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  • 7/30/2019 The Quest for Flavors (Final)


    The Quest for



  • 7/30/2019 The Quest for Flavors (Final)



    This book is dedicated to my favorite Grade Ones: Leila and Iwen.

  • 7/30/2019 The Quest for Flavors (Final)


    March 2013 International School Manilaii

    The Quest for Flavors

    Written and Illustrated By Ina Wang

  • 7/30/2019 The Quest for Flavors (Final)


    Once upon a time' therelived two good friends. Aflying princess' named Leila'

    and a superhero calledIwen' who could controlfire.

    Leila lived in a candy castlewith her flying pet hamster' doo-dles' and her best friend'

    Queen Jessica. Iwen lived withhis dragons and his pet cheetah'Micah' in a dragon cave.


  • 7/30/2019 The Quest for Flavors (Final)


    One day' Leila and Iwen were having picnic with Queen Jes-

    sica. Suddenly all the food turned red. When Leila took abit of herredchocolate bar' fire came out of her mouth.

    Ha ha' Leila since when did you have Iwens power? Queen

    Jessica joked while drinking her apple juice. Right aftershe finished that sip' she pleaded' WATER! I NEED WATER!

    What happened to the two of you? asked Iwen' staring

    at the girls.

    All the food turned spicy' replied Leila' whose face was

    still red from the spiciness.


  • 7/30/2019 The Quest for Flavors (Final)


    This can only bethe doing of one thing'

    said Queen Jessica. Shethen explained to Leilaand Iwen that therewas a big giant spider

    that lived in the deep-est part of Cave Hofu.His name was Pincante.He hated all the flavors

    in the world' other than spiciness. He would sendhis spider minions all over the world and turn allthe food spicy.


  • 7/30/2019 The Quest for Flavors (Final)


    We have to stop him' Iwen said to the girls.Micah' come! he shouted to the sky and the chee-

    tah immediately appeared.Im not letting my favorite candies turn

    spicy' added Leila. Come here' Doodles. The ham-ster came flying straight to her.

    Cave Hofu is right over there' Queen Jes-sica stated as she pointed to the cave on theirright side. I cant come with you because I need

    to protect our home. But good luck on your adven-

    ture. Queen Jessica walked back to the candycastle.


  • 7/30/2019 The Quest for Flavors (Final)


    And so' Iwen' Leila' and their petswent into the cave to the defeat thegiant spider. As they walked in deeper'they saw a big TV screen. This wasnt

    just any big TV screen: on the screen

    was their favorite TV show.


  • 7/30/2019 The Quest for Flavors (Final)


    They stayed thereand watched TV for halfan hour until Iwen remem-

    bered that they had amission.

    Leila' snap out of it'Iwen said while shakingher out of the tranze.

    We need to stop Pin-cante.

    Wait what? Ohthanks Iwen' but whatabout Doodles and Micah? asked Leila.Doodles' Micah come on' were

    leaving. However there wasnt any reaction' the two animals justkept looking at the big TV.

    We need to go. Now! Iwen said. We have to leave them.Fine' replied Leila sadly.


  • 7/30/2019 The Quest for Flavors (Final)


    The two of them started walking to

    the deepest part of the cave' Pin-

    cantes lair. Suddenly there were spi-ders everywhere on the floor. All of

    them were crawling towards Leila andIwen. Iwen used his fire power toscare all the spiders away from them.

    When all the spiders are gone' theywalked inside the lair. They saw the gi-ant spider' Pincante.


  • 7/30/2019 The Quest for Flavors (Final)


    I have been expecting you' said Pincante with a creepy smile. Both chil-dren were too scared of the spider to even reply back.

    Can we really beat him? Leila whispered to Iwen.

    Yes' we can' replied Iwen. Leila' use your flight to bring me above Pin-

    cante's head' and then Iwill use my fireball toscare him.Okay. Leila carried himabove Pincante' and he

    shot his fireball straightat Pincantes head. The spi-der become scared of thefire and disappeared in acloud of smoke.

    We did it! both of themcheered as they left thelair to find their animalcompanions.


  • 7/30/2019 The Quest for Flavors (Final)


    When they walked back to thebig TV screen' it was no longerthere' as if it disappeared

    with Pincante. They found Mi-cah and Doodles sitting there

    waiting for them.


  • 7/30/2019 The Quest for Flavors (Final)


    And what hap-pened to the spi-

    der' Picante? Hewas never seenor heard again.

    Once they got home'Queen Jessica congratu-lated them and they hada quick picnic with all thesnacks in the world. All

    the flavors were back.After eating' they allworked together todraw a painting on their

    victory against the giantspider' Pincante.


  • 7/30/2019 The Quest for Flavors (Final)


    Two Friends' Leila and Iwen

    team up on a search to stop

    a giant spider from tuning

    all the food in the worldspicy. Can they stop him be-

    fore it is too late?