Download - The Poker Game slideshow

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2. C:UsersJoeAppDataLocalMicrosoftWindowsTemporary Internet FilesContent.IE54LMGL9K6image.jpeg 3. Poker Game Directed By Greg Stevens Produced by William Macmaster Edited by Joseph Parrish 4. Our Planning

  • We wanted to make our opening Credits as interesting as possible, but without using dialogue, by not using dialogue we believe that this will be more of a challenge, which we want as it will help us to gain experience.
  • We thought about what was interesting and what people would enjoy watching.
  • We finally came to the conclusion of a poker game being played between 3 young men, and there would be some drama included also, the drama will hopefully enthral the audience and make them want more.

5. The Plot

  • 3 Young men (17-21) are sat around a small table, they each hold a lit cigar in one hand and in the other is their hand of cards.
  • On the table, the first 3 cards have been strewn in the middle of the table, the cards are accompanied by a large bottle of whiskey which is half full.
  • As the game continues credits are appearing on screen.
  • One of the men leans back to switch the radio on and eerie italin-american music starts to play which adds suspense.
  • The fourth card is laid on the table face up and there are now various close ups of each player, their eyes, mouths and hands. Beads of sweat are now starting to roll down one of the young mans forehead.
  • Now the fifth card is layed by the dealer, one of the men flinchs but then resigns back into his previous position, the man that was sweating is now closing his eyes and re-opening them in-sync with his breathing to stay calm.

6. The script 7. Set

  • We wanted an open space without any window so we could have a brilliant effect with the dark, smoky room and a light beaming down on the poker table.
  • These are two shots of the garage we are using, the car in the garage is not going to be in the space so we will have full use of the garage and will be able to put a table in and have the desired effect we are aiming for. We are going to use a lamp shade which will hang from the centre of the roof, we will add tin-foil around the lamp so I will give the effect of a beam of light.


  • We wanted to use an authentic poker set, but they were quite expensive. Therefore we managed to acquire one from Joes Cousin. Below are two pictures showing the Box and what the poker set holds.

C:UsersTEMP.CANT-COL.000AppDataLocalMicrosoftWindowsTemporary Internet FilesContent.IE5187R2MAIphoto.JPG C:UsersTEMP.CANT-COL.000AppDataLocalMicrosoftWindowsTemporary Internet FilesContent.IE5SO1LJKVIphoto.JPG 9. Props cont

  • We need costumes to make the characters look a) authentic and b) to fit in with our plot. All 3 of the boys in our group own black suit jackets and Joe, the dealer, will be wearing a bowler hat. We also will be smoking cigars which Greg has kindly been able to attain from France. Also there will be a radio shown in the opening credits, so we needed the radio to look dated and authentic for the time period of 1940-1950. Joe has been able to borrow his uncles radio which fits the brief perfectly.

10. Story-board

  • The next slides contain our storyboard screenshots

11. C:UsersTEMP.CANT-COL.000AppDataLocalMicrosoftWindowsTemporary Internet FilesContent.IE5SO1LJKVIstoryboard1.jpeg 12. C:UsersTEMP.CANT-COL.000AppDataLocalMicrosoftWindowsTemporary Internet FilesContent.IE5187R2MAIstoryboard2.jpeg 13. C:UsersTEMP.CANT-COL.000AppDataLocalMicrosoftWindowsTemporary Internet FilesContent.IE5SO1LJKVIstoryboard3.jpeg 14. C:UsersTEMP.CANT-COL.000AppDataLocalMicrosoftWindowsTemporary Internet FilesContent.IE5187R2MAIstoryboard4.jpeg 15. C:UsersJoeAppDataLocalMicrosoftWindowsTemporary Internet FilesContent.IE54LMGL9K6image.jpeg 16.