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Page 1: THE PASSING OF A GREAT FRIEND OF ALLĀH S1 Pg 1 The passing of a great friend of lessonAllāh S Pg 2 Worried about your sustenance Pg 4 Lesson from Hadīth Pg 5 Question & Answer Pg


Pg 1 The passing of a great friend of Allāh S

Pg 2 Worried about your sustenance Pg 4 Lesson from Hadīth

Pg 5 Question & Answer

Pg 6 Kids’ Page

Pg 10 Dear sister Pg 11 Food of the Prophet s

Pg 12 Taking les-son from the Mi’raj . Pg 13 One minute lesson




Funeral prayers

Like we had read previously, the funeral of

Hadhrat Mawlānā Mohamad Hasan

Bodhanwi v was one of the biggest the

town of Walsall had ever seen. People and

prominent scholars from all around had


Amongst them was the son of Hadhrat

Mawlānā Asad Madni v, Mawlānā

Mahmood Madni, who had visited Hadhrat

Mawlānā Mohamad Hasan Bodhanwi v

whilst he was in Hospital, he was to return

back to India to attend a very important

conference, with his preparations to leave

the UK, he heard the saddening news that

Hadhrat Mawlānā Mohamad Hasan

Bodhanwi v had returned to his Creator.

He thus, cancelled all his programmes and

swiftly made a return to the humble home

town of Walsall to take part in his funeral,

where he led the Friday Khutbah and Salah

at Hadhrat’s local masjid, Masjid-al-


Due to Mawlānā having very close

connections to the Madani family, his

advice was sought as to who should lead

the Janazah of Hadhrat Mawlānā v. To the

surprise of all he said,

“My grandfather’s funeral was lead by

Shaykh-ul-Hadith Hadhrat Mawlānā

Zakariya Khandhalwi v, my father’s

funeral was lead by his son Hadhrat

Mawlānā Talha Khandehalwi, and Hadhrat

Mawlānā Mohamad Hasan Bodhanwi v is

regarded as part of us therefore his funeral

should be lead by one of his khulafa.”

Thus it was decided that Hadhrat Mawlānā

Yusuf sahib the founder of Darul Uloom

Bury should lead the Janazah Salah.

Without any question the family of Hadhrat

Mawlānā followed the advice of Mawlānā

Mahmood Madani.

There had been many ‘Ulamā who due to

distance and commitments were unable to

attend, like Hadhrat Mawlānā Arshad

Madani sahib, who till this day makes his

residence at Hadhrat Mawlānā’s home,

whenever he visits the UK, he also

delivered a heart touching speech in

regards to the life, sacrifices and

commitments of the respected Mawlānā at

Masjid-al-Farouq shortly after his demise.

Although this three part article does not do

justice to the life of Hadhrat Mawlānā

Mohamad Hasan Bodhanwi v, one of the

reasons for writing this article is so we

understand what the ‘Ulamā had, have and

are doing for our communities, which many

(Continued on page 3)

EDITOR: (Mawlānā) Shabir Mohamed Ravat






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This journal contains teachings from the Glorious Qur’ān and the Ahādīth of the Prophet s. Please ensure its sanctity.

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Worried About Your Sustenance? (Part 1) By Shaykh-ul-Ḥadīth, Ḥaḍrat Mawlānā Muham-

mad Saleem Dhorat ḥafiẓahullāh

Recently, I was approached by a concerned

brother who had been facing some difficult

times with regards his provision and sustenance.

This is something that many of us face at some

time in our lives. Naturally, when we are in this

situation, we begin to panic and look for ways

out. Some bear the situation remaining within

the laws of Sharī‘ah and with patience make it

through, whilst others fail in this test from Al-

lāh S and take to prohibited means to try to

solve their problems.

So, when the brother asked the question, I pon-

dered for a while and the following advices, all

based on the Qur’ān and Ḥadīth, came to mind:

1. At such difficult times it is paramount to

adopt taqwā, which is to stay away from

each and every sin. Remember, what is

thought of to be a tough financial situation

will differ from person to person, but in

these circumstances it is necessary that we

stay compliant with the Commands of Allāh

S. Both the dos and don’ts commanded by

Allāh S have to be adopted. Ṣalāh, ṣawm,

zakāh, ḥajj and all farāiḍ must be performed.

Similarly, we must refrain from all sinful ac-

tivities. In return for this adoption of taqwā,

Allāh S has promised that He will see to our





2. A second point to keep in mind is to make

istighfār (seek forgiveness) abundantly. A

person should look towards his own misdeeds

and take them to be the reason for finding

himself in the predicament he is in. He

should turn to Allāh S and repent. Some-

times, such circumstances are caused by Al-

lāh S in order to make His servant turn to-

wards Him. Such is the Mercy of Allāh S!

The Prophet s has said:

“He who holds firm to seeking forgiveness,

Allāh S will make an exit for him from every

(Continued on page 3)

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tight situation, will grant him relief from every trouble and will provide for him from where he

does not even imagine.” (Abū Dāwūd, Ibn Mājah, Aḥmad)

3. Another point is to ensure that we keep our transactions free from sin. For this, we must consult

the ‘Ulamā, learn from them in regards to what is ḥalāl and what is ḥarām and act accordingly. Any

transaction which is contrary to the teachings of Allāh S and His Messenger s will be devoid of

barakah (blessings); therefore, no matter how great the profit or benefit seems, it will soon disap-

pear. The Prophet s said:

“The seller and the buyer have the right to keep or return the goods until they part. And if both

parties spoke the truth and described the goods accurately, then they would be blessed in their

transaction, and if they told lies or hid something, then the blessings of their transaction would be

lost.” (Al-Bukhārī)

Similarly, the Prophet s also says:

“Taking (false) oaths improve the sales, but it eradicates the blessings.” (Al-Bukhārī)

Continued in next issue

© Islãmic Da‘wah Academy

(Continued from page 2)

a times is over looked by society, with only a few who hold them in high regards. And in the words of my

respected teacher and mentor Shaykh-ul-Ḥadīth, Ḥaḍrat Mawlānā Muhammad Saleem Dhorat ḥafiẓahullāh,

“Those who hold ‘Ulamā in high regards it has been seen that Allāh S brings in their families Deen and ‘Ulamā,

and those who overlook and think low of ‘Ulamā, it has been seen that Allāh S takes away Deen from their


In the course of writing this article the neighbour (my grandfather) of Hadhrat Mawlānā Hasan sahib v, Haji

Ibrahim Ravat v also returned to the Mercy of Allāh S, on the 21st of Ramaḍān at the time of Duhr Adhaan,

after a very short illness, a death that most of us can only hope for. One of the reasons behind this, as was said by

Shaykh-ul-Ḥadīth, Ḥaḍrat Mawlānā Muhammad Saleem Dhorat ḥafiẓahullāh during the annual i‘tikaaf

programme held at the Islāmic D’awah Academy,

“Out of the qualities which he had, two stood out the most,

1. He was very hospitable,

2. His reverence for the ‘Ulamā”

May Allāh S shower His Mercy upon all those who have returned to Him, and give the rest of us the ability to

live such lives that Allāh S is Pleased with us, and may we also return to him in that state, Amin.

(Continued from page 1)

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بن المبارك، عن أسامة بن زيد، عن سعيد حدثنا عمرو بن رافع، حدثنا عبد للا

ـ ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص ـ ، عن أبي هريرة، قال قال رسول للا ‏صائم‏ليس‏له‏من‏صيامه‏‏‏" المقبري رب

‏قائم‏ليس‏له‏من‏قيامه‏إال‏السهر‏ ‏"‏إال‏الجوع‏ورب

It was narrated from Abu Hurayrah t that the Messenger of Allāhملسو هيلع هللا ىلص(‏( said:

“There are people who fast and get nothing from their fast except hunger, and

there are those who pray and get nothing from their prayer but a sleepless


This Hadith is very beneficial for us all, to ponder over after the great month of

Ramaḍān. We need to reflect and take into account our deeds which we had performed

in this blessed month. Just like how a business man takes into account his gains and

losses at the end of the financial year; if he had preformed well he will strive to do even

better the following year, and if he had lost out then he will ponder as to where he had

gone wrong and how he will better himself.

Like this business man, we also have to account for ourselves before the day comes

when we will be taken to account; let us think of the deeds we performed during the

month and more importantly let us check our intentions vigorously: did we perform

these acts because of mere custom? Or do we actually believe that our success lies in

these actions?

These are some questions we must interrogate ourselves with and then and only then

will reality open before us. If the conclusion is, it was solely for the Pleasure of Allāh

S, then we should thank Allāh S. However, if it’s not, rather we carried out these acts

due to the fear of the talk of people or mere custom, then it is very important that we ask

the question, “Why?”

Have we drifted away from the Deen of Allāh S so much that we find that aspects of

Deen are nothing but custom and burdens upon us?

We should not only check ourselves but also carry this out with our children. This is a

very crucial part of their upbringing and to make sure they have the right frame of mind

in regards to the Commands of Allāh S; otherwise it could lead them into uttering

phrases or words in front of friends, which are not only unacceptable but more concern-

ing it could take them out the fold Islām.

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Q. Is it more preferred to fast whilst travelling?

A. Whilst travelling, it is allowed both to fast and not to fast. If there is fear of one facing dif-

ficulty or weakness or one’s travel companion/s will become distressed, then it will be more

preferred not to fast. After returning home one should do qadhā of the fast missed. If there is

no fear of difficulty and weakness then to fast is more virtuous.

It has been mentioned in Badāe'i:

....then fasting whilst travelling is more virtuous than not fasting when a person is not troubled or

weakened by the fast and Imām Shāfi'ī v says not to fast is more virtuous based on the fact that fast-

ing during travel is Azimah and not to fast is Rukhsah......

(Shaykh Muftī ʿAbdur-Raḥīm Lājpūrī v)

Q. When can a person give Fidyah for his fast?

A. A person who has become so old that he has no ability to fast and there is also no hope in

the future that he may become able to do qadhā of these fasts, or a person has become se-

verely ill that he has no strength to fast and there is no hope of recovering in the future, in

these situations one should give fidyah i.e. For every fast give 1 and ¾ kg of wheat or its value

in cash or in form of clothes or religious books to the eligable . If after giving fidyah one be-

come fit to make qadhā of the missed fasts, then it will become necessary to do qadhā of them.

(Shaykh Muftī ʿAbdur-Raḥīm Lājpūrī v)

gggg Only Allāh S knows best gggg

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January 2018

Idris Choudhary / Khairah Loonat /M.Farhan Bobat /

Abdullah Loonat / M.Aryan Haque / Sumiyah Alam / Faiza Alam /

Haider Ahmed / Ammarah Tasneem / Abdul Hadi Khan/ Isa Ahmed /

Aliya Ahmed / Aysha Loonat / Rida Jalil / Ilyas Choudhary /

Ikram Ali / Hammad Hussain / M.Rayhaan Bobat / M.Amaan Khan /

Arya Haque / Laiba Hanif / Zara Alam / Isah Vasim / Zain Ahmed /

Ammaarah Salloo / Aisha Hussain / Halimah Loonat /

Madiha Akhter / Maisha Begum / Malaika Hoque / Tahia Hussain

February 2018

Khadija Loonat / Alima Hussain / Muhammad Rayaan /

Idris Choudhary / Khairah Loonat / M.Farhan Bobat /

Abdullah Loonat / Sumaiyah Alam / Faiza Alam / Aliya Ahmed /

Ayesha Loonat Aniqa Ismail / Ilyas Choudhary / M. Rayhan Bobat /

Sahil Zaheer / M.Arshad Loonat / Jiyad Choudhary / Hanna Adnan /

Zara Alam / Ahiza Batool / Isah Vasim / M.Muqeet Alam /

Aqif Zaheer / Hayyan Khalil / Ammaarah Salloo / Juwairiyyah Bibi /

Tanzeela Bibi / Halimah loonat / Imaan Ismail / Maisha Begum /

Yameen Dhali / Zakariyah Islam

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FEEDBACK... We would greatly appreciate your feedback, comments & suggestions.

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March 2018

Muhammad loonat / Mariyah Bobat / Noah Ali Ahmed / Khadija Loonat / Muhammad loonat / Mariyah Bobat / Noah Ali Ahmed / Khadija Loonat / Muhammad loonat / Mariyah Bobat / Noah Ali Ahmed / Khadija Loonat /

Khairah Loonat / M.Farhan Bobat / Abdullah Loonat / Laibah Ali / Sumaiyah Khairah Loonat / M.Farhan Bobat / Abdullah Loonat / Laibah Ali / Sumaiyah Khairah Loonat / M.Farhan Bobat / Abdullah Loonat / Laibah Ali / Sumaiyah

Alam / Faiza Alam / Husna Seedat / Adam Ali Ahmed / Abdul Hadi Khan / Alam / Faiza Alam / Husna Seedat / Adam Ali Ahmed / Abdul Hadi Khan / Alam / Faiza Alam / Husna Seedat / Adam Ali Ahmed / Abdul Hadi Khan /

Aliya Ahmed / Aysha Loonat / Rida Jalil / Ilyas Choudhary / Aliya Ahmed / Aysha Loonat / Rida Jalil / Ilyas Choudhary / Aliya Ahmed / Aysha Loonat / Rida Jalil / Ilyas Choudhary /

M.Rayhan Bobat / Jiyad Chudhary / Abid Hashimi / Hanna Adnan / M.Rayhan Bobat / Jiyad Chudhary / Abid Hashimi / Hanna Adnan / M.Rayhan Bobat / Jiyad Chudhary / Abid Hashimi / Hanna Adnan /

Arya Haque / Zara Alam / Isah Vasim / M.Muqeet Alam / Zain Ahmed / Arya Haque / Zara Alam / Isah Vasim / M.Muqeet Alam / Zain Ahmed / Arya Haque / Zara Alam / Isah Vasim / M.Muqeet Alam / Zain Ahmed /

Mahir Shahid / Ammaarah Salloo / Tanzeela Bibi / Aisha Hussain / Mahir Shahid / Ammaarah Salloo / Tanzeela Bibi / Aisha Hussain / Mahir Shahid / Ammaarah Salloo / Tanzeela Bibi / Aisha Hussain /

Madiha Akhter / Maisha Begum / Tahia Hussain / M.Tayyib Madiha Akhter / Maisha Begum / Tahia Hussain / M.Tayyib Madiha Akhter / Maisha Begum / Tahia Hussain / M.Tayyib

April 2018

Muhammad Loonat / Mariyah Bobat / Safa Imran / Khadija Loonat / Alima

Hussain / Amar Raeofi Rahmatullah / Khairah loonat / M.Farhan Bobat /

Laibah Ali / M.Aryan haque / Sumaiyah Alam / Faiza Alam / Husna Seedat /

Zaynab Khan / Halimah / Aliya Ahmed / Sana Raeofi / M.Ali Khan / Salima /

M.Rayhan Bobat / Ishtiyaak / M.Arshad Loonat / Hanna Adnan /

Elina Hussain / Amyra Ali / Zara Alam / Tanisha Amin / M.Muqeet Alam /

Omar Raeofi / Ammaarah Salloo / Halimah Loonat / Maisha Begum /

Tasfia Sajeda / Zakariyah Islam

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Abu Bakr t had a thin face with a clear cut profile. He was a man of delicate frame and medium height, fair in complexion

with a lofty forehead. He wore loose clothing a used to dye his grey hair red (by use of henna).

His real name was Abdullah which was given to him by Prophet s after accepting Islàm, therefore his kuniyah (family

name) was Abu Bakr, he was born two and a half years after ‘the year of the elephants’, in Makkah 573AD.

Abu Bakr t was the closet friend of Prophet s from youth until his death, making it a life-long friendship. Before Islàm,

Abu Bakr t accompanied Prophet s on many business trips and at the age of 18 he took to trade and business becom-

ing one of the richest traders in Makkah. Being a wealthy and successful businessman, he travelled to many places and

gained a lot of experience. He was extremely kind hearted and the Quraish trusted him with their belongings. On the day

Abu Bakr t embraced Islàm, he was in possession of 40,000 Dirhams, which gave away for the cause of Islàm.

When Prophet s began preaching Islàm to his closest companions, Abu Bakr t was the first adult male to accept

Islàm without hesitance, proving his trust in Prophet s. It was through Abu Bakr t efforts that the likes of Sayyid-

ina Uthmaan t, Zubair t, Abdur Rahman t and others embraced Islàm.

After the demise of Prophet s, Abu Bakr t took control of the situation calmly and was electedleader the new Khalifah

(leader) of the Muslims. The four main issues he faced were; 1) sayyidina Usaamah t expedition 2) false prophets 3)

renegade and 4) rebellions. He dealt with the issue very well. He had sent out armies to overcome with the trouble makers’

who were spread all around Arabia, the biggest issue was face with the Roman and Persian empires who were keen to

fight and destroy the Muslims.

Abu Bakr t married four time, twice before Islàm and twice after, from Qutaila he had Abdullah and Asma, from Umme

Rumaan he had Ayesha and Abdur Rahman, from Asma he had Muhammed and from Habibah he had Umme Kulthoom.

He t passed away on Monday 22nd Jumadul Aakhir 13 AH after falling ill.

(May Alah S be pleased with him)


( By Madiha Esha Year 8G)

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The Daughters of the Prophet s ( Ustadhji Mohammed Surti)

Alhamdulillah in the last episode of our regular col-

umn, we began to look at the life of the eldest daugh-

ter of our Beloved Nabi s, Hadhrat Zaynab . Con-

tinuing from the last episode, we ended at the point of

Hadhrat Zaynab life where she returned back to her

father, Prophet Muhammad s in Madina to continue

her life as she and her husband Abu Ash-Shams could

not continue their marriage together. So, the cousin of

Abu Ash-Shams, Kinanah, escorted Hadhrat Zaynab

to Zaid Bin Harith t, the latter then escorted

Hadhrat Zaynab back to Madina to her father

Prophet Muhammad s.

As the journey was long and tiring, Hadhrat Zaynab

longed for her father. Just like when a wife leaves her

house after marriage to move into the house of her

husband, that first returning journey back to the home

of her parents after marriage, but this time as a mar-

ried woman longing and desiring to meet the two peo-

ple in the world that loves them more than anyone,

similarly Hadhrat Zaynab desired and longed to

meet her father. When arriving in Madina her father

greeted her like any father would knowing how much

grief and trouble Hadhrat Zaynab had been


As the days would go by Hadhrat Zaynab would

wonder why she never heard from her husband. Even

though he never brought Imaan in Allāh S and Rasu-

lullah s, yet this is the same man that when the

Quraysh asked Abu Ash-Shams to divorce Hadhrat

Zaynab and they would give any women he de-

sired, his response was no. The same man who was

famous for his poetry, each time he left Hadhrat Zay-

nab for a trading expedition he would recite the po-

ems to her mentioning her sweet nature and also the

good manners of our Nabi s. She as a wife was ex-

pecting any time soon for her husband to come knock-

ing on the door for her, declaring that he had accepted

Islām. Even though she waited a long time, she never

lost hope in her husband’s return.

During this time, Abu Ash-Shams was on a trading

expedition to the Levant. While there, he was stopped

by the Muslim army, who blocked his way and took

his possession. Abu Ash-Shams fled from the army,

and found that his only rescue point was Madina and

his wife, Hadhrat Zaynab . He knocked on the door

of Hadhrat Zaynab ’s house and surprised her. She

exclaimed in confusion, “Welcome cousin! Are you at

last guided to what is right?” Abu Ash-Shams lowered

his head knowing that he was not there to accept the

truth, rather there to be saved. He said “In fact I did

not come as a Muslim. I came as a fugitive from the

Muslims in pursuit of me and I am seeking refuge

with you from them.”

Zaynab had mixed feelings, one being pain that she

did not hear the answer that she wanted to. A general

thing in life, that when we don’t hear something we

don’t want to hear, we feel frustrated with what has

been said. She said “Welcome Abu Ali, whoever

seeks refuge with the Messenger of Allāh s will

never be disappointed.”

As the night passed the Fajr Adhan was called. Zay-

nab felt her father Prophet s getting ready for the

prayer. She was going to declare to her father that she

had offered refuge for Abu Ash-Shams. However, she

had second thoughts and doubted whether her father (Continued on page 11)

This section of the Al - Hidayah (the guidance) has been allocated for our mothers

and sisters, various topics will be discussed hereunder, including the lives of many promi-

nent Shabiyaat, advices and recipes.

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would approve of her actions.

The Messenger of Allāh s made his way to the Masjid, as he was about to raise his voice for the Takbeer to start

the prayer with the Muslims behind, Zaynab found this moment to be the perfect moment. She brought her

head outside the door and cried in a loud voice, “I have offered refuge to Abul-’As bin Rabi‘. Her cry was heard

by all who attended that Fajr Salaah. When the Prophet s finished the prayer he said, “O people, did you hear

what I heard?” They said “Yes, O Messenger of Allāh s we heard what you heard”. The Prophet s then said,

“By him in whose hands my life lies, I did not know about this till I heard what you heard. The Muslims are one

hand against their enemies, and we will offer refuge to whomsoever she has offered it.”

(continued in next issue)

The Food of the Prophet s


’A’isha narrated, ‘One day the Messenger of Allāh s entered my house and said, “ls there anything here (to

eat)?” I said, ‘No,’ He said, “I shall then be fasting (today).” Then he came to us another day and we said to

him, 'Someone has offered us some hays as a gift.’ He then said, "Show it to me. I had been fasting since this

morning,” and he ate from it ( as it was a voluntary fast and not during the obligatory fasting of Ramaḍān).

(Related by Muslim.)

This was a sweet dish (a type of halwa), which was eaten at the time of Prophet s. This dish

only needs 3 ingredients and is very quick, simple and easy to make:


1. Ghee 250g

2. Pitted dates 500g

3. Finely grated paneer 500g

Serves 3 - 4 people


1. Start by melting ghee in a pot.

2. Once the ghee has melted, add the dates slowly, mixing until the dates turn into a paste

like consistency,

3. Slowly add the finely grated paneer to mixture

Note; All steps should be done on the lowest heat setting, and use a wooden spoon to mix.

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Taking Lesson from the Mi'raj.

by Mawlānā Yunus Patel Saheb v

In the Seerah of Rasulullah (Sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam), we read the beautiful ex-perience and miraculous journey of the Mi’raj. The journey from Makkah Shareef to Baitul Muqqaddas (Jerusalem) is known as Isra and the miraculous journey to the seven heavens and beyond is known as the Mi’raj. …Whilst every aspect of the Isra and Mi’raj offers great lessons, there is a lesson that comes to mind considering these times that we live in and the responsibilities and the trust that devolves upon those who have knowledge of Deen and who are in a position where they are able to influence the people. Our respected Muhadditheen have quoted Ahadith wherein Rasulullah (Sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam) related that during this journey he (Sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam) was offered wine and milk to drink. Some say that this was at Masjid-al-Aqsa and others say it was in the heavens, near Sidratul Muntahah. When Rasulullah (Sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam) accepted the milk, Hadhrat Jibra’eel (Alaihis Salaam) said: “You have adopted that which is Al-Fitrah. Had you taken the wine, your Ummah would have certainly gone astray.

Allāh Ta’ala blessed Rasulullah (Sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam) with a disposition which was pure and unadulterated and thus he (Sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam) in-clined to what is good and pure. Milk is pure and nourishing. …Hadhrat Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi (Rahmatullahi ‘alayh) explained that like milk provides nourish-ment and serves as a food and drink, similarly, the Deen of Islam offers complete spiritual nourishment. Rasulullah (Sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam) is Sayyidul Ambiyaa, Khaatamun Nabiyy-een and Imamul Muttaqeen. If he (Sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam) adopted the wrong action, then as Hadhrat Jibra’eel (Alaihis Salaam) had said, it would have had such an influence – such a great effect – on the entire Ummah, that the Ummah would have gone astray. There is a great lesson in this incident for those who are known as scholars, and for those who preach, and for those who sit on the Mimbars, and for people like myself who give Bayaans, Wa’az and Nasihah. A lot depends on such people. In whichever direction they go, the Ummah will follow. There will be a large following in whichever direction these people go. If a Scholar goes in the right direction, there will be a following in that direction and if he goes in the wrong direction, then too, there will be a following in the wrong di-rection. Hadhrat Mufti Muhammad Aashiq-e-Ilaahi Bulandshahri (Rahmatullahi ‘alayh) had said: “This statement of Hadhrat Jibra’eel (Alaihis Salaam) makes evident that the char-

acter and deeds of a leader have a direct impact on his followers.”

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One Minute Lesson By Mawlānā Adam Loonat (Al-Hidayah Foundation)

Sunnahs of Eating 1. Spread out a cloth (dastarkhan) on the floor (to

lay the food on)

2. Wash both hands up to the wrists,

3. Recite the bismillāh aloud,

4. Recite the masnoon du‘ā before eating,

5. Eat with the right hand,

Allāh S has blessed us with uncountable

blessings. Some blessings we can see, and

some blessings we cannot see. The human

body is from the great blessing from Allāh

S. This blessing has to be looked after. One

of the ways of looking after the human body

is that it is nourished with food. We all have

to eat. By eating we gain strength to work,

exercise, and worship Allāh S.

With a bit of effort from ourselves, the ac-

tion of eating which we all do, if we do it in

accordance to the method shown, explained

and described by our beloved Prophet s, this

action will become a means of bringing us

closer to Allāh S.

Point 1. Majority of us eat on the table us-

ing a spoon or even a knife & fork; whilst

this is permissible, the Sunnah method is

that we sit on the floor and eat. A cloth

should be spread out on the floor and upon

the cloth, the utensils should be placed. We

should use our hands to pick up the food to

place in our mouth. Other utensils should not

be used (unless the food item requires these


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For up to date details of our activities please visit our new website;

Make the Moment

When a person resolves to repent and strengthen his bond with Allāh S, there is no difference for

him between a Friday and any other day, or between Laylatul-Qadr and any other night. The most

blessed moment for such a person is that moment when he turns to Allāh S and says: “O Allāh, for-

give me! I have repented; I will not sin again.”

Shaykh Mawlānā Muhammad Saleem Dhorat hafizahullāh


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Through the grace and mercy of Allāh S and the du‘ās of our pious elders, we have managed to

raise £152,692* out of the £273,000 we need, we now need £120,308 to repay the loan which

is on Al-Hidayah Foundation. We urge all readers to take part in this humble effort of ours to spread

the true message of Islām throughout the world. You can contribute towards this noble project in

three ways:-


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