Download - The Opelousas courier (Opelousas, La.) 1859-07-23 …...git ar pid aAMir Every eaelM. bring $ sumer consp, 2 winter ast; 2 pair summer pantalpons, pr win ter pantaloons 2 emir ' vesta,.


se~~i fi A t o p grp k 9 a i 4 e

____ ~-CtPU;*ft5 ____

L. ~7. oPAs OF ST. ~LANDRIY, (Louisiana,) JULY 23d, 1859. No. 3.Wii

,oltars,1, ,o subesept, , W+ u•"led fos at pri t•ian ne e, u; ,- ;g4ut• wrsin

to disco ne, mste te a dtrigg hall sj e t o -fee sad nettle epor i

r tis ll i r •• -t ,wll be stedelat5 cents par on.A liberal h yearly andstandig dvst mets.All thens.imieay w.Il be iserted in french

td iiti 1 the editor shall judge it conve-pient to discontinued thp publicsp. .

No advertisemenit or a ts o wil besteppeduntil aut the strearege are m ess at hetione of the publisher.u

No election tickets or other jopatewithoutthe money, or the person oiderung t•m obe print-*ed ias a oible per son.

Tea dotiares in idvane' win i4si .aialy be e-quired forthe anaoounemenatofeeddateefodoMdce.

A Rourasmr.

No. 80 Caals Street, near Cl retrs,

tl ,,e Comb•b :B e.SeS Petaitery, sts-tioonery, isabig Tackle ted Toys and

p eral.m.,-• •+=mo m .


O UR store No. b MatIoei , M.i:g beendamaged by $he r ofstInstdi~ri panr

we have temposreily removed tp No. 7 1 stwhere we shall be .hppy to see e~sr et~i ; aall orders entrusted • w ili ait e

.attention as usual.:W. DVNi kILI. CO,

SWholesal deanery in Booty, shoes, •rd ogansNo. 79 Canl st., New Orteans.

Sept.18 1858.

01IF ERl his serv:ce to the p•deic pf this Par:a ih e heas formed no partnerhip with any

one iaeitheirof the above• ..a..he . -Opelousas, March. 13t 1858. ly.

the District Coarta of .tie Pa ~Calcasie, lapidesani Av eiIa and Oil

Ofhc +::i•• !.•.+•n+.. + t6 giti~g

.' ' te: aI heMawr

with zeal san pe.w e~e ,will be

: indigd3 -o

ot ylor, ,d r eaff 2 .

Joel H. Sandoz, Jean F. rcenata , -On~zime A.. Ry. ,aiO~&il

`9V 's ear e4+

* -ei 51

' e.. ,o t P~t . ' ;

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.w..'+fi. tegi+" 3?"' ewe: .svt; ., t',;. ..wi.e,

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d ; _ '" '- "C! {FAR "" .x Y`

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safe' Bte~am hemt

Rhti*trams; will ta*isk her- re_#au- ̀pr ulr theipbetween Wuhlagls..on

i.Y, 15 & 'clieLe 111 .,1'l. bust wfi take forsiX ardatetei.6,..3O iNg & CO.

Opeloumas, Janiury 29th 1859.:

Frend" aul British DrpoodsrSouther :VIoama.*.m .

ilwfuT: lsa etaoel!' f reefI r .aa jal 4- Bu rbon.40. o.f i$esb7 iiud tet . . wfi.thefwif tbhe a . ered gj s"thter~2Jaii dr, }last ii fijl'li~adiOhtEJanu rneust, wherd I Wil ul s j be P ready

Ahreqaasaneon a a o ej oCuef the L4l. h..mao, mwl 0 with dispch an titeiaI

L TfEEunds aigd hLauj t aivedt~Th.. Sinam New-Orele. with alarge and

~.LLT 41h c.ho.e asortmeietof Jewery, eon.

"el prince in ladies} Camddei~m~

,Tewelry, Astwe l isftdneotht .ameatt ofGooSilver" atch.,forladi`atlemen,

alt of which he h +s' reeived" 'one of the-Leegetoinmae l iNewYe whbich

at'. esaafaateaipbneued qtinhin Wantch-

seker who w$beooet aptly: l ae e tcnie* F. ZsLwrlao&

'`Corner Ma in and Beileves etreet.Opelousa, Januaary 29th, 2S8il.

:-L~j9&~bi'Y erpifi iipii,~ti Qg ;.keb Ofel Y .O.Peo to

otoawe t.Thepr bl id kl

d attoetiq which !;Narciase"a n horse entrustdtoba.icsare isaim-

3a#v' Letu }"c dpW ? to ars oate

kiaya .fepaiust cnthcantl onfto meetthe~var w eva " r us' '. iraa arl fie.~:-f~8N

we A to his care,,"Ha. .poLuk of 'in#`b ning~fhutereiisr~s4 tnlaat uaQ

s8 hait nd RaoW a~ bi 1oothezw { ui do wel to, pi s thisrCartoi"e,.as tInferior to none and .ill be+ sdd egreat dea cheaper toam- te Thomiass-

bEz. Laumbers77,

U o'5:;





L va

WI 14III IIW~Rillifl01E

B M. ` a.t atnaea hertSta;x a~ a MM~8atongs, P~acssages Profeas

inte ear144 and Adwlic

aded stie M ed a fte ir e ildren tI me. Ie.K$h thii Bi. `ilearin trame~ate lilasele intCin ~rtpcrthear a dbert Mkh a the

wiLaol t thatda depend up me to emaitthe de ...tirt ht ana as r d as itmay be taase in theose intlleo-

:te nla t boeb the eharactuatiasof men who. hakiniebms eta free coun ry may oneday cad to Ath lih h ationa in nm Iuht~ e alb.; that4p li sped p-o.m tomauekt iem~goed

: 9 k ''fEarti dptw-pos. flbet A. ;m ient rine ; idean *d e pfrge igeeimsvead d etpere buis;, t h.I a S f a lp. k - s

But a knowledge. a enc e, the eseriii; .. of= epls areta, will raio eg0. by thmsemeaskr a corn-p elesdeis hiligious ideas shoald'iaho be in.daIate in their youg minds he belle' in one

God Isat inationals is neoeneary. Though ierites bywbich weaoortbe Pitydiferaato form,theypre one and themete ectl this to offer

OUp to .the Greast &ator, heh ArcA(LaSct ofteDiistm *o reiggis msoahoul' then be'Tote-naii, l.+o. Ger sneighb. E erye atten-don w bebelowed it uhnesAdenls ,.T heirfoodwill be lsealthy and bdt. They shall have forthlEi remrtio na sdtheaeci necemacry to theirheal hsrge and ain"eji ; r n In ine

Cevey thing wi be slo for the "i ydeai and moralprovmnent of thestudemts.

rpealp_ u rIsmenepreeuulyferbiddeu. Parentswil reetes ene every hree monuth ublget n of thehealth and progrem of their childrein.

Board and tuition, in th.e two lngage;peryca, tj4Q 00

alf borders, and Instruction jn the tpevyc~ar, ;8000

Dal me sch as aio, per year, 4W00" " pi rrnaoth, 400

Wahing, by ar. 10 00Mending, " '10 00

B ' 8 00Zpesetaoiseease t the euixmte, they~iocasin their plcan.

No diminution willbe allowed * eesnot l-eneding one month.

Eachb qutrer payaite inadvanee; and aflquartersca, eoismened u wilbe due in lialL Each adetfhalurnisbones cord of wood for thewinter. "

Two gpablic szaminationu a year, that Is one inJune and ithe oier in iNovwember. The Latin, andanarshp6ei awiraslrrn il:PntpSWK ar pid aAMir git

Every eaelM. bring $ sumer consp, 2winter ast; 2 pair summer pantalpons, pr winter pantaloons 2 emir ' vesta,. pair socks, 2IO~iblanket, I cation doer a, I mqtuitq o bar, 1pair of beet, 4 napkins, 2 towe 6 pocket bandkacphiefa, 1 blue bed cover, 1 bucket, 1 kaIfe, forkca urpean, Eby t thb es.

Paes, p samd bokse"atheast of parents.

Ilgn:: A. G eaBq.,Somn. B.A. " M Zta. 2lfl

atea March 13th, .186

rstIuindiUti will pos~idq bg;.thdies of.Lt Hoty Crotoai thebeungi of Otober,

ia the Towa of OpeloUiMi, fi; foi' e uca o of theLadies of Mike Pariadhbodfofth n1iool

'ae ddfI, endbet offer.'atl tehetsier advntae . wia air dasire

atht e. dreb. The ' asBm a wlem.base. t is. ,' i !Rig" be~LL~L ~ 2~:st Ia skq~sc~

. hegit iueh theand b~~ rldb the

N he4IbIIF&rStb l1~a huaaPhiloeo-i~~r~ kta~)ai~~

'. " 'k s, foazlie *.wOahqmu~e' y wIIaav

' '' ,rlt~iii it ii be kirks M~l pthi $q

;i~ ~~ dSlit ;=l &aebwwb

' '-4st eel) aci"

~'"~ ~ ~~~gbier lytie tber~heei



4 x:::~~~~~~::::.


" .Pps.a r Jis • or the AcademiaM the iftzm.

DSraras ak ,.c. . D• n, Principali* w, -~mr&

Lak igosy sad M1-i'*.5NAT3At W1Z Moss, Urgo 4 siu, Gus*&Y, G&gnpig .n tiasg

Boaring by tbh year, $140 00Day Schdi.m by the year. 40 00

S A by the month, 400

BWuah..,tatePibiW bythe qrter, Si 00

theR tdete are eipec' d to furnish their lights,and-their wood daring the winter.

There will be two public semi.annual eamina.thns during each ye•., .,-

The Scholastic ear I comaed of 12 months,tnlan termuh of vacation.

The. in s se *tikneq or other can-ei ftheadite s1 e header.

ded wi the greatest my.Medicine and.the #i of Ph~ in case

of sicknee, at the *~ are, iib ch easeParents ave tat thiipt n to eb their med-ical attendant.

2 pair of shoes 2 pair sheets,2 summer paletos, .4 table towels,2 winter ditto, 4 toilet ditto,2 summer pantaloon, I chamber,

winter ditto, I walh-bowl, comb andshir•i

r tooth brush,2 cravats, 1 cost brushb, 1 looking-2vests, a4 • •seek 2 shoe brushes,

2 8 r, 6 pocket handkerchiefs.1 Moigaitto bhr, I candlestick.

Opelonsa5 March 12th, 189..-1y.._ _

3?. 5al!'3 MIDB1Yfor 3op.

Op.e1•u, St. Landry, La.HISI itution, lately eetablisbhed inth town

.E of Opelousas to bestow upon the boys andyouthsof the Parish the incomparable blessing ofa solid education, will resume its duties on the20th of October.

The coumse of inPtruction will embrace suchbr.nches as will be most useful to the pupils; theutmost care will be paid to their rapid improve-ment.

The best Tetachers will be se!ected; their num-ber will be increased, to suit the increasing numberpf the students.

The very great success of the Institution fromthe begjinning, the long experience of those at thenead of i their unconquerable determination tocarry out the noble work, are the bestpledge theyean ofer to parents for the improvement of their

rten.F For terms and other particulars aply to

Rav. GILBERT MRAYMOND.Opelouss, September 25th, 1858.

WATZT'HJ3.t 5SOR2.THE undersigned takes this methdl

- of informing the public that he has justopened a furniture store, it the builingformerlyeused and knownasjohn cJa's Coffe6uspl1R diut reet, where 1e will ceastantly keep on

hand gooad assortment of household furniture,

BEDSTEADS, in Maherny;.BEDSTEADSe oBacPllnut and other wood ;

ABLES, in Mhogny , Black Walnut and othebood5fcar - 'mbedmoms, . ".;

BMO rE t ,,laWalnut, &c.;S• EBOARDS. SAiPtS

R'K ING CHAIRS, 1ASHSTANDS;CHAIRS, for parlors diing-.ioodis, &c., and

may other articles too tediousto.eenuerate..He takesl this oprtnity -to, announce to his

friends and the public that he will continue to makenew furniture, repair ofd onei and exchange newones Ibray article of old lbralture, which may bese red.

Hoping to merit a share of the public patronage,he invites ladies and gentlemen to come and givehim a call and examine his lot of furniture.

LOUIS YATTER.Opeloaums, December 11th 1858.

it stietS, ntar Charles N. Ealer's Stor•.i The 'undeeipie being convinced.Ythu tb g ttue policy of the merchant

to bhoose lil sapplies at the com-mencemeut of each seaso, ths being able to suit,•oully by inform his fije. dasd the public ingsnersa that be he .as arived New Orleanswith 6e t1andfresh bsseetmeRtos. Goodszainlth wrhich he holds at shth lowpricees y astonish any visitor wh may come

d Is• tZ Olc co.i... Isnii ei ply in-:

Calicos,noriisdes, Petticoats,

andt nary y articesfo taidies.Also:-- ad eS b at forgentle-

ad. ;Sices Boots,edre, ,Co s, &c.

efbdaityed ~a~ s Lsck. candude yourselfof .q it. mi eel. E a I proioetaitilei i eg,1- -

Otis "dAgp*eshievery townr and .!!f ,States, to sell then s g "invwention~"A Thief

Persons wishing:,w r 3 S My to five he an-

dze44beihR.of $5;" ill sendIS of the Thief

iregprdto agen.It 1hi durable ~ad

.~abe~a bvttdouse. ` Alo,i evIsb1Reo .̀of recent

*d e ' Prodiuta e4 qsiez.eeepof two

fat 4PSWt r, H.W R.x bo*J ; euiO la.ns, La.

torey + am a.185&~tbl

-x F r

afaS v1g.a

Point aux Loups Springs.THE undersigned take this mode

of notifying the public that he hajustimproved this Establishment and heis now in readiness to receive all those

whose pleasure it may be to seek the above as aplace of plesaure and recreation, as well as thosewho may be impelled from indisposition to haverecourse to them for the remedial agency of itswaters. These Springs are situated on the Bay-ourdes Canes, distant about 34 miles Southwestof the Town of Opelousas. Among the nume-roas springs., there to be found, may be had suchas are found abounding with Sulphur and prepa-rations ofIron. The springs are very abundant,and in one instance three of the streams form alarge basin which affords a magnificent bathingplace. The waters of the said basin can be en-tirely renewed every hour, a circumstance whichis certainly calculated to add much to its purity.At the distance of some five hundred yards fromthe principal bathing place there is, besides this,another which is furnished with abundant stream'of water, the coldness of which can almost becompared to that of ice.

Sampn uingu .theai peaig of his Establish,ment, the undersigned does not pretendto offerthe sameto tke public as a fashionable wateringplace, where fine dressing may be exhibited withthe other general accompaniments. His object,on the contrary,is to offer to the afflicted a meansthrough which a shackled constitution may be re-stored to health. The remedial agency of thesewaters in the relief of Dyspepsia. and in the per-manent cure of cutaneous eruptions, frbm pastexperience, now stands uncontradicted.

The establishment consists of comfortabledwellings, with all the necessary furniture whichmay be inquired at such a place, and thetable will be always amply furnished with what-ever edibles may seem best to suit the tastes ofvisitors. An xcellent pasture in which horsesmay be kept 4thsafety, will be at the dispositionof such as may desire it, as well as corn, fodder,&c.

The charges of the undersigned will be mode-rate, and he fuies satisfied that his visitors willnot only be sa lTfied with the accommodationswhich they may receive, but that they will be alsoequally contented with the degree of health whichthey may obtain from the healthful use of thewaters of the different Springs.

ANTOINE CART.Mlay 28th, 1859.

THIS delightful Summer Resort,situated in the Parish of St. Landry,in a beautiful rolling Pine woods coun-try, distant about thirty-six miles

from Opeloussa, will be opened on the 1st of Junenext, for the reception of visitors.

This establishment has been thoroughly repairedand painted, and many important improvementsmade. A large Stable and two new Baths andBath-houses have been erected. These Baths willgreatly promote the comfort of visitors, as they arebuilt so as to be absolutely free from rain waterinundations as heretofore.

The mineral qualities of the wsters of theseSprings and the many wonderful ures they haveperformed, are so well known thR they only re-quire a passing notice. This Summer resort willleave nothing to desire this season, as the proprie-ter will spare no pains or expense to render it asagreeable and attractive as possible. He has en-gaged an excellent Cook, a good Steward, and politeand attentive Servants. He has also engaged twoIusicians for the entire season; and besides, as

the Deer abounds in the surrounding try, hehas procured a pack of hounds for t leasure ofsportsmen. He has also built severle t for ish-ing in the Lake, which is situated abt four milesfrom ,he Springs, where the Tron tPerch andmany other fis fishAare caught in aalce. He

*ill cesoopen a Billiard Saloon and Coffee-House,and keepthe very best Liquors and Wines.Boarding and Lodging, per month, $35 00

per week, 10 00a ua per day, 200Children and servants, half price,Hoises, per week, 3 25

,per day, 1 00Persons visiting Bell-Cheney may have their

letters and papers directed to Bayou Chicot, andthey will be delivered at the Springs three times.a week. PATIN & DELAHOUSSAYE,May 21st, 1859 1 Proprietors.

Situated in the center fa fine Pine wood35 miles North- West of Opelousas.

The undersigned having becomef ithe purchaser of these Spnogs (for-

merly kept by the late Rachel Gra.denigo) takes this method of inform-

ing his friends and the publio of this and theneighboring Parishes, that he will open the-ame to the public on the 12th of June next.

He hopes that the important improvementswhich he has made onthe premises, added tothe incessant care andattetLion which the un-dersigned will bring to the details of this Re-treat, will merit to him a share of the publicpatronage. PRICES:

Per day, - - 4 1 50Per month, - - 80 00Children and servants, half price.Horse, 50 cents per feed, 75 eentaper day,

or $18 per month.Private arrangements can be entered into

with the undersigned.(pPayments are invariably due at the

end if each wek;-and positivel no credit.:INRY PROVENT.

$t. Landry 28th May 1859.

u ndersigned trakesthis method orT aouu~eing to his friends and to thepublie of this and meighboring Parishes thathe is now prepared to carry persons whowould wish tog. either the Bell-Cheney, theJeaver Creek or the Pointe sau Loupe'

S rigs atmoderate prices. Those from St.tiii who ashould take the mail of the un-

derigned,, by JB aux Bride will only payeight dolsrs rs the trip iri gh up to theSprings. Horses and carriages can alwaysbe got at the andisigned fr private or ex-presatrifil.

The undersignedw iispare >, teoable norepses to merit a share o the of ti rlh IORL L A D.

pelousasJane .s1th 1859. 8S.'


Faant z t r rom Ne f

Yo N l ps this opport pity toannoiunce tohiss say Izrnsd . yic in pwa1neiilthat} ;ii~~iito olsri iii rinauo& Snmiue

be P*O'4111K30(U e hill sprg heacmes" i w! pr de~tsse who i f ta ;~th:


Pr fra ible. [Apral30, 185w.


s$ Soo RIWARD!RUNAWAY or was taken away

from the plantation of the subscriber,on the 15th inst.. the negro-manOCK, aged about 23 years, about 6

feet 1 inch in height, high cheek bones, rathersharp featured, quick spoken, long leggedand walks very much like an Indian.-Hadon when he left a black cotton velvet coat.-A carpenter and blacksmith by trade -Canread and write, and is no doubt in possessionof a forged pass.

I have good reason to suspect that he is inthe company of a white man whose name isunknown to me, as Isaw a suspicious char-acter prowling around my plantation onthe day of the night on whicelhe'absconded.As I did not get nearer to the white manthan #fft' t,'I am niable to give a correctdescription of him f fetthan to say thathe is about 5 feet 8 inches ii height, stoopshouldered, very heavy black whiskerswhich indeed might have been false, highcheek bones and had all the appearance of aforeigner.

I will give the above reward for the ap-prehension of the white man together withsuch testimony as may insure his conviction,and for the negro, all legal charges for hisapprehension and incarceration in any jaileither within the State or out of it.

GEORGE HILL.Parish of St..Landry, June 25th, 1859.

$50 REWARD.4 RANAWAY from the plantation of

the undersigned, in Prairie Laurent,,-'NParish of St. Landry, on the 5th Junelast, a negroman named JAMES BRABIN or

GLOVER, aged about 22 years, of a dark griffcolor, 5 feet 8 inches in height; speakingEnglish only. This boy was purchased onthe 31st of May last, from Johnathan M.Wilson, New Orleans.

The above reward will be given to whom-soever shall bring said boy to me, or twenty-five Dolars to whoever will lodge him in Jailand advige me of the fact.

a LUD. LASTRAPES.St. Landry, July 16th, 1859.

WASHINGTON DRUG STORE.THE undersigned hereby inform their

friends and the public in general that theyhave just received a fresh and considerable

assortment of Drups and Medicines, as also Paints,Perfumery of all kmnds &c.

They are agents for the sale of a large quantityof Patent Medicines, the most popular.

A. LOUAILLIER & CO.April 9, 1859.) Washington, La


ORGANL ED for the purpose of arresting the- evils ofworthless and spurious nostrums, and

aupplying families with Reliable Domestic Reme-dies, have sent to John Pouey an assrtment of theirvaluable compounds, via:

Rowands Tenme Mixture for the cure of Feverand Ague, &e.

RowandiBlackberryRootSyrap, frith cure ofDiarrhea, &e.

Universitys Remedy'for Lung Complaints, &e." " for Dypepsia or Indigestion.

" " " ostive Bowels, (Pills)." " " Sore Eyes.

" " " Ear Ahe or Dafness." U Tooth Ache. 7" " " Fever and Ague, in form

of Pills.Unlike the various nostrums of the day, these

remedies depend upon their merits for popularity.Wholesale and retail, by JOHN POSEY,Feb. 19th, 18 59.- 1y.] Opelousas, La.

ST. LANDRY NEDICINE DEPOT.STHE undersigned keeps constantlyon han4 a large and well selected stockof Dtigs, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, DyeStuffs Varnishes, Brushes, Glass, Perfwh

meryand Fancy Articles: Pure Winesand Bran-dies for medicinal purposes, Stationary, GardenSeeds, and choice Havana Segar, and Tobacco.

J. C. Ayer's special and sole agent in Opelouess,for the sale of Cherry Pectoral, Cathartic Pills, &c.Also agent for Moffat's, Louden's, Champion's,

ul' Woodman Rorrand's, Rd dwy'sR. R. R.and Davis' Pain Killer, and all other popularPateRe medies,.

criptions carefully compounde•at all hours,night nd day. Physicians and Pl ters ordersrespectfully solicited. JOHN YOSEY,

Druggist and Apothecary.Opelousas November 6th 18•.-ly.

Oaution to the Publio.i BAVING purehased from the State of

Louisiana, the Lots Nos. 1 and 2, theNorth Halfof Lot No. Three, and the NorthHalf of Lot No. Six of Seetion No. Seven inTownship No. Seven of Range No. Six Eastin the South-Western District of Louisiana,containing two hundred and tbirty.nine 2:5-100 acres, which land is situated in this Pa.rish, baek of Francois Rolojn' plantation, Ihereby notify all persons to abstain from'freapassing thereon. ,

. L. L. GAILAND.Opeloussne July 2nd 1859.

Notice of dissolution of parlaership.

T HE publio are hereby notified that theA L fi eretfore- existing under the name

and tyle of De6ais 4" Cwarrle e was -di-olved by mutual consent on the 1st of Juneins•nt. ` Mr. "John P.' Guaett is chargedwith the liquidation of the affairs of the part.nership, but each member retains the right ofusing the signature of the firm for purposesof liquidation.

Mr.; G6rand Carribre will continuesame basinese, and avails binass ofportunity to tender his services tand the pubic in er .

Washington, +e 1 i

PbM" t:8ti ce.

tteerAhntoine Air


Saly 2od 1869.

and Jewieller, eiffr$e

publie in gmneral. Watches andCleep kind,aswell a allsortsofJCwelryiUtJ promptly, in a workmanlike man-nerzans ry moderate prices.

DISTRICT COURT, 1Parish of St. Landry. No. 8785.Estate of Louis Lede, f. im. c,. dec'd.A UGUSTIN LEDE, free man of coior.

of the Parish of St. landry, Admini-trator of the Estate of Louis Ledd, ifre em•:of color, deceased, late of the Paris of iLandry, having filed a Final Acoount, Settlehment and partition of the affairs of said estat,accompanied by a petition praying that ti,same may be homologated;-And where:,:the prayer of said petition his been grantcby an order of Court, dated 7th July 185:.

Therefore, notice is hereby given to all in-terested, to make opposition to writing, in amoffice, within thirty days from the date hereof,why said Tableau should not be homologatedthe Administratrix discharged of all furthcrliability and her bond cancelled.

L. LASTRAPES, Clerk.Opelousas, July Qth; 18659.

CART-WRIGHT AND TURNER.f" HE andersigned of'ers his services t:. H. the planters of this Pariah as a Cartwright and Turner. To his work shop he hajust adapted a mechanism by which he williturn the stocks of wheels and many otherworks with rapidity and precision. He takc,.this opportunity to inform the public that hi.establishment is entirely independent of thbBlacksmith Shops of J. Jobin and V. La-trapes, his neighbors, and that all work sentto his shop must be paid for on delivers,otherwise the work will not be delivered. Hewill continue to work cheap for cash only.

PIERRE GOSSELIN.Opelousas, July 9th 1859-3m.

THE subscriber takes thi-method of informing the publicthat he has on hand, and is

daily manufacturing all kinds of Saddles.Harnesses, Bridles and other such article,usually kept in his line of trade, on Mainstreet, nearly opposite Kauffman's store, inOpelousas, where the public can find at alltimes, from a low price saddle or harness tathe finest that can be made in the State. A'call is solicited, ss he is determined to pleaseboth in price and quality of work.

GEORGE PULFORD.Opelousas, July 16th, 1859.

Estate ofAlex. Larose Fontenot.NTHOSE who may have claims again t the

1 late Alexandre Larose Fontenot, or hisEstate, are requested to present them dulyauthenticated, to the undersigned, at his storein Ville Plate, for settlement;-And all thosewho are indebted to the same are also request-ed to eome forward and settle up within thir-ty days from the' date of the present notice,if they wish to save costs.

MARCEL DAIRE,Tuestanceana ry ,aecsutor.

Ville Plate, St. Landry, June 18, 1859.

Notice to the Pubtik.fTEHE undersigned has just received a fine

assortment of Dry Goods and others, asalso a good fupply of Groceries, which he of-fers for sale, cheap for eash. Stra•lhats andothers, shoes for ladies, gentlemen and bchil-dren, jaeonats, calicoes, muslin, cotton of allkinds and qualities and also an assortment ofPERFUMERY 4- S WEATMEA TS.He avails himself of this opportunity to of-

for for sale a pretty little plantation, well es-tablished and consisting of a fne dwellinghouse, kitchen, a store where he presentlysells his goods, eorn house, and warehouse,the whole in very good order. This situationisjustly considered as an excellent one forcommerce, and particularly for a bakerashop.

For particulars apply to the undersigned,on the premises, at Auzenne's bridge.

J.. B. PEB SIN.Bayou Teobe, St. Landry, June 11, 1859.

Fresh Groceries.HAVING just arrived from New.Orleanswith an assortment ofFresh ~roseries,

the undersigned would offer the sam. for saleat his usual cheap prices. His assortmentconsists principally inSugar Cured Hams, Flour, Smoked Shoul-

ders and Sides, Fresh Pork, Pickles,Dried Beans, Brandies and Whi-

key of the best qualities, Ae,Porter, Wines and Coet

dials, Cheese, To.".beao, &o., &o.

He also keepseo aonatly on liaa Paints,Oils, Window Glases, Cordage Mails andTinware. 0. STEEL.

Opeluass, May 7th, 1859.

Forew sale at p 4e sale.AL a About a '8equat•e ~iatedon Biell•• ie t .toT o Town of

Opeloussa, with the 1 taita.-ngin a DwellingoFor the priae ftiti irtious,

apply to the eiCoUrier,


vlk at private ilale,O S OFO GOUND sajtiiningeach

.• i thra, situated inthe taiu eOpelou.-es idsuitable for a resdeee, it being ontheliemts fthe`town.` TheseI ots will lbe oldcheap for .b. f`1:or partidolri, applyto the editor of theOpelousase Courier:

Opelonas, 138thJune 1865. .f

_ Tract of laud, two miles longm id -slf a mile btoad; on the Big

Pariah of Avoyelles. Apply atS (OOeoe8las8 CouAr er )8SOpelouss," pril 9 h, 1859.

1 in FraikrnL amI see d.vZrtipon,wholesMis a d remilBridgt See. h-

ini Jue 25th 8e59;

3~ontuwtrnltitI~eAuci6neer for the Parish OqvS4. Lr aiitd,

Auctiomner for tAh Parikh df V Ii 1.q /fir: