Download - The PHILIPPINE SOCIETY OF INSURANCE MEDICINE presents The 2002 ADVANCED LIFE UNDERWRITING COURSE 6 September 2002 Insular Life Auditorium Ayala Ayala.

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Slide 2 The PHILIPPINE SOCIETY OF INSURANCE MEDICINE presents The 2002 ADVANCED LIFE UNDERWRITING COURSE 6 September 2002 Insular Life Auditorium Ayala Ayala Avenue, Makati City, Philippines Slide 3 Master of Ceremonies Bert Esguerra, MD Slide 4 Invocation Linda Umali, MD Slide 5 Please stand for the National Anthem Slide 6 Welcom e Address Bayani de los Santos, MD President PSIM 2002 Slide 7 Orientation on the Flow of the Program Nazario A. Macalintal Jr., MD Organizing Committee Chairman Slide 8 Chairman: Ammie Zafra, MD Co-Chairman: Eleanor Tanada, MD Morning Session Slide 9 The 2002 ADVANCED LIFE UNDERWRITING COURSE 06 September 2002 To talk on New Concepts in Underwriting Diabetes Mellitus Morning Session 6 September (FRI), 2002 08:40 am - 09:25am - Internal Medicine specialist with 12 years of insurance medical experience - Medical Doctorate University of Toronto in 1986 - Internal Medicine Specialty in 1990 -Lectures internationally -Managing Director of the Longer Life Foundation Slide 10 PHILIP SMALLEY, MD Morning Session 6 September (FRI), 2002 08:40 am - 09:25am Vice President & Medical Director RGA International Corporation Slide 11 To talk on New Cardiac Tests for Underwriting is a: Morning Session 6 September (FRI), 2002 09:30 am - 10:15am - Internal Medicine specialist with 12 years of insurance medical experience - Medical Doctorate University of Toronto in 1986 - Internal Medicine Specialty in 1990 -Lectures internationally -Managing Director of the Longer Life Foundation Slide 12 PHILIP SMALLEY, MD Morning Session 6 September (FRI), 2002 09:30 am - 10:15am Slide 13 Open Forum Morning Session 6 September (FRI), 2002 10:16am-10:29am Slide 14 To talk on FINANCIAL UNDERWRITING is an MBA-,DBA-Graduate from London University & Durham University, UK Previous Member, Monetary Authority Of Singapore, Previous Correspondent to the IMF Past Vice Principal of the Singapore Insurance Centre Lectures in Insurance & Finance Morning Session 6 September (FRI), 2002 10:30am-11:15am Slide 15 FINANCIAL UNDERWRITING LAWRENCE YEW [email protected] Regional Manager for SCOR for the Asia Pacific area Morning Session 6 September (FRI), 2002 10:30-11:15am Slide 16 To talk on HYPERTROPHIC CARDIOMYOPATHY Is an... Internal Medicine Residency Graduate of UST Hospital 1991 Cardiology Fellowship, Makati Medical Center, 1993 Cardiac Electrophysiology and Pacing, Chang Gung Medical Center, Taiwan, 1995 Morning Session - 6 September, 2002 11:20 am - 12:05 am Slide 17 ANTHONY B. KING JR., MD Head, Electrophysiologic Studies, Heart Institute, St. Lukes Medical Center Associate Active Member, Makati Medical Center Visiting Cardiologist, Medical City, Asian Hospital, Philippine Heart Center Faculty Member, UST Hospital Past Chairman, Council on Pacing & Electrophysiology, Philippine Heart Association Slide 18 Open Forum Morning Session - 6 September 2002 12:06nn - 12:15 pm Slide 19 LUNCHEON SYMPOSIUM on COPD Courtesy of Boehringer Ingelheim Phils & 6 September, 2002 12:16opm -1:30pm Slide 20 The 2002 ADVANCED LIFE UNDERWRITING COURSE 06 September 2002 Game na ba kayo?!! Sa Underwriting? Slide 21 Host Bert Esguerra Co-Host: Jo Cano INTERACTIVE AFTERNOON SESSION SEPTEMBER 6 (FRI) 1:30pm - 3:00pm The Strongest Link Slide 22 Awarding of Certificates of Participation Awarding of Certificates / Plaques of Appreciation Slide 23 CLOSING REMARKS Bayani de los Santos, MD President PSIM Slide 24 Our sincerest thanks to the following: Insular Life Astra-Zeneca Bayer Boehringer Ingelheim FLMI FORTMED glaxosmithkline HealthWay Medical CLinics High Precision Laboratory Pfizer Prime Laboratory And other sponsors who made this project possible! Slide 25 Coming Soon! The First PSIM-HOLUAP Convention UNDERWRITING PEARLS Summer 2003