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The Role of the Network Coordinating Office within the

ATTC Network

2012 - 2017

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ATTC Network Coordinating Office Team

Erin HobbsSenior Program Manager

Kim JohnsonDirector of Organizational Development & Research

Laurie KromDirector of Education &


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1.Support the ATTCs and Strengthen the Network

2.Serve as a Gateway to the Network

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Supporting & Strengthening the Network

Southern Coast

Mobilize the power of the Network

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Meeting LogisticsMobilizing the Network

Each year, the Network Coordinating Office

coordinates and supports nearly 10

face-to-face events.

Network Meeting Directors Meetings

Workgroup Meetings Orientations


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Virtual Meetings & WebinarsMobilizing the Network



The Network Coordinating Office offers centralized

virtual meeting and webinar services to the Network to

improve the efficiency of the administrative functions of the Network and to avoid

duplication of effort.

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Contact Management SystemMobilizing the Network

The Network Coordinating Office offers a

comprehensive web-based contact management

system to ATTC offices, expanding the reach of the

Network overall. As of June 2012, the combined ATTC

Network contact management system has

over 65,000 records!

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Workgroup Coordination & Project Management

Mobilizing the Network

The Network Coordinating Office manages the efforts of national ATTC Network workgroups. One useful tool for managing workgroups is the online project management system, Basecamp, which facilitates file sharing, centralized calendars, and coordinated task lists.

The Network Coordinating Office manages the efforts of national ATTC Network workgroups. One useful tool for managing workgroups is the online project management system, Basecamp, which facilitates file sharing, centralized calendars, and coordinated task lists.

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ATTCeLearn.orgMobilizing the Network

Over 4,700 Active Learners!Over 4,700 Active Learners!

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HealtheKnowledge.orgMobilizing the Network



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Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) Upload System

Mobilizing the Network

SAMHSA requires each ATTC to collect evaluation forms from participants of all ATTC events. The Network Coordinating Office developed and maintains a system that allows ATTCs to upload the data collected on these event evaluation forms automatically. Prior to the Network Coordinating Office’s automated system, data from each form was entered manually, taking up precious ATTC staff time and resources that now can go directly to service delivery.

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Gateway to the Network

• Represent ATTC Network on National Boards, Panels, Committees, etc.

• Coordinate Linkages with other National Organizations

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ATTC Network Coordinating Office Advisory Board

• William Connors, Senior VP/General Manager, Netsmart Solutions • Michael Dennis, Senior Research Psychologist, Chestnut Health Systems• Howard Meitner, President and Chief Executive Officer, The Phoenix

House• Cynthia Moreno-Tuohy, Executive Director, NAADAC• Rob Morrison, Executive Director, NASADAD• Madalynn Rucker, Executive Director & Social Justice Expert, ONTRACK • Patricia Taylor, Executive Director, Faces & Voices of Recovery• Eric Leland, Principal & Technology Specialist, FivePaths• Chelsey Goddard, Director, CAPT

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ATTCnetwork.orgNetworking and Communications

Each month….Average of 25,000 visitorsOver 120,000 page views


Early 2014!

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36,791 video views


Social NetworkingNetworking and Communications


7,042 plays last year

2,733 members

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National Exhibiting EffortsNetworking and Communications

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Network Style Guide & BrandingNetworking and Communications

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Network Publications and Marketing Products

Networking and Communications

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