Download - The Rise of Café Racer Culture


The Rise of Café Racer


Café Racer - A light and lightly powered motorcycle that has been modified for speed and handling rather than comfort.

Motorcycle culture in South Africa is strange.

Gone are the days when the word “biker” was associated with burly bearded tattooed types, who wore sleeveless leather vests adorned with gang patches

Instead, to a large degree, the biker culture has become more a status than a lifestyle. More “I ride to work sometimes” than “I work to ride”.

You still find the aforementioned rebels at the odd biker rally, but for the most part, the culture has changed.

While the passion still remains, many a rider has very little understanding of his, or her, steed.

To put it bluntly, motorcycles have become yuppie playthings, devoid of the grit once associated with twisting a throttle. 

Pleasingly though, there is a movement to revive the true heart of the motorcycling rebel.

One, that see’s the rejuvenation of the café racer culture of the 40’s and 50’s. A movement that, to me at least, is injecting lifestyle back into the status of biking.

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