Download - The Politics of Civic Tech Platforms by Sean McDonald (Frontline SMS)


The Politics of Civic Tech Platforms!

FrontlineSMS!Sean McDonald!

Civic tech started as an idea. !!That became a community.!!Then became a buzzword.!!Now, it is a market.!  

What defines civic tech isn’t just about value.!!!!It’s about values.!

In a connected world,!community values begin!with!!relationships in context.!  

Relationships begin by meeting people  

where they are!  

So, Mobile?!7.2 billion active mobile subscribers!3.6 billion unique users!!SMS is the only platform that reaches them all!

Interna(onal  Telecommunica(ons  Union,  2010  

The world’s most accessible data channels !!!!are still offline.!

Defining civic tech will require us to design systems for more than one platform!!and ask a few hard questions. !

What is Minimum Viable Usability? !!!!For who?!

Governments can’t design for one user.

Tech systems do. This is a BIG difference.

How solutions scale!

0! 20k!downloads!

The Scale of Simple Usability !

Data ≠ Usability!!

Usability ≠ Engagement!!

Engagement ≠ Impact!

Data is not an output, it defines the entire process.!!Digital access defines representation.!Indicators define priorities.!Routing defines power.!Algorithms define decision-making.!Visualizations define understanding.!Reporting defines accountability.!!Every decision about data is a !decision about power.!!!!!

Open !Is!!!!Not !Enough!

Is civic tech good business?!!A complement to business?!!Good branding for the same old business?!

The Non-Profit Business

Can venture capital help governments and communities build !equitable relationships or will it lead to !trickle down democracy?

Often, we don’t need more platforms or products, we need better connections. !

Ci(zens   Ci(es  &  Coun(es   State  

How Connected Systems (could) Communicate  


civic tech isn’t about individual platforms or people, it’s about the structure of the information relationships between them  

Relationships are Networked Communications Infrastructure!

Most governments (and people) simply aren’t designed to listen at scale. !!Listening requires shared understanding. And shared context.  

Frontline Connects Platforms and Systems  

#The Value of Connected Civic Text!

Message-powered healthcare! Zimbabwe Ministry of Health!St. Gabriel’s Hospital, Malawi!

Pa(ents  book  appointments  with  remote  hospitals  and  clinics.  

Community  health  workers  monitory  and  report  symptoms,  enabling  officials  to  recognize  outbreaks  earlier.  

St.  Gabriel’s  handles  twice  as  many  pa(ents  at  half  the  cost.    Disease  repor(ng  in  Zimbabwe  improves  by  400%,  covering  75%  of  the  country.  

Interactive radio! Search for Common Ground, Ghana!

SFCG  used  Frontline  to  enable  community  radio  sta(ons  to  take  ques(ons  from  listeners  via  SMS.  

Listeners  can  text  in  their  ques(ons  and  get  them  answered  live  on  the  air.  

Enabling  sta(ons  to  halve  the  cost  of  listener  engagement.  

Message-powered banking! Honey Care, Kenya!

Community  based  savings  organiza(ons  (SACCOs)  use  Frontline  to  enable  members  to  remotely  deposit  into  their  accounts.  

Deposit  processing  (me  was  reduced  by  85%,  and  average  account  balance  improved  by  50%.  

Message-powered education! VSO Int’l., Papua New Guinea!

VSO  Interna(onal  used  SMS  to  deliver  stories  to  schools  in  remote  areas  where  books  were  scarce.  

Stories  and  lesson  plans  were  delivered  daily,  and  based  on  a  structured  phone(cs  curriculum.  

Students  in  the  program  were  twice  as  likely  to  meet  literacy  standards  for  their  age.  


Mercy  Corps  incorporated  Frontline  into  a  digital  land  (tling  process  for  rural  farmers.    

Land  (tles  were  delivered  40%  faster  and  cheaper  under  the  program.  

Land  boundary  loca(ons,  agreement  statuses,  and  (tling  agency  reports  were  transmi\ed  over  SMS.  

The most powerful civic technology we have is finding!!!!better ways to work together. !

DESIGN    Not for some People. !Not by some People.!With All the People.!


Civic Text  @FrontlineSMS!

[email protected]!!