Download - The Ring Cycle 2016 brochure

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Der Ring des NibelungenDas Rheingold Die Walküre Siegfried Götterdämmerung

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In 2011 Opera North embarked on an extraordinary journey: to present, for the first time in the Company’s history, all four instalments of Wagner’s Ring cycle in successive years. From the outset, we were determined to lay the emphasis firmly on the power of Wagner’s music and on his engrossing story-telling. Thus the Orchestra of Opera North under the Company’s Music Director Richard Farnes is placed centre-stage in a concert staging devised by Peter Mumford that makes Wagner’s epic narrative compellingly lucid for both experienced Wagnerians and newcomers alike.

In 2016 comes the time for Opera North to present the Ring complete during the course of a week, as did Wagner at the first Bayreuth Festival in 1876. The culminative power of the cycle is all the more palpable when experienced in such a concentrated burst, and offers the rare opportunity for total immersion in this unique, all-encompassing music drama. It’s a truly festive moment.

We have greatly appreciated the support we have received from all the venues in which we presented the Ring between 2011 and 2014, and especially to Sage Gateshead and Symphony Hall Birmingham, who originally collaborated with us to realise the project. For the complete cycle in 2016 I am delighted that we have entered into a new collaboration with the Southbank Centre in order to bring the Opera North Ring to London for the first time. For the Southbank’s support, and for the support of our colleagues in Leeds, Nottingham, Salford and Gateshead,I am immensely grateful.

WelcomeRichard Mantle General Director

Right: Das Rheingold (2011).

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The complete cycles of the Ring in 2016 will be Richard Farnes’ last with Opera North as its Music Director. He is now firmly established as one of today’s leading interpreters of Wagner and there can be no more fitting conclusion to his illustrious twelve-year tenure at the Company than these performances.

Financially supported by the Opera North Future Fund The Ring Fellowship 2016 Ring CircleThe Emerald Foundation

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Richard Farnes Music Director

The Opera North Ring

When we first started discussing the Ring at Opera North, there were two major priorities that we felt needed to be met. Since the operas were to be performed on the concert platform rather than surrounded by all the accoutrements of the theatrical stage, it was decided to make a virtue of this, visually showcasing the orchestra – the central ‘character’ of the Ring – and bringing to bear the technical skills of a touring opera company by dimming the lights and creating a dramatic space and atmosphere that would give the audience considerably more than a straightforward concert experience.

The second priority was clarity of narrative: the Ring may present a multiplicity of interpretative possibilities, but fundamentally there is a seemingly ancient story to be told; and a very powerful one it is, if allowed to speak clearly to the listener. Dispensing with props but using simple costumes to delineate character, and presenting a backdrop of elemental images upon which can be traced not just the sung text but also the development of the story between the scenes, we have endeavoured to achieve a form of presentation approachable and exciting for those experiencing the work for the first time, yet refreshingly direct for those more familiar with it. It strives to be that happy medium between the movie and the original novel upon which it is based: the thrill of an experience shared with many others in a big space that still leaves much to the individual imagination. Added to that, of course, is the electricity generated by a live performance, underpinned and driven by Wagner’s irrepressible music.

Right: Richard Farnes conducting Siegfried (2013).

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Having performed all four parts of the Ring cycle in successive years between 2011 and 2014, we now present the entire cycle within the space of a week – as did Wagner at the first Bayreuth Festival in 1876. This brings an entirely new set of values to the table. Das Rheingold feels much more like the preliminary exposition it really is, clearly setting out the character and domain of the different fiefdoms of the Ring’s protagonists; and Siegfried really can begin to feel like the scherzo of some enormous, cataclysmic symphony. But above all, the ear traces the course of Wagner’s incredibly pliable musical material – even if only subconsciously – from the declaration of motifs representing characters and ideas in Rheingold, their subsequent development, transformation and combination – and the addition of new ideas – as the drama becomes more complex and leads inexorably to the catastrophe and ultimate catharsis (or maybe not!) that is the conclusion to Götterdämmerung.

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The Ring Company

LogeFreia; Gerhilde; GutruneFafner; Hagen Woglinde; WoodbirdFricka Walküre; Waltraute Götterdämmerung Sieglinde; Third NornFlosshilde; SiegruneFasolt; Hunding Wotan RheingoldDonner; GuntherWotan Walküre Brünnhilde Walküre, Siegfried, Götterdämmerung Fricka; Second Norn Grimgerde; First Norn Froh; SiegmundSieglinde; Brünnhilde Götterdämmerung Wotan Walküre; WandererAlberichMimeWellgunde; RossweiseWaltraute Walküre, Götterdämmerung; Second NornSiegfriedOrtlindeSiegmundErda; Schwertleite

Includes:Wolfgang Ablinger-SperrhackeGiselle AllenMats AlmgrenJeni BernSusan BickleyLee BissetSarah CastleJames CreswellMichael DruiettAndrew Foster-WilliamsRobert Hayward Kelly Cae HoganYvonne HowardFiona KimmMark Le BrocqAlwyn MellorBéla PerenczJo PohlheimRichard RobertsMadeleine ShawHeather ShippMati TuriKate ValentineMichael WeiniusCeri Williams

Richard Farnes ConductorPeter Mumford Concert Staging and Design ConceptPeter Mumford Lighting and Projection Designer Joe Austin Associate Director

For more details and the latest information on casting, visit

Left: Alwyn Mellor (Brünnhilde), Götterdämmerung (2014).

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Das RheingoldThe Rhinegold

The Ring begins with music that evokes the very dawn of time. From this moment we are plunged into the watery twilight beneath the river Rhine, transported to misty mountain-tops and to the depths of gloomy Nibelheim, before crossing the rainbow bridge that leads to Valhalla, fortress home of the gods. Set in a world populated by dwarfs and giants, gods and river-maidens, Wagner’s ‘preliminary evening’ to the Ring sets the whole epic cycle in motion in thrilling fashion.

‘Beg, borrow, or be like Wotan and steal a ticket for this show [...] Farnes has done many fine things at Opera North, but his pacing of this 150 minute sweep of music, his care about balance, and the sumptuousness of the orchestral textures - all this constitutes a massive achievement’Richard Morrison, The Times, 2011

‘Anyone disappointed that Opera North’s performances of Wagner’s Ring ... would be given in concert, rather than a full staging, will have had their doubts dispelled by the tremendous Rheingoldconducted by Richard Farnes, the Company’s Music Director … this is one of the most exciting Rheingolds of my experience …’ Hugh Canning, Sunday Times, 2011 Right: Michael Druiett (Wotan),

Das Rheingold (2011)

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Die WalküreThe Valkyrie

In Die Walküre, it is human emotion that takes centre stage. The musical highlights are many: ‘Winterstürme’, Siegmund’s hymn of praise to the coming of spring and the awakening of love; the Ride of the Valkyries; the Magic Fire music. Above all, there is the great confrontation between the god Wotan and his favourite daughter, Brünnhilde – the Valkyrie of the title – who love each other deeply, yet whose relationship has been irreparably broken by her disobedience.

‘… Opera North’s performance of Die Walküre is a triumph of scarcely imaginable proportions, one of the most completely successful experiences I have ever had. … The cast, too, is uniformly strong, with Kelly Cae Hogan [Brünnhilde] … giving an account of her role of a calibre that I had given up hope of ever hearing again.’Michael Tanner, The Spectator, 2012

‘Sustaining everything was the enlarged Orchestra of Opera North under the assured and inspired direction of Richard Farnes. He and they rightly received an ovation. The second instalment of Opera North’s Ring is a thrilling and moving experience.’ Anthony Arblaster, The Independent, 2012 Right: The Valkyries,

Die Walküre (2012)

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Wagner’s unparalleled orchestral scene-painting reaches new heights in Siegfried. The youthful hero, fearless and free, forges an unbreakable sword from the shards of the weapon that belonged to his father, slays the dragon Fafner, seizes the ring from the dragon’s hoard, and braves a ring of magic fire that encircles the sleeping maiden, Brünnhilde, whom he awakens to love.

‘I am breathless with admiration for Opera North, punching above its weight in producing a concert performance which any musical organisation in the world would be proud of. The evening’s chief hero is the conductor Richard Farnes, who, like the opera’s protagonist, seems to know no fear. Motivatinghis excellent orchestra, he trusts the music’s flow, paces it unerringly and never forces or grandstands the climaxes.’ Rupert Christiansen, Daily Telegraph, 2013

‘Opera North’s so-called “austerity Ring” continues to astonish, nowhere more so perhaps, than with Siegfried … As on previous occasions, the musical standards are high. Exciting as always, conductor Richard Farnes has a matchless understanding of the relationship between speed, detail and span in Wagner.’ Tim Ashley, The Guardian, 2013 Right: Mati Turi (Siegfried),

Götterdämmerung (2014)

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GötterdämmerungTwilight of the Gods

In the overwhelming conclusion of the cycle, the all-consuming love of Siegfried and Brünnhilde is broken in bitter betrayal; the machinations of Hagen, son of Alberich, seal Siegfried’s doom; and Brünnhilde’s self-sacrifice precipitates the end of the old world order and the beginning of a new era. The musical and dramatic power of Götterdämmerung is awe-inspiring – sweeping us from Siegfried’s Rhine Journey to his Funeral March, and, finally, to Brünnhilde’s immolation and the work’s titanic orchestral climax.

‘Richard Farnes has nurtured his Opera North band, which had never played the Ring before, into a Wagner orchestra to be reckoned with, alert to all the dynamic and expressive details of the score.’ Hugh Canning, Sunday Times, 2014

‘Enormous credit goes to Peter Mumford for the entire design concept and concert staging. Ineradicable images are created, evocative of Icelandic Edda and Teutonic saga.’ Hilary Finch, The Times, 2014

‘[Alwyn Mellor] ... is unquestionably in the top flight of Wagnerians anywhere.’ Martin Dreyer, Opera, 2014

Right: Alwyn Mellor (Brünnhilde), Götterdämmerung (2014).

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Right: Alwyn Mellor (Brünnhilde), Götterdämmerung (2014).

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Join usWe are seeking visionary Fellows to support Opera North’s ground-breaking, critically-acclaimed Ring cycle.

The Ring Fellowship 2016Ring Fellows will journey with the Company as the Ring unfolds, accessing behind the scenes experiences, exclusive opportunities to mix with the stars and guaranteed best seats at the venue of your choice.

Join The Ring Fellowship 2016 at a range of levels starting from £167 per month.To find out more go to Ring CircleEveryone who supports Opera North’s Ring plays a vital role in enabling us to produce these ambitious works. Join the Ring Circle to make a valuable contribution and gain access to inside information and offers.

Join the Ring Circle with a one-off donation of £50. To find out more go to

To support the Ring at any level please email [email protected] or telephone 0113 223 3711.

Be part of something extraordinary...

Right: Béla Perencz (Wotan) in rehearsal for Die Walküre (2012). Photograph by Tom Arber

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Leeds Town Hall The Headrow, Leeds LS1 3AD (book through Opera North/Grand Theatre)

Cycle 1 Cycle 2Das Rheingold Saturday 23 April 2016 7.30pm Tuesday 24 May 2016 7.30pm

Die Walküre Saturday 30 April 2016 5.00pm Wednesday 25 May 2016 5.00pm

Siegfried Saturday 14 May 2016 5.00pm Friday 27 May 2016 5.00pm

Götterdämmerung Saturday 21 May 2016 3.30pm Sunday 29 May 2016 3.30pm

Ticket prices Full cycles: £50, £85, £110, £145, £185, £210, £225 (no booking fee applies) Single tickets: £17 - £60 plus £1.50 booking fee by telephone/online plus optional £1 postage

Cycle 1 / Cycle 2 Booking DatesJoin The Ring Fellowship 2016 and secure guaranteed best seats. Find our more at Season ticket holders and PatronsPostal and online: Tuesday 17 February 2015Telephone (0113 223 3700) and in person at the Grand Theatre Box office: Tuesday 3 March 2015

From Tuesday 24 March telephone bookings via 0844 848 2720Associates: Tuesday 24 March Friends/Groups: Friday 27 March 2015General booking for full cycles: Tuesday 31 March 2015General booking for single tickets if any remaining: Tuesday 7 July 2015 for information about online booking, dining/picnic options, accommodation and venue details.

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Royal Concert Hall, Nottingham Theatre Square, Nottingham NG1 5ND

Das Rheingold Monday 6 June 2016 7.00pm

Die Walküre Tuesday 7 June 2016 3.00pm

Siegfried Thursday 9 June 2016 3.00pm

Götterdämmerung Saturday 11 June 2016 3.00pm

Ticket prices Full cycles: £50, £76, £96, £124, £160, £196 (no booking fee applies) Single tickets: £15 - £55 plus £1.75 per booking online or for phone/in person £2 per booking plus 75p for card payment.

Full cycle Booking DatesJoin The Ring Fellowship 2016 and secure guaranteed best seats. Find our more at Season ticket holders and PatronsPostal: Tuesday 17 February 2015Telephone and in person: Tuesday 3 March 2015

Associates: Tuesday 24 March 2015Friends/Groups: Friday 27 March 2015General booking for full cycles: Tuesday 31 March 2015General booking for single tickets: Tuesday 7 July 2015

Booking informationTelephone: 0115 989 for dining/picnic options, accommodation and venue details.

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The Lowry, Salford Quays Pier 8, Salford Quays M50 3AZ

Das Rheingold Monday 13 June 2016 7.30pm

Die Walküre Tuesday 14 June 2016 4.30pm

Siegfried Thursday 16 June 2016 4.30pm

Götterdämmerung Saturday 18 June 2016 3.30pm

Ticket prices Full cycles: £72, £90, £115, £137, £158, £180 (no booking fee applies) Single tickets: £17 - £50 plus £2 per ticket booking fee

Full cycle Booking DatesJoin The Ring Fellowship 2016 and secure guaranteed best seats. Find our more at

Current Season ticket holders and PatronsPostal and online: Tuesday 17 February 2015Telephone and in person: Tuesday 3 March 2015Associates: Tuesday 24 March 2015Friends/Groups: Friday 27 March 2015General booking for full cycles: Tuesday 31 March 2015General booking for single tickets if any remaining: Tuesday 7 July 2015

Booking informationTelephone: 0843 208 for online booking information, dining/picnic options, accommodation and venue details.

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Southbank Centre, London Belvedere Road, London SE1 8XX

Das Rheingold Tuesday 28 June 2016 7.00pm

Die Walküre Wednesday 29 June 2016 5.00pm

Siegfried Friday 1 July 2016 5.00pm

Götterdämmerung Sunday 3 July 2016 3.00pm

Ticket prices* Full cycles: £90, £140, £180, £240, £300* Single tickets: £25 - £75**Transaction fees apply: £1.75 online, £2.75 over the phone. No transaction fees for Southbank Centre Members and Supporters Circles.

Full cycle Booking DatesJoin The Ring Fellowship 2016 and secure guaranteed best seats. Find our more at Centre Members Subscription only: 26 January 2015Southbank Centre Members Individual performances: 2 February 2015General booking: (including subscriptions and individual performances) 16 February 2015

Booking informationTelephone: 0844 847 9934** for online booking information, dining/picnic options and accommodation.

Sage Gateshead Saint Mary’s Square, Gateshead Quays, Gateshead NE8 2JR

Das Rheingold Tuesday 5 July 2016 7.30pm

Die Walküre Wednesday 6 July 2016 4.30pm

Siegfried Friday 8 July 2016 4.30pm

Götterdämmerung Sunday 10 July 2016 3.30pm

Ticket prices Full cycles: £72, £115, £145, £199 includes £2.50 transaction fee Single tickets: £20 - £55 plus £1.50 per ticket transaction fee

Full cycle Booking DatesJoin The Ring Fellowship 2016 and secure guaranteed best seats. Find our more at

General booking for full cycles: Thursday 22 January 2015General booking for single tickets if any remaining: July 2015

Booking informationTelephone: 0191 443 for booking information and transport information.

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Leeds Town HallCycle 1Sat 23 Apr Das Rheingold 7.30pm

Sat 30 Apr Die Walküre 5.00pm

Sat 14 May Siegfried 5.00pm

Sat 21 May Götterdämmerung 3.30pm

Cycle 2Tue 24 May Das Rheingold 7.30pm

Wed 25 May Die Walküre 5.00pm

Fri 27 May Siegfried 5.00pm

Sun 29 May Götterdämmerung 3.30pm

Royal Concert Hall, NottinghamMon 6 Jun Das Rheingold 7.00pm

Tue 7 Jun Die Walküre 3.00pm

Thu 9 Jun Siegfried 3.00pm

Sat 11 Jun Götterdämmerung 3.00pm

The Lowry, Salford QuaysMon 13 Jun Das Rheingold 7.30pm

Tue 14 Jun Die Walküre 4.30pm

Thu 16 Jun Siegfried 4.30pm

Sat 18 Jun Götterdämmerung 3.30pm

Southbank Centre, LondonTue 28 Jun Das Rheingold 7.00pm

Wed 29 Jun Die Walküre 5.00pm

Fri 1 Jul Siegfried 5.00pm

Sun 3 Jul Götterdämmerung 3.00pm

Sage GatesheadTue 5 Jul Das Rheingold 7.30pm

Wed 6 Jul Die Walküre 4.30pm

Fri 8 Jul Siegfried 4.30pm

Sun 10 Jul Götterdämmerung 3.30pm

The Ring Cycle 2016 Performance Diary

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Opera North LimitedGrand Theatre46 New BriggateLeeds LS1 6NU UK(Registered Office)

Tel +44 (0) 113 243 9999Fax +44 (0) 113 244 [email protected]

Registered Charity No. 511726© Opera North 2015

Major Supporter

Principal Partner

Funded by

The information in this brochure is correct at the time of going to print (January 2015). Opera North reserves the right to change cast and performances.

Production photography by Clive Barda

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