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Page 1: The Princess of Mount Ophir

The Princess of Mount Ophir.



1. Hang Tuah (HT)2. Gusti Putri Retno Dumilah (POMO)3. Gusti Adipati Handaya Ningrat (GA)4. Bayan (BYN)5. Evil Witch (EW)6. Sultan Mahmud (SM)7. Dang Setia (DS)8. Tun Mamat (TM)9. Dayang (DG)10. Dayang (DG)11. Javanese Messenger (JM)12. Tun Ali (TA)

Page 2: The Princess of Mount Ophir


This is a drama that enacts the captivating and heart-warming romance of Gusti Putri Retno Dumilah and Hang Tuah. Taking root in the 14th century, this ever enchanting and majestic love story takes place amidst the chaos and turmoil of the kingdoms of South East Asia. The story unfolds as the forbidden love between these star-crossed lovers are further tested and thwarted by obstructions and incidents that persistently fracture their delicate affection and relationship. Without knowing who the mastermind behind all the impediments they encounter, the hapless couple persist on in their pursuit for a happy ending....

Who is the mastermind? What will become of their love? Will they get hold of their happy ending or will it only be a dream?

All of these questions will be answered in this dramatic depiction of a touching love story.....

Page 3: The Princess of Mount Ophir

Narrator: it was the 14th century, the age where magic and myth filled the ambience of the world, the age where chaos and turmoil set humanity on fire, the age where eternal love and loyalty blossomed in every living soul. As time and tide took on their course, an innocent yet spellbinding dance started the greatest legend of love....

Scene 1 , Act 1

(Performing hall, Majapahit Palace)

Lights are turned off.

Light projected (for silhouette), music starts,

POMO: (Dances with DG’s behind screen)

SM: (Gasp’s and awed)

GA: (Grins at SM)

(After the dance end)

(While walking and exiting the stage)

SM : Gusti Adipati , May I know who the lovely dancer is ?

GA: (Chuckles) The graceful angel is no other than my beloved sister, Gusti Putri Retno Dumilah.

SM: She is indeed a goddess, the greatest entity I’ve ever seen in my entire life.

GA: Certainly....she is

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Scene 1, Act 2

(Outside the palace)

POMO: (sits on the stairs, humming a Javanese chant)

DG: (combs POMO’s hair)

SM: (accompanied by HT, slowly approach POMO) Good evening my dear princess...

POMO: (startled) Oh my... you surprised me. Good evening to you to.

SM: My dear, witness the grandeur of God - the blistering eye of heaven, residing amid the vast divine sky all in all, creating an impeccable summer’s day.

POMO: You’re right....

SM: But..... (Sonnet 18).

POMO: (Blushes)

SM: With that my princess, I ask for your hand in marriage. Would you be my life companion as the radiant sun is to the baby-blue sky? I’ve lost my wife a few years back, killed by a treacherous servant. I believe you will be the perfect archangel to salvage this broken heart…

POMO: (glances at HT and bows her head) I...I....I’m sorry.....

SM: Now....Now my dear princess, do not be impetus. Take your time and ponder your heart. I’ll give you time to give this matter a deep thought.

POMO: (glances at HT, rush out of the stage)

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Scene 1, Act 3

(Inside the palace)

POMO: My dearest brother, I seek your permission to return to Mount Ophir.

GA: Why my dear? It is all too sudden... even the moon and stars have not glimpsed upon your heavenly beauty. Couldn’t you wait until a new dawn?

POMO: Brother, I’m in need of meditation, to be alone and one with my thoughts. Also. I’m starting to miss Bayan and everything there. Please brother.

GA: If that’s your wish then I am no hindrance. Return to your palace and alleviate your yearnings.

POMO: Thank you brother. I shall think of you always.

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Scene 2, Act 1

(Malaccan Palace)

SM: (thinking by the window) Dang Setia , please summon Hang Tuah and Tun Mamat ! I need to have a few words with all of you at once.

DS: Yes my lord... Your wish is my command...

After a few moments...

HT,TM & DS: Ampun Tuanku.

HT: How can we serve you my lord?

SM: Thank you all for your presence. Three weeks has it been since our last visit to Majapahit. Three weeks has it been since my eyes gazed upon the world’s most exquisite treasure and three weeks has it been that my proposal toward Gusti Putri is left unanswered!! Every passing day, I grow restless and apprehensive. What should I do my loyal knights? Will she accept it or will my hopes shatter into a million pieces of debris?

TM: Patience my King. The princess might still be....

SM: Patience you say?? I cannot bear this excruciating agony of waiting anymore!

DS: Hence my lord, we shall seek the Princess and ask for her decision at once.

SM: Yes...Yes... marvellous! The three of you! I decree that you shall seek the princess even to the ends of the world. Bring me nothing but her one and only resolution! Until the obligation is fulfilled you must never return!!

HT: Very well my lord. We shall gear up and leave at the break of dawn.

SM: Good! You are dismissed...

HT, DS & TM: Ampun tuanku...

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Scene 3, Act 1

Narrator: And so, began the enthralling quest of these three loyal and heroic subjects in their search for the enchanting princess.

Narrator: In their pursuit for the princess, they ventured across grotesque swamps and lakes, vast valleys and meadows and even ascended majestic hills and knolls. As another morning segued into night, as hours turned to days and days became weeks. These brave men endeavoured through thick and thin. One icy morning....

(In the forest)

TM: God, this has really reached beyond my capabilities. It is as if we’re taking an endless route. We’re clueless and yes, now we are lost. Get it guys? Lost!

HT: Be patient my friend. We are nearing the legendary and mystical Mount Ophir. A few more days and we’ll surely reach the foot. Persevere my friend!

DS: Mount Ophir??? I thought that the mountain is only a myth. Legend says that at the peak of mountain, lies a magnificent palace where the enchanting yet mysterious princess resides.

TM: I believe, it is not a legend. We will search for the Princess of Mount Ophir and ask her help in our search for Gusti Putri.

HT: Yes it is not a fantasy and we’re heading there.

DS: Really? But if I’m not mistaken the mountain is said to be protected by a myriad of magic and enchantments.

HT: That, I’m aware of and I hope that it will not be a setback. We will use what we have to counter them.

TM: Okay…okay but my brothers, I’m really tired. Don’t you feel worn out? Could we take a break and catch our breath?

DS: I agree. Hang Tuah, let’s take a brief rest.

HT: Sure, I myself feel weary.

After a few moments.....

(Hang Tuah leans on a tree whereas the other two at random places)

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EW: (coughs) What are young men like the three of you doing in the middle of this forest? Are you lost? In need of help?

HT: (startled) Oh... No...No... Actually no.... We’re not lost...

TM: We’re actually from Malacca and we’re on an arduous quest.

EW: Oh dear... You have travelled far and must be really worn out. What is the reason behind your quest, warriors?

DS: We are heading for Mount Ophir to seek an audience with the Princess Of Mount Ophir.

EW: That’s interesting. What do you seek from her?

HT: We hope that she could shed some light on our unrelenting search on the whereabouts of Gusti Putri Retno Dumilah , the Majapahit Princess.

EW: Oh dear…dear... It seems that the three of you have been deceived by the legends, myths and folklore. Pity…pity (chuckles)

TM: (shocked)Why do you say so?

EW: (chuckles) actually you have already found what you are looking for. The reality is that Gusti Putri and the Princess of Mount Ophir are the very same entity. In fact, nobody knows of this clandestine except myself and those dear to her.

DS: Is it true? If this is the case, then our quest is on the verge of success! Let us go now. The faster we get it done with the sooner we can go home.

EW: Hold on my dear... The mountain is sheltered by strong magic and enchantments that protect Gusti Putri from intruders and outsiders. You will not be able to reach the palace... It is impossible...

HT: We are aware of that matter... But still we are yet unable to think of ways to get through them.

EW: You fine warriors seem determined to reach the forbidden palace…I can listen to your hearts’ palpitations and there’re only good will, purity and resilience. No worries, I will assist you to the summit and there, your destiny awaits.(chuckles)

HT: Thank you for your offer but how can you confront all the....

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EW: (chuckles) Do not judge a book by its cover. You’re underestimating me. What you don’t know is that I am a powerful enchantress in these jungles. I am more than experienced and capable of dispelling these rickety Javanese magic and enchantments.

DS: In that case we are truly grateful for your help.

TM: Yes, we’re eminently gratified.

HT: Thus, let us continue our quest to conquer Majapahit’s princess and her hand-in-marriage. I assumed that we’ve had adequate rest. Enchantress, shall we make a move?

EW: Lead the way young man.

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Scene 4 , Act 1

(POMO’s Palace atop Mount Ophir)

POMO: Bayan, the wind and the trees are whispering to me that there are people approaching our palace. Are my senses telling me the truth or are they just playing a trick on me?

BYN: (combing POMO’s hair) It is true my dear. As I was by the river this morning, I sense a tense energy from the trees. I meditated and opened my senses to the trees, trying to contemplate them. At last, I manage to decipher their anxiety my dear.

POMO: Yes Bayan, what did they whisper to you?

BYN: They told me that there were people nearing our haven with the intent of conquering our beloved Majapahit!

POMO: (gasps) That is a horrendous and uncivilised act! Who is the culprit?

BYN: Sultan Mahmud my dear... But the person leading this conquest is Hang Tuah! I’m so sorry my dear. It seems that he has gone into the darkside. Your love to him is all wasted into thin air!

POMO: (sobs and breaks into tears)

BYN: Hold yourself my dear.They are assisted by a powerful enchantress and bravery is all it takes to overtake them.

POMO: Yes! I will not let my people and country be enslaved and conquered! I must not let my feelings take hold of me! I must fight! Has my brother been informed of this treachery?

BYN: Yes my dear. A messenger has already been dispatched. He’ll arrive at your brother’s palace before twilight my dear.

POMO: Well then, let us prepare for an inconvenient encounter!

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Scene 4, Act 2

(Gusti Adipati’s palace)

GA: (angry) Arggh! What is this? Why do you have to disturb me? What is so important?

JM: My lord. I seek your mercy... This is an urgent message from your sister, her-highness Gusti Putri Retno Dumilah. (hand the message roll)

GA: (reading, stare at messenger, furious, scrunch the paper) It seems that Sultan Mahmud is not a man of his words. Malacca has backstabbed us. This is an insult! Majapahit will not succumb to this treachery! Round up our bravest fighters! We’re going to war!

JM: Yes my lord...

Both leave the stage in a hurry

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Scene 3, Act 2

(The Foot of Mount Ophir)

DS: There atop the mountain! I can see it! We’re almost there.

TM: Be patient my brother. We should rest tonight. Tomorrow will be a new day and at the crack of dawn we shall leave for the castle, looking both fresh and vigorous.

HT: Yes, that’s true. I agree with you Tun Mamat. We should rest and gather our might and strength. We do not want to present ourselves to our future queen as fatigued and debilitated men. Strength is the way of a warrior!

EW: You’re wise young men. There is no second chance for a first impression my dear. Rest now... I too am tired from our journey.

(Settle down and sleep)

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Scene 3, Act 3

(in the forest)

HT: Had a good night sleep?

DS: Yup, that was the first one I had in days.

TM: If so let us make a move now. Our quest is nearing an end but…the enchantress! Where is she?

HT: Oh my,hmm, I think she had left us during our slumber. Remember? She promised to accompany us until the summit and there goes her promise. Yet, wherever she is, our gratitude will always go to her. Come on.

(Just starting to walk)

GA: Halt you filthy traitor!! Move a step and your souls will be ripped apart from your body.

HT: Oh my god, Gusti Adipati?? What brings you and your horde of army here? What ignites your wrath?

GA: We’re here for war! But before that, I’m here to uncover the truth! Why have you betrayed us? Where have all the promises gone to? Malacca had vowed to protect the Javanese soil but you’re coming to conquer us! This is an unacceptable insult!

HT: Gusti Adipati Handaya Ningrat. Forgive me but please pacify your anger. Our intentions are as pure as snow. We neither journeyed here bearing an intention to conquer your beloved Majapahit nor are we here to disgrace Majapahit and its rulers. Considering our numbers, we surely have no chance! We, on behalf of His Majesty would like to conquer the heart and love of your sister, Gusti Putri Retno Dumilah. We regret being a nuisance to your realm.

GA: Oh my, thousands apologies. We have misunderstood you intention. I’m extremely honoured by the proposal. You have my consent. Come, I shall guide you to the palace

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Scene 4, Act 2

(Gusti Putri’s palace, peak of Mount Ophir)

(Bayan is combing POMO’s hair)

JM: Announcing the arrival of His Highness Gusti Adipati Handaya Ningrat, with the Royal Delegation from Malacca.

(Both Bayan and Gusti Putri becomes shocked)

GA: Worry not my darling sister; they come with a pure intention, a marriage proposal.

POMO: What? Marriage? But…but, Bayan told me that they were here to conquer our people and our land!

GA: Bayan! You’re the root all this turmoil! Insolent fool. Argghh... How bitter it is on my tongue. What manner of disrespect is this?? How could you utter such slander to me and my Gusti Putri?

BYN: But your Highness Gusti Adipati, I only did this to protect Gusti Putri....

GA: Argghh.... Lies....What evil has possessed you? You’re really courting death! Leave this palace at once! You are now banished from Javanese soil! Don’t you ever step on it again!

BYN: (Flees)

POMO: (sobs) How could she deceive us... I trusted her...

GA: my darling... Take hold of yourself and ready yourself.........I present to you, the royal delegation of Malacca!

TM: Greetings I bid to you wise Gusti Adipati Handaya Ningrat... and to you too my gracious Gusti Putri Retno Dumilah...

POMO: Hang Tuah my love. Finally, destiny has entwined our love. You’ve fulifilled your promise. Now we can be together. I, hereby accept your propo…

HT: But my love…I…I’m afraid that this proposal is not mine. It is Sultan Mahmud who seeks your sanction in matrimony. I’m so sorry…

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POMO: But my dear…I…I…love you. My heart, my life, my breath are all for you! My dear…ple..

GA: Nonsense! It is for the sake of your dignity and decorum as the highest line of royalty. You must accept the Sultan’s proposal. You are not meant for Hang Tuah!He’s not at par with your royal blood!

POMO: Hang Tuah, my love! Tell me this is not happening?

HT: I’m afraid my love for the country transcends ours my dear. Honour must come before love.

DS: From the bottom of our hearts, we sincerely hope that you will accept it.

POMO: Hmpphh... Tuah will be Tuah. Your love for your ruler outshines our once exquisite bond.Very well, if that is your bidding, I agree. BUT, I accept the proposal as long as these conditions are met...

1. 7 urns of a maidens tears.2. 7 urns of young betel juice.3. 7 trays of mite’s heart4. 7 trays of mosquito’s heart5. A silver bridge from Malacca to the peak of Mount Ophir.6. A golden bridge from Malacca to the peak of Mount Ophir.7. A bowl of blood of the crown prince.

DS: Gusti Putri, thank you for your kindness and consideration. We shall inform His Highness of your conditions.. We shall leave for Malacca at once.

TM: And to you too, Gusti Adipati, thousands of appreciations. Hang Tuah, shall we make haste?

HT: (bows)

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Scene 3, Act 4

(in the forest)

BYN: (running)

EW: (playing the flute and suddenly stops)

BYN: (shakes her head, wandering)

EW: You are in the forest my dear, and may I tell you how thankful I am for your help.

BYN: Who... Who are you? What did you do to me? Why am I here?

EW: My dear, don’t you know that you have broken your precious little Gusti Putri’s heart, enraged Gusti Adipati and now you are banished from Majapahit!

BYN: But I didn’t do all that. You were the culprit! You contolled my mind and body with your bewitched melody! You set me up! How could you???

EW: Enough! My plan is nearing its grand finale and finally I will have my vengeance. You are worthless now.

BYN: No! Your plans will not succeed! I shall reveal your mischief to the Sultan(fled the stage)

EW: Hahaha.... You cannot outrun my magic dear.(runs after Bayan)


BYN: (screams) Argghhh....

EW: hahaha....(Chants a Javanese spell).

EW: (come out of the stage)Ahh... It feels good to be young again... I was getting tired of that old women’s body. With this body and Bayan dead, my plans will surely succeed. Finally, vengeance will be delivered.... Hahahaha.....

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Scene 5, Act 1

(in the Malaccan forests)

BYN: (crying)

TA: My lord you almost caught that deer.

SM: I almost had it. If it wasn’t for that tree blocking me , we could return from our hunt successfully....hmm… Tun Ali, did you hear that?

TA: My lord, what is it? I don’t here anything my lord. It must be your imagination your Majesty.

SM: I thought I heard a woman crying. Listen carefully...

TA: Forgive me your Majesty, I hear it... It is coming from that direction...

SM: Why are you crying in the middle of this forest my dear. Are you hurt or lost? Do you need help?

BYN: No... Thank you.... I don’t need any help. I’m just very sad.

TA: Why is that so?

BYN: The cause of these pearls of tears is my princess, Gusti Putri Retno Dumilah. She’s going to marry soon and I am sad because then, I will not be able to be of service to her anymore.

SM: I pity you... But she will be my perfect wife and life companion. She will complete me as the moon is to the night sky.

BYN: My lord, forgive me , may I know who you are.

SM: I am Sultan Mahmud Shah.

BYN: Ahhh... the Sultan of Malacca. I am sorry my lord. Your words will remain words and your intentions of marrying Gusti Putri will be brought to despair. Her highness Gusti Putri is marrying Hang Tuah. Preparations for the marriage have already begun in Majapahit.

SM: What?? How could my trusted admiral commit such treachery?I can’t believe this. He will face my wrath!

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BYN: My lord, Hang Tuah is now on the way back to Malacca to tell you that they have failed the quest. Then he will flee to Majapahit and marry Gusti Putri.

SM: Come, follow me. Let us return to Malacca now! Hang Tuah will pay with blood for this betrayal!

TA: Yes, your Highness.

BYN: (chuckles)

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Narrator: Time flows like an endless river. Now, it has come close to reaching the edge. Destiny is about to unfold. The final showdown commenced as Hang Tuah and Sultan Mahmud confront each other in the heated arena of fate…

Scene 5, Act 2

(In Malaccan Palace)

TM: huuuh…Malacca! The land my blood falls onto…my beloved home! At last, we’ve safely arrived!

DS: Let us reveal the great news to Sultan Mahmud. I’m sure he’ll be in seventh heaven hearing it!

HT: (just bows and keep being silent)

(Tun Ali and two more guards confront them. Spears/swords are held at them)

TA: How dare the three of you betray his Majesty! Nothing will spare your life…prepare to be vanquished!

SM: No Tun Ali! They are mine to be killed and Hang Tuah’s is mine to be silenced for eternity.

DS: My lord! What makes you purple with anger? What felony has the three of us commited? We are here to inform you of our obligation, that the princess has accepted the proposal.

HT: And she outlined seven conditions where only after your fulfilment, will the matrimony takes place! (Tells the conditions)

SM: STOP all this ruckus. I knew it Hang Tuah. You are the one who will be marrying her. This lady(bayan suddenly comes out), the princess’s servant unveiled everything to me! And now to deceive me again, you’ve created an irrational and ridiculous deception. Don’t expect me to fall for your vilification. Your egocentricity and treachery will cause your death. Die!!!!!

(HT,TM,DS are surprised to see Bayan)

(SM and HT both hurl their Keris at each other. Other people starts to fight too)

(Everybody suddenly freezes)

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BYN: Hahahaha….stupid…mindless creatures. How easily humans like you fall into my simple yet ingenious trap (evil laughs)

(Bayan laughs…turning around repetitively while going toward back-stage and come back on stage again as evil witch)

EW: Hahahaha…remember me, ‘my lord’? I was your deceased wife’s favourite servant aaaaages agoo. But then you cursed me! For a sin I had not committed. It was not I who assassinated your dear wife. I cared for her. You are the one to blame for her untimely death. Now I will be your angel of death and justice will be done. Hahahahahahah

(SM makes facial expressions as he is unable to move. Same goes to others)

(Evil Witch manipulates Hang Tuah’s Keris-held hand to directly hurl at the sultan’s heart and then de-freezes him hence killing Sultan Mahmud)

(Gusti Putri and Gusti Adipati teleports there suddenly)

Ga : Oh my god!

POMO: (gasped) Oh NOOOO!!!!!We’re too late!

(Gusti Adipati tries to attack but is telekinetically thrown very far)

EW: (evil laughs and then de-freezes everybody and throw their body all over the place)

(Everybody except Hang Tuah rolls on the floor until the back-stage when being thrown by the evil witch. Make sure that there is no visible body lying on the stage except Hang Tuah and Sultan Mahmud )

(Hang Tuah cradles Sultan Mahmud)

HT: You DEVIL!!!!!!!!!(tried to slash the witch but is telekinetically thrown)

POMO: You diabolic demon from hell. You are the one behind all this!(attends to Hang Tuah)

EW: uuuhuhuhu…now your death awaits you my princess, Your youth will be mine forever!!hahaha

(Gusti Putri and Evil Witch fight magically mostly using telekinesis)

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(Evil Witch is close to winning. She takes a keris on the floor and attempts to kill Gusti Putri)

EW: And now, I declare myself young, beautiful and immorta.....(Hang Tuah rushes toward her and slashes her once and takes another two Keris, his, the sultan’s and another to stab the witch’s back)….arghhh…ghh…ghhh..rrghh…no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(very high pitch scream)

HT: This is for making me kill my beloved king (first stab) and this is for the death of the Sultan of Malacca (second stab) and ultimately, this is for being a DEMON (third stab)

POMO: Hang Tuah, my savior!!!I love you

HT:(picks up GP’s scarf and embrace her)Don’t worry. I’ve kept my promise. Now our hearts shall beat as one and you will always be my love.

(Light focuses on them, switch of main lights)

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Narrator : Love leads all the way. Tall oaks do grow from small acorns. From a love at first sight, to a bond that cannot be broken. From trials and tribulations, to a life of peace and serenity. And from a mere misunderstanding, to a disastrous end of a soul. These are the spices of life and colours of the world. At the end of the day, the legend of love ceases to exist...

HT: My love, I’ve dreamed of being an eagle that soars freely, high in the cerulean sky above. And like a humble nightingale, you fly straight into the deepest corner of my heart, in search of a mountain of love. There, amidst the tranquillity of the heavens, I’ve found a soul mate, as remarkable as a shooting star in the far reaches of space. It is you, my love, whom glimmer and glitter in my very heart.

POMO: Your soothing voice liberates the yearning in my heart. Your existence appeases the tribulation in my soul and your everlasting love gleams throughout the endless universe, like the moon that encircles the earth, without a moment of standstill. Nonetheless, nothing is immortal. A nightingale will never glean the fondness of a free eagle’s heart. A shooting star will in the end, vanish in the dark night sky and the moon, will surrender to the might of the scorching rays of the sun. Our love, in due course, will reach a cul-de-sac, an inevitable impasse.

HT: Why my dear? Why do you utter such words of despair?

POMO: The bond we have interwoven will make matters worse. We are, but only star-crossed paramour. In this forbidden love, nothing can be salvaged...If we persist, the future will turn into a cataclysm that will devour everything we have longed for. Listen to the gust of the dew and with it, I shall depart beyond the boundaries of the world, bearing these fragments of memories that we have cherished.

HT: My love...

Narrator : A love so majestic and supreme, yet unrealised, eternally becomes immortalised. Since then, there has been no utterance of words. Of these lovers, only oblivion remains. Yet, Mount Ophir remains through time. A justified symbol and crest, of a legend of love that will never be forgotten. A sacrifice for true love, simply divine....

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