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The Palestinian Authority's Reformed

School Curriculum, Grades 1–11*


Selected Examples

October 2017

*This is a preliminary and partial review. It does not include all the new textbooks of the

first semester nor the second semester textbooks slated to be published by January

2018. All italicized sentences, quoted or unquoted, are translated from the original

Arabic texts, unless otherwise noted.


Martyrdom, Violent Struggle, Continual War and Religious Radicalization

1. Our Beautiful Language, Grade 3, Vol. 2, 2016, p. 64. The liberation of all of Palestine is described in a violent poem aimed at nine-year-olds. It calls for “sacrificing blood” to remove the Israeli enemy from the land by "eliminating the usurper" and to "annihilate the remnants of the foreigners."

We sing and remember: The Land of the Generous I vow I shall sacrifice my blood, to saturate the land of the generous and will eliminate the usurper from my country, and will annihilate the remnants of the foreigners. Oh the land of Al-Aqsa and the Haram, oh cradle of chivalry and generosity Patient, be patient as victory is ours, dawn is emerging from the oppression.

2. Mathematics, Grade 4, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 25.

Students instructed to calculate the number of martyrs in Palestinian uprisings as part of a math exercise. A photograph of a funeral is placed next to the question.

The number of martyrs of the First Intifada (the Intifada of Rocks) is 2026 martyrs, and the number of martyrs of the Al-Aqsa Intifada is 5,050. The number of martyrs in the two intifadas is_________Martyrs


3. Arabic Language, Grade 5, Vo.1, 2017, p. 27. Martyrdom and jihad are mentioned as "the most important meanings of life."

Giving one's life [fida'], sacrifice, fight, jihad, and struggle are the most important meanings of life, especially for a people suffering from the scourge of occupation, of siege, repression, harassment, demolition, and arrest; For freedom, the establishment of the state and self-determination. This is the Palestinian people who displayed the most beautiful pictures of belonging and steadfastness and gave birth to heroes armed with faith, knowledge and patriotism.

4. Islamic Education, Grade 10, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 39. Death is described as "privilege." Students are encouraged to take advantage of this privilege.

2. Courage and Audacity: The Muslim is not afraid of death since it is a privilege. Destiny is predestined and failure to strive and make the jihad does not increase one's age and courage does not diminish it. He rejects humiliation and disgrace and seeks glory and dignity for himself and his nation.

5. Arabic Language: Reading, Grammar, Presentations and Expression, Grade 11, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 19. An excerpt from "Don't Tell My Mother!" by Muhammad Barash suggests that children not obey parents' warnings when called to be martyrs.

And the last scene I saw before I found myself unconscious was that of a child who came running toward me, carrying a flag, shouting: martyr, martyr [shahid, shahid]!


6. Arabic Language, Grade 5, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 14. Dying is described as better than living in a chapter glorifying Palestinian martyrs. Those who seek to live fruitful, peaceful lives instead of taking the path of martyrs are criticized: "Drinking the cup of bitterness with glory is much sweeter than a pleasant long life accompanied by humiliation."

We are proud of them, we sing with their wonders, and study their march, and give their names to our children; we put their names on our streets and squares and the cultural places. We spray our gatherings with the perfume of their memory, and each of us wishes to be like them. They have decorated the pages of history. They taught people that drinking the cup of bitterness with glory is much sweeter than a pleasant long life accompanied by humiliation. Indeed, they created an illustrious history to the nation. They are the heroes.

7. Islamic Education, Grade 9, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 12. Students are taught that those who die as Martyrs [shahids] receive seventy-two virgin brides in paradise and other rewards.

1. Allah wishes to distinguish between the truthful and others, such as the hypocrites in fighting against infidels. 2. Allah wants to take martyrs (shuhada') from among the believers and honor them by martyrdom (shahadah) to forgive their sins and raise their class in Paradise. The Messenger of Allah said: "There are six qualities for martyr with Allah: he is forgiven in the first batch [of the resurrected dead], and sees his seat in Paradise, and is saved from the torment of the grave, and is safe during the Great Fear, a crown of honor is placed on his head, one sapphire from this [crown] is better than the entire world and what is in it, he will be married to seventy-two wives from among the Houris [virgin companions; Hoor al-'Ayn]; and he [may] intercede for seventy of his relatives." (Recited by Al-Tirmidhi, and corrected by Al-Albani.)


8. Islamic Education, Grade 11, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 99. Overall, Islam is (wrongly) characterized as a religion of war rather than of peace. A pessimistic statement affirms that war has always existed and always will. Islam accepts it as a religious "legal necessity."

War is a phenomenon that has accompanied humanity since the dawn of history, and in Islam it is a legal necessity [dharurah shar'iyyah] and it has controls and values before, during and after.

9. Islamic Education, Grade 11, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 12. The textbooks clearly teach that Jews and Israelis are doomed to destruction.

3. The corruption of the children of Israel in the land was and will be the cause of their annihilation, and this Islamic creed [sunnah] applies to every tyrant and oppressor.

10. Science and Life, Grade 7, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 77. Newton's Second Law is taught in a science textbook through the image of a boy with a slingshot targeting soldiers, to explain power, mass and tensile strength.

The text reads: Newton's Second Law: During the first Palestinian uprising, Palestinian youths used slingshots to confront the soldiers of the Zionist Occupation and defend themselves from their treacherous bullets. • What is the relationship between the elongation of the slingshot's rubber and the tensile strength affecting it? • What are the forces that influence the stone after its release from the slingshot?


11. Arabic Language, Grade 5, Vol. 1, 2017, pp. 13–14. Extremists are described as role models ("Each of us wishes to be like them . . . we put their names on our streets and squares and the cultural places") and their actions are glorified ("We are proud of them . . . and study their march") in a chapter named "Hooray for the Heroes." Dalal Mughrabi who participated and died in the 1978 PLO (Fatah) Coastal Road massacre in Israel killing thirty-eight civilians, including thirteen children on a bus full of local tourists is cited along with other individuals as a hero.

-P. 13 Hooray for the Heroes Heroes have a great place in every nation; they are the ones who sacrificed their souls and their money. Therefore, they are remembered, and the people are proud of them. Every nation is proud of having as many heroes as can be. And people, who may differ on many issues, all agree on cherishing their heroes. Because if not for them, the nations would be contemptible. -P. 14 We are proud of them, we sing with their wonders, and study their march, and give their names to our children; we put their names on our streets and squares and the cultural places. We spray our gatherings with the perfume of their memory, and each of us wishes to be like them. They have decorated the pages of history. They taught people that drinking the cup of bitterness with glory is much sweeter than a pleasant long life accompanied by humiliation. Indeed, they created an illustrious history to the nation. They are the heroes. Who among us will forget Khalid ibn al-Walid, Umm Ammarah Nusaybah bint Ka'ab Al Ansariyyah, Khawlah bint al-Azwar, Tariq ibn Ziyad, Saladin, [Saif ad-Din] Qutuz, Omar Al-Mukhtar, Izz Al-Din Al-Qassam, Dalal Al-Maghrabi, Yasir Arafat and others of these moons that never set, which light the darkness of our black nights? These are all embraced by our great homeland, ancient and modern, from Palestine to Egypt and Libya, all the way to Andalusia. These heroes are the crown of their nation, and they are the title of its glory, and they are the best among the generous and the best among the giving; they carried their lives in their palms, and threw them into danger. Their determination never


weakened, they never tired, or surrendered. Some reached their destiny as martyrs; others died for their pledge as proud heroes. These sacrifices and the heroic acts they offered were not for personal gain. They did not leave behind wealth, nor real estate, as all they did was for their faith, their peoples and their homelands. Therefore, they deserved to be called heroes, immortalized by history, and their memory remains as musk fragrance. Hooray for them and down with the cowards!

12. Islamic Education, Grade 5, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 56. Students are encouraged to "sacrifice" themselves for liberation of the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Banner: "I am a Muslim; I sacrifice for the liberation of Al-Aqsa Mosque."

"The liberation of Al-Aqsa Mosque is the duty of the Islamic Ummah."

13. Our Beautiful Language, Grade 2, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 42. Poem showing a boy and girl in uniform with a background of a blood-spilled path leading to Jerusalem. They commit themselves to conquer Haifa, Jaffa and Jerusalem.

I am a lion cub, I'm a flower/we gave our spirits to the revolution Our grandfathers built houses/for us in our free country I am a lion cub, I'm a flower/we carried the revolution's flame To Haifa, to Jaffa/to Al-Aqsa/to [Jerusalem's Dome of the Rock].


14. Our Beautiful Language, Grade 1, Vol. 2, 2016, p. 81. Violent struggle appears as early as the first-grade:

15. National Education and Socialization, Grade 4, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 59 [left pic]; Social Studies, Grade 5, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 51 [right pic]. Children are expected to become martyrs. The following illustration shows children in the classroom looking at their friend’s desk with the sign: “The Martyr.”

16. Recitation and Intonation, Grade 10, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 14. The following verse, from the Qur'an, calling to "kill them wherever you find them" is given within an exercise with no context or mitigating commentary:

". . . and kill them wherever you find them." (Nisa 4:89)


17. Islamic Education, Grade 8, Vol. 1, 2017, pp. 20–21. Permission to own slaves and "slave girls" will return "if slavery returns for some reason." - P. 20

It is permissible for them to enjoy wives, and slave girls, which they own as bondmaids, and anyone who does otherwise is among the transgressors to the limits ordained by Allah, and are exposed to His wrath. - P. 21

Clarification: Bondswomen: namely, slaves from among the women. The rule is that a Muslim is allowed to enjoy the slave girls that he owns; this is when slavery was widespread throughout the world. But today there are no slaves (bondswomen) at all, and Islam is for the liberation of man from slavery. The ruling in the verse is a historical judgment, which ended with the end of slavery and will return if slavery returns for some reason.

18. Arabic Language, Grade 10, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 18.

Palestinian children learn that they are part of a long history of martyrs who sanctify the soil with their blood, while dying in battles against invaders.

And the thousands of righteous and martyrs who have beautified her pure soil with their innocent blood and who have given her their pure souls. And they defend her from passing invaders and oppressive tyrants . . .

19. Islamic Education, Grade 8, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 57.

Palestinian Muslim girls are also encouraged to sacrifice their lives. This form of feminism espoused in the curriculum is a way for girls to achieve "equality" by their sacrifice. Islam is presented as a faith that raises the status of women, so they are "sisters to the men in sacrifice and altruism."

Islam raised the status of women, and honored them in a way no other religion had done; women in Islam are sisters to the men in sacrifice and altruism.


20. Arabic Language, Grade 5, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 45. Language textbook practicing pronouns, glorifies male and female martyrs and calls to redeem Palestine with "our souls, children and money."

My love, "Palestine is the land of our forefathers and grandfathers, we loved its land with surrender, and we breathed its air of perfume, redeeming it with our souls, our children and our possessions, and we tell about it [Palestine] to all the generations. On your behalf, I declare to the world that we will continue will continue to remain steadfast on its soil. Without you, we will not liberate it, for you are the source of inspiration for freedom, and from you came the fathers and mothers, the teachers, the male and female martyrs. Good were the ones that sacrificed and those who gave."

21. Islamic Education, Grade 5, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 36.

Students are instructed to "offer their souls" to defend Palestine and the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Jihad's objective among others is to liberate the occupied Islamic holy sites (such as Al-Aqsa) and support the oppressed.

D) The Muslim offers his soul in defense of his religion, homeland, and sanctities, foremost of which is Palestine and the Al-Aqsa Mosque, the place of our Prophet's night journey. E) One of the objectives of Jihad is to support the oppressed (nusrat al-mustaz'afin), protect religion and liberate the occupied Islamic holy sites.

22. Islamic Education, Grade 8, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 59. Students instructed to find examples of Palestinian women who became martyrs.

Palestinian women are given as examples of sacrifice and martyrdom [fida']. In cooperation with members of my group, I will mention some of them.


23. Physics, Grade 11, Vol. 1, 2017, pp. 72, 83. Physics textbook teaches the physical rule of circular motion while using a picture of a slingshot. The body of the text itself brings other examples such as amusement park rides and washing machines.

24. Islamic Education, Grade 6, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 26. Rewards to faithful Muslims emphasise sexual incentive. While the quotation below does not directly mention those dying in battle, the curriculum as a whole describes faithful Muslims as those who conduct jihad for the sake of Allah and die as martyrs.

The verses are followed by the mention of blessings to the faithful, where the fruit is easy to pick without any effort or trouble. And plenty of bliss and generosity from the Almighty. And the believer marries chaste women who had never been married before. And Allah likened these women with sapphires and coral in the intensity of their beauty. All of these blessings are rewarded by Allah to His faithful worshipers for their benevolence in this world. The reward for good deeds is a great indeed. All this requires us to persevere in thanking Him, and worshiping the way that He loves and which pleases Him.

25. Mathematics, Grade 3, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 14. Math is taught using an exercise around the number martyrs who died in the 2017 Gaza war.

The number of the Palestine martyrs during the aggression on the Gaza Strip in the year 2014 reached 2,139. * Write the number of martyrs in words; then read the number. * Write a number that is one greater than that number. * Write a number that is one smaller than that number.


26. Social Studies, Grade 9, Vol. 1, 2017, pp. 73–74. The curriculum showcases Islamist and nationalistic role models of female martyrs who carried the banner of resistance and liberation against colonialism and imperialism through armed struggle and terrorism. Here, Dalal Mughrabi, who in 1978 participated in a PLO attack, is portrayed as having killed more than thirty Israeli soldiers. In fact, the attack resulted in the murder of thirty-eight Israeli citizens, including thirteen children. -P. 73

*Picture of Dalal Mughrabi

1- What can we deduce from the images shown above? 2- We examine the methods used by the Arab states to achieve independence. 3- We discuss the role of Arab women in resisting colonialism.

- P. 74

Arab women had a prominent role in resisting Imperialism. They did not hesitate to join the bases of the revolutionaries and the training centers. They also led guerrilla operations against the occupation. They led the lists of martyrs, wounded and prisoners, such as Djamila Bouhired, who resisted French colonialism in Algeria and Dalal Mughrabi who led the Deir Yassin operation on the Palestinian coast in 1978, which resulted in the deaths of more than thirty soldiers. And many more women, apart from these two, who carried the banner of resistance and liberation in the face of colonialism.


27. Science and Life, Grade 8, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 53. A science exercise is entitled "The Stones Uprising and Elastic Potential Energy" the use of a slingshot against IDF soldiers is brought to teach elastic energy. Students are asked to answer specific questions as to the usefulness of the slingshot, energy transfer of the stone shot from the slingshot and safety precautions that should be taken when using a slingshot.

Activity 4: The Stones Uprising and Elastic Potential Energy: During the Palestinian Stone Uprising of 1987, the youth of Palestine used a slingshot or the "shu'ba" to confront the bullets of the Occupation army soldiers who were breaking in Palestinian towns. The Palestinians had no other means of defending themselves. Answer the questions: 1. Have you seen a slingshot in your environment? What are its uses? 2. What is its usefulness for shooting stones? How does it work? 3. Examine the forms of energy transformations of the stone, from the moment it is set in the slingshot position until its launch towards the target. 4. Formerly, bows and arrows were used as a means of self-defense. Explain the principle of how it [the bow] works in launching an arrow toward the goal and compare it with the principle of how slingshots worked in the Palestinian stone uprising. 5. What safety precautions should be taken into account when using the slingshot?

28. Islamic Education, Grade 7, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 81.

A lesson titled "Sacrifice and Redemption" teaches that nations should sacrifice their sons for Allah "to repel the enemy from the land of the Muslims"

2 - Sacrifice is the way of the nations to reach honor, power and freedom, and a nation that does not sacrifice its sons for its freedom will live as weak and inferior, therefore Islam requires sacrifice for the sake of Allah in order to repel the enemy from the land of the Muslims.


29. Islamic Education, Grade 9, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 10. Those fighting the jihad for Allah against the infidels who die as martyrs are described as faithful Muslims who secure entry to paradise and immortality.

This surah [Muhammad] was also called Surah Al-Qital [Fighting], because it includes fighting against the infidels. The surah covers the rules of fighting, prisoners, booty and the conditions of the hypocrites. The axis around which the Surah revolves is 'jihad for the sake of Allah.' The verses of the Surah promise the followers of the Messenger and those performing jihad in his path as defenders of his religion, the best in this world and immortality in the gardens of bliss in the Hereafter.

30. Mathematics, Grade 3, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 8. A grade 3 math exercise asks students to read a phrase, counting the number of martyrs in the First Intifada and then to write the correct number appearing in a list of other numbers.

Math exercise #11c: The number of the martyrs of the First Intifada is two thousand and twenty six martyrs.

31. Islamic Education, Grade 10, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 8. A Quranic verse known as the "Sword Verse" [Ayat al-Sayf], often quoted by Jihadi-Salafi leaders such as Abdullah Azzam and Osama bin Laden, is taught calling to "kill the polytheists."

And when the sacred months have passed, then kill the polytheists wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they should repent, establish prayer and give zakah [required charity], let them [go] on their way. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. (Taubah 9:5)


32. Mathamatics, Grade 9, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 96. In a chapter used to teach statistics, a frequency table features numbers of martyrs killed by Israel in various years with calculation exercises.

"The Jerusalem district is exposed to ongoing violence by the Israeli occupation against the holy sites of Islam, and its Palestinian population, resulting in the loss of property and life." The number of martyrs in district of Jerusalem during the period of 1994 - 2015, according to the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics is 156 martyrs. The number of martyrs according to the years is divided as follows: The number of years in which there were no martyrs during the period 1994 - 2015 is one year. The number of years in which there were two martyrs a year is . . .

33. Islamic Education, Grade 9, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 19.

"Fighting in the way of Allah" is an on-going necessity and avoiding war will lead to the spread of injustice while those who are not engaged in war will see the infidels overpowering the faithful.

Allah warns believers that ignoring His command and leaving the fighting [qital] in His path lead to the spread of injustice and corruption in the land and also to the spread of division and conflict, infighting [iqtital] and chaos, and infidels' imposing themselves on the believers. It also leads to severing womb-relations among the people [neglecting family visits]. Lessons and warnings learned from the verses: 1. Expose the hypocrites, and reveal their tricks. 2. Leaving jihad for the sake of Allah is the cause of corruption in the land. 3. Cutting womb [relations/visits] has the effect of ignoring Allah's command.


34. Islamic Education, Grade 8, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 77. Teens are taught that an important virtue in Islam is to give a donation to fund jihad by those not participating in jihad war.

2. Spending on jihad in the name of Allah: Allah has said: "strive [jihad] with your wealth and your lives in the cause of Allah." (Jihad for financial gain precedes jihad for one's life.)

35. Arabic Language, Grade 6, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 21. Names of dead martyrs—Palestinian and others—are mentioned in various contexts as heroes. Here, Omar Mukhtar (1858–1931) a famous Libyan jihad warrior, who was executed and also known as Sheikh of the Jihadists is mentioned in an exercise which reminds students of his heroism:

We will write the following sentence in the Naskh calligraphy style, and in Ruq'ah: Gaza City decided to commemorate the name of Omar Mukhtar in recognition of his heroism.

36. Islamic Education, Grade 6, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 20. Violent torments await the infidels on Resurrection Day.

Then Allah shows in these verses a few types of torment waiting for the infidels on Resurrection Day if they tried to escape, such as sending a flame of fire and melted copper upon them. There will be no helper for them on that day.


37. Arabic Language, Grade 10, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 133. Children are encouraged to offer their blood. Spilling their own blood is featured in Tawfiq Ziad's poem, "Remaining."

And [our] pure blood, we will not spare, will not spare, will not spare Here we have a past, a present and a future.

38. Islamic Education, Grade 9, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 13.

Infidels are doomed to annihilation and destruction as happened to other nations that challenged the Muslims.

Allah promised the believers pride, victory and steadfastness before their enemy, if they obeyed Him, and applied his law [sharia] and avoided His [declared] sins. Allah humiliated the infidels [kuffar] and nullified their deeds; for their disbelief [kufr] and their enmity and their abhorrence of the Book of Allah and His law. The infidels must observe and learn from what had happened to the previous nations as He annihilated them for their disbelief, and destroyed their villages. And they had no helper to prevent them from the torment of God Almighty.

39. Islamic Education, Grade 9, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 9. Jihad war and the fight against infidels occupy a central place in the curriculum as mentioned in an introduction to a chapter in a book teaching Islamic education. Students' are expected to "clarify the rules of jihad" and "deduce the wisdom of fighting the infidels."

[By the end of the lesson, students' are expected to]: 4 - Clarify the rules of jihad and prisoners referred to by the Holy Verses. 5 - Deduce the wisdom of fighting the infidels.


40. Social Studies, Grade 7, Vol. 1, 2017, pp.1, 3, 24. A seventh- grade social studies book is completely dedicated to the "Islamic State." The use of this particular term is telling, as IS (or ISIS) wreaks havoc across the region. The book includes lessons on The Expansion of the Islamic State in Asia, Africa, and Europe while students learn to "identify the strengths and weaknesses of the world's continents" and to "draw lessons and benefit from historical events" of the Islamic State.

The Extension of the Islamic State in the Continent of Europe: We will name the areas conquered by the Muslims in the Continent of Europe in the Umayyad [green] and Abbasid [red] Periods.

41. Islamic Education, Grade 5, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 16. Teachers are instructed to discuss with students "how to triumph over the Jewish occupiers in our time" by learning from past glories when Muslims and Arabs united and triumphed over their enemies.

O you who have believed, if you support Allah, He will support you and plant firmly your feet. (Surah Muhammad 47:7). In the light of this verse, the teacher will discuss with his students how to triumph over the Jewish occupiers in our time.


42. Islamic Education, Grade 8, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 38. Children are exposed to vivid presentations of the pleasures of paradise for believers and the fires of hell for unbelievers. [Picture of infidels falling into the fires of Hell from the Sirat Bridge]

And it remains before the entry of man to Paradise or the Fire of Hell to walk on the path (sirat), which is an elongated bridge over Hell, thinner than a hair, sharper than a sword. The monotheists, the followers of the prophets pass on it, each according to his deeds. Allah saves the believers from the fire, but the infidels are drawn into the fire.

43. Islamic Education, Grade 1, Vol. 2 (2016), p. 9.

Illustration represents part of the seventh verse of the first and most important Sura of the Qur'an. The people on fire seem to be those evoking God's anger, classically interpreted as the Jews, here being burned alive in hell. Those “who are astray” are classically interpreted to be Christians. The curriculum could have opted for one of the more universal and peaceful interpretations, which allow for the use of the Sura by all, as in interfaith gatherings.

"The path of those upon whom You have bestowed favor, not of those who have evoked [Your] anger or of those who are astray"


44. Islamic Education, Grade 11, Vol. 1, 2017, pp. 98–99. [Qur'anic references omitted] Emphasis on jihad exists once again explaining the two different kinds and purposes of jihad. To protect Muslims from the aggression of the infidels and to fight against those who stand in the face of the call for Islam.

The origin of the relations between Muslims and others is to be based on security and peace. War, which in Islam is called jihad, was deemed legal to protect the Muslim community from the aggression of the infidels and the arrogant, and to fight against those who stand in the face of the call for Islam (proselytizing). There are two types [of jihad wars]. 1. Defensive Jihad (jihad of pushing/removal [jihad daf']) is the jihad of the Muslims

for themselves and their homeland. 2. Offensive Jihad [jihad of wish (jihad talab)] is a fight against those who stand in

the face of the call to Islam [proselytizing]; prevent people from entering it of their own free will; discourage them from their religion; and does not allow the language of dialogue and understanding. Forcing people to disbelieve and torturing them to leave their religion is more severe than killing.

45. Islamic Education, Grade 10, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 21. The religious education textbook stresses preparation for war. It quotes a Qur'anic verse recommending the procurement of every means possible to terrify the enemy. There is no restriction on types of weapons.

The Holy Qur'an urged the need to prepare and plan to confront the unbeliever aggressors; in order to protect the religion, lift the injustice of Muslims and to disseminate the values of justice and freedom among the people. Allah says: 'Prepare whatever forces you are able, including warhorses to terrify Allah's enemies and yours.' (Anfal 8:60)


Hate for the Other

46. Social Studies, Grade 7, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 64. Children are taught that Israel carries out excavations under the Al-Aqsa Mosque to cause it to collapse. The following caricature reads: "We will think and observe the caricature and write a paragraph about the message the cartoonist wanted to give."

47. Islamic Education, Grade 5, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 54.

The Western Wall is part of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and belongs to Muslims alone.

The Wall of Buraq is part of the Western Wall of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and is a pure right for Muslims alone.


48. Arabic Language, Grade 7, Vol. 1, 2017, p 66. In an apparent referral to Israel, a linguistics textbook presents a poem on the fall of Jerusalem to "Satan's aides."

"Where are the horsemen [who will ride] towards Al-Aqsa [Mosque] to liberate it from the fist of unbelief, from the Satan's aides."

49. Social Studies, Grade 6, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 22.

Israel deliberately steals Palestinian archeological relics to eradicate Palestinian heritage.

Activity 6A: We will read, think and draw conclusions: One of the local news agencies brought the following news: -Palestine is the place on Earth where archaeological articles are plundered most. -Stealing Palestinian archaeological articles is an activity to which the Palestinian territories have been exposed since the [beginning of] Zionist occupation to this very day. This is an organized action in which the Zionist occupation has played a central role for the liquidation of Palestinian heritage.


50. Arabic Language, Grade 10, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 18. Jewish history and heritage are depicted as forgery. Rape is used as a metaphor.

And the thousands of righteous and martyrs who have beautified her pure soil with their innocent blood and who have given her their pure souls. And they defend her from passing invaders and oppressive tyrants, who flanked her in their treachery from all sides, and continue this day to pour on her their hate and despicable lewdness. They believe that they have held her by the forelock, and won the race at her racetrack, and succeeded, with brute force, by jumping over the centuries, to close down her radiant record of Arab culture, page after page, so that they could bring a distorted and amputated past into a present founded on plunder, coercion, forgery and rape. What they do not know is that they are deluding themselves, even if they broke the glands, and tore the dresses, and arrogated the reasons.

51. Geography and History of Palestine in the Modern Age, Grade 10, Vol. 1, 2017, p.36. Israel is blamed for the destruction of Palestinian environment and wildlife. Clockwise from the upper left: "Zionist Occupation's Destruction of the Palestinian Environment; the Wall of Annexation and Expansion; Forest Fires; Pollution of the Marine Environment."


52. Social Studies, Grade 7, Vol. 1, 2017, pp. 62–63. Jewish presence in Jerusalem prior to 1967 is erased—and Israel is accused of forging a history through fake historical relics. Israel changed the name of the Al-Buraq Wall into "the Wailing Wall, " replaced some of the city wall's stones with stones that have Zionist decorations and forms, built new Jewish synagogues in the Old City that never existed beforehand. - P. 62

I Learned: The Zionist Occupation pursued a policy of erasing Palestine’s Arab and Islamic features in general, and especially in Jerusalem. Since the first day of Jerusalem’s occupation, the Zionists started to change the identity of this Arab-Muslim city giving it [a city] a Zionist nature. They confiscated Palestinian land and built settlements there, harassed the Palestinian inhabitants in order to force them to leave Jerusalem so that the settlers would come in their stead, demolished houses and forced the inhabitants to emigrate, took their identity cards and separated Jerusalem from its Arab environment. They annexed Islamic historical sites to the Zionist heritage list, as they transformed the Al-Buraq Wall into the Wailing Wall; they destroyed the Mugrabi neighborhood and changed its Arab-Muslim nature; they removed some of the Jerusalem City Wall and put instead other ones with Zionist decorations and forms; they opened Jewish synagogues in Jerusalem’s Old City and they are striving painstakingly these days to gain control over the Noble Sanctuary [Al-Haram al-Sharif—the Arabic traditional name of the Temple Mount] by letting the Zionist settlers enter it daily in preparation for its complete takeover, cutting any Muslim connection to this place that is sacred to Muslim. - P. 63

4- The Zionist occupation changed the name 'Al-Buraq Wall' into 'the Wailing Wall [Hait al-Mabka in Arabic—the place of mourning]. Question 6: "I will specify some of the Zionist measures aimed at erasing the Arab and Islamic features in the city of Jerusalem."


53. National Education and Socialization, Grade 3, Vol. 2, 2016, p. 48. Nine-year-old children are taught that Israel purposefully blocks Palestinian ambulances on missions to save lives.

54. Social Studies, Grade 9, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 21. Israel "releases herds of pigs to cause havoc" and damage crops; Israel transformed Palestinian areas into dumps of poisonous refuse (intentionally) to pollute the Palestinian environment with radioactive and chemical materials leading to cancer; Israel deliberately floods Palestinian markets with outdated goods from the Israeli markets.

The Occupation has turned vast areas of the West Bank and Gaza Strip into toxic waste dumps and polluted the Palestinian environment with radioactive and chemical materials. This has led to a rise in the incidence of serious diseases, especially cancer. They [the Occupation] flooded their markets with outdated goods from the Zionist markets such as [used] cars and foodstuffs. They released herds of pigs that caused havoc among the population and their crops and launched missiles at manufacturing sites using false pretenses. And they [the Occupation] harnessed their various activities to serve their own goals and objectives and make it [the industrial sector] a sector that is unable to challenge their military procedures. This is reflected in the domination by the Occupation of imports and exports, production, currency, banks, money orders, taxes and other services.


55. Arab Language, Grade 10, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 17. Jerusalem will "spit out the slag of foreigners."

"The article draws the attention to the dangers surrounding Jerusalem, such as the foreign centers that overlook its spaces and stifle its breaths, the foreign wall that encircles its expanses, the checkpoints that restrict its movement and the Hebrew letter that threatens its culture's character. Yet, this is Jerusalem—a genuine and sacred land that spits out the slag of foreigners and pretenders."

56. Social Studies, Grade 9, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 10. The beginning of the Zionist movement is pushed back to 1856, some half a century before Herzl, the founding father of Zionism, created it in 1897. Thus, any Jewish presence at all in the Holy Land (even from 1856) is illegitimate.

Since the Zionist Movement established its first settlement known as 'Montefioriyyah' in 1856, southwest of the Jerusalem city wall, the series of divisions [actions] in Palestine has not stopped. It [i.e., the Zionist Movement] established settlements that included training centers and arms depots. After the Catastrophe [Nakba] of 1948 it ruled over more than 78 percent of Palestine’s territory. More than eight hundred fifty thousand Palestinians were made to emigrate and they and their families lived in refugee camps in Palestine and in the Diaspora. Nothing of it [Palestine] was left, except the Gaza Strip and the West Bank that were occupied [later] in 1967.


57. Social Studies, Grade 9, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 73. Resistance against imperialism is justified by armed struggle (Note the image of Dalal Mughrabi, bottom left)

What can we deduce from the images shown above? We examine the methods used by the Arab states to achieve independence. We discuss the role of Arab women in resisting colonialism.

58. Mathematics, Grade 3, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 12.

Math problem uses the issue of Palestinian prisoners to teach calculus in grade 3.

In the year two thousand and fourteen, the number of prisoners in the occupation prisons totaled 6,500 prisoners, while in the year the year two thousand and fifteen the number of prisoners was 6,800 prisoners. In what year was the number of prisoners larger?

59. Mathematics (Literature and Sharia), Grade 11, 2017, p. 55. A math question exemplifying a Jewish settler shooting at passing Palestinian cars is used to teach statistics and probabilty in mathematics for 11th Grade.

"One of the settlers fired at the cars passing by on one of the roads. If the probability of hitting the car with the first shot is 0.7 and the settler fired at 10 cars. What do you expect the number of vehicles hit to be?"


60. Geography and History of Palestine in the Modern Age, Grade 10, Vol. 1, 2017, pp. 47–48. Palestinian students learn Israel intends to dig tunnels under the Al-Aqsa Mosque to cause it to collapse, to Judaize the city demographically, expel Palestinians from it, and erase the city's Arab and Muslim identity. - P. 47

Actions by the occupation to Judiaize Jerusalem: Students to divide into groups, look at the two images, and then discuss the following points: * The Zionist occupation harming to the land of the city of Jerusalem and the antiquity of it. * The purpose of the ongoing Zionist excavations under the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and the dangers involved. * The difficulties suffered by Jerusalem residents as a result of the Zionist occupation. -PP. 47–48

Since the Zionist occupation conquered Jerusalem in 1967, it has begun to take control of it, Judaizing it and emptying it of its Palestinian residents in favor of increasing the settlers there. To achieve this, many measures were used against its residents, such as:


* Settlement policy; Expropriation of land; seizure of houses, eviction of residents from their homes and turning them into settlement neighborhoods; demolition of houses under various pretexts, imposition of enormous restrictions and taxes on building permits. * Construction of the annexation and separation wall isolated the city of Jerusalem and its neighborhoods from the rest of the Palestinian territories, and limited the freedom of Palestinians to enter. * Tunnel digging under the Al-Aqsa mosque and Old City's neighborhoods, that lead to undermining their foundations, where threatened their collapse. In addition, the Zionist occupation establishes religious institutions, Jewish archaeological museums to change the Arab and Islamic character of the city.

61. Mathematics, Grade 6, Vol. 1, 2017, pp. 13, 47. Math books are repeatedly used for political messages. - P. 13

The Anti-Annexation and Expansion Wall Authority takes measures to preserve the land and plantations. On Tree Day it planted 26 olive trees and 25 almond trees. Which of the two types of trees did the Authority plant more of? - P. 47

Abu Hatem owns a piece of land close to the Annexation and Expansion Wall. He wants to determine its area, in order to plant fruit trees. - The shape of the plot is: ______ - How does Abu Hatem find the area of the plot of land?


Israel is Erased – The One State Vision

62. Social Studies, Grade 6, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 53. The borders of modern Palestine are illustrated in a map (titled map of Palestine) and text explaining that Palestine extends "From the Mediterranean Sea in the west, to the Jordan River in the East, and from Lebanon and Syria in the north, to the Gulf of Aqaba and Egypt in the south is an area of approximately 27,000 km."

Palestine: is the geographical area that extends from the Mediterranean Sea in the west, to the Jordan River in the East, and from Lebanon and Syria in the north to the Gulf of Aqaba and Egypt in the south is an area of approximately 27,000 km

63. Geography, Grade 10, Vol. 1, 2017, pp. 55–56.

In a lesson titled "The cities of Palestine" (p. 41) the city of Jaffa is presented as a Palestinian city.


64. Mathematics, Grade 7, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 5; Geography, Grade 10, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 16. The Galilee mountains are Palestinian and the "highest mountain in Palestine" is Mt. Meron (Jabal al-Jarmaq), Israel's highest mountain, while the Sea of Galilee also in Palestine. - Mathematics, Grade 7, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 5.

"The Palestinian Galilee is located in the north of Palestine and includes the highest mountain in Palestine (Jabal al-Jarmaq) while Lake Tiberius is a direct continuation of the Great Rift Valley." - Geography, Grade 10, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 16.

The Northern Mountains (the Galilee Mountains): Extending from the Lebanese border to the Jezreel Valley. That is the location of Jabal al-Jarmaq [Mt. Meron], the highest mountain in Palestine, with a height of 1,208 meters above sea level, in addition to Jabal Hedar [Mt. Ha'ari] and Mount Canaan. The Galilee Mountains are an important area, due to the forests that cover them and due to the large amounts of rainfall and springs in them. Among the cities [in the Galilee] are Safed and Shefa-'Amr.


65. Geography, Grade 10, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 14; Mathematics, Grade 8, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 97. The entire Mediterranean shoreline from its northern point in Rosh Hanikra (Ras al-Naqoura) in Israel proper to Rafah in the Gaza strip is mentioned as "Palestine's Coastal Strip" in both geography and math textbooks. - Geography, Grade 10, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 14.

The length of the Palestinian coastal strip in the Mediterranean Sea from Ras al-Naqoura in the north to Rafah in the south is 240km . . . - Mathematics, Grade 8, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 97.

The length of the Palestinian coastal strip in the Mediterranean Sea from Ras al-Naqoura in the north to Rafah in the south is 224km . . .


66. Science and Life, Grade 4, Vol. 2, 2016, p. 4. A science book describes the weather conditions in the cities of Palestine on a map covering cities in Israel proper such as Jaffa, Haifa, Tiberias and Beersheba.

I discuss with my friends the weather conditions in Palestinian cities featured in the map.

67. Science and Life, Grade 8, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 82. The seashore of the city of Haifa in Israel proper is taught as "the shore of the Palestinian city of Haifa."

Think and discuss: It seems that the size of the sun is smaller than the size of the rock on the shore of the Palestinian city of Haifa.


68. Our Beautiful Language, Grade 3, Vol. 1, 2017, pp. 104, 106. The city of Jaffa presented as a Palestinian city in a poem for nine-year-olds.

The City of Jaffa I am Jaffa; I am the Sea Bride; I am a Palestinian city. Your ancient Arab forefathers built me six thousand years ago on the Mediterranean coast. Among the questions: 2. When did the Arabs build the city of Jaffa?

69. Geography, Grade 10, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 15.

The Jezreel (Marj Ibn Amer) and Beit Netofa (Batuf) valleys in Israel proper are mentioned as Palestinian valleys.

2- Inner Valleys There are many valleys in Palestine and they vary in size from one area to another. Examples include plains: Marj Ibn Amer, Batuf, Sanur, Arrabah and Hawara. Left picture- Batuf Valley: Located northeast of Nazareth, covers an area of 52 km2. Right picture- Marj Ibn Amer Valley located between the Galilee Mountains and the mountains of Nablus, covers an area of 351 km2.


70. Social Studies, Grade 6, Vol. 1, 2017, pp. 8, 13. Students are asked to take a look at map titled "Map of Palestine" that covers all the territory of Israel proper and to "note the names of the Palestinian cities", to calculate the "distance between Haifa and Jaffa" and "the length of the Palestinian-Egyptian border."

71. Geography, Grade 10, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 10. Israel is erased in a geography map (left) and while cities in Israel proper such as Jaffa, Haifa, Safed, Tiberius, Acre and Nazareth are considered Palestinian (right).


72. Social Studies, Grade 8, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 9. The territory of Palestine is includes the territory of Israel (27,000KM).

73. Social Studies, Grade 7, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 9. The Dead Sea is solely Palestinian.

The saltiest sea in the world (the Dead Sea), located between Palestine and Jordan . . .

74. National Education and Socialization, Grade 3, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 27.

Jewish presence and holy sites in Jerusalem are ignored:

The holy places in Jerusalem: Al-Aqsa Mosque, the Dome of the Rock, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher.


75. National Education and Socialization, Grade 2, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 13. From a national education book, a map exercise covers a Palestine that does not include Israel:

Final Activity: We will draw the map of our country with our bodies.

76. Mathematics, Grade 3, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 10. Again, Mount Meron, the highest mountain located in Israel proper (Upper Galilee), is mentioned as the highest mountain in Palestine (Jabal al-Jarmaq) in a grade 3 math exercise.

B. The height of Jabal al-Jarmaq is 1208 meters C. In 2012 the number of the inhabitants of the al-Fari'ah [refugee] camp totaled - 7,830 people. D. The confirmation [by Israel of the decision] to build the racist separation wall was done in 2002.


77. Geography, Grade 10, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 21; Mathematics, Grade 10, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 68. The Negev Desert is specified as Palestinian territory in a geography textbook and in a math exercise teaching linear correlation. The map and text presented include communities, such as Rahat, that were established by Israel which isn't mentioned. - Geography, Grade 10, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 21.

I learned: The Negev plateau constitutes about half of the area of Palestine, complies it's [Palestine's] southern half, the plateau holds a triangular shape, which its base is in the northern part, and its head is in the Gulf of Aqaba. - Mathematics, Grade 10, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 68.

The Negev Desert constitutes more than a third of territory of Palestine, and includes many cities such as Hura and Arara. Ahmed went on a school trip to the Negev, and was acquainted with many Palestinian cities.


78. Geography, Grade 11, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 103. Israel is erased again in Geography studies.

79. National Education and Socialization, Grade 2, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 12. Images of sites associated with the names of Palestinian cities that are in Israel proper, including the Al-Jazzar Mosque in Acre and the Church of the Annunciation in Nazareth.


80. Social Studies, Grade 8, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 7. Israel existence is erased, this time in social studies textbook.

81. Mathematics, Grade 3, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 82. A political map of Israel, the West Bank and Gaza, under the heading "My Homeland Palestine," with an exercise to fill in the blanks with cities in Palestine which are in Israel proper. Neighboring countries, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Egypt are mentioned but Israel is excluded.

"My homeland Palestine" 1: Jerusalem is the eternal capital of Palestine I will connect between the points that mark each [group of] two cities: 1. The capital (Jerusalem) and Ramla; 2. The capital (Jerusalem) and Hebron; 3. Hebron and Ramla.


82. Social Studies, Grade 5, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 22. Palestine (in red), is at the center of the Arab Homeland. Israel is not on the map.

83. Geography, Grade 11, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 92. The Golan Heights are "located along the Palestinian borders."

Golan Heights: Syrian territory, occupied by Israel in the 1967 war, located along the Palestinian borders. The occupied area is estimated to be about 1800 km2.


84. Mathematics, Grade 2, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 40. Math exercise featuring temperatures in Palestinian cities, among them, Haifa in Israel proper.

My project: I will list the highest temperature (in the day) and the lowest temperature (at night) in several Palestinian cities in the following table and answer questions on the following cities: Jericho, Jerusalem, Jenin, Gaza, Haifa.

85. Geography, Grade 10, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 4.

Map of Palestine - Israel and Israeli sites are not designated - exercise in geography includes only "classic" Palestinian names with significant Arab populations. Israeli cities in Israel proper such as Jaffa, Acre, Safed, Haifa, Nazareth, Tiberias, Lod and Ramla, Beersheba are typically included and described as Palestinian while Tel-Aviv is excluded and Eilat is designated as Um-Rashrash.


86. Our Beautiful Language, Grade 2, Vol. 2, 2016, p. 12. The poem “Peace upon Our Hills,” is presented against the background of a map representing the one-state Palestinian homeland. The poem includes the expressions “Peace upon my dear homeland” and “We love you my dear homeland.”

87. Science and Life, Grade 6, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 107. Attached to a math exercise, with references to Palestinian prisoners, Israel is eradicated in is this map.

Question 10: Fida and her family went to visit her imprisoned father in Ofer prison in Beitunia, 4.5 km west of Ramallah. Their vehicle left Tulkarm at 6:00 am and reached the prison at 8:00 am. Knowing that the distance between Tulkarm and Ramallah is approximately 60 km, answer the following: 1. What is the average speed of the bus taken by Fida and her family? 2. Describe the location of Ramallah relative to Jerusalem.


88. Social Studies, Grade 5, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 23. The following description explains Palestine's geographical location and mentions its bordering countiers notably excluding Israel.

Palestine is located in the northern half of the globe, in the western part of the continent of Asia. It is one of the countries of the (Levant [bilad al-sham], Palestine, Syria, Jordan and Lebanon), bordered to the north by Lebanon and Syria, to the east by Jordan, and to the south by Egypt and the Gulf of Aqaba. Palestine's location forms a connecting link among the continents of Asia, Africa and Europe. It is located at the heart of the Arab homeland and the Islamic world, which remained through history as a conduit for commercial convoys. This has facilitated the process of communication with the outside world, and given many of its cities historical, religious or economic importance, especially Jerusalem.

89. Geography, Grade 10, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 8. "Map of the Borders of Palestine" with the word "Palestine" on all of the land excludes Israel but includes Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Turkey and Cyprus.


90. Arabic Language, Grade 5, Vol. 1, 2017, p. 82. Graphic descriptions of "body parts" in discussing the Nakba, while stating the desire to “return to raise the flag of Palestine . . . on our green hills" are taught in a story on the escape from Safed to eleven-year-olds.

"I sit every morning here, at the camp's gate, living [through] my memories that have never left me for years. They come to me every day, take me by the hand there, to Safed. I find myself standing in front of my house's doorstep, entrusting in God's hands everything in it until my return. My sojourn in exile will not be long—so I was told. I left everything I loved inside my house, closed its door, put the key in my pocket and carried my memories with me. I left Safed against my will with my heart full of panic, bewilderment and pain. I left behind the corpses of my friends, and the body parts of my neighbors, I could not bury them; everyone was running, fear covered the faces, the pain breaking the hearts, and we were walking in a hurry. I did not know then that I would get older in a house that is not my own and that I would bring my children to the world in a place called 'refugee camp'. I did not know that I would hide my house's key under my pillow for over sixty years. I did not know that the promises would be empty and shrouded with lies. I could see the crawl of the enemies sweeping my country, but I was telling myself I would return. The days went on, and the years passed, and I remained in the refugee camp. I stood in the corner of the dream, fighting, confident that we will return, we will return with the hovering eagles, we will return with the mighty wind, we will return to the vineyard and the olives, we will return, to raise the flag of Palestine, alongside the flower of the anemone, on our green hills "



The following Arabic-language textbooks monitored for the research in this study may be found at the IMPACT-se library in Jerusalem. The titles both here and referenced in the text have been translated into English to aid the reader.

Arabic Language, Grade 5, Vol.1, 2017. Arabic Language, Grade 6, Vol.1, 2017. Arabic Language, Grade 7, Vol. 1, 2017. Arabic Language, Grade 8, Vol. 1, 2017. Arabic Language, Grade 9, Vol. 1, 2017. Arabic Language, Grade 10, Vol. 1, 2017. Arabic Language: Reading, Grammar, Presentations and Expression, Grade 11, Vol. 1, 2017. Arabic Language: Literature and Rhetoric¸ Vol. 2, Grade 11, 2017.

Chemistry (Science and Agriculture), Grade 11, 2017. Chemistry (Academic), Grade 10, Vo1. 1, 2017.

Entrepreneurship (Technology), Grade 11, 2017.

Geography and History of Palestine in the Modern Age, Grade 10, Vol. 1, 2017. Geography, Grade 11, Vol. 1, 2017.

History, Grade 11, Vol. 1, 2017.

Islamic Education, Grade 1, Vol. 2, 2016. Islamic Education, Grade 5, Vol. 1, 2017. Islamic Education, Grade 6, Vol. 1, 2017. Islamic Education, Grade 7, Vol. 1, 2017. Islamic Education, Grade 8, Vol. 1, 2017. Islamic Education, Grade 9, Vol. 1, 2017. Islamic Education, Grade 10, Vol. 1, 2017. Islamic Education, Grade 11, Vol. 1, 2017.

Life Sciences, Grade 10, 2017. Life Sciences (Science and Agriculture), Grade 11, Vol. 1, 2017.

Management and Economics (Entrepreneurship and Business), Grade 11, Vol. 1, 2017.

Mathematics, Grade 5, Vol. 1, 2017. Mathematics, Grade 6, Vol. 1, 2017. Mathematics, Grade 7, Vol. 1, 2017. Mathematics, Grade 8, Vol. 1, 2017. Mathematics, Grade 9, Vol. 1, 2017. Mathematics, Grade 10, Vol. 1, 2017. Mathematics (Business Leadership, Hotel, Home Economics, Agriculture), Grade 11, 2017. Mathematics (Science and Industrial), Grade 11, Vol. 1, 2017. Mathematics (Literature and Sharia), Grade 11, 2017.

National Education and Socialization, Grade 2, Vol. 1, 2017. National Education and Socialization, Grade 3, Vol. 1, 2017. National Education and Socialization, Grade 3, Vol. 2, 2016. National Education and Socialization, Grade 4, Vol. 1, 2017.


Our Beautiful Language, Grade 1, Vol. 2, 2016. Our Beautiful Language, Grade 2, Vol. 2, 2016. Our Beautiful Language, Grade 3, Vol. 2, 2016.

Physics, Grade 10, Vol. 1, 2017. Physics, Grade 11, Vol. 1, 2017.

Programming and Automation, Grade 11, 2017.

Recitation and Intonation, Grade 5, 2017. Recitation and Intonation, Grade 6, 2017. Recitation and Intonation, Grade 7, 2017. Recitation and Intonation, Grade 8, 2017. Recitation and Intonation, Grade 10, 2017.

Science and Life, Grade 4, Vol. 2, 2016. Science and Life, Grade 5, Vol. 1, 2017. Science and Life, Grade 6, Vol. 1, 2017. Science and Life, Grade 7, Vol. 1, 2017. Science and Life, Grade 8, Vol. 1, 2017. Science and Life, Grade 9, Vol. 1, 2017

Scientific Education, Grade 11, Vol. 1, 2017.

Small Projects Entrepreneurship, Grade 11, 2017.

Social Studies, Grade 5, Vol. 1, 2017. Social Studies, Grade 6, Vol. 1, 2017. Social Studies, Grade 7, Vol. 1, 2017. Social Studies, Grade 8, Vol. 1, 2017. Social Studies, Grade 9, Vol. 1, 2017.

Technology, Grade 5, 2016. Technology, Grade 6, 2016. Technology, Grade 7, 2016. Technology, Grade 8, 2016. Technology, Grade 9, 2017. Technology, Grade 10, 2017. Technology, Grade 11, 2016.