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The Rise of Europe Chapter 7

(online book – available on BEEP) (terms in blue are vocabulary terms you need to know)

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The Early Middle Ages

– 600 to 1000 A.D. Middle, aka “Medieval” pg. 28 (online book)

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Geography of Western Europe

•  Location – Relatively small; from Portugal to China

•  Resources – Frontier; rich crops; fish; streams

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The Germanic Kingdoms – Herders and farmers; no cities; elected kings

•  The Franks – Gaul 486 - Where is that? (pg. 29 – online

book) •  King Clovis

– Ally to the Church of Rome •  Europe and the Muslim World

–  Palestine, North America, Spain –  Battle of Tours (Charles Martel)-

•  ________________________________

– View of Muslims by the Franks: •  ________________________________

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The Age of Charlemagne

– Charlemagne (king of the Franks) – ruled France, Germany, and Italy in 768; Charles the Great

•  A Christian Emperor – Pope Leo III says to Charlemagne:

•  ‘We need help!’ Result: –  1 Charlemagne crowned Emperor of Rome –  2._____________________________

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•  Government – Charlemagne helped spread ________. (pg

30) – Missi dominici- ______________________

•  Revival of Learning – Aachen (city in Germany) - _____________ – Alcuin-________________________

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After Charlemagne

– Heirs battled for 30 years; split into 3 regions •  A New Wave of Invasions

– Muslims conquered Sicily and Spain – Magyars - __________________________ – Vikings - ____________________________

•  Leif Erikson

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Feudalism and the Manor Economy

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The Emergence of Feudalism

– Weak emperors lead to _________. – Feudalism- loosely organized system in

which powerful local lords divided their landholdings among lesser lords. In exchange, these lesser lords (vassals), pledged service and loyalty to the greater lord.

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•  Mutual Obligations – Feudal contract-______________________

•  Fief-____________________________________

•  A Structured Society – Lords (dukes, counts); had the largest fiefs

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The World of Nobles

– Rivalry emerged; knights •  Achieving Knighthood

– Age 7 – Tournaments-__________________

•  Castles – Moats, drawbridges – Starve the castle –  tunnels

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•  Noblewomen (pg 36) – Responsibilities:_______________________ – Eleanor of Aquitaine (France) – Bear children, arranged marriage, inheritance

to son •  Chivalry-____________________

– Troubadours-_________________

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Peasants and Manor Life – Manor-____________________ – Serfs-______________________

•  Mutual Obligations – Peasant responsibilities:

•  _____________________________ – Lord responsibilities:

•  _____________________________

•  A Self Sufficient World – No school

•  Peasant Life – Long hours of work, simple diet, 35, “holidays”

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The Medieval Church

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The Church and Medieval Life (pg. 39)

–  Christianize the pagans; Marriage •  The Parish Priest:

–  Sacraments._____________________________________ Why were they so important?

–  Offered advice and guidance •  Village Church

–  Social center, schools, –  Tithes –  Holy days

•  Views of Women –  “weak and easy to sin” –  Mary –  Minimum age for marriage

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Monks and Nuns (pg. 42)

•  The Benedictine Rule –  Italian monk 530 – Worship, work, study – Three vows:

•  1. ____________________ •  2._____________________ •  3._____________________

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•  A Life of Service – No doctors – Missionaries

•  Centers of Learning •  Convents

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The Power of the Church Grows

– The church became the most powerful secular institution

•  The Church and Feudal Society – Papal supremacy – Clergy – Pope had Papal States

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•  Religious Authority (pg. 43 – online book) – Why were sacraments so important? – Canon law-___________________________ – Excommunication -

____________________________________ –  Interdict (nobles) - ____________________

•  A Force of Peace – Friday to Sunday

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Reform Movements pg. 43

– Priest could marry; luxury •  Cluniac Reforms

– Early 900’s; Abbot Berno of Cluny (France) •  No noble interference in monastery affairs •  Outlaw _____________ •  No more simony

•  Preaching Orders – Friars- ___________________ – Women:

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Jews in Europe

– Flourished in Spain; Muslim Spain was tolerant of Jews and Christians

– Taxed heavily – Persecution of Jews increased by 1000 A.D.

Why? _______________ – Blamed for


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Economic Expansion and Change pg. 45

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An Agricultural Revolution

•  New Technologies –  Iron plows, windmills

•  Expanding Production – Clearing lands lead to:

•  More farming •  More grazing •  Rotating crop system •  More food production •  Population growth

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Trade Revives pg. 47

•  New Trade Routes

– Middle East to Asia •  Trade Fairs

– Where did they take place? (look at the map on pg 46) ___________________________

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•  New Towns – Cities – Merchants set up charters -

____________________________________ •  Runaway serfs: ___________________________

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A Commercial Revolution pg 48

– Capital-_____________________________ •  New Business Practices

– Partnership-_________________________ –  Insurance – Bill of exchange

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•  Social Changes – Use of money lead to ___________________ – Middle class-_________________________ – Usury lead to more resentment of Jews

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Role of Guilds –  Guilds were associations of merchants that made

laws in towns (unions) •  Becoming a Guild Member

–  Apprentice-________________________________ –  Journeyman-_______________________________

•  Women and the Guilds –  Just like daddy –  Guild masters –  Apprentices –  Frankfurt

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Town and City Life What was life like in medieval cities?