Download - The Other 3Rs Project Creating the Other 3Rs Teacher Training and Curriculum A Project of the American Psychological Association Funded by the McDonnell.


The Other 3Rs ProjectThe Other 3Rs ProjectThe Other 3Rs ProjectThe Other 3Rs ProjectCreating the Other 3Rs Teacher Creating the Other 3Rs Teacher

Training and CurriculumTraining and Curriculum

A Project of the American A Project of the American Psychological AssociationPsychological Association

Funded by the McDonnell FoundationFunded by the McDonnell Foundation

Twin GoalsCreate a curriculum that teachers would not view as an add on!

Create a training workshop that would allow teachers to practice project-created activities and begin to use The Other 3Rs with their own activities.

Twin GoalsCreate a curriculum that teachers would not view as an add on!


Practical reasons…

Political reasons…

Teacher buy-in

Principal buy-in

Achieving the Goal

• MCPS Team

– Rose Furr (Staff Development Teacher Garrett Park,


– Debbie Roberts (Instructional Specialist)

– Sandra Shmookler (Special Assistant to the Chief Operating Officer)

• APA Writing Team

– Russ Wright (consultant), Jeanine Cogan

Our Approach

• Begin with the MCPS Curriculum Goals and National Standards

• Create Other 3Rs activities similar to existing activities

• Design the training workshops

• Encourage the use of the Problem-Solving Model with all problems and activities

Start with Goals and Standards

MCPS Mathematics Curriculum Framework use estimation techniques to determine solutions to problems with whole numbers.

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Standards

Number and Operations StandardInstructional programs from pre-kindergarten through grade 12 should enable all students to—

Compute fluently and make reasonable estimates

How Can I Estimate All These Smiles?

Last night we had a joke-telling contest at the school. Everyone had a good time, but we forgot to count the people.

Now we need to know about how many people were there. Work with a partner to estimate the number of people in this picture.

MCPS Reading for Literary Experience.When you read for literaryexperience:• think about the problems and events• think about what will happen next• think about how the problems are solved

National Council of Teachers of English Standards

3. Students apply a wide range of strategies to comprehend, interpret, evaluate, and appreciate texts.

Start with Goals and Standards


The Problem at Shaker Grove School

Shaker Grove is the name of a school. It got its name from the town of Shaker Grove in the southwest corner of Pennsylvania.

The Activity Set

Session 2 Mathematics Reading

Session 3 Mathematics Interpersonal

Session 4 Mathematics Science

Session 5 Mathematics Social Studies

Designing the Training

In ClassIntroduce activityPractice activity Discuss what happenedPlan

HomeworkUse activity with

studentsModify existing


Back in ClassShare experiences