Download - The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit ODCF July 12 2012

  • 7/31/2019 The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit ODCF July 12 2012


    The Person andWork

    of the Holy


  • 7/31/2019 The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit ODCF July 12 2012


    He said to them, Did you

    receive the HolySpiritwhen you believed? And

    they said to him, No, wehave not even heard

    whether there is a HolySpirit.Acts 19:2

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    It is my desire today to give an

    introduction into the person andwork of the Holy Spirit.

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    from our first scripture we can

    see that even believers in thefirst century did not always knowabout the Holy Spirit. They had

    to be instructed about Him. Ifound that to be the case withme as well.

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    Though I went to a charismatic

    church and was baptized byJesus in the Holy Spirit with theevidence of speaking in tongues

    I had little understanding of theOne who filled me.

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    I had met Jesus. He

    was showing me theFather. But I really had

    no concept of who theHoly Spirit was or what

    He did.

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    Like the Ethiopian eunuch, I

    needed someone to guideme.

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    Philip ran up and heard him

    reading Isaiah the prophet,and said, Do you understandwhat you are reading?31Andhe said, Well, how could I,unless someone guides me?

    Acts 8:30

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    That someone was Oral

    Roberts. He taught a courseat the University entitled,The Holy Spirit in the Now.Not a typical universitysubject but it fully introduced

    me to God the Holy Spirit asthe Bible teaches Him.

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    While I cannot hope to impart

    to you all that Oral did inmany weeks I hope to giveyou an overview which mayhelp you desire to dig moredeeply into the bible to learn

    more about the marvelousreality of the Ruach Kadosh

    The Holy Spirit

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    Genesis 1:1-2

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    In the beginning God created

    the heavens and the earth.2

    Theearth was formless and void, anddarkness was over the surface of

    the deep, and the Spirit of Godwas moving over the surface ofthe waters. 3 Then God said, Letthere be light; and there waslight.

    Genesis 1:1-3 (NASB)

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    Many have tried to explain whatmost Christians call the Trinity. Onenight after sharing my experience ofJesus with him, the head Rabbi inJerusalem who taught at the Yeshivaon the Mount of Olives, told me thatI and all Christians were idolaters

    because we believed in three godsand not the one God of Israel.

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    With devastating clarity he

    pointed out scripture afterscripture that irrefutably provedthe concept that God is nothing

    else but One.

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    In passage after passage my

    faith that Jesus was God cometo earth was being shaken to thepoint of near collapse. As I went

    back to my little room above theVia Dolorosa (the street thatJesus is said to have carried thecross down) I felt such a despair.Was I really an idolater?

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    I prayed that night so

    desperately that God wouldshow me the truth about thisand He did.

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    Go therefore and make

    disciples of all thenations, baptizing them

    in the name of theFather and of the Son

    and of the Holy Spirit,

    Matthew 28:18-20

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    Unfortunately what started as an

    attempt to describe God in hiswork as Father, Son and HolySpirit went astray partly because

    of language. The latin wordpersona was used to describe theattributes of God. Persona literally

    means mask. It was used forthe masks characters used inGreek plays.

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    The same person could use many

    different masks to play differentcharacters. The church of thesecond and third century felt the

    need to describe the biblicalassertion that God manifestedHimself as Father, Son and Holy

    Spirit so chose to use the wordpersona for each. Three persona,one in essence.

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    Three different roles played bythe one God. Three masks usedby the one actor who was God.

    I personally think that even this isnot the best way to describe itbut it is at least acknowledging

    there is only one God.

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    In the transfer of concepts tomodern languages the word

    persona got changed toperson. God in three persons,blessed trinity as Luther wrote inhis hymn Holy, Holy, Holy. This

    gives the impression or even theactual concept that there arethree persons and they work

    together as God.

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    It would be like saying Howard,Harvey and Don are together God.This was the essence of theargument the rabbi made againstChristianity. In fact he was right. Ifwe understand the Father, Son andHoly Spirit as three distinct,autonomous individuals whotogether make God we areworshipping three gods and are


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    Some groups have tried to dealwith this problem by definingJesus as a god not God. Theytranslate John 1:1 as

    In the beginning was the Word,and the Word was with God, and

    the Word was a god.

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    To think of Jesus as a godcertainly would give furthercredence to the rabbis charge oftritheisim (believing in three

    gods.) Jesus was either a man orhe was God. If he is not God thento worship him would be


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    But the first chapter of the Bibleshows clearly what we believeabout God. Though he is one andeach aspect of God is inseperable

    even the ancient Hebrewscriptures defines each of Hisparts and relates them to specific

    activities He does. Lets read itagain:

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    In the beginning God created

    the heavens and the earth.


    Theearth was formless and void, anddarkness was over the surface of

    the deep, and the Spirit of Godwas moving over the surface ofthe waters. 3 Then God said, Let

    there be light; and there waslight.

    Genesis 1:1-3 (NASB)

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    God, who we call the Father createdthe heavens and the Earth.

    God, who we call the Spirit, movedover the surface of the waters thatcovered the whole earth.

    God, who we call Jesus, spoke lightinto existence.

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    We see this again in John 1

    Jesus is the Word (Logos) ofGod by which everything wascreated.

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    In the beginning was the Word (Logos),and the Word (Logos) was with God, and

    the Word (Logos) was God. 2 He was inthe beginning with God. 3 All thingscame into being through Him, and apart

    from Him nothing came into being thathas come into being. 4 In Him was life,and the life was the Light of men. 5 TheLight shines in the darkness, and thedarkness did not comprehend it.

    John 1:1-5

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    Jesus the man was begotten of

    the Father. Jesus the Word waseternally the Logos of God.

    And the Word became flesh, anddwelt among us, and we saw Hisglory, glory as of the only

    begotten from the Father, full ofgrace and truth.

    John 1:14

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    In Luke we see that the Holy Spiritcreated Jesus inside of Mary.

    34 Mary said to the angel, How can thisbe, since I am a virgin?35 The angel

    answered and said to her, The HolySpirit will come upon you, and the powerof the Most High will overshadow you;and for that reason the holy Child shallbe called the Son of God.

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    Matthew tells us the same:

    Now the birth of Jesus Christwas as follows: when His mother

    Mary had been betrothed toJoseph, before they cametogether she was found to be

    with child by the Holy Spirit.Matthew 1:18

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    Jesus was empowered by the Holy Spirt

    32 John testified saying, I have seen theSpirit descending as a dove out ofheaven, and He remained upon Him. 33 I

    did not recognize Him, but He who sentme to baptize in water said to me, Heupon whom you see the Spirit

    descending and remaining upon Him,this is the One who baptizes in the HolySpirit.

    John 1:32

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    While we can say without a doubt God isone we also can say directly from the

    Bible that he is a three part being. Weare created by God in exactly the sameway.

    Then God said, Let Us make man in Ourimage, according to Our likeness;

    Genesis 1:26

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    We are a spirit (Spirit) that

    has a soul (Father) thatcommunicates through a

    body (Word Logos -Jesus).

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    Just as we can confidently

    say that Jesus is God wecan say that the Holy Spirit

    is God.

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    This is the most important

    aspect of the person of theHoly Spirit He is God. He

    is not a ghost sent fromGod. He is not an non-personal force likeelectricity. He is Godhimself.

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    He is not like the angels

    who are spirit beings:

    And of the angels He says:Who makes His angelsspirits And His ministers aflame of fire. Hebrews 1:7

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    He was present, uncreated

    and fully God as creationbegan.

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    Salvation comes

    through the Holy

    Spirit beingrestored to the

    human spirit.

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    The difference between

    humans and animals wasGod the Father breathing

    the life of the Spirit into thefirst man.

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    in Hebrew the word spirit is

    ruach. It means wind orbreath.

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    We see in this passage that

    God breathed Spirit Liferuach chaiminto Adams

    nostrils. The Spirit of Godwas given to bring alive thebody which He hadfashioned from the ground.

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    What God breathed into

    Adam was the Holy Spirit.God put His own Spirit into

    the first man.

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    When the Holy Spirit

    entered into the beautifulbody God had fashioned

    Adams soul came intobeing. Like God he was athree part being Spirit,Soul and Body.

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    Then the LORD God

    formed man of dust fromthe ground (Body), and

    breathed into his nostrilsthe breath of life (Spirit);and man became a livingbeing (Soul).

    Genesis 2:7

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    No other creature shared in

    this besides Eve who wastaken from Adam and, as a

    result, shared with him theindwelling of the Holy Spiritin Her spirit.

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    The LORD God commanded theman, saying, "from any tree ofthe garden you may eat freely;17 but from the tree of the

    knowledge of good and evil youshall not eat, for in the day thatyou eat from it you will surely

    die.Genesis 2:16

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    When the first couple partook of thetree of the knowledge of good and

    evil their bodies did not die. Theirsouls did not die. What died wastheir spirit. It died because the

    connection to the Holy Spirit wassevered in their sin. The laterresulting death of their soul andbodies came as a result of the deathof their spirit.

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    I have roses growing in my yard.My sweet daughter Catharinaplanted them when she wasyounger. Every now and then. I

    like to cut some and bring theminto my house. I find that whathappens in my doing this shows

    exactly what happened to ourfirst parents and has happened

    to all of us since.

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    The moment I cut the rose itdies. It does not look like it inthat instance but it is dead. Theoutward manifestations of that

    death in its physical appearancewill come. It is dead because ithas been cut off from its life


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    Adam and Eve died on the daythey ate from the tree. Theydied because they were cut offfrom their life force the Holy

    Spirit. The Holy Spirit did notdie. He left. And he did not againreside in another human beings

    spirit until Jesus was conceived.

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    Every person ever born after

    Adam and Eve - except Jesus(who was created in Mary)had been born with their

    spirit separated from God.For as in Adam all die, so

    also in Christ all will be madealive. 1 Corinthians 15:22

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    "He who believes in Me, as theScripture said, 'from his innermost

    being will flow rivers of livingwater.' 39 But this He spoke of theSpirit, whom those who believed in

    Him were to receive; for theSpirit was not yet given,

    because Jesus was not yetglorified.

    John 7:38-39

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    "I will ask the Father, and He willgive you another Helper, that Hemay be with you forever; 17 thatis the Spirit of truth, whom the

    world cannot receive, because itdoes not see Him or know Him,

    but you know Him because Heabides with you and willbe in you. John 14:16

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    The Holy Spirit was always

    among humans, He broughtthe presence of Godeverywhere. He was the

    means of Gods omnipresence(everywhere present),

    omniscience (all knowing),and omnipotence (allpowerful).

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    Where can I go from Your Spirit?Or where can I flee from Yourpresence? 8 If I ascend toheaven, You are there; If I make

    my bed in Sheol, behold, You arethere.

    Psalm 139:7

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    If I take the wings of the dawn,If I dwell in the remotest part ofthe sea, 10 Even there Yourhand will lead me, And Your

    right hand will lay hold of me. 11If I say, "Surely the darkness willoverwhelm me, And the light

    around me will be night,Psalm 139:9

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    David understood this so well.When he found himself notbeing able to have fellowshipwith God after his sin with

    Bathsheba he rightly cried out:

    Do not cast me away from Your

    presence And do not take YourHoly Spirit from me.

    Psalm 51:11

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    Jesus came to restore the HolySpirit to the spirit of humanbeings. This is why he said toNicodemus:

    "Truly, truly, I say to you, unlessone is born again he cannot see

    the kingdom of God. John 3:3

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    When Nicodemus asked how cana man return to his motherswomb Jesus said,

    "Truly, truly, I say to you, unlessone is born of water and theSpirit he cannot enter into the

    kingdom of God.John 3:5

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    Our rebirth occurs when

    the Holy Spirit takesresidence inside of us

    again, dwelling in ourspirit as it did in Adam

    and Eve.

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    We see that right after

    Jesus was resurrected fromthe dead he did exactly

    what God the Father haddone with Adam. Hebreathed the Holy Spiritinto the disciples.

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    And when He had said this, Heshowed them both His handsand His side. The disciples thenrejoiced when they saw the

    Lord. 21 So Jesus said to themagain, "Peace {be} with you; asthe Father has sent Me, I also

    send you.John 20:20-21

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    And when He had

    said this, He breathedon them and said tothem, "Receive the

    Holy Spirit.John 20:22

    h b h d

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    In the moment Jesus breathedinto them the Holy Spiritsalvation came to the disciples.Up to then they were still

    children of Adam with death intheir spirit because it was notconnected and indwelt with the

    Holy Spirit.

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    The day Jesus

    breathed the HolySpirit into them theywere born again. And

    so it is with all of us.

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    Peter said to them,

    "Repent, and each of yoube baptized in the name of

    Jesus Christ for theforgiveness of your sins;and you will receive the giftof the Holy Spirit.

    Acts 2:38

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    The ability to live a

    godly life comes

    from the work andpower of the Holy


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    It is because God the

    Holy Spirit now livesin us in our spirit wecan live His life out in

    our earthly existence.

    F h t th L ld t

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    For what the Law could not

    do, weak as it was throughthe flesh, God {did:} sendingHis own Son in the likeness of

    sinful flesh and {as anoffering} for sin, He

    condemned sin in the flesh,Romans 8:3

    h h

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    so that the requirement

    of the Law might befulfilled in us, who do

    not walk according tothe flesh but according

    to the Spirit.Romans 8:4

    h h

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    For those who are

    according to the fleshset their minds on the

    things of the flesh, butthose who are according

    to the Spirit, the thingsof the Spirit.

    Romans 8:5

    h d

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    For the mind set on

    the flesh is death, butthe mind set on theSpirit is life and

    peace, Romans 8:6

    b th i d t

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    because the mind set on

    the flesh is hostiletoward God; for it does

    not subject itself to thelaw of God, for it is not

    even able {to do so,}Romans 8:7

    d th h i th fl h

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    and those who are in the fleshcannot please God. 9 However,you are not in the flesh but inthe Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of

    God dwells in you. But ifanyone does not have theSpirit of Christ, he does notbelong to Him.

    Romans 8:8

    If Ch i i i

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    If Christ is in you,

    though the body isdead because of sin,yet the spirit is alive

    because ofrighteousness.Romans 8:10

    B t if th S i it f Hi h

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    But if the Spirit of Him who

    raised Jesus from the deaddwells in you, He who raisedChrist Jesus from the dead

    will also give life to yourmortal bodies through His

    Spirit who dwells in you.Romans 8:11

    Romans 8:12 So then brethren

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    Romans 8:12 So then, brethren,we are under obligation, not tothe flesh, to live according to theflesh-- 13 for if you are living

    according to the flesh, you mustdie; but if by the Spirit you areputting to death the deeds of the

    body, you will live.

    For all who are being led by the

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    For all who are being led by theSpirit of God, these are sons ofGod. 15 For you have notreceived a spirit of slavery

    leading to fear again, but youhave received a spirit ofadoption as sons by which we

    cry out, "Abba! Father!Romans 8:14

    The Spirit Himself testifies with

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    The Spirit Himself testifies withour spirit that we are children ofGod, 17 and if children, heirsalso, heirs of God and fellow

    heirs with Christ, if indeed wesuffer with {Him} so that wemay also be glorified with {Him.}

    Romans 8:16

    So we see the vital role the Holy

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    So we see the vital role the HolySpirit plays in our salvation. Heis the power from within thatenables us to live the life of

    Jesus in our world.

    h i f

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    The Baptism ofthe Holy Spirit

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    After being baptized Jesus

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    After being baptized, Jesus

    came up immediately fromthe water; and behold, theheavens were opened, andhe saw the Spirit of Goddescending as a dove

    {and} lighting on Him,Matthew 3:16

    Gathering them together He

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    Gathering them together, Hecommanded them not to leaveJerusalem, but to wait for whatthe Father had promised,

    "Which," {He said,} "you heardof from Me; 5 for John baptizedwith water, but you will be

    baptized with the Holy Spirit notmany days from now."Acts 1:4

    When the day of Pentecost

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    When the day of Pentecost

    had come, they were alltogether in one place. 2 Andsuddenly there came from

    heaven a noise like a violentrushing wind, and it filled the

    whole house where they weresitting.

    Acts 2:1

    And there appeared to them

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    And there appeared to themtongues as of fire distributingthemselves, and they rested oneach one of them. 4 And they

    were all filled with the Holy Spiritand began to speak with othertongues, as the Spirit was giving

    them utterance.Acts 2:3

    They were amazed and

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    They were amazed andastonished, saying, "Why, arenot all these who are speakingGalileans? 8 "And how is it that

    we each hear {them} in our ownlanguage to which we wereborn?

    Acts 2:7

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    Acts 2:17

    Peter {said} to them "Repent

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    Peter {said} to them, Repent,and each of you be baptized inthe name of Jesus Christ for theforgiveness of your sins; and you

    will receive the gift of the HolySpirit. 39 "For the promise is foryou and your children and for all

    who are far off, as many as theLord our God will call toHimself. Acts 2:38

    While Peter was still speaking

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    While Peter was still speakingthese words, the Holy Spirit fell

    upon all those who werelistening to the message. 45 All

    the circumcised believers whocame with Peter were amazed,because the gift of the Holy

    Spirit had been poured out onthe Gentiles also. Acts 10:44

    For they were hearing them

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    For they were hearing themspeaking with tongues and

    exalting God. Then Peteranswered, 47 "Surely no one can

    refuse the water for these to bebaptized who have received theHoly Spirit just as we {did,} can

    he?Acts 10:46

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    Being filledwith the HolySpirit

    We see that there is

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    We see that there is

    one Baptism with

    the Holy Spirit yetthere are many


    This seems to point

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    This seems to point

    to a unique aspect

    of our relationshipwith the Holy Spirit.

    John the baptist

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    John the baptist

    was filled with the

    Holy Spirit inElizabeths womb.

    We are told that

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    We are told that

    even as an

    unregenerateperson the Holy

    Spirit could still fillthem.

    Mary was filled with

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    Mary was filled with

    the Holy Spirit whenElisabeth spoke about

    John leaping in the

    womb when shecame to visit her.

    Bezalel was filled with

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    Bezalel was filled with

    the Holy Spirit to doworks of art.

    For me it is this that

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    For me it is this that

    points clearly to mypart in the revelation

    of God the Holy Spiritwants to use me in.

    I tend to leak

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    I tend to leak.

    It is up to me to

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    It is up to me to

    make the space in mylife for Him to fill.

    This is very much like

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    This is very much like

    what I see happeningin my garden at


    The manifestation of

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    The manifestation of

    the Holy Spirit in meis likened to me

    bearing fruit.

    But I say walk by the

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    But I say, walk by the

    Spirit, and you willnot carry out the

    desire of the flesh.

    Galatians 5:16

    For the flesh sets its desire

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    For the flesh sets its desire

    against the Spirit, and theSpirit against the flesh; forthese are in opposition toone another, so that youmay not do the things that

    you please.Galatians 5:17

    But if you are led by the

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    But if you are led by the

    Spirit, you are not underthe Law.Galatians 5:18

    Now the deeds of the flesh

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    Now the deeds of the flesh

    are evident, which are:immorality, impurity,sensuality,

    Galatians 5:19

    idolatry, sorcery, enmities,

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    idolatry, sorcery, enmities,strife, jealousy, outbursts ofanger, disputes, dissensions,factions, idolatry, sorcery,

    enmities, strife, jealousy,outbursts of anger, disputes,

    dissensions, factions,Galatians 5:20

    envying, drunkenness,

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    envying, drunkenness,carousing, and things likethese, of which I forewarnyou, just as I have

    forewarned you, that thosewho practice such things will

    not inherit the kingdom ofGod.Galatians 5:21

    But the fruit of the Spirit is

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    But the fruit of the Spirit islove, joy, peace, patience,kindness, goodness,faithfulness, 23 gentleness,

    self-control; against suchthings there is no law.

    Galatians 5:22-23

    Now those who belong to

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    Now those who belong toChrist Jesus have crucifiedthe flesh with its passions anddesires. If we live by the

    Spirit, let us also walk by theSpirit.

    Galatians 5:24-25

    But to do that I have

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    But to do that I have

    to weed, water,fertilize and prune.

    Weeding is dealing

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    Weeding is dealing

    with my sin. No plantin my garden will ever

    bear mature fruit if itis being choked outby weeds.

    I must consciously

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    I must consciously

    choose on a minute byminute basis to deal

    with sin in order tomake space for the

    planting of the Lord tothrive in me.

    Watering is exposing

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    Watering is exposing

    myself to the word byreading and


    Fertilizing seems to be

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    Fertilizing seems to be

    many things. It is prayingwith understanding andletting the Holy Spirit praythrough me in tongues and

    intercessory travail.

    It is seeking out

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    It is seeking out

    fellowship in order tostir up Joy by sharing

    the wonder of Jesuswith each other.

    Pruning is being

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    Pruning is being

    willing to be taught,disciplined and led by

    Jesus. It is letting himprune me so that Ican bear much fruit.

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    It is how the world

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    It is how the world

    will know that He isreal and that He lives

    in us through theperson and work ofthe Holy Spirit.

    Prayer Points1. That any who have not yet been reborn will

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    receive the Holy Spirit through accepting Jesus

    as Saviour and Lord.2. That we would choose to submit to theindwelling Holy Spirit to enable us to live the lifeof Jesus

    3. If we have not yet received the Baptism of Jesusin the Holy Spirit we would do so today.

    4. That we would seek to be filled with the HolySpirit

    5. That we would seek the Holy Spirit to manifestHimself through us by miraculous acts and the