Download - The Neptunes May 2012 Volume 4 Issue 3

Page 1: The Neptunes May 2012 Volume 4 Issue 3

Another Lent Term flew past...Wing Ying Chow, Captain of Club 2011 – 2012

The Neptunes

...AND ANOTHER EXAM TERM LOOMS. For Cambridgeboaties, Lent 2012 was much disrupted by ice.For MECBC, we erged and tubbed through theweeks of ice, won one race, and went up four inLent Bumps as a Club. Read our race reports forsome gutting reports from this term.There was a lot more rowing post-LentBumps this year than usual. MECBC held arowing camp in Cheshire over the Easter holiday(page 4). It was hosted by NHBC alumna ClareBriegal (1981) and the Grange School inNorthwich. For some, this is the first time werowed off-Cam, or sculled in an octuple!MECBC went to the Henley Boat Racesagain this year to see Izzi Boanas-Evans compete

in the Blue Boat at 6 (see page 5). This was a daywith much excitement and fantastic results.Page 6 carries some choice quotationsfrom what must have been the largest election inliving memory for MECBC. I felt incrediblyproud of everyone who stood. Coupled with thefact that we now have a handover period of oneterm, our committee meetings are attended bynearly (sometimes over) 20 people. I want to saythanks again to my committee for making thissuch an awesome year so far. Looking ahead, Iknow the Club is in safe hands, and will surelygo on to great things. Thanks to Holly for helpingto put this issue of The Neptunes together, and ifyou enjoy reading it, do get in touch!





May 2012 Volume 4, Issue 3


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DAY 1 OF LENT BUMPS 2012, although Girton had afast start, our length and power saw us graduallyclose the gap until grassy where we succeeded incatching them (after bow took a cheeky look).After adorning the boat in greenery we proceededhome triumphant facing the possibility of joiningthe W1 division on day 2.The next day, we were chasingPeterhouse to claim the top spot of the division.The start was looking strong and we gainedsome ground. Unfortunately the dirty water andPeterhouse’s strong will got the better of us,beginning our series of row overs.Day 3 was bright and sunny, perfect forbumping shades. We know what we needed todo, but we also know that Peterhouse won’t makeit easy. We made a good start—more spirited,more controlled and more committed thanyesterday. We slowly gain continuous whistlessignalling overlap, but each time we squeezedclose, they managed to slip away.We chased themclosely right the way to the finish line for anotherheartbreaking row over. We know Peterhouse hadto fight with everything they had to stay those fewinches ahead of us. This was a race that will stickin our minds for a long time.As the cannon went for the start of thesecond division of the final day, we poweredinto our start, eager to catch Churchill as soonas possible. When three whistles finally becamecontinuous, we pushed into the last few strokes,and we won our second bump of the week.

Having moved up a division, we rowedback to the marshalling point for our next race.We were delighted with our greenery, butthinking ahead to our 'revenge row' againstPeterhouse. We were down to a length whenGeorgie called for us to hold it up. Ahead,Selwyn and Peterhouse seemed to have stoppedfor no reason, and with no warning, the twocrews started racing again. Extremely angry, wechannelled our rage into an attempt at a newpowerful start, but we had no chance ofcatching them now.We stopped racing after they bumpedSelwyn—feeling cheated at the unfairness of thesituation. Mark shared our anger, and after adiscussion with the marshals, it was decidedthat there should be a re-row. We had nothingto lose, and gave the re-row all that we had—but Peterhouse were stronger and fresher, andbumped Selwyn before we could get within onewhistle of them.So, Peterhouse got away—but only just.We went out fighting to the bitter end, and atleast now we won't be chasing them at the startof next year's Lent Bumps.

W1 Lent Bumps reports by

Amy CrowGeorgie FieldReana MaierEmma Jones





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Easter Term RacesMECBC IS PLANNING ON entering these racesfor Easter 2012. The most up-to-date eventslisting and race results can be found on ourwebsite.5 May 2012 - City Head to Head (W1)13 May 2012 - Champs Head (W1, W2,W3)20 May 2012 - Nines Regatta (W2)8 June 2012 - Getting On Race (W3)13-16 June 2012 - May Bumps (W1, W2,hopefully W3)

Results Lent 2012Winter Head to HeadW1: 1st in Mays second divisionPembroke RegattaW1: beat Emmanuel W1 (round 1),knocked out by Selwyn W1 (round 3)W2: knocked out by Cauis W2Lent Getting on RaceW2 got on: starting at 12th in 3rd DivLent BumpsW1 up 2W2 up 2Detailed times and rankings can be found onthe website

W2 Pembroke Regatta Report by

NatalieSkorupskaincoming Lower Boats Captain

PERHAPS THE FACT THAT our cox fell dreadfully illduring the night meaning that another had to bedesperately sought at 6am should haveindicated that perhaps Pembroke Regatta wasn'tgoing to be W2's day.However, come marshalling time,obscenely early though it was, we had a fullcrew keen and ready to crush Caius W2. Anhour of marshalling later, freezing coldtemperatures and tempestuous winds meantthat despite seeing a Clare coach fall in the riverand the consumption of much haribo (mostly byWatson, exhausted from having to carry the kitbag) our spirits had somewhat died.Eventually, we made it to the start andour two boats lined up sufficiently (despite thebest efforts of the wind) and the race began.Unfortunately Caius managed to push off usfairly early. We were able to catch them a littlewhen we tackled the fierce headwind that attimes seemed to drive the boat back up thereach, but when the wind died they wouldonce again push off us to maintain theirincreasing lead. A tough race well fought.








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AFTER A STRESSFUL LENT TERM there seemed nobetter way to let off steam than for a MECBCcohort to head up to Cheshire for a week ofintense training on the River Weaver. Despite theimpending doom of the petrol crisis, we all madethe journey safely.Arriving at the boathouse at 9am(admittedly a lie in) it was straight into the VIII andonto the water. Our hosts, the Grange School,took footage enabling Mark to give individualfeedback. Time for a quick toast break (arenowned feature of the Grange School boathouse), before heading to the Grange School totalk about university life and applications. It was awelcome break before another intense afternoon,bringing our total distance for the day up to anastonishing 30 kilometres.Day two on the water, we were followedby Mark in a scull, and coach Paul Raferty whosefamous coaching line, "the only place you pull isin the disco", will never be forgotten. After 2hours of suspension drills, tapping exercises andslide builds we were rowing with newfound flare.Our pain was rewarded the highlight of rowingthe Octuple! The powerhouses at seats five and

six had the interesting combination of 5"10 Gina,and 5"1 Georgie.As the big day dawned, we arrived atNorwich to witness the sight of boats of all shapesand sizes preparing for the Head Race.Maintaining our focus through marshalling, wewaited for what felt like a hundred boats ahead ofus to start. We had a good first run, sitting the boatwell and doing Murray Edwards proud. Oursecond run went even better; we were gaining onthe men's boat ahead.Although our times didn't come first, itdidn't distract from the real win of the trip; we allimproved massively in our technique. Whilst I'llbe tormented by cries of "3... 3... Mollie!" for therest of my rowing career, these were an amazingfew days. So, from Ying, Gina, Reana, Sal,Christie, Natalie, Holly and Georgie I'd like to saya big thank you to former NHBC and Blondierower Clare Briegal and her husband Mark fortheir incredible hospitality and lasagne. Alsomany thanks to Paul for his coaching, we hopethat this will be the start of an enrichingrelationship between Murray Edwards CollegeBoat Club and the Grange School.

Cheshire Training Camp Report by

MollieJonesincoming Lower Boats Captain











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WE ARRIVED AT HENLEY in bright sunshine,complete with a large picnic (with Reana'sbaking of course) and blazers (well, for thosewho owned them) full of anticipation for theday of racing ahead. The college races werefirst, securing a win for the Caius men, but adefeat for the Emmanuel women.Next came Blondie and the women'slightweights, who unfortunately just lost out toOxford. The women's blue boat followed.Tensions rose as we hoped for a Cambridgewin, not just to rectify the previous two defeats,but because MECBC's own Izzi Boanas-Evanswas racing as part of the crew.The boats came into view with a stronglead for Cambridge. We cheered, shouted, andwaved our Murray Edwards flag, excited for alikely victory. But just as the Cambridge boatdrew level with us, the two seat caught a hugecrab. She was down for what seemed like anage before being helped up by bow. Duringthose nail-biting seconds, the Oxford crewgained significantly, but miraculouslyCambridge pulled away still in the lead andwent on to win the race.As the final race of the day, the men'slightweights, approached, Marina Steketeebecame increasingly nervous. With a boyfriendin the boat, who she had supported through allhis training, she knew just how important avictory was. Her nerves were contagious andwe prayed for a Cambridge lead. As they cameinto view, Cambridge were indeed ahead! Wecheered them on, urging them to keep theirlead, which happily they did. All in all, a verysuccessful day for Cambridge at the boat races,including the two most important for us atMurray Edwards this year.

A Day at the Henley Boat Races by

EmmaJonesincoming Treasurer and Secretary






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Memorable quotations from hustings*:Sally-Anne Bennet, Captain of Club"I love MECBC and it is wonderful. Bladesfor all!"Emma Jones, Treasurer & Secretary"I am excited to be involved in thegreatness that is MECBC."Natalie Skorupska, Lower Boats Captain"I love coaching... running along ininappropriately coloured trousersscreaming from the bank."Mollie Jones, Lower Boat Captain"I'm ridiculously keen."Amy Crow, Social Secretary"I have learnt that we must have a suitableamount of alcohol."Hannah Grealish, Social Secretary"I will make sure that every one is well'endowed'."Harriet Christie, Fundraising Officer"We don't have enough cake sales at thiscollege!"A full list of our new Committee can beviewed on our website.* scribed during the chaos of elections,therefore may not be a complete reflectionof the views or opinions held by theCommittee...

SO IT HAS REACHED A special point in the year forMurray Edwards College Boat Club: committeehandovers. As one committee steps down,another steps in. As part of the outgoingcommittee, I want to say on behalf of all of usthat it has been an absolute pleasure to servethe Boat Club.The future of the club rests on eachyear’s committee; to hand down the animatedspirit that keeps people turning up on frostymornings, driving on each stroke, and ofcourse, the strength of will to pick up the beastthat is Winston.After a tensely fought election, I wouldlike to introduce your new Murray EdwardsCollege Boat Club Committee. I can already tellthat this year’s bunch will continue to be just asenthusiastic, committed and hardworking bothon the water and on land.

The Next Chapter in MECBC's story, byHolly Smithoutgoing Fundraising Officer

"Rowing is thehighlight of myterm. I will leadby example;you will neverget less thanmy best."Reana MaierCaptain of Boats

Christina LarkinSafety Officer

"I was happily coercedinto becoming a memberthrough copious amounts

of tea, rowing is nowa part of my life."

Georgie FieldLower Boats Captain

"I want tomake lots oflittle boaties!"









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I REMEMBER THE MUTE SHOCK when Harald brokein Lent Bumps 2011. My mind was racing towork out the costs, and I remember wonderinghow many years it will take before we can scraptogether enough for a new VIII.Fast forward to 11 Feburary 2012. Wehave our current members, our alumnae, ourcoaches and our supporters at Murray Edwards,dressed in black tie, and Dr Saxton is pouringChampagne on our new VIII, Octopussy. Iwould never have dreamt it was possible.To retrace our steps to this point intime... back in summer, we were discussingplans to purchase a new boat with College. Itwas suggested that we should approach the JCRfor a loan from their reserves. Our TreasurerSally-Anne prepared numerous spreadsheets,analysed our cash flow, and was instrumental inputting together a case to the JCR, who werevery amenable and agreed to give MECBC aloan at a low interest rate. In Michaelmas theloan contract was signed, the boat was ordered,and fundraising began in earnest.Our dedicated Fundraising Officer Hollyfaced up to the task of raising 2000 pounds a

year, and her energy and boundlesscreativity fired us off to a strong start withthe 24 hour erg in Michaelmas. She alsowrote letters, suited up, went to London,made pitches in impressive offices, and wehope to have good news on the sponsorshipfront soon.With the progress we have made infundraising, we decided that the NeptunesDinner should be a celebration of the MECBCcommunity. It was great to see so manyalumnae coming back to catch up with eachother and see what the Club is up to. It wasalso great to have a good contingent of proudparents, some of whom very generouslydonated gifts for the raffle.Special mentions also go to Gina, whoorganised the Dinner but was unable toattend, and Holly again, for sourcing rafflegifts from local shops, and creating a slick"look and feel" in event publicity materials.Our next alumnae and supporters dinner willbe in 2014—I look forward to returning as analumnae to this fine tradition (hopefully Iwould have finished my PhD at that point)!

The story of the new VIII, by

Wing Ying Chowoutgoing Captain of Club





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THE LENT BUMPS DINNER this year was successfulas ever. Due to our increased social activitythroughout the year we have managed to securea large pool of fans and admirers who came inhopes of becoming the Oar of Phwoar of theterm. Club blazers were aplenty, and moderatebuzz was filling the Dome.Having been seated at the Girton table Irealised the best care was taken in maximising theuse of gossip and banter carefully collected andanalysed by Gina and Vanda. Thanks. The spiritswere high as Girton top 2 men's boats had earnedblades the day before. The Selwyn and Peterhousetables behind me seemed no less entertained,specially when we got to coaching awards, withtoo many insider jokes. I had mysteriously beenawarded a late one for Michaelmas, along with aspeech from the Boat Club chief of eloquence,Natalie, who on this special occasion made sureto make even less of a point then usual.

To talk of the food would be to ignorethe true entertainment of the evening, with atoast to "everyone who loves Reana",forecasting the future support for her Captaincy.The mysteries of the evening included teapotsfilled with certainly not tea, and a Viking hat.The dress code was completed with W1bumping shades.Extremely successful term and LBD. Weare committed to spreading the MECBC spiritand extend our reach to make the BumpsBreakfast even more legendary. BumpsBreakfast will take place on Sunday the 17th ofJune, if you are interested in attending, pleaseemail the address below by the 9th of June, andpay by the 11th. Email the social secretaries [email protected]

Ola Janusz, Lower Boats Captain 2011 – 2012

The Neptunes May 2012 by Murray Edwards College Boat Club islicensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 UnportedLicense. Some rights reserved.

Lent Bumps Dinner Report