Download - THE RULES - Impending Darkness The Rules V3.0.pdf · Tomb Prince and 1 Liche Priest as your lieutenants. Which means the core of the army relies

Page 1: THE RULES - Impending Darkness The Rules V3.0.pdf · Tomb Prince and 1 Liche Priest as your lieutenants. Which means the core of the army relies
Page 2: THE RULES - Impending Darkness The Rules V3.0.pdf · Tomb Prince and 1 Liche Priest as your lieutenants. Which means the core of the army relies


Page 3: THE RULES - Impending Darkness The Rules V3.0.pdf · Tomb Prince and 1 Liche Priest as your lieutenants. Which means the core of the army relies


SmaLl BeginnInGs Shaar hated being Mannfred’s run around, he thought that the dark kiss would turn him into a mighty warrior of the Undead, however his physical form never truly changed and Shaar could be considered measly and pathetic for one of his kind. Mannfred must have known that his physical form wouldn’t be changed by the dark act, but he had condemned him to an eternity of mediocrity and abuse from his powerful peers. Shaar crushed his teeth together with frustration, Mannfred had again ordered him to track down a vast array of pointless and ridiculous items - it was that bastard Arkhan the Black who had strolled into their lair and started calling the shots that had poisoned his masters mind.

“But if Arkhan would lead Mannfred to his doom, then so be it”, he pondered, perhaps with Mannfred’s annihilation he too would crumble and die as his fallacy of an existence would finally end.

However, it was time to get down to orders and devise a plan with which to acquire the items Mannfred and Arkhan had demanded, and they had truly listed a whole array of trinkets and heirlooms; the majority Shaar considered worthless. Perhaps Arkhan’s skull was as empty and hollow as his dark sunken eye socket... All Shaar knew was that these items were ‘incredibly important’ and were essential to successfully accomplishing the darkest of resurrections, how this would be done, Arkhan did not say. However, Mannfred and the Priest were also planning ventures of their own to claim lost items of seemingly even ‘greater importance’.

Yet again he had been left with the remaining trinkets that were necessary, though his masters were not willing to risk their lives to find them. - Shaar knew his worth and that he would probably be caught and burnt at the stake in this quest. But this promise of a dark resurrection had his mind stirring with brooding thoughts of the future - could it really be possible, could he be returned?

Shaar ventured down into the dungeon of Castle Sternieste where many prisoners were being kept, each of them being drained of blood so to create a Cartograph map of Sylvania on the floor at their feet. Shaar looked up at the recently captured Volkmar and dipped his finger into a gashing wound on his head, waking the once mighty human, who instantly felt the piercing pain thumping through his skull. Volkmar spat with anger, but the vampire slowly withdrew his finger and sucked the warm blood off whilst looking deep into the Grand Theogonists eyes saying, “Pity. Such a pity. You came so close to victory and now you are ink to my map”.

Volkmar grumbled, his strength was still impressive considering the litres of his blood that had gushed onto the floor, “There will be no pity for you - monster.” Volkmar adjusted himself to stop the streaming blood from pooling in his eyes, “I know that the light will prevail, and if I cannot fulfil its will then another will stand in my stead”.

“I think not - not this time, I wish I could console you in your grief but I feel that is something you would abhor”, Shaar was cut short as Volkmar spat bloody mucus into his face. “Well, you are

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delightful, now if you don’t mind I have some extremely important items that I must steal from your beloved Empire, please try to be quiet”.

Volkmar began to curse and splutter as Shaar started to move the Cartograph to his will and making a map of the old world in its stead. There was such a long

list of necessities, surely there was an easier way. However, what Mannfred desired was what he would deliver, or

he may get his blessed absolution from a stalwart adversary staking him through the heart. In a fit of madness, the vampire decided that it would be best to steal the most secure items first and for this he would need to head to Altdorf. No mean feat of course, but if accomplished then the rest of the collection would seem a darn sight easier.

Attacking Altdorf by force would test even Mannfred and all of the Von Carstein bloodline to the absolute limit so obviously this option was

closed to Shaar’s weak form. However, he was good at remaining unseen and had become a fantastic thief, he knew that most of the items would have to be collected in this way which is

perhaps why Mannfred had appointed him for this darkest of tasks.

Arkhan and Mannfred were currently on the move, obtaining the most powerful items for the great

resurrection, all of their hard work would not congeal without the items Shaar had been chosen

to find. The great cogs would not turn without the oil, so to speak.

It hadn’t been long since the Cursed Orb had been found, a Sewer Guard of the city had

discovered it in the murk under Altdorf after seeing a sickly green glow beaming out of the water. It was

clearly a Skaven device, no other race in the world would create something out of purest emerald Warpstone, but the

main question was what did it do and how did it get there?

After the item had been examined by the engineers cult, whom after many days of examination could not obtain a purpose for its spherical form,

it was placed under lock and key in the vaults of Altdorf along with so many other items of terror and fear.

But little did they know that this item would lead to bigger things, the Skaven had simply lost it and had been tracking it down for many months but to no avail. To the Skaven it was an item of safety in continually darkening times, to others it was a tool that if unhinged could be used for a whole manner of bleak purposes...

And the energy it contained... Was unequalled.4

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The Impending Darkness is a Warhammer Campaign that bases itself around the events leading up to the End Times and beyond, your must choose your force and decide who you will fight for in the maddening times.

The campaign will work using a monthly story based system, when each month culminates in a battle which enhances the story further and darkening the setting as the End Times approach. Your force will be able to gather resources and items to prepare for the conflicts that beset it throughout the month allowing your army to gain experience and add additional items to their roster for these larger games known as ‘Months End’.


The campaign requires you to choose a Warhammer Army from any of the 15 Army Books available, additionally the Legion of Azgorh army may be fielded as found in the Warhammer Forge Tamurkhan book. Additionally new ‘dual’ forces are being added by the End Times series, and at present Warhammer: Nagash is available for players to use allowing any Tomb King or Vampire Counts players the option of enhancing their army selection.

If anymore End Times lists are added we shall make them available at the time. Once you have selected an army you will need to decide on a range of elements giving your force its leaders, background and regions all of which shall be used throughout the campaign. These elements will be the signature to your force and undoubtedly your generals will become synonymous with your enemies and the regions in which you fight will gain a rich heritage of war as the weeks go on.

Note: In regards to the Warhammer: Nagash list in the Warhammer End Times series, a player cannot select this list as their primary army. However a player that selects Tomb Kings or Vampire Counts as their primary force will be able to add units from the Warhammer: Nagash list freely. This is due to the Armybooks taking precedent over the new lists, so for example if you wanted to play Tomb Kings you could have 1 Tomb King General, 1 Tomb Prince and 1 Liche Priest as your lieutenants. Which means the core of the army relies on the Tomb Kings however if a player so wishes they will be able to select anything they like from the Undead Legions list as long as their Generals remain the 3 previously listed.

INTRODUCTIONThe Impending Darkness is a story based campaign that follows the toils of a range of armies in the lead up to the inevitable doom of the world, known as the ‘End Times’. Your army must recognise its doom and prepare for the all-consuming conflict that is about to grasp its deathly hold on the Warhammer world and all who reside there, nobody is safe and nothing will remain untouched… Who will you fight for and will you survive the madness of the horrors that beset you on all sides?

Gorgaronn was furious as usual, the Beastlord hated defeat and when the Great Bray Shaman known as Ganthagor bowed his mauled head

in apology, he could feel a sudden rage burn inside him.

"Master, there was nothing we could do..." Ganthagor exclaimed anxiously.

Gorgaronn clasped the left horn of the Shamans head, pulled it up to his face roaring, "Failure! You have always been a failure to me."

"How could such a simple task of re-erecting a herdstone effigy to our dark gods elude you, and how were you left like lambs to the

slaughter against those dead things?"

Ganthagor's head was twisted at a diagonal due to the Beastlords mighty clasp, "They raised - all around us hundreds of them, and there

was a Vampire too - powerful he was..."

Gorgaronn let go and threw the shaman to the floor with a bone shattering thud. Ganthagor looked up and spluttered, "In retreat - we... we... we noticed the enemy was stealing the Herdstone, pulling it up in

the air with dark maggiii..."

Ganthagor's words run short as his head rolled from his shoulders onto the floor, jettisoning dark blood in all directions. Gorgaronn knew it was a bad omen to kill a Bray Shaman, but his temper had

been tested for the last time by his longest serving and mostly unsuccessful wizard.

But the stealing of a dormant Herdstone? This was new. What did the dead things want with that lump of excrement? Gorgaronn rarely felt

unsettled, but in that moment he knew that the cause would likely force his dark herd into conflict and most likely to its doom.


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Each player must choose 3 Campaign Generals from their Army Book to lead their forces.

The first of these must be a Lord that is not a Special Character – this character is your armies overall Campaign General. They must be equipped with 1 magic item at all times as this is their signature piece, however you may change any other wargear or items the character has before every battle.

For example the Beastlord Gorgaronn always has his Brass Cleavers, to the point that he sleeps next to them at night… However if I wish then I can change Gorgaronns armour, or Gifts of Chaos before any battle as long as the Brass Cleavers are present.

The other two Campaign Generals for your force must be two Hero level characters that are not Special Characters – these two loyal subjects will be your Lords lieutenants. Similarly to the Lord each character must be equipped with 1 magic item at all times as again this is their signature piece, and as detailed above they may choose different wargear or items before each battle.


Once your have selected your Lord and Heroes along with their signature items then you must give ‘a name to each face’ so to speak as these characters will be fighting your causes throughout the campaign. If you wish to come up with character backgrounds; perhaps how they came to power or detail any psychological issues they may have then please feel free as it will only enhance the setting of the campaign and your force – but undoubtedly each character will generate more history as the weeks roll along.

CAMPAIGN GENERALSWho will guide your force of warriors though this dark time? Who truly has the mettle and the nerve to stand up against all opposition when the odds are stacked threefold against them? It is your choice to select these mighty warriors, ensuring that they are the best that your force has to offer. As without them and their leading qualities your warriors will be dragged, kicking and screaming into the dark abyss of oblivion.


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REGIONS OF WARYour force must have a home to reside, something to protect during the growing force of darkness, if you succeed then you will discover many new treasures to use in battle.


Each player must detail 3 regions from which their army resides.

The first thing to do is to determine what your regions will be and how they will assist your army throughout the campaign, you may choose a name for each region and write some background about how your force has made it their home. Usually in a map based campaign you will have a physical map where your army counters will move around, however in this campaign we are simply using the setting that the regions encompass to fight campaign games. This means that you cannot lose or gain new

regions; however the battles that you fight in them will bring further history to each and as the darkness of the End Times sets in each region will slowly be obscured by the dark arts - more to follow on this as we go along in the months to come…

To start with you must select 3 of the following ‘Region Rules’ to apply to your 3 regions that you are creating, read through each carefully and decide how each region will benefit your force. Once you have selected a region then you may name it appropriately and give it an element of history to link it to your army, additionally you may only select one type of region once so no double or tripling up sorry!

Region Region RulesPlains/Fields Purest Earth The rolling fields and plains of fair lands are a speckle of good in a sea of evil and tumultuous surrounding

lands.Any army fighting in this region that is considered as ‘Forces of Order’ as detailed on Pg136 of the Warhammer Rulebook may re-roll all failed panic checks throughout the battle.

Valley/Gorge Focused Advance This land is defined by a gargantous chasm that runs through its heart. Any battles commencing here end up with the armies advancing through the valley attempting to cut each other off.Every battle in this region must use the Battle of the Pass scenario as detailed on Pg146 of the Warhammer Rulebook. Additionally roll a D6 at the beginning of each players turn, on a roll of 6 a boulder has unlodged itself, the player whose turn it is must choose an entry point on either of the long board edges and roll 8D6 for the boulders tumble distance. Anything in the boulders path must pass an Initiative test or suffer a Strength 8 hit with the Multiple Wounds (D6) special rule.

Forested Entangled Woods This land has been covered by a thick forest allowing its inhabitants to hide within and ambush any unwanted guests.Every battle fought in this region must have ‘at least’ 3 woods present on the table. Additionally the player who controls this region may decide what Mysterious Forest each of these woods are and must announce this before the battle commences, the rules for Mysterious Forests are detailed on Pg119 of the Warhammer Rulebook.

Desert Incinerating Heat The heat of the desert has started to affect your troops and they are teetering on the edge of exhaustion.At the beginning of your turn but before charges are declared roll a D6 for each unit you control, on a roll of a 1 that unit may not March or Charge in that turn. All units from the Tomb Kings and Vampire Counts army are unaffected by this special rule.

Badlands/Wastelands Desolate Ground The wastelands are an unwholesome and unforgiving region where little grows and the creatures that reside there are hardened like the ground itself although certain dark magics thrive here.Every battle fought in this region cannot have any buildings present. Any Orc & Goblin, Chaos Dwarf or Dark Elf army fighting in this region gain +1 to all casting attempts throughout the battle.

Marshes Perilous Advance The dank and muddy marshes are a difficult place to manoeuvre at the best of times let alone when attempting to prepare a Battleline.Any Chariot, Cavalry or Monstrous Cavalry unit must make a Difficult Terrain test every time they wish to March or Charge. Warmachines must take a Difficult Terrain test to see if their machine gets stuck in the bog every time it fires, each turn that you successfully fire a shot and didn’t misfire roll a D6, on a roll of 1 the machine has bogged itself down in the marsh and may not fire next turn.

Jungle Twisted and Wild The deep jungle is one of the harshest and most dangerous environments to explore and the arrival of an army has upset the balance of this wild place.Every battle fought in this region must have ‘at least’ 3 jungles present on the table. At the end of each players movement phase any unit they control that is fully or partially within a jungle will suffer D6 Strength 4 hits distributed as per shooting. Units from the Lizardmen army are unaffected by this special rule.

Cavernous Under the World Fighting in the dank underground is not the most preferable place to fight however many forces make these caverns their home.All Missile Weapons, Warmachines and Magic Missiles are restricted to a maximum range of 24”. Additionally all missile shots are at -1 to hit for long range unless the target is within 6”.

Mountainous Biting Cold The high mountains are a perilous to fight at the best of times and the biting cold and blizzards can break an armies resolve before the fighting even begins.At the beginning of your turn but before charges are declared roll a D6 for each unit your control, on a roll of a 1 that units WS and BS are reduced by 1 until start of your next turn. All units from the Orge Kingdoms army are unaffected by this special rule.

Dark Lands Evils Roots Evil magic is beginning to seep into the land, bolstering those who have turned to the dark magics.Any wizard attempting to channel in this region and is part of a ‘Forces of Destruction’ army as detailed on Pg137 of the Warhammer Rulebook will channel successfully on a 5+ as opposed to a 6.7

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CAMPAIGN GENERALSNAME: Gorgaronn (Campaign General)ARMY ENTRY: Beastlord - LordSIGNATURE ITEM: The Brass CleaversBRIEF HISTORY: Gorgaronn has left the Marshes of Madness due to the obliteration of his great herd there. Along with a few of his followers he has found refuge in the Forest of Dinge, biding his time to strike out and bring anarchy and destruction to all of those around him. He has become paranoid however as recent events have unnerved this mighty Beastlord, which eventually led to him executing Ganthagor who had been the herds mightiest Bray Shaman - some Ungors believe he has finally lost it.

NAME: Morganhoff (Campaign Lieutenant)ARMY ENTRY: Gorebull - HeroSIGNATURE ITEM: The Ramhorn HelmBRIEF HISTORY: Morganhoff is young for a Minotaur however he has already accomplished much in battle and has gained the trust of other Minotaurs due to his savage passion for destruction. Morganhoff tolerates Gorgaronn to some extent but knows that where ever the Beastlord goes destruction will follow.

NAME: Bazgaronn (Campaign Lieutenant)ARMY ENTRY: Wargor - HeroSIGNATURE ITEM: The Steel ClawsBRIEF HISTORY: Bazgaronn is the first son of Gorgaronn’s brood and has served by his fathers side since he was old enough to pick up an axe. Bazgaronn has quickly developed into a mighty warrior and has become one of Gorgaronn’s most powerful lieutenants, however Bazgaronn cannot wait for the time when he can usurp his father and take control of the herd for himself - surely it can’t be long now.

REGIONSNAME: The Forest of DingeREGION: ForestedREGION RULES: Entangled WoodsBRIEF DESCRIPTION: A mass of tangled dead and alive trees stretch from the two corners of the horizon and are a horror to gaze at let along walk through. All who venture here are driven mad by the dead wood and the darkness and when coupled with the constant guttural chortling of the Beastmen collectively it could unsettle the stomach of the most stoic Dwarf.

NAME: The Unending MurkREGION: MarshesREGION RULES: Perilous AdvanceBRIEF DESCRIPTION: The Unending Murk is a vast expanse of murky marshland filled with voids of black tar that could consume entire regiments whole. Making your way through this hellish place is no easy feat and those who do are never the same.

NAME: Ganthagors DesolationREGION: Dark LandsREGION RULES: Evils RootsBRIEF DESCRIPTION: Once a mighty twisted forest of the Beastmen, Ganthagors dabbling with Dark Magic resulted in an almighty magical explosion which levelled the forest entirely killing the majority of Ganthagors unfortunate Bestigor convoy. Although Ganthagor survived the forest was now a bleak land of ash and death with seared tree stumps jutting out of the tarnished ground for miles around.

CAMPAIGN SET-UP EXAMPLEHere is an example of how to layout your Campaign force showing your Lord and Hero selection as well as your Regions, please follow this general format with your submission to make it easier to moderate and ensure all the information is correct.

ARMY TITLEGorgaronn’s Mighty Herd



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HOW TO PLAYThe Impending Darkness works in a monthly format, for the first 3 weeks of each month each player must build up their resources by winning games and gaining gold which they can then expend on items and rules to assist them in the ‘Months End’ game which takes place in the fourth week of the month. For simplicities sake, the games played throughout the month will be called ‘Campaign Games’ and the final game of the month will be known as the ‘Months End’. Details on the ‘Months End’ games will be explained in due course; however this section will detail how to go about playing normal campaign games so that you can fight you opponents, gain experience and collect that all important gold…


Campaign Games can be set up in advance or on the day, to a points limit agreed by both players, each of those players must ensure that their list contains ‘at least’ one of their named Generals as detailed above. An army may contain all three if desired, however at least one must be present; please note that other characters that are not your Generals may be taken as normal as long as your points limit allows it. If there is an uneven amount of players then ensure that as many 1v1 battles are organised as possible and then create a 3 way Triumph and Treachery battle for the odd player out to be involved in, if this creates any issues in regards to region rules then feel free to bring it up.

Once you have chosen an opponent(s) you must roll off to decide which players region you will be fighting over, the player who rolled the highest may decide whether to fight on one of their own regions or their opponents regions. When this has been decided number the regions from 1 to 3, and roll a D3 to determine which of the 3 regions you will be fighting and remember to look at the region rules that are in affect for that particular place. The players must then decide on a scenario if they wish or they can simply choose from the rulebook or another means, unless the Region Rules states that a specific scenario must be played.

Note: That the player who controls that region is responsible for ensuring that both players make use of the Region Rules, as it’s a laugh when a unit can’t march or charge right…


Undoubtedly new players will venture over to the club, and rather than telling them to ‘piss off’ because everyone is involved in a campaign, they can simply be involved in that particular weeks Campaign Games. Simply introduce the campaign and ask if they would want to take part and if not then organise a game as normal without using the rules for Region selection and count their Army General as a Campaign General in regards to gaining gold for that week. Which in effect allows a campaign player the chance to generate some gold and experience whilst allowing the newcomer the chance to simply ‘play Warhammer’ without worrying about a campaign. New players can be added to the campaign at any time, all they need to do is register their army as detailed on Pg5-8. They will have less Gold and Experience than other players but will be able to get straight to business and be integrated into the campaign.


Winning a game is exactly the same as a normal game of Warhammer; however you gain gold and experience in relation to how you won and who did the damage. At the end of the battle use the Victory Conditions on Pg143 of the Warhammer Rulebook to determine your Victory Points and the points difference between you and your opponent, once you have done this consult the Gold Digger table below and note down how many pieces of gold you have obtained for your troubles as you’ll need to make use of these for the ‘Months End’ battle.


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Gold Digger TableResult Gold ObtainedTake part in a Campaign Game regardless of result 1Destroy 100 - 999 Victory Points of your opponents Army 1Destroy 1000 - 1499 Victory Points of your opponents Army 2Destroy 1500+ Victory Points of your opponents Army 3Successfully defend your region via Victory of a Draw 1Successfully plunder your opponents region via Victory 1Killing an opponents Campaign General 1 per GeneralAttempting an End Times Narrative Scenario 1


At the end of each game, make note if your General(s) survived the battle if he or she did so then they gain 1 experience point, make a note of this as it will be used to upgrade your general using the Pariah of War bonuses below.

The Pariah of War table is a purchasing system for your General(s), you may spend your experience points to gain certain abilities as detailed below. Note that you may never choose an upgrade twice unless stated. Additionally once you have enough points to purchase an ability, those points must be spent and deducted from your total - no continual ‘levelling-up’ every week!

Statline Increase - (3 Exp Pts)Your general has become attuned to war and his senses and skill have been focused by this constant warfare.You may increase your Generals Weapon Skill, Ballistic Skill, Initiative or Attack characteristics by 1 for the rest of the campaign. Note: You may choose this upgrade multiple times however you may only select each of the listed characteristics once throughout the entire campaign.

Magically Infused - (4 Exp Pts)(Wizard only)Your wizard has tuned themselves deeper into the flowing winds of magic. Your Wizard will channel on a successful roll of 5+.

Battle Hardened - (4 Exp Pts)Your general has become numb to the sight of war and even the most alarming happenings do well to cause a flinch.Your General gains Immune to Psychology for the rest of the campaign, any unit that he or she joins will also benefit from this effect, however if the character leaves for any reason then it is lost.

Grizzly Reputation - (5 Exp Pts)The battles that your general has thought in have begun to strike fear into your opponents.Your General causes Fear, if he already causes Fear then he causes Terror instead.

Battering Ram - (5 Exp Pts)The thirst for battle has turned your general into a physical entity and has begun throwing themselves into the fray.Your General causes Impact Hits (1) on the turn in which he charges, if they already cause Impact Hits then add an additional +1 to the total caused.

Incisive Blow - (6 Exp Pts)Your general has honed his fighting skills and can spot a weak spot in any of his opponents.Your General gains the Killing Blow special rule, if they already have this rule then they will successfully cause a Killing Blow on a roll of 5 and 6 rolls to wound.

Lore Expertise - (6 Exp Pts)(Wizard only)Your wizard has studied the winds of magic further and has opened his mind to new secrets. When rolling for spells at the beginning of the game your wizard may generate one more spell than his usually allowed for his wizarding level.

Inspirational Leader - (7 Exp Pts)Your generals recent escapades has inspired your troops to great feats in battle.Your Generals Inspiring Presence special rule is increased by 6”.

Enraged by War - (7 Exp Pts)Although war is a necessity in these times your general has become maddened by the constant onslaught.Your General is subject to Frenzy and can never lose his Frenzy for any reason. If your general already has Frenzy then he will gain an additional +2 attacks instead.

Hoarder of Artefacts - (8 Exp Pts)Throughout the conflicts your general has accumulated a whole manner of trinkets and heirlooms. Your General may take an additional +50Pts (Lords) or +25Pts (Heroes) of magic items to their allotted points limit.

Master Duellist - (8 Exp Pts)Your general has realised that the best way to learn is to learn from the mistakes of others in a duel.Every time your General successfully wins a Challenge they gain +1 Exp Pts, however if your General is knocked out at the end of the battle then these additional points are lost.

Master of Sorcery - (9 Exp Pts)(Wizard only)Your wizard has unlocked has unlocked a great magical power in his mind.Your Wizard gains the Loremaster special rule, however from the moment you select this ability your Wizard may never change their Magic Lore for the rest of the campaign.

Beacon in the Darkness - (10 Exp Pts)(Forces of Order only)Throughout the campaign your general has become a beacon of hope and light in the ever encroaching darkness.Units with the Undead special rule will crumble an additional D3 if they lose in a combat that contains this character, and in addition all Forces of Destruction units may not use their armies Inspiring Presence or Hold Your Ground! special rule if they are in combat with the character bearing this ability.

Bringer of Carnage - (10 Exp Pts)(Forces of Destruction, incl. Ogre Kingdoms & Chaos Dwarfs, excl. Vampire Counts)Your general has become completely insane and can decide to unleash a flurry of carnage at any point in the battle.One use only. Announce that you are using ‘Bringer of Carnage’ at the beginning of any combat, your General gains +D3 attacks for that turn. Additionally once you have used Bringer of Carnage your general and the unit he is with instantly gain Frenzy

Marked of Nagash - (10 Exp Pts)(Vampire Counts & Tomb Kings only)Your general has impressed the bringer of the end times and his Mortarchs, and they have marked you as one of their greatest generals.All undead units within 6” of your General suffer 2 less wounds than they normally would from the Unstable special rule, and the unit that contains your General regains D3 wounds at the beginning of your turn.


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The Wood Elves of 'The Shadow Troupe of Loec' make haven in the forest as they prepare for war.


The End Times has brought a whole raft of changes to the way Warhammer is played and the majority of these changes are optional for the Impending Darkness campaign. However there are a few exceptions:

• 50% Lords & 50% Heroes and requiring at least 3 units must be adhered to.

• Any new Armylist which are released or already released may be used at any time as described in the introduction.

However any other rules detailed within the End Times are optional, if both players decide to use these rules then they may be played as they were intended to be used.


From now on your force must choose an overruling master in these dark times, your Campaign Generals will answer to them and must fight in their glory. Certain armies will have no choice to their allegiance however others must make one, once this has been done there will be no going back as your future has been set in stone.

NAGASHUndead Legion, Vampire Counts & Tomb Kings

ARCHAONLegions of Chaos, Warriors of Chaos, Daemons of Chaos, Beastmen & Legion of Azgorh

MALEKITHHost of the Eternity King, Host of the Pheonix King, High Elves, Dark Elves & Wood Elves

TYRIONHost of the Aestryion, Dark Elves & High Elves

KARL FRANZThe Empire, Bretonnia & Dwarfs

THANQUOLLegion of the Horned Rat & Skaven


GUTS & CHOPPASOrcs & Goblins, Ogre Kingdoms

Read the final 3 Months End scenarios to see how these allegiances will be put into effect.

The End Times is now in full swing, and to represent this The Impending Darkness campaign is playing out in a parallel story to the major events that are happening across the Warhammer World. Nagash has finally been resurrected by Arkhan and Mannfred whilst Shaar has been destroyed by the mighty Dwarf lord Magnar. This section details how to use your army in the End Times amidst the ever growing destruction of the Warhammer World...


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SPENDING YOUR GOLDYour armies and its Generals will have been gathering Gold over the last few weeks, and you now have a decision to make... Before all of the Months End battles you will be able to spend you Gold to gain additional benefits in that game, this is due to your Generals success allowing them to purchase trinkets and bolster their force.


Your Generals will be able to spend the Gold that you have gathered from the Gold Digger table (see Pg10) to purchase particular extras for themselves and their force. This is a bit of a risk as the Gold you will have spent is lost, however there are many ways to gain Gold in the Months End scenarios so you’ll have to weigh up that risk... You can use your Gold for Months End scenarios only as your General will only want to fork out for additional resources for the biggest games. You can

not spend Gold on your force for normal campaign games.


Purchases must be announced before the game begins and done in secret. When you have made a purchase ensure that you adjust your Gold quantity accordingly, additionally a purchase will not roll over to the next Months End game and you will have to purchase it again if you would like to make use of it.

Increased Armoury - (1 Gold Required)Your General has decided to purchase an additional item of power to help him in his Months End struggle, this additional item will allow your General to be even more effective in the coming battle.Your General gains an additional +25Pts of magic items to their allotted points limit for free and these additional points do not count towards your overall points limit. Note: This only allows 1 of your Generals to increase their limit, you will have to spend an additional 2 Gold for each General past the first.

Expanded Knowledge - (1 Gold Required)Your Wizard has empowered them self for the coming battle in preparation for the magical warfare that is surely going to wreak havoc across the table.One of your Wizards knows 1 more spell that they are usually allowed and that wizard may re-roll the result of a single miscast during the game. Note: That the second result stands.

Regiment of War - (1 Gold Required)Your General has purchased a magical banner for one your units that has proven itself in the last few battles.Select one of your units that have a Standard Bearer, that unit may select a Magic Banner with a value of upto 50Pts for free. This banner does not count towards the units total points cost, or your selection restrictions, it is free on all accounts.

Spending Spree - (2 Gold Required)Note: May not be selected in conjunction with the Increased Armoury purchase.Your General has decided to purchase a whole trove of magic items in preparation for the battle, making them a force to be reckoned with in the height of war.Your General gains an additional +50Pts of magic items to their allotted points limit for free and these additional points do not count towards your overall points limit. Note: This only allows 1 of your Generals to increase their limit, if you will have to spend an additional 4 Gold for each General past the first.

Swelling Paychest - (2 Gold Required)Your General has purchased a magical banner for one your units that has proven itself in the last few battles.You start the game with 1 Silver coin and 2 Brass coins at the beginning of a game of Triumph & Treachery.

Beckon Forth - (3 Gold Required)Your General has decided to call forth one of his Lieutenants from the fold to help them organise their army in this time of need.Your Lord must always be present in Months End games as described in each scenario, however your Hero Lieutenants do not have to feature. If you purchase this benefit then you may add one of your Lieutenants to your force for free, this means that they do not count towards your selection restrictions, they are free on all accounts.

Reinforcements - (4 Gold Required)Your General has brought more troops to the fray in an attempt to swarm the enemy to grasp victory.You may add an additional +250Pts to your overall Points Limit for the battle, your selection restrictions must be changed to suit the new total value, so your must have 25% Core of the new overall total. 12

Page 13: THE RULES - Impending Darkness The Rules V3.0.pdf · Tomb Prince and 1 Liche Priest as your lieutenants. Which means the core of the army relies

FAQ'sCAMPAIGNQ. After rolling off to see who’s Region we’ll be fighting over do you then randomly select one out of the 3?A. It’s upto the players, you can either decide one of the Regions or simply number then 1, 2 and 3 and roll a D3 to make it a random decision.

Q. Do you have to always attach your Signature Item to your character? Can you field them with nothing at all?A. Unfortunately not, it’s a Signature Item for a reason, they must always make use of it even if it means they can’t take anything else.

Q. Are we using 50% Lord / Heroes allowance as described in the Nagash End Times expansion?A. Not yet, but watch this space, as the setting darkens and Nagash returns all the goodness will come with it...

Q. Do I have to field all of my Campaign Generals in every battle?A. Nope, as long as you field 1 of them then you’re golden, of course the more you bring the more Exp. they’ll gain. However it’s a bit of a risk as it allows your opponent the option to get 3 additional Gold if they kill them all...

Q. Can my Signature Item be a Magic Banner?A. Yep of course, if you want one of your Campaign Generals to be a Battle Standard Bearer then feel free. Of course you’ll still need an Army General as a BSB cannot be your General even if they are a Campaign General.

Q. What sort of lists should we bring on a Thursday?A. I’d recommend having a 1000, 1500, 2000 & 2500 Pt list for your force, as it will make it easier to get started on the day.

Q. Do you have to always attach your Signature Item to your character? Can you field them with nothing at all?A. Unfortunately not, it’s a Signature Item for a reason, they must always make use of it even if it means they can’t take anything else.

Q. I’m fairly new to the game, can I get involved?A. Yep! We’re all very welcoming, and if anybody turns up on the day who isn’t involved in the Campaign then we’ll ensure that you get a game of ‘Normal’ Warhammer. So don’t feel put-out by all the campaigning.

Q. I’ve missed the start, is it possible to start playing and getting involved in the Campaign?A. Yes indeed, the campaign is open to everyone at any time, just get in touch with myself or any of the guys and they’ll point you in the right direction.

Q. Can I change my Signature Item, Regions and Generals?

A. Ideally not, however if you really feel something needs changing then let me know and we can get it sorted. However this will be a ‘one time’ thing, so after the first change it will have to be ‘set in stone’ so to speak.

CURSED ORBQ. For the ‘Beckon Forth’ Gold Purchase, can I take a Lieutenant on a mount for free? A. This purchase has created a bit of a grey area as it allows you to take a ‘free’ lieutenant, however certain Hero level characters can be mounted on large monstrous beasts. For this reason any characters taken in this way must be ‘on foot’ so to stop players gaining to much advantage from the rule. Any questions about this then please get in touch.

Q. Does your Gold roll over ‘after’ the Months End scenario?A. Yes. For example if you finish the first 3 Gameweek’s with 10 Gold, you spend 5 on purchases and then win 8 Gold in the big game - you’ll roll over with 13 Gold for the next month.




Page 14: THE RULES - Impending Darkness The Rules V3.0.pdf · Tomb Prince and 1 Liche Priest as your lieutenants. Which means the core of the army relies

A dark figure slunk into the shadow, clasping at an item wrapped in bloody rags, trying to hide the dim glow that it was emitting. Whoever it was they were trying not be seen by the sanctum guard of Altdorf who were passing by on their hourly guard walk.

Thankfully for the creature these guards were talking of human issues, which blinded them from the black figure skulking in the shadows.

"Hail the day when the dead conquer", the creature thought to itself as it cautiously stepped out of the shadow and into the firelight, finally revealing its form as a weak and thin Vampire. That is, if a Vampire could be weak and thin. It certainly looked pathetic in comparison to its battle ready cousins.

However this Vampire wasn't here to fight, it was here to steal. And here to steal something of great importance - so important that Mannfred Von Carstien hadn't even had the politeness to tell him what the item was for. All he knew was that his existence relied on obtaining the Cursed Orb, keeping it safe and bringing it to his master unspoilt.

But in his mortal life this Vampire had been an inquisitive fellow and once he had cleared the city of Altdorf via the underground sewer system he couldn't resist but examine the Cursed Orb. The Orb was purest Warpstone, with an array of cogs and levers inside that sat dormant. What was it? And what did it do? The Vampire stroked a single finger along the Warpstone ridge and suddenly the whole device sprang into life. The Vampire dropped it in shock and bolted in fear of a titanic explosion - these Skaven devices were not renowned for their reliability and were particularly indiscriminate with their wrath,

Thankfully it lay dormant, but continued to whurr and tick on the ground. The vampire loomed over the device and carefully picked it off the floor with his rag, covering it once more. Mannfred will kill him for this, and it wouldn't be quick either...