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The Nature of Creation

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Göbekli Tepe

Göbekli Tepe is an archaeological site at the top of a mountain ridge in the

South-eastern Anatolia Region of Turkey, approximately 12 km (7 mi) northeast

of the city of Şanlıurfa. The tell has a height of 15 m (49 ft.) and is about 300 m

(984 ft.) in diameter. It is approximately 760 m (2,493 ft.) above sea level. It was

excavated by a German archaeological team under the direction of Klaus

Schmidt from 1996 until his death in 2014.

The site includes two phases of ritual use dating back to the 10th-8th

millennium BCE. During the first phase, pre-pottery Neolithic A (PPNA), circles

of massive T-shaped stone pillars were erected. More than 200 pillars in about

20 circles are currently known through geophysical surveys. Each pillar has a

height of up to 6 m (20 ft.) and a weight of up to 20 tons. They are fitted into

sockets that were hewn out of the bedrock. In the second phase, pre-pottery

Neolithic B (PPNB), the erected pillars are smaller and stood in rectangular

rooms with floors of polished lime. Topographic scans have revealed that other

structures next to the hill, awaiting excavation, probably date to 14-15 thousand

years ago, the dates of which potentially extend backwards in time to the

concluding millennia of the Pleistocene.[6] The site was abandoned after the

PPNB-period. Younger structures date to classical times.

The purpose of the structures is not yet clear. Excavator Klaus Schmidt

believed that they are early Neolithic sanctuaries. (Wikipedia)

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Chapter Four

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The Evolution of

Faith First there was superstition;

then magic; then religion.

istory reveals that the injustices, inequities, and atrocities,

that occur again, and again, have not been due to man

wanting to believe there is something “larger” than

himself; that he has a role to play within a vast scheme he

cannot fully conceive, but rather, it has been the abuse of

the devices designed to help him make sense of a world he

often finds frightening due to not comprehending how

situations, and events arise.

Who wouldn’t want to believe that life, with all its ups, downs, twists, and

turns, is intended, or designed, for our betterment? The sad truth is that this

inbred, inclination is abused by those who go against their nature, and as a

consequence wish others to do the same, and find the best way to succeed in

doing so, is surreptitiously; which most often means displaying a persona that

is the opposite of what they are beneath.

Everything is The Lord’s creation, and behaves in accordance with His

Laws; which are good. Man often fails to recognize this because he imagines

himself “larger” than he happens to be, and fails to accept his shortcomings;

he would rather imagine a mischievous, devious, controlling, maniacal,

creature out to do harm for misdeeds he is willing to acknowledge, (but has a

tendency to believe the cost is unjust, or unfair), and at other times he cannot

fathom a reason behind the dreadful, nightmarish, things that happen in life,

all the while unable to accept that he hasn’t developed the faculty to conduct

such an undertaking.

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The Lord chose Britain as the place from which His word would be

exported to peoples around the globe; the atrocities that occurred while doing

so were caused by The Church, (Protestant and Catholic), that sought to make

itself rich by the import of goods. The Lord, because He is good, time, and

time again, gave man the means to rectify his ways; put himself on the right

path, but these gifts; the British; His Chosen People, have been squanderd,

and ignored.

Discovery Discover your being, find your heart;

Know your fellow man,

Though he seems lost in the dark.

A passage is hidden; where does it lead?

It doesn’t matter!

Wait till the light passes through, then you’ll find It all leads to you.

Extrapolate, manipulate, cogitate, divide;

I’ll find the solution when I have

Nothing left to hide.

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The Word

There was a Word that spread across space;

Within it was history, and all that had yet to take place.

The projector was planted in heaven; the director is The Lord;

The stage is here on Earth;

And people are the actors that dance across the screen.

Every Age contains a full reel,

Yet people tend to deceive themselves by believing the movie is the real deal.

The essence of reality is recognizing it solely takes place in The Lord’s mind;

It is His imagination alone that makes every else possible.

What may seem alive is actually dead;

Because existence is eternal, it never ends;

Therefore, nothing ever changes; what once was, has already been,

And it is only in the moment that any of this can be seen.

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People were supposed to learn lessons,

But because they do not adhere to the scheme that allows time to flow,

The cost has been suffering, and much sorrow.

The secret that explains why pain replaced bliss, was only revealed at the end,

When the serpent could no longer utter a hiss,

And thoughts were rekindled of the time the earth was green

And the oceans with filled with sparkling jewels made of the color blue.

As one Age turned into the next, only then was it possible to declare

The Age of Enlightenment was extraordinarily bright,

And the others, in comparison, were terribly dull, if not hideously shallow.

Soon, reason will reign supreme,

And the never ending story of life

Will once again be a pleasant, melodious, dream;

Full of hope and a sparkling lake containing an effervescent fountain

Teeming with glorious streams

of hilarious beams.

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hThe Holy Ghost

is the water of life That nourishes every living thing.

It is life, love, giving, truth; everything that is you.

From a word stemmed life; an ever renewing life force. It endlessly evolves, while using itself as a resource to churn the cycle of life.

History involves pivotal moments in time that determine the events to follow.

For life to continue, the new must be generated from the old, And preserved for a time so the chain of events can continue once again.

Creation is an act of love; it is perfect, whole, and complete;

The same as the entity from which it came, and is also a part of. Love is nature, enfolding itself within

The elapsing of time.

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Levels of

Consciousness Paramahansa Yogananda


When super consciousness descends into the realm of imagination, it is called

sub consciousness. When sub consciousness descends into the muscular and

sensory phase of human life, it is called human or waking consciousness. When

waking consciousness becomes attached to the senses and material things, it is

called worldly consciousness, and when it is used to harm oneself or others, it

is evil consciousness.

The little mind of the little man attached to little things cannot possibly

identify itself with the universal consciousness of God. Just as a wavy mirror

cannot properly reflect the objects in front of it, so a mind whose calmness is

distorted by the thoughts of success or failure is unable to reflect the

unchangeable Spirit. Man's consciousness, when constantly identified with

material changes or mental disturbances cannot mirror the immutable Divine,

whose image is present within him as his true self, or soul.

Cosmic Consciousness

Just as a river has a source, so the river of consciousness has a source. It

descends from Cosmic Consciousness, the consciousness of God that is beyond

all creation.

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Christ Consciousness

When Cosmic Consciousness comes into the realm of matter—into each of the

atoms that make up the planets and island universes, and the different forms

of plant, animal, and human life - that Consciousness is called Christ


Super Consciousness or

Soul Consciousness

When Christ Consciousness descends into the soul and pure mind of man, it is

called super consciousness. Actually our human consciousness is Cosmic

Consciousness, bottled up in a phial of flesh, corked with ignorance, and

floating isolated in the ocean of Spirit. Because of maya, the cosmic delusion,

this bottled-up human consciousness, although living and moving in Spirit,

cannot contact Spirit, just as salt water that is corked in a bottle and floating

on the sea cannot contact the sea.

Cosmic Consciousness

Spirit divided itself into

God as the Father, the Cosmic Consciousness or ‘Knower’ remaining beyond

all creation; and God as the Son, the Christ Consciousness or cosmic

intelligent subjective ‘Knowing’ power in creation; and into God as the Holy

Ghost, the cosmic intelligent objective creation itself, the thing ‘Known’.

Therefore, Spirit as God the Father has made the law of causation that

governs the kingdom of His finite creation, but Spirit is not limited by the

laws it has created

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The Rise and Fall of Civilizations

The truth is hidden by a lie; the lie is used to acquire wealth.

The exertion devoted to the manufacture of the lie,

Is proportionate to the conceived threat of the truth being exposed.

he lie is the dark; light is the truth.

Creation is light; creation is good, and loves to create.

The Dark intrudes upon a person’s life, until it takes his

identity; steals his soul; so all that remains is the ability to

destroy; oneself, and all one comes in contact with.

Good is the love carried within light which nourishes

creation. Parents should function in much the same way,

and labor to instill qualities within their children that will enable them one day

to be productive. If parents are earnest in this quest they will reveal their

weaknesses to insure their offspring understand that if they fall short of the

standards they claim they expect of themselves and others, this is not due to

being underhanded, or deceitful.

Love, is honest, and creative; the dark is destructive because it is dishonest.

Someone who’s creative manufactures something that is new, and unique. The

Dark likes to portray itself as the same, but is only able to do such by stealing

the works of others. The dark has overwhelmed society; for example, what is

notable within the Arts, (movies, books, music; the visual arts in general), is

“serialization”; for example, a chain of movies based on the same kernel of an

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idea. Many popular authors have a tendency to do much the same thing; such

spectacles could be considered proof that the world is in a pitiful state.

For several decades Homo-sapiens have failed to provide a fresh new seed;

someone able to create solutions for the problems plaguing the world. It is

important to keep in mind that because The Lord is the ruler of all, He must have

decided, given all His wisdom, that this state of affairs is just, and proper; the

suffering; pain; hardship, inundating the world is the result of the heinous, deeds

generations of people committed. Contrary to the conception held by so many

people today; punishment in the past was considered indispensible; more severe

the crime; greater the penalty should be.

Exodus 20: KJV

20 And God spake all these words, saying,

2 I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt,

out of the house of bondage.

3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any

thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the

water under the earth.

5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD

thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the

children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;

6 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my


The Lord, in all His wisdom, decided to deny Homo-sapiens His greatest

treasure for two generations; He withdrew the most crucial ingredient required

for civilization to survive – the Jew. I cannot imagine a more severe sentence.

Metaphorically, His penalty can be illustrated as follows; picture a man brought

to the brink of starvation before being presented a crumb that does little more

than whet his appetite.

Since the end of the Second World War Homo-sapiens have persistently

squandered the knowledge provided by Jews. Albert Einstein, late in his life,

after nuclear bombs had dropped on both Hiroshima, and Nagasaki, expressed

his deep concern regarding the threat nuclear technology posed to the planet; it

is possible still today for nuclear weaponry to get into the hands of those who

hold the belief that the end justifies the means.

There’s no shortage of people today who are deeply despondent regarding

the state of the world, and don’t foresee things getting better, and imagine things

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getting worse; which is really quite impossible, because a person who lives a lie

every moment of the day; meaning, the persona he presents to the world is

entirely dissimilar from the person beneath, is to the greatest extent possible,

living a lie; which is present among the masses throughout the world.

Punishment, in order to be just, must be fair; the sentence should equal the

crime; that is what, “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth” means; such being

the case; when the lie has grown to the furthest extent it can, the truth will be

exposed, and at that time The Lord will remedy the damage caused by the lie,

by liberating Jews from the heavens, resulting in Homo-sapiens once again

having the capacity to grow, learn, and love, and appreciate to an extent never

before the meaning of the Jew; what he is, and why The Lord withdrew His most

precious gift.

The Dark entered people lives due to people becoming less aware of their

surroundings; in other words, people gave into temptation, and, thus, weakened

themselves, and the Dark chose such a time to flood into their lives.

There is a story in the Bible that tells us what we must be wary of;

Cain and Abel Offer Their Sacrifices

Genesis 4: KJV

1 And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she

conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I

have gotten a man from the LORD.

2 And she again bare his brother Abel.

And Abel was a keeper of sheep, but

Cain was a tiller of the ground.

3 And in process of time it came to pass,

that Cain brought of the fruit of the

ground an offering unto the LORD.

4 And Abel, he also brought of the

firstlings of his flock and of the fat

thereof. And the LORD had respect unto Abel and to his offering:

5 But unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect. And Cain was very

wroth, and his countenance fell.

6 And the LORD said unto Cain, Why art thou wroth? and why is thy

countenance fallen?

7 If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin

lieth at the door. And unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over


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8 And Cain talked with Abel his brother: and it came to pass, when they were

in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother, and slew him.

9 And the LORD said unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother? And he said, I

know not: Am I my brother's keeper?

10 And he said, What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother's blood crieth

unto me from the ground.

11 And now art thou cursed from the earth, which hath opened her mouth to

receive thy brother's blood from thy hand;

12 When thou tillest the ground, it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her

strength; a fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be in the earth.

I was chosen to reveal the truth about the Jews. The Spirit left my body in

the year 1984. I am a Jew; made in the image of The Lord, unlike Homo-sapiens,

I could not take the life of another; I would willingly sacrifice my own instead

of taking the life of another.

The state the world is in now happened in a number of stages. The first stage

began shortly after the World War II, with the “Cold War”, and the “Iron

Curtain”. Contrary to popular belief, communism, in the Marxist sense, was not

the enemy of the Allies; the “civilized world”, but rather Josef Stalin, and


Josef Stalin believed “communism” could exist in a single country, and, thus,

did not require a global presence in order to survive, which both Lenin and

Trotsky believed it could only manage to sustain itself.

Communism, simply put, is a classless society; one that exercises equality for

all. From the Marxist point of view this would mean the same as the expression;

“From each according to his ability, to each according to his need”. “Such

an arrangement will be made possible by the abundance of goods and services

that a developed communist society will produce; the idea is that, with the full

development of socialism and unfettered productive forces, there will be enough

to satisfy everyone's needs.” (Wikipedia)

Capitalism is a free enterprise system, but has to be “nationalistic” to limit

corruption. Adam Smith’s three rules for limiting corruption are compulsory if

a capitalistic system wants to be sustainable. History has shown, however, that

Adam Smith’s three rules; 1) keeping resources local; 2) keeping employment

local; 3) and making sure too much power isn’t held in the hands of a few, have

persistently been broken since the conclusion of the Second World War.

Technology, for the most part, has been used to increase the comfort level of

people in First World Countries, while the products they consume are produced

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in Third World Countries. The disparity in wealth that exists between First

Word Countries and Third World Countries has steadily grown since the fall of

the Third Reich, which was supposed to bring an end of tyranny in the world.

People, in order to be in harmony with nature, should produce; be creative;

one way of expressing this is as The Bible does; man should toil till the end of

his days; this is good. Evil, on the other hand, consumes, and much the same as

any other behavioral pattern, it becomes more pronounced over time. Evil,

hence, is more prevalent in First World Countries, than Third World Countries;

the worst forms of brutality, as a consequence, will transpire in these countries.

Consumers in First World Countries are more disconnected; desensitized, and

indifferent, to the plight of their fellow man, than anywhere else in this world.

If a person is a consumer, he steals what others produce in order to survive;

consumerism being an entropic force proliferates over time, until people are

unable to restrain their actions, and will, thus, do anything, as long as there is an

impression the act will exclude any form of recrimination. In order to be

comfortable behaving as such a manner, a conscience would have to be absent.

In order for this scheme to be successful, the Monolith had to first destroy its

greatest enemy; a person’s superego, which is his gateway to the source of all

life and energy; The Lord.

In the year 1920, women “got the vote” in the U.S, and ever since women

have been more and more consumerist in their ways, and, as a consequence,

neglecting their children in an increasingly pronounced fashion; resorting to, as

we see today, throwing gadgets at them as a means to fill their time. It is a sad

to see that so many who have reached “adulthood’, have been a neglected to such

an extent they can find nothing better to do than spend vast quantities of time

playing video game; whether on buses; trains; cars; in shopping malls; food

courts, or offices.

Universities today are filled with those whose sole aim in life is to obtain a

piece of paper that provides them the opportunity to acquire a pay-cheque; they

are, most regretfully, at the same time, thoroughly unequipped to make any sort

contribution to society; very few who enter post-secondary institutions are able

to read above a 4th grade level, thus, libraries of even those considered the finest

universities, are, to a spectacular extent, wasted.

If someone comes along who has something to offer, universities will use

every resource at its disposal to steal his creations; hence, eliminating any hope

of the extraordinary person acquiring a career in the future; therefore, even the

least gifted is far more likely to graduate from a post-secondary institution than

someone of substance.

The person of worth is measured in terms of his monetary value; he is a

resource; instead of someone treasured due to his ability to produce a resource;

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such is how people are programmed to treat exceptional people in “consumer

societies”. The only thing “consumers” value when they converse with others

is that which has the capacity to enrich him; therefore, no genuine contact;

connection, transpires. Consumers are perpetually preoccupied with satiating

themselves; that is why genocide occurs in Britain, Canada, and America; each

seeks to feed his consumerist lifestyle. A consumer feels no guilt, shame, or

remorse, as a result of his barbarous deeds; in his mind it’s simply business as

usual; nothing personal.

A large percentage of the genocide victims in Canada transpires in Shelters,

(supposedly places of refuge for homeless people); here residents are denied

proof of residency; which means that he is viewed as a commodity; every

possession of value he has will be stolen, and at the very first opportunity; once

this task is completed, and the person has died, the police discard the body as if

it’s a piece of refuge; he, whom ever he was, is now “missing”, and the police

will fail to search for this “missing” person.

The world is so completely discombobulated that the youth have no way of

making anything better; they’re merely products created by a sick society,

consisting of their parents who, for all intents and purposes, abandoned them

while seeking wealth to live their consumer lifestyles.

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Love Creates

Love, it has been said, is a splendorous thing.

It promises much, thus, we all hold it dear, but how many can experience it? Have a sense of its true meaning?

n a daily basis the word love is thrownaround. Its usage is

vast, and maybe because many feel they have a grasp of

what it means, or that they experience it.

My perception of love involves a deep interest in the

“awakening” of the self; by developing ourselves we, thus,

become better able to offer it to others. When we manage

to complete ourselves, we have become, and are love; no

longer is there a sense that one requires it from others.

Many religions, particularly Christianity, emphasize God's capacity to love,

in fact, each and every individual. What I find most peculiar is the belief that

God desires; or needs love from people. Surely, if He is complete, which in

Christian doctrine it is stately clearly that He is, He requires nothing from

people; it amazes me that this simple logic has escaped so many people.

Within Christianity Jesus is used as an example for people to emulate, and

imitate. There is present also a belief that he is a manifestation of God. This is

the element within the Christianity that clearly differentiates it from all others.

Within the Hindu Religion there is definitely a belief that a person may be a

portion, or plenary portion, of God, but a person cannot, according to its

doctrine, claim to be God. I would like to add that Jesus himself never claimed

to be God, which doesn't, I am fully aware, prove that he wasn't God Himself.

There was most likely some dire need in men around the time Jesus was

present, in the particular region of the world he was situated, that they have a

“figure” that could not be questioned. An “absolutist psychology” definitely has

a tendency to appear during times of stress; confusion, and, or, despair. Many

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have claimed that Jesus represents a turning point in the evolution of man; a

chance to be “born again” is brought into existence; to one day have the

opportunity to fully emancipate him.

If a person believes he no longer has to question the nature of existence, this

would simplify his life; whatever has been left, “mysterious”, most Christians

believe, one has been instructed not to investigate; matters such as these have

been left in the realm that God alone is qualified to have knowledge of.

Not long after the death of Jesus the “Dark Ages” began in the Western World:

A steep decline in man's ability to comprehend the world, and himself. Were it

not for the fortunate grand impetus that occurred due to the great, wondrous,

minds that awoke during the Renaissance, I can formulate no reason as to why

the preceding trend would not have continued, and man would have sunk so deep

into a wallowing pit of hideous ignorance, that the extinction of Homo-sapiens

would have occurred. Where these minds built creations that served to nourish

the essence of others, a sense of meaning, purpose, self-worth, developed; their

influence seeped outward then nestled into the thinking of whole societies.

For me such schemes of evolution create a yearning to comprehend whether

others, due to not taking part in the creation of the ideas originated by these great

men, can truly benefit from them? Use the following for greater insight into my

previous statement.

If I were to say to you, “God is good”, and I am perceived by others as wise,

therefore my words should be heard; listened; reflected, and absorbed, are others

then entitled to say, “I believe this to be true”, do they, or can they, comprehend

the same knowledge as the originator? What I believe is that this is not the case.

There appears to be among most a difficulty in understanding precisely what

a “belief” is. Most will use this term, especially in a religious sense, as their

philosophical outlook on a certain matter. Beliefs actually have a far greater

import; the significance of its worth is lost on most. Many describe their beliefs

as facts; the truth – they have accumulated enough data, evidence, to make them

believe such and such is true. Here the word is used merely in a theoretical

sense, thus, as scientists indicate, it can have no absolute meaning. Nothing in

the world, man included, can be understood to a degree people can be definitely

certain about.

Having stated this, it is fair to wonder if people comprehend what it is they

mean when they use the term, “belief”; any meaning is obviously displaced;

disjointed. It is evident that people are not attached to their surroundings; they

walk; operate, in a fog due to their dim level of awareness; this conduct is related

to haziness in thinking.

Belief, as far as I am concerned, is reflective of a state of knowing; acquired

due to an idea being put into practice; a sense of being transformed would be the

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obvious consequence. Such knowledge could only be ascertained by one having

the experience, thus, it is called an, “inner knowing”. Mind, body, heart, and

soul, joined together, decipher the change that has occurred within him; no

evidence of this can be quantified by others.

Accepting the logic I have detailed, it can be said that a person becomes a

Christian by practising lessons explained in the parables told by Jesus; how

many, however, could possibly state that they come even close to living a life

resembling Christ's? The number is quite obviously minute, and they would not

be inclined to boast, or advertise, such an accomplishment; doing so would

counter Christ's teachings.

Most, if not practically all, ministers, and priests, declare that it is of utmost

importance to love others, just as, they commonly say, God loves us; man's goal

should be to spread God’s love throughout the people of the world; they are,

after all, told they are a reflection of Him; made in His image. If this is indeed

the case, over the passage of time, they collectively lost sight of what they

actually are, what they were originally intended to be.

At the time Jesus appears it would seem that man had sunk so low, only the

presence of God, Himself, could act as a springboard capable of allowing him to

reach the height he was meant to achieve; which was the place he began; akin,

alike, if not the same, as God.

Normally, however, it is only when a man fears losing himself; a fear of death

that he leans on a religion for support; as a means to allow him to hold his head

high among his fellow man. Surely, behaviour such as this is deluded; its main

purpose is to starve off the sense that when one dies all is not lost. The man feels

that some meaning should be attached to his life.

Here we would appear to be concerned entirely with the psyche of man, his

psychology; religion helps a man to survive, it definitely has a placebo effect.

The power it contains is so great, the impact can be felt almost instantaneously,

“what once was lost; now is found”; but does temporarily; intermittently,

practising these thought patterns, with vast stretches of time barren of them,

change a person; his character; his personality?

Looking around one should wonder why it is people rely on “personae” to

help them adapt to situations throughout their day to day affairs; does this not

reveal how distant they are from experiencing their true selves?

Logic would dictate that every instant a person does not practice being

himself, the inevitable result suffering. What constitutes its makeup a person

might normally have little understanding of; however, there is present a feeling

of being unsettled; dissatisfied, maybe disillusioned.

Once one acquires the ability to live life as oneself; peace; contentment;

fulfilment, would assuredly be the result; however, having knowledge of what

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this is, is the key to being able to do such a thing; an understanding allows the

person to identify that this state is being experienced; therefore, knowledge, it

can be said, is possible due to experience, and this is what “belief” is; having

practised something for some time, it becomes evident that the message told is

true, and it becomes ingrained in the mind.

Repeating an idea; a chant; a mantra, can serve the same purpose; such

practices are far more prevalent among Eastern and Shamanistic religions. It is

interesting to note that most of those perceived to be mystics; ones who have

experienced the supernatural, (beyond man's present understanding - unlike the

“paranormal”; something man doesn’t presently understand, but considered

comprehensible), are those who diligently practice yoga. The word, “Yoga”, is

popularly defined as union with the divine; yoking man with God.

According to Collins English Dictionary, (complete and unabridged), 2003

edition, it is defined as;

1. A Hindu system of philosophy aiming at the mystical union of the self, with

the Supreme Being, in a state of complete awareness, and tranquility through

certain physical and mental exercises.

2. Any method by which such awareness and tranquility are attained, esp. a

course of related exercises and postures designed to promote physical and

spiritual wellbeing.

Mystics, of all varieties, share a common trait, they have emerged due to the

arduous practice of some lifestyle; we must consider, due to it being enclosed in

the definition, the idea of “long suffering”. This is commonly perceived as

something that will at some point be rewarded. It may be fairer to view this state

of affairs as being more due to a form of “compensation”; Christians use the

word, “grace”, but this is still only possible due to the man's actions.

There can, therefore, be considered to be two entirely different perceptions

as to how a man develops a sense of himself. One is due to the “will” of the

man; perseverance; determination; a steadfastness of effort, which leads to a

heightening of awareness; the other would seem to be more due to an outside

agency; a state imposed; the degree to which the Highest Intelligence, (God),

coordinates such events is entirely indecipherable to the common man.

One perception accepts the notion that a sudden; spontaneous, awakening,

arises because an intervention happened that was against the will of God. The

trajectory of the individual's development is suddenly; maybe instantaneously;

jolted from a course it was following. Describing such a scenario involves the

perception that forces can counter the will of God; the concept of the Devil; the

mightiest of the “fallen angels”; is favoured among Christians as a means to

explain such events.

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Accepting the above to be possible, Christ's death could be viewed as a

magnificent injustice; a compensation of the highest order would be required

immediately. We are told in each of the four Gospels that comprise the New

Testament that he rose to heaven following his crucifixion. This act may also be

viewed as “Self-realization”; a man being complete; fully himself.

Is it not then easy to perceive it as being his choice; having acquired the

ability, to return to the earthly plain to serve as evidence that if a person does

what is right, while bearing whatever may be the consequence, he will arrive at

a state that prevents one ever having to struggle again. One should, therefore,

never question the value of doing what is right, and having a distaste of what is

wrong. Jesus chose as his greatest gift to man to display this truth. He died on

a cross; a barbaric; torturous, form of death, despite following all the rules, and

laws, indicated in the Old Testament.

The mistake commonly made by Christians when interpreting Christ's death

is that they perceive a force opposing God. A person’s perception of things is

limited, and should be given proper consideration when a person constructs an

account of a situation, or event, or attempts to explain why it arose.

If one accepts the previous as a given, then everything received is earned, and

there is no such thing as God granting something because it is asked for. There

is a saying which sums up my argument; “to those whom much is given, much

is expected”; along with power, there is responsibility.

Whether a man chooses yogic disciplines, or endeavours to follow a “moral

lifestyle” alone, there will inevitably be sacrifices along either path; happiness

will no longer be considered a cherished product; instead a permanent bliss is

sought, which could be viewed as a state of always being oneself, therefore, the

person is exempt from experiencing any type of pain.

A close examination of any school of yoga reveals that a cessation of certain

things is required, or something close to it. A close observance of one's dietary

habits is crucial; many in the West, undoubtedly, would find it difficult to endure

the basic; bland, foods, one is required to ingest; one's sexual appetite is

curtailed; promiscuity is admonished; celibacy is highly praised; a great many

things people eagerly pursue to happiness are denied.

A person who loses contact with people, and is forced to live a lifestyle that

rarely offers resources required to fulfil the senses, would fit into this category;

which explain why many that chose a mystical path seek isolation.

The big difference between how East religions and West religions view things

is that Eastern religions proclaim that if a person develops an adequate

understanding of certain matters he has greater ability to chart his own course; a

yogi can develop an awareness of the degree that he’s improving himself;

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Western religions believe much of what happens to a man is out of his control,

and that’s why a person needs to have faith.

Long suffering, in a religious sense, necessitates jolts, or shocks, that lead to

an elevated state of “being”. If no evidence of this occurs, (only the individual

could identify whether this is the case), the suffering is more than likely due to

the individual's own thoughtless; reckless; actions, therefore, the proper course

is taking place, and the pain experienced is the consequence of certain forms of


Viewing these matters on a worldwide scale one becomes cognizant that

countries have laws, and those laws need to be adhered to in order for a society

to function, however, time and time again throughout history we see examples

of people taking the law into their own hands; dissolution results.

Occasionally, this happens due to a portion of a population believing laws are

improper; unfair, and unjust; resulting in unnecessary suffering; on many

occasions these breakdowns lead to dispersions, or Diasporas.

A voluntary dismissal of previous laws usually, far more often than not,

results in a new society being rebuilt with greater alacrity than the involuntary

separation of peoples.

However one may wish to perceive change, a sacrifice is necessary. A yogi,

most evidently, is an example of this; serious devotees avoid so called romantic

entanglements; this is something most consider a tremendous sacrifice; the life

of the Buddha is a fine example of this practice.

He left his wife; his young child; his whole family, and his enormous riches,

to pursue the quest to cease his suffering. The stories that have come down to

us about this event reveal the despair, and anguish, he felt having to do this, (no

doubt, he was aware of the ridicule he would encounter as a result), but still he

remained steadfast; aware that despite once “having it all”; his suffering would

never cease if he remained where he was.

Once the Buddha achieved his release, (nirvana), possibly due to the will of

the God, (he may, after all, have been given special “gifts”; being chosen from

birth to achieve this task), he taught his solution for suffering to others. Stories

detail that he was enveloped with an aura of tranquillity, which most likely

served as proof to others of what he’d accomplished, which inspired people to

follow his example.

How many can it be said in modern society choose such a quest? There are

practically none that are prepared to accept loss, however minute, and most fail

to question precepts, and take for granted they are true; for example, most have

grandiose illusions about what a romantic relationship actually means, and how

they benefit from them; in the vast majority of cases, they are little more than an

act of acquisition, and there are many common expressions that reflect this being

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the case; “I've found my soul mate”; “my better half”; “he makes me feel

complete”; “I can't live without him”: “he means so much to me”: “I've found

my true love”.

Those who use such terms failed to realize where fulfilment can actually be

realized; rather than using someone else to enrich life, it is far better to develop

an awareness of where weaknesses lay and work on repairing those, instead of

relying on someone else to, in a sense, mask a wounded area.

History has shown that a large percentage of the people with great minds are

mystics; they span down to the earliest ages of recorded time; the Greeks, for

example, gave us Socrates.

All such extraordinary individuals share the trait of loving others, and go to

extraordinary lengths to express this, and are prepared to be persecuted due to

standing firm that a constant adherence to a high ideals and morals is of utmost


When the “common man” says he’s found true love, he’s happy to say he

needs no other; what he is, in fact, saying is that his narcissism has reached such

a momentous size he feels pleasure only while in the arms of one person; in

reality, he is stating he is capable of connecting with only one other person; his

selfishness has reached disquieting proportions.

Love cannot, and is not, found in another; those who have love dispense it

gleefully, and thankfully, to those they encounter while remaining single; they

have no need for romance, or sex; they are able to see beyond such entrapment.

The final point is the final word of the last paragraph; often that which people

believe will enable them to experience more happiness, does quite the opposite.

Marriages crumble; relationships disintegrate; separations often don’t occur;

as they should; after all, “For richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, till death

do us part”, is the promise married couples make; guilt, and shame, is often

experienced when relationships turn sour, and people question the value of

themselves, rather than the quagmires involved in devoting extended periods of

time in the company of just one other person.

Far more often than not, it is the man who suffers more when a relationship

falls apart. Financially, he can, and most often is, still encumbered to support

the woman. He may feel a failure due to a sense of not measuring up to what he

should be, however, the majority of the time, to face the honest truth, it is the

woman who bears greater responsibility, but chooses to cherish the title of the

weaker sex as a means to minimize the import of “wounds” she has made. Unlike

men, women cling; repeatedly expressing their displeasure, rather than

acknowledge their part in causing damage; their focus is more on unburdening

themselves, and not being mindful of the burden they place on others.

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This behaviour is connected to her role as a mother who hold her child and

wont let go, however, over-protectiveness can crush another person’s willingness

to launch himself upon the world; creating an individual identity while doing so.

We see here a character within the female that does not follow reason, and bears

a cost to her and also her treasured possession - her offspring.

A marriage works best when it is focused on the well-being of children, not

on the husband and wife; they are responsible for doing all they can to insure

their kids manage to live a life that can nurture and enrich themselves. Next is

an example as to how this practice breaks down.

A father puts his son on a bike, and instructs the child to ride. If he falls, the

child is told that he should clean himself up, and then get back on the bike as

quickly as possible; this enables the child, as far as the father is concerned, to

develop character; independence, and self-confidence.

So often, however, when the child falls of the bike, the mother, instead, places

the youngster on her knee; kisses the wound, and sooths the child, much to the

dismay of the father. A dispute then erupts, and the father states that the child

needs to become self-reliant, while the mother declares; “But I love him so

much. I hate to see him suffer. How can you be so cruel?”

Who is it she truly loves? Hates to see suffer? Who should feel guilty for

dampening a person’s quest to be independent? The answer to these questions

is obvious; so often those who are said to be caring, loving, nurturing, sugar and

spice and all things nice, are actually the opposite.

There are big differences between men and women; they are quite often not

as compatible as people believe, but they deny the evidence that supports this


The Old Testament does use the word “cleave”; meaning, meet then part;

there should not be a continuous closeness, togetherness, between a man and a


I will leave this chapter with the question; why did the serpent temp Eve

instead of Adam? As far as I am concerned, the answer is obvious; Eve's desire

to please herself is greater than Adam's. Women have less of an inherent need

to make a sacrifice.

Having stated all I have is it thus surprising that no Giant in history has been

a woman. How popular will I become once my views are widely known?

Love is The Word, and the time is now.

Love is what you offer; give; earn, for yourself that leads to an expansion of

consciousness. One becomes filled with the so called, “Holy Spirit”. After one

has physically died, after having achieved a completion of Spirit during life, one

then realizes the expansion is limitless, and you are now, as then, God - existence

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manifested from non-existence. Everywhere is the same, nothing is separate;

different; from what you are, thus, time, which is dependent on change, does not


Previously, while in human form, you lived in the moment, absorbing to the

utmost degree possible all that is around; appreciating fully that which is within,

without, and travels through, your essential being. When one decides to

experience life as a task to always lead oneself toward that which is good,

eventually one will gain knowledge of both good and evil.

So many, practically all, experience fear when their possessions are taken, or

their Human Rights are violated, resulting in emotions fuelled with rage,

vengeance, revenge, anger, and hatred, leading to behavioural patterns that are

useless, and ultimately, self-defeating. Instead of attempting to replace what was

taken, one should, as The Bible, and other Holy Scriptures detail, become more

reliant on the self, and strive to become increasingly connected to the Order of

the Universe, (God), which is centred on a mind-set of morality; not harming

oneself, or any other living being.

When Jesus said, “turn the other cheek”, when one has already been struck,

he meant, not having fear, but remaining reliant on the cosmos, and your own

moral acts, to sustain your existence.

Luke 6:29: KJV

And unto him that smiteth thee on the one cheek offer also the other; and

him that taketh away thy cloak forbid not to take thy coat either.