Download - The Parish Magazine of the Bridgnorth and Morville …... 2 Cross+Link September 2017 Beautiful Creation Thank you, Bridgnorth and District Art Society, The Camera Club, Eardington

Page 1: The Parish Magazine of the Bridgnorth and Morville …... 2 Cross+Link September 2017 Beautiful Creation Thank you, Bridgnorth and District Art Society, The Camera Club, Eardington 1 Cross+Link September 2017

CROSS+LINK Linking Parish Churches

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Linking Parish Churches

around Bridgnorth

The Parish Magazine of the Bridgnorth and Morville Parishes Team Ministry SEPTEMBER 2017 50p

9th September 2017

Page 2: The Parish Magazine of the Bridgnorth and Morville …... 2 Cross+Link September 2017 Beautiful Creation Thank you, Bridgnorth and District Art Society, The Camera Club, Eardington 2 Cross+Link September 2017

Beautiful Creation

Thank you, Bridgnorth and District Art Society, The Camera Club, Eardington

Nature Reserve, Sarah Cawdell, and members of the congregation, for their loan

of art, photographs and displays.

Thank you to those who helped put up and take down.

A celebration of creation not only through the images displayed but the coming

together of community groups to display their works making an interesting and

successful exhibition. Sandie

Letter from the Bishop of Ludlow

September is for many the start of a new academic year. Schools return and

following on from them are those who start at college or university. For

those leaving University and who are thankful for employment this month

often signals the beginning of a new chapter of life. For all of us

the Autumn with the celebration of harvest marks a new season. For good and

healthy reasons this season can embody thankfulness, optimism and promise.

There is, of course, another side to this. If we are ever lulled into thinking

that as the old saying goes... day by day and in every way things are getting

better and better... we only need to look at our newspapers and media apps to

know this is not the case, things don't simply improve of their own accord.

Whether it is the political upheavals in America, the wars in Syria and the Middle

East, the missile tests in North Korea, the unknown consequences of Brexit or

the continuing concerns for the environment, to name but some, we cannot

deny that trouble and a descent into chaos are present realities.

Our world is both a beautiful and joyous place and at the same time a place

of suffering and pain. It is similar for our human nature. As human beings, we

are capable of great heights and dark depths. Neither a naive optimism nor a

fatalistic pessimism will help. In this 500 year celebration of Martin Luther who

began the reformation, among the many insights he recovered was that of being

put right with God by grace alone and through faith alone. He shone a fresh light

of the realities of God's love and redeeming power in Jesus Christ that addressed

with realism our failures both personal and corporate. Martin Luther recovered

the good news of being declared rather than earning love, acceptance and

forgiveness. This gave new impetus to expressing that acceptance freely in life

changing behaviour that blesses others and transforms individuals and the

societies. As he shows us, there is something amazing about Grace. + Alistair

Page 3: The Parish Magazine of the Bridgnorth and Morville …... 2 Cross+Link September 2017 Beautiful Creation Thank you, Bridgnorth and District Art Society, The Camera Club, Eardington 3 Cross+Link September 2017

Clergy Thoughts - Clive Munday

It’s a great privilege to come here and serve as your curate, and to be asked to

contribute to “Clergy Thoughts” for the first time. I thought I’d share a reflection

triggered by a place Nagisa and I visited a few years ago.

In Hodogaya, a suburb of Yokohama, we walked through a peaceful open space

with immaculately tended grass and beautifully maintained shrubs and trees,

some clothed with spring blossom, amongst the regular rows of gravestones.

Here lie British and Allied servicemen, many of whom died as a result of neglect

or ill treatment as Prisoners of War, in this quiet Commonwealth War Cemetery

lovingly looked after by Japanese people on land described on a plaque at the

entrance as “The gift of the people of Japan”. At the head of the rows of graves

stands a large cross. As I, an Englishman, walked with my Japanese wife in this

place, tranquil today yet a reminder of the human suffering caused within living

memory by the past hostility between our two nations, the sight of this cross

brought to my mind the words of St. Paul: “For he is our peace, who has made

us both one, and has broken down the dividing wall of hostility” (Ephesians


In the context of Ephesians 2 Paul tells us that we are saved as God’s free gift

through faith, not by anything that we do (vv8 & 9), and that this has practical

effects in bringing together people of different backgrounds, both Jews who had

God’s commandments in the Old Testament, and Gentiles who had followed

other gods, whom Jews had previously avoided in order not to be led astray from

God. Now the way back to God has been opened up for all people, both those

who had God’s commandments and those who didn’t, by Jesus Christ who

reconciled “both to God in one body by the cross, thereby bringing hostility to an

end” (v16). Reconciliation to God should bring with it reconciliation to one

another, no matter what barriers society may seek to erect between us: “There is

neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor

female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:28).

Clearly that’s something we all need to work at - if it came naturally Paul would

have had no need to write about it, but the Church should be somewhere

where people who wouldn’t naturally get on with each other, people the world

thinks shouldn’t associate with each other, should be accepted, welcomed and

encouraged to become what God wants them to be and calls them to be.

God “through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of

reconciliation” (2 Corinthians 5:18). We can do this by telling people about Jesus,

Page 4: The Parish Magazine of the Bridgnorth and Morville …... 2 Cross+Link September 2017 Beautiful Creation Thank you, Bridgnorth and District Art Society, The Camera Club, Eardington 4 Cross+Link September 2017

St Mary Magdalene - Bridgnorth

August is traditionally the month of holidays and this is true of us at St Mary’s

with many of us going away at this time.

Many of our activities are suspended this month to allow us all to recharge our

batteries ready for the run up to Christmas!

One thing that has happened at St Mary’s is that sadly after 21 years the Friends

of St Mary’s has closed. The Friends have contributed both much pleasure and

hard work to the life of our church and it is with sadness that we see it come to

an end but like all things it has run its course.

I would however like to take this opportunity to pay tribute to the Friends and all

they have achieved. They have achieved so much I have decided the best way to

record it is in verse. So here goes.

21 years ago the Friends of St Mary’s was formed

And I am sorry to say this month its demise is mourned,

But rather than on our sad loss dwell

About what the Friends achieved I rather would tell,

I can’t possibility mention all they have achieved on this page

As to do so would take us into the next age,

So forgive me if I only pick out a few

But I hope I mention those that mean most to you,

The Friends was started with two things to do

The first was to help provide a kitchen and loo,

The second to help members have fellowship and fun

So events were arranged to see that was done,

When the kitchen and loo were safely installed

The friends went on to provide many other things, for which the church called,

This included, the sound system, carpets, candle stands, robes and chairs

And even included some clock repairs,

and our words can be all the more convincing if our life as the Church shows

reconciliation in action. We can also seek to be peacemakers in other ways; I

started with an illustration of an attempt to reconcile those who have suffered in

war with the nations that used to be their enemies, but at a more personal level

we can seek to respect and live at peace with those with whom we disagree. Last

year’s referendum and this year’s election have shown what a deeply divided

nation we are, and have often generated more heat than light. Can we be

examples of how to honour those with whom we disagree? As Jesus said:

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God” (Matthew


Page 5: The Parish Magazine of the Bridgnorth and Morville …... 2 Cross+Link September 2017 Beautiful Creation Thank you, Bridgnorth and District Art Society, The Camera Club, Eardington 5 Cross+Link September 2017

But Friends will be remembered for the fellowship we shared

Enjoying good times with people about who we cared, All of us members have enjoyed many days out

Yes us Friends certainly got out and about,

Here are some of the places we went Suffice to say our day trips were always an event,

Twice we flew the London Eye Both times we lucky enough to have a clear blue sky,

We went to York but it was too wet to amble But still the whole day was not a shamble, We went to Windsor and saw the Queen

Chester, Buxton, Liverpool and the Cotswolds are other places we have been, Kew gardens is a place we visited twice

The glass houses, lake and palace all very nice, Of culture we Friends were never afraid

And through the Ashmolean museum, Chatsworth House, Stratford upon Avon and Hampton Court did parade,

The Birmingham canal, Llangollen railway, Llandudno, and Western Park Wherever we went it was always a lark, We went to shows, too many to recall

But if I list a few you will get a flavour of them all, Evita,cats,42 Street, The Boyfriend, Top Hat, A Christmas Carol, Sound of Music, Guys and Dolls, Carousel, the Spirit of the Dance, the bodyguard, Sister Act, Jersey Boys, Me and My Girl and

Seven Brides for seven Brothers And yes there were so very many others,

Pantomimes, ballet and plays All gave a pleasant end to a great many days, The Friends were always very fond of eating

And our meals at the Down, Punch Bowl, golf club and chip shop took some beating,

We had bowling nights with supper thrown in All very competitive we wanted to win,

Harvest suppers and Christmas parties we did hold Remember the entertainment oh what stories could be told,

For a number of years a party for the elderly was given Organised by a committee who were truly driven,

Friends Songs of Praise have been held twice Each time the hymns chosen were all very nice,

There is so much more I would like to say But like the Friends it is time to call it a day,

There is just one more thing I would like to recall When talking about the success of it all,

All of this was entirely due to Chris O’Brien and her positive attitude To her, all the Friends owe an enormous debt of gratitude,

Thank you Chris for all you have done It really has been a lot of fun.

Catherine Wilson

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St Mary’s Chamber Choir

SOS! Sing on Saturdays

Rehearsals will resume on

Saturday 23rd September

in preparation for the

Advent Christmas Concert on

Saturday 2nd December

These take place at

10.00am - 11.30am in church

(St Mary’s - East Castle St).

New members are always


For further details: contact

John Turnock - 01746-716282 or

[email protected]

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St Mary Magdalene - Quatford

July brought a busy month for us with

three find raising events. We began

with our cream tea, this year held in

Church. It was a great success, well

attended, and enjoyed by all, a very

pleasant afternoon, and we were

pleased to welcome visitors from

Church Fields and Hollins Park. The

second fund raising event was the High

Street Charity stall, which also proved

to be a worthwhile venture. Luckily we

had a fine day which brought a steady

flow of "Saturday visitors" to the stall.

Thanks to all who help man the stall.

After a brief rest the third event

was upon us, the annual concert, on

Saturday 22nd July The evening began

with the choir performing a varied

programme, a few familiar pieces and

one or two new ones and although

several members of the choir were

away, as usual the choir rose to the

occasion and performed exceptionally

well. After a short interval, when

refreshments were served, musical

entertainer Trevor Wood lead the

second half of the evening with music

from the 50's, 60's and 70's including

some of Trevor's amusing "stories" and

anecdotes, and a quiz. Much singing

and laughter made for a most

enjoyable evening. Thanks to all who

donated food, helped to serve and of

course Carol and the choir.

At long last work has commenced on

the tower, work is well on schedule

and it is hoped that it will be finished

on time, presuming there are no

hidden sags!, and I am pleased to

report that the rest of the church

building remains in good order.

Finally, we have been pleased to

welcome Clive and Nagisa to Quatford

on two occasions (so far) and hope to

see more of them as they settle in


Rachel Edwards

St Calixtus - Astley Abbotts

Welcome back from our summer.

On one of the sunnier evenings we

welcomed our new curate Clive and his

wife Nagisa to the team courtesy of

Simon and Sarah who entertained us in

the rectory garden, we look forward to

seeing more of them.

We enjoyed listening to Liz Bird telling

us about the work the Food bank

undertakes, the congregation donated

food items and the collection, there is a

box at the back of the church for any

further donations.

We welcomed the twins Robert and

Amelia into the church at their

christening, John conducting the

service beautifully.

Our thanks go to Alan Foxall for

stepping into Stephen's shoes while he

was on holiday.

Rosemary Lake is kindly hosting a tea

Page 8: The Parish Magazine of the Bridgnorth and Morville …... 2 Cross+Link September 2017 Beautiful Creation Thank you, Bridgnorth and District Art Society, The Camera Club, Eardington 8 Cross+Link September 2017

St Peter and St Paul - Tasley

The Churchyard is looking very smart as

all the hedges have been cut. We have

had two weddings recently, so this

enabled the wedding guests to enjoy

the beautiful views across the

Shropshire countryside.

We enjoyed a very pleasant evening at

the Rectory, meeting Clive, the new

Curate, and his wife Nagisa. We look

forward to welcoming him at Tasley

and hope they will be very happy in


Our Coffee Morning was well supported

and the proceeds were divided between

the Church and the “Open Doors”


Tasley Social Committee start their

Autumn/Winter programme this month.

These events raise money for local

charities and are lots of fun and always

with a delicious supper. If you haven’t

been to one, do come and join us.

Forthcoming Events

Tasley Social Committee

Saturday 30th September - A Beetle

Drive in the Village Hall at 7pm. The

charity is Blood Bikes.

Saturday 21st October - “Flicks in the

Sticks” with a Fish & Chip Supper in the

Village Hall at 7pm. The Charity is the

local Stroke group.

Church Events

Sunday 8th October - Harvest Festival

Service in Church at 10.30am

Monday 9th October - Harvest Supper

in the village Hall at 7pm.

Tel 764881 to book any of the events.

Bob & Kathleen

St Peter and St Paul - 100 Club June Winners

1st 86 M Edwards

2nd 38 G Patrick

3rd 150 J Hirst


2018 is very special to Morville. It is the Church's 900th birthday of its Dedication.

A wide variety of events are being planned to occur throughout the year, to which

all, and especially members of the Bridgnorth Team are invited and welcome.

As soon as dates are finalised, they will be circulated; together with booking


July Winners

1st 85 A Murdo

2nd 62 T Oliver

3rd 104 S Young

party at Avebury on Thursday 7th

September at 3.00pm, £5 for

sandwiches, tea and cake, please come

and enjoy her peaceful garden tucked

away down Stocking Lane, Nordley.

Advance notice! Our Harvest Festival

will be held on Sunday 8th October.

Idonea and Shelah

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St Nicholas -

Oldbury and Eardington

I write this only a day or two after

paying in a legacy from the late Tony

Chandler. He was a good friend to St

Nicholas long before I pitched up in

Bridgnorth and is much missed. He

served as Treasurer for some years

and a Churchwarden too - a fount of

knowledge. Treasurers everywhere will

have this immediate sense of mixed

emotions: thankful and grateful to be

remembered in this way, but sad too

such supporters are indeed gone from

our sight and company. It gives me a

great hope for our future.

A reminder that on Saturday 9th

September the church is open for

‘Ride & Stride’ visitors with simple

refreshments available. On Sunday

17th September at 12noon in the place

of services in Oldbury all are welcome to

Eardington Village Hall for a Harvest

Festival Lunch (BBQ). This is always a

good occasion with favourite hymns and

tunes - and being fed afterwards. No

charge, but a retiring collection for a

worthy and worthwhile cause and Rev.

John Ward on good form with a harvest

tale or two.

Friday 29th September at 7pm for

7.30pm prompt start is ‘eyes down’ at a

fund-raising Bingo Night. The venue is

the recently refreshed Oldbury Village

Hall and entry is £5 each (adults and

children) which includes a fish and chip

supper. Please bring your own drinks.

Tickets will be available in about three

weeks’ time in church and from the

‘usual suspects’ and individual bingo

books to be purchased on the night.

Not officially announced yet, but in early

October no doubt Mike and Jo will be

arranging a St Nick’s Curry Night visit. A

night for socialising and fellowship with

the added threat of Mike and Jos’

devious quizzes! Keep your ears open!

Dorothy Leiper has been much exercised

in recent weeks along with our Vicar in

trying to trace a certain ‘last - resting’

place. Burial records have been pored

over at length! Not even Tony Norgove’s

encyclopaedic knowledge of graves has

helped. Visits have been made to the

archives in Shrewsbury and our

corporate knowledge of Oldbury and its

environs has been much enhanced, but

without the original query solved. More

research will follow, I’m sure (I hesitate

to say ‘digging’). Along parallel lines the

PCC has been looking into releasing an

area to the north of the church for

potential burials. As seemingly one of

the oldest parts, proof has be to made

that there are no ‘recent’ interments

(100 years - is recent!). Various hurdles

need to be jumped wi th the

Archdeacon’s authority to be sought

before any further developments - a

lengthy process me thinks.

We await confirmation that our new

plasterwork is fully dried out and thus

permission given for painting to

complete the roof work: eternally fine

and waterproof we are now awaiting the

last internal touches. Ken Biggs

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Works to the Dome and Cross of St Mary’s

Lightning does strike at least once! Or so we have discovered on the dome of St

Mary’s where a routine inspection of the bell tower ended up revealing lightening

damage to the very top of the dome. Happily we are insured against this and our

insurers are paying for the repair works to be done shortly. This will result in a

‘birdcage’ scaffold being erected around the top of the tower.

Whilst the repair work is being done it also makes sense for the cross on the top

to be repaired and regilded. This has not been done in over forty years, and the

gilding has worn away in this time. The result will be spectacular when it is

finished. The work on the cross will cost around £3,600 and we are hoping the

people may be prepared to make donations towards it not least as it will

transform one of the town’s most prominent landmarks. In the event of more

donations being received than are needed any surplus would be put towards

works on the church fabric or churchyard. Simon Cawdell

Every year in early September, the Shropshire Historic Churches Trust organises a

sponsored Ride and Stride. This is a great way of spending an enjoyable day

exploring Shropshire as well as making money for our own churches and for the

Trust. Half the money raised goes to our local church and the remainder to the

Trust which helps Shropshire’s churches by providing grants for maintenance and


Participants visit as many (or as few) churches as they wish, usually cycling

between them but walkers, horse riders and those arriving by car or mobility

scooter are also very welcome. You can choose to be sponsored for each church

or chapel visited or just for taking part. Many cycle with friends or as a family and

you can choose whether to visit locally or explore further afield. If you can’t Ride

+ Stride, why not fill your car with friends and drive between churches?

Most churches provide simple refreshments and at many you’ll also receive a

welcome from locals and maybe learn something about the church and its

fascinating history.

Several people have signed up to take part this year. To find out more about

getting involved or sponsoring someone, contact Sheila Royle (Tel. 766577) or

Blake Bromley (Tel. 765106) for St Mary’s, Bridgnorth or your local church

co-ordinator. Further details are on the website:

Ride and Stride for

Shropshire Churches

Saturday 9th September

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Produce Please,

We will be holding a autumn Fayre at St Marys, Bridgnorth, date to be arranged,

we are asking donations for the produce stall of, jams, chutneys, garden produce

fruit and veg and nearer the date - cakes. Look out for the date in the pew sheet,

Crosslink and announcements. Enquires Jane Parr 768467, Sandie 769271

The Shop at St Marys Bridgnorth

It is a very odd experience sitting in the garden on a hot July day putting

together a Christmas order; my husband is helping to put me in the mood by

whistling Christmas carols (he does this all year round!)

I have ordered nativity cribs by the shed full, flights of Angels, triple ordered

triptychs and on a new venture boxed Christmas cards; yes I have gone mad,

(I love Christmas) and hope our treasurer doesn't read this.

When the order is in it will be put out, hopefully by the middle of September.

Thank you for your continued support. Enquiries - Sandie 769271

Review - Orders of services

As you know we are planning a review of our orders of service. In order to help

with this there will be a workshop on September 16th from 2pm - 4pm followed

by tea and then a run of seven Mondays evenings to start with at the Rectory

from October 2nd starting at 7.30pm.

If you would like to be part of this group please let Sarah know (761573).

If you would like to come along to the workshop and find out a bit about how a

service is put together and why then this is a great opportunity to talk with


The Church of England has its constitution and theological understanding tied up

within the liturgy we use. I don't suppose we will solve any mysteries, but we

might come closer to understanding the questions together.

Sarah Cawdell

Help with Brass cleaning etc.

Can you spare an hour or so to help us keep St Mary's 'spick and span’?

Vacancies have occurred on both the Brass and General Cleaning Rotas.

Your turn on the Brass Rota would be every 5 or 6 weeks depending on how

many volunteers we get.

Please contact Helen Howell 763066 for the brass rota and Ann Clarke for the

general church cleaning rota.

Give it a try - it's quite satisfying!

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Demand for Food Bank increases

Bridgnorth Food Bank is experiencing an unprecedented level of requests for

food. During the last six months the number of families being helped has steadily

risen to over twenty each week. This represents well over 3000 items of food

each month, a staggering total which has put extreme pressure on stocks.

Thanks to the generous donations from local food retailers and the people of

Bridgnorth and surrounding areas this need is being met. However, £150 is being

spent on food each and every week to keep pace with demand and finances

will inevitably come under pressure if the current trend continues, which seems

likely with the introduction of Universal Benefit next spring.

The Food Bank also provides emotional support and advice on housing and other

issues facing the financially vulnerable.mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

If you can afford to donate just one item of food each week or make a financial

donation it will help to continue providing a valuable service to our community.

Information can be found on the Bridgnorth Food Bank Facebook page and

website. Liz Bird

Parish missioner

Following a successful funding bid from the Church Commissioners, at the end of

August the Diocese is going to be advertising for six parish missioners across the

whole diocese. One of them is to be based in Bridgnorth. We are delighted at the

outcome as it has been part of our vision for the renewal of parish life in

Bridgnorth. Interviews are due to be held at the beginning of October, and it is

hoped we will have someone in post for the beginning of the New Year.

A Missioner is a new style of minister to Bridgnorth. Missioners are spared

aspects of parish administration in order that they can concentrate their energies

on evangelism and discipleship. They performance is even measured by the new

people we see coming to faith, and the project under which we have received

money from the Church Commissioners for this has ambitious targets for the

number of new Christians we hope to see in the town as a result of our work

together with a missioner.

At this point we are asking your prayers that the right person applies for the post.

It is an exciting and challenging role to have, and we must pray that God is

calling someone even now to make the right application to assist us in our hopes

for a bright future for the Church here in Bridgnorth.

Simon & the Team

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21st October 2017

Chelmarsh Village Hall


WV16 6BA

Open 10am till 3pm

Free Entry

Stalls Selling Unique Gifts,

Jewellery, Artists work, Beautiful Cards,

Children’s Books, Candles & soaps, Hand made

wooden garden items, and many more …..

The local village hall is on the edge of


Refreshments provided and also raffle and

tombola stall


All money raised will go to the Restoration Fund

for Eardington Village Hall

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Shropshire Royal British Legion

County Festival of Remembrance

Tuesday 24th October 2017


Theatre Severn, Shrewsbury

The Royal British Legion in Shropshire invites one and all to join us for our

Annual Festival of Remembrance.

Compered by Eric Smith (BBC Radio Shropshire) the programme includes

the Shrewsbury Brass Band, Jigsaw Sound Choir, singer Sadie-Beth

and RAF Shawbury. The evening concludes with the formal Service of

Remembrance. All proceeds to The Poppy Appeal.

Tickets £10 available now from Theatre Severn box office 01743 281281

or email [email protected]

As this is our first time in the magazine

we thought we would encourage

you to come and see us.

This entitles you to an introductory *10%

off any of our products at Roobarb.

Including our new Italian designed

women’s clothing range, handbags,

scarves, hats and homeware.

Come and discover what we have on

Waterloo Terrace, Bridgnorth.

Telephone 01746 761061

*Terms and Conditions Apply. Please bring this magazine with you.

Page 16: The Parish Magazine of the Bridgnorth and Morville …... 2 Cross+Link September 2017 Beautiful Creation Thank you, Bridgnorth and District Art Society, The Camera Club, Eardington 16 Cross+Link September 2017


01.07.17 Ben Couchman/Louise Packer

26.07.17 Alex John Messenger/Sophie Louise Meacham

05.08.17 Robert John Burrows/Olivia Jacintha Pottinger

12.08.17 Daniel Richard Shinton/Sarah Jane Smith

12.08.17 Richard John Nokes/Claire Elizabeth Humphries

22.08.17 Luke Olleton/Sabrina Masih (Blessing)

26.08.17 John Henry Thomas Willdig/Sally Anne Goodall



02.07.17 Leo-James Perrins Fuller

02.07.17 Sarah Jamne Smith

23.07.17 Elsie Elizabeth Wright

06.08.17 Amelia Christine Hooper

06.08.17 Robert Edward Hooper

13.08.17 Macsen Harri Rutter


28.06.17 Richard William Todd

05.07.17 Janet Rose Bowen

13.07.17 Robert Peter Sankey

19.07.17 Alan Humpage

24.07.17 Edith Mary Jones

28.07.17 Sharon Dawes Waterworth

07.08.17 Kevan Stuart Bayliss

10.08.17 Clive Frederick Bray

18.08.17 Michael Francis Mapp

21.08.17 Gillian Shelton

23.08.17 Rose Mary Wall

Contact Linda on 07792 305 100

She Gardens offers the complete package; from all

aspects of garden maintenance, clearing an overgrown weed

infested area to a complete re-design. With RHS

qualifications, Gardeners’ World Live Gold and Silver Awards

and over 10 years’ experience, you can be assured that your

garden will flourish in Linda and Kerry’s hands.

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The Day Centre at the Community Centre behind

Innage Grange, needs volunteers - Monday, once a

month - to help serve tea, coffee and lunches and

generally just listen, chat and do quizzes etc.

Contact Jenny Smith, Area Coordinator for Age

Conce rn: jenny . smi th@ageuks

01952 201803 mobile 07905147444.

From September onwards -

Morning Prayer - 8.30am to 9.00am

Mondays to Thursdays

The clergy and the occasional congregation member meet

for Morning Prayer at St Mary’s for an 8.30am start each

morning, Monday to Thursday inclusive. We use set

prayers, Bible readings, a psalm and more informal prayer

as we pray for God’s world, our local communities, our

churches and those particularly in need. It lasts about 25

minutes. Do join us whenever you can.


New stock arrived, gifts with a music theme, we now have ...

Chopin Lizts

Chopin bags

Soviette napkins (Russian composers)

Manuscript wrapping paper

Music definitions on mugs ... and much more.

For your piety needs we also stock ...

Prayer cards

Pin badges

Key rings ... and again much more.

Do visit our shop in St Mary’s, Bridgnorth

Enquiries Sandie 769271

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St Mary’s with

St Leonard’s 200 Winning tickets in the July and August draws are as follows:

Ticket No

July - Winners Prize

172 Gillian Spencer £100

119 Laura King £20

116 Marjorie Hayward £10

139 Helen Payne £10

17 Catherine Wilson £10

152 Rita Bailey £10

58 Pam Smith £10

173 Christopher Gill £10

73 Anwen Arthur £5

108 Chris Blaze £5

Volunteer helpers needed -

Contact Emma - 07531 910180

Ticket No

August - Winners Prize

201 Roger Taylor £20

199 Dennis Russon £10

60 John Hammersley £10

51 Sue Rumble-Evans £10

9 Liz Howells £10

102 Jane Peeler £10

131 Chris O’Brien £10

43 Helen Howell £5

129 Jane Parr £5

Page 19: The Parish Magazine of the Bridgnorth and Morville …... 2 Cross+Link September 2017 Beautiful Creation Thank you, Bridgnorth and District Art Society, The Camera Club, Eardington 19 Cross+Link September 2017

Advertise here: promote yourself to the local community, and support the parish churches of Bridgnorth

St James’ Hall Church

For Hire

Lodge Lane, The Grove.

Available to hire.

Following extensive

renovation provides a

comfortable, welcome venue,

at a very reasonable cost.

Bookings: Liz Fisher

01746 764059 or


[email protected]

Volunteer helpers needed - Contact Emma - 07531 910180

Page 20: The Parish Magazine of the Bridgnorth and Morville …... 2 Cross+Link September 2017 Beautiful Creation Thank you, Bridgnorth and District Art Society, The Camera Club, Eardington 20 Cross+Link September 2017

Bridgnorth Handy People

Property maintenance and pest control

UPVC fascia, soffit and guttering Roof and chimney repairs

Gutter cleaning and repairs Re-felting sheds

Interior and exterior painting/decorating Tiling and re-sealing bathrooms

Hanging pictures, mirrors and so much more... No job too small

We also do pest control Rats, Mice, Wasps, Fleas and all the nasties

Competitive rates. Friendly and reliable.

Contact Jackie:

01746 218487 or 07891 168961

Bridgnorth Towns Women’s Guild

Meet on the first Wednesday in each month except January

At Greenfields Court Community Centre Greenfields Road, Bridgnorth

7.00pm for 7.30pm All New Members are very welcome

For further information contact: Mrs Connie Baines on 01746 761143

Praise & Prayer

An informal time to gather,

to worship, to pray, to be

4th Sunday of the month

24th Sept

22nd Oct

26th Nov

6.30pm for 7.00pm start

with refreshments

at St James’ Hall Church

Lodge Lane,

Bridgnorth, WV15 5DD

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Reach over 500 local households, and support your parish churches.

Advertise your local services here at very economical rates. Contact Mrs James 01952 461421 or email: [email protected]



FOOD OR MONEY Opening hours Mondays

10.30am – 12.30pm

Number Seven,

West Castle Street, Bridgnorth

01746 768129

[email protected]

Castle Kitchen will be open on alternate

Friday’s offering free lunch, support and

companionship to those in need. The

kitchen will offer fresh homemade soup

and a roll at no charge and we hope to

provide a service to all who have need

of a hot meal or someone to talk to in a

friendly environment.

Friday 8th Sept 12noon - 2.00pm

Friday 22nd Sept 12noon - 2.00pm

Friday 6th Oct 12noon - 2.00pm

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Revd Prebendary Simon Cawdell

- Rector

16 East Castle Street, WV16 4AL

01746 761573

[email protected]

Revd Sarah Cawdell - Team Vicar

01746 761573

[email protected]

Revd Marjorie Brooks

- Associate Vicar

01746 761942

[email protected]

Revd Clive Munday - Team Curate

41 Innage Lane, WV16 4HS

01746 766197

[email protected]

Reader in training

Mrs Jane Peeler 767043

Miss Emma Lambert - Children,

Families and Education Co-ordinator

07531910180 -

[email protected]

Honorary Assistant Ministers

Revd Hugh Patterson 765298

Revd John Webb 01384 295856

Revd John Ward 764758

Reader Emeritus

Sheila Hodgkins 763854

Local Ministry Development Group

Mrs Sandie Phillips 769271

Mrs Kay Prior 768259

Miss Sheila Royle 766577

Bridgnorth and Morville Parishes

Team Ministry

Team Office: St Leonard’s Hall Church,

Racecourse Drive,



WV16 4NR

Tel: 01746 767174

Open to personal callers:

Mon - 11.00am - 12.30pm

Tues - Thurs 8.30am - 11.30am

Fri - 8.30am - 10.30am

Email :

[email protected]

Website :

Princess Royal Hospital 01952 641222

NHS Direct 0845 4647

Shropdoc 0333 222 6655

Bridgnorth Hospital 762641

Bridgnorth Medical Practice 767121

Police non-emergency calls 101

Gas emergency 0800 111999

Electricity emergency 0800 056 8090

Shropshire Council 0845 678 9000

Bridgnorth Library 763358

Traveline (Buses) 0870 6082608

Bridgnorth Endowed School 762103

Oldbury Wells School 765454

St John’s Primary School 762061

St Leonard’s Primary School 762781

St Mary’s Primary School 763455

Castlefields Primary School 764072

St Leonard’s Church Custodian 769720

Royal Shrewsbury Hospital 01743 261000

Shropshire Fire and Rescue 01743 260260

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St Mary Magdalene, Bridgnorth


Mr Andrew Coley…07521 656076

Mrs Jane Parr...768467

Secretary Miss Catherine Wilson...761786

Treasurer Mr Martin Blackburn...766529

Verger Mr Roger Taylor...767345

Organists Dr John Turnock...716282

Mr Oliver Clarke...07545756869

St Nicholas, Oldbury


Mrs Dorothy Leiper...764514

Mrs Elaine Jones...766245

Secretary Mrs Diana Scutt...761679

Treasurer Mr Ken Biggs...01384 243372

Organist Mrs Carol Wall...764365

St Calixtus, Astley Abbotts


Mrs Idonea Pickering...763065

Mrs Shelah Westley...762871

Secretary Mrs Juanita Gennard...768674

Treasurer Miss Mary Tipton...763171

Organist Mr Stephen Lomas...768648

St Gregory the Great, Morville


Mr Barry Jenkinson...714009

Mr Tim Morris...789271

Treasurer Mrs Kathy Renshaw...789271

Aston Eyre


Mrs Margaret Cosh...714248

Mr Ian Morris...714378

Treasurer Mrs Shelley Caine...714362

St Mary Magdalene, Quatford


Mr Bob Curtis...766126

Miss Rachel Edwards...766146

Secretary Miss Rachel Edwards...766146

Treasurer Mrs Phyllis Taylor...762318

Organist Mrs Carol Wall...764365

St Peter and St Paul, Tasley


Mrs Kathleen Tobitt...769903

Mr Robert Turner...764881

Secretary Ms Lesley Edwards...761847

Treasurer Mrs Irene Rogers...765926

Organist Mr Stephen Lomas...768648

St Mary the Virgin, Acton Round


Mrs Bridget Chappuis...714035

Mr Thomas Kennedy...714360

Secretary Mrs Jayne Madeley...785751

Treasurer Mrs Susan Kennedy...714203

Upton Cressett Monkhopton


Mr Terry Fellows...01902 564748

Mrs Tammy Williamson...785576

Treasurer Mr Tim Morris...789271

St James’ Hall Church

Booking Secretary Mrs Liz Fisher...764059

[email protected]

St Leonards Hall Church

Booking Secretary Rachel Connelly...767660

Tasley Village Hall

Booking Secretary Rachel Connelly...767660

October issue copy date:

Wed 13th Sept 2017 at 1pm

If you would like to contribute to or receive a

copy of the magazine via email, please send your

name and email address to

[email protected] or

[email protected] - Cross+Link Editors

Jane Downing and Kathy James

Deadlines for Cross+Link articles for 2017

(Which means we go to PRINT on this date at 1pm!)

Oct - 13th Sept

Nov - 18th Oct

Dec/Jan - 15th Nov

Page 27: The Parish Magazine of the Bridgnorth and Morville …... 2 Cross+Link September 2017 Beautiful Creation Thank you, Bridgnorth and District Art Society, The Camera Club, Eardington 27 Cross+Link September 2017


27 Sun 2.00pm Wedding Oldbury Ch

27 Sun 7.00pm Ceilidh Astley Abbotts House

30 Wed 10.30am Holy Communion BCP St Mary’s Ch


30 Wed & 31 Thurs 1.30pm - 3.30pm Holiday Club St James’ Hall Ch


02 Sat 3.00pm Wedding St Mary’s Ch

04 Mon 7.15pm Tasley PCC Meeting Tasley Ch

05 Tues 9.30am - 10.30am Visiting Bell Ringers St Mary’s Ch

06 Wed 10.30am Holy Communion BCP St Mary’s Ch

07 Thurs 9.30am - 11.00am Little Stars St Mary’s Ch

07 Thurs 6.30pm - 8.00pm Youth Club from School Year 5 and upwards St James’ Hall Ch

09 Sat National Churches Trust - ‘Ride and Stride’ Churches of Bridgnorth

11 Mon 7.30pm Astley Abbotts PCC Meeting 5 Innage Gardens

12 Tues 7.30pm Team Council Meeting Rectory

13 Wed 10.00am - 3.00pm Quiet Garden Rectory

13 Wed 10.30am Holy Communion BCP St Mary’s Ch

14 Thurs 9.30am - 11.00am Little Stars St Mary’s Ch

14 Thurs 10.00am - 12noon Coffee Pot Oldbury Vill Hall

14 Thurs 6.30pm - 8.00pm Youth Club from School Year 5 and upwards St James’ Hall Ch

14 Thurs 7.30pm Healing Ministry Team Meeting Rectory

16 Sat TBC Wedding Morville Ch

17 Sun 12noon Harvest Celebration Eardington Vill Hall

18 Mon 7.30pm St Mary’s PCC Meetng Rectory

19 Tues 7.30pm Deanery Synod Ditton Priors Vill Hall

20 Wed 10.30am Holy Communion BCP St Mary’s Ch

21 Thurs 9.30am - 11.00am Little Stars St Mary’s Ch

21 Thurs 6.30pm - 8.00pm Youth Club from School Year 5 and upwards St James’ Hall Ch

23 Sat 10.00am - 11.30am St Mary’s Chamber Choir resume choir rehearsals St Mary’s Ch

23 Sat 7.00pm Froncyllite Male Voice Choir Concert St Mary’s Ch

25 Mon 7.30pm Morville PCC Meeting Morville Ch

26 Tues 3.00pm Harvest Service Oldbury Grange

26 Tues 7.00pm Oldbury PCC Meeting Oldbury Ch

27 Wed 10.30am Holy Communion BCP St Mary’s Ch

28 Thurs 9.30am - 11.00am Little Stars St Mary’s Ch

28 Thurs 6.30pm - 8.00pm Youth Club from School Year 5 and upwards St James’ Hall Ch

30 Sat 7.00pm Monkhopton Harvest Supper Morville Vill Hall


04 Wed 10.30am Holy Communion BCP St Mary’s Ch

05 Thurs 9.30am - 11.00am Little Stars St Mary’s Ch

05 Thurs 6.30pm - 8.00pm Youth Club from School Year 5 and upwards St James’ Hall Ch

11 Wed 10.30am Holy Communion BCP St Mary’s Ch

11 Wed 10.00am - 3.00pm Quiet Garden Rectory

12 Thurs 9.30am - 11.00am Little Stars St Mary’s Ch

12 Thurs 10.00am - 12noon Coffee Pot Oldbury Vill Hall

12 Thurs 6.30pm - 8.00pm Youth Club from School Year 5 and upwards St James’ Hall Ch

18 Wed 10.30am Holy Communion BCP St Mary’s Ch

19 Thurs 9.30am - 11.00am Little Stars St Mary’s Ch

19 Thurs 6.30pm - 8.00pm Youth Club from School Year 5 and upwards St James’ Hall Ch

21 Sat 2.00pm Wedding Acton Round Ch

25 Wed 10.30am Holy Communion BCP St Mary’s Ch

26 Thurs 9.30am - 11.00am Little Stars St Mary’s Ch

26 Thurs 6.30pm - 8.00pm Youth Club from School Year 5 and upwards St James’ Hall Ch

28 Sat 2.00pm Wedding St Mary’s Ch

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Anglican Church Services in September 2017

HC = Holy


MP = Morning


Trinity 12

Sunday 3rd

Trinity 13

Sunday 10th

Trinity 14

Sunday 17th

Trinity 15

Sunday 24th

St Mary



8.00am HC

10.30am HC

6.00pm Evensong

8.00am HC1662

10.30am HC

6.00pm Evensong

8.00am HC

10.30am HC

6.00pm Evensong

8.00am HC1662

10.30am FS &


6.00pm Evensong

St Mary



9.00am HC

12.30pm Baptism

9.00am HC1662 9.00am HC 9.00am HC

St Calixtus



9.00am HC 9.30am FS 9.00am HC 9.00am MP

St Nicholas


10.30am FS &

Baptism 10.30am HC

10.30am HC

12noon - Harvest

Festival - Eardington

Village Hall

10.30am HC

St Peter and

St Paul


10.30am HC 10.30am FS &

Baptism 10.30am HC 10.30am MP

St James’

Hall Church,

The Grove

6.30pm Praise &


St Leonard’s

Hall Church,


10.30am FS 10.30am FC

St Gregory

the Gt


11.00am HC 11.00am HC (SSch) 11.00am FS 11.00am FS

Aston Eyre 10.00am HC 10.00am MP

St Mary the

Virgin Acton


10.00am HC

Monkhopton 10.00am MP 6.00pm Harvest
