Download - THE RITUAL OF THE RAISING OF INCENSE The use of incense in the church is not a pagan ritual but a Biblical fact which represents the prayers and praises.

Page 1: THE RITUAL OF THE RAISING OF INCENSE  The use of incense in the church is not a pagan ritual but a Biblical fact which represents the prayers and praises.


Page 2: THE RITUAL OF THE RAISING OF INCENSE  The use of incense in the church is not a pagan ritual but a Biblical fact which represents the prayers and praises.

The use of incense in the church is not a The use of incense in the church is not a pagan ritual but a Biblical fact which pagan ritual but a Biblical fact which represents the prayers and praises of the represents the prayers and praises of the saints and angels, as seen in Revelations saints and angels, as seen in Revelations 8:3;8:3;"Then another angel, having a golden "Then another angel, having a golden censer, came and stood at the altar. And censer, came and stood at the altar. And he was given much incense, that he he was given much incense, that he should offer it, with the prayers of all the should offer it, with the prayers of all the saints upon the golden altar, which is saints upon the golden altar, which is before the throne.before the throne.

Page 3: THE RITUAL OF THE RAISING OF INCENSE  The use of incense in the church is not a pagan ritual but a Biblical fact which represents the prayers and praises.

The Raising of Incense may be performed The Raising of Incense may be performed on its own, not just as an introduction to the on its own, not just as an introduction to the Liturgy, but as an offer of the sacrifices of Liturgy, but as an offer of the sacrifices of prayer and praise to God through its sweet prayer and praise to God through its sweet incense. However, the Raising of Incense is incense. However, the Raising of Incense is mandatory prior to the Liturgy (except during mandatory prior to the Liturgy (except during Lent), the minimum requirement being the Lent), the minimum requirement being the raising of the Prime Incense after the raising of the Prime Incense after the midnight praises. midnight praises.

Page 4: THE RITUAL OF THE RAISING OF INCENSE  The use of incense in the church is not a pagan ritual but a Biblical fact which represents the prayers and praises.

The priest enters the Church and opens the The priest enters the Church and opens the curtain saying, "Have mercy upon us, O curtain saying, "Have mercy upon us, O Father the Almighty, O Holy Trinity have Father the Almighty, O Holy Trinity have mercy upon us, O Lord of Hosts be with us mercy upon us, O Lord of Hosts be with us for we have no other supporter in our for we have no other supporter in our tribulations but You." He then prays The tribulations but You." He then prays The Lord's Prayer and prostrates before the altar Lord's Prayer and prostrates before the altar saying, "We worship You, O Christ, with saying, "We worship You, O Christ, with Your Gracious Father and the Holy Spirit Your Gracious Father and the Holy Spirit

Page 5: THE RITUAL OF THE RAISING OF INCENSE  The use of incense in the church is not a pagan ritual but a Biblical fact which represents the prayers and praises.
Page 6: THE RITUAL OF THE RAISING OF INCENSE  The use of incense in the church is not a pagan ritual but a Biblical fact which represents the prayers and praises.
Page 7: THE RITUAL OF THE RAISING OF INCENSE  The use of incense in the church is not a pagan ritual but a Biblical fact which represents the prayers and praises.

The priest then stands reverently before the altar The priest then stands reverently before the altar with his hands raised, the cross in his right hand. with his hands raised, the cross in his right hand. The deacon stands behind the priest and begins The deacon stands behind the priest and begins praying the praying the Thanksgiving Prayer.Thanksgiving Prayer.

After praying the Prayer of Thanksgiving, the After praying the Prayer of Thanksgiving, the priest prostrates and kisses the entrance of the priest prostrates and kisses the entrance of the sanctuary. He then enters the sanctuary with his sanctuary. He then enters the sanctuary with his right foot, as he is entering the Holy of Holiesright foot, as he is entering the Holy of Holies

Page 8: THE RITUAL OF THE RAISING OF INCENSE  The use of incense in the church is not a pagan ritual but a Biblical fact which represents the prayers and praises.
Page 9: THE RITUAL OF THE RAISING OF INCENSE  The use of incense in the church is not a pagan ritual but a Biblical fact which represents the prayers and praises.

The priest stands before the altar and the deacon The priest stands before the altar and the deacon brings the censer to him from the right side of the brings the censer to him from the right side of the altar. The priest places five spoonfuls of incense in altar. The priest places five spoonfuls of incense in the censer while making the sign of the cross the censer while making the sign of the cross three times. These five spoonfuls of incense three times. These five spoonfuls of incense represent the five righteous men of the Old represent the five righteous men of the Old Testament who offered acceptable sacrifices to Testament who offered acceptable sacrifices to the Lord, and the Lord smelled their pleasing the Lord, and the Lord smelled their pleasing aroma. These men arearoma. These men are: 1-Abel 2-Noah 3-: 1-Abel 2-Noah 3-Melchizedek 4-Aaron 5-ZachariasMelchizedek 4-Aaron 5-Zacharias

Page 10: THE RITUAL OF THE RAISING OF INCENSE  The use of incense in the church is not a pagan ritual but a Biblical fact which represents the prayers and praises.
Page 11: THE RITUAL OF THE RAISING OF INCENSE  The use of incense in the church is not a pagan ritual but a Biblical fact which represents the prayers and praises.

The priest then goes around the altar three times The priest then goes around the altar three times with the censer, silently praying the Three Litanies, with the censer, silently praying the Three Litanies, namely, the `Litany of the Peace of the World and namely, the `Litany of the Peace of the World and Church', the`Litany of the Fathers', and the `Litany Church', the`Litany of the Fathers', and the `Litany of the Assemblies', while the congregation sings of the Assemblies', while the congregation sings the Verse of the Cymbals. Facing him on the the Verse of the Cymbals. Facing him on the opposite side of the altar is the deacon who holds opposite side of the altar is the deacon who holds the cross and responds. This is known as the the cross and responds. This is known as the Incense CircuitIncense Circuit

Page 12: THE RITUAL OF THE RAISING OF INCENSE  The use of incense in the church is not a pagan ritual but a Biblical fact which represents the prayers and praises.
Page 13: THE RITUAL OF THE RAISING OF INCENSE  The use of incense in the church is not a pagan ritual but a Biblical fact which represents the prayers and praises.

““a cross of incense”a cross of incense”

After leaving the sanctuary, the priest raises After leaving the sanctuary, the priest raises incense before the sanctuary three times. incense before the sanctuary three times. He then raises incense once to the North of He then raises incense once to the North of the sanctuary where the icon of St. Mary is the sanctuary where the icon of St. Mary is displayed.Then he turns and raises incense displayed.Then he turns and raises incense towards the West, saying, "Hail to the hosts towards the West, saying, "Hail to the hosts of angels, hail to my fathers the apostles, of angels, hail to my fathers the apostles, the martyrs and all the saints." the martyrs and all the saints."

Page 14: THE RITUAL OF THE RAISING OF INCENSE  The use of incense in the church is not a pagan ritual but a Biblical fact which represents the prayers and praises.

Then he raises incense to the South of the Then he raises incense to the South of the sanctuary where the icon of John the Baptist is sanctuary where the icon of John the Baptist is always placed, and says, "Hail to John, son of always placed, and says, "Hail to John, son of Zacharias, hail to the priest the son of the High Zacharias, hail to the priest the son of the High Priest." The priest then raises incense once more Priest." The priest then raises incense once more towards the East, thus ending the procession in towards the East, thus ending the procession in the name of the Lord, saying, "Let us worship our the name of the Lord, saying, "Let us worship our Savior, the beloved of mankind, because He had Savior, the beloved of mankind, because He had mercy on us and saved us. mercy on us and saved us.

Page 15: THE RITUAL OF THE RAISING OF INCENSE  The use of incense in the church is not a pagan ritual but a Biblical fact which represents the prayers and praises.
Page 16: THE RITUAL OF THE RAISING OF INCENSE  The use of incense in the church is not a pagan ritual but a Biblical fact which represents the prayers and praises.
Page 17: THE RITUAL OF THE RAISING OF INCENSE  The use of incense in the church is not a pagan ritual but a Biblical fact which represents the prayers and praises.

The Litany of the DepartedThe Litany of the Departed

The Litany of the departed is always prayed The Litany of the departed is always prayed during the raising of the Incense of Vespers. during the raising of the Incense of Vespers. Praying for the departed is very important Praying for the departed is very important and a well established teaching in the Coptic and a well established teaching in the Coptic Church. Church.

Page 18: THE RITUAL OF THE RAISING OF INCENSE  The use of incense in the church is not a pagan ritual but a Biblical fact which represents the prayers and praises.

The Litanies of the Sick, the The Litanies of the Sick, the Travelers and the OfferingTravelers and the Offering

When raising the Morning Incense during When raising the Morning Incense during weekdays, the priest prays the Litanies of the Sick weekdays, the priest prays the Litanies of the Sick and of the Travelers, but on Sundays and on holy and of the Travelers, but on Sundays and on holy feast days, the Church anticipates that no one feast days, the Church anticipates that no one would be traveling, but rather, they are attending would be traveling, but rather, they are attending the Liturgy or celebrating the feast, bringing their the Liturgy or celebrating the feast, bringing their offerings and oblations. Therefore the Litany of the offerings and oblations. Therefore the Litany of the Offerings is prayed instead of the Travelers on Offerings is prayed instead of the Travelers on these days.these days.

Page 19: THE RITUAL OF THE RAISING OF INCENSE  The use of incense in the church is not a pagan ritual but a Biblical fact which represents the prayers and praises.
Page 20: THE RITUAL OF THE RAISING OF INCENSE  The use of incense in the church is not a pagan ritual but a Biblical fact which represents the prayers and praises.

The Procession of IncenseThe Procession of Incense

After the priest finishes praying the litanies After the priest finishes praying the litanies at the door of the sanctuary he enters the at the door of the sanctuary he enters the sanctuarysanctuary, , put hand of incense and comes put hand of incense and comes out of the Altar after doing a complete circle out of the Altar after doing a complete circle around it.around it.

Page 21: THE RITUAL OF THE RAISING OF INCENSE  The use of incense in the church is not a pagan ritual but a Biblical fact which represents the prayers and praises.

Then he stands facing the East and starts Then he stands facing the East and starts another “cross of incense” as mentioned another “cross of incense” as mentioned before and right after ,he gives incense to the before and right after ,he gives incense to the “Katameros” (reading books both Coptic & “Katameros” (reading books both Coptic & English or Arabic) and if there is any Holy English or Arabic) and if there is any Holy Relics in the church, he goes and gives a hand Relics in the church, he goes and gives a hand of incense before it then comes back to give of incense before it then comes back to give hand of incense to the other Clergy…then hand of incense to the other Clergy…then starts the procession of incense inside the starts the procession of incense inside the nave of the churchnave of the church

Page 22: THE RITUAL OF THE RAISING OF INCENSE  The use of incense in the church is not a pagan ritual but a Biblical fact which represents the prayers and praises.
Page 23: THE RITUAL OF THE RAISING OF INCENSE  The use of incense in the church is not a pagan ritual but a Biblical fact which represents the prayers and praises.
Page 24: THE RITUAL OF THE RAISING OF INCENSE  The use of incense in the church is not a pagan ritual but a Biblical fact which represents the prayers and praises.
Page 25: THE RITUAL OF THE RAISING OF INCENSE  The use of incense in the church is not a pagan ritual but a Biblical fact which represents the prayers and praises.
Page 26: THE RITUAL OF THE RAISING OF INCENSE  The use of incense in the church is not a pagan ritual but a Biblical fact which represents the prayers and praises.
Page 27: THE RITUAL OF THE RAISING OF INCENSE  The use of incense in the church is not a pagan ritual but a Biblical fact which represents the prayers and praises.

The Incense Tour around the Church begins. The Incense Tour around the Church begins. The priest walks to the North of the sanctuary The priest walks to the North of the sanctuary door to the iconostasis and offers incense door to the iconostasis and offers incense before the icons of the angels, the apostles before the icons of the angels, the apostles and saints. Here he prays such prayers as: and saints. Here he prays such prayers as: "Hail to Archangel Gabriel", while standing "Hail to Archangel Gabriel", while standing before Archangel Gabriel's icon, "Hail to the before Archangel Gabriel's icon, "Hail to the martyr, St. George", before the icon of St. martyr, St. George", before the icon of St. George…etcGeorge…etc

Page 28: THE RITUAL OF THE RAISING OF INCENSE  The use of incense in the church is not a pagan ritual but a Biblical fact which represents the prayers and praises.

After offering incense before the icons to After offering incense before the icons to the North of the sanctuary the priest the North of the sanctuary the priest proceeds Westward among the proceeds Westward among the congregation, offering incense and congregation, offering incense and blessing themblessing them

Page 29: THE RITUAL OF THE RAISING OF INCENSE  The use of incense in the church is not a pagan ritual but a Biblical fact which represents the prayers and praises.

Before he reaches the place of the Passover Before he reaches the place of the Passover (Holy Week) Prayers, the priest recites the (Holy Week) Prayers, the priest recites the first verse of the Five Contemplatory first verse of the Five Contemplatory Verses, saying, "Jesus Christ is the same, Verses, saying, "Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today and forever. He, being one yesterday, today and forever. He, being one Hypostasis, we worship and glorify Him."Hypostasis, we worship and glorify Him."

Page 30: THE RITUAL OF THE RAISING OF INCENSE  The use of incense in the church is not a pagan ritual but a Biblical fact which represents the prayers and praises.

Standing at the altar after finishing Standing at the altar after finishing procession around the church, he puts one procession around the church, he puts one spoonful of incense into the censer saying, spoonful of incense into the censer saying, "O God, as You accepted the repentance "O God, as You accepted the repentance of the thief on Your right while on the of the thief on Your right while on the cross, accept the confession of Your cross, accept the confession of Your people…people…

Page 31: THE RITUAL OF THE RAISING OF INCENSE  The use of incense in the church is not a pagan ritual but a Biblical fact which represents the prayers and praises.

He then goes once around the altar, raising He then goes once around the altar, raising incense, before getting out via the incense, before getting out via the sanctuary's main door. Standing before the sanctuary's main door. Standing before the sanctuary door the priest again raises sanctuary door the priest again raises incense in the four directions (as he has incense in the four directions (as he has done previously)done previously)

Page 32: THE RITUAL OF THE RAISING OF INCENSE  The use of incense in the church is not a pagan ritual but a Biblical fact which represents the prayers and praises.

It is preferable to follow the authentic Coptic It is preferable to follow the authentic Coptic tradition of hanging the censer by its chain tradition of hanging the censer by its chain in the centre of the Sanctuary's entrance, as in the centre of the Sanctuary's entrance, as was done in the ancient Coptic churches.was done in the ancient Coptic churches.

During the incense circuit , the deacons are During the incense circuit , the deacons are chanting the appropriate Doxologies for the chanting the appropriate Doxologies for the occasion and the Saints.occasion and the Saints.

Page 33: THE RITUAL OF THE RAISING OF INCENSE  The use of incense in the church is not a pagan ritual but a Biblical fact which represents the prayers and praises.