectfully Submitted,

Jan Berglund


Page 4: The Saint Mark's MessengerNext Concert by the San Marco Chamber Music Society February 9, 2014, 7:00 PM St. Mark's Evangelical Lutheran Church Organ Showcase Concert Featuring Organist


Join The Lion’s Pride and...

The next meeting will be held on Friday, February 14 at 12 noon in Hart Hall. Tony Cruz, our Director of Music Ministry, will play melodies for Valentines Day. Please bring your own sandwich and join us. Drinks and dessert will be furnished by our hosts Gwin and John Reiser

The call committee may contact you. Otherwise, please call Bill Daugherty at 904-737-3218 by Tuesday, February 11, to reserve your seat.

There is a meeting for all Board Members on

Sunday, February 2nd, between services.

Priscilla Circle meets the second Thursday at

7:00 pm in the Church Library. The next meet-

ing is on February 13th.

Rebecca Circle meets the second Saturday of

each month at 10:00 am at the home of Marge

Broward. The next meeting is February 8th.

Deborah Circle meets the second Tuesday at

9:30 am in Hart Hall. The next meeting is on

February 11th.

All women are invited to participate in Circle meetings

and special events.

Contact Rachel Mumford or Joyce Wertz

for more information.

Visit us on the web at

Page 5: The Saint Mark's MessengerNext Concert by the San Marco Chamber Music Society February 9, 2014, 7:00 PM St. Mark's Evangelical Lutheran Church Organ Showcase Concert Featuring Organist


Lutheran Regional Men’s Gathering

The third annual Lutheran Regional Men’s Gathering will take place this year on Saturday, February 8, 2014, from 8:00 to 11:30am in the fellowship hall at St. Mark’s. This year’s guest speaker is Pastor Jim Graeser, previously the pastor at Cross+Road Lutheran Church and now Director of Evangelical Mission and Assistant to the Bishop for the Northern region of the Synod. Please mark this date on your calendar. A hot breakfast will be served and a new segment called “Bible Jeopardy”, added to the agenda. Hope to see you there.

Jim Dennis

St. Mark’s Youth Group News

There will be no Youth Group meeting February 5th. It’s Super Bowl Sunday. Enjoy

the game!

Yard Sale

The Youth will be holding a Yard Sale in April to raise money for a mission trip to Haiti

and other youth service opportunities. So hold onto your "stuff"! More information to

come about when items can be dropped off at church. If you need to get it off your

hands sooner or have any questions, or would like to volunteer to help because you just

love working Yard Sales please contact Bridget Pudimat 904-371-0809 or

[email protected].

Ahoy Mateys!

The planning team for Vacation Bible School is

meeting on Monday, Feb. 3 at 6:30 in the Music

Suite to launch into the Treasure Island theme for

our Aug. 4-8 VBS. Come and bring friends—the

more input, the better!

Next Concert by the San Marco Chamber Music Society

February 9, 2014, 7:00 PM St. Mark's Evangelical Lutheran Church

Organ Showcase Concert

Featuring Organist Rodney Cleveland

Music of Telemann, Mullikin, Albinoni/Giazotto,

and Handel

Also featuring Julian Kaplan, trumpet, and

Eric Olson, oboe

Free Admission, free will offering taken

Page 6: The Saint Mark's MessengerNext Concert by the San Marco Chamber Music Society February 9, 2014, 7:00 PM St. Mark's Evangelical Lutheran Church Organ Showcase Concert Featuring Organist


From the Finance Committee Chair:

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

In mid January our Comptroller "closed the books" on 2013 and I’d like to share with you a financial recap of last year.

Up front Summary: Saint Mark’s ended 2013 with almost $37,104 in expenses over income for the General Op-erating Fund which also includes out mortgage costs. St. Mark’s Council and Finance Team were aware of the probability of more expenses than income and we were able to support our congregation’s mission, personnel, mortgage and facility requirements with funds of approximately $7,800 from the General Operating Fund reserve, augmented by $29,300 in undesignated bequests. As for expenses and income, St. Mark's spent nearly $5,000 less than budgeted and brought in approximately $38,000 more than anticipated. Compared to the previous year, St. Mark's spent nearly $19,000 more and took in nearly $7,500 less. With traditionally strong December giving, St. Mark's ended 2013 with $10,730 in the General Operating Fund reserve. Augmented by a $25,000 transfer of funds from undesignated bequests, we ended the year with $27,705 in the Capital Replacement Fund reserve. Al- though 2013 was under last year's performance, St. Mark's was blessed to continue to have available funds from 2012 bequests, allowing for completion of our organ upgrade project, many capital improvements and the replace-ment of all staff and support computers. Moving into 2014 we face a budget deficit of nearly $43,000. But through continued scrutiny of expenses, our congregation's generous giving and God's plan we can generate the income to reduce and perhaps even overcome the deficit.

For those who want the details.

Saint Mark’s began 2013 with an approved spending authorization for the General Operating Fund of $465,863, which included $72,660 for our mortgage. This was a $3,043 decrease over the approved authorization from 2012. The estimated deficit for 2013 was $79,916.

Expenses for 2013 were very carefully monitored by the Finance Committee, Council and by the Ministry Teams and Property Committee. Cost cutting efforts, coupled with continued utility savings resulted in actual ex-penses being below budget by over $4,813. Additionally, thanks to increased giving by our members, an increase in Ark contributions and other increased income sources, income was $37,999 over budget. Pastor Hanson, the Council and the Finance Committee were hopeful that increased commitment to the missions of St. Mark's by our congregation would meet our expenses. We were able to reduce the deficit by over half. However, despite below budget expenses and an increase in revenue over the budgeted projections, actual income was unable to meet actu-al expenses for the year. Council, at the recommendation of Finance, approved the transfer of up to $31,000 from undesignated bequests to augment the General Operating Fund. Actual transfers of $3,400 in July, $13,300 in August, $3,300 in September, $3,900 in October and $5,400 in November were needed to continue church mis-sions and operations.

The significant undesignated bequests of over $265,000 that were received in 2012 continued to make it possible for St. Mark's to conduct much needed facility improvements, purchase computers, help pay for our re-quired operational expenses, replenish our nearly depleted Capital Replacement Fund and provide funds that al-lowed for the completion of the organ upgrade project. Additionally, with the help of undesignated bequest funds, St. Mark's was able to conduct a Financial Review of our church, The Ark and Foundation. While not as extensive as an audit, the financial review was conducted by an independent CPA who coordinated with our Comptroller, Ark Treasurer and Foundation Chair. I am pleased to say there were no significant findings. Without these be-quests, St. Mark's would have been forced to enact expense cuts and would not have had the funds to cover our major capital improvements. Looking back over the past several years, I can report to you that had it not been for the blessing of several individuals remembering St. Mark's in their estates with some very generous bequests, our financial state would be dire, our facility maintenance severely lacking and our organ expansion project merely a dream.

Continued on page 7

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Notes of thanks were recently Notes of thanks were recently Notes of thanks were recently Notes of thanks were recently

received from the following:received from the following:received from the following:received from the following:


Thank you to all who donated at the January 2014 blood drive collection at the church!!! The next blood drive at Saint Mark’s will occur on March 30, 2014 beginning at 8 a.m. If you are healthy and available please stop by to donate blood. Perhaps your donation may assist someone you know in the future.

St. Marks will join other volunteers from the Jacksonville area Saturday, February 22, at the Second Harvest Food Bank, 1502 Jessie Street (32206) from 9:00 A.M. to Noon for a winter workday. Please RSVP Karl Stupski, Volunteer Coordinator at 737-0871 by Tuesday evening February 19, so we can provide the Food Bank with an idea of our participation. Please note that the Matthews Bridge is being painted, and as such the bridge is susceptible to weekend closures.

To Our Dear St. Mark’s Family,

Thank you for the many, many gifts, calls, and well wishes received during the Christmas holidays. We thank you for the generosity shown to each of us through your giving of the Christmas Purse. Your thoughtfulness and many kindnesses are greatly appreciated.


Your St. Mark’s Staff

Continued from page 6

We ended 2013 with a very positive December, allowing the General Operating Fund to increase to $10,730 at year's end. As of December 31st, our mortgage stands at $534,567. A "shout out" goes to the Ark Fair Share Committee for their work in evaluating costs and increasing Ark contributions. Throughout 2013, expenses were held at or below budget amounts by our Ministry teams (Invite, Nourish, Celebrate and Send) and our Property Committee. The fact that St. Mark's was able to keep expenses below budget by nearly $5,000 while still keeping a robust level of mission support to our community and to our Synod, and doing a great job of maintaining our church facilities is a true example of God's love in action by each and every person serving on all our teams. Many gave not only of their time, but also generously gave of their personal funds.

As we continue into 2014, I ask you all to prayerfully consider your ability to support God’s mission at St. Mark’s, and to continue to pray for the growth of our ministries. These ministries support our Lord’s great command to spread His words of grace, forgiveness and salvation to our congregation and to our local and worldwide communities.

Our Finance Team, Comptroller and Financial Secretary are always willing to discuss finances with our St. Mark's family. Please do not hesitate to contact them if you'd like to know more about how your gifts to St. Mark's are used. Copies of the monthly financial report and last month's Finance Committee meetings are available on the bulletin board in the hallway leading from the Fellowship Hall to Hart Hall.

Finally, I would like to thank all our Finance Committee members for their dedicated efforts this past year. Rose and Larry Tallman put in many hours and have done an outstanding job as our Financial Secretary and Church Comptroller. Bill Ahrens, Sue Ashby, Jan Berglund, Ron Eckels, Gary Pudimat, Mary Swart, and Bob Wofford have provided the knowledge, dedication and experience needed, enabling our committee to do its job during this fiscally challenging year. Please welcome Barbara Brown as our newly elected Treasurer. Finally it has been my pleasure to have served as your Treasurer and Finance Chair. Thank you all so much for your continued generous giving and support of God's house and His mission at St. Mark's.

God’s work. Our hands.

Ted Carter

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Worship Assistant Schedule

Date/Service Time Assisting Minister Lector Server Altar Guild

Saturday, Feb. 1 5:30 PM Sue Carter Ted Carter Ginger Hudson & Marieanne Prokop

Sunday, Feb 2 8:30 AM

11:00 AM

Steve Hicks Gary Pudimat

Leslie Allen BridgetPudimat

Eddie Jackson Al Voss

Mary Berglund & Jeanette Snyder Patricia Kendrick & Rachel Mumford

Sunday, Feb 9 8:30 AM

1 1:00 AM

Bill VanAs Barbara Brown

Pat Ainsley Neil Daraskevich

Susan Jackson Carol Daraskevich

Mary Berglund & Jeanette Snyder Patricia Kendrick & Rachel Mumford

Saturday, Feb 15 5:30 PM Larry Tallman Rose Tallman Ginger Hudson & Marieanne Prokop

Sunday, Feb 16 8:30 AM

11:00 AM

Pat Ainsley Jane Kilby

Eric Olson Al Voss

Ellen Olson Dennis Doiron

Mary Berglund & Jeanette Snyder Susan Jackson & Sharon Feingold

Sunday, Feb 23 8:30 AM

11:00 AM

Ron Eckels Gary Pudimat

Jan Berglund Carl Moser

Jack Hudson Bridget Pudimat

Mary Berglund & Jeanette Snyder Susan Jackson & Sharon Feingold

Date/Service Time Order of St. John Fellowship Nursery Ushers

Saturday, Feb. 1 5:30 PM Larry & Rose Tallman

Sunday, Feb 2 8:30 AM

11:00 AM

A/S Gina Olson C/S Paige Sohacki A/S Jody Harkrider C/S Grace Maszy

The Jorn Family

John & Rachel Mumford

Jeanette Snyder & Sue Hanson

Bridget & Jordan Pudimat

Camelle Decker & Loree Mueller John & Rachel Mumford

Sunday, Feb 9 8:30 AM

1 1:00 AM

A/S Max Cassella C/S Jack Cassella A/S Tahiana Rakotomandrindra C/S Nolan Pudimat

Ellen & Gina Olson

Arold Rambeloarisoa & Volunteer Needed

Camelle Decker & Leslie Allen Joyce and Larry Wertz

Saturday, Feb 15 5:30 PM Bill & Jane Daugherty

Sunday, Feb 16 8:30 AM

11:00 AM

A/S Amelia Jorn C/S Gina Olson A./S Marshall Bastien C/S Adam Kilby

Dale & Yvonne Gatz

Cindy & Paige Sohacki

Madison & Jill Hillis

Camelle Decker & Leslie Allen Robert & Barbara Brown

Sunday, Feb 23 8:30 AM

11:00 AM

A/S Jacks Cassella C/S Max Cassella A/S Miora Rambeloarisoa C/S Evan Harkrider

Mary Cusick

Dennis & Lynn Doiron

Connie Logan & Camille Cassella

John & Rachel Mumford

Camelle Decker & Leslie Allen Gary & Bridget Pudimat

Altar Flowers

Mozella Roux

Ruth Copeland

Mary Cusick

Bob Wofford

A contribution to St. Mark’s was made by the One Hundred Times Foundation in

honor of the Jorn Family. Thank you both to the One Hundred Times

Foundation and to the Jorn family.

Page 9: The Saint Mark's MessengerNext Concert by the San Marco Chamber Music Society February 9, 2014, 7:00 PM St. Mark's Evangelical Lutheran Church Organ Showcase Concert Featuring Organist



If your address, phone number, cell

phone number, or e-mail address

changes at any time, please notify the

church office so the records can be

accurate and your corrections published in the Messenger,

as well as the directory.

Note: Is your birthday or anniversary missing? Then it is

not in the church database. Let the Church office know of

any omissions so everyone can be remembered on their

special days. Thanks!

Calendar Items

Items to be included in the weekly Roars must be in by

Wednesday. Items to be included in the monthly

Messenger must be submitted by the 15th of each month.

Please keep messages brief. All articles, messages,

calendar info, etc. are subject to approval and may be

reformatted at the sole discretion of the church


Submit all info. to Wendi Orr at (904) 396-9608 or

[email protected].


Memorial gifts were given in memory of:

Marianne Steere

Carolyn T. & Carolee Greenwood

Esther Hixon

John and Diane Peterson

Lorraine Drummond

Rebecca Circle

Lynn Backus

Steve & Jenny Hicks Al & Ruth Voss

St. Mark’s Choir Tom & Sue Hanson

Dale & Yvonne Gatz Fred & Eileen Schaible

Esther Hixon Bill & Jan Daugherty

Gene and Becky Hutson Karl & Kathy Stupski

Clara Echerer Frank Patton

John & Gwin Reiser Susan Reiser

Mary Cusick Jacqueline McKenzie

Jean Henderson Russ & Jeanette Snyder Mike & Mary Swart Joe & Barb Henry

St. Mark's Wishes a

Happy Birthday to

All of Our February


Pat Ainsley February 1

Peyton Harkrider February 1

Bernie Giancola February 7

Eric Stupski February 12

Rose Tallman February 15

Kamm Eckels February 17

Phyllis Green February 17

Jill Hillis February 19

**Betty Hamon February 22

Carol Daraskevich February 23

Kim Dodds February 23

Eddie Jackson February 25

Judy Murphy February 25

Kelly Murphy February 27

Max Cassella February 28

**A very special HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Betty Hamon who will be 100 years old!**

Happy Anniversary to the following:

Justin & Lecia Vogel February 3, 2001

Ray & Lynn Booth February 19, 2011

Greg & Kim Dodds February 25, 1995

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Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


7:30 Men In Mission/



Confirmation Class/


11:00 Handbell


5:30 Casual/



2 Family Promise Host

Youth Group-Souper

Bowl of Caring

8:00 Matins Choir


8:30 & 11:00 Worship

9:45 BP Screening/C

9:45 Christian Ed


9:45 WELCA Board


12:15 Youth Choir


3 Week 2/2-212

10:00 SMCMS


6:30 VBS Meeting/


7:00 Volleyball/FH


4:00—7:00 Literacy

Partners/Office Suite

5:15 Meditation/N

6:00 Yoga/HH

7:30 Community


7:30 St. Olaf Choir/

Palms Presbyterian



10:30 Bible Study/HH

5:30 St. Mark’s Ringers/N

6:15 Wednesday Vespers


6:45 Alleluia Ringers/MS

7:30 Festival Choir/MS


10:00 Ark Chapel/N

5:15 Meditation/N

6:00 Yoga/HH


10:00 SMCMS



7:30 Third Annual

Regional Men’s



10:00 Rebecca

Circle/Home of

Marge Broward


8:00 Matins Choir


8:30 & 11:00 Worship/N

9:45 BP Screening/C

9:45 Christian Ed


12:15 Youth Choir


7:00 San Marco Cham-

ber Music Society



6:30 Nourish Team


6:30 Stewardship


7:00 Volleyball/FH


9:30 Deborah Circle/


4:00—7:00 Literacy


5:15 Meditation/N

6:00 Yoga/HH

7:30 Community



10:30 Bible Study/CR

5:30 St. Mark’s Ringers/N

6:15 Wednesday Vespers


6:45 Alleluia Ringers/MS

7:30 Festival Choir/MS


10:00 Ark Chapel/N

5:15 Meditation/N

6:00 Yoga/HH

6:30 Property


7:00 Priscilla Circle/L

14 Valentine’s


12:00 Lion’s


15 Messenger



9:00 Confirmation


5:30 Casual/


Worship Service/N


8:00 Matins Choir


8:30 & 11:00 Worship /


9:45 BP Screening/C

9:45 Christian Ed

12:15 Youth Choir


17 President’s Day

St. Mark’s Ark


6:30 Finance Team


7:00 Volleyball/FH


4:00—7:00 Literacy


4:00-7:00 St. Mark’s

Ark Sweet Frog Fund-

raiser (University


5:15 Meditation/N

6:00 Yoga/HH

7:30 Community



10:30 Bible Study/CR

5:30 St. Mark’s Ringers/N

6:15 Wednesday Vespers


6:45 Alleluia Ringers/MS

7:00 Executive Committee/


7:30 Festival Choir/MS


10:00 Ark Chapel/N

5:15 Meditation/N

6:00 Yoga/HH

21 22

9:00-12:00 Second

Harvest Food Bank

Work Day/Second

Harvest Food Bank

9:00-2:00 St. Mark’s

Council Retreat/

Mandarin Lutheran

9:00 St. Mark’s

Health & Nutrition

Support Group/HH


8:00 Matins Choir


8:30 & 11:00 Worship/N

9:45 BP Screening/L

9:45 Christian Ed


12:15 Youth Choir


6:30 Council Meeting/


7:00 Volleyball/FH


4:00—7:00 Literacy


5:15 Meditation/N

6:00 Yoga/HH

7:00 St. Mark’s Ark

Board Meeting/L

7:30 Community


10:30 Bible Study/CR

5:30 St. Mark’s Ringers/N

6:15 Wednesday Vespers


6:45 Alleluia Ringers/MS

7:30 Festival Choir/MS


10:00 Ark Chapel/N

5:15 Meditation/N

6:00 Yoga/HH


Lutheridge Trip

for Handbell


February 2014

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Page 12: The Saint Mark's MessengerNext Concert by the San Marco Chamber Music Society February 9, 2014, 7:00 PM St. Mark's Evangelical Lutheran Church Organ Showcase Concert Featuring Organist


St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church

3976 Hendricks Avenue

Jacksonville, FL 32207

Pastor: Rev. Thomas Hanson

904-396-9608 x 14

Email: [email protected]

Dir. of Ministry Administration & Volunteers:

Wendi Orr


Email: [email protected]

or [email protected]

Director of Music Ministry: Tony Cruz

904-396-9608 x 21

Email: [email protected]

Comptroller: Larry Tallman

Email: [email protected]

Financial Secretary: Rose Tallman

Email: [email protected]



President.............................Bob Wofford

Vice-President......................Bill VanAs

Secretary.............................Jan Berglund

Treasurer.............................Barbara Brown