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Mid America Harley-Davidson 5704 Freedom Dr. Columbia, MO 65202 Website: Email Address: [email protected]

The Rumble August 2007 Volume 02-13

H.O.G. Chapter #1179 Heart of Missouri Columbia Chapter

We have had a good month for riding, not to hot and not real humid, even though the Meramac ride was warm, the cave was nice and cool. What a day for the Million Dollar Bike Show, weather was perfect and the event went off perfectly, everybody who worked the event did a fantastic job, a few of you went above and beyond to make sure everything was a success. I hear that the parking job was the best, because you were able to see the bikes as they were ridden by to be parked or placed in the show. I wish I could have had that job, instead of worrying about things like, do we have enough food, did I leave somebody to long at a volunteer station, are we going to break even. These things put a few more gray hairs on my head, but I found out that all the worry was for nothing. I had a few people tell me about how things were done in the past, but the past is the past and we are moving forward and growing again as a chapter. Those who were once members are gone and new members are now taking their place and we are having a blast, so we are not going to talk about the past again and we will concentrate on the now and the future. We did good on the bike show and should have a real nice Christmas party in Dec. I would like to get a planning committee together and start planning for the Christmas party, if you are interested let me know and I will

get you with the Activities Officer Thad Simmons and Jeannie Mason.

There are a few more events left for the rest of the year, the LOH poker run Aug. 18th,The Hog State Rally Sept 7th-9th, the Children Miracle Network Fair Sept. 15th, the Bikers for Babies run Sept. 22nd, the LOH Halloween party Oct.31st, our Nov. meeting for the election on new officers, Toys for Tots on Nov4th, and our Christmas party Dec. 15th

Be sure to set your schedule for these events, I would like to see a large turn out for these events.

November is time for the Chapter to elect new Officers, so you need to be thinking about who you would like to have to lead the Chapter for the next two years. There are 4 elected positions and you need to be a Full Member to hold these positions, they are Director, Assistant Director, Secretary, and Treasurer. If you have an interest in any of these positions let me know.

I would like to thank the following Members for the hard work at the Million Dollar Bike Show, John and Judy Watkins, Don and Joann Russell, Gary and Jeannie Mason, Bart Ballew, Kris Rees, Leigh and Curley Erion, Jodi Gilpin, Dan Olsen, Hal and Anne Dulle, Redonda Hannah, Thad and Sandy Simmons, Rosie White, Earl Steffan,

Table of Contents Page 1: From the Director Page 2-3: Group Riding Page 4-5: Road Captain’s Corner Page 6: LOH Page 7: HOG Minutes Page 8-10: Bike Show Winners Page 11-12: In The Wind Page 13: From the Dealer Page 14: Calendar of Events Page 15: LOH Poker Run

Next Meeting: August 16th 7:00 p.m. Ride safe with the sun on your face and the wind at your back!

From the Director

Mid America Harley-Davidson 5704 Freedom Dr. Columbia, MO 65202 Website: Email Address: [email protected]

Sonny Daniels, Dr. Fred Evermon, Gary Willis, Leslie Rose, Keith and Lynn Herdzina, Kevin and Shannon Wagner, Laura and Bernie Benard, Richard Roller, Leroy Roettgen, John and Tammy Lewis, John Bauer, Jerry Mitchell, Matt Kilson, Phil Davidson, Greg Weibel and my wife Debbie Hickam. I would also like to thank Steve and Laura Tuchschmidt for putting on such a good event.

I had invited Richard Rollers car club to come and show there cars and I would like to thank those of his club who brought out their classics for us to look at. What a real nice display of chrome and metal nothing better than beautiful Bikes and old Cars. Maybe we can invite them back next year and they can bring more cars. Thanks Richard and to your car club.

Reed Hickam Director Hear of Missouri HOG Chapter (573)489-2158 [email protected]

GUIDE TO GROUP RIDING PART 3 Keeping the Group Together

The lead rider should plan ahead for changes and signal early so “the word gets back” to the rest of the group in plenty of time.

Many groups put newer and less-experienced riders at the end of the

group. This way, slower riders won’t hold up the group, but the sweep rider, who is an experienced rider, is behind them to ensure that there aren’t any problems. Other groups prefer to put newer riders up front directly behind the lead rider so that the entire group can keep an eye on them and no one rider falls too far behind. This decision rests with the group and particularly with the lead rider who is aware of the demands of the chosen route and the skills of each rider in the group. Your group should determine the way that suits its needs the best.

The only two positions that require the most experienced riders are the lead rider at the front of the group and the sweep rider at the back of the group. Of course, wherever the newer riders are placed, a good lead rider will set a pace that accommodates the skill level of all the riders in the group.

Another good way to keep the group together is for each rider to periodically check on the following riders in their rearview mirrors. This way if a rider falls behind, the other riders can slow down to prevent the slower rider from falling too far behind. If all riders in the group use this technique, the group will be able to maintain a fairly steady speed without the others feeling pressured to ride too fast to ‘‘catch up. ---------------------- Intersections

Intersections are the area of highest risk for a motorcyclist. This is still true for the group despite the increased visibility. All intersections should be approached with caution.

Group Riding- Leroy Roettgen

Mid America Harley-Davidson 5704 Freedom Dr. Columbia, MO 65202 Website: Email Address: [email protected]

When making a left turn at a protected intersection, where traffic turning left has its own turn signal arrow, tighten the formation to allow as many riders as possible to pass quickly through the intersection. Do not ride side-by-side; the group should make the turn single file or in a tight, staggered formation. Use the same procedure for right turns and remember to respect the rights of other roadway users. During your riders’ meeting, you should have discussed what to do if all of your group cannot proceed through the light before it turns red. Knowing that the group will stop at a designated point up ahead will help keep each rider from feeling pressured to jeopardize safety by running the light.

In unprotected intersections that have no turn signal arrow, riders should proceed with caution and in single file. Each rider should act as an individual, only making the turn when it is safe and legal. While awaiting your turn, remember to check your rearview mir-rors, as other motorists may be expecting you to ride on as a group. The most important thing is to make the turn safely. The group can re-form after everyone has ridden safely through the intersection.

Blocking an intersection without specific permission and an appropriate escort is illegal in most, circumstances. In the case of an escorted parade and event ride, riders should be given specific instructions at the riders’ meeting on the group formation and the procedures to be used for moving legally through blocked intersections.

At two-way stop intersections, where you are required to stop, move through only when it is safe and legal.

When stopping at an intersection with a light, it may be appropriate to close up the formation and sit side-by-side while waiting for the light to change. If you do this, the rider on the left proceeds first, and the following riders reestablish the staggered formation and space cushion as they depart.

At yield intersections be safe and cautious. Turn your head to check for traffic before merging. Respect the law, other members of the group and other roadway users. Put safety and operating within the law ahead of trying to stay in formation. The group can reestablish its formation later. ----------------------------- Parking

Parking as a group has many benefits. If parking is organized, you get your group off their bikes more quickly. You also run less risk of blocking access to others trying to park in the lot. Avoid parking downhill or head-in, or you may find you need to use your fellow riders as a reverse gear! Try to park where you can pull through to make both the arrival and departure much smoother. If this isn’t possible, try to position the motorcycles so that the group can depart as a unit in single file. ------------------------ Interstates & Freeways

A staggered formation is essential on freeways and interstates. Enter in single file and form up only after safely merging onto the roadway. Your lead rider should maintain a merging speed that will allow enough space for following riders to safely merge. Since riding in a group doesn’t change your right-of-way, be alert to the fact that cars entering or exiting may cut

Mid America Harley-Davidson 5704 Freedom Dr. Columbia, MO 65202 Website: Email Address: [email protected]

through your formation if your group is traveling in the far right lane. It may be better to move the group over one lane when everyone has safely entered the interstate. In heavier traffic, resist the temptation to close up the formation too much. Maintain your space cushion.

Exiting an interstate always requires a single-file formation. Doing so allows a better space cushion and time to react to whatever is at the end of the exit lane or when merging onto another roadway. ------------------------- Passing

When your group wants to pass slower traffic (or change lanes) on a freeway or interstate, the group may pass as a unit. When it is safe and legal, the lead rider should signal the lane change when they have determined the entire group can change lanes and pass as a unit. The other riders then follow this lead and signal one at a time to move into the next lane.

On a two-lane highway, when passing slower traffic such as con-struction or farm vehicles, the group should pass one at a time. Take special care if passing slower vehicles or horse-drawn carriages such as those that the Amish use. Be courteous and safe by only using marked passing zones. The leader should signal their intentions first and then pull out when it is safe and legal. After completing the pass, the leader should return to the left lane position and continue at a passing speed to leave room for the next rider, then the next rider should move up to the left position and watch for a safe chance to pass. After passing, this rider should return to the right position and open up

room for the next rider. The rest of the group should follow the same pattern.

Some people suggest that the lead rider should move to the right side after passing a vehicle. This is not a good idea. It encourages the second rider to pass and cut back in before there is a large enough space cushion in front of the passed vehicle. It’s simpler and safer to wait until there is enough room ahead of the passed vehicle to allow each rider to move into the same position held before the pass.


So has anyone been hit riding a bike?

Here are just a few real examples from the last few years:

Virginia Beach, VA: Motorcyclist killed while traveling on Route 58.

Altoona, PA: One motorcycle rider killed and three riders injured when they took shelter in the woods from a thunderstorm.

Wyoming: Motorcyclist injured while driving home on I-90 from Sturgis.

Taylor Park, CO: Dirt biker injured while heading down mountain pass.

Protect Yourself when on a bicycle, motorcycle or dirt bike by:

Carry a portable Weather Radio or listen to commercial radio.

Road Captain’s Corner- Keith Herdzina

Mid America Harley-Davidson 5704 Freedom Dr. Columbia, MO 65202 Website: Email Address: [email protected]

If you see threatening skies in the distance and you are passing a safe location, pull over and

wait 30 minutes after the last thunder crack.

If you can turn around and get away from the storm, do so!

DO NOT ride into a lighting storm!

If you absolutely cannot get to a safe building or vehicle, here are some last resort choices:

Wait out the storm below an overpass. DO NOT touch steel girders. Move away from your bike. Remain on dry surfaces if possible. Overpasses are engineered structures and are likely to be properly grounded. Although an overpass is likely to be higher than the surrounding landscape, if it is struck by lightning, the electrical current will likely be channeled safely into the ground.

Look for a bridge. Stay away from water. Stay away from any metal surfaces. Be alert for rapidly rising water if under a bridge.

High tension wires: If high voltage electrical tension wires cross the road, you may want to seek shelter directly underneath these wires. Do not get too close to the large metal towers which hold up these wires. Stay at least 50 feet away. Electric companies design these high tension wires for lightning strikes. If lighting should strike the wires or towers, the current is designed to safely go deep into the ground.

If you are caught in the open and lightning is occurring within 5 miles, STOP riding, get off of

your motorcycle/bicycle, find a ditch or other low spot and sit down.

Motorcyclists should move at least 50 feet away from their bike. Bicyclist should lay their bikes on the ground.

IMPORTANT: These recommendations are a last resort. You are NOT safe in these places just marginally safer than in the open.

Mid America Harley-Davidson 5704 Freedom Dr. Columbia, MO 65202 Website: Email Address: [email protected]

LOH Hell-o everyone. Boy it’s been a busy summer so far. Lots of great rides and events. Hope you were able to attend the Million Dollar Bike Show. It was great. Lots of people and lots of bikes. If you were unable to attend, I hope you can make it next year! Our LOH Poker Run is closing in on us. August 18th. We are currently working on the route and should have it in place shortly. First and last draws will be done at the shop. We will have 3 stops. At this point it looks like we are traveling north. The final route will be announced at the next meeting! If you are interested in volunteering for a stop, please let me know. We do need as many people as possible to help distribute our Poker Run posters. You can check at the shop for posters or give me or Jude a call. I am looking forward to seeing lots of LOH at our Meet and Greet on Thursday, Jul 26th and our next meeting on Aug 16th at 6:30. Our next LOH event is the Halloween Party! So bring some good ideas to the table. See you soon! Kris Rees

Ladies of Harley

Mid America Harley-Davidson 5704 Freedom Dr. Columbia, MO 65202 Website: Email Address: [email protected]

July HOG Minutes

Million Dollar Bike show: by the time this goes out it will have been done, but there was a lot of discussion about the bike show and helping out.

The Rides have been a lot of fun with good food and great places to visit.

New Members= Paul Anderson of Columbia

Ladies of Harley:

Poker run will be August 18. This is an open event so please tell everyone you know. If they do not have a bike they can draw their cards at the shop July 26 at TGIF at 6pm is a meet and greet for LOH. Come and meet the rest of the girls.


Joe Bechtold spoke about Rocktoberfest, which is actually the last week of September, at the Midway Expo Center. Primitive Soul will be the opening band for the Kentucky Head Hunters on Saturday Night. Camping will open on Thursday night. Cage fighting will be much better this year, as a different group will be putting it on. Miss Hustler November will be there. Not to mention a large assortment of vendors. There are a lot of brochures at the shop, please get some and pass them out. Sturgis is just around the corner. For those going please ride safe.

Brian Rees spoke about the Motorcycle Safety Foundation and the Motorcycle rider’s manual put out by the Boone County Sheriff’s department. There is a lot of information so please pick one up. The road

conditions in MO were discussed especially those roads that they are now cutting. Please write to the MODOT director and representative and let them know how you feel. A question was brought up about the age of a passenger. There are currently no age restrictions on a passenger, but your best judgment should be used.

Steve talked about the Million Dollar bike show and the new 2008 bikes. One of the 2008 bikes was presented in front of the group.

Treasurer’s report was given.

Jeanne Mason spoke about Children’s Miracle Network and their upcoming event on September 15. A vote was carried out and the Chapter voted to pay for the Dunking Booth, Cotton Candy Machine and the Bounce house.

There was a 3 way split on the charity for the year, so what the heck we are going to split the money 3 ways to Children’s Miracle Network, Relay for life and MDA

We also voted to start having either Pizza or subs at the meetings so that we can visit afterward. Now you cannot only come to the meeting, but you don’t have to worry about what you are going to grab for grub afterward.

Red Ticket drawings= Roger Garmon- Kick Stand Holder, Laura Benard-not tip holder, Kevin Wagner-Auto Sunshield, Dan Robbins- VIP card, Curly Erion-2 VIP cards

50/50 pot 83$ to Don Russel Please ride safe- Leigh

H.O.G. Minutes

Mid America Harley-Davidson 5704 Freedom Dr. Columbia, MO 65202 Website: Email Address: [email protected]

Million Dollar Bike Show Winners Sportster

Jill McReynolds First Place

Domenic Giofre Second Place

Craig Zoellner Third Place


Gary Bennett First Place

Mark Thompson Second Place

Leigh Erion Third Place

FX Softails

Wayne Calvin First Place

Sherman Crammer Second Place

Curly Erion Third Place

FL Softail

George McGriff First Place

George Smoot Second Place

Matt Kilson Third Place


Donald Russel First Place

Mid America Harley-Davidson 5704 Freedom Dr. Columbia, MO 65202 Website: Email Address: [email protected]

Rick Dempsey Second Place

Henry Puckett Third Place

Road King

Chris Ashburn First Place

Jerry Perkins Second Place

George Day Third Place


Chuck Hatley First Place

Steve Yoder Second Place

Vintage HD

Mike McReynolds First Place

Tom Roberts Second Place

Mad Doctor Tattoos Third Place


Tim Page First Place

Gary MeyerPeter Second Place

Mike Aholt Third Place


Ruth DeMarco First Place

David Pancoast Second Place

Debbie Terry Third Place

Mid America Harley-Davidson 5704 Freedom Dr. Columbia, MO 65202 Website: Email Address: [email protected]


Dave Butzer First Place

Kevin Murphy Second Place

Ron Smith Third Place


Kevin Murphy First Place


Terry Chanceller First Place

Richard Harris Second Place

Gary Willis Third Place

Peoples Choice Motorcycle

Chris Ashburn

Peoples Choice Car Show

Richard Roller

Mid America Harley-Davidson 5704 Freedom Dr. Columbia, MO 65202 Website: Email Address: [email protected]

July In The Wind!!!!!!

I can’t believe another month has come and gone. July, I think was the best month so far, but I might have said that about June, Oh Well! Some fabulous rides, with some of the best riding partners one could ask for. We have had and are having a blast on the Sunday Rides. And I know I said this before, Missouri is a great state with tons of interesting places to ride.

As most of you know or have heard the Million Dollar Bike Show was AWESOME! I heard the count, something like 5000 plus bikes. It was huge, that I know. Your Hog Chapter from what I know, done pretty darn good and I know that all of us that were there had a great time. And yes I for one enjoyed the Parking Duties, actually done it a couple times. It was exciting to see and hear all the bikes coming into the show. I want one of each, LOL.

I promised to keep this short as we have are going to be having some stories from our fellow HOG members and their rides. As You Know Reed Likes To Mixes Things Up A Little. See You All Later. Debbie

Mid America Harley-Davidson 5704 Freedom Dr. Columbia, MO 65202 Website: Email Address: [email protected]

Mid America Harley-Davidson 5704 Freedom Dr. Columbia, MO 65202 Website: Email Address: [email protected]

It’s hard to believe that we are already over half way through the year! We had a

great time at the Summer Dealer Show, and you can count on seeing many new and exciting products rolling into the store over the next few months. Feel free to stop by the shop and see all the new items first hand! We would like to sincerely thank everyone who helped out with the Million $$ Bike Show this year. It seems like each event we’ve had this year has just been bigger and better then ever before. We couldn’t have done it without the support of our staff and the collective efforts of the HOG Chapter. Thanks again for the great times and all of the memories in the making.

As some of you hit the roads this month on various rally runs and/or vacations, please be aware of your surroundings, and don’t push for another mile or two if your feeling dehydrated or exhausted. Please refer to some of the past Rumble safety articles to make sure you keep yourself physically and mentally prepared for the journies ahead. We wish all of you the best, and stay safe. We look forward to hearing all the stories as you return!! As always, See you at the Shop!! Steve & Laura Tuchschmidt

From the Dealer

Mid America Harley-Davidson 5704 Freedom Dr. Columbia, MO 65202 Website: Email Address: [email protected]

*** Sturgis Hours are Sunday August 5th & 12th from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. ***

August 2007 MAHD & H.O.G. Calendar of Events

Sun Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat


2 3 4


Ride to Fredricksburg

Ferry 10am

6 Sturgis

7 Sturgis

8 Sturgis

Dinner Ride to Mexico


9 Sturgis

10 Sturgis

11 Sturgis

12 Sturgis

Ride to Defiance 10am

13 14 15


HOG Chapter Meeting


17 18

LOH Poker Run 10:30am



Practice for State Rally


20 21 22

Dinner Ride





Ride to Long Branch Lake

Overnight Camp out time TBA

25-26 Ride to Long Branch Lake time TBA


28 29 30 31

Mid America Harley-Davidson 5704 Freedom Dr. Columbia, MO 65202 Website: Email Address: [email protected]


harley owners group













Mid America Harley-Davidson 5704 Freedom Dr. Columbia, MO 65202 Website: Email Address: [email protected]

Mid America Harley-Davidson Phone: (573)875- 4444 Email: [email protected] Website:

Heart of Missouri Columbia Chapter 5704 Freedom Dr. Columbia, MO 65202

Heart of Missouri HOG Chapter # 1179 Director: Reed Hickam (573) 489-2158 Assistant Director: Boz Lanning (573) 875-1003 Secretary: Leigh Erion (573) 445-1671 Treasurer: Leslie Rose Activities Officer: Thad Simmons & Jeanne Mason-Campoli Ladies of Harley: Kristy Reese Road Captains: Dan Olsen, Joe Greunden, Dan Reese, Gary Willis, Bart Ballew, Keith Herdzina Safety Officer: Leroy Roettgen Membership Officer: Angie Beutenmiller & Earl Stephen Historian: Debbie Hickam Photographer: Jude Lanning (573) 875-1003