Download - The Raven School Newspaper November 9, 1977

Page 1: The Raven School Newspaper November 9, 1977

This year ! s ~'~aven staff :Jill be ~eaded by eighth ,,; raders !Uizabetb l\rcher and Carol :8rer rer. The co···e di tors h av e b oth been . students at ~:;'avenscroft since kindeq:;arten and have b een actiw, in student life in both the LO\Jer · a.nd ~id(!le School. ;~ lizabeth, the l aughter of !. -.r. an (I. :·'rs. :':arry J . and Car ol, the daup:hter of ).fr . John Breu er, are both honor students and demonstrate a high dep,ree of responsibility and leadership. As . co .. e.ditors, they T·rill share the task of co ·-ordinating cony for each issue and seein~ that deadlines are met. 1Jhen a reporter fails to com­plete an assi p,ned article , Carol and

. Eliz.abeth Hill have the responsibility of 1vriting the article or seein?: that it is done in ti!'1.e for publication. They Nill also co-ordinate parent helD in typinp, and mimeographin r; coPy and T·rill oversee all facets of nublicati on.

Three other appointments have been made at this time, and others '-Jill be forthcomin~ in the next Heek. Fine Arts Editor u ill be Anne Tm'lle, 'daughter of ; lr. and j ~rs. A. E. }lath aliJay. This is a neTI position deemed necessary because of the number of fine arts activities involving middle school students. ;farva Ha tkins, daughter of v r. and 1 :rs. -r . D. Hatkins, Nill b e Feature Editor, and Beadsie Uoo, . daugh ter of Hr. and ! [rs . Paul Teloo, has been named l1eHS Editor.

l[rs. Cottrell is ap'ain faculty advisor for: our ne1\TS crer,r.

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Sniri t ' Feers -:;.1 as held cl.urin:: t:le 7i7eek of Octob er s~venteenth t h rol.lf h· the tT,.lenty~ f irst. It cons i ste d of five different anc~. f un r' ays :

1 :~onday '-ras ··~ '.lsh ~utton nay . The ob ject of t his day " as ::or t h e b oys to r" i'!" the ... i ,,::,1:,; i . "'uttons '1Y r.:e ttinf' them to talk. ~rian Penninp:ton T,Ton the mos t ~"ttnnR anrl r e ce ived a prize.

Tuesday T-Jas Fif tv's :ray. r.:veryone dressed lik e they l i ved durin?, the I f) 5f) ' s on this d ay .

~acky nay .vas r-rednesday. The idea 'u as to he as tacky as nossihle. Some neonle !s combinations Here terrihle :

Thursday , T·rhich ~las T!at, Slipners. and Shades nay, everyone <,Tore the craziest h a t s, sun p: lasses and s l i nners they could concoct . I t looked lil~.e T'7e ~·!ere a Heirdo colony!

Friday r']as Green and Golel Day. There Ha s a nep- rally, "There 'lr. and ' ·'rs. Sniri ts Here announced. They T'1ere ' Harty T'1orthy and \' ick Purring ton from the .sixth :"rane, Ca.roline nav and SaJllITlV Jovner from. the seventh p;rane , and F'atharine ~Torris and ' jar rraret r;o~aTl. from t he eighth orade.

Thanks to evervone for shoHing such a wonderful schoo l snirit this veRr ~

'qrady T·1hi tley ane 'r,i rl o-e Truex

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I can not believe my Mother saved this. I came across it while cleaning out a box of clutter she had given me. Sure brings back some memories. Enjoy! - William Gaither - Class of '82
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Page 2: The Raven School Newspaper November 9, 1977

On Pet~nes,lay, .5enten1-'er t ';'7enty­first." tne 'UrlcUe School students cast their ~oies fer Presi~en~, ~ice Presi­'ient, flne. Secret.ary-Trcnsurer. This ',ras Jonc nfter listening to tIle cc.nr1i ,IA tes 9

speeches durin o: first perioe:" in the r>y!'1..

;.\s t he students filterer. into the Gy nnA.SiUl", t he first thin-c thnt ettrc.ct~~ their nt t antion ~as ~athryn Bri:::ht",cll, Cin.-1n Isley's c;mpc'l.irn nanC';Qr , "-rho ~m:::; \.!carin r::: -. lanosh"lde on h e r heqJ ~n~ a'placnrd in~icp tin? .' ~

Bri c:h t I(~ei1, Vo t e for Isley ' o r "un It Hisely ' Vote for Isley . (~he snn": her introduction of her c andi d .qte!) ~n1en everyone "]?,s seatee. t~1e sneeches ')ero;an.

! s usunl there ,Jere T':Iore c.qnc1idates for SecretA.ry-Tretlsurer thAn f'l.ny o ther position. Th<'!se candi (l;::tes 'Tere Je;:m­Louise ""eqr cl, Cim~a Isley, Zilly lIutschler, -Tick Purrinp.ton, flnc1 Camille Sinpson . Thev all had excellent speeches <1nr1 deli vere ,~ then ··]i th oolitical poise.

The sixth "rac~ers uere folloT,7ed :-y the seventh rraders nhr; ~ave their s-peeches. Florence ;;f)rris, Gren, Pate, Acrienne Silvey, anc~ f!nzil" 7ilkha pere the peoole runninv. , and they 'llso harl rz;ood speeches.

This left the tno ei ~!hth ?raders runnin;- for oresirlent. They Here Phyllis York and Cricky Densen. Up until the speeches, Bensen Tlas the underdog, havin~ entere'd the race late, ~ ; ut his speech -':70n hiM nmlY votes. It lonkerl as thou~h it H::l.S ::>oinc-: to he ~ close race (1S the Yi (ld le Sch00l seene'" frlirly evenly 0.ivided. SO-·1.8 neople said Phyllis YC'rk ~rould "~Tin ~ some sai.,. Cricky Bensen T,Joulcl ,-lin' Hll'-1 s till more sairl th.:=y di(b' t knm-7; . 'ut it seeps 3ensen' s spe2ch didn't r-ive hin auiteenou~h votes 1)ccause •. Then everY0ne harl. voterl. the uinners T'Ter".:! CalT'ille SirrlOson, Secret:1ry-TrcHsurer : ':fl.zirr. Zilkh:1, Vice Pre s iI_lent Hne Phyllis York, :>resident.

-~ . Severe is a(>~in frlculty advisor.

John Horner


Hr s. :'~ate TloT'lell, our school secre­tary, uas the sreaker' for ' our first chapel pro~r am. . Irs. EOT'lell, ·1;.7ho has been Hi th havenscroft for about thirteen years, dis­cussed the history' of T',avenscroft' s foundinr. She told h OT] the school Tvas first begun in the 1260' s and then hOT] it noved to the present location J.lore than oneehundred years later. P e enjoyed fincUn'!. out about our roots.

~<rs. [,yrd T s hOJ'llerOOn sponsored the pro~ram, and Jim Johl3.son introduced !~rs. Howell. Also featured uas the seventh and eir,hth grade chorus , directed by lIrs. Brinkley . They san~;, !ornin~ Is :groken" and 'Poll' "l eati tude.

In Student. r:runci1 there ar~ nine (lifferent~0m~itte " ' C:" each of qhich rl;lS

a speciA.l ':nurnosr; t ri s .<! rve. (In 0A. Ch. coroni t t ee the r e ::1.ri' c r - cha:.t rners nns. an 1-1

e.::>ch r:roun is na~.c un 'of [!"ou t ci<?ht yne1'1"ers. 'these nine COI"Mittees arc

T~r. pr,nJ~CTS l'XVf"~P'T F.F

The Pro j e cts CO!'1mi t tee cr,....,.,nfz ~s 1111 A.ctivities [m~. TTorks '7ith each rfthe·· ·· cOM.Mittees. PO" in Smith ."n0 Rr!1.';y.~11)itley·

are the .. c0- chrlirT'crsons. r.urrently ,· they . , Hre havin~ thp stunent ~ir<!ctory co~ilc df

THE Ti'FT;:T~T!' r·~·~nT r;(Y··'.~nT~-r

. -This cnlT'.T"_itte(~ T·mrks on sneci HI events for the ;!i \i~ lc Schor'l. Thesr. snecial e vents t]f)uld ',e on;:::mizin:-- t:1C d;1nces. the sk,qtin~ parties, p.nr1 t he -ft scOSP('lch8r. Tiffany ~filler A.nrl H::lrf"~ret ~~T(''T ,''ln .:=tr c co -ch?ir­perS0ns for this co~~itt~e .

Tym n()~p!'l:'/\.LI'rV r;o":.' ~l'1'Tr~ The B0spitality Co~~ittec or"Anizcs

the hAke SAle s, cnf fces for t~0 narents ('It conference tinc • .qn.--J servin~ :1.t tl-te nT,r"lr r1 s

assen~ly. Their nnin nroj ec t , thC'u...,h. is oickinr n nee.-1y f~Mily Qt Sr.rist~os tiMe A.m1 collectin~ fo o· 1 , tnys, pn" clothinn: for thef:' . The cn- ch a.irnorsons f o r t~ts coJ'U'1ittce arc T::liz81-.eth ~.rcher :mr1 eRrnl BreT-]cr.

TW? nnl'·Llr:l'T'Y (;n>1!<1:'T'1'T'17

This ccmmittee ou' , licizes every event that ~oes on in the ' ~~~le ~chool .

Ch2rlcitte Pill an (1 "io Jnhns0n !'.r .~ the Co-ChAirrycrsC'ns fnr this cn"lY"ittce. ·

rTf' ~po"".Tr COl f'fIl''T':r''''''

· Thr:.: ~nnrts ' (;"nnittee 0r"anizes the stunent-f<'iculty " ,'1n.-1 ::1.11 tl-te ath.letic events. Tl-tey For" cl'-'sely nit1) tl-j e nroiects cn·IIl'1.ittee 0n the His C0spodv::: r , too. Jenny Canp: anf. 'P,Jul ('Itto .'lreco-c~o.irnersons for this c0M.mittou .

: ., rTf, S/\.F~"T'V e('l! ~ 'IT'tr,T" The S:tfety COT"l11i t t ee is responsr ·le

for ' :j-:noT]in'" anI' Tl'."tkinr-: sure' everyone pt school kn( the rul('s for l:ecT>in~ '1 sflfe, healthy 'sch(Tol 'lm! student · 'or1.y. They usu<,lly h<lv r.:; sDe.ql:"rs in to t nl'-: ;::'-out civil .r1efenso ,: fir e' haz<'.rds, ~t c. '1"~e

co-chairnersons f or t~is COJ"'.!'.'.i tt~8 <1r 0. 'Proctor ncan an 1 J'IR - "Ul"'U!'1 .

""T~T.;' L0'-;';,' \"Tf 17()TT''''l "n'.-\1"lITTf'lC'

This cOT'1J'1ittees I rcsn0nsi'l ility is to make ' sure everyone knOTTS 'There to "'0

if the y 'h."'vc 10st s()J"'8t'1in": an,1 ' .rl1"m thcv can CO![C ' t 0 look for it. Thr'Yure r1

to Arran""ctimes fKr ynu to C0T"'e ann nick UP your ftc';". The co-chairncrsons ' for t~is co~ittee are Pol .ert fr i<"TC;s , anrl -Tiel: Purrin;,to:1 .

TT ~l;' • f~?:1 I A (:(» ~ 'J1'T'[:'f'

. ' This c0J11rnittee' porl~s ' ·7i. th "rs . ~ tevenc;nn in the li~rary. 'they a r e resT'0nsi~le for ':look f :airs ' "I.nrl re .1'~-ins. · J'he cO-r-ch'1ir­persons f0r this C0JT!I"'ittce; "'c l .le CC i1 Gaskins ano Adrienne Silvev.

Hith the strong leadership of our elected officers and these cornnittees, T'le are that the Student r:ouncil '·rill have another banne r year. Suuport them!

~1arva Ann Hatkins and Carol F,rer.rer

Page 3: The Raven School Newspaper November 9, 1977


;:..pprox i t:!ately t~ 1O hunclrec1 <'.nd t "Jen t y­five parents ~reeted teachers a t Operi F.ouse on Thurs (l.ay, Septem1 ,er f iftcenth. The OpeIl Ilous e ''las a tre I'lendous suc c ess.

Both t eachers -'ln d p 2. r ent s TJer e enthusiastic. Vo lunte er s t udents h e l ped t he parents finel the ir Hay t o v a rious '2l a s s r ooms .

.'lr s. /:.sht on , t he n eH s ev enth ::-r c>.de science teache r) s c>.i d the Open !lous e Fas (~ood f or t he p a r ents T"e c ause t hey c ould find out ",ho the tel1che r s He r e. -~os t of t he t eachers ap,reed 'Ji t h her , ctn (1. a l l o f the t eache rs s aid it "Tas fun r.1ce tin" every one.

~ ~. Sev e re ~ade a pre~t p oi n t ~ out the students. She sai 6. , The p ,?rent s s hould see Hhat environment t he k i cs a r e living i n f or ei 0:h t hours a day an d Hh a t parents should expect on <Tor k. '

One o f t he I'lost surnrised t eache r s of them all PI1S ~-Irs. St e vens on 1 e cause, . . a s e d on previous i exp e rie nce ~

f CH Here e xpected t o come t o t h e : :edi !l Center. }'o~·.!ever . mor e t h an fifty pa r ents c ame in s pite of ti r,h t schedules ..

Another surprised t eacher [ 'i ddleton ~vho s a i d al!11.ost l0l)% six th r rade parents s hoHed UD ,

enjoyed Meetinr; t he par en ts .

Has ~1rs.

of her !~nd she

' lr s . Cannon, t he neF six t h gr ad e mat h tea cher, s a i d it T'TaS a ··lOrthT·:hile exn e rience and t hat t he Onen TTOllSC ''las enj oyed 1)y l-' o t h par ent s a nd teacher s .

' Irs . Cottre ll s a i d attend~nce ~ns

exce ntion a lly "ood for t he ein:h t h ?r?c1e ~

anc~ a l mos t a ll her clas ses Here fu::..1. She enj oyed the p a r ents ' enthus iasI'1. S01'1e . s he oJ' s e rved, ev en took n 0 t es" S!le said t her e should 1 :::; IT'o r e tiI'l.e i n class e s : 'e ca use s he never s ce1'1ed t o cove r everv thi n o an d hflrl. little or no ti:'1e f or l' nts t o a s k ques t ions.

ilr . L;ms on an d 'vir. Kr a t zer hac~. a1)out t he SR.r.1e f e elin" . Thev ' ~ o th l iked mee tin C' t he par ents ~ an d they sai el it ',TR.S some·­t h i n;. "lOrth do in!:, > fo r t he narents and t he t eachers and t he students , t oo , should l) ene fi t .

Thank y ou , parents ~ f or c01'1in~ an~ fo r Ct,F~EJG;

r;iU Y Kayye

llithout t he help ann time of several .volunteer mothers , y ou wou ld not b e r e a d­ins this issue . tT=: appreciate the t yninp: of I1rs " Eradshmv , ~r,rs. 'Harrod , ' Irs . Lynn , l' ~rs. Staudhammer , -:rs . T·Jood , an d ' ;r s. York.

An d a s pe cial thanks t oo to those ,·,ho

continued next column

' .. ,:-.... '- .,-1': ' -- 7 ... T'ir.

On '·rov eT:1' e r e l ev enth, nriva t e sch 001 s tu~~ent s <"i l l eni OY 11 holi(la'!. Teache rs ? hOT-lever ? Trill ;' c a t Tm r k . ' 'ost ' ,'ill '" c a tt en(' i n'" t~le -' m-t l, r;;w o.1in,q /s s oc.i a t i on of I ndeDe n den t Schools annua l fall con-­fe r ence . This yeAr t s mee t i n n ~ill he

hos t er1 ' ·v "-"'.lein:h' s r:a l e FirTh Schoo l and St . Timo t hv's.

Te2che r s t h r ow,.hout ' Torth CHrolina TTill mee t t o C1 tt enrl T'1Orksh ons for their su" ,.] e ct a r eas an ,-~ t o vietT exhi~· i ts of neT" l ear niw ' T'le·1.i a an(l rn.a t e rials. '1' l-tey TJill also ti1"1e t o shar 0 t eachin(> exne rlences anrl i (le8'3.

Trro of t he <"o r) '.s hon l ea0e rs are e s ped ,.qllv f a"'ili ;1.r t o us. (lne , '~rs.

S8.lly r:o llins o f our mm f"ui r:1ance c'l.enart·­men t . "Till con duct a s e ssion enti tled 'The 1' ole of t he Gui0ancc r.ouns e lor in the

Yn rlenenden t 0, choo l . !~ls o, 1ir. "l ay Ashton , hus ', an 0. 0f our s ev enth ::>rane science t ea che r , fril l s neal-' :'1.1 )out s e rvices of t he j',.Torth Car oli::Hl ' in t'he elementary s cience p r 00rarn •

"iost o f our ~ rir1d le c;choo l t e achers plan t o a t ten d one or I'l.orc o f t he "Tod::­s hons hein~ offer erl .

Tiffany Piller

/\.8 t he f i rs t nine ~~Teelc ~ of school COMe t o 11n e,1r1 > 7'lC2: fi nn it i s ,q r:ain ti)TIe : u r n a r ent .. · t~a ch~r confe r e nce s . nn TTednesrl.av , Hoven? e r s i x t eenth , p a r ents "i l l ]"Iee t r"i t h l-lOrer oom A.c1visors to dis­cus s inc1iv icluC'.l stuclent n ro nr ess. T'irst semester f' ra0es Hill "e r ev i e'Je 0 Hnd, 'hopefu l l y, t he c,' 'I' anti tur. e an0 achiev e -" !'ient t est s c ores TTi ll a lso 1- e iJvaila' )l e . I f t h e t es t results ~rc not ''' acL. in time , t hey pill ;;e dis cussed. ~Ti th n arents a t a l .:l.t er elat e.

ReffeshPlents Hill ~ e nrovide d ",y t he TYos pi t n.litv Com:m.ittee of t h e : ~i ddle

Sch ool Student r;ounci l. r a r ents may stop i n t 'hc front 1 01-"'7 f or coffee and SFee ts 1-,efor e Gr a ft e r t hei r schedule d conference.

Phi l e n;lrents an,1 t eac~ers converse , s t udent s T·rill e n j oy P ha.lf holida y . 'Pe ri oc'l s on e t h rClu"h four ' ." ill !'lee t r1uri,n<> the . !'lornin"', nn'~ sturlAnt s .. Ti ll -' e dis :'"is s ed a t 11 : 50 AT":.. 110 lunch · rill he servec1 that d11Y·

'lone vou have fun iJnc1 e njoy 'lour moments o f f r eeooT"1 ~·Thilp. your parents hear l o t s of ~ooc (?) th i nos a}' out vou:

r lizaheth \ rcher

Tl~Nt·.S . C(l;7TD1T"m

!!'lor e or l e s s ~.1illino:ly turned "'reen , lvhile print inr .copie s . '1'hey T,Jere t1rs. CraHford , Tfrs . l ~orris , Hrs. 'Pas chal, ~frs. Rents.ehler . ;.md 1d:r s. Simpson. Fe appreci a te the helD , mother s;

Page 4: The Raven School Newspaper November 9, 1977


' is. Ashton is the neT.1 seventh r;rade science te~chcr. Sh e is ori~ina11y from , 1ial'1i, Fl ::>ri(la . Hs. i;.shton is ma r::.- i e d and has one step-daup:hter, r;: 1i<:;c:..he t :1 /Inn. She enjoys scu1-) C:':-divin~ , st ;:lJT\T) and {:oin c01lectin~, and n1avinr the pi ano.

'Is. Ash~on ~rad'.1ated fr OTr. t h e Uni'Jer­sity of '!im;li o f Florida . !:er maj or::; <.lre in zoolo~y an ,-1 ~ . o t .omy, and she. has her masters in Educa tional Science .

,\Jnon~ 0 ther j o' :s in ?lori(la , '~s.

Ashton tau s UP.'.iTler nro ),! r ams 8 t the -:1..>s e"Jm of lTatural ~{ist o"!:'Y ane. taf',,:ed allig ators.

Amonr her 1'1any nets, " 8 . "".s h ton h a s several different r e ry t i les, f ish, a

screech or,!l, a ~iar: t lant' t 1..>:..-tle, and a very large dog .

TJelcome to Rav enscr oft , , ,

LS. ''..s h ton:

Hary r.cbards

·· 'lrs. Braucher is a nCF a ddition t 8 the sixth r r ade fa '. "_ '7 :s- . > -:: _':~ _e 8

social stl:icie s aEd r, r amma r. S'he has p .L:eviously tau~ht fiJ:th ann e i..c-hth ~rad e

Ene lish a.nd SOCi2 l s tudies at the Shady !.Iill School in Ca:'l' ;riclr;e, r"a s s '1ch' ... E'E..tts.

I'Then a sked ,,~h .:: ~ 2he liked ~) es t a ')cut P.avenscroft , 'Irs . Braucher renli;~d ~ " ThE. students ~ They a 17e fr::..endly and tntel­ligen-c. ' Her pet p e eves are messy desk s and b ad r,rammar.

I ' s. Br aucher eiJ,j oys ::ackpa ckin[! , campin:-; , a n d readi .n ;r. She and h er husb .lnd m'm t'l C c a ts . ~li an d Jasninc .

i1rs. Anne Brink ley is a n€.H teacheI to 1\avenscroft. Sh e joined us durin:'" the spring seluester in 19 77. Sh\:! : t:eaches chorus, h~manities, 1r8ma and pi ano for the sixth , seventh and e i ghth grades. She is married and h,"1s t ·,.TO children ~ ,\nita ~'Tho is seven and T·Ti l l T'Jho is f ive , Both a ttend T'.avenscroft ' s Lauer School.

. Irs . Brinkley is ori r:in a lly fr om Holland, Virrsini.::. She 11ClS lived in ~aleigh one y ear. f he ~oved to Ralei~h l)ecause of her hus')Clm~ v s j ole.

>'Irs. Brinkley attended. fM:l.nJ colle~es , includinr; 01) e rlin in Ohio , " oc;nrteum Pcademy of '[usic and Drama in Sa l z}-ur f" Austria ,. and Hilli am and ;'!ary in ~!illiamsbur;.', VirginIa . n:er maj ors \lere niano and voice. She holds t·,w d9~rees ,

ilachelor of Husic dnel ' 'IE in Guic1ance. She has tau~ht at schools in Vassacnusetts , California , Ohio, and Vir pinia.

/( , .' PAG:r:" ~l1.J;a:s


FOUR. c ,

Brinkley continued

Fha t J.frs. Brinklev likes !)est a')out T!av enscrcf-c i s the kids. She eniovs cross st i tch P F.tte rns , m-:imT'nn~ anr ice skatino-. T.Te lcome, , Ir s . u,rinkley , to Pavens crof t. fTe i r e ~lnc1. y ou I re " ac1r. this year .

P,nrry Creasman

',rs. C<1m10n is one of the tFO nen sixth prade teach ers . She teaches nath 8n~ social s tuji e s . For t~e past three y~ars > she h i:1s t a u n:ht J11,'1 th in Sanford , nor t~ Cnrolin !" .

" r s . Cannon is f'1.arr1.ed, and her hus­~Cln~ ' s j 0 1• ~ ]i t h t 11e I":i tv of P"aleigh occasioned t :1eir move to the Ce.nital City. They moved here three months apo.

'~rs" Cannon i s ori ,,: inally fron ilool,er­ton , -:orth 8 n.rolina , Hhich is located in ~:.:- een(~ I~'ounty .\ n: r a (luate of Vast rarolina Universi 1:y 9 she maj orerl in Intermerl.iate ;~ c1.uc.:l.t i on Trii::h conce ntrations on math and 1<m ,,:uage a rts. She holds a B. s . der;ree.

T'h en (Iueried. a1 out ~!That she lik en l)est ;:l" O-lt ~. ~.veTlscroft ~ she renlier., " Tice tea chers and s t u rlcnts to T'70r1~ with. ; ~':er

ne t peeves a re s turl~nts not doin~ their assi"'nTl"ents a nd neople not r e spectinR" the :i5'hi:s of o t hers. - - - - ... -

Th e Cp.nnon~ m·m t h ree cets amI a (lo,c; , an e i'fys. r. annon ' s h o' ,'I)ies [ir e tennis, Diano , needle.~\7ork, :1n -1 r e a r'in",.

' ~s. Geskins t e eches sixth, seventh , .qn d e i '.:';h th p- racle art. She Has narrierl a" o'.lt rt T,reek 1.efore school be~an.

She h a s liven in ~aleinh all her life. Sh e a ttende d col le ~e at St. ' {ary's Junior Co l le"'~, 'Torth Carolina State University, a n d Ve red1th Colle"e . She majore d in art 0~ucat~on Ln n minored in En~lish. She hol~s a n. \. de"ree.

, frs . Gas1:i ns . lr.noun to us h ef ore as , 'lS . :r~urroFs , t rlU~h t thin'!, fourth , <lnd fifth r: rar1c in the Lm7er ~chool at D,aven-3 c r oft l-'cfore tll is y e ar and last year had one sixth ~raoe class.

I .qske 0 her phat she liked best ar.out Ti avenscroft. She s 1ii c' , 'Its ~)eautiful campus ami dst all the trees . I asker her ~-Jhat her pe t neeves ToTerc~ ann. she sair 'Anonymous art frofTJ. sjxth , seventh, and

e i i hth grade rs , rlripny faucets, and stud.ents Hho ' texture T' i nk Dearl er.qsers. I

contin uerl next pa~e

'. -"

Page 5: The Raven School Newspaper November 9, 1977

< .

l1rs. Gaskins continued

' Irs. Gas].cins bas t,.,o pets. They are a Sl.nmese cat named ;'Euclid: and a dog named j\1alcome ~ ' . Her hobbies are pot:~ery and p~10tor.;raphy. She loves goinS to craft sho-r.1s, art museums, anc1 concerts, and she also lil~es to j oP:, sHim and ride :1er ;squeak} tL:n-speed bike" .

Caroline Day

conKING ClUj BE FU' ·j ~

Ravenscroft has a super ne'!1 home econc:nics teacheY. ~ ;:cs. 71_e beccr, -(artin. She is from uunkerton, Ioua) and b..<lS

lived in T.!.aleigh fo~c three years. "frs. ~ !artin previo11s1y taugl1t school in llinnea-polis) JIinnesota after attendinr: the University of. I01\1a.

She really l-a~0c; <121 her students, but her lpet peeve" is people talldnp out of turn: Tirs. ~ Iar::in enj ays sports and cooking.

Let 1 saIl L'lake ~,e~' yem~s at P.aven­scroft fu:G. and enjoya1.::1e:

Elizabeth Archer


In case you don't kno<.T, Janes FCT7ers is the new mide.Ie schcol :-'and. ciirecto:;,: and neH upper scht)ol b and <md choi~ director.

He is orisinally from St. Pauls, ~1CJrth Carolina.

He attended East C8,rolina University and n iami (of 0hio) D-niversi tjT, maj oring in voice and minor:Lna; in piano,

l ir. Poue:cs is ma:rried to Sus<1n Heisey Powers. They have no children , hut they do ha7e a pet callen Algernon.

His hobbies are golf, tennl.s, and vlnter ski.inp;,

l Ir. PmTers has tavp:ht previous Iv in. the Cinciunc>.ti Puhlic Schools and at Atlantic Ch!'istian College in TTilson , ;}orth Carolina. He all hope that he'll cnj oy being on the r._avenscroft faculty (the hest!).

Ann ~a(!dv


On October nineteen'i.:h and tuentieth, IT.r. CollirLs> l1rs. Cannon, and J'1rs. Cottrell attended sessions at the Second Annual . A:t'Tareness Conference. Held at l·Torth Caro­lina State Univers.l. ty, the t<-lO day meeti~f­~.ras snonsored by the 110rth Carolina Der>art,­mE-nt ~f Public iusCruction. Attendees leaTned of federally funded pro~rams in lTlath. readiJ.lg, and language arts beinp: t~~'7i1t n2'tionuide.


~fr. 1'{hones "_obinson (commonlv knoT·m ClS ~;hodes), the former seventh ~rade sci0.nce teacher, left n.avenscroft on Friday, SepteT'1,l €or tHenty -third. Hr. P.,ol>inson acceDtec1 p_ j Ol, in r'!ilmington, ~lorth Carolina, as wildlife hioloDist for Coastal I.:one "':.esources. TTr . p _ol)inson I s first assi~nTl1ent, hOT'TE-Ver, is in p.alei(~h. Good luck ) T ~r. 1;>"01, ins on ; You Fill J--e missed hy the entire '~ddle School.

Beadsie Poa

(In Septerher first. our t~ Is art teacher, -' !s. Louise nurroT's . m::lrried I~arl l;asl:ins, .? self-er\ployec1 archi tec t. 1fr. Gaskins Q,csirr,ns l'ui!_din~s an!}. Hi th the helD of a construction crer,T, l:uilds them .

The couple Here marrierl at an ei~ht 0' clock cereT'lony in a nei n:h1:> or i s home. The cer<::i1l0rLY T,ras an' informal one. ane the c.rrOO;Tl I'lOre Levi jeans and at-shirt. The i., ride TlOre Fhi te jeans and a handmade T,rhite eMb roidered top. They Hrote their. oT·m VOrlS. and '~r. Gaskins made their rinrs.

Thev Fere atten.-:1.ed ':y tT·W ring l~earers, the son a:1r1 daw;hter of a close frienrl. ~nother close friend nlaved classical ~usic on the niano.

!\t the recp-nticn the ne~·rlY"Jeds hart Herl.din~ cake, chRmnap.;ne, anrl lots of other ~ood thin~5 to ent .

The counle has not yet rone on a honeymoon trin, l')ut laun:hin~ly c,s. naskins saic1 they Here savin~ for a trin to the ~ismal SHamn.

nur hest wishes to the ~ri(\e and groom!

r.arol Hrel·!er

('n Septe!!lber tuenty-fourth, 1'fs. ~raucher, our ner-] sixth n:rade teacher, T,7('l.S married to ':on-er Tol-,in . f'r. 'robin is fro~ De:1ver, Cclorado ori~inally.

The took nlace in a friend's home, and '(he hrirle and :>rooT'1 spoke VOTJS that they had <'Tritten ther1selves. Thev spent their honeymoon at Kerr Lake.

Our ""es t T,rishes!

A STI'.T'1.

A small flame, .

r.:lizaI~eth Archer r.:risty Parker

silver rather than yelloT'1 •

It flickers ... lip,ht in crYstal, a ::;em on 11li'tck satin.

Andrer.J J. TicCann

Page 6: The Raven School Newspaper November 9, 1977

PAGE SIX .;;-~'-~~



\'!e would like to extend a special FarZl T,Je ... cOTIle to our S2v~n n€.H e.igllth graders,

J ~;IH HUDSON John ',jas born ir.. Roanoke> \Jirginia, h_'-t

he has lived in r,earty Carv fo-c the past three years. Last year he &ttelldec~ I,Yest Cary School. One thin~ t~a~ John likes 2bout I~ayenscroft is the /~.ct] .vi ':.y One thing he c1 oes!'.' t l:J:e is thf' home r,7o:ck : His favorite subjects "'La a:.:-t ano. French .

LISA LEONARD Lisa is f...:om Jacksonville , f::orth Caro-

Ij na origir..2.l1y, but she has lived j n P aL.:iF-h for ten ye.a~s. The school she last attcnd~d ,·.as v!est Hilibrook Jl'.lliol:· High. One thin~ she espe:::iaily likes cibout Ravenscr ·::>ft is the opportunity to be on the J. V. Tennis Tea~. One bad thing, she feals, is that TIe don't have. a band LO nlay at the. home football 6ames~

BE':::'SY HANOULIDES BeLsy is a native of Pensacola , Florida "

8h2 has li-J(~d in RaIei8h fOJ:: seven years, hO\<7ever, and last 'lear Has a student at St , Timot:hy's ' Schoc 1. She 1 i.~~es the pp.o-:-,le hE:~e a.t s''lvenscrof';: , ?et.:3Y sa~,rs ;}I':?r pet ?eevc. is popularity contes·cs.

K_4.Tl-l.A..l{Il'm !:~Or..RTS

Kathariae Has born in Hickory, North Carolina, but she has lived in ctall2igh for Lwelve· and a half years . Last yea"!: she attended i-Jest i'lilJ.b:crok Junior Hir;h. 8')111e of the thinzs she likes best about RaV';I'..s -· croft are the atmosphere and the smaller number of people" J ss thi'l? she does not like is the " old g:,TT:'t'lnifor-ms." E -" :;:, n '2 t

peeve is State University,

K'R.I3TIN P L\I',ZER i~risty ,qas born in tiTinston - Salem ~~orth

Carolina. She is :t~&L~igh 1 5 nCT.ves t '1av,~ns-·

<::rofter, havin?, liv2d here onlv four months , Kristy enj oys the diff, activities 2vailable here at Ravens c::: oft and ci ter~ history and language arts as '121: fa'Torit r.:,

subjects. Her special interests are reading , arts B.nd crafts, and playing the piano " SIc.!". also enjoys ,·,riting no,;try.

DAVID ROBERTS 1\ native of Springfield, Vissouri,

David has been a resident of the capital city of our fair state for six and a half years, about half of his life . A student la,.,t year at 1 s East 'r<illbrool:: Junior High, h e has bec.i:l J1lade to fe.el quite a';: home hc're . He likes best the friendly attitude of tho students and faculty~ and his favorit 2 subjects are I'1ath and social studies. On the negative .sidc~ he miss2s last year ' s friends 9 and he dislikes <' per SOil -"liD is ah"ays "bugging" or pickin[1: on anyone .

(CCIl i:i r:. .lc ,l ,-" ..:: ::-; t c c: 10.T,1n)


~uv lynnE. Kim is oLibinally from !k,,7 York Cit:y ,

a.nd s1'1(2 has lived in Raleigh for only ono:::. year, Last year s' she attended Hest ~UllbrooK Junior Eigh. She says that the> p8.on1e are anong tn . .:! .;:l,iEgS she likes best about Ravcmscroft. Tl:cr favorite subjects are Englis !.l [nd j' ;:n2rican Pistory.

L2L"S all L(=:lp o'Ur ne.H classmates enjoy p.av2nscroft £Glly tv making them H part of all our activities and by greeting them 1:-7i1.h a Pdrm and friendly hello as T,rc see them in t.hE. 11a1lo5 and in class ,

Tiffany Hiller


HICHIi:LLE ]WADSHNT ~!ic~cllc 1S o~ip;inally fr01~ iTirginia.

S~le has lived. ]_n ~.aleigl:1 for t'~~n years 9 hm-r­eVbr, se it's really home, Last ' year she nttend~d Ccosby-Garfield School. ~cr favor­j t o. subj eets h,:;re are science, "Tench, ITli" '.:h, ::11 0. 0 lalll!~Hl.g(: a:::t:;. (' t sound Iilz,- she. dislil:es anythi:1fT. i1cadeTIllc!) She plans tv tryout for cheerlsadir..g. an,l. she likes gYl"; ' nastics, horseback riding, and SPOTts tco , She has an older broth~r and a youngrr siSLer, anel ~h\..'y h2ve t;o cats a:;:-,d a poodle: for [,etf:. T-k!." family flttc:'lG.S T1ayes-Barton ~fethodi .st r:'Yd;:C~

)\L17'XIA l.}\T:::: -,:r TS i·1.1exi a has lived in RalE::igh four years.

J~ilst ycar sDe TKnt to Nor~h Ti'lcmental·Y. Sh- _ T,:rould f e el !'lore D.t home here if her old f~i~pds ~er~ here too. Her f~vorite subjects are "-,ath . science, a:ld chorus" She likes b.or8~back riding ane an1Flals. and to prove her 1.0iT8 for animals she oTms a nony. fish:, turt.l0s, tHO d::>~s. and a guinen pig" j\.lexia has a younger brother, flnd hc:r fam:ily attends th0 Eastern Creek Orthodox Church. He.r ce~ peeve is Nr . LaTvson is jokes:

c r!T'IS CRAT 7FORD :hr::'s, a native of R.ichJ1lond, Virgini-'1.

has J.ived L1. TZalei?-!-, for five years" La:.:: t y2a~

he Clttend,~d lfillbrook IUc:mentary SchooL flo. T.70uld fCi~1 more.; at home here if he could ~ct to kno0 all the students. He likes best al:L "the neA.t stu.i:f in -che science room)' ~ t21dn:::, st'!')T'J(;rs cvcrv day in P. F. comr2S at the.. bot too of his list . Hath 2nd langl..!age ·qrts 2r~ his fe.vorite subjects; and he plcms to be on th) sTJim team , He likes hunting and horseback ridinr,.

CARR1B nF,Tr'TFR C~rrie is originally from Illinois, but

she just ;-loved back to R;:J.lcigh from .:1 th:::ce­y~ nr stint in Mis30uri. Her f8I'1ily has ~e.en back in Ra.lcigh for about t1'.rQ months, P .::-v(~nsc..roft :J s r:ot n eT.! tc her as she T,TClS a fourth giadcr here before they ~oved. She

(~0't~P '~~ n~ o' S 2V0~)

Page 7: The Raven School Newspaper November 9, 1977

NEW · SrNr.l~Ln ...,.'" 6.1>);.,>'-0 · vQ-l. U £ ! n J ).:JV

says she's glad she' s b ::1 Ck , She hus t uo older sist·ers. one in the Upper School and one at Carolina, and an older brother uho i s also in the Uppe r School. The f amily attEnds White Memorial Church.

DAVID GARl'iIER David is from Peoria , Illinois . and he' s

lived in Raleigh only s eVt n or e ight months , Last year he finished the school year at Hiley. I-Ie came her e for a be tte r education, he says, and he likes the less crovTded env::_ ­ronment. He's interested in working Hith vJOod; and because he a l s o likes swimming, he plans to get on the svlim t eam . David and his older sister have a pet dog and a ca t.

MICHELLE KEITH Michelle is from Ra l e igh and formerly

attended st. Timothy ' s . The only thing sh:: dislikes about Ravenscroft is the gym suits" Her favorite subject i s l anguage arts . Michelle is going to tryout for s occer , 2nd she likes all sports and animals. She ahd her older sister have pe t cats , Her family b e longs to St. Timothy ' s Church ,

RICI-Il-lRD KING Richard was a student l ast year at the

Washington Sixth Gra de Center . He -';vould like to make some fri ends her e and to kno,,' more people . He like s t he activities and t eachers, and French and social studie s are his favorite subj e cts. He is on the socce r t e am .and plans to be on the golf t e am.


LIESETTE BRONSON LiesettQ~ the oldest of three girls, i s

ano the r of our neH n.avenscrofters. She s,~ems ve r y happy her e ""-nd s ays she like s Rav ,~nscroft. T'Jhen she gc-; ts home in the Dft arnoon , her sisters and a pe t do g keep her cOlTlpany .

BE IAU CliMP Brian is ori ginally from n.ichmond,

Vir~inia, but he has been living in Ra lei gh for t en ye ars and previously T,vent to l'lorth lUdge El ement ary near Rave ns croft . His f av or i t e subj ects ar e science and ii t er a ture . He rvants to be on the s~vimming and tennis t ea.l'1s " He oT-rns .:l C!1t and three 2:e rbils .

GHYlmE DUR1-L.\J1 Like Camille Simnson , Gwynne attended.

~avenscroft as a fourth gr ader but was not he r e for t he fifth gr2de. During her fifth gr .:lde y eDr , she lived in S~qitzerland . N01:v [' r e sident of Hake J7'orest ~ she commutes to Ravenscroft dRily , l eaving ' he r tT<70 pet do gs a t home .

ELLEN HARSH Ellen , -';-lhQ has both an olde r brother

and sister, oT·ms a horse, t~\TO ponies ; and a dog, So far she like s Ravenscroft. (He hope she will continue to do so ! )

JOHN PII.RHfJ, f NELL PEARCE ,Johu , ~vho vlent to St. Timothy's

Nell is originally from Laurinburg 9 Por t h l ast year , i s one of our many ner-l sixth Carolina, but she nOvl live s in Hake PorE::st. r:r aders . 'Ie has been living in P-.aleigh Last year she attended Rolesville Element a r y f or twe lve years and like s to play t e~nis School . She is coming to. Ravenscroft becaus e and build 1'10 de Is . He o~vns a do g - [) ca t he r older brother is a s tudent in the e i ghth Clna a gerbil.

. , 9

grade. She is sorry tha t :Hr . Robinson l ef t . Her favorite subjects are ma th and language arts. Her 'pe ts include a. rabbit and a d.o r,;. She attends · lJake Porest Baptist Church ~,Ji th her family.

AR.I SANOFF Ari was born in Cali f ornia, but h~ has

lived in Rale igh for t en ye ars . Las t year h e attende d Hiley School . He likes the smaller classes at Ravenscroft , '"'QuId like to ge t to know more people , and dislikes so many t ests . He enjoys mode l building , act­ing, and skateboarding as outside inte r es ts .



Rhonda is a r e sident of nearby Knight­da l e> v!her e she was a student l ast year a t Kni ~~htdale Elementary School. She has one younge r brother, and they OHn a ca t and a dog. She likes ve ry much the people at r;avcnscroft.

BRil.l,rrLEY P_EHLING Brantley was a Rtlvenscroft er as a s e cond

gr a de r and ha s "r e turned to the fold " this year. She and her younger si s t er hrtve a pony. tvJO do gs, and.. he n ni t cr abs as pe ts .

CM1ILLE SH1PSON Bill is a native of Bethlehem, Pennsyl -- Cal'1ille is anothe r forl'1er Ravenscr ofter.

vania , but he has live d i n Ra l e igh for f i ve S~e Tvas her e as a fourth gr ade r. She Dnd years . Last ye ar he attended North Rid~(j he r younR~r brothe r OHn a pe t dog . She s ays School. Although coming he r e Has not Ins mvn t hat s~e 1S hnnny to be ba cl:.. a t Ravenscroft. ide a, he likes the sports program very much. His favorite subjects ma th and physica l educa tion. He plans to participate in baske t­ball. On the negative side, he s aid tha t he hate s the hard Hork . Bill h.:ls four olde r sisters . The family .pe ts include a dog and a ca t . His . family attends St . Ra phael' s Chur ch.

HEIDI UPDIKE Heidi moved to Ra l e igh s even months ago

from San Antonio , Texas. She finished l Ds t ye ar at North Ridge, This ye ar he r f avorite subjects are math ~ Fr ench , and band . He i di likes to SHim , s o He hope she Hill join the:

D/W ID STALLINGS H.e has been Dav id i s from L\lab ama . living in R?l e i gh for three years where he used to attend J . w. York School in Brook-haven . His f avorite subjects a re science , social studie s , and literature . Dave is .. ve ry creative and likes to construct things. He and his siste r own a pet cat.

(Continued on next page)

Page 8: The Raven School Newspaper November 9, 1977


IL:'U"{OLD STEVENSON Harold's nickname i3 Buster, And he h ['.8

live d in Raleigh for '1ine yeetrs , He i s fr o:-1 Chetr;el Hill and ,'rent to school last y eo "'.r n. t E. C. Brooks. Hia f av orite subject i s science, an d one of hia f a vorite sport3 iE soccer. Buster h~s t hree hobbie s -photogr aphy . hunting, nnd sl~,~ te boa.rdi n p- -and h e has tvJO si.sters a ud a brother .

RUSSELL TEAGUE Russell , ~vhose nickl1anc is Rusty 9

originally came from FloridR and ha s returned to Raleigh :lfte r i:'1 thre€:-ye ar stFly in Pa rls. France, ';;The rc he attended the Ainerican School of Faris .. His f avorite subjects are libr:l';:-y a-:ld lunch, and ~is hob:­bies are collecting n ode ls an d stickers . Rusty h8_s one olde r brother and is inte nd-' ing to get a dog soon.

LAUP.A UNDERl.JOOD L<'.urn has found th<l t she ll1:es Raven s ­

croft too at this point. .'3he has ? y oung;:;r sister to k C: 2P he r COitlP any a t home.

Girls I Article s 'oy Lorie llightm'Jer Hoys i Artlclc s by Gary Kaye Edited by Simone Coope r (Corvus Staff)


~,Then I first came to Ravenscroft 9

I thought that I T.vould b e al l alone. One r e nson ~qas because I didn I t knoF a!lyone . I Hasn ' t the only ?erso!l tha t fel t like that the first day. But I was sur~rised .

Everybody \.Jas so weI20n ing and "7illinr t o he lp.

Ravenscroft is lots of cnthusi Somebody ahfRYs v oluntee rs to do somethinr . I hOPG I can be p a r t of Lhis .

Ravenscroft is a bi ~ school Hith Tilany -oppm:tuni ties. Everybody ha s a chance for the best. And B1erybody trie s the best that they arc a ble .

Te achers are understandinr about your prablens and are ~'!illin g t o help y ou .::md advise you.

KriEty Parker

Ecf . :Note : Kri8 ty; a n eFT c i Sht;1 9;rader, h a s moved to ~ale i gh r 2 ccntly from Finston­Salem, \17here she c.ttend·2d Forsyth Country Day. Helcome, Kristy, and thank you f or your article.


Our fl ag , A thinb of beauty., A symbo l of freedom. To see it flyin g in the wind Exhilar a tes the soul Of us w'ho love our !lation ?.nd onr God!



The Raven sta ff extends h c l.qte d wishes to those T1ho hav e cc l eT)ratecl b irthdays since 8c:100 1 began, fmd ~'7ishe s a happ y h i r thday t o those ~~o se hirthda ys will f a ll before our n ext issue.

;;8T' tem1:> e r 1 1,1.:, 11,::2 ~ \o :3e l~~y

2 . St e phe n Mal lot 3 ~h~rli2 Corp eninp

Brmvnie Eidson r Jal t Hoso.l ~"y

Lf )(2 th:ryn Y or ke 11 Chip Perr i n 12 TJi ls or, Br oT.m lL~ Pa i qe RmJlin f'; s 15 ~Tell Pearce 18 Shris Bair d

1 iza 1:'ear ce J oe: F:::ar c ,,:;

2n Dw id St.::nle y 22 Sarl 3 :... ... a t ton 23 ~ebec ca Gqskins

r:;';lcn Lynch 24 TJinni ,~ DeJ'fen t

I:,dam Jone s 25 He i)e r Findley 27 Gr,rynne Durham

Leon !lrd Southn l c 30 Joanna Eurnette

Hi s chclle J ohnson ,\ nne 'Q5ce

Nove':" , (3r 2 Le i gh Hil son 3 Cc.r r i·:: ueener 4 J e ff J' ~iI!lS

5 Corky E"lUZY 7 Tr a c:y J aDes

12 :>Iunter Be ahm Jean- Louis e P.eard

1 t. ~~oj J,un Goliz ,qdeh 15 ' liche11e Ke ith

'F'1 r.r0nce l'Ton"is F · l'~io t Fulle r

l)avid CElene r " ' L1 Purcell P<l.rk c:: r 23 J ohn Ed, .r<"'.rd s 29 t oric 5:i [:htoTn~r

Sarah T • ulnne y 1'1 ';reg r; OJ.8T'lSn

October 2 Julia Edv7nrds 5 Jimmy / ,ndreV7s 7 l\.nne r:a ddy 8 Al exia C,qtenis

14 8ri cky Bensen 15 Camille Corp enin?: 18 Be t s y Hamoulid e s 19 Parh~r Johnson

Stacy Alle n 21 Barry Creasman

~'7hitt Proctor 22 25 26 27

J rent ~forris 'R.1,.onda Poole Ph'71lis York J ohn Pa :.cham John Rhodes

Dece mh 2r 1 SUSi'\n Cressl17ell

Bc ckton James Anne Tm7le

2 f,nn Hoope s Danny Ll oyd

7 l\.nn Finley J ohn ~tims

8 Bill Ti'inley q ;Zathryn Bri gh t well

13 Reetdsie Hoo 16 ~Ticky r a

' 19 Scott CC1.rrington 22 J ohnson 23 Cinda Isley 2:::' Allison S!'1,ith 28 Gre g Tant 30 Sharon La ne

Elizabe th ~~chcr


L2')or D,'1Y is a holic!p.y h on0rin r- Hark ing people . It is 2 legal ho liday throughout the: lTnited Sta tes , Puerto Rico, and Canad C'. , on t he fir s t ~' lond2"Y in Septemher.

1:1 1887 , Ore gon became the fi r st state t o maJ<:2 La;)or Day n legal h olidny. Pre sident r.r ov er Cl eveland sic;ne d the rill to make it 11 nc'!. ti nn a l c; l;servancc in 1894.

It is A. syP11-,o l f or the e nd o f the sUmr;1er, l'u t mos tly it is e. day o f rest and r e cre a tion fo r wcrkcrs .

. Susan Thnmas

Page 9: The Raven School Newspaper November 9, 1977

On September tHentY-E;ix th , the Raven­scroftJ. V ~ B.)ys ' So ccer Team E.xperi~I1 ced another loss. Kerr Lake d mmed the Ravens : 5-3. Scorin~ for the 'Ce am TJere Jir~l. "il 1 , Jim Hires , and Tripp Cof fcy. The ?av el1.s . over all , have 0. :season r e conl of 1,·,2.

Elizhbeth Archer


It Vs for sure t he Ravens Here looking f o;:- a (lin a r.:;ains t Phill i n s Junior :li eh ? lmt some:t"'i 1 t h e ir ~"i sh ditln v t cone true , In the last five trlinutes o f the ga;ne 9

i:he Raven3 sCQ1.·e el t~'70 go a l s to d .e Philli p;:; 3-3 . ,Ie ,·rever " in t~l.e ove rtime ? Phillips scored t H O goal s to tli n the game, 5-3 , iJurk Steed. Richa r d I~inr: >

~nd Jehn Pa~ter80n scor ed g~als in the f; cl"1e . This loe s g::'ve s the r. ,·lV~ns a 1-· 3 s e ason .

!!:!izabe th Arch er


The f ifth soccer ~m:1e Has agains t Summi t Sc:~ool i n ;·linston· SaleTT!., The final sccr8 was [i- O i n ~t;lTtmit V s f av or , th~· ~hi::d lo.:;s £ 0 1:' t he "avC?ns ,

!3ar r y Cr e asn an


Seventh g-.aders ) as you v'7il1 notice f rom this r03 te~ and from the s occer team line-un , seem to prefer soccer to footb a ll . '1.'h2 o n l y t HO on r:he J . V. p,r i cl team '!Jere Brad Adaffis and Tr a cy Jone s .

E:i.ghth g rade gridde .cs \'iere :Iunter Beahm , Sam Bratton , T"Ti l l i am Gai the r, Sandy I1ardis on, J ef f E8r!:od. P a:Lke r J olms on , CorKy Ha'.lzy . I~eEan Peole , aUG l;avld Stanley.

OlDIGl1 VOLLEYBALL continued

In. th2:::c last thre e :" outings , the Ravens won one. On. Th u::-sd ay, Octob er thirteenth they fell t o de feat at the hands of Vance Acaden,y and on Tuesday . the eighteenth? rZerr Lab : do~,'tled the ~ . ..:: 'u-, R:lVens~ Howeve r ; oa t h e t~'7enty- fi fth, the Ravens were v i ctor i us, dmming st. ~ 1arys 15-11 and 1.5-·13 .

Leah LonG <md Ba;:-bie Jones are co­cap taL.18. Tea.1ll I ll,embe rs f rom '[he seventh gr ade are Joanna nu~ne tte . ~e~ecca Ga s k in , a n 'l l'..1liso;]. Smith. I'f'2mb ers f rom th2 e i ghth gr ade are Simon 2 Cooper. ; '!ary Ecluards> J Lee.therwood , Betsy ;Jamoulides , Jocm Re decker , Jenny Sellers. Ki m IVh "<' t e, Beads i e TTeo , and. Kath r yn Yorke.. Our :linth grade mClffiuers !lre ~ (~deline Gi11, ert , L:)Uiee J 01ms on, and co-ca ptain Jones.

Good luck , team:

]:<'OO"':':3:\LL TEAT: 11181"8 BY 1)1.TE ,T • D.

:Jurh!lm i\cademy proved they have a nm'7erful feoe)all team on Thursday , Septem­~er ninth , nhen they defeateo, the n,avens at home s-n . Though the h orne teaJ"l tried hard to Hin their first "!.ap\e , they could n~ver " r;ct it tOf,e ther ' .

Everyone is r e ally e xcited a~out the J . v . ; s schedule . Their next r ame is r1 ctoh er sixth T·!:' t n T~err Lake (a b ic: rivalry ; ) , so come a n 0 cheer for a suner foct 1:'all te am.

On October sixth the J. \7 , :root~all

Te am played an array game ap,ainst r.:nfield. In the first quarter , Billy Hann inter­cepte d the t all and ran sixty yards for the first touchdm·m. In the second q uarte r, ~nfield ran in and made their f i rst touchdo-m , tieinp: un the score . The competition T'laS close all the ~'Tay

t h rough the thirj quarter. In the fcurth quarter , T'7ith one minl!te and s ix~een seconds to ro , Rena n ~oole inter­c epted the 1'n11 > ran ten v a r d s , ana, fum1 l eri. Lrlter ~ P.illy '<ann intercepted, r an seventy yards , and made the final t oUcll':lo~,m .

The enthusias!'l ~.Jas exce.ntional as ~avenscroft Bon 12 to 6 !

Br ady Tlhitley

0ctoher t h irteenth F a s no t an unlucky d ay for the J. V, foot1-)all tea,~ . T!1ey c1mmed DurltaJ1! ,'I.cademy in a roa c. "'ame . I'urin 9' the fourth Cluarter, J ay TTnrdison stunned the crm'ld b y mak inq: an outstandin~ f orty- y a r d run to naydirt. ~cott Jur~ensen

k icked the extrn point to ' make the final scc::::-e 7-0 . It Has a ST·me t victory for t1te n.avens.

T'liz8heth I\ rcher Tiffany ' {iller

The ..T .v. football team came home vi c torious from its last mra y g ame. Hake r ~:I:' is t ian H a s s k unked 2f.\·-() ; Tno t. d . 1 S

~Jere racked up hy J a y Hardison; and 'P,rvan T10di"es sC9r ed on anot;,~r sprint. ~illy

"'ann conne cted on a long h om': pass for the third. Scott Jur~ensen t h en kicke~ a t~'Tenty-yard field goal to cOT!1nlete the t a lly .

~liza~~eth Archer

The f.1i r.hty J.V . p:ric1ders endeti the year 1,7i th a tremendous defea;:: of fTake Christian . 'i'he final score T·Tas 34-14. Scott P lufTITTler had a super ga1'le scoring t Hice for the Ravens. Six pointers Here r a cked up j .:y J ames Joyner and Eryan TTod<;es

The 'P.avens had a suner season ~ a.nd all dese:-v~(', t o ;'8 commenced . ~coop "~iller

, . .' i

Page 10: The Raven School Newspaper November 9, 1977


Have you read the book called The Hobbit? Hhether you have or not really makes no difference; you will still love the play the Theater Arts class is stag­ing. On December fifteenth, the young thespians will perfonn The Hobbi t.

This is a story about a hobbit who is asked by a fantastic wizard to go on a great journey. He v7ants the hobbit to help the d\varfs retrieve the treasure which Smaug the dra.gon has stolen. Through­out the adventure, they run into such problems as trolls, goblins, and elves. But somehow they manage to reach the Lonely Mountain ,vhere Smaug guards the treasure.

Betsy l'1amoulides ,,7ill portray Bilbo Baggins, the hobbit. Gandalf is done by Ari Sanoff, and Smaug is played by Paige Rawlings. Gollum, a slimy, ugly creature, is played by Beth Rankin. The three trolls are Susan Thomas, Durk Steed, and Brya,n Pennington. The leader of the dwarfs, Thorin, is played by Anne Tovde . The other d,varfs are Susan Cress,.ell, Gary Kayye, Polly Russler, Sharon Lane, and Elizabeth Jones. The Eleven Queen is portrayed by Rebecca Gaskin.

Everyone is cordially invited to the performance. Mark your calendars now for December fifteenth so you can see this irresis-tible fantasy. T.'7e know that you \vill have a memorable evening.

Anne Tm.le


iiI 1m Gonna \-J<1sh That Man Right Out of My Hair!" This song Has one of the many songs from the music~l production of HSouth Pacific. , t

The Theatre Arts class recently viewed the production at the Village Dinner Theatre. The group arrived at eleven o~clock, ate a delicious buffet lunch, and then sat . back and relaxed to enjoy the delightful hit musical.

"South Pacific" is set during Horld v,Jar II. An Army nurse falls jn

love with a Frenchman, and, of course, the typical love story ensues.

Mrs. Anne Brinkley, the theatre arts teacher. said she felt that every­one learned something from the trip and that everyone also had a good time.

The class is grateful to Mrs. Brinkley for planning the trip for them and. to Mrs. Howell for accompany­ing to the production.

_.nne Towle


Page Fourteen


The 1977 ~vinter cheer leading tryouts for seventh and eighth grade students will be held on Friday, November eighteenth. · . Practice sessions will be conducted in the cafeteria Rll ~ext week.

Students "lho tryout will be responsi­ble for learning three nc>,! yells, for doing the cartw'heel, for presenting a partner stunt, for doing the round-off and a split, f or executing three or more different jumps, for introducing a cheer, and for doing part of a pom-pom routine.

In the past , the judges have been former college cheerleaders from U.N.C. and N.C. S. U . Ms. Reveley and Ms. Lucas, cheerleader advisors, helVe Harked hard to plan the upcoming tryouts and look far­,vard t o an enthusiastic group of hopefuls.

Good luck to all 10!ho tryout! May the best Rah-Rahs win!

Brady Hhitley


" Get fired up" 'vas just what the stu­dent body did at the urging of the cheer­leaders ~t the year's first pep rally. The special occasion was sponsored by the fall cheer leading squad to inspire attend­ance at fall games . Attending \Vas the entire Middle School student body. Co-head cheerleaders Brady ifuitley and Tiffany Hiller commented, "Most ev.eryone seemed to enj oy the pep rally, but we ,vish they had yelled more. T,Te are really trying to get more f1iddle School spirit."

The cheerleaders really surprised Mr. Robinson when they gave him a going-away cake and a special good-bye.

Hany thanks to the cheerleaders and their sponsors, Hs. Lucas and Ms. Reveley, for the ~vork that made this a super rally.


If you had been in the Hedia Center at 10; 40 0n October tl-7enty-sixth, you would have heard someone creating a tune on the piano. That day the year ' s first studio red tal was held. Hany students partici­pated, and this recital was a "first" for SOMe of them.

It takes ~. lot of nerve to get up in front of an audience to perform a piece perfectly , but these performers had the necessary courage. All did a super job.

Participants in the morning's program were Ma ry Hyman, Bryntly Remling, Camille Simpson, Tracey Murphrey, Kristin Parker, Amy Scheeler, AIn.y Hatkins, and Anne Tmvle.

Hs. Rebecca Lee and Ms. Vickie Newsome are instructors f 0r these capable pianists.

Anne Tm"le

Page 11: The Raven School Newspaper November 9, 1977

This report<; r r <'lndomly c s k ed f c: llo~" students har" they spe nt the ir SU1·'lP.':cr . Their rep lies, e xplaining all the t an s, f ollop·

ELIZABETH .\RCr:ER - T,fen t t o t h e l ' e:'1.c !-> a.nd had a supe r summer !

LE.t':..Ntm DAY - T1ent to l1on .h e a d Be ach p.nd sm7 l o ts o f people. ~ lry2d i~ tennis tourn~­

ments . Also m~nt t o La ke Grlston t o nur c o ttage.

HUNTER BEAITI'1 - Did i1 l ::) t of skate-1 oFlrdinry and attended Unive rsity o f North Caro lina !.., Ba sketball C;:!mp , t hen "rent t o the '~ e C'. ch a n d watched girls.

EDHA..1W LILLY - Uent t C' F,·od1)erry ST' orts Camp. Then ~ .. ent t o the ')e; :m cl Hent t o a fer;] dance s a nd f'. !"1 ov i c: ' 'lith '1 f ir·I.

SUSAN THOH.:l.S - F :m t t o Atlantic Be <'. ch ,

POLLY RUSSLER - ~'lent t o ~jags He a rl an d Be rmuda.

ANHE GADDY - ~·lent t o Be rmuda T·7i t h fcn ily and had fun .

BRPJ)Y Hhitley - H,:mt t o camp a nel ~ ~yrtle

B2.ach. Sm1 four movies in tHO nights.

CHARLOTTE HILL - Tried t o surf : (Didn't succe ed ! )

.'ill~:J~ JO NES - Trie d t o surf . (Did succeed ! )

JILL I1'l.HES - Hent t o sA.iling c aMP , ~)cach,

a nd the clu~ poo l eve r y d ay '1ft2r that .

~ 1ike Br ad shaH


As in' years past s the medi <'l cent0 r hns added nell textbcoi~s , li' re.ry ' )ook s:'.n :1

me.gazine s this f'1l1. On e n ep ma(: , z inc that's sure to sc rea d i s th2 e spc cinlly popular Ska t ebo a r der . Br owse s oon an d s ec what other "goodie s l

! y o u can find.

In addition, this y ear the mcdi2 de­partment \1ill provide vid~o e quipme nt fo r the entire campus ' usc. This is e spec i a l l y go od because classe s c an t~pe the ir 01Jn

programs f o r play~ack on the TV s e ts.

'I-1e ma y all " e TV st ."'.rs hefo r e the e nd o f the year !

Urs. Stevcnsnn an d 1\frs . q o sc ly invite you all in t o b r ous e .

I';idge True x



Ne~'7 Student Council r:.eoreso:mtl'ltive s n r e h a r d a t wo r k. The se electe~ arc liste d s o t ha t y r. u may sha re v our i .ole,q,s ~lith theM. \l t c rna tes a r c liste~ in parc~thesc s.

5th (jr ndc Brau c hr:: r :

:?yr ri:

Cannon :

~" irldl:; ton .

7th r.r fld~

l'sh t e n '

I.::nrs rm

Lucas ~

'lev e l ey:

;"fui t e:

8 t h Grad e Co ttre ll :

Joyne r '

Kr a tzer :

Thornton :

J c an- l 011is(.; ~c"r,,1.

(T OT" r: r-"p ) ;\n n Fi n ley (:'Tict: n urrin"' t on) T·7illian 'f,n "" 9..n0 (Jp ckL; fTc· l lr:n.n) L{'ur <1 P!,\,l r TT,...,('::! (<' enn P,.-. rp,7)

Gr~ry 'C> '1tC

(1)ou~~ >~<1s on)

D:.-viri ~ '7nCl J ~s

(Br oT-mi c ~ic snn) C:ar ')linn T'lf.lV

(Rr C'.r~ 1. il c s ) Ca r 01in.'C Trhn son (~olly ""us.slLx /

/ .l':ert 'f.:;i r (Rc" e cc.1. GA.s kin)

?in J ohr.snn (~far ?:'1r c t '·:r,:> (·"'n) Bendsic i Tnr

(Charl"ttc T1i] 1) Eli za h 2th ~rch~r (1'f'1rvn i.nn n~tkinf' )

R.o'''I in <::,...i th (Crick y Renser.. )

TIr qrlv Tlhi tley (Tiff "'fl y !fillc r)

(!2r o l in·'! Johnson

Th~t nystic t? l c t0ld t o y oun este r s t-y the f i r e,

' f'l s t e ry .'m d T1n.~ic s pinnin '" T'Ter :> of s t nr y r'()ld~

Th e s t or y i s f>')T.1C, ye t l"'<l 7 i c lin~ers .

Ev lry I'1Cl t he r 's chi ld r1r e {'''1.s ('I f v i s h e s C r;8(; true,

·'T·Tha t I "ri sh tl :::: choes unce <' sin""'ly fr or: rl'l,qny ~. i'10uth'

Dr e'lI"s evolvl~ f r f')j'} :".l.;r t .... j.n r!s · Ye t thu y ounry <'.r 2 n ot n.lnn2 in

t 1, is un.s t i "1.E! . I ; t oo, i1S de o t her s , lClv~ t o -:l. r eaT1 The o l rl nre~ of ne ~cc;

T'h.e ynun:;> cire Qr;: o f f "..ir1Tl,,'Ur s nn r, infini t e ri ch~s·

1. ~ret~J"1. o f Fis00n So I ~~y drink , i n it s ful les t , .

t '.lC j ov 0f l ife. I n r 2~ of co lle~e nn~ a care er . I rl r enn ') f " e coninr:>: .-:'1 sur r;c(''T.l,

S 01'12 rlny.

Jane t Lr;.q t henwod


Page 12: The Raven School Newspaper November 9, 1977


During a recent un it 'on D nr '1r:r.q~h

development. sev,-;nth grade rs c oncen tra t ed on using lively verbs nnd c ol orful fid] e c­tive s in their s 8ntcnce s . One exercise c alls for the wri t~r t o '~ lcn:! togethe r the five senses . 1 h is proces s i s leno"'!: as synesthesia $ a mcrgin;; o f the sense:.;, Be loH are a f eTJ o f the students I r e!1C ;:ion s

Het smells like ho t pudrling. ~1.idf,2 True x

Het sme lls like ;>. cool w;:-c termel on. Br 2. -1 I\.(1.~1S

Pink tnste s like 1;-Jhipp i nS cre am. BY Lln. Lil,:,: s

Pink tastes like snooth icin~ .

D21Vic. r; ?.rn(~r

Brii:3ht s ounds like a l a ue b r L1ss LiUld. Hcg J oync r

Bright sounds like nell sh0e s t"l.{) d 'mci ns:;. /'c l 1.Jcr t !fe ir

Bu'hb ly smells like S"tTiSG chc: ·~ se.

Davi. ' Rcyn(ll~ s

BubT)ly sme lls like ."]. cool, fresh mor n i no::;. Chuck \,Ti cl:2r

Dra~) sounds l ike C !J.inor' on t he pi"lno . l'\~lle Ho seley

Drnb sounds like ~)u"l', le gum plopning on the e r ound .

J ohn ~ iohler

Fomny smells like t he ()CC:ln spr ay. ;'...nnc :? icc:

l",amy smells like uhi tc l!li lk ,orhen y ou pour it icc c ol d into a g12Gs.

Susrn Toney

Grovlling tastes like rnr o. crackers , :':elly Colli n s

GroT"ling t n.ste s lik ,:; crun ::hy pe!'lIlut ' )Utter .

Lynn ~1orris

Dark sound s lik e n 1m" s C.'1ry l'1oan . Lou Puc il l o

D<!.rk sounds like b r (;a t h ing ani sT.nll0Hin~

\1hen y o u ' re ":Jy yours'2lf f" l cxis C.q t enis


Frie ndship is a 1iff ~rent kin~

of l ov e . It ' s only in the :-te <>.rts of pc opl-.;! ~Tho a r e carrying friendship. The yc .qrning to ~)e . lith tha t f rieni is 1-Jhy itls '1

d i f ferent kind o f l ove. I t ' s i n th~

fc~lings of peopla t~0 CRr 2. If pecp10 didn i t c2.rc 9 T,:rhcr...: ~'TOuld T,le. ' ; (; ? P.'I:lt no~v

the r e ha s ',een an inte rrupti on . PCr)pl r:; get c onfused. The ir hearts do stran g8 things. Tha t is l;"h2n t he T'lOr d hfl t c 1'7;) S

made. Cnn the pec) l c '<l h') c flrry friendship survive ?

I(ris ty P<!.rker

'PACP. TF.N 2Upll-; T':Ol'ffi K"'1TI SITED

On :-;eptc:n1 ,c r t pcnty-sev enth , the s event h gr ac1e r s 1!1ade Hh a t is n mr <1.n ann ua l pi l r:r i'Tl;>.ro:e t o Pugh \ s Pon~ . 1he y "To r e th0. r c t o study t h e inter~enendence o f the pond'l, ' ·T(}()d l nr.d comnuni tv.

The students s~par a t e~ i nte diffe rent ~:;r ouns f 'Jr n ' ser' 7 :~. t inn of a r c;>.s o f the pond r.n d IJood l nr,(l communi ties. One of t h e groups Tva<1Cc1. into t 1:lc. D.m d. knec- rl.een T'lith a n e t t o c "1tch some 'J f t he pond or ganisns. Some o f t he 0the r f, r oups s :'.t a l a n r- the edges o f the p on ' t o o1-;;c r v c the lif n. Clr<-' unc t he oute r "anks of th2 pon d. One: o f the ,.:- the r ~roups

took t emperat ures of t he pon~. ~·ra t e r .<1.t

vi" ry inr~ leve.1s.

St udent s ::ls o o~" serve(1 the. r:'.f1ny fl oT-](;) r s (florfl ) and nnin.q l s (f;:mnp ) . ('TI (' extrCl.0..:- d i­n a r y fl r:)Hcr had a I flr ~G s teD F :'_th ye l10TJ p," t<>.ls am' Gn 0r,n f-c s pot te(~ c :;m:e r . \11 of ::"'0. plant s Here i n t e r e st ing .

Ev eryone T,Ja s a Ma zed at hO':7 anim21s cm,i p lC'n t s c r '2 s e intcr, ll::! ne:l~.2:D t. The fie i n t rin t,r9.S fun , ::\T'l'..;.sir,". , i nfornative , nn 0. educational. Honeful l y , on e da y s oon s tudents Hill te a.1-le t o revisi t Pur;h ' s 'PonG.

Erl i tor ' R ~Jr tc' tJe D.ppreciate the help o f Kif.1 n.nd :Z::trcn T.lho A.ssi s t cd s taffe r 'Cathy in t he ~r ep ~ration o f this nrticln.

Th e syn1-,ols i n n.r t l ed t o the making of t rw tr?_ciit i onal H[>11oHeen p,h0uls tha t de c ora t ed and .nliven Gr1 the "US l or''ly durin? the lqs t "1cek of Oc to'~ cr. i' ~S . Gfisk ins hail d i s cus s ed the h i s t nr y of nqllo~een with he r cl~ss e s~ nointin~ out th~ t it Hfl8 once a r.~l is io u.c; o;)serVnnc8, nne t he i :1te r '2 st o f her s tucie.Tlts t he Rxt Fork.

Be:lm'T an"! listwl S OMe of t b.2 sVM1-,ols ',f Fi}11 o~7ccn e nd -.1ha t t he y represent '

':AT sy~'jo l (I f ev il T.TIT'2H SQnln l of evil, fcar and suspicion ~

mi'.n : s vulner~.bility t o evil if he r1oc:sn v t usc r e 2.s ()n an d knoT'llenee

J /l.CK--0.-h\;JTET).!: .- f rom fln Ir i s hrr!!1n nro; J ack ~Jho wns to ~v-'ln: until J uc.r-Mcn t Dny h ol d inr; a l antern

The s e [l.r e ::\11 e xprc ssi0ns of f ear ane evil, rleT'12nts t hat !1ff(~ c t t he emotions , -:~nc1 (,no t ion is an J."1.Dortan t f 8.cto~ in 2r tiatic exprcssi0n .

fTc h av e ,:mj r-yc rl t h e lan~c: tHO­-limcnsior.. , l clv::r ilc ters .qnr~ sym~'o ls tha t hr.v e l: r il;h t e ne(l th8 h a lls. ano '·7e. thank ' ;s. Gaskin s f0 r the i n snirntion and her stu,i·.:mt s ":nr the: ~X8 cution r) f these l'(l l i. l~ay or r,a1TJ.cnts.

Page 13: The Raven School Newspaper November 9, 1977



It's Anyb ody 1 s Guess . - anSH'ers to science questions

Good Times \leekends

Charlie's Angels - Brady Hhitley, Heidi Updike , Laura Unden7cod

Th :~ LOlle Ranger - l. ti.. Cates

The YounR and the Restless - Students on :une 6th

Ewerge nci - Pop Qui z

The lUld, I,Tild 1i-Torld of Animals -SCi2llCC Classes (or the cafeteria?)

Hee Ha,,; - Hr. LaT}so!l i s jokes

O-;:- erC:.tion Pe i: ticoat - The Girls' Locker Il 'J om

'Ih::! S.:m Pedro Beach B:':;IlS - The Boys; Locker Room

Tte; Bionic Homan - f1 s. Uhite

6C ::'li:-~ :.1i: ""3 - Achievement Tests

l~: e Hardy ~~ - r:E. .• an Poole and Parker , ; C~I :1S0:J.

m:a':: i s: HappeniD ?; ? - at the football r:ames

H;:ncy Drew - Anne ~'o'(r]le

Tlle Guiding Lizht - teachers' help

13 . E. to C. B. C. to 1. P. J. to B. P. R. to B.

!Iarva vTatkins Carol Brewer


H. - "Slm-T Darlcin" TL - ., !lorv i'fuch Love? " T.]. - " Brick !"louse;' A. - iil-leaven· on the Seventh

Floor" P. ~{. to B. S • . - "Cold as Ice i l

A. S. to B. B. - ~ID- '~aniq'" . . :. ;.e··.i. , H.C.B. to B. B. - IISigned, Sealed,

Delivered tl

S- T. to A. J. - I< Classical Cluck" C. D. to K. A. - t:Undercover Angel!) Rilvenscroft Students to C.P & L. -

-:'You Light up ~1y Life" H. D. & P. R. to S. J. - If The Spy Hho

Loved He" Seventh grade girls to Pahlo - "There's

a neH Kid in Tmvn d

A . H. to D. 1:£. - C' It's Too Late "

Caroline Johnson

77 ) .


Your intellectual renorter, armed ,.1ith knoHledge frOM the una')ridged clictionary, polled students on ~'lhat they vlOuld do if they Y.Jere ~iven a punu. Their inf!enious anS~·1ers f olloH.

CNULLE C(lRPT,:~Jri\}G - Give it 'to someone.

nA!',v T~U\vrER PAR't'ZOG - T'."eep it as a pet.

B.I\,n;UE FInES -. Plant it.

Jn~JY SELLEB.S - Give it to ~y ~·rother.

JE:n-lY CLV"P - Eat it.

JD1!W IIJIDTlF.TJS ...: ThroH it a~·Tay .

JIH HILL - Take it to a movie.

Rarry might get in trou1)le T'lith the S.P.C. ;\" and Jim T'lOuld surely create a stir if he carrier! out his strategy. for a hudu is a large, greyish-brmvn .African antelope Hith Hhite strines.

Irvine Allen

LOST lIyrJ) FOUT'ill

lost : One dirty ~ sock ' description : alrr,ae n;ro~.Tth on left toe if found return to' ~ ~r. Theodore Stefanou revTard " fifty laps of suicides

lost: one beautiful mouth of teeth description: you 111 knOT,T if you see it. if found return to ~ ~Ts. ~ylvia T.-.]hite re~iTard: an old seventh grade mythology test.

lost: a skeleton description ~ l'lony ~ he' 11 respond to name 1f Sam" if found return to : Hrs. ~'1argaret Byrd re~'lard: Het mount slide of hread. l'1old

lost : lfr. Cates description : tall and extremely handsome if found return to' an eli~ible female with a camning trailer

Pip Johnson


Durin~ the sumJ'ler, Ed.ward sat on his Lilly enjoyinr the scenery in Kenan's Poole. Then Becky caufjht a Ruffaloe ~.Jith ItarshttallOH bait at Jenny's r:amp located on Jim ~ sHill.

J ean-Louise preT.] a Beard. Bearlsie couldn 1 t believe it ann. said, " rJoo! Alan had a different reaction and his-face turned Green. Joe uent $0 crazy he Pearcen his ear. EVidently this ruined Carolin'e's Pay, so everyone Hent their separate ways, ~<7aitinf! for school to open on September sixth.

'Pi T" J ohnson ~. Pr~dy TTI'.itl·:v

Page 14: The Raven School Newspaper November 9, 1977


The J . u. Tenrds Tea.rf>. ha j a re i~ll 'l erea t season a g2i n this yea:L . They ':'70n s eve n mat ches a n d l ost on ly:mce.

Team members l1iC..l·e sev8nth> ei;:-hth and n i n t h graders Day, /\n r.;i e Delien t '. Kathy Gada , Cary Tiardin, Bnrrie Ei il.2s , Caroline Johnson, Hichelle Johnson ~ LEOnc.::c1, GvJCt .... LyTIch, Patricia Voss, Ka t har i n e n orris, Vale r ie Scott " '\lny Hatk i ns ~ a n d Cell y fJortJ-..

ThE t e u:n ,-lOul e: to shOT} app!:'e-' ciation to I1s. l"e t ze.::- for 2. ·u·:; n cL, r f c !" j 0


cOCi chin8 . Hel' P ~..:tJ...2L1ce :m6 l:.nd 2rstanLinr: h elped t her.1. t '.J ~e t he 8reat tean they ri-:'E: ~

lCathd i~ :"n"~ Hor-:;:is

5dito !:'"' ~, note; Ou r t11£'.rJcs to F~atr- &l::i.nQ,

not a sta ::[ a:"'lU.b ~r: :: or s UPljlyifLS t h i3 a r t i cle .

'lJET7 VOLl.EYPtJJ:, CJ1':.C:-l

The J . V. Vollcyb"!.11 Team \las c'1c:ch:;d o y Co Tmn Co~e 0 r;:;::rly Co '::-;ole predict ed a u:Lluin~ 3eason "The tem!1 "l.::mi) e~·s ar. ,~ definite ' -' exe cutin:; t heir best e .rfo:!:: 'Ls ·/' sald :l ~ c c0 &.ch.

Coach Cole P.r..joys For~d.l.g nit]·, t~t?

team a s a "7:-'0:' .2 a r.d a180 OLi 3n :;.ncl.ividual bas i s uith th2 merc:b : rs .

T,Te i 11 :)e seeing mo r 2 o f Coac~l Cole


" ~.r. j i 7'1Y"Y n o.3"! ley is our nCT., socc:er c oach f~)l' tL2 .T . \!. team. Tle is £orn,erly f r om CI1sr lot:: t e, ~ ' ut h e h 2S livec1. i .n. 'l[!lei\~;1

for f ot:l'" L:e 2D. yea r. s .. ·r~e (1 eci(~ed L. O jl1ak.e '~ale i p- l :. hls ho:r::- T·!heu he uas a student at "Torth CF~rc linp. State Uni·,,-e~s ity.

~s s~a30n d~ 2 S0ccer coach has ~een .:u('ces Gf u l, h e fe e li; . T~is p;yeatest .i oy :::'8 s <:: eiJl F.~ o[,e ,~·f hi s k~J'l.s L 'lpro ve and l Cc!i:n <:' ".:id CGne tc :::ce}. p a '~t of t~1e t C:2fl. ;1-::: s.:-: id thh t T·!h 2.t ~: le J. i1:-:d . J.east c:1' out coach i n(", \18.S

l osin f'; .

TT(., hop f: t herc CO'1ch ~ rC' 3elcy is as r leased to ~d here as rye d YC to hE~e him .

'I.e 11.<lS Forked ' r:L t h tr.e iollm'Jinf-' Hidci l e S :::ho (ll .~, .:; t: lis- ;J r.:::1e StC.l: 0'1 t:he S0Ceei" lea;~. :

Seven~h : ~adcrG ~

.J ir:ll'l-y ·\ttl.:ti" (:"::·TS

Tl '_1 3vn T~ .L ,:,·,':·:.l

:Sr0~-F.i12 :r\ l rlson : f~C '~ ~\~1.18r

.hm " iLL B2d:: tor; J2me8 L(~e J Oh':l::; 'YL 3 a -m.ny J 0 .y~J. C 1.

rill I<,l~,:my

Gr e. ~ r:: o ieT:1.~ '1

n.ichar Q K::n<" ~ () u r:: Ht:.,:;O!l

Jcf ~ ., fi. rrl;' Jo:m. PaU:81. s on 5L~y&r: P e::tll:l ,P"/: O', L

L'\y-i Sc!Uoff 1)p~ 1: !=. tee d ]) 2.:?~t \l '?ar .Z.;1r

:-ill Fi de" ~)o " ,aJ d T"cnn

uher.. he r;tarts C02.Clli:1g th2 IJ oys ,.0< S1.'E,c.: n T'lOfficl S t earTl in 1,Q;jket Gal l L11i 2 "linter.

Eeadsie TToo

Th e J. V. Vollcy>a.1.1 Team is c oach-2d by Coach Tom Cole. Cca~h Cole has hi~h hopes for t he team .

The season st a r ted HOlIday> Septem1-,er 26, as t he mi Ghty Raven3 l;atcled I'L:!l:'Y

Lake. i:e;: ,:' Lake :Ie £' ea t ed th~ Rav ens ~ 16- 1 /;. and 15-·6.

On Tue s o."!.y ~ SeTJt8mber '.~ 7" :::::avcns ­crof t 'vas the site for the J . u , game 8.r,ains t Du~ham .hCacle'1Y. The Rave"s uere v ictor ious , lS- l O? 15-12 .

The third r,ame Has agains t Vance Academy . 'i'he ~dvens l ost after a t e rrific c ome' )ack in th,~ second. gar'.1e . The s core was 15-8, 15-13.

110nday ~ Oc tober 10. t he Reo.ven s . took on Durham Academy again . This time, unfortunate l y, He l ost> 15·-13, 15--9 . 15-2 .

. continued I).ext page

::':r: '·lid ·- S.:m'tc,, tlF~ j-·oys .J , u . ;k 'c r;·.3r

Tear'! lost: their f irst ~2m': of the r-::e,;'.son to Qr· e ;cpGYie:l..:ed C:;Z' ·:~ ell.:::ielc1 te c~J.TI. . The .,., , 1 ',,'lvens .J S 'J O';"l 8:lQ'ny ~ei.T i tory enrled in a scure of 2-1 . Jim T~11 s c ored t he only " oal of th e: ; ' :::I'le :!: O i. the r-;reen ann gold .

I t' d for SU~2 that t he los s should ra:'se the team/ s s p i i.:it f(lr the i r fi~~ .;t h i)1"'e (,ane ,";'71.i:h r.ul'-'r8 t:h.

'~ liza':,e "::h Ar cher

~e1:;ol:ll'.!ing f rom a disal) Poilltin r: 108 £3

in its first Gar'e, the P.av e n s easily dO'·'i". 2rl r.ul ~l"2th 2·-iJ (1 t 1\o[o1e. The team 9 3 snil'i L ~·!.'i S hir'~l c.n cJ SOf,leFhac: Hoticeal)le~ Scori:-w (',;oal s fo~ the ,,8!i12 Here Tri pn Coffey aD.n.·· Jeff : fims, hoth ninth Rrac1 .~rs. The vi c t .:.ry p,iv2 .~ t l';e 1) 0 ';8 9. 1--1 seci.son r e c ord a t : h L : Doi-at ,

~~e snec tator s wer e s carce at the C1.11b .ceth >:;(11~H? , so come "lC1t ch the : }.Uy~3 h2 ::-~ -:: phillip s •