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“The OECD Activity on Recognition “The OECD Activity on Recognition of Non-formal and Informal of Non-formal and Informal Learning: Objectives and Emerging IssuesLearning: Objectives and Emerging Issues””

Dr. Patrick Werquin

OECD – D i r e c t o r a t e f o r E d u c a t i o n

Macerata, Italy, 15 November 2007

Page 2: “The OECD Activity on Recognition of Non-formal and Informal Learning: Objectives and Emerging Issues” LA VALIDAZIONE DELLE COMPETENZE “The OECD Activity.

Agenda for today

-The role of national qualifications system in promoting lifelong learning

- Recognition (and validation)of non formal and informallearning

Patrick Werquin, The OECD Activity on RNFIL, Macerata, 15 November 2007

Page 3: “The OECD Activity on Recognition of Non-formal and Informal Learning: Objectives and Emerging Issues” LA VALIDAZIONE DELLE COMPETENZE “The OECD Activity.

Agenda for today

- The role of national qualifications system inThe role of national qualifications system in promoting lifelong learning promoting lifelong learning

- Recognition (and validation)of non formal and informallearning

Patrick Werquin, The OECD Activity on RNFIL, Macerata, 15 November 2007

Page 4: “The OECD Activity on Recognition of Non-formal and Informal Learning: Objectives and Emerging Issues” LA VALIDAZIONE DELLE COMPETENZE “The OECD Activity.


Good supply Excellent supply ?


Patrick Werquin, The OECD Activity on RNFIL, Macerata, 15 November 2007

This link is identified as mechanisms

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The 20 Mechanisms: a Checklist

1) Communicating returns to learning for qualification

2) Recognising skills for employability

3)3) Establishing qualifications frameworks°Establishing qualifications frameworks°

4) Increasing learner choice in qualifications

5) Clarifying learning pathways

6) Providing credit transfer

7) Increasing flexibility in learning programmes leading to qualifications

8) Creating new routes to qualifications

9) Lowering cost of qualification

10) Recognising non-formal and informal learning°Recognising non-formal and informal learning°

Patrick Werquin, The OECD Activity on RNFIL, Macerata, 15 November 2007

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The 20 Mechanisms (cont’d)11) Monitoring the qualifications system

12) Optimising stakeholder involvement in the qualifications system

13) Improving needs analysis methods so that qualifications are up to date

14) Improving qualification use in recruitment

15) Ensuring qualifications are portable

16) Investing in pedagogical innovation

17) Expressing qualifications as learning outcomes

18) Improving co-ordination in the qualifications system

19) Optimising quality assurance

20) Improving information and guidance about qualifications systems

Patrick Werquin, The OECD Activity on RNFIL, Macerata, 15 November 2007

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Ex. of mechanism: Establishing a QFQualifications frameworks can make progression routes clear, remove dead ends and can bring coherence and quality assurance to qualifications systems.

IndividualsIndividuals might be motivated to learn if they can be guided towards appropriate qualifications for their aspirations. They might also have confidence in nationally approved qualifications.

EmployersEmployers will find a framework helpful in setting out qualification requirements for a job and in relating an applicant’s qualification profile to a standard reference point. It may help rationalise training provision.

ProvidersProviders might find a framework of qualifications useful for promotional material as they can market qualifications according to a well-known structure and, like recruiters, they might feel more secure in the knowledge that certain qualifications are national benchmarks.

Patrick Werquin, The OECD Activity on RNFIL, Macerata, 15 November 2007

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Just Published

Patrick Werquin, The OECD Activity on RNFIL, Macerata, 15 November 2007

For a summary see:

Very relevant to some of the issues addressed in Macerata

Page 9: “The OECD Activity on Recognition of Non-formal and Informal Learning: Objectives and Emerging Issues” LA VALIDAZIONE DELLE COMPETENZE “The OECD Activity.

Agenda for today

-The role of national qualifications system in promoting lifelong learning

- Recognition (and validation)Recognition (and validation)of non formal and informalof non formal and informallearning learning

Patrick Werquin, The OECD Activity on RNFIL, Macerata, 15 November 2007

Page 10: “The OECD Activity on Recognition of Non-formal and Informal Learning: Objectives and Emerging Issues” LA VALIDAZIONE DELLE COMPETENZE “The OECD Activity.

Key Elements

Patrick Werquin, The OECD Activity on RNFIL, Macerata, 15 November 2007

- Background

-Why do we want to organise recognition programmes? Potential benefits!Potential benefits!

-Why it doesn’t necessarily work, yet?Potential obstacles!Potential obstacles!

-Some preliminary evidence

Page 11: “The OECD Activity on Recognition of Non-formal and Informal Learning: Objectives and Emerging Issues” LA VALIDAZIONE DELLE COMPETENZE “The OECD Activity.

Background-Lots of evidence about Recognition° of Non Formal and Informal Learning° (RNFIL), but piecemeal

-OECD activity on Adult Learning°

-OECD activity on the role of national qualifications systems in promoting lifelong learning

-…Patrick Werquin, The OECD Activity on RNFIL, Macerata, 15 November 2007

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Qualifications Systems-RNFIL = mechanism to create more and better lifelong learning

- as well as:-credit transfer [system]-qualifications framework*°-stakeholders involvement -information and guidance- …

- Qualifications Systems: Bridges to Lifelong Learning (OECD, 2007)

Patrick Werquin, The OECD Activity on RNFIL, Macerata, 15 November 2007

Page 13: “The OECD Activity on Recognition of Non-formal and Informal Learning: Objectives and Emerging Issues” LA VALIDAZIONE DELLE COMPETENZE “The OECD Activity.

The OECD Activity: Objectives -RNFIL is high on most countries’ agenda

=> “New” OECD activity on RNFIL:- 27 countries (23 CBRs, 17 reviews)- One assumption: not always good (cost…)- Research- Visits – fact finding approach- Data collection – if any

Patrick Werquin, The OECD Activity on RNFIL, Macerata, 15 November 2007

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Participating countries

23 countries on 5 continents(17 in Europe, 23 CBRs, 16 reviewed):

Australia, Austria, Belgium-Flanders, Canada, Chile, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany,

Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Korea, Malta, Mexico, the Netherlands, Norway, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain,

Switzerland and the United Kingdom

Patrick Werquin, The OECD Activity on RNFIL, Macerata, 15 November 2007

Page 15: “The OECD Activity on Recognition of Non-formal and Informal Learning: Objectives and Emerging Issues” LA VALIDAZIONE DELLE COMPETENZE “The OECD Activity.

Terms and Concepts: RecognitionMany terms even in English only:- RPL (Australia), PLAR (Canada), APL or APEL (UK), Ireland uses them all...

- RAS (Recognition of Acquired Skills)- (Recognition of previous knowledge )- Recognition of Learning Outcomes

Other languages:- RVCC (Portugal), EVC (Belgium Flanders, Netherlands), VAE (France), Italia (many terms too, regional terms and therefore concepts)…

Patrick Werquin, The OECD Activity on RNFIL, Macerata, 15 November 2007

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Recognition- In Australia, they even made RPL a verb: “I will RPL you”, “not everybody can be RPLed”...

- I like “Recognition of non formal and informal learning – RNFIL” because it says what it does*° (formal is out, RPL?)

-Even is some claims we should say: “Recognition of non formal and informal learning outcomes”

Patrick Werquin, The OECD Activity on RNFIL, Macerata, 15 November 2007

Page 17: “The OECD Activity on Recognition of Non-formal and Informal Learning: Objectives and Emerging Issues” LA VALIDAZIONE DELLE COMPETENZE “The OECD Activity.


Recognition of what?

Patrick Werquin, The OECD Activity on RNFIL, Macerata, 15 November 2007

Page 18: “The OECD Activity on Recognition of Non-formal and Informal Learning: Objectives and Emerging Issues” LA VALIDAZIONE DELLE COMPETENZE “The OECD Activity.

Definitions of NFIL - It’s a nightmare! No consensus whatsoever

-See Annex of my paper, evolution, discrepancies

-Very tentatively:

-Formal Learning: organised, intentional, with learning objectives, leading to qualification° (was: education, age…)

Patrick Werquin, The OECD Activity on RNFIL, Macerata, 15 November 2007

Page 19: “The OECD Activity on Recognition of Non-formal and Informal Learning: Objectives and Emerging Issues” LA VALIDAZIONE DELLE COMPETENZE “The OECD Activity.

Definitions of NFIL (cont’d) - Informal learning*: none of the above, what we do all the time everywhere without even knowing it (key issue for documenting skills), does NOT usually lead to a qualification°

- Non-Formal Learning: could be organised, may have learning objectives or happen alongside other more formal learning activities, does NOT usually lead to a qualification°

- Nothing very convincing, some odd definitions (Statistics), a lot of overlap anyway

- It does not work!!!

Patrick Werquin, The OECD Activity on RNFIL, Macerata, 15 November 2007

Page 20: “The OECD Activity on Recognition of Non-formal and Informal Learning: Objectives and Emerging Issues” LA VALIDAZIONE DELLE COMPETENZE “The OECD Activity.

More About Definitions - Recognition, Validation, Certification: in what order?

Recognition (technical)

=> Validation (against standards)

=> Certification (stamp)

=> Recognition (social)*- Social value AND social use- Social recognition not specific to RNFIL, same in the formal learning system: it’s about recognition of a qualification

- And the issue is that in both cases, it should come FIRST!!!

- (I would keep “accreditation” for institutions )Patrick Werquin, The OECD Activity on RNFIL, Macerata, 15 November 2007

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More about RecognitionThere is:-Technical Recognition-and: Social Recognition-But also: Practical Recognition

- In short, there is:

. Recognition of learning [outcomes]

. and Recognition of qualification(s)

(focus of the OECD activity)

Patrick Werquin, The OECD Activity on RNFIL, Macerata, 15 November 2007

Page 22: “The OECD Activity on Recognition of Non-formal and Informal Learning: Objectives and Emerging Issues” LA VALIDAZIONE DELLE COMPETENZE “The OECD Activity.

Definitions: Some Pieces of Advice

-Don’t panic-Don’t waste too much time debating them-Choose the ones that meets your needs for the following 2-3 years and stop re-addressing the issue all the time

-If/whenever possible, use international definitions (CEDEFOP, 2008)

Patrick Werquin, The OECD Activity on RNFIL, Macerata, 15 November 2007

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- The key issue is “Formal recognition of non-formal and informal learning”

- So the key word is: VISIBILITY*, (of skills, knowledge and competences )

- But why is “visibility” so important? -> Benefits:

Patrick Werquin, The OECD Activity on RNFIL, Macerata, 15 November 2007

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Why do we want to organise recognition programmes? Potential Benefits

- No more lifetime jobs (Japan???)

-Demography (Ageing, labour force shortages, work after retirement age, labour market, education system, tertiary education…)

- Skills mismatch (make skills visible for governments to organise learning provision; for individuals to perform well in the labour market and/or to (re)enter LLL system at the most optimal level)

Patrick Werquin, The OECD Activity on RNFIL, Macerata, 15 November 2007

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Why do we want to organise recognition programmes? Potential Benefits

- Inequities (women in labour market, gender issues in the VET initial system, immigrants: unqualified to make their skills visible as well as qualified to organise equivalencies)

- Immigrants do fill some skills gaps – UK – but there maybe issues in terms of safety, security or health (Nurses)

Patrick Werquin, The OECD Activity on RNFIL, Macerata, 15 November 2007

Page 26: “The OECD Activity on Recognition of Non-formal and Informal Learning: Objectives and Emerging Issues” LA VALIDAZIONE DELLE COMPETENZE “The OECD Activity.

Why do we want to organise recognition programmes? Potential Benefits

-Migration and mobility in general (workers, students) – Portability

- Second chance (identify skills of poorly qualified people to certify them) – safety net

Second chance for NEET people, for instance

Patrick Werquin, The OECD Activity on RNFIL, Macerata, 15 November 2007

Page 27: “The OECD Activity on Recognition of Non-formal and Informal Learning: Objectives and Emerging Issues” LA VALIDAZIONE DELLE COMPETENZE “The OECD Activity.

Why do we want to organise recognition programmes? Potential Benefits

-Impact/role of other devices/programmes(such as qualifications frameworks (EQF typically) set in motion – based on learning outcomes, also the essence of RNFIL)

- May not create economic growth, but will help sustain it!!!

-RNFIL does NOT create skills and competences, it make them visible if there are some!!!

Patrick Werquin, The OECD Activity on RNFIL, Macerata, 15 November 2007

Page 28: “The OECD Activity on Recognition of Non-formal and Informal Learning: Objectives and Emerging Issues” LA VALIDAZIONE DELLE COMPETENZE “The OECD Activity.

Patrick Werquin, The OECD Activity on RNFIL, Macerata, 15 November 2007

Why it doesn’t necessarily work (yet)?Why it doesn’t necessarily work (yet)?

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Employers*- Employers may see wider skills supply if more learning is recognised in the workforce

- May need workforce with qualifications (ISO, existing regulations and regulated labour market…)

- But:

- Is it less costly (time and money)?

- This might lead to a reduction in commitment to formal training programmes

- Ownership of the standards will may remain an issue for a long time; going beyond the standards even more of an issue

Patrick Werquin, The OECD Activity on RNFIL, Macerata, 15 November 2007

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Trade Unions

- Sceptical – at best

- Shift of focus from learning to assessing

Patrick Werquin, The OECD Activity on RNFIL, Macerata, 15 November 2007

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Providers of learning- Worried!!!! OF COURSE(US higher education institutions and universities)

- Nevertheless, providers may be encouraged to widen access to programmes if quality assured recognition systems are in place

- Documenting skills may save some subsystems (Folk high schools in Norway???)

- Although there may be increased direct and indirect costs involved in recognising non-formal and informal learning

- May create additional qualifications (Mexico)

- Ownership of the standards

Patrick Werquin, The OECD Activity on RNFIL, Macerata, 15 November 2007

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Providers of qualifications


-But same worries about cost…

Patrick Werquin, The OECD Activity on RNFIL, Macerata, 15 November 2007

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Individuals-Should see a lot of interest (employability, qualification, portability, mobility and promotion)

-System not transparent

-Access not easy

-Information and guidance still lacking

-Doesn’t happen for low qualified people – second Matthew effect

=> Individuals are not fully convinced yet, probably because not fully aware

Patrick Werquin, The OECD Activity on RNFIL, Macerata, 15 November 2007

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- We have to interest not only Ministry of Education, but also Ministries of Finance, Labour… It must have to do with employment and unemployment*

Patrick Werquin, The OECD Activity on RNFIL, Macerata, 15 November 2007

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Patrick Werquin, The OECD Activity on RNFIL, Macerata, 15 November 2007

Some Preliminary EvidenceSome Preliminary Evidence

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Country Background Reports and Review Visits: First Evidence (1/3)

- Mexico, Norway, the Netherlands, Australia, Mexico, Norway, the Netherlands, Australia, Flemish Belgium, Hungary, Slovenia, Korea, ItaliaFlemish Belgium, Hungary, Slovenia, Korea, Italia

- Labour market experience (VET) vs. Life experience- France (VAP in 1992->VAE in 2002), Iceland (nothing about working

life, Slovenia: all about working life)

- Importance of the economic context- Virtually no unemployment Norway, Iceland, Italy (heterogeneous)

- Sustainability?? Usefulness??

- Qualifications framework: does it help?- Learning outcomes, EQF // Australia , Ireland, UK, South Africa...

- Confusion between teachers and assessors, training?- Australia-Australia, Norway a bit better

Patrick Werquin, The OECD Activity on RNFIL, Macerata, 15 November 2007

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Country Background Reports and Review Visits: First Evidence (2/3)

- Involvement of stakeholders: Key element- Norway // - if not: law (Flemish Belgium, Slovenia...) // Italy (Tavola)

- Creation of intermediary qualification: Way out- Partial qualification

- But also full qualification at intermediate level (Mexico)

- Practical recognition vs. Formal recognition- Informal recognition // - UK, Australia // Italy (Valle d’Aosta)

- Information and guidance- vs. Complexity // - All countries // Italy (very good: centrality of

individual learners)

Patrick Werquin, The OECD Activity on RNFIL, Macerata, 15 November 2007

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Country Background Reports and Review Visits: First Evidence (3/3)

- Need for a clear rationale and a [national] rhetoric- Is it always good to codify all kind of learning? // Why do countries

want to do it??? // Norway, Australia, Slovenia, Italy (??)

- Existence of, or need for, a legal framework- A lot of countries have one

- Standards for validating- Education vs. Labour market // Ownerships of the standards //

Occupations standards to be up-to-date so that qualifications based on occupational standards do have value for employers

- Recognition in Higher Education (University, exemptions) or not?

- Korea (Credit Bank System), Belgium (exemptions), Italia (??)

Patrick Werquin, The OECD Activity on RNFIL, Macerata, 15 November 2007

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