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Page 1: The role of interparticle and external forces in nanoparticle assembly

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Younjin Min1, Mustafa akbulut2, kai kristiansen1, Yuval Golan3 and jacob israelachvili1*1Department of Chemical Engineering, University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California 93106, USA2Department of Chemical Engineering, Princeton University, A-306 Engineering Quadrangle, Princeton, New Jersey 08544-5263, USA3Department of Materials Engineering, and Ilse Katz Institute of Nanotechnology, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva 84105, Israel

*email: [email protected]

In the olden days — a mere 20 years ago — people talked about hard colloidal particles and soft vesicles or micelles, which covered all sizes from the micrometre to the nanometre regime. Now we talk about nanoparticles, nanoscience and nanotechnology. Is this change in terminology scientific or faddish? Certainly, there are electronic and optical properties of materials that seem to be unique to nanoscale particles, such as quantum dots, which exhibit large changes, or differences, in properties in the size range from 1–10 nm (refs 1–3).

In this review we have attempted to make a critical analytic assessment of this question as it applies to the classical material and mechanical properties of nanoparticles and nanoparticle assemblies, such as their organization, interparticle adhesion forces, elastic properties, phase behaviour and dynamic (for example, relaxation) processes. We review how and why these properties change from the smallest particles with sizes in the 1 nm regime (for example, anisotropic liquid-crystal molecules and C60), through the nanoscale regime, with sizes in the range 1–100 nm, and into the micro- and macroscale regime (colloidal particles, powders, granular and microstructured materials), with sizes greater than 200 nm.

But is size the best way to describe or define a nanoparticle scientifically? Some structures are nanosized in all three orthogonal directions, such as the nanospheres, spherical micelles and

surfactant-coated core–shell particles shown in Fig. 1. Others are nanoscaled in only two directions (for example, nanorods and wires, actin and microtubules), with still others in only one direction (for example, sheets such as surfactant and lipid bilayers and biological membranes).

Some materials exhibit no unusual properties in the nanoparticle regime. The intrinsic properties of molecular clusters of simple nonpolar hydrocarbon molecules such as alkanes are ‘additive’, that is, independent of the size of the cluster from the single molecule to the bulk phase. In other systems, large changes do occur, but continuously, as the clusters grow from the atomic/molecular to the macroscopic/bulk. Here, individual nanoparticles, that is, those in the nanoparticle state or size regime, cannot be said to exhibit special properties, just transitional values. However, as discussed below, the properties of assemblies of such particles may exhibit peak values when the particles are in the nano-regime. Other materials can exhibit truly unique properties in the nano-regime, even for isolated particles.

Size is not the only criterion that imparts qualitative or quantitative differences to nanoparticles: geometry and shape also have a role, although most effects usually manifest themselves when at least one of the three nanoparticle dimensions falls in the nanoscale regime, from 1 to 100 nm (Fig. 1), which for spheres spans six decades in volume or number of constituent atoms.

As particles grow in size a number of intrinsic properties change, some qualitatively, others quantitatively; some affect the equilibrium (thermodynamic) properties, others the non-equilibrium (dynamic) properties such as relaxation times. Some affect individual nanoparticles, others affect assemblies of nanoparticles. Nanoparticle assemblies can be ordered or disordered, and the particles can be held together by weak non-covalent or strong covalent or metallic bonds. Others can be sintered to provide robust, porous high-surface-to-volume nanostructured materials, and in this regard they are similar to zeolites (which may be thought of as an assembly of interconnected nanoholes). All of these features and their implications will now be considered.

The role of interparticle and external forces in nanoparticle assembly

The past 20 years have witnessed simultaneous multidisciplinary explosions in experimental

techniques for synthesizing new materials, measuring and manipulating nanoscale structures,

understanding biological processes at the nanoscale, and carrying out large-scale computations of

many-atom and complex macromolecular systems. These advances have led to the new disciplines

of nanoscience and nanoengineering. For reasons that are discussed here, most nanoparticles do

not ‘self-assemble’ into their thermodynamically lowest energy state, and require an input of energy

or external forces to ‘direct’ them into particular structures or assemblies. We discuss why and how

a combination of self- and directed-assembly processes, involving interparticle and externally applied

forces, can be applied to produce desired nanostructured materials.

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how and whY are nanoparticles different froM others?

skin depth or surface-area-to-voluMe scalinG effectsThe intrinsic properties of some nanosized aggregates can be ‘additive’, given by summing the contributions from the individual atoms or molecules, or ‘non-additive’, depending on cooperative effects. For example, the optical properties such as the dielectric constant and refractive index of clusters of noble gas atoms or alkane molecules are additive, and can be calculated by summing the contributions from the isolated molecules. In contrast, many properties, especially of metals and semiconducting materials, are not additive: their a.c. conductivity, strength, melting temperatures, chemical activity,

and opto-electronic properties are often determined within a surface layer, attaining their maximum value only after a certain critical ‘skin-depth’ or ‘proximity length’, λ, from the surface has been reached. The most common expression for such a property is4:

I(x) = I∞ – (I∞ – Ir)e–(x–r)/λ (1)

where x is the distance from the surface, I(x→∞) = I∞ is the bulk value per unit area of the surface in the limit of x→∞, r is the atomic or molecular size, I(x→r) = Ir is the molecular value in the limit of x→r, and where λ typically lies between 1 and 100 nm (3 to 300 atomic radii, r)5–7. Table 1 gives the values of λ for the more important

1 nm

Cube Micelle


10 nm

100 nm




10 nm

Core–shell (egg)

Acorns Microemulsion droplet(swollen micelle)

100 nm100 nm

200 nm

15 nm

20 nm

Spheres Bipyramids VesiclesRod

100 nm


i j



m n o

Figure 1 different types of nanoparticles. a nanoparticle can be defined as one having at least one dimension in the nanometre regime (arbitrarily set at 1–100 nm), and can be further classified according to its chemical composition, cohesive energy, hardness, opto-electronic properties, and so on (see table 1). a–g, one-component nanoparticles, simple shapes, hard or soft. seM image of main-chain polyether nanoparticles93 (a); teM image of 60-nm gold nanosphere94 (b); teM image of au nanorod95 (c); hrteM image of cubic pt nanocrystal oriented along [001]96 (d); seM image of ag bipyramids97 approximately 150 nm in edge length (e); a schematic micelle (f) and a cryo-teM image of evolving vesicles (g). h–l, one-component nanoparticles with at least one dimension in the nanoregime. hrteM image of pbse nanowire14 formed in the presence of oleic acid and n-tetradecylphosphonic acid (h); schematics of actin (i) and surfactant or lipid bilayer (j); teM images of microtubules98 (k,l; scale bar refers to both). m–o, two or more components (core–shell structures and so on). teM image of au colloid99 stabilized by sodium citrate and 19 layers of polyelectrolyte (m); hrteM image of copd ‘acorns’100 (n); microemulsion droplet (o). figures reprinted with permission from: a ref.93 ©2005 npG; b ref. 94 © 2002 aps; c ref. 95 © 2006 aps; d ref. 96 © 2000 acs; e ref. 97 © 2006 acs; f,g, courtesy of r. reeder and janet burns, proctor and Gamble; h ref. 14 © 2005 acs; k,l ref. 98 © 2005 pnsa; m ref. 99 © 2004 acs; n ref. 100 © 2004 acs.

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physical and chemical properties of thin films, small particles and highly curved surfaces. Figure 2 shows how proximity effects can give rise to a peak in the bulk intrinsic property of a nanostructured material Ibulk at some nanoscale radius of the particles, R, even though the properties of the individual nanoparticles do not peak at any particular size. For I∞»Ir the peak values in Ibulk occur at R/r values close to √2λ/r, that is, determined by a combination of molecular and skin-depth dimensions. Equation (1) and the plots in Fig. 2 also show that not all combinations of values for Ir/I∞ and λ/r exhibit a maximum at particle radii R greater than the atomic or molecular size r, that is, in the physically meaningful range of R/r>1. It can be shown that, to a good approximation, for λ in the range 1<λ/r<20, all points that fall below the curve Ir/I∞ = 0.5(λ/r)–3/4 exhibit a maximum value at R/r≥1.

equilibriuM effectsAs particle sizes exceed the range of the interparticle forces between them, whether in solution or air (Fig. 3a), the phase diagrams change qualitatively: the liquid–vapour coexistence and critical point vanish, that is, there is no liquid phase. The system has a disordered and an ordered state, but nothing equivalent to a vapour–liquid coexistence regime. This is the reason why C60 has no liquid phase8,9 (Fig. 3b), and most colloidal particles aggregate straight into crystals from the gas phase if the attractive forces are short-ranged (Fig. 3c). But if the forces are long-ranged (compared with the particles’ size), for example, repulsive electrostatic ‘double-layer’ forces, the particles can have a vapour-like/liquid-like coexistence regime. This phenomenon therefore depends on the type of force acting between the particles, and can therefore ‘kick in’ for particles as small as C60 or as large as micrometre-sized colloidal particles.

Another thermodynamic scaling effect is to do with the natural polydispersity of soft self-assembling particles such as micelles (Fig. 1). With increasing size, the polydispersity in size or radius R or aggregation number N increases in absolute terms, but decreases relative to R or N, that is, the normalized distribution becomes narrower with increasing size (although the ‘dimensionality’ of the aggregates also have an important role in determining their polydispersity10).

dYnaMic and non-equilibriuM effectsSome important dynamic effects are strongly influenced by particle size. First, as particles increase in size, say radius R, their van der Waals adhesion or binding energies and forces, Ead and Fad, increase linearly with R, that is, Ead∝R (ref. 11). For atomically sized particles, Ead is of order kT, but for particles larger than 1–2 nm Ead becomes much larger than kT. As the adhesion (or binding) energy appears as e–Ead/kT

in equations to do with bonding lifetimes, dynamics, relaxations and equilibration times, nanoparticle systems become increasingly non-equilibrium systems, that is, kinetically trapped in whatever state they were prepared. Such systems can show ‘ageing effects’ such as deformational creep. Long relaxation times have serious practical implications for the preparation and processing of nanoparticle assemblies (see later), especially those that are presumed to rely on self-assembly — the spontaneous, naturally occurring ordering process, dictated by thermodynamics. When thermodynamics no longer dictates the self-assembly pathway (or does so only after a very long time), the particles become ordered by directed or engineered assembly, which is driven by the externally applied forces on the system such as compressive or shear stresses, gravity, magnetic or electric fields, as discussed later. Directed assembly depends on the method of preparation and the previous history of the sample, which must therefore be carefully chosen and controlled at all stages.

The second dynamic effect is to do with surface diffusion. In comparison with large particles, the diffusion of molecules or atoms, for example, gold, over the surface of a nanoparticle is rapid, with important consequences. For example, because the mean-square distance diffused is proportional to the time t, as described by the diffusion equation, <x>2 ∝ Dt, if a surface molecule takes one year to diffuse to the other side of a 10 µm colloidal particle, it will take ~30 s to diffuse to the other side of a 10 nm nanoparticle. This has profound implications for particle sintering and coalescence, diffusion-determined deformations, chemical reactions, and other changes in nanoparticle assemblies when studied over laboratory or ‘engineering’ timescales12. Similar considerations apply to the relaxation times of diffusing nanoparticles in liquids: for example, the characteristic rotational relaxation time for a sphere of volume V in a liquid of viscosity η is τrot = 3Vη/kT (ref. 13). For a 10 nm sphere in water at room temperature we obtain τrot ≈ 1 µs, but 109 times longer

Table 1 Skin depths and proximity lengths, λ, of some common material properties.

property λ equations for particles (or thin films) of radius (film thickness) R

cohesive energy, latent heat* 0.3 – 2 nm Er = Ebulk(1–λ/R )surface tension* 0.3–5 nm tolman equation: γr = rγbulk/(R+λ)Melting point depression of metals*

1–3 nm Tr = Tbulk(1–λ/R )

vapour pressure 0.3–10 nm kelvin equation: λ depends on the relative humidity or vapour pressure.

chemical reactivitycovalent bonds 0.5 nm -electron transfer 0.7–1.0 nm ‘harpooning effect’

opto-electronic properties†

a.c. conductivity (metals) ~1 µm at 1 Ghz λ ∝ 1 / √frequencyd.c. (conducting polymers) ~two molecules -bandgap energy 2–30 nm -

*the first three properties are intimately related and interdependent.†detailed discussion of electronic and optical properties is outside the scope of this review.







00 5 6 7 8 91 2 3 4 10






es, I


/I ∞

Ir /I∞ = 0.2, λ/r = 2

Ir /I∞ = 0, λ/r = 2

Ir /I∞ = 0.2, λ/r = 10

Ir /I∞ = 0, λ/r = 10

Figure 2 illustration of how certain bulk properties of nanostructured materials can peak at a particular radius of their constituent nanoparticles. the figure shows four plots of the bulk intrinsic property of a material composed of spheres of radius R where the property of interest, I, is proportional to the total volume within a surface layer of characteristic ‘skin depth’ or ‘proximity length’ λ, as given by equation (1). putting x = R in equation (1), the bulk intrinsic property of the material is therefore Ibulk = 4πR2I(R ) × (particle density) ≈ 4πR2[I∞ – (I∞ – Ir)e–(R–r )/λ]/4/3πR 3. normalizing R by the molecular radius, r, the bulk intrinsic property may be written as Ibulk = 3(r /R )[I∞ – (I∞ – Ir)e–[(R/r )–1]r /λ]. plots of Ibulk are shown for various values of Ir /I∞ and the normalized skin depth, λ/r. table 1 lists values of λ for a range of chemical and physical properties.

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for a 10 µm sphere. Larger particles take much longer to become ordered and, conversely, to become disordered.

Strictly, equilibration times do not depend on the size per se but on the strength of the intermolecular forces and the number of atoms or molecules in the clusters (which is size- but also shape-related). In the case of nanoparticles with more than one component, such as the core–shell and acorn particles in Fig. 1, there is more than one equilibration or relaxation time. Likewise, particles that have some internal structure, such as the multiwalled carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and vesicles of Fig. 1, can have high internal energy barriers that must be overcome during their assembly, resulting in long formation times even though the strength of the ‘bonds’ may not be strong. Such

structures often exhibit long-lived transients that slowly evolve (age) with time.

For these reasons, most nanoparticle systems are non-equilibrium ones; to understand and control them one needs to first appreciate the strength and range of the diverse interaction forces and energies between their constituent atoms as well as between the particles themselves.

internanoparticle forces

van der waals forcesVan der Waals forces arise between all molecules and particles, whether in air (vacuum) or in liquid. Between identical materials they are attractive, but can be repulsive between dissimilar materials in a third (usually liquid) medium. Bare, that is, uncoated, nanoparticles of metals, metal oxides, ceramic materials and chalcogenides have strong van der Waals forces and tend to aggregate when in inert nonpolar, such as hydrocarbon, liquids. Aggregation can lead to fusion or coalescence, for example, converting nanorods into nanowires14,15. Aggregation can be prevented by protecting nanoparticles via ‘steric’ or ‘electrostatic’ stabilization. Steric stabilization (see below) usually involves coating the nanoparticles with a tightly bound polymer or surfactant monolayer. Electrostatic stabilization can be used in aqueous solutions where the particles become charged and/or surrounded by a hydration layer, which again prevents their coalescence. In both of the above, strong contact adhesion is replaced by a weak, non-covalent adhesion that allows the organization of the nanoparticles to be ‘manipulated’, as described later.

Protocols for calculating the van der Waals interaction forces or energies between small molecules or large macroscopic bodies are well established11. However, those between nanoparticles are complicated because their size and separation are comparable, precluding the use of asymptotic equations; the particles are often highly anisotropic, and their non-bulk-like dielectric properties are often not known.

internal and external MaGnetic and electrostatic forcesSome interparticle forces arise both internally, between neighbouring particles, as well as from external force fields. For example, magnetic particles mutually orient their dipoles so as to attract each other via the magnetic dipole–dipole interaction, whereas an external magnetic field forces the dipoles to orient along the field, resulting in end-to-end attraction but side-to-side repulsion. In either case, the particles can develop both short- and long-range order. Figure 4a shows magnetic nanoparticles that have ‘self-assembled’ into rings in the absence of any external field but into strings with long-range order in the presence of a field (Fig. 4b) — an example of ‘directed assembly’.

Unlike the attractive magnetic force between magnetic particles, the electrostatic force between similarly charged particles (in liquids, usually water) is repulsive. However, externally applied electric fields can give rise to similar dipole-orienting effects to those from magnetic fields16,17, with the added feature that some nanoparticles can become mobile as they are also forced to carry charges with them, that is, a current now passes through the nanoparticle suspension16. Figure 4c,d show examples of well-ordered nanostructures produced by electric-fields in air16 (c) and in liquid17 (d). CNTs have also been found to better align during their synthesis in the presence of an electric field18.

Naturally charged particles repel each other in aqueous electrolyte solutions via the so-called electric double-layer force. Those that are not naturally charged can be functionalized with ionic (acidic or basic) groups or highly hydrated groups to provide sufficient repulsion against the attractive van der Waals force to prevent their aggregation. But there is always a weak ‘secondary’ energy minimum at some finite separation of a few nanometres, which is of the scale


E, F









2 3 1

E, F

2 3Repulsion

d d











0.5 1.0 1.5

Two-phase region





Fluid Solid

Number density (nm−3)



Figure 3 effects of size on phase states of nanoparticles and small colloidal particles. a, schematic force–distance functions for particles of different size but interacting through the same type of force, for example, the attractive van der waals force. b, phase diagram for nanoparticles, shown here for c60, and small colloidal particles8. the solid lines denote the boundaries of the solid–liquid coexistence. the dashed-line denotes the (metastable) liquid–vapour coexistence line. c, image of small (<1 μm) colloidal particles showing gas–solid coexistence101. figures reprinted with permission from: b ref. 8 © 1993 npG; c ref. 101 © 1980 springer.

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of the size of nanoparticles. As mentioned earlier, such a confluence of length scales allows for delicate manipulation of the phase state of particles in solution. As the electrostatic interaction is easily tuned by changing the pH, ionic strength or type of electrolyte11,19,20, control of nanoparticle ordering by adjusting or changing the solution conditions can provide a powerful way of controlling nanoparticle assemblies — a technique that has not been as fully exploited with nanoparticles as it has with larger colloidal particles (referred to as colloidal processing)21,22.

Carbon nanotubes are a particularly promising class of nanoparticles because they can be made with different internal structures and exposed surfaces (hydrophobic, conducting or semiconducting). But there are serious challenges to solubilizing CNTs in liquids because of their strong van der Waals forces and hydrophobicity, which makes them aggregate in common organic and aqueous media unless coated with some stabilizing agent such as a surfactant or polyelectrolyte layer. Excess surfactant leads to an additional depletion attraction (see below), which further complicates but enriches their processing.

The combination or competition among the internal interparticle and externally applied force fields, including magnetic23,24, electric25,26, convective and flow-induced viscous and lubrication forces27,28 (see later), are providing new possibilities for ordering various types of nanoparticles.

repulsive steric, confininG or jaMMinG forcesRough surfaces, and those covered by confining nanoparticles, repel each other with a ‘steric’ force, where steric here means that the opposing asperities or confined nanoparticles physically touch each other and oppose being elastically or plastically deformed, or rearranged. Such forces have been found to be linear or exponentially repulsive, the former arising in the case of adhering asperities or particles, as shown in Fig. 5a. Exponential repulsions seem to arise between surfaces confining soft, non-adhering or weakly adhering nanoparticles such as those shown in Figs 5b and 7b. They also arise between rough polymer surfaces that are also soft and weakly adhering (Fig. 5c). Such exponentially repulsive steric forces have been reproduced by computer simulations29, but have so far defied any

200 nm 200 nm

0220011050 nm

1 µm 100 nm

Figure 4 nanoparticle orderings due to internal and external magnetic and electrostatic forces. a,b, teM images (philips eM-400, 80 kv) of ‘self-assembled’ co nanoparticle rings — deposited on a carbon teM grid after being magnetized for 70 min then aged for one week in zero field23 (a), and of co nanoparticle chains deposited by ‘directed assembly’ under the influence of a magnetic field of B = 225 G (b; ref. 23). c, seM image of ag nanoparticles on a pre-patterned silicon substrate using an ion-injection method16. d, teM images of perpendicularly aligned cd nanorods that have ordered into a superlattice by a combination of a d.c. electric field and slow evaporation of the solvent17. inset: fourier transform of the image showing the electron diffraction from the hexagonally ordered 2d array. figures reprinted with permission: a,b ref. 23 © 2002 acs; c ref. 16 © 2006 npG; d ref. 17 © 2006 acs.

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simple explanation. Irreversible (plastic) deformations at nanoscale junctions have been measured using the atomic force microscope (AFM) technique, as shown in Fig. 5d.

solvation, structural and depletion forcesSolvation, structural or (in water) hydration forces arise between two particles or surfaces if the solvent or water molecules become ordered by the surfaces. When such ordering occurs, continuum theories of van der Waals and electrostatic double-layer forces break down, and the monotonic forces they predict become replaced or accompanied by an exponentially decaying oscillatory force with a periodicity equal to the size of the confined liquid molecules, micelles or nanoparticles30–32. The final, deep energy minimum at contact is often referred to as the ‘depletion force’ because at this point all the intervening molecules or micelles have been depleted from between

the two surfaces. Oscillatory forces mediated by spherical and especially rod-like nanoparticles can lead to quasi-ordered layers on single surfaces or between two confining surfaces, providing a means for ordering them that does not arise in bulk solution33,34.

capillarY forcesAttractive capillary forces arise from the Laplace pressure within the curved menisci formed by condensation of liquid or vapour bridges around two adhering particles. Such forces have been used to obtain ordered 2D and 3D colloidal crystals on substrates35–37. For example, Nikoobakht et al.36 showed that capillary forces induce gold nanorods to align parallel to each other and — depending on the nanoparticle and surfactant concentrations, solvent evaporation rate, ionic strength, and other solution conditions — to assemble into well-defined one-, two- or three-dimensional structures.

σ = 8.5 nm

λ = 6.2 nm

σ = 45 nm

0 100 200 300 400




λ = 13.3 nm

50 150 350250

d (nm)

d (nm)

Hard wall at 60 nm

d (nm)

t~10 min.

d ≈

60 n


d ≈



~2 la


~4 la


d >









000 100 200 300 400 500 600 700






0 100 200




–150 –100 –500

50 100 1500






WS2 in tetradecane

F /R




/R (m

N m


F /R




Load, F (nN)






λ = 40 nm

σ = 200 nm

Humid ZnS-ODA in dodecane

Figure 5 typical normal (f⊥) and lateral (f||) friction forces between surfaces confining nanoparticles or between nanostructured (rough, patterned) surfaces. a, force profiles (normalized by the radius of the surfaces R ) measured by sfa between two mica surfaces with adsorbed ws2 nanoparticles in dry tetradecane43, and in dodecane containing Zns–oda nanoparticles exposed to humid air33. both forces are linearly repulsive. the schematics show the deduced changing nanoparticle-layer morphology with decreasing gap distance d. b, forces between surfaces during approach in solutions containing f-actin (see fig. 1), surfactant-coated Zns spheres33 and surfactant-coated bacro4 rods81. the forces are roughly exponential in all three cases. c, Measured repulsive force–distance curves on approach of randomly rough surfaces of poly(vinylidene fluoridetrifluoroethylene) with different rMs roughness27. for surfaces with roughness, σ, varying from 3 nm (square) to 220 nm (circle), all normal forces measured on approach after the initial (slightly adhesive) contact exhibited an almost perfect exponential repulsion with decay lengths, λ, from 2.0 to 40.0 nm. filled symbols signify ‘run in’ and open symbols ‘run out’. d, afM-measured friction-load curves40 for a platinum-coated tip on a mica surface showing a monotonically decreasing shear strength and adhesion with repeated sliding and loading.

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When a surfactant monolayer coats a particle where the headgroup–substrate binding is ionic or dipolar (not covalent), water can penetrate into the headgroup–substrate interface and lift the monolayer off the particle surface38 (see Fig. 7d). The hydrated nanoparticle cores end up coming into contact while separated by a water bridge, which gives rise to an attractive capillary force between them, which in turn gives rise to rigid aggregates. More significantly, the contacting cores and presence of water can catalyse the chemical sintering of the cores.

convective forcesAs in the case of externally applied magnetic and electrostatic forces, externally applied convective forces, controlled by directed flow patterns, are also being used to align and order particles, both in the bulk and at surfaces35. Prevo et al.39 recently described a process in which confined particles in thin films can be manipulated to order into two-dimensional crystals by the combined action of hydrodynamic and capillary forces.

friction and lubrication forcesFriction and lubrication or shear forces are intimately coupled to the normal and convective forces between nanoparticles or between nanoparticles and surfaces. Figure 5d shows the friction forces measured by AFM between a nanosized tip of radius ~140 nm and a surface where the measured forces were well-described by adhesion–friction theories developed for macroscopic surfaces. Friction and lubrication forces have a central role in the ordering and assembly of nanoparticles in air or liquids40–42. They are particularly important in concentrated dispersions where particles have little room to manoeuvre except by sliding past each other. The application of shear forces to order nanoparticles has not yet been studied in detail, but shows promise as yet another method of engineered assembly43,44.

sYnthesis and processinG of nanoparticles

There is much current work on the synthesis, processing and characterization of nanostructured materials, that is, assemblies of nanoparticles, including dots, rods, wires, belts and tubes. Almost any common solid element or compound can or soon will be synthesizable as a zero and/or one-dimensional material. With thousands of papers published every year on this topic, a comprehensive literature survey is impossible, and only selected representative publications are cited in this section, particularly as they concern fundamental scientific insights into nanoparticle interactions and systems.

Synthesis of nanostructures was realized many decades ago from aqueous solutions that generally contained a surfactant and oil. The resulting ‘microemulsions’ (Figs 1o and 6a) are clear, thermodynamically stable nanostructures with typical dimensions between 5 and 100 nm, and well-defined hierarchical morphologies or ‘mesophase’ structures45,46. A visualization of a molecularly ordered nanostructure of bis(2-ethylhexyl)sulphosuccinate sodium salt (AOT) molecules surrounding a water core is shown in Fig. 6a (ref. 47). An interesting new class of nanoparticles is emerging, where the nanoparticles themselve behave like surfactants — stabilizing microemulsion droplets by adsorbing at their interfaces (see Fig. 1o); the resulting structures are known as Pickering emulsions.

As discussed earlier, most nanoparticles exist in a stable state, but not necessarily in their true equilibrium state. For example, thermal treatment of layered materials such as graphite — the thermodynamically stable form of carbon — led to the discovery of carbon fullerenes in 198548 and later to CNTs49 in which the graphite sheets are folded into spherical and tubular geometries. Analogous nested cage-like nanostructures of materials that were initially compounds such as tungsten disulphide and molybdenum disulphide were obtained in the early 1990s by thermal annealing of the

corresponding oxide materials50. This methodology has been expanded since then to synthesize ‘inorganic fullerenes’ and inorganic nanotubes from a large variety of materials51.

The most successful technique for large-volume synthesis of uniform nanostructures has been the ‘wet’ chemical–colloid approach, which typically makes use of surface-active organic molecules such as octadecylamine (ODA) for kinetically controlling and arresting the growth. This approach has been successfully used for metals52, oxides53, phosphide54,55, arsenides56, selenides57,58 and a continually increasing variety of other semiconducting materials58,59. An example of a surfactant-coated CdSe nanorod is shown in Fig. 6b.

Although successful and effective in terms of yield, uniformity and stability, the molecular mechanisms underlying the synthesis and assembly of 0D and 1D nanostructures using organic surfactants are still far from understood. It is clear that the synergistic or competitive interactions between the surfactant chains, their headgroups, and the inorganic substrate cores, involving both geometric packing effects and composition of the mixture (availability of surfactant), all have a role in determining the size and shape of the resulting nanoparticles and their higher-order assembly into hierarchical structures (‘super-structures’ or ‘supramolecular assemblies’)60–62. Starving the reaction mixture of one or more reactants, and cooling, are two common ways of controlling or arresting the growth processes.

Synthesis and processing were traditionally done in two distinct steps. The use of surfactants now allows for synthesis of uniform nanoparticles and their assembly into ordered two-dimensional and three-dimensional assemblies in one step, where size and shape uniformity (monodispersity) are essential for achieving well-ordered hierarchical structures. In 2003, Pradhan and Efrima63 described a single-pot synthetic route for preparing a variety of highly uniform semiconductor nanodots, rods and wires. The synthesis used molten primary alkylamine surfactants, CH3-(CH2)n-NH2, which also served as the reaction medium for obtaining metal–sulphide (MS)

5 nm 5 nm

500 nm2 nm

Figure 6 different types of nanoparticle assemblies and nanostructured materials. a, Microemulsion or swollen micelle — nanostructures in thermodynamic equilibrium47. b, a single surfactant-coated cdse nanorod102. c, a 2d array of Zns nanorods synthesized in molten oda. d, two crossed arrays of oda-coated Znse nanowires assembled at the air–water interface and transferred sequentially onto a solid support using langmuir–blodgett deposition60. e, polystyrene spheres, 100 nm in diameter, assembled into a 3d ordered structure using a 12 mm confinement cell72. figures reprinted with permission from: a ref. 47 © 1990 acs; b ref. 102 © 2000 acs; c n. belman et al. unpublished; d, ref. 60 © 2006 wiley; e ref. 72 © 1999 ieee.

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semiconductor nanoparticles or cores, where M = Zn, Cd, Pb, Hg and others. The method has two major advantages: the xanthate precursor decomposes to give a perfectly stoichiometric ratio of metal-to-sulphide, and molten ODA solvent provides an organic (surfactant) template that co-crystallizes with the inorganic mineral cores, resulting in a uniform monolayer coating of the cores on cooling. The method was later modified for controlled synthesis of ZnSe (refs 64,65) and CdS (ref. 66) nanostructures.

These highly monodisperse nanoparticles spontaneously assemble into two-dimensional superlattices on solid supports such as carbon-coated TEM grids67, as shown in Fig. 6c for ODA-coated ZnS nanorods. Interestingly, the side-by-side spacing between the rods can be tuned by using alkylamine molecules of different chain length (for example, tetradecylamine) as verified using TEM and synchrotron grazing-incidence X-ray diffraction. For obtaining anisotropic nanostructures an external electric field can be applied, which, thanks to the inherent electric dipole moment along the long axis of the nanorods, results in well-oriented microstrings65.

Another method for ordering nanoparticles is based on confinement. For example, placement of nanowires at the air–water interface of a Langmuir trough confines the particles to the two-dimensional interface. On compression, the nanowires order into regular patterns62. Acharya et al.60 demonstrated that such ordered two-dimensional nanowire assemblies of ZnSe can be transferred onto a variety of solid substrates. Transfer of a second two-dimensional nanowire assembly at a given angle to the first leads to the formation of a crossed nanowire structure with ultrahigh junction densities of the order of 6 × 104 µm–2, as shown in Fig. 6d — another classic example of directed assembly.

Nanoparticle coalescence reactions in far-from-equilibrium assemblies can give rise to stable engineered structures that would not form by natural self-assembly. For example, controlled, irreversible, coalescence of ZnS nanorods into nanowires at the air–water interface can be achieved by heating or applying a surface pressure67,68, and ultra-narrow PbS nanowires can be similarly coalesced by pressure to form wider nanowires15. Chemical, rather than pressure-induced, removal of the organic surfactant layer can also result in coalescence, as occurs when CdTe nanoparticles coalesce into luminescent nanowires69,70 or nanosheets70,71 depending on the applied pressure.

Three-dimensional confinement has also been used for assembling colloidal nanoparticles into ordered three-dimensional structures, as shown in Fig. 6e, where a 12 µm confinement cell was used to assemble 100-nm polystyrene spheres into a new class of solid materials termed ‘photonic crystals’72. By coupling confinement and flow, Kumacheva et al.73 achieved two-dimensional colloidal lattices of polystyrene beads. A template approach has also been used74 to produce ordered three-dimensional nanomaterials: an ordered template made out of various polymers or glass beads was prepared in the desired geometry into which the colloidal semiconductors were impregnated; dissolution of the template materials led to a photonic crystal of the desired semiconductor material. Ahmed and Ryan37 demonstrated how to avoid non-equilibrium organization: they confined a CdS nanoparticle solution between two surfaces and allowed the solvent (toluene) to evaporate very slowly, thereby giving time for the particles to organize themselves into their (presumably) equilibrium thin-film configuration.

effects of nanoparticle properties and forces on asseMblies

The structure of self- or engineered assemblies of nanoparticles is dependent not only on the interparticle forces (see earlier) but also on many other nanoparticle properties including their shape75, processing routes, environmental factors, and so on. For example, Jana75 showed that cetyl-trimethylammonium-bromide-functionalized gold or silver spheroids assemble into honeycombed,

cylindrical, platelet (smectic) or ribbon structures depending on the aspect ratio. In this section we first review recent experiments, using the surface forces apparatus (SFA), on the forces between surfaces across various nanoparticle dispersions in both aqueous and organic solvents, where the effects of size, shape, solvent (including air), concentration, humidity, hardness of coating, and time were studied.

effect of nanoparticle GeoMetrYFigure 7a shows the reversible force profiles measured between inert mica surfaces across dispersions of nanospheres, nanorods, and nanowires of surfactant-coated ZnS in dodecane. All the nanoparticles have ZnS core diameters of ~1 nm and an outer diameter of ~4 nm (including the ~1.5-nm-thick hexa- or octa-decylamine layers, HDA or ODA), and lengths of 4, 8 and ~200 nm for the spheres, rods and wires, respectively. One can readily see that attractive van der Waals forces between the surfaces are negligible compared with the repulsive steric forces of confining (compressing and aligning) the nanoparticles between them. The magnitude and range of the repulsive forces are of the order wires > rods > spheres. Also, the repulsions are roughly exponential especially at small separations (high loads or pressures at d<100 nm) where the three curves merge. This suggests that at high compressions the ordering is determined by the diameters (~4 nm) or smallest dimension of the particles, and that all three structures form quasi layers once the gap has fallen to below ~20 particle diameters (layers). In contrast, the long-range forces are governed by the largest dimension of the particles. Simultaneous refractive index measurements showed that the volume fractions of the nanoparticles gradually increases as d decreases, reaching values close to the close-packed densities for spheres and short rods, but not curved wires33. These results suggest that it should be possible to produce dense and ordered nanostructures by confinement between two smooth surfaces.

structural transitions in thin nanoparticle filMsFigure 7b shows the results of similar measurements to Fig. 7a but on surfactant-coated CNTs in aqueous surfactant solutions. The multiwalled, close-ended CNTs were polydisperse with diameters between 10 and 50 nm and a mean length of 2 µm, that is, they were nanowires. The stabilizing surfactant was sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS), which has a critical micelle concentration (CMC; the concentration of surfactant at which micelles begin to form spontaneously) of about 8.7 mM. It shows the effect of concentration and time on the build-up of the forces, reflecting the slow aggregation and/or adsorption of the CNTs. The repulsion is again exponential, with a decay length that does not change but simply grows out with time.

The force–distance curves (similar to pressure–volume curves of three-dimensional systems) also reveal that the adsorbed aggregates or layers undergo a phase transition under a force, as manifested by the nearly horizontal part of the interaction in SDS solutions at 2 × CMC. At the transition (d<60 nm), the nanotubes probably undergo a structural change before they are finally squeezed out from the gap between the surfaces. The easy reordering and squeeze-out suggests that the CNT–CNT and CNT–substrate adhesion (in water) is relatively weak compared with that of ZnS nanoparticles in organic solvents (Fig. 7a). This difference is most probably due to the strongly repulsive double-layer and hydration forces between the CNTs, which do not arise in organic liquids. Lange et al.76 have previously modulated these short-range repulsions in water to achieve high particle densities in the ‘colloidal processing’ of ceramic materials. The results of Fig. 7b also show how these forces can be controlled by changing the surfactant concentration (Lange et al.76,77 modulated their colloidal assemblies by changing the ionic strength and pH). Before day two in Fig. 7b, the surfactant concentration was increased to 6 × CMC after which slow adsorption resulted in

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an increase in the range of the repulsion, but not the characteristic decay length, with time.

steric interactions of hard versus soft nanoparticlesBare nanoparticles composed of metals or hard inorganic material usually have a high surface energy, strongly attractive van der Waals forces, and tend to aggregate or sinter in solution or during confinement78. Most nanoparticle cores are therefore synthesized with a surfactant monolayer coat79 to reduce their adhesion and prevent them from aggregating. The surfactant coating also makes them softer and more deformable80, allowing their assembly to be manipulated33,81; but they can also lose their coating in solution38, which has important implications for their interactions and organization.

Figure 7c shows measured force curves for a system of nanoparticles that started off as ‘soft’, and later became ‘hard’ due to the stripping off of the surfactant layer. Initially, the ODA-coated ZnS nanorods interact in dry (water-free) dodecane, and the steric

repulsion is short-ranged, exponential, with little time-dependence. After water was introduced into the solvent (benignly, by increasing the relative humidity of the surrounding vapour), the repulsion grew with increasing time as the nanoparticles lost their surfactant layer and aggregated due to the increasing capillary forces between them (see earlier, and Fig. 7d). Similar effects occur with large colloidal particles in organic solvents. In addition, in the hydrated system, where the particles are now ‘bare’, especially at very high and very low values, the forces have become linear rather than exponential, an effect that is also seen with hard, bare WS2 nanoparticles (Fig. 5a).

It seems that weakly adhering, soft (surfactant-coated) nanoparticles oppose being compressed with an exponential force or pressure, whereas strongly adhering, hard (and usually bare) nanoparticles do this with a linear, elastic repulsion.

effects of nanoparticle concentrationConcentration also has a major role in internanoparticle forces. Nanoparticles in progressively more concentrated solutions


Nanorod(5 nm x10 nm)


Mica surface

SurfactantSolvent (dodecane)


d (nm)

d (nm)d (nm)





0.10 50 150100 200 250 300 350 400


Day 2

Day 3


Day 1






0.10 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

n~10n = 2










0 50 100 150

Increasing time ofhumidity exposure

1 hWet

4 hWet

8 hWet

P ≈ 40 MPa

P ≈ 10 MPa

P ≈ 6 MPa


r ~ ½d



F /R




/R (m

N m


F /R




ZnS core

Figure 7 effects of nanoparticle shape, size, concentration and water penetration on the forces across confined nanoparticle assemblies and films. a, reversible force profiles of spheres, rods and wires (green schematics) between surfaces during approach in dry conditions. bulk Zns nanoparticle concentration is 2 mg ml–1 in each case33. b, three exponentially repulsive force curves of cnts in aqueous solutions at 4×cMc and 6×cMc showing their growth with time, and one force curve at 2×cMc showing a phase transition on compression. c, initially soft particles of surfactant-coated Zns rods in dry hydrocarbon liquid give an exponential repulsion. introduction of trace amounts of water replaces the surfactants at the hydrophilic core interfaces giving rise to capillary-force adhesion between the particles and a linear repulsion especially at very high and very low values (see fig. 6a) because the particles are now hard33. n is the number of particle layers, assuming they align parallel to the surfaces. d, schematics of changing nanoparticle morphology in c before (left) and after (right) the introduction of water into the organic liquid phase. in the dry case, the surfactant molecules are electrostatically well-attached to the Zns core and the nanoparticles do not aggregate with each other or to the mica surface. in the wet case, the water molecules have penetrated into the interface between the surfactant headgroups and Zns cores causing their aggregation into semi-rigid flocs, and increased adhesion to any hydrophilic, such as mica, surfaces. depending on the amount of water, the capillary bridges can be between the nanoparticles or between the confining macroscopic surfaces. figures reprinted with permission: a,c,d, ref. 33 © 2007 acs.

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tend to aggregate, cluster, precipitate out of solution and adsorb on surfaces. Such effects seem to influence force profiles in a similar way to the effects of time, surfactant concentration and humidity33 (Fig. 7).

iMplications froM and for bioloGical sYsteMs and Materials

Biological materials and tissues are naturally structured at all length scales, that is, at the macro-, micro- and nanoscales, so that nanoparticles and nanostructures cannot be considered as some separate area of biological systems. One may, however, distinguish between isolated nanoparticles, nanostructured biosurfaces and nanostructured biological materials (as well as ‘biomaterials’, which are biomimetic rather than natural materials). Figure 8 shows some examples of these systems.

isolated nanoparticles that function as independent entitiesMolecular biologists have been working with nanoparticles since the 1950s when viruses were first studied at the molecular level, and the term ‘self-assembly’ was coined82,83. Most virus capsids fall into the size range 10–300 nm (Fig. 8a), and their complex but highly ordered and semi-rigid nanostructures are usually the result of pure self-assembly (once all the components are present in the solution). In contrast, it is still not clear whether the equally sized but much softer (fluid-like) vesicles, liposomes, microemulsion droplets and some protein complexes (Fig. 1) are truly self-assembled structures or require directed-assembly, that is, an external source of energy, to produce and maintain them. Both single-bilayer-membrane vesicles and multiwalled liposomes are found in cells, and have been produced and used as detergents and cosmetics, and are also currently being developed as target-specific drug-delivery vehicles84,85. Such nanoparticles are typically drug-loaded vesicles, liposomes or polymers that are surface functionalized to recognize molecules that are unique to the target cells. The idea is to maximize delivery to the infected cells and minimize drug loss and toxicity associated with the current method of whole-body delivery, which causes damage

to healthy tissue. Using similar principles, vesicle bioreactors are also being developed to mimic cells.

Many nanoparticle systems are currently being developed for biological imaging. These include gold nanorods that are capable of generating two-photon luminescence in the near-infrared where photon adsorption by water and biological tissues is low86, and colloidal semiconductor quantum dots, which are more responsive and often more photostable than conventional organic fluorophores87. One aim of this line of research is to produce tiny chemical laboratories that can circulate through the body, continuously monitoring and transmitting vital information to an outside receiver. Some proteins can be considered as nano-refineries or chemical reactors, transforming chemical ‘feeds’ into ‘products’, all at body temperature and pressure and with high precision and efficiency — something that we cannot do at present, but are learning how.

bioloGical Materials and bioMaterialsThe internal network of collagen in cartilage and bone is highly anisotropic, with submicrometre compartments that provide high mechanical (cushioning) strength, and that direct the flow of fluid and nutrients when strained88,89.

nanostructured biosurfacesGecko feet consist of a structural hierarchy of macroscale toe pads, microscale setal arrays, and nanoscale spatula fibres (Fig. 8d) that work together to allow the animals to quickly and strongly adhere to almost any surface and then detach with equal rapidity. Inspired by these lizards, numerous attempts are being made to understand the interaction forces and articulation mechanisms for making ‘smart’ adhesives and robots90.

We can both learn from biology and contribute to it. Learning from and mimicking biological assembly processes is a tremendous challenge, and promise. It is a challenge because biointeractions often involve many different types of forces acting simultaneously (both in series and in parallel) and/or sequentially in both space and time91,92. Some of these forces are highly specific, such as ligand–receptor (lock-and-key type) ‘bonds’ that actually involve a combination of different non-covalent bonds but which, unlike van der Waals or ionic bonds, cannot be described by simple general equations. It is also a promise because the possibilities seem to be endless, and include the development of new drugs and delivery methods, as mentioned above, and the fabrication of adaptable, switchable or responsive materials where the interactions between the nanoparticles can be switched or modulated reversibly.


Nanoparticles promise to enable us to create miniature machines and devices, chemical laboratories that can circulate in the body, and (bulk) nanostructured materials with novel properties including being reversibly adaptable. Nanoparticle science and technology is therefore bringing together the hard sciences (of physics, chemistry and biology) with engineering. The field spans the subnano to the macroscale, and covers both equilibrium and far-from-equilibrium systems with timescales that can vary from microseconds or less, to many years. Furthermore, the intermolecular and interparticle forces in nanoparticle assemblies are particularly complex. Because of this complexity the ‘science’ is still not well understood, and most of the advances have been empirical.

The recent advances in synthesis and characterization of nanoparticles and multifunctional molecules have therefore not always been matched by similar advances in organizing these ‘building blocks’ into supramolecular assemblies and materials. In this review we have tried to identify the fundamental issues and discuss practical solutions to achieving these ends.

50 nm 200 nm


20 µm 1 µm

SpatulaeArrays of Setae

75 µm

Figure 8 different types of biological nanoparticles, and nanostructured surfaces and materials. a, bluetongue virus capsid architecture103. b, ordered monolayer state of the M13 virus on polyelectrolyte multilayers104. c, lipid–dna self-assembled 3d structures (courtesy of c. safinya105). d, Gecko feet at different length scales. the foot pads of geckos are structured at all length scales from the macro- to the nanoscale, all of which act synergistically — allowing them to form strong adhesive and high friction contacts within ~10 ms, then detach with equal ease and rapidity — as the animals run on walls and ceilings106. figures reprinted with permission: a ref. 103 © 2005 elsevier; b ref. 104 © 2006 npG; c ref. 105 © 2006 acs; d ref. 106 © 2000 npG.

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acknowledgementsY.G. and J.I. thank the US-Israel Binational Science Foundation for Grant #2006032; MA was

supported by ONR award no. N00014-05-1-0540 and by BASF Corporation-002058; the sections on

friction (J.I. and Y.M.) were supported by DOE Grant DE-FG02-87ER45331, and the work on carbon

nanotubes (K.K.) was supported by Norwegian Research Council grant no. 166731. This work was also

partially funded by the MRSEC Program of the NSF under award number DMR05-20415. We thank

Wren Greene and Noshir Pesika for their helpful comments on the ms.

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