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Rising Sun Mind Map –Pre production planning

Center Name: St. Andrew’s Catholic SchoolCenter Number: 64135

Chloe Haynes-1141 , Patrick Coll-1102, Emma Walker-1252 , Zeyan Mirza-1178

Page 2: The Rising Sun mind map- Pre production planning

Name of the show (Connotations)

• The Rising SunSun- A symbol of hope above everything dark happening in the soap.

Protagonists & Antagonists (Names, appeal to the audience, Gender)

• 4 characters,2 boys and 2 girls: Grant, Chelsea, Ali, Jodie.

Social Issues represented (Relevance to the Zeitgeist, why they will be shown –

• Domestic violence• Adultery• Murder• Love• Jealousy• These social issues will be represented because these issues happen in

everyday life and most of the viewers will have experienced these issues in their life ,so they can easily relate to the characters and the content.

LocationsThe Rising Sun Pub- EpsomDorking Road StoresRosebery Park

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Steve Neale – “Genre’s are instances of repetition and difference” – • How is your text similar/different to other(s) in the Soap Opera

Genre? The Setting of our soap opera will be similar to EastEnders surrounded by houses with shops and a pub nearby, this makes the setting look more realistic when viewers watch the program. The 6 characters both male and female in our soap opera will be working class. They will act out real life situations so viewers can relate emotionally with the characters as it may reflect what they are going through at home. The narratives we will show on our trailer that are similar to existing soaps are love, drugs ,murder and domestic violence .

Channel (BBC Two) and Scheduling (8pm – Weekdays) –

• Wednesday- 8:30pm

Competition in the Genre?

• EastEnders• Coronation Street• Hollyoaks• Waterloo Road

Target audience (Katz, Maslow, Hartley) –

• Younger audience• Both genders appeal• Violence appeals to men• Romance appeals to


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Channel (BBC Two) and Scheduling (8pm – Weekdays) –

Why is this important?

Primarily, Soap Opera series are scheduled on Weeknights as most big, family orientated, entertainment programmes are scheduled for Weekend nights, where stereotypically the whole family is available to watch the television. Additionally, the timing of Soap Operas is significant as around 8 o’clock the younger audience will be sent to bed, especially if they have school the next morning. As a result Soap Opera’s generally attract an older audience, who are likely to sit down and watch a Soap Opera when their children have gone to bed. However, to attract a slightly younger audience we may want to consider scheduling the programme slightly earlier so more teenagers in particular are able to watch it.

Who normally watches TV at this time and what are the most popular programmes?After looking at the information displayed on for w/e 26th June, it is evident that during the ‘Euro’s football’, this is the most popular program, which has two matches, one at 17:01 and one at 19:14 on a Monday and a Saturday. Next is the two scheduled Coronation Street programs on ITV which starts at 19:31 and 20:32 on a Friday. As there is currently no family entertainment programs scheduled, Soap Opera’s are generally more popular as there isn’t as much to watch on a Saturday evening.