Download - The NIJC Cardinal Review Vol 10 No 2 Feb 25 1957

Page 1: The NIJC Cardinal Review Vol 10 No 2 Feb 25 1957

or v. .. ,.. dutt Lo arM\:t'I nt nn T\&ci&JJ\~ ur 111 lflW~r d~ &l''I' ln

uJd rtnMI & I let'a take out and..,., \\hat

\ 1)1 t \U: X. '."iO !

S. U. Board Sets Policy For The Annual Tourneys

On \Vheels or to he rnoo:::

l o<.l<I

Reign At Valentine Ball


15 Tapped For Phi Theta Kappa

Plu Th <.. KAppA tap day "'"" eld Wtdtlcoa...y, F~. 20. \\1lh lhc IU:.:J1I' of whJte l'Olff on •tud!.!ntM ~ for mtmbcnblp tn Oclt.a K PP" Chnptor of Piil ThtUI K1'ppa.

lolcmbcn!up tn Plu Thota. Ka.ppa reMr1cted Lo lhoac< atudol\l.I wbo • tn u.. upper tcihola.ltlc ten

per ccnt of tho &:udont bodf l;;Jg1b 'Y l<I b--.1 on th• ave.,.go

~· '4 IJrk preVIOWI to T be dec:tcd l<' 11\'Jmbor­t.o ma.lnt&ln membenhlp.

t muat carry at le1<1.1t 16 un a acm ter and at tho

Cid o1 any given 1C1111C01tu have a ~ polt>t a""•"'ll• of oot 1-~ 30

TI-. tapped for memlx>ralup \\. wen. Eleanor .Ant"­\\'anwn Allderaon. Howant Bftbt­

&IUCv Cnomp Ra.y Cnuuton. Shir­.., Ellla, L& Vern Culhaullor.

""rt lluk•nacn, Cll19hl Hen1g-d. Ttrnnoc Uoh KAtblc<n

Mabu PJ<lmrd Nuata.S. babcll• Rognfb)' Ron SclUnldL a.nd Donna

rnllh Other m•mben no"' ref:bl~ttJ

n oollq;o ""' Carl Oorl>lt. preJll· t Katl\IMn Oal»rn• vi~P-•-

c.t, H..Wo Ann 3.Ullor, actl"<Lary Jl))C:V Robe:1...:m, t.rouurtr: Artentt Hart:. IOC'tal chlUrman and JanJo~ Adamo Eln.nor Boyd. Konneth Bru 1 Donne Kugler. Flo~ Lcwts. E:tbel Plll<lni;ton, Patricia PooL An.a<ltto Syn.-.. Dalo Trlt· ten, Clifton! \\1gen and Cnoydon .John10n

~IOl>"DA \', FEii. U, 11161

Registrar Explains Apportionment Of Student Body Funds

Uri rc~~l.r•LLo~ <&a) t&et. " i.ea· ler o·. f:r L\\ o OUIUJtW tuJJ U.ft'h

lual'.11..a at.rug;.4• uirvqn a ntrN &• re;ustn.uoa.. choo&..110 nc\' cour..e.1i, mrJu.n.g out • moun1.&U\ ut "1ld setUnl!J I.LI aa•·oor·a appro•·al, Ulo atudcr.t Lrn\'C8 in Ult? ~1.:raJ ottico lo !'•Y n&a l•oa. 1M bud< or tb-1.,es IU"C, ot oou~ uac regu.l&t lUltlOh 11.1\d hCAlth and !al> {-, bUL a atudtnt ICC la &I.lo CO!Jectod .:rom each tull Umc •lUdt!nt who tornee O\'cr Len houra of COll«";e cou,.... at NtJC. All atudenU. "bo "4rry tho fa.mlhar A.aloc~ted !:ILUd•nL Body Ca.rd b&\ e paid $0 .W into tbe aLudtnt bod,)· tune!. Por· n.p. ·.vo would WMl lhlJI mvney LI u.aed tor

\ rc(' t.ntcntcw w1lb UL.a :-.iai..o. 01cunb<>r of tho Sludont Boarll ot Control. dlllCI- bov. th• fund la dMdcd oacb ••11l0Jlter nnd for whnt pu~ It 1.1 Accon.Ung- to MLu NWuo

1 th~

amount Is divided Cl\-o \\"')"a for ll.IO fn va.rtf'd acUvtUca e..nd dtt­pcirtm.-nt.o concemLni: student llf­halra al NIJC. Tbe1< dlVUlona or tho C\Jnd "" a.a followe: atbleUca 10 • drama_ 6t'!'!:. )'ca.tbook 30r • • &<ocnal 30 n.nd mlacWo.noou• 26"<.

The peruon L&bcllld athlcllca la uted tor c:qulpm<'nt.. rt!~~ tcea, l•gu• ,_ 1J1d olhcr n""•-.Y lh m" conc-~rnlnr tho 1tudent &lhlt·Uc prorrazn. The student Y-=arbook wtuch uaee a. majur por­tlCon or tho l'llnda la llll Important IU\d IAaUng part of llCbool U!e. Tho yearbook Is a vory expen.lfvo llC'm to produce and tn aom.e 0<hoci. atudenta pay outnght for It a.l lhe clo ... oC the llCllocl Yffl" It might bo pointed out tbat NlJC b ono or tow lldtool1 which ocro,.. lho annual to the •ludMt.t u a part o! their student C\Jnd bcnollta J C. eoc1&11. part!• and danc ... of cour .... 1;1'L their support from lhoJr apportioned pert ot Ibo tunlb but the Student Board oC Control mu.ot appn>vo all ~ueata for ~ l'Unda. Dnlm.a fund• .,.. a•"allab!e for play production when lh•ro la a fltnct.lcnJq drama group at NIJC llllacellanooua l'Unda Wlod for •morgeru.'lea and ontn unfoniocn noeda whJch ar1ao throughout tbo year. Fl-om th­fltnda come many o! th• cllAptor mcmbcnbJpa ot Ute varlou. or· ~anltaUona and groups In the •lud•.nl body. ApproxllnAtoly 3/4 OI th• Cunda for tho publtcaUon of tho NlJC R•vl..,.- comco from thl<I mS.CollancoW1 tund, Tbu.o the at ud­•nt foo th&t •tudenta pay each Mm•otu hore at NUC Is Wied In many W"Y• for your tajoyment and benent.


Studcnta a.nd f&NllY a t NJ.JC 1 .. med wltb sadn- tllat Ral8lrar IUluko NW>Jo"a Cather paaod away Wttk Be WU & roUttJ MO-­

llon foreman Cor NorUwrn P&dtlc Railroad In Coeur d' A.Jeae.

Sun·tvora are h1a wlctov.·. c>.n• l'<>n O.Od f!YO dauglllflW. Miu NUhto: a •later, Jane. and a brother. Shlmto, are all ~ ot :;"UC.

--------19 STt'Dl!:.''T TEACllDS OVT NlJC now bu JP otudeot 1-.

era ln the pubUc ..:boola. -c:bln.C tn llll lb• ~ train one tb._i, ~lJrht.

Page 2: The NIJC Cardinal Review Vol 10 No 2 Feb 25 1957

~~ s.~~!:.!.y· ~~.9~~~~. ~ ... By Jo11m•l1.m Stud9"h At TIMt ~. ~


Fl0t•t1c.• 8efvt, Ch.rmii.l'I• ROf'•ld Yovri-om•i't

lutl"i•u M.,..9., Milton. L•"'qfoi• Clrc\/'I Mut•9.,. Joh" kO"tdt•.o Adwtrtiain9 Mtn•9•n Dtlt Trltfto tl'ld C.rt Co~b(• Reporltn• R091r Hvchon, Cht•t•r Bu». Ho•trd Libby. Jt~a cte .. s.+

lom Keo•. Mtcftii PRINTED AT COEU~ D"AlENE P~ESS FPll.1 HO

Review Not A Soumalism l\lonopoly We have received many favorable comments on our r1rsl

edlllon or Thr N. I. J C Review. We thank you We hope to improve and continuu t.o hold your interest. But - it seems Pres. Kildow was rlghJ.I ln lhc lasL edition or The Review he mentioned that we live m an age when It Is lhe habit to say. "Lel Georgi: do It."

The N. 1. J. C Review Is nol exclus1vr•ly the property or Lhe Journalism class. rL is lh1: college paper We want to prmL what you want lo read

To be able to do this, we welcome your conlnbutlom and your criticisms. The college has not bad a paper since 1950. We arc 1ortunate m having U11.s opportunny to publish a school paper.

The Journalism class is small. bul w1lh your help, we can be proud of .The Review

Civis Romanus Sum Cicero, in one or his orations, said ilia!. these thre41

words would safeguard a Roman. even among savage tribes. Civls romanus sum, meaning "1 am a citizen of Rome. I owe allegiance t.o a world empire and am enLIUed LO prot.ecuon­no mailer wher<' I go." Even In remote regions. no one dared molest a Roman c:1tlzen.

Now lhe Unll.ed Slates occupies much lhe same pos11.1on ws the Roman Empire held 2.000 years ago. America Is lhe richesL and most powerful nation or U>day, able t.o prol&l her citizens anywhere.

Tins Indicates that. American dtiienstup IS an honor Md pnvtlege. We should place a high value on It. and feel we have an opportunity to share m promoting dmnocracy. maintaining world peace and ad\'anclng the Interests of mankind

U.S. A. by Ro~cmary and Slephen Vincent Benet

So we march mto lhe present A.nd ll 's always railier pleasant To speculate on whal the years ahead or us ww ~ee. For our words and U1ought.s and attitudes, All oui· no\•eltles and platitudes. Will b<' Ralher Ancient History m 2033

Will they rind us wis.? - or silly? Looking backwards. willy-nilly. At our queer old-rasruoned costumes

and our quaint old-fashioned ways? When our douigs race the ages, Printed down on textbook pages, WU! they cry. "This Savage Era"?

Will they sigh. "Those were the days!"?

r don·t know - you may be wiser nmc's a curious capslzer Ol a tot or reputations that. seemed cerlain to endure, While he'll sometimes make his heroes out or people, once thought zeroes. For lhc most well-grounded reasons,

by lhe solemnly cocksure.

so. Inst.cad or prophesying (Which 1s fun, but rather trying) Who they'll pick lo be our great. ones

when the books are on the shelves. Here's lhe marclting panorama O! our Past and present drama - And w" shan't know au lhe answers

'till we're hi.story. ourselves.

LETTt..11.'.> TO TllE EDITOR Cf:.d.. N()tf': The- R.C''-1:to"\\ u('l­

oom'°" lcilltl"' to lllf' edUo1' on an) ~objcot ~bJclMh ff't"J ~•rooJ;-1.> enough aboul to ~ tbdr Th~ l~tter5 do not ni-

0('C:t vin\" of Ult- C"Cl.1tor" "1.ncr-r n.- fed a «tlkgc ~r ,bould 1"' poUtlrall~ •~tnl.I

Dear )tr BUT) S TTuman I ba'-·e nottced ,.,..1th Jr.('

knte>.rost •nd &la.nn ,your •tead.ta»t lorall)' lo «DC Mr .Ui;er Hwo I cannot h•lp bul Uullk thal } ou do not Cull> undfniand the. unpllaa· uon.. o! d~fen~ lll~ lN1oc•n~ o( th.&a man \" ou a"' an t..<11t•Pnsl • denl of th• t:ntlcd Slal• .. ..xpo<l­f'd to 1-"'e: &&. your C'Orn.m.t.nd At ..... 1 ~ ,...,...,_i,tc 1cn.....-lr<l.c;• of

tho wa.-ld a.-nd you your op,n1or .. &n' :w.peclt'd b~ lht many wbo J\a\'" not atud1tod your r«ord \\ .. h)· M )'OU WU' Uu.1 'ntlurnc~ b)" pla Ai; a -doW of doubl O\'fr '"" f U\f' mos:. •J"!CtACldar 111)! ~J'O'tS.. Comr ou.t C'tom ...,.>u.nd Lba~ l"'rtlMll curtain I ni; <T1ouch to~ I.ho dllf""'ntt biol"....., a nd h•JTU>g alld & R«I., )Ir 'ml· man. and admit to u.. world tho ot ! o~ tn your 11rollt­...,...r )"'1U ma<k a m11>1&k•

Jtat boW muc:h proof do you nrod of llia'a uplonag.- atllvlll"" E\'<'n hi.a lawyua th...w up lh•.r hands In 111~ when Whlllalcu Cham~ walked 1nt<> t"- court· - with ~ pe.~• ol top ... ,..,t State 0.par1.ment O:<><Um•nla I.hat \\ nc rop1od by Hla on ht. W o""1· •lock t~-nur and ~ lo Cham~rw dunni: tho llm• lh•Y bolb dWW·PAYln,; So\ ("t ai:ent& ta..rnb«ra •-u •UPr<»< I lo png lhlo ma 1•11al , n. but kopt lt u a lit~ ffnwe.r'\'t'l" pnor to hb bralr. from th Part> tn ll'37 t

Or Kr TTUmAn, maybe you ha\f' dlfftrent atanJ.anJ&, and o cllUcrent d.rlnlUon .,c a trait.,.. Porbape au lhC»e m•mb<!ra of thr old \\ ~. 0 C.. Harold w ...... con m Into your idea or out· landin' ¥ou mu.ti

hav• tnbcrilod lhla Idea from your ptod..,eaaor "ho •mployed lhCll<>

.en UJ lh• fan:t pln«' You ne\·~r d•ned tb~m out H&M')' ~xter White. TrustU) O.partment, \"lncettt Reno Ab•rd""" f'ro\'UI!; Crvund ~lltlng l<lp ...,,...! bomb

41>-hll . H•""- Juh•n Wadl•li;h. Trad• Al{tftm•nla D1vUllon Stal~ 0.p&rtlnent . A C Sllvorman, R~ .-rc:h Otnctor ol th• RaU.-d R•l•llOn.1 Boa.rd. Abo! c..-. Bur· cau or Standard.I all'~ men cnm~ under the So\"~t bca.cbni;: of • pt'OduCU\'~ AoW't'"N°" whose c.hlC"f m.Lulon °"'"11.1 HJUOna.l!c Bul none h•hl .., at.rategtc o.nd tni.lod a ro>•Uon aa th<! So' 1rt •pro rat.a· number onf' lllO~t. m t.h~ Stat,. 0.p&rtmont. Alg•r Bl. He wu thr moot produetJvt I .,.ppotte l.Jr Tnml.a.n. )'OU frol tbo.t, ~ lhty att 90 rf'Yi·. th'90 -.rptea ..... eor~ nut dangerous.. a.nd h.ta buddJe inv<!Uced 111> much ~•Pl<>n­:u::c maz.ena1 that enrneumiea two iUld tllr-tt apparatWt photocrarh•rw 1n bol.b &Jumo,... and Waahlngton "orktd run llm• Dllerofllminl: <'Oll!td•nUal 1:<1'"""111>"111 doc:u· men la

But then la !ION• doubt In your nund. imn U>ent ! After all. Ria ne.-u dld ao:>to-. c,.i .. ,..,.. con !llldt'r u a oontamon h1..111i rourt­room behavior. hio lll«maiaUnr1c. Illa O\·uh'en-. anogancto and uncar ..,,,palgn aptruit hlS ••· eu»Cl' Whttt.a..kf't Ouirnbt"r• Thor, r~ rulf"JI ln the pa.rt)• about beha,\' ..

~or upon &lTUt. A.ufort tnnoctnct llnd ~y all clulrt.. Do not lldmtt one !•ct. no matt~r hol.t ""1all. and quality Ill a~rw aa to a\·oJd !>"rjury 1 Bl.a b<opl>


Party Favon • T .. ty lunche> Pjo.(0,_,E t •..., - --~ 4-AJ4Z

46 Students Make Dean's Honor List

F!Jrur- "'l"'U!<>d trom lho l'<!i;t.· tr&r'ic ocnce- ~o" tha\ torty-.1Dx CUll·Um• atodtn..., mad• ~· potnl a\·N·agf'• ot 3 0 ( B or bellt:rt th"" Hrat. KmCdtter ot lh~ c-url't'nl lllChool yoar Amoni; th_. ,.. • .,. two ··11.nugbt A"' or <l O atud•nl.9. Kathlttn ~mo and 801 Cund· lnt'h."l"9 on lhf' bonor Wt'i"'t'

1 rUtl• Ad&n.1a.. Eltanor Amet1 \\'n..r· ffl\ \nricrtnn flowanl ~4°'bf' f:ltMor 8oy<I. Donald Bran. K•n· ntlh 8nl$l. CMI COrbll. Jani«' Cramp, Ra,y Crtuuiton. Shirt•~ ElllA. t.aYt>m Cutlunlllor, Ro~rl U"8ktruon. CU')' Htun.A.n .. \r1ttlt"' Hartz. C•rald Fl•mptad. Joann,· Jon..._ Jnn Rauppl. o.>.-.n• Ku~lor F&onn~ Le'' ta., Tt'"M"tnCiil W~. Boll\' lllolm"tad HAili<' ;\hlltr, Rt<~n1 Xu•IAd. MargaN'I OIM>n \\·1vnr Patlrl""'IOn, Mtl~ ~rry Ronald Pet•ni Eth•I Ptlklnl;lon, 1'4 t1'1Clft rt>ol J 0) CC Roi><'rt...n. J.snboll• Rogn•by. Rob<-rl Rooke R n ~hmtdt. Jamt°' Slt.cmt'.'rf' OonnA Smtih.,n Si"'nC• Lam· Slmbel Ann•llo s~-.·t.....,n. \"1n:in1a ThomM [)&I• Tritten. JMn Vullt"tC Jf'An \Vnnr\mr\l<fr Ct•rto..i W11:<1n

TENURE BILL OPPOSED \ tMt'hl"'r lc9"UN' btll W1U~ ahunl

t'd anto cnmmlllN' in lho Tdt\hn lA~t.ture after 11 rormflr lf'nrh· "T ·l urnC!',t•l<1:'Alator dt('hu«1 ••t 4.-.n·t bellf'\·t; thf"tt" u.. a.ny a;oo,t 1 .. oh•n1 for lht• bill

Tbci '"-..uni l\Ould ci''"' pub11t· uhool t....,h.,.• l•nur~ rli;hl• attor two )"Ml"I on a. job Srnn.tor Nctlhe:: Clute Stovi.,n 10 • BaJlnockl rhmrman of lhf' Mt.\re.Mton com· milt•• .,.Id 11 "" • oponoored by tho To•cll•n1· Culld or Pocall'lln.

Sc,..tor K•nn~UI TrM<h.r. tR.· I. a fonn~r Khnot le.nth -. dalin .. t puaago or th~ blll wnuld .. Mddl~ u• wUh poonr 11chool lMChf'rll ••

II t.,Umony with 'to the beal ol my reutll«Llon "l B••ld•• Hla had nothlnir to (IDJn and oiv•rythlng "' 1.,.. by conl"""1on Atlhoui;h 1>1- .. haracler wltn<'•. Adlai St.ovctUOOn. """ ..., bul<fd him OU1 or pollllcol ex~· loncy, he •1111 lliut NMec:ll<>n . fri•nda, , freedom. and th• mootl Caco-aav1ng. l.n/lu•nUOI <har n<:Ur n•!t-rtnC<' a lranor could uk !or, an f'X·Prtt1Jd<"nl or &.hr Unit~I Sta lee,

AJ> I bave •lo.Led abov•. I don I 1..-ll<W you c.ompreh•nd lh• algnt· he.a.nee of" vour dtubbomn.. By oupporltng Alg~ Hlb, yuu hav• r;l•on lh• grttn llghl to all tutur• would-be '="'*';" age:nla. "'~,., up t.o l.bla limo h:lvo alwnya b<!­b~\'ed lhal they would be punlJtbM II lh•Y pra'11Jced ~n. You and ;. vur &dmintat.rstlon t.oJd evrry olh.r All!"r fUaa In ;;o\•unm•nl that, """" 11 th~y practiced trua­on. th<'y <0ul4 depend on pow•rful support trom "hJg:b up.

Wt havt paid you a coutclerabl• amount to prvr.act our Comlllu· lion Mr W.. luta alao reectvtd paymenl running Into w thou.· allda or dollarw lo promoLe lb• beal 1ni.ue.ta ot th• U S l.hrough th• Sl&lt Dql&rtment

I '\'ant my mnn,.y bftck Youn truly. Wancn Ande.noon P'roch . '-r.xpayor

Buy Her Rowen From


Cono~> Boutonn;oro .. Bouquet.

M~,., 4 "f'4t. :1 4 ~74 Z ll Sfo.•~n A~• • C.0.w d'AJ•••

nuiny \\'ut."'

t>urtni; lu• l ravtla. Mr •llcndcd tho 01)'111pla. In 1-"lntand Jn 1'62


Page 3: The NIJC Cardinal Review Vol 10 No 2 Feb 25 1957

FT A Chapters Change Name tudent National Education Assn.

,....,rf' &f'\lf!t•l Dlh• r fHOIU

lono re.....i hy th .... em '-ii.,... th• high!)""""'"'""'

nf lh~ tlnanN cornmlllttr Of lh'°M! Wf"'1*" th •lt tlort

l•xt bof>k Mii l4."t1DJ b\ lh arul lhr r~ommrn1l~Urm w.-Uarr ind lmrro\·rrn"'nt t1th1n rttmrnlll~ nru.J lhat

lllull t.. l)lll('OU""t'd In I he 111111 ~raol..,. In °'" 1K I tl<lll or

Al1 th,. mtodlnp Wt'ff"' \• n nc and 1!1111J;"hUnr: In <'lJf!

I wouli1 Ukr t.-. than"'i lh

"'acs.. ~""" •1u1 Luaaa 1~.att.--0­• k°w"G·"'"' n-11i:aDUt tnun 10 • u-i., J•r .. u, Bab), N· rod. •0

n11I NJma.IKt! '""" l llli\t".J"1Mi.J-lolt'r· -lloaaJ. IQ '-'htdl lhc) (~&al "'U' '>al >ti-... Tiu, plrlW'Q ,, 1 rn:au, ... oo.,u.og at Uae \\llnm Tb<,,...

Uames Club Sets Date For Annual luncheon

1 .• . , ai.r n.o. · I)' t . & oi lJ~ A C..'1Ub A .. '.~..d 111 th t! f!'CfJ:nomJca roam I- ebru.a.n

11 Eleanor ~ ,,,.... choocn U, IUI the J><W.l""' ~! ..,,ut&r)

a. UlL \\hen Mota Perry •"it.DU~ It 1m achoo!

ll "U ckCido<l ID bolt! UW &M ... J luncht~n for U:." •-omen meu..bu1 u Ill• t a.culty "' I.ho bomo ,_. r.ut oJCI room Lbc hJ"lt JirlondAy Ill Muc:h C<Hbainnan or t1>e a>Cial t: znmal\~ aro IJ.a.J:el Anc:it:rwm II nd [Jonna Smilh. ,.&l ut W\ll plan the menu.. Th~ l.l&me a Cli.b cor<hall) In

V1tes &JI marrtt:tl "1rl"Om~ .at.1.Jdont.1 '"' h 1• ha vu nol u yet Jo~n"1 to do.o.

FATHER EWOT Will SPEAK F'alhar .ll l ... -tu :. ~ t tr Cr mp.&J\y .. Kce i int- a:

«111•11' or Ute :.·uc Newman Clu• aatc:d for ?.Larch I 1n .,_ lt Cl .-b oft. ~n 11Tr Tom Kane.

r rw1dem. liOn Peters.. .. 1c ... prMI· rnl an<I Channaino Del\%. -...-.


ltanutaclw-e &Ad c!Ytnbut.oo o mbu <mJl)<>}'ll 7!!0 000 p<'f1k>na 1n . l ruled 81..>.'Q'

I ' L .\ r T t; K I ' .\ TT ~ K a, . ,.,.......,.. H&Ju.,

Th.a r°""" A1.. • rn.a.i ha'" .a ntt.11> htl 'w\'UJt \\Jilka ()D \\l.IUJ..

".'Q.IDCI01le LO Lo\l'. *" on tnu iUp a1<1e. 10·cca 1~ rpmJ.

.. \. n"\\c~ on reoon:s. s.. Jcm ..-,..._a.a_ U3o .h:rr) Le,,._. 4'U>t ~in~ i.c • oot a ei're&t aa.a;:~r. tJUl n" un do .u-a.cnt balla<IB and haa \01~ bu a arane,e Cbum Lil aud1 tune. .. vtl UDj>p) and Blrtb ol lbr tlHIC', (Dc:cca LP 1

The Crew,, Ill • bUDl r 1C.b001 ap.nt.. bavr recorded Tllo llall• ol h') and Tbe \ An.ii) Lita(. I lle«Ury •6 rpm

Len 0-..1v•.U. Cllrl Ste""""· lUa orcll~ and cbo:u.. hu ,.... corded a lulc. old we.-t.ern tune. nr.nci... w,....g1r: on Lill: 01.11er

...._ u.-11 .... in n ... 1Mercury •~ rpm).

JJoa't Pu,.fi ;u,, TO<> Far and \"" Benrr !\ot C..O, recor&:d b)' SKc:CLa ll<Uo.n.• d.. i. ...i counl.l)' m.....ic

C.polOI I · rpmJ

1 oc -- .Boal '''"'!: .. • calri> number done by tno F'on· l.&lnt<... ~ ll')llp ..... \\ut lndJea folk mu.1c. Oll•n UUt 1W1ger mal<• up lhe ,..onls aa b" ;;oa &Ions, 1Dot •ll nnpt ~ J,, l:>lAlllTa .. Frank Ill b1-

-- l:lt ~ a c1aun or Illa ,... cent IUla,, l.ncladlnj; th• ll"cly L&o•• Md ~1&1'1'1"'1! lllld the nol·ao­blue ~-· llw- a1 ...... 1Cap1tol t.P

F. T. A. PLANS PIE SOCIAL TJ>. F T A i. apol1Wl'lll( •

"' o d-t~n•rd ple AOClaJ lt 'A&.U be .held in tb,.. SU.den\ Cruor .. Malllay •""1Wq;, March I E\'Cl) 1 ody altmdlni; will INolc• IUld b""' A pl IJ'tv llndJ~ out wll&l k1nJ l pie !be cau oh• pnrcn pro.t•ra

Th P"" ,.'111 be 1W<1Jon"'1 off b} :Mr D""""f IUld the ;..nt.a Wiii Ina •n 1Mm Ann Pl•• .,... 1Uld. Uk pm "111 llla.n lb• pie It• bout;ht "'"''h lb• IA<l> who baked II All Ul1- and C<lllM, too °t::Vf"n • iw u 11>nt..S IO attend •

Th<' l:nlted Stat .. T.....,.y ,... ~"" more l.han $100 million dollan " ~ ((# 11"&11lli; and tU"'iber• n nauonaJ tott•t.a

A. for lhC' 11rr~ortuttilJi t· t th,. rolltll(f al the Students Can Expect Higher Costs

And Entrance Restrictions For College

Wl'dd1rq In.,,.., Ofl,ce S ppi o

N St • MO~ •• \ • :10t






\ . ~p lSIJ1,,,. •~ blch boo>I r• a,....

•• the wmlng monl.hl ....U "" .. 1...,tton or • ool ~ \\'belb•r th" prohlt!lll l> ... Odlon czm. tsrn. " i.i;tn C<lll~ carttn. It

\ rtu:all) lb DJ • Ht',_ att """' 1 .. 1-tUt<l>I point. CQllOJdor

Wli<n ) u aal"" a collri:< ... iiat

Y()U -l to find. Ulllt&n<'<o tn scl ... :tll>j; a P fN• or t""OCaLloa •

111':h quality of notnacllon Modem "'lu!pn: ent \\ bol...,.,,. ""1d111 rel.o.x•l>on • Opportunll} for lrAdrnlup •

:;.ound 'ttftAratkm fnr \hr•

~·or lh< net '""' )...,.,, th<> •'<'lloo of a colleg• ii' ll~•ly so


cotu~ 0 ALENE DAHO

Hom• of Fino S.nd lnslTumon+.

°" B


... .utrSJY ..mif' &A.a tor rum· . ,.._,. I e.cau.. « bnutod runda.

m&lll( C>OUeca Pd UAl\-1.l .. _,

..-n<"Unc anel "'111 """"'"'" IO ratlkt eurollm..aa. Tller'f em pl) ...-w oot II<! mqb teadJU'll and i.uar.-n. to cv U'OWld.

:: :.l&Jl) coller;u. P'ftl ,,_ ~ ..-.:eeun, Uudr Ir- ~ud·

<'1 .. OD tM - ot biP -r~ or by .nme typo c ! "''" lnlAc• o.amusaUon&. Stadeta la ~ !.......,. quarUk of Ulolr hlt:> .OOO!clu90Ttbolle ... bodooot ra.Le IUl'!kltn\Jy bli;ll on \be .,,. trance eaam1nlfkyl• m&J" find a ...U.go ..SucaJ.Joo delllad Ib-

a n.. COOlt of ··~ coUec• away tT'Olm heme b r;etlll18 b.Jcber. and will ,...,,. '""" $1.000 to u~ r<'f' )TV de~ US- wblrh llCboollaacl-..S.

F"or th- and oUW.r ......, .... thoae ~~ to mtu oolleg-t' .WOUid appl)• (CW admi.ulon U soon u the) can dec:Jde I! and '"'he..~ lb~ want to go. So tar S •rtll Idaho Junior CoU"C" "-- nul (Urt&llf'-d ~lratton. •ad 1t i.

b •rod lb&! lt """ r>ot ~ n•.-r)"


ZlS Sh.,.,..• A .. • COEUR D'>J.£NE. IDAHO

N. L .r. C. BE\ 'U:W. C-.... d'Alene>, l dabo. Moa., Ff'b. :ta. 11111 TlllUZ

Former Student Is Named To Business Honorary At Indiana

Janot llut. a IGnlor at the Uni· l'erally ot lr1dJana, ,..... elcc:ted ~ mcm~nlllsp Ill Omlcrvn Delta. • blUUl- honorary for uppcrela.u· '"Omen, and C&mma Alpba Oll. A

nAl.lonJU prolc8$1onal ad'·•rtlalnr: h()nl)rary ti# women Sho I.I major· tni; 1n ~ orrice t.r11lnlnc proi;rarn

Janel gradw.t..i rmm Coeur d'· Alme hlJ?h llCbOOI ,_,th th• cl­<>r 1!153. a.nd from Nortb Idaho Jun10r Calle~ In 1Pll6.

Lul Y•llr Jan<t WU an otfic.r

J &Ml U.,SI

tor lhe new SmlthwOOd clorm1toi;· wluch ho..- 1,000 womon. Our· ins tb~ •~r she: wq a rece-p­lfonbt at the Htl,ydcn L&ko Coun· u;- club.

Thu aemMl•r Janot 11 l&long<'~, 11.w, bualn,.a communtca· Ilona, orrtco OIY•lcma and controla. nf!lcc management Tl and p1Ay1 In Lho alrlng onaemble. On• or her pror.....,r., l>r. Elvin E &)'lltcrm, WU AW1U'd"'1 tile 1938 Jehn Ro~rt Ortra- ""~•&rd tor htr CJlhtatn.ncUng wark In bualneaa education

Janet I.I the dougbtcr or Mr Md Mn. Charle. A ~I. 1!!02 F"ourth ln'•t

Tllo Wcod tiff. 1COmtod u a n1111&nco ln Canada. b now dlJ>. ('OVeJ'l'd lo be " \•aluabl~ eourc• ~ n•wsprlnl and <Omtfl"tcd

C!irnation Company ltt.h Mil~ & Ice Cream

Pk0tie MOh.awl 4..2721


Membership Drive Slated For Civic Artists Concerts

The Nor1.b ldAho C\\'t< l>lu.i< AJlM. b plllnntng It. m•rnberlllltp c:ampa1gn to be held th• Wttk ot Marcb 11 through Mattb 18 M<m1-berahlp In Ulla -.Utlon •nllllCll • .'tludt'nt to att~d t. lh~ natlonally·lcnown a.rt.lst. conr:eru How•vor, m•mbuahlJ>3 will be 90ld only dunni;" I.he w"k oC U.reh ll·le and Will .,..t » oo tor 1tud•nta. Tho l't'i:uJar prlc~ la $6.00 for adulta.

"ncketa should be nblalnod u -n as po .. lbl• since the,.. \\111 be a i;nat dcmJUld fftr t.h•m. Mr. C. W Burnell, """"I mulllc dJr~• or ot NlJC, la p-Sdent ot lh• ~ l . C. i\t . ..uan. llr. G. O. Kildow. ptffldenl or ?o.IJC. 11 on Lhe boanl Of dJ~tOf'!I.

"I WOUid llko lo take lhlll oppor­tunity to advllto atudmta to tako advantairo ot uia opeclal I0\1' pl'fe<>." &a.Id Mr. Bumcu.. "'I> would Uk~ to wr.:lcoma anv n~"· •lnir<ra to Join the coU~ club. Wo are Mp<"'••lly tn n...i or mal• \'Oloea." MJ'. Bum•tt al.lied thal lho choral poup I.I anUclpal· lnJ a spl'fng eon0< rt tour o! the nortls•rn part ot the 1t&U.

MAKING COSTUME JEWElRY U ~ ot )'OU i;tri. •re lnt•r~lll·

cd ln J10me~ new 11nd unlquC" ln coelum~ Jcwolry. contact .Jim RWJ· It'll at lhc Watchmaking School Ho hu an ~Ucaled pair O( pilers which ho WJU With gold wire In r!UlhtonlnJ coatumo jowolry lh•l 18 •nUtcly dl!f•ttnl and .v .. n· plere Ill lndlvlduolly hA.Od oind• •

WILMA T H E A T R E MOhawl 4-5091


-~-~-11 ~--=-~ UA.ft90--.....: ~

SAL M.O • IOllll S40ll U1111A PmD1 'LUS· CARlOON MID NEWS


WAR and PEACE With All St•t c.,,

for Skirts and Blouses that Sta) as FRESH AS A SUMMER MORN'


Vo'' JI .1i1pprcciato lhC" cool comfw1 0£ prmt'Dl.1 U>.:it have btt1'l '-"\"1':'M our tint" df')· C'lt-ilU\inc whh l~e St.1 • Nu ( h1nfl touch lh(" On 1 finbh n "'"own' ~t • N 1 rvpl.-1c""" l"xulo fin1 hinc at<'nb thnl k~p prff\C"rtb c1ia9 and frciJ\ m<1k<"' ~Ion a g:.:1.)• u' IAt us g1~e: oU your ummrr 1h1np 1hb f1J~Ul'1' ltt,.tcrirnt S11 • Nu ~ thr ~xtra that you n~th n.;: Try Ollf dr)' cJc-an1n.c •and Sta.*Nu) ••• w«- ,.,rttml~ Vf"1i1 ~#JO pl"ucd l

• Advertised In -

Gridley's Men's Store and Cleaners


Page 4: The NIJC Cardinal Review Vol 10 No 2 Feb 25 1957

BOWLING U::.\<i\,L "r-"''UL'iG'>

!Thtu Yell. Ui)

Won Loot Quo VM1141 30 14 NO\lol Quat"' Chau

, 16 AU.y Cata 27 11 King Pina 2Sh J7''1 Dciad Pina ~ I~

Lea Cll&ta Do La Rue 21 23 Rocle 'll RoU•t11 10 31 Cuya and OoU• 71.., 36h

lllGU GUlf:S (00)'!>) oa"e Smit.I:. 21T Don Heyn ~ir;

BW Locl<acd :!()

lU<ill '<tJU£.., (BCl) M Don Hc)'tl M3 Da\'e Smith 1137 JeM')' Pct•naon :!l b

lrJGll <•.\~I&~ !GOU.::. ! Dorothy Heyn ZJ~

Cbtt!r \'an Slat.. 1•9 .l.IAnlyn 3UrMall 16S Sandy Baird 16.'

lllGu ... rnn: .... {GI RLS) tlol'Othy H•)'tl :13: Marilyn ManahAll 170 Ch"'r1f' \'an Slatti 460

\\ J:ll \GI:.., ( 80\!>J I.Jon Heyn 171 l>avld Smith Ill: Jan Kell7 117 Ron P•!nw H~ Donny Polera 142 K•llh HIUUI 140 Tom Kann 132 Joe Henaley 134 Jl111 Hcl\ll<) l:l:? Hub 3.llllbdller 131 P..oger H\ld!oOD 131 Kati Elluii 130 Glen Ini:nll• IZt! Hov.-anl Be.IH- 120 Dick Janacn 121 Ken Bnat 118 Bob No\'ak 117 Alan Inako 116 ~llll lAni;lot. 111 Ray Cranston 1~

A\T.ll.\GES (GIRLS) Dorotb)• Heyn H~ Cltrrte Van Slat• 1:!11 Marlh'tl :.!al'llhall 128 Sandy Ba1rd 1:?7 A rlcn• Hartz 110 DoNlle N"'"a>mb JOll Florenrc n:.1112 106 JM!. Cramp 1().'\ Barb&r& T<>lh 1~ Max Smith 9:1 O rla Jaquith 87

Qu.artcrl>Jtk Mike Bl'O\\'tl or Diutm<>Ulh l<!t a acl>ool rteor<I durtnr; aM " m h<: llC'Oft'd 10 1.....elid<>W'IJa







lake City lanes, Inc. 24l4 N, Fowrth St .. C..wr cf"Ale-

NIJC Will Again Host Panhandle Tourney

The annwa.I Panhandle cl&.. A baakelball tournament will 114:.1n b< held al th• :-'UC IC)mntUJIUm.

I eb 28 - :\l&rdl 2 1n game numa..r """· Lbe _,

riaoo l"'1m In th• cont~ ""111 late the fourth plat<-~ Tht: M:CC>nd 1;am• that ame ..-.:In., w1U 11tt tho lh!N and lllth place IMrna play1ni; Th wtn~r or ~ ("(" which la Kello~, aniJ th~ l1U1l pla«• llonnen Ft"1' BadK'!ro .. u1 Ulnt:le 11> pn:• th-.., I he toll<>Wln; ~l tM Wlr-'llnl; ,....,, advam:ll1£ to I.he t -1o In lh• KIJU-Wlda, th• t lha1 WU\ plDS OD• and two pla and lh<> Ylctor ad ~ to tho 111\al.a.

Th•ro wm be M COIWJlaUon c•m• Ullll year Tb• c.ha.mp1<m­"'11p ~· Will ti.. eanly onc pt..)·ecl th• tut nl&!lt r U>e tour Ct)'.

Tournamenl ~ la Harold J £\....., ~ Coeur d' Alair high acboo OU. •Wcl.U art 8111 ~:cglWI of Wa

Inc. and Arl Bambl"1 of San polnl, reterta: Ollo LitMnburge hmer o..ccl Dale ftto)'tlOlda, 9COnor

The lOIJ.rntolwnl cha!llJ'!I will re­~•"e a irophy and l.JldJTldual go m<'dalo. ,.1th lhe oecond plate !eam i;.iunro 1111\~r mtdal

Conf(',,..DC'f' ~luuJJn~ .. ; As of Ftb 20)

l<•llo1;ir Co\ ur d AJrn" Sandpoint ~l Maneor Wallate llmn•n F'<rT)'

w. L t'ct. rt. Pa. P 0 I 000 48:l t3: 7 2 f';!\ ~~ 399 6 l 667 6:14 471) 3 8 .333 460 533 : • ::?2stl!t.50 0 • 00 396 Z:!S


Cll)' l~e bukelball pl&)' hu ~ dlM>DnUnu..S bttauae ur lh• hl~h 8Chool lOW'l\&mfll\la be111. hd In lhe :-.'DC CY"'-

Pllllh119 M woe I.I>• I~• uu with 10 ,..,,,. ~l llO ·­Th• NlJC CanlUIW and Allu Tl U«I for ..-cond, Collowed by th Eai;lea and tho Sport. C..nlrr

Studrnta are anUclpauns a pa.1--..on morung belwwn th• Catd• nal.I and AU.. Tie, both made up r ouog. m.dent.a.

Dorothy Heyn Ma~es Exclusive 200-Club Olly Lao0t hll .. :ZOO club for "'o<nen bowltn. v.ilh an .-xdu­""~ m-1>e?'llhlp of -is women It II opon to Ill\)' "'oman &n) .. ...,..,., l.ll&t II. Who .,.,. bowl

:?00 ~ .. On F'cl>nial') !.. Doro­. h)' Heyn t.opp«I lhll with a ocorc ,, :!15. :Sot bclni:: awan ot lh

club'a .xllltan~. OoroUw ltfl I.I>• bowling Alley lhe nlt;hl or lh• &t.11 happy, bul not aa yrl th• prood r- o! a blue &Jld s<>ld plr. p.._.,led l.o :!OG-dub mt<Dbers A -le Jerry Cnui!onS in--nt• ed Dorotb)• WI IA tiff pll\.

1..1.J<.e City l.ano la owned and by Jerry Cran!ord hUI wtfe lrene and Bob CllA~ek.

,,,.. Cl~ llArtliu bold .-\.DJ•r1c&n Boele"' ~ noeord ra.r Cll ll.M'!n!UY!I vtr:'lbMN -.1:tk 11

Pepsi-Cola· ~es



Oilers Win AAU Tourney; Edge Out Priest River

~ P' • • "' A n~ CJ· . bfu,k.- · '"' won

the X c>r'..h ldallo .\ .A t'· mcnl ch.amplolllhlp 1ut Wttk by 1l<feat "' " otrong rn .. 1 Rl"•r qutntrt S2-6J

Th" Pbllh!D 66 team d""' a by• t r t l"Bl-round patnni; , Ln ti.. tourney 1n """"4• l'OUnd ad.I"" !hey met a ~sly lotq;h Pest F t..a who tM prtYtou:o nll:t.! l:ad ~llmlN.ted j\ uu Tl• The ~ Falls oatlit roui;IU ~,.,.l•­ly lo whip ui.. 6' but ".,.., noaod oat 7.&·il

r.;.,.t R '<r, wtnn•r of th• ITTC I.a~ abo """"' • bye I r lirtal r<Nnd Tiie ~nd r1!Und &3V

UMm ladni; Kr"°" l':llu I • f'TT ,,_ """' • Print Rh· T

K""°" b)' U.- 1-"""l n... Pft''loWI nti:lll Kellot;i: lu:

lna'ed 0.. C<>llri;# C&n!u>Al:

~ Phllllpe l=m, b)I w1nn1ng t :SOl"..b lclaho IJUr ,....,rl.....t n ~ n Ult dlat=t 1.oumam""' • Spoll&: .cl1eduled tor thr ::lnl

-· ,..

Graduating Sophs Are Asked To Order Gowns

""'"' !or lpf1n; ~ e-<rrclMs m nkr ~ gctl.UI& °"' c btt and

~-cou~ .. otrldah an ....iuci; all Gnodna~ oophomorea, lh- \\~lh a total or ~ or mol'Y cr«llla, tu ~ thm mumnnwtt.a lor cape

and ~ ..... lO tJlr tti;blrar 0 OlflCC!

a..tore ~ ~ oo that a~n can be l al lhe urll..t poalbll'

M~t.a~att he4;b ~t arul mp lliZ<'

AIQ' 1:udcn:& Who are In doubl u lo wtiotber tbry ,.1ll i;ruduot" HT abo ukf'd to bnnr ln 1nMJ11u.rr mens... WI<:• Lul mlnul" on1ora niay not "" !Wed.. b l cancellalloru

..., n

Auto Mech. Students Now Required To Take Welding Class

"'GI ·ha.rice u Aub .\L a.rncw1. "' .._. atudcnla an requll'ed l.o attrnd • bel;tmlas dau I.JI wel111A1; Each 11\udtl>t eru"Olled a.n Auto-Medlanlca 1"'1.11 be reqwred to "P"'d I.he period from 11·1~ lo 12 00 one day pcr ,. .... k In Wtldlng cla.u and rrat­LIC~ The <•nlY •xttpllona wlll be o<Udc:ita who U< prohibited from doilJi; '"" OlJ a ~ • advtct! '""'<OU1'le wUI Led'* both 00<)­.. ~ el«lnc-are P"'>­ccaoe In "''eldu>r; and cutting of -aia. ~-u.unc &Old•~ and bronze-w.,lchcr D! m•l.&JI Al­ao ln<luded WIU bt all uf•ly pr­C'llUUolMI Ulat mllll bt o~rv..i In lhe UM arul etorar o1 ~h ..,..1p­m•l>l aa la u...i In Ula<? c.ptt11-UOna. TIM aim b not oo much lo Prod1>ca a n~ we:der, but rather to pe I.lie nt<-.-y i:rowu1111C In !Undamenl&I ~ry and pratlltt, accordlni: lo row.... I.he lnalrnclor

'1 \Kl: 8£1.lE\"E L' ROO\J J! JI )"DU lll>U"'° th l In Room 3:

ll11Jdmt. l'9 COWllJn beana CU!• IJlll: Pll'tt doU., or jum~ ros­)'00 need Ml Cl>!ICludf' thal ~ ha'• loo ll>ru ...,.._ It b an dm>enlal) eduaulon methoU rl In numbera and ,._dlni; at nr~


e 6000 HAMIU•&Elt • MG l'HlC~l'-F&-

N. I. J. C. Coed Not Too Disappointed Aher All Winner Is Candidate For Olympic Team

by ~bl...,, t.:111.

&.J..I,;"• J.uu('I C ~ Z.IUDilo JO \'U oltt9 a-111.lw\ 'nl~ lock•

al the bottom of th<: hill -too ~l lO be --i Th~ moun la1n 1tand"'I! .c> .....iuu .. ::i.Uy and al•rnly am.Ued GrtmlY ftt my un­eulnou A lf"OIJP or alu•,.. olood around waluni; for I.I>• ,..,.. 10 ~ s.,,,,.. ..,en> qwl• bobl.r-011a, othen ,......., medllaU\'<I) qul•.t. A• ror 111)...U, I ,. .... wlsll1ni; I could becaDlloe 'l'loknllJ Ill a> I •'OUllPJ t Ila •·e lo altl t.11<' COUl'9C' A tall boy wbo taler •"On In th• baJ • 111.-ltlon began lllnging • wna lO bolster tu• mt1falo nn \US" u 1 Ute ound «mci out

Variety Of Prizes Again Offered For Assorted Beards

\\ b. c •n i;ro~ th' ·~hl""L b •rJ oround lhe J C • Thn \'•t 1

dub •nil ap_ut 1p.1n.eur lhc-tr annual l>Nrd &"l'V'•lnj; conlual tu ~i:tn .Mardl I &Dd end 'l•n:h 21

(ndJ\"ldwaJ a10-&fdl •111 ba i;l\tn tor the IDni;Nl, lbe mwt or1£tn•I o.nd lhe crudnt growtN ,\ b<>ob) nze ..-111 alao be r ... aenlOIJ lo thr on1 ... 1an1 ,. ho pta lit• lu•t r ... ult• from the mnat erru1 l

l..a&t y~ "mneorw '-'~f< N111

-l1!lll Lake waU\ th~ nu.111t ort1inAI benl Craydo11 JohMOrt, ,. ho rinlalwd .. 1th lhr loncn1 .\I Oil· bort took homo rr1&~ tor lh• crud'1lt al>d W&Mut Ste~•"" •u aw•nlod Ule booby pnlil for lh• kut .rault.1

Accor<11n1 lo th" rulu, 1-cu11,.,.l anl• .,, bo are not. t'(ff'np<iUn.: tor lite awud ,.·h1ch v.111 be "'·•n to the ~ of lh• lonc .. t bo-anJ may i;~1Df: their -r'1a al any Um• The atart1n1; dAle of ¥arch I tlOH not appl7 to "" h CC!nlHl&nta.

Judging will tak• pi.&eo Mal'C'h 2lal In Lhc SLudcnl 1:nl'>n dunni: "rU\'lly perlOd. Se,·oral rnombtr1 or Lbo coll<i;• faculty Will acl u Jud•ea.

.Al of )"d lh• 1fX>n.80ta ha\C U(rl

dl&cloHd •hat k.lnd of pnU• .,,.111 L .&• -"' J lh• .,,. nnel"I'

Northwest Timber Co. Employs Nine Students

A report«". UJ a. ~h tor rn ~ azrd bout t.11~ omrnun1· · · UM

up •1lb an 111lr....,1Jn1t !act <e>n c•rntn; working .stlld•nta. Se•·tn fll.ll·Um., 1wdenta p1 ... tv.·o lnul•­llC1-I train- are emplo) oJ by l'orth.,.ut Timber Com119ny

Not c.nly lhls company, bul all olhtr buaant.._ which prn\'lt.I,. V.'Ork for lhoacr atudfont.a Vi'ho l<Sltt It, aro lo ba comm•nd«l

Tiie Collowing a...ienuc etudmla •re ttnpl<>)ed a.I. North•nt 11rn- • lier· C. W. B-. £".>tile F.i:i;.., Rudy Spencu, BW CulJnon•I. Xtll KAn.oon. Jamts Orr and O!lnr ~ .. ,,,,_, Tll1' rouowlnf: t nu! ... ll<'ho<>i ll'alnffa ..,.. al.a employed • l lhc amr pl&cl .Max i.roru.Jni::~ and l'!•-' Loq

* ~tt"lS * FOUNOAl•ONS * D-ESSU * llOUSU


10. M .;...,_,.ta. Si .. c..... 4 IJ•"•


TYPEWRITER ·. r .. ·Ap

Interstate Typewriter ~ ...

"'' ~ •• ,,.." A•• • ""4Qt. ..... 4-)C ra COEU• D'AUNE.. IDAHO

b.iu11.11 ~h &~t ~

ban~ "•h- ""l An'1 :::.~ ~n nl) forehtad..

Th~ ........ ~""" and IUllJclpaUOn bec:a._ "'1 •v..-y MlnUl• 1oty ~ come all•maloly liql llllcl .._.. watohOd ll•"ttly And4.roea •tOO<I Ill lh~ 11art1ng Pit ea ror lh• lllltftal tu CO • ...,.. mm.. l«>ublo 110\lmc UU,,.. flnl u...... i:ai.. W1li<b eome .. hat c-1) -lh~ IRlllal otMp pert 0C Ult ah~ <" to ia Blr&ICht nm ... h•r okls II), pl<k111g' up "Pee.I thl" \\ h'u.t-rt •Ill"'" the hill t.hf' \\ u out <'f etghL MJ aank, tor I kn.,. I.hat 1 nf'\·or SU lhat lut I mt<:hanl ally o\ or to lhe ~tr Someone ahout..s ftlt"nl lo in~ •hkh lllAdt •nnnk lrualde I WILi not to lhlnk loni; uf all ;~ 1iw.,. 1:<'11111 J:O \\ m.,. Tl\<! fl&J -lh~ lhlnl COUii\ thr.. I one.'! GO' \a;a.tnmt my Wtll akl• •II~ thruui;tl n,... a;alNI \1 I rame to UM •lrtlch In lh• <"OUrH I 11u11 1 ,. .. , co•nc rue.,. kn4!'\' how to contrnl llJ tm.1tht'•I I lrl~l Wiidiy \ nln In tdn" •town I nmnlnll thP rour-Ho U.. \\na nannH1g mr- ,\a I .._.... hair pin "'Y akll ha....,.

nr of fhl' t..:! rontrol n.a. aud Im Im ptn•lrattoot "'1 bool\ 1 I "''" lht f1nlah pit J tflmtroht-r .. 1 mJ 1ru.tnrtor'1 \'1rt\. m)• mind ~rn~ cl.., bt•t~ 1mtt ~wlor~ of what I wu 1111{ I<""'°' hftnl lrM I w•nt m •11"•1, l'hlrh r.11 of! lbatpl)' I h• d...u:-en•llni; t111i. W.i,tlt .. 1 •ll•m•t••r lb 11,. rtP& J,..rt u my 1k•..-• •-mt 111 .. 11 It WaA all o\'<r I , ..

S.. ' SI 00

Qunliii/ PRINTIN