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Knights of Columbus: Fr. Frederick Suggs Council #6892



Grand Knights Corner

It is so hard to believe that the first year of my Grand Knight tenure is already over - where has the time gone? Truthfully, I feel like we just got started yesterday and I still have so much to learn. Just bear with me, PLEASE! Even though we are in the summer vacation slowdown; there is no rest for 6892 as we prepare for the Operation Hope Workshop which we are hosting

on July 13th; the very next weekend on July 21st we are planning a city wide 2nd Degree investiture here at Our Lady of the Hills church. We should have at least fifty (50) candidates and guests attending. We will have to provide lunch (we can charge for non-candidates). Finally, on July 27th we will gather over at St Joseph’s for the Grand Knights workshop – I plan on taking at least 7 council members to that event (including me). You guys are familiar with St. Joseph’s aren’t you? Theirs is the church with the quiet air conditioning system! I am so looking forward to taking a breather in August and a relaxing dip in Brother Joe Albers pool. Can’t wait! Meanwhile, Brother Joe Tonsing and myself have been hard at work finalizing several new locations for Operation Hope – I think you guys are going to enjoy where we have us standing with cans this coming fall but I will leave all that news to Brother Joe to reveal to all of you – we definitely will be awarding shirts again – this year Irish Kelly green so we can use them in March at St Patty’s in Five Points. Number of hours hasn’t been decided yet but my feeling on that is to make it easy enough for everyone to earn a shirt if they want one.


Knights of Columbus: Fr. Frederick Suggs Council #6892 – Irmo, SC

Volume 3, Issue 5 (FINAL ISSUE) July 2013


PLEASE READ: This newsletter is distributed electronically to our Brother Knights via email and can

be found on our web site: John Lisic- Editor, Charles Hood –Assistant Editor.




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Knights of Columbus: Fr. Frederick Suggs Council #6892


Brother Tonsing is just one of a handful of changes going into effect on July 1 at the start of the new fraternal year. Joe Tonsing along with Dave McCarthy (Fatz breakfasts) and Keith Seymour (communications) are all heavily involved in this year’s Operation Hope Drive. Brother Richard Roshto (who will stay on as our Historian/Lecturer) has accepted the position of co-chair of our recruiting/retention program – he will serve along with Matt Church who returns for a 2nd year. We definitely need two in that position as found out at the end of this past year we were scrambling to make our goals – we don’t want that happening again. Our Communications area has also been revamped as Victor Banks and Brad Dulin will both head this area up and make sure that getting the word out stays at the top of our priority list. I am hopeful that John Lisic will continue to head up the newspaper “The Compass” or at the very least work with others in this area – by the way, if you have any newspaper experience or special talents in the area of layout, photos, reporting than we could use your help – let me know next meeting and we will sign you up. Regardless, (see Crosby I can be taught) we will ALL need to pitch in with assistance to keep our beloved news journal going. That will about do it for this edition of Grand Knights Corner. We hope to see all of you at our many events and meetings. Stay frosty and enjoy your summer activities.

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Knights of Columbus: Fr. Frederick Suggs Council #6892


Things our Knights did for the church and community

Fr. Frederick Suggs Council #6892 receives State honors

The Knight of Columbus State Convention was held in late April at the Embassy Suites Hotel in Greenville SC.

Father Fredrick Suggs Council #6892 of Irmo was represented by our Grand Knight, Dante

Tomasini and Deputy Grand Knight Steve Syzmanski. Chancellor Crosby Livingston and our

Past Grand Knight John Volmer attended as alternates. Our council was presented with several

awards. Thanks to the Knights who worked so hard this year to make this year another success.

Here are the awards we won at the State Convention.

The State Catholicity Award went to our own parishioner Maria Bernhagen.

1st place for the Scrapbook Award in Division II (Marsha Sansonetti creator)


place for the Charity Award was awarded for raffle ticket sales (Headed by Dave McCarthy)


place Achievement Award earned for 290% of our Operation Hope goal. (Doug Mader Chairman)

Distinguished Council Award for our council in Division II

Star Council Award (Achieved in May after making our membership goals)

These awards are the result of our council’s activities that many of you participated in over the last twelve

months. A special Thanks to everyone and we encourage you to keep up with the good work in the future.

Maria Bernhagen wins State

Catholicity Award

We are very proud to announce that one of our

parishioners, Maria Bernhagen, was

honored with the Knights of Columbus

State Catholicity Award. The South

Carolina State Council presents the

Catholicity Award to one person in the

state annually who best exemplifies

the basic principles of the Knights of Columbus in the

area of Catholicity and Charity. The disappointing thing was, before the Knights could

even present the award to Maria, a story was

published in “The Catholic Miscellany” magazine

announcing that she was the winner. She was

present at our Silver Rose Mass on May 8th reciting

the prayers for us in Spanish. In May a Mass was

held to celebrate her birthday. If we had only known

her schedule, one of those two times would have

been perfect to present her with the award. Dante

finally presented Maria with the award at the 5:30

Mass in early June. I understand he did a great

job then concluded the presentation by

presenting Maria with a bouquet of flowers. Way

to go Dante!

Best Scrapbook – created by

Marsha Sansonetti

We are also proud of Marsha Sansonetti who did

the council scrapbook for us this year. She is the wife

of Jim Sansonetti who is a member of our council and

the Faithful Navigator of the 4th Degree Bishop John

English Assembly #1072 in Columbia. Marsha was

asked by our Grand Knight to develop a scrapbook

using pictures from our various events that we hold

throughout the year. The pictures were taken and

provided to her by several of our Knights. She did

such a good job we ended up winning the State

Award for the Best Scrapbook in Division II. Not

only did Marsha do that for us, this is the third time

she has won the scrapbook award for our council.

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Knights of Columbus: Fr. Frederick Suggs Council #6892


Marsha also helped our Grand Knight (Dante

Tomasini) and Deputy Grand Knight (Steve

Szymanski) with the nomination letter for Maria

Bernhagen for the State Catholicity award. As many

of you know, it’s not only the candidate’s

achievements that help win awards; it’s also the

quality of the letter that is presented to the judges

that makes a difference.

In addition to all this and many other things Marsha

Sansonetti does for us and the parish, she was

recently voted in as President of the K of C Ladies

Auxiliary for this coming year. Congratulations

Marsha and thank you very much!

The Silver Rose of Guadalupe –

Wednesday May 8th

On Wednesday, May 8th the 12:15 Mass was held in

honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Father David

Whitman celebrated the Mass

with the Silver Rose on display

in the front of the church altar.

Following Mass the

parishioners were invited to

come up to view and touch the


The celebration of the Silver

Rose honors Our Lady of Guadalupe, the patroness

of the Americas, and her appearance to Mexican

peasant, Blessed Juan Diego in December of 1532.

When the Holy Mother appeared to Juan Diego, she

asked the peasant boy to gather Castillan Roses

from Tepyac Hill, in Mexico, and take them to the

Bishop in Mexico City.

This icon of the Silver Rose is touring all the Catholic

Dioceses in the country. Our Lady of the Hills church

had it for the Noon mass on May 8th. All members of

our parish were welcomed and encouraged to attend

this celebration honoring our Holy Mother’s

appearance to a peasant boy. When taking into

account the emphasis that Pope Francis has placed

on the importance of Catholics caring for the poor,

this liturgy carries even a greater meaning.

Blood drive and pancake breakfast

On Sunday April 28th we held our quarterly blood

drive and pancake breakfast. The Knights of

Columbus would like to Thank Everyone who

supported the recent Parish Blood Drive and

Pancake Breakfast. Sixty (60) Donors contributed

blood and the Breakfast was well attended. Again

thank you for donating the gift of life. Including this

week’s drive it brings the Parish Total to 1644 Pints

of donated blood, which the Red Cross still tells us is

one of Best Church Drives in Columbia. Mark your

calendars; the next Blood Drive is Sunday,

September 22, 2013.

K of C Ladies Auxiliary Book Sale

The Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary held a

book sale in April to collect money to support various

charities in our community. The parish donated

about three thousand books including games and

DVD’s of all kinds to use in the

sale. The book sale was held

during the weekend of April 20th

and again on the following

Wednesday so our CCD youth

could purchase books. The

books sold for 50 cents for

paperbacks and $1.00 for hard covers. The Auxiliary

ended up making over one-thousand dollars.

Thanks to everyone who helped. Even some of our

Knights showed up to help the ladies lug the books

around and set them up and take them down after

the sale. The setup alone was a whole day’s effort.

Several ladies spent over twenty-four hours setting

up, tearing down and handling the sales. The

remaining books were donated to Christ Central for

various groups throughout the state and given to the

soldiers at Ft. Jackson when they are deployed

overseas. See more on page 7 – “Ginny’s sonnet”

K of C council Corporate Mass – Saturday May 18

A Corporate Mass was held on May 18, 2013 at the

5:30 Mass in memory of our Brother Knights. It is

held each quarter and is served and attended by the

Knights. Father David Whitman celebrated the Mass.

Following the Mass about sixteen (16) Knights and

family members met at Ocean View Seafood in

Cayce for supper and fellowship.

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Knights of Columbus: Fr. Frederick Suggs Council #6892


Memorial Day picnic at Lake


Once again our council held a Memorial Day social

on Saturday, May 25th

at Ft. Jackson’s Weston Lake.

The attendance was very good. The weather

cooperated and it seemed everyone had a good time.

Thanks to Bill Baker and his lovely wife Blanche

for setting this up for us once again. I guess

retired officers still have pull with the Army.

Fatz Café breakfast – June 8th

On Saturday, June 8, 2013 we held our Operation

Hope kickoff breakfast at Fatz Café on Broad River

Blvd in Irmo. We asked everyone to take part selling

tickets and to sell at least three tickets each. Our

target was (350) three-hundred fifty tickets this year.

We sold over 175 tickets in advance and had about

200 guests at our breakfast this year, including walk-

ins. The breakfast ran from 7:00 to 11:00 AM and the

tickets costs were $7.00 per person. We broke our

record this year by raising over two-thousand


We had twenty-eight Knights and Ladies serve as

waiters and waitresses, we also had members

working in the kitchen, preparing food and making

coffee. This is really a fun event to attend. It gets us

the revenue we need to purchase supplies for our

upcoming tootsie roll drive. Operation Hope is our

biggest charity event of the year and it helps the

Special Olympics and Pendergrass-Fairwold school

purchase the extra things they need. This year, like

last, we are adding Cardinal Newman’s Special

Needs program to our charity list. Thanks to all who

took part in this Fatz Cafe Operation Hope breakfast

and made it a success.

Doug Mader is stepping down as the Operation

Hope Chairman this year. He has done an

outstanding job for us. Now let’s welcome our

new Operation Hope Chairman Brother Knight

Joe Tonsing who agreed to take over. Good luck

to Joe and all his staff for volunteering to run this

major charity event.

Fr. Suggs Council #6892 has it’s own website: Brad Dulin, one of our newest Knights is in the

Information Technology business. Right

after he joined our council and became a

Knight, he offered to start a web site for

us. We jumped at the idea. The web site

has been up and running for several

months now. Please thank Brad for doing this for our

council. He would also like to hear from any of you

who might have some input to help improve the web

site. Go to the website and click on CONTACT, fill

out the form then click SUBMIT.

Our council begins a monthly

collection program to help the


Beginning this June, the Knights of Columbus council

will begin collecting donations for St. Vincent de Paul.

We ask that all members check the church bulletin,

under “Social Outreach” and also on our “council web

site” at to find out which

items are needed each month, than place them in the

SVDP Container in the Church Narthex. The items

will be collected by St. Vincent de Paul to help the

needy. For the month of June St. Vincent de

Paul needs; chunky style soup, jelly or jam

and Ramen noodles. You can also donate to

Clean of Hearts; they need paper towels,

toothpaste, cleaning supplies.

Council #6892 donations money In addition to all the money donated to Operation

Hope charities, a donation of two-hundred dollars

($200.00) was given to our Parish Youth of to help

pay for their trip to the International Youth

Conference in Indianapolis. Fifty dollars ($50.00)

was contributed to the “Clean of Hearts” charity.

Approximately four-hundred dollars ($400.00) has

been collected so far to provide MP3 Players for our

military personnel. The council will round off the total

amount received to the next hundred dollars once the

MP3 collection is over.

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Knights of Columbus: Fr. Frederick Suggs Council #6892


Amputee lady gets help from our Knights

This event was not a project started or ran by our Knights of Columbus council, but several of our own Knights

headed the program or were involved, for that they deserve recognition for what they accomplished.

The project started out as plea for help to build an access ramp for a lady amputee and widow of a WWII Veteran

named Mary Davis. Mrs. Davis was confined to a wheelchair, and as the result of being denied

her husband’s military benefits earlier this year, she was living in substandard conditions that

jeopardized her health, and kept her confined to her more than 100 year old house. It was found

the house was in desperate need of major repairs to just make it livable for her. When the

building department was contacted they found the house was in such poor shape it was going to

be condemned. The plumbing and electrical were unsafe and needed replacement. Another

problem was the house is located in a historical neighborhood so any work that was done had to

done properly. .

Two of our Knights Insurance agent Peter Zeeff and Brother Knight Keith Seymour lead the project raising

funds and developing a public relations campaign to get the material and volunteers needed to renovate the house.

Peter and Keith got to work. They contacted the Greater Columbia Marine Foundation who agreed to do the

demolition and remodeling. They contacted the local TV stations and newspapers and got them to help publicize

the story and help raise funds. They contacted a local hotel who donated free rooms for the family and the

workers during renovation period. They also worked with our local congressman to get donations of supplies and


Two of our Knights Richard Roshto and Keith Seymour helped with the demolition, but the conditions were so

hazardous that Peter Zeeff decided not to asked more of our council members to get involved because of our

advanced ages and the health issues that could arise from the mold and dust contamination at the site. Richard

was down with a respiratory infection for about a week after working on the demolition.

All the interior walls, ceilings, floors, plumbing and electrical were stripped and replaced. The house was remodeled

to make it handicap accessible. The house went from a health hazard to a beautiful home in just five weeks. The

appraisal value of the house grew from $20,000 to $160, 000 following the renovation. We are very proud of what

our Brother Knights and all the volunteers did to help. Peter Zeeff acknowledged and praised the work done by

Richard and Keith during the June Business Meeting.

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Knights of Columbus: Fr. Frederick Suggs Council #6892


Top Memories of the Ladies Book Sale – Sonet by Ginny

Thousands of books in great condition donated by parishioners in boxes, bags, and grocery carts.

Ladies and Knights carrying, sorting, placing books and making suggestions for eight hours on Friday while sweating, laughing and enjoying camaraderie.

Cindy's granddaughter, Samantha, helping by following someone and carrying two books from the category being set up. Periodically she would ask, "Is everyone okay?"

Platters of sweets from Panera's for our patrons to enjoy on Saturday, Sunday and Wednesday.

A little girl coming to pay for her books and carefully explaining that she had ten (crumpled) dollars for "little" books and her mother had given her one dollar so she could buy one "big" hardback book.

Parishioners and others enjoying the books and the pastries. The set up and organization were praised over and over.

A Hispanic mother of many children buying boxes of books so that she could teach her children to read English.

Making $1269.65 and receiving a $100.00 book sale donation for our projects.

Ladies and Knights packing up remaining books. It was amazing how much more quickly they were packed than unpacked.

Donating remaining books to soldiers who are deploying for Afghanistan and to Christ Central for projects throughout the state.

To all of you who donated, helped or shopped, thank you for a job well done. I had a blast! Ginny Lopiccolo

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Knights of Columbus: Fr. Frederick Suggs Council #6892


Things our Knights and Council accomplished

Selections for our Councils “Persons of the Year” The following are our council’s selections as Persons of the Year. These same names are normally sent to the

State for consideration for the State’s Person’s of the Year. I understand we had no state submissions this year,

other than the Catholicity Award.

Golden Knight of the Year - co-winners - John Berg Sr. and Crosby Livingston

John Berg Sr. and Crosby Livingston were co-awarded the councils Golden Knight of the Year

award. This award is presented to Knights who promote and best exemplify the basic principles of

the Knights of Columbus, as demonstrated by continuous service to their council during an

extended period. This award is intended to recognize members who work hard year after year and

to give due recognition to men who have shown true devotion over a long period to the Knights of


John Berg and Crosby Livingston were both presented with the councils Golden Knight of the Year

award. It was difficult to select one or the other because they have been Corner Stones of our

council since joining. Both Knights have attended or worked at just about every one of our events

this year. If everyone had the drive and stamina of these two Knights, we would only need

about a dozen Knights to complete all our work. The awards were presented during the June

Council Business Meetings.

Knight of the Year – John Lisic John Lisic was selected as Knight of the year in our council. This award is presented to the

Brother Knight who best exemplifies the basic principles of the Knights of Columbus as

demonstrated by service to his council during the past year. John’s award was announced during

the June Council Business Meeting. John was not present at the meeting so he will receive the

award at a later date.

Family of the Year - Richard and Cindy Stichter Richard and Cindy Stichter were nominated for Family of the Year. The Family of the Year Award is given

annually to a Knights of Columbus family that best exemplifies the model Knights of Columbus family in every

respect, as demonstrated by their devotion to their Catholic faith, their community, and to each other. The award

was presented during the June Council Business Meeting.

Youth of the Year – Daniel Atkins This year Daniel Atkins was selected a Youth of the year. Daniel was our Youth of the Month for October 2012.

The Youth of the Year Award is annually given to a Catholic youth that best exemplifies the model Catholic youth in

every respect, as demonstrated by their devotion to their Catholic faith, their parish, and their community. The

award was presented to Daniel with his family and friend in attendance prior to our June Council Business Meeting.

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Knights of Columbus: Fr. Frederick Suggs Council #6892


Knights of the Month

March May

Knight of Month: Brad Dulin Knight of Month: Sam Allen

Family of Month: Jamie & Tracie Lutes Family of Month: Bill & Blanche Baker

Youth of Month: None Youth of Month: None

April June

Knight of Month: Jose Rodriguez Knight of the Month:

Family of Month: Jim & Marsha Sansonetti Family of the Month:

Youth of Month: None Youth of the Month:

Can we eat breakfast for supper? Yes we can! We had an outstanding social meal made out of breakfast food at our May Business Meeting. If you

were there, you would have found out. Victor Banks, our new Recorder, agreed to make a meal for

our social, and boy, what a meal. He made eggs, biscuits, pancakes, grits and sausage and gravy,

and a few other things. If anyone went away hungry, it was their own fault. After that great meal we

had a 1st Degree Exemplification followed by our Business Meeting. Thanks to Bob Galloway and

John Lisic for helping Victor cleanup after the meal. Too bad we didn’t have a cleanup crew

scheduled. Victor put in many hours cooking and was rewarded by having to help with the cleanup.

Our Council installs four Knights in April In our April Business meetings we had four more Catholic Gentlemen join our ranks. These four men become

Brother Knights. They are shown below from left to right; Alan Shaw, John Hatfield, Arnold Farias and Drake

Kaiser. Welcome to all.

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Knights of Columbus: Fr. Frederick Suggs Council #6892


Five more Knights installed in May In our May Business meeting five more gentlemen joined our council in a 1

st degree exemplification. The five are;

James “Beetle” Bailey, Charlie Genova, John M. Killilea, Steven Coleman and Bernie Swidel. These five new

Knights helped us achieve our membership goal for the year. We welcome them and look forward to their

involvement in out council activities. Sorry, but we have no photos at this time.

A Knight transfer to our Council We had a new Knight transfer to our council during this last month, he is Gerard Stanis. We are very happy to

have this experienced Knights join our ranks. We look forward to getting to know him better.

Election of Officers for 2013 – 2014 In March a committee was formed to accept nominations for the coming term of officers. Nominations were taken

and read to the council at our April Business Meeting. Normally the officers currently in office serve a second term

if they feel they can continue for another year. In the May Business Meeting the members voted for our 2013 –

2014 year's officers. On June 15th the officers were sworn in and assume their positions July 1

st . Here are the

Officers voted into office for the 2013 – 2014 years. See the photo near the end of the newsletter.

Grand Knight Dante Tomasini

Deputy Grand Knight Steve Syzmanski

Chancellor Crosby Livingston

Recorder Victor Banks

Treasurer Joseph Albers

Advocate William Baker

Warden John Berg II

Inside Guard Brad Dulin

Outside Guard Donald Moore

1 year Trustee Fran Dudley (automatic)

2 year Trustee John Volmer (automatic)

3 year Trustee Sam Allen (voted in)

Financial Secretary Leo Cardosi (appointed)

Our Seminarian makes it to Deacon

The Seminarian we supported over the years, Javier Heredia, was ordained to Transitional Deacon on May 17,

2013. Bishop Guglielmone allowed him to be ordained in Texas to make it easier for his family from Mexico to

attend. Javier must now spend at least six months as a deacon before he can be ordained to the priesthood. He will

spend his summer working in his home parish of St. John of the Cross in Batesburg-Leesville before returning to

Blessed John XXIII Seminary in Massachusetts for his fourth year of theology. Our brother Knight and

Seminarian Francisco Ornate-Vargas attended the Mass and assisted as a server at Javier’s ordination Mass.

The Mass was said in Spanish as a gift to his family and friends for supporting their son in his advancement to the


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Knights of Columbus: Fr. Frederick Suggs Council #6892


Upcoming events

Check the calendar at the end of this newsletter or go to the website at for a schedule of events



Fr. Suggs Council #6892 Knights and Ladies Auxiliary Business Meetings are

held on the second Monday of each month. We meet at Our Lady of the Hills

Catholic Church in the family life center lower hall. Our meetings begin at 7:00

PM and normally proceeded by a Social and meal starting at 6:30 PM. (The

Ladies Auxiliary does not meet during the summer time.)

The 4th Degree Knights meet at 7:30 PM every third Wednesday of the month at

Good Shepherd Church in Columbia, South Carolina.

REMEMBER TO DONATE FOOD EVERY MONTH - See the calendar of events at the end of

this newsletter and check the OLH church bulletin under “Social Outreach” or go to our

council web site at to find out which items are needed each month.

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Knights of Columbus: Fr. Frederick Suggs Council #6892


Note from the editor It has been a pleasure serving you throughout the years. I appreciate all the “PATS” on the back I received for

doing the newsletter and all the thanks in general. One thing you should know, we couldn’t have done it without the

help of the great group of officers and committee chairman and the members of our communications team. The

communication team includes; Charlie Hood my assistant-editor and mentor, John Lopiccolo and his camera

and photos, Keith Seymour and his journalist skills, Dave McCarthy and his Financial Secretary input and

our new members Brad Dulin for his website and Victor Banks for acting as recorder, as well as all the

others who helped us succeed.

I encourage you to continue your support of the Knights who take over these communication tasks during the next

few months. Communications plays a vital role in getting members involved and helping all of us and the public

become aware of what our council is doing and what we do for our community. I personally believe a

communications chairman should be a part of every council.

The reason I decided to step aside is because my equipment and I are both getting old and tired and I also want to

give other’s a chance to try their hand at communications and hopefully bring in new ideas to the council. We have

a lot of talent out there; we just have to figure out how to use it.

If in the future if I find I miss doing some of these things, I might consider taking a small part once again. For now, I

just want to rest. My only regret is by leaving I’m sticking others with all the miscellaneous tasks I created, I feel like

I created a Monster. Thanks everyone for your support! It’s been an honor serving you. – John Lisic

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Corporate Mass meal at Ocean View

Waiting for our food.

Dante’s plate before he ate it. John seems happy with his meal

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Knights of Columbus: Fr. Frederick Suggs Council #6892


Ladies Auxiliary Book Sale

Just some of the helpers

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Silver Rose Celebration

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Memorial Day picnic

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Knights of Columbus Fr. Frederick Suggs Council #6892

OFFICER’S FOR 2013-2014


Dante Tomasini Fr. David Whitman Steve Szymanski Crosby Livingston


Victor Banks Joe Albers Bill Baker John Berg II



Sam Allen John Volmer Fran Dudley

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Knights of Columbus: Fr. Frederick Suggs Council #6892


Calendar of Events for 2013


2 Sunday - K of C Host coffee and donuts

3 Monday - Council Officers Meeting, 6:30

8 Saturday - Operation Hope kickoff breakfast at Fatz Café

10 Monday – Council Business Meeting (Men cook) (Donate canned pasta, grits & cereal)

14 Friday - Flag Day – Burning of the flags at council #724 at 6:00PM.

15 Saturday - Installation of #6892 Officers – 5:30 Mass, after dinner at The Villa on Broad River Rd.

16 Sunday - Father’s Day

19 Wednesday - 4th Degree meeting – Good Shepherd Church, 7:30 PM.

28-30 – Installation of State Officers

JULY (Some dates may be changed due to the 4th

of July holiday day.) 1 Monday – Council Officers Meeting, 6:30 pm 4 Thursday – Independence Day 7 Sunday – KofC host coffee & donuts 8 Monday – Council Business Meeting, 6:30 pm (men cook) (SVDP needs; chunky style soup, jelly or jam and Ramen noodles. 13 Saturday – Operation Hope Workshop, 10am, Irmo Council #6892 21 Saturday, - 2

nd Degree exemplification, hosted by Irmo council #6892 at OLH church.

27 – Saturday - Grand Knights Workshop, will be at St. Joseph’s in Columbia. (Check with our GK for details. The State Newsletter and Calendar says the workshop will be in Irmo, that is not correct.) AUGUST 4 Sunday – KofC host coffee & donuts 5 Monday – Council Officers meeting 12 Monday – Council Business Meeting, 6:30 (men cook) (Check church bulletin for SVDP needed food items.) 17 Saturday – Corporate Mass at 5:30 PM. Dinner location will be announced later.

SEPTEMBER (Some dates may be changed due to the Labor Day Holiday.)

1 Sunday – Knights host Coffee and Donuts

2 Monday – Officers Meeting, 6:30 pm.

9 Monday – Kof C Business Meeting 6:30 pm (Check church bulletin for SVDP needed food items.)

13 – 15 Tootsie Roll handouts for Operation Hope

22 Sunday - Tootsie Roll handouts for Operation Hope