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  • 8/2/2019 The Natural Way To Lower Blood Pressure



    Reduce Your Risk ofHeart Attack Naturally

    LOWER YourBlood Pressure

    Effectively &FOR GOOD!

  • 8/2/2019 The Natural Way To Lower Blood Pressure




    Introduction and Background Information 3

    Types of Hypertension 4

    What is normal and/or considered High Blood pressure, HPT? 5

    But how do they/you tell when and that you have HPT or HBP? 14

    Effective Treatment And Therapies For High Blood Pressure 17

    Medications for High Blood Pressure and Anti-hypertensives 18

    Natural and Alternative Therapies 19

    Blood Pressure, Your Heart And Health 21

    25 HPT, HBP-lowering secrets to stick to 24

    Personal Strategies And HBP-Lowering Action-Plan 27

    Exercise And Lowering HBP 31

    Tools And Tips To Minimize Your Risks 38

    Conclusion 42

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    Introduction and Background Information

    Mostly, doctors, natural, holistic, and/or mainstream, will typically with

    a diagnosis of high blood pressure, recommend, exercise, change of

    dietary, nutritional eating plans and lifestyle habits, and even drugs,

    prescription or otherwise.

    Hypertension is commonly referred to as "high blood pressure", and it

    is considered for all intents and purposes as a high-risk, not-so-good-

    to-suffer-from medical condition.

    If you have ever had interest, concern or wanted to know more about:

    Your blood pressure and how it affects your life, health and

    future, longevity, wellness, quality of life

    The effects of edible salt and sodium intake on the body and

    blood pressure, eating, diet and other related lifestyle habits that

    can either be helpful or harmful to you

    If you are a sufferer of high blood pressure and what it meansexactly?

    What to do in a hypertensive emergency ?

    The different types of hypertension, high blood pressure and

    what causes it, contributes or worsens it?

    What Malignant hypertension is?

    How exercise and healthy eating can impact hypertension , or


    Diagnosis, Prognosis and Treatment of hypertension

    Living and Managing HBP, HPT - Home blood pressure


    and much much more then this guide to lowering your risk of

    getting a heart-attack, by naturally lowering your blood pressure is a

    great resource for all of the above and MORE! Stay tuned

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    It (that is HPT or high blood pressure), manifests itself in a constant

    and chronically elevated blood pressure. Too high and too unhealthy

    for comfort or to be ignored.

    Some also refer to it as arterial hypertension. It is a silent killer for

    the most part, especially when going undiagnosed and untreated. It

    has the highest inherent risk and/or causality, contributory factor rate

    for/of heart attack or stroke, than any other disease.

    If the condition persists over time, it is one of the major concerns for

    medical conditions like


    heart attacks

    heart failure

    arterial aneurysm

    chronic renal failure



    visual impairment





    And many others...

    Types of Hypertension

    There are TWO classes or types of Hypertension for medical diagnoses.

    Doctors often refer to as essential (primary) HPT or secondary HPT.

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    According to online sources and medical dictionaries, classifications

    and expert opinion

    Essential hypertension entertains no specific medical cause for

    the condition to manifest.

    Secondary hypertension means that there is a causal or

    contributory cause, explanation, underlying issue that results in

    the high blood pressure. Some examples may include kidney

    disease or certain tumors.

    What is normal and/or considered High Blood pressure, HPT?

    We all have it! There is no escaping it. You need it BLOOD

    PRESSURE! It is an essential medical and system requirement of/for

    life. Blood circulated through your body to keep it running, taking

    oxygen, nutrients where it is needed and belongs. You need to know

    and understand how your body and blood pressure works, in order to

    keep it within optimal, balanced levels.

    For your blood pressure to be NORMAL is not ONE reading. Let us be

    clear about that it is and indicates values, readings falling into a

    range of metrics and readings. Blood pressure is typically what we

    refer to when we are talking about the force that is required in your

    veins/arteries to move your blood, when the heart beats and when the

    heart rests. These two reading make up your blood pressure level

    readings, higher and lower readings, systolic and diastolic. Millimeters

    of Mercury or mmHg is the metric used.

    There is an official Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection,

    Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure) and the scales they

    use and recommend for public health and medical practitioners, have

    recently been updated and changed to reflect healthier living levels

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    and actually lower readings as the ideal or normal range to ensure

    optimal health and well-being.

    Earlier, before these changes took effect, typically the standards for

    normal blood pressure ranges held firm, in the vicinity of 120/80

    mmHg, with readings higher, between and to 139/89 mmHg as "pre-

    hypertension." Or diagnosis at-risk for/of developing the disease.

    These scales and tools help us to identify and diagnoses early, those at

    high or increasing risk of developing hypertension, monitor existing

    patients and more.

    Other groups and advocates in the field, like The Mayo Clinic suggests

    - in line with some of the most recent trends - (still lower rates of

    healthy blood pressure), that even 115/75 mm Hg should be the rule

    of thumb most of us should be living by, striving for and getting to.

    If you do suffer from some kidney or liver disease or a weakened

    immune-system for example and get diagnosed with 130/80 mmHg,

    you will be treated as high risk, even if this was seen as borderline

    diagnosis before. If you have readings in this range, it actually

    warrants treatment. Be sure to discuss these and recent BP readings

    that you might have received at your last check-up or round of

    medical tests, procedures with your team of medical, health and

    wellness professionals. Your medical well-being, care team.

    Many patients these days are taking on a more pro-active role in

    measuring, knowing, lowering and monitoring their own blood

    pressure. There are numerous tools at your disposal, from instruments

    in retail outlets and/or pharmacies, to home blood pressure monitoring

    devices. Choice and empowered hands-on management is advisable

    for you to get the best results managing, living with, lowering and

    even maintaining a healthy blood pressure (whatever for you

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    individually it might be!). You can see your blood pressure as an

    indicator of your heart-health. As you heart pumps blood through your

    body, forces and pressure are created, measured and this gives us a

    window into our bodies and tells us, like a barometer how we are

    doing in the health department.

    Here are some fast and disturbing, alarming and REAL facts about high

    blood pressure:

    IT IS A SILENT KILLER - High blood pressure (hypertension) killed

    46,765 Americans in 2001 and has been creeping steadily higher as

    we have grown more and more obese as a nation.


    OR UNDERESTIMATED. IT KILLS! It was listed as a primary or

    contributing cause of death in about 251,000 U.S. deaths in 2000



    Americans age 6 and older have high blood pressure

    One in five Americans (and one in four adults) has high blood pressure

    MOST DO NOT EVEN KNOW THEY HAVE IT as much as 30% do not

    know that they suffer from HBP

    More than a 10th of people who have the condition are not on

    medication or doing anything special to treat their condition

    Very few HPT, HBP sufferers are not following a special diet or taking


    Up to 25 percent of sufferers and patients (diagnosed and not), are

    doing all they can to get better, including healthier alternatives,

    exercise and the like. Less than ONE third of patients have a holistic,

    personalized treatment and therapy, whole-health, natural solution

    and are just treating symptoms or taking prescription medications

    In up to 95% of the diagnosed cases the causes elude us; they remain

    unknown for the most part

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    HPT or high blood pressure is and can be easily detected and usually is

    controllable with minimal effort, intervention, lifestyle changes,

    healthy balanced living, the right foods, habits, exercise and nutrients

    our bodies need to function optimally

    Surprised by these facts?? Most are at first reading, starting to wonder

    if we really have such a good handle on what to do about HPT or HBP?

    But, you may well ask and justifiably so, why people would develop

    hypertention in the first place. There are numerous reasons and

    factors at play here. More than meets the eye at first glance anyway!

    Some of the most commonly accepted culprits include:

    Genetics and hereditary factors,

    alcohol intake


    environmental factors (workplace, home, profession)

    excess weight

    excessive noise exposure

    family size

    fast-paced living


    salt intake

    stimulant intake (like caffeine, cola and others)

    stress and nature of occupation

    heart and health problems

    circulatory issues

    and many others.

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    Upward of 60% of all HP cases, show that patients have large daily

    sodium intake and salt-rich diets, foods, choices and habits that can

    and do harm their health.

    Renin-enzymes at work within your body can also cause or contribute

    to higher blood pressure levels and need to be kept in check.

    Insulin correlations are also very important for helping with high blood

    pressure. We need to understand BETTER how our bodies function, in

    order to do something effectively and specifcially to LOWER OUR


    The target is the to regulate blood-sugar that could also lead to

    increased arterial pressure, referred to some as the so-called

    metabolic syndrome. If you accept these, then leaping to what you

    can do about it, does not take much. The good news is that you can

    change the tides of high blood pressure in a number of ways, quite

    successfully. You do not necessarily have to take prescription

    medication and submit yourself to a lifelong sentence or regimen

    (although in some cases it may be necessary to take medication

    discuss your best options with your doctor and medical team for clear-

    cut answers and choices that are right for you).

    Not sleeping enough, sleeping disorders and disturbances, costing you

    your replenishment, robbing the body of the chances and opportunity

    to reload and be healthy, at optimal functioning levels, like sleep

    apnea for example, can also be contributing and underlying symptom

    or diagnosis help to practitioners and patients. Some suggest losing

    excessive weight and even adding therapy and treatments (at night,

    at resting or while sleeping) referred to as nocturnal nasal positive

    airway pressure, to assist with lowering the blood pressure levels all-

    round and help you live healthier, get the sleep you need and be at

    your very best!

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    Your DNA-Genetics, hereditary factors do not go unrecognized here

    iether. It does run in families for the most part and considered part of

    a more complex genetic disorder. Some suggest the incidence due to

    this category alone to be as high as one third of patients more or less.

    Animal and human studies seem to present the same findings. There is

    something in our genetic, gene make-up, by design that pre-disposes

    us to developing the condition or not.WE inherit it from our

    predecesors our parents and generations that have come and lived

    before us, but there are also more complex, multi-layered causes that

    we are only now unravelling still. Elevated blood pressure in many

    cases are only one of many symptomatic expressions and

    manifestations of the body, issues, problems, disease, unbalances

    within the functioning human system and more. It is like a gage that

    indicates that all is not well.

    There are more than fifty genes associated with HPT (hypertension,

    high blood pressure alone!) The body of knowledge in this area keeps

    growing and expanding as well.

    Specific causes for HPT and HBP are hard to identify and attribute to in

    many, if not most indivdiuals. Sometimes there are endocrine or renal

    defects that are tell-tale signs, other times there are no such clear-cut

    answers and/or causes to be had or given.

    A very common form of HPT or HBP, hypertension are renal or kidney


    There are also hormonal, gland or adrenal hypertension, as well as

    Hypercalcemia or hardening of the arteries in and around the heart,

    causing heart-related disease

    It is a scary, unsettling diagnosis to receive and most individuals, not

    unlike ourselves want to start doing something right away, countering

    the unfolding or developing of these types of diseases and worse

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    prognoses along the way! But what to do exactly, is oftentimes NOT

    emphasised enough. There is more to HPT or HBP than popping yet

    another pill! You can rely on nature and what it provides for us to get

    better, best results, lasting over time, working its magic for you and

    your blood-pressure levels, effectively lowering YOUR risk for heart-

    attack, stroke and other diseases.

    Some suggest what we eat has a lot to do with it. Let us take a closer

    look at diet, eating habits, food choices, sodium, and the like.

    Sometimes we take things, medicines to make us feel better, not

    worse. Some have side-effects, not in all, just some or not known yet.

    Certain medications may make HBP and HPT worse. Pain-medications

    especially NSAIDS (Motrin/ibupofen) and steroids can cause

    hypertension. There is actaul causality here. You read it right. It is

    indicated on most labels, but not necessarily read, implemented or

    taken into consideration at the point of taking or ingesting them. Short

    term relief, long-term implications! A treat in some places, licorice or

    (Glycyrrhiza glabra) can cause secondary hypo-aldosteronism, that

    has been known and identified as a causal factor for developing HBP.

    As we age as people and individuals, our arterial walls deteriorate. We

    are and feel not as young as we used to! But it does not have to be

    that way. We do not have to settle for less. You can strengthen these

    natural fibers, cells and walls, making blood vessels less stiffer, not

    sacrificing the elasticity and keeping your blood pressure low!

    If you exercise your heart , you will benefit in the long-run. That is the

    long and short of dealing effectively with blood pressure exercise!

    Here is how the body copes with HBP, HPT issues and problems.

    The kidneys cannot get rid of sodium

    It increases demand and production of same

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    Effectively raising blood pressure and forces to cope with the

    demands in the system

    Tries to balance and get equilibiurm back the body battels, raises

    blood pressure, circulation and puts more pressure on the heart

    Vaso-constriction leads to more retention of sodium and water in order

    to make this happen

    Blood volume increases

    All the above leads to hypertension.

    See how naturally these processes seem to work?

    Here is another such example:

    There is increased or even overactive sympathetic nervous system


    This leads to increased stress responses

    The body and system has to respond and cope somehow

    Thus, increased circulation, pressure and see there HPT, HBP!

    Mostly our diagnosis comes from a medical practitioner, or we are

    normally not bothered by it too much. The symptoms are at times

    even non-existent or confused, misdiagnosed or not spotted at all, not

    until we are tested and checked.

    Some attribute the lack of awareness of this problem to this diagnosis

    that is so incidental it seems and done mostly by healthcare

    professionals as part of normal routine check-ups.

    More serious forms of the condition, if left over time or developing

    quickly, like the aggressive, or more malignant, accelerated HPT

    typically happens later , associated with more headaches, blurred

    vision and end-organ damage. It is easier in a sense to spot, but then

    who wants to wait for that?!

    On the other end of the spectrum it is also true that even stress,

    anxiety, excitement etc. can raise your blood pressure and we

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    oftentimes dismiss it as just that. Our nerves! We misunderstand,

    misinterpret and underestimate the seriousness of what this can effect

    in our lives and health. It can be deadly, it can and has killed people,

    others and even as we speak is taking its toll. We need to understand

    it better and utilize it for the tell-tale sign that it is that something is

    amiss with our bodies and human system.

    Hypertension, HPT or HBP is NOT the same thing as mental tension,

    stress and anxiety. They do not cause each other per se, but have an

    intricately more complex relationship with one another.

    Lots wonder if they can die of HPT or HBP specifically. Hypertensive

    urgencies and emergencies can occur in some individuals, but is really

    highly rare too.

    With extremes there are always and also exceptions to this rule of

    thumb of course. At reading in the range of 240 mmHg and/or a

    diastolic blood pressure over 120 mmHg there might be longer term

    consequences and health implications like organ damage and/or

    failure. Intervention and controlling it becomes the immediate courses

    of action taken and required to treat it effectively. It can also affect

    your brain-functioning and increase the intracranial pressure, causing

    strokes for example.

    Many do not see their high blood pressure for what it is or could be,

    become or develop into. We need to take it more seriously than we do.

    Many do not seek treatment, thinking they will get better by

    themselves, on their own, over time, NOT realizing the destructive

    force and effects this can and does have on their bodies and overall

    human system, including heart, lungs, circulatory system and even

    brain. It does have short, medium and long-term effects! Here are

    just some of the MORE serious conditions you need to be aware of

    when suffering from high blood pressure. It is no laughing matter to

    be dismissed or underestimated. It can cause:

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    Myocardial infarction (heart attack)

    Hypertensive retinopathy - damage to the retina

    Hypertensive nephropathy - chronic renal failure due to

    chronically high blood pressure

    Hypertensive cardiomyopathy (heart failure due to chronically

    high blood pressure)

    Cerebrovascular accident (CVAs or strokes)

    But how do they/you tell when and that you have HPT or HBP?

    Measuring and diagnosis blood pressure is easy and pretty much

    routine. Most of use are familiar with and of the procedure and

    equipment, either in the doctors office, hospital, pharmacy or even

    hand-held models available for home-testing.

    Persistent measurements at least THREE consecutive times, lying

    down and sitting up, at least one week apart will in most cases confirm

    the diagnosis. Monitoring will also take place in-between and right

    after diagnosis to ensure the accuracy of the readings and diagnosis.

    Ikn some cases, if your reading are very high-risk, your doctor may

    advise effective treatment to start without delay. Normally they

    prescribe the most popular drug or prescription medication of choice,

    generic alternatives to lower costs, but you will be on it for life, is what

    they tell you and you have to take it everyday for the rest of your life

    here on earth. There is no escaping it. To keep it in check ,you will

    need the medication. Oh, yes! There are side-effects you should read

    about it some more, to ensure you understand the real cost, risk,

    reward and outcome (short, medium and long-term) of/for taking


    To take and ensure an accurate and reliable reading , there are some


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    No coffee or caffience consumption for at least 60 minutes prior to the

    reading as it is a stimulant and will mess up the reading accuracy

    Nicotene is another stimulant so do not smoke for at least 30

    minutesprior to taking the reading

    Cuff-size is also important and should at least cover a large portion of

    your up (up to two thirds is preferable)Best taken on your upper arm

    and after sitting for five minutes.

    You should have no adrenergic stimulants in your system (cold

    medications will also affect the reading)

    Inflate the device until you get above the anticipated systolic pressure.

    Place the stethoscope over the brachial artery, at the level of the


    Equipment should then be deflated at a rate of 2 to 3 mmHg/s. Two

    measures are taken, systolic and diastolic, 5 minutes apart

    Both arms should be taken as a first run-of-the-mill test and a frame

    of reference, or baseline of sorts

    Also, consider for the accuracy and reliability of the reading factors


    Time of day

    Treatment type - any medications, foods etc. taken (ask,

    consider its effects)

    Stressors like driving in traffic, undergoing a procedure etc.

    There are misdiagnoses sometimes at front-level medical care

    There are also more possibilities that these readings you/we are

    getting may be due to some other underlying causes and we

    need to eliminate these, focusing in or identifying these so-called

    reversible or (secondary) causes, to use the medical terminology.

    Here are just some of the illnesses, complications and other intricacies

    to look out and pay attention to with HPT, HBP diagnoses:

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    diabetes mellitus (type 2)

    combined hyperlipidemia

    central obesity.

    hypertensive children

    possible causes of secondary hypertension

    end-organ damage to the heart itself or the eyes (retina) and

    kidneys. Diabetes and raised cholesterol levels

    All of the above may pose some real priorities for treatment and

    intervention, long-term solutions and a catered, custom answer and

    solution for your individual case and circumstance.

    Blood tests commonly performed include:

    cardiac or heart disease - Chest X-ray


    Glucose - to identify diabetes mellitus

    Heart-health will also be checked, sometimes with an

    electrocardiogram (EKG/ECG)

    If there are any obvious thickening of the heart muscle

    Kidney disease or failure

    May check for levels of electrolytes (sodium, potassium) in your


    Possible side-effects of certain antihypertensive drugs discussed

    Testing of urine samples for proteinuria

    Your kidney-functioning will be tested

    Not everyone reacts to medications and treatments in the same way.

    YOU ARE UNIQUE and so should be the treatment of your blood

    pressure condition is our postulation here. You need to assess and

    restimate risks, rewards and consequences for yourself, not use all

    others as your barometer. You can take a very hands-on, pro-active

    role in what gets done from this point forward.

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    Effective Treatment And Therapies For High Blood Pressure

    Changing your lifestyle and habits

    Recommended weight loss, getting to your ideal and targeted

    weight, maintaining and sustaining a healthy weigth is to be a

    top priority, NOT putting extra strain on your heart and

    circulatory system for example.

    Activity, balanced living and regular exercise

    Intevening and treating mild to moderate hypertension

    immediately, without delay

    indefinite drug therapy to bring blood pressure down to a safer


    Quitting smoking, excessive amounts of alcohol and even

    caffeine. Minimizing stroke and heart-attach strategeis

    Making reducing blood pressure a top priority in any way(s)


    Diet, exercise and improved physical fitness.

    Eating lots of fruits and vegetables

    Consuming better choice food items, low fat or fat-free dairy

    foods moderate or low in sodium foods

    Herbs and natural supplements to boost your metabolism, bodily

    functioning, heart and circulatory systems and MORE.

    ** NOTE: If you are seeking tips on healthy eating for blood

    pressure lowering and healthy living, try searching for the so-

    called DASH diet (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension)

    Regular mild exercise

    Activity and hobbies, daily tasks and additional things to improve blood


    Eating more nuts, for increasing dietary Potassium to lower BP

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    Ridding your working and living environment of detrimental factors like

    high sound levels and over-illumination

    Even device guided paced breathing more on this later

    .. and many more can all help you intervene, correct, manage, live

    with or maintain a healthy blood pressure, EVEN LOWER IT FOR


    Medications for High Blood Pressure and Anti-hypertensives

    There are many classes of medications for treating numerous types

    and forms, strenghts/dosages of drugs and pharmaceuticals,

    prescription medications for HPT hypertension or high blood pressure.

    Most of these act to actauly have the body lowering blood pressure.

    Evidence suggests that reduction of the blood pressure by 5-6 mmHg

    can decrease the risk of stroke by 40%, of coronary heart disease by

    15-20%, and reduces the likelihood of dementia, heart failure, and

    mortality from vascular disease.

    The aim of treatment should be blood pressure control to

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    Angiotensin II receptor antagonists: eg, irbesartan (Avapro),

    losartan (Cozaar), valsartan (Diovan), candesartan (Atacand)

    Alpha blockers such as doxazosin, prazosin, or terazosin

    Beta blockers such as atenolol, labetalol, metoprolol (Lopressor,


    Calcium channel blockers such as amlodipine (Norvasc), diltiazem,


    Diuretics: eg, bendroflumethiazide, chlortalidone, hydrochlorothiazide

    (also called HCTZ)

    combination products (which usually contain HCTZ and one other


    Natural and Alternative Therapies

    If these drugs and meds are NOT for you, try to fall back on some

    breathing apparatus like the FDA-approved, OTC treatment options

    and devices, called resperate technology

    Research on this, indicates that therapeutic, paced, deliberate slowing

    and slower breathing actually lowers our blood-pressure. The

    argument and premise being, that in the long-run, these, in

    combination with other, total-health management, and even

    medications can keep your blood pressure low and healthy. It makes

    sense, as vessels contract and relax as do the muscles surrounding the

    blood vessels, giving you the optimal effect. Claims are that these type

    of apparatus can lower blood pressure by as much as 36 points

    systolic and 20 points diastolic (top 10% reductions), with average

    reductions of 14/8 points.

    For more information check the reference articles and research sited

    on their website and elsewhere to show how these kinds of natural

    processes can help the body, circulatory, cardiac and whole sustem,

    LOWERING your blood pressure (listed here for your convenience):

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    Non-pharmacologic Treatment of Hypertension by Respiratory Exercise

    in the Home Setting." E Meles, C Giannattasio, M Failla, G Gentile, A

    Capra, G Mancia.American Journal of Hypertension; 2004, 17:370-374.

    "Treating hypertension with a device that slows and regularizes

    breathing: A randomized, double-blind controlled study." Schein M,

    Gavish B, Herz M, Rosner-Kahana D, Naveh P, Knishkowy B, Zlotnikov

    E, Ben-Zvi N, Melmed RN.Journal of Human Hypertension; 2001,


    "Respiration and Blood Pressure." Parati G, Izzo JL Jr, Gavish B., Third

    Edition. JL Izzo and HR Black, Eds. Baltimore, Lippincott, Williams, and

    Wilkins in Hypertension Primer, 2003, Ch. A40, p117-120.

    "Non-Pharmacological Treatment of Resistant Hypertensives by Device-

    Guided Slow Breathing Exercises." Viskoper, R, Shapira, I, Priluck, R,

    Mindlin, R, Chornia, L, Laszt, A, Dicker, D, Gavish, B, Alter, A.American

    Journal of Hypertension; 2003; 16:484-487.

    "Graded Blood Pressure Reduction in Hypertensive Outpatients

    Associated with Use of a Device to Assist with Slow Breathing." WElliott, J Izzo, Jr., WB White, D Rosing, CS Snyder, A Alter, B Gavish,

    HR Black.J Clin Hypertens; 2004 6(10): 553-559.

    "Device-guided breathing exercises reduce blood pressure - Ambulatory

    and home measurements." Rosenthal T, Alter A, Peleg E, Gavish

    B.American Journal of Hypertension; 2001, 14:74-76.

    "Breathing-control lowers blood pressure." Grossman E, Grossman A,

    Schein MH, Zimlichman R, Gavish B.Journal of Human Hypertension;

    2001, 15:263-269.

    "Blood pressure reduction with device-guided breathing: pooled data

    from 7 controlled studies." W.J. Elliott, H.R. Black, A. Alter, B. Gavish.

    Journal of Hypertension; 2004, 22(2):S116.

    Blood Pressure, Your Heart And Health

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    There are lots of ways HPT and CVD (blood pressure and heart

    disease) are connected, THREE ways that HPT can negatively affect

    your heart over time are:

    Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH)

    Increased pressure on the pulmonary artery is too great

    It becomes problematic at and when the pressure is above 25 mmHg.

    Narrower arteries, decreased blood-flow, higher pressure against

    tighter arterial walls is detrimental

    Build up within and fatigue of the muscles and walls, weakening of

    arteries and heart are all possible outcomes, not boding well for your

    heart, health and longevity.

    Scar tissue can also worsen the problem.

    Your weakened heart can easily lead to eventual failure. Genetics,

    chronic lung disease, blood clots in the lungs or heart disease,

    hypertension or high cholesterol can all contribute to this MAIN killer

    form of CVD or cardiac problems.


    This has to do with the hardening and narrowing of the arteries As we

    age it becomes harder and if also occurs in families. Plaque build-up in

    your arteries, walls and linings, high blood pressure, diabetes and high

    cholesterol are all culprits that make these conditions worse. It

    increases the opportunity for build-up, blood clots and narrowing,

    increasing the rates and likelihood of heart attack or stroke.

    Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)

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    Hardened and narrowed arteries, angina and heart attack, chronic

    chest pain, robbing the heart of precious blood and oxygen can lead to

    eventual failure. HPR or High blood pressure adds to the strain on the

    arteries and the heart, leading to weakening, not being able to pump

    blood effectively throughout your body and eventually shutting down

    or failing completely.

    So, what are you left to do about HPT, HBP and your heart health

    even if you do not want to use medications or live with side-effects of

    prolonged use?

    Numerous natural products, non-pharmaceuticals, as well as

    alternative medicines like Hyperexol, for example, to name but ONE

    such product (not seen as an endorsement in any way), are also toted

    as having active natural ingredients that can make all the difference in

    the daily fight, larger battle and on-going war TO LOWER BLOOD

    PRESSURE, not only to normal ranges, but keeping it at optimal levels

    for the ultimate health and functioning.

    It demands scrutiny and investigation to see if there are any

    alternative, natural means and processes to get BETTER results, than

    submitting yourself to our pill-popping culture.

    It is time for you to take a very personal, hands-on part and role in

    maintaining your health, well-being AND your blood pressure. It can

    be done, through numerous therapies, remedies and alternative

    medicines, lifestyles and the best of what modern medicine and health

    devices, active living and even diet can provide. If you want to be

    healthy and keep your blood pressure levels down, it has to be a

    personal priority and responsibility as well. Know what to ask your

    doctor, for example if, when and how a renin-sodium profile and an

    echo-cardiogram can actaully help you both to assess and manage

    your blood pressure, even lower it, coming up with a treatment plan

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    and options together, rather than just popping the first pill he/she

    prescribes or recommends. Mineral and natural herb supplements have

    lots to offer as well.

    There is a whole trend towards natural-ceutical medications and

    therapies to use what nature has given and provides for us , to

    optimize and tap into what our bodies has to offer and its ability to

    heal itself as it were, re-establishing the equilibrium and balance to

    live a healthy live.

    Normally when diagnoses with hypertension or high blood pressure the

    clinical model has been to get the test, get the medication and then

    take it for life. If you read the labels for most of the medications, you

    will be taken aback at first by the extensive life of potential side-

    effects of taking the drug, like;

    liver damage





    and many more.

    Millions are suffering around the globe with this medical condition and

    affliction, BUT there are lots of things that you can do to naturally

    prevent a heart-attack and stroke for example, by lowering your blood

    pressure, with points that count and make the difference, WITHOUT


    All-natural ingredients in some treatments, remedies and health-

    alternatives, act like blood pressure normalizing agents and enablers.

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    Take full advantage of what natural elements, components and

    ingredients can do for your. Resist and avoid if you can:

    chemically generated compounds


    artificial additives

    pharmaceutical drugs or medicinal ingredients

    prescriptions with negative side effects taken over long periods of


    Do consult with your doctor on what is the best and most viable,

    effective method and treatment regimen, plan for you in the short,

    medium and long-term.

    25 HPT, HBP-lowering secrets to stick to :

    1. lowering B-receptors and free radicals in your body

    2. detoxify and exercise regularly

    3. protect the heart against outbursts

    4. intervene, correct and manage even mild to moderately elevated

    blood pressure, as it can/could be singaling deeper or underlying

    problems, balloon into more over time. TAKE IT SERIOUSLY! Do

    not dismiss a diagnosis of this or cautions by doctors or medical

    professionals to lower your risk, blood pressure effective

    immediately for your overall health, well-being and longevity.

    5. Look to find ways and compounds from nature that can help you

    tap into all things that can be and have beneficial effects on the

    cardiovascular system

    6. Essential and safe additions or supplements can help you get

    and maintain healthy blood pressure for life, for your heart and

    for your future!

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    7. Ortho-molecular medicines have lots to offer it is about finding

    the right balance , the right amount of the right things that work

    for you and your blood pressure! The solution is not for general,

    mass, but for you individually what is BEST FOR YOU that

    matters and can make all the difference in the world. An

    indivdiualized, personal and custom-treatment plan and

    therapies will be the best way to go to treat your high blood


    8. Do not treat from the outside in or merely focus on symptoms,

    but try to find the underlying causes, imbalances and deal with

    those as well. Make the body and heart stronger from the inside

    out, seems to be the trend in HPT treatments.

    9. Try and find ways to improve your blood circulation, cardio-

    exercises and regular activity is extremely important to have a

    healthy heart and circulatory system as well. It is about MORE

    than just pressure and force of your life-blood!

    10.Exercise in a sustained and disciplined manner, within your

    heart-rate target-zone, to gear and rev up your metabolism


    11.Some have defined blood pressure as more than a reading or

    outcome, it is about the systemic circulation and related

    systems, including your heart and circulatory systems, your

    veins and arteries, heart, heart-wall and more. You are trying to

    get rid of constriction in the arteries and blood vessels, ensuring

    that they are function at peak performance, as is your heart!

    12.Sustained endurance and fitness-type exercising is

    recommended on a regular basis, almost daily for the best

    results over time.

    13.Drink water and increase the viscosity or stickiness of your

    blood, for the optimal functioning of your human system,

    organs, including your heart and circularoty system, with

    targeted exercise. Stay hydrated at all times.

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    14.Raising your personal levels of fitness, to get and give the most

    of/to your heart and overall well-being should be a top priority,

    not just lowering your blood pressure or cheating death so to


    15.Be, eat and live healthy, be fit, active and exercise, have fun and

    enjoy life, even with hypertension. It does not have to be a

    death threat or sentence. You do not need to necessarily follow

    the mainstream and be on a prescription drug for the duration of

    your life HPT, HBP do not have to be life-time sentences with

    fear of side-effect with prolonged use.

    16.As things stand today, there is no cure per se for HPT or HBP.

    That is the reality. We are unravelling the mysteries yet why

    some develop it, are more prone to get it, even die from it than

    others, what works and what does not and why these

    mysteries still baffle and the sciences have no clear-cut answers.

    17.We can treat symptoms and get improvement with prescription

    medications that often have side-effects, and/or natural

    remedies, lifestyle changes, diet and nutritional plans that make

    healthy living a top priority, supplements, optional devices,

    breathing apparatus and specifically targeted types of exercises

    to improve blood-flow and circulations, heart-health, lower our

    cholesterol and avoid calcification of the arterial walls.

    18.This is and becomes then a challenge personally to take control

    of your HBP and HPT! It is up to you to live a healthier, more

    balanced life, eating what you should, rich in essential nutrients,

    NOT empty, fat-laden, sugary/starchy foods and calories,

    indulgence and over-eating, lazy days and no exercise.

    19.Choose fiber, electrolytes, calcium, magnesium and potassium to

    boost your bodys functioning, metabolism and effectiveness,

    heart and circulatory health.

    20.Plan your diet, nutritional, eating plan, shopping list, food

    preparation methods, portion control, smaller meals, more

    frequently, lean protein, high-fiber food (bananas, prunes,

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    oranges, and cantaloupe, spinach, celery, carrots, alfalfa,

    mushrooms, lima beans, potatoes, avocados, and broccoli to

    name but a few.

    21.Cut out from your diet and eating plans, things like saturated

    fats, pick healthy vegetable oils, and stay away from saturated

    and/or trans fats. Yes, that means the snackfoods, fast foods

    and convenience meals, trimmings and sauces, fried, deep-fried

    foods and treats, even some baked goods, cookies and treats.

    22.Whole-grains and low-sodium intake should be priorities as well

    not only for lowering your blood pressure, but for your heart,

    health and future.

    23.There are some herbs that you can take to lower your blood

    pressure: Chinese root, stems, herbs and flowers, blends have

    lots to offer

    24.Medicinal plants (Aboriginal and Natural foods) Vita-nutients and

    even vegetarian diets or low-fat, lean proteins are considered

    better for you and your heart, as well as your blood pressure!

    25.Also consider cayenne and garlic as TWO secret herbs that do a

    lot to stimulate circulation and effectively lower blood pressure.

    Personal Strategies And HBP-Lowering Action-Plan

    Educate and empower yourself to discover, unearth and know, learn

    and use MORE of what natures power and natural elements can do

    and hold for you and your blood pressure, lowering your risk or

    arterial, cardiac and circulatory diseases significantly. There are many

    shared wisdoms and remedies, ingredients and elements out there for

    this purpose, if you are willing to spend the time to look.

    Here are but a few to get your creative juices flowing consulting a

    naturopath might also help, searching online, going to your health food

    store, boutique organics markets and even your doctor, library, book

    store, you will find ample suggestions, for items, ingredients, recipes,

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    teas, drinks, powders and more, to include, supplement, substitute

    and partake of to better your life, lower your blood pressure and live

    healthier! Here is a quick checklist and point of reference for you to

    start from:

    BAYBERRY will help you effectively take care of your body, heart

    health and circulatory concerns, increase circulation, blood

    volume and take advantage of its antibacterial fighting power

    BLACK COHOSH restores balance in your blood, equalizes blood

    circulation, natural elements lower high blood pressure

    effectively, while calming the nervous system (NOT FOR


    BLADDER POD good for the heart in that it reduces anxiety and

    associated palpitations

    BLADDER WRACK Cholesterol-fighter, stimulating blood flow

    throughout the body giving warmth, energy where needed and

    also contains trace minerals

    CAYENNE does wonders for stimulating and optimizing your

    circulatory system, it acts like a pick-me-upper for your heart

    blood-flow is balanced and your blood will move more freely

    DONG QUAI HBP fighter, blocker, strengthening and aiding all

    general circulatory systems, elements

    GARLIC breaking down the fats and residue on arterial walls,

    veins and artery health advocate, it destroys and effectively

    dissolves cholesterol, immune-boosting qualities, cleans arterial

    plaque, better heart health

    GINGKO Blood flow improvements and acts as an anti-


    GINSENG cholesterol-fighter, heart and circulatory system


    HORSETAIL GRASS calcium-containing eliminator of arterial

    build up

    HYSSOP increase circulation, lower HPT, HBP

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    MISTLETOE calms heart, dilutes arterial properties for optimal

    flow and viscosity

    SASSAFRAS cleanser and stimulant for the blood stream and

    circulatory systems, ridding the body, heart and arterial surfaces,

    walls and arteries of build-up and residue, that causes blockages,

    risking stroke or heart-attack

    STINGING NETTLE stimulant and detoxifier

    VALERIAN relaxant, affecting heart, muscle and overall feelings

    of calm, breathing easier

    WILD YAM pain-reliever, stimulates the blood-flow

    ** NOTE: Always ensure that there are no contra-indicative

    factors when using these, Consult with your physician on

    option, interactions, effects and long-term use, any fear,

    considerations or issues, questions you might have, dangers,

    risks, rewards and more.

    The wonder of dealing effectively and naturally with blood pressure, is

    that you get to do something and know why, how and what the

    benefits are! You make the decision as to what is best for you longer-


    Many modern trends and studies for research on this topic increasingly

    show that HPT and HBP have MORE to do with indicating a system

    imbalance, than a mere symptom of a problem. Which one would you

    want to treat first, best and for good?! WITHOUT SIDE-effects and

    more risks or unknowns as to what you are doing to your body,

    introducing foreign elements and pharmaceuticals? (Especially if you

    do not really have to!).

    Tobacco, alcohol and caffeine are NOT YOUR FRIENDS if you have high

    blood pressure. Have you had your blood pressure checked recently or

    have you checked it yourself lately? That is normally the only way to

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    know if you are a sufferer or not? Whether you have to do something

    to lower it or not is no longer the question, only by how much, quickly,

    effectively, affordably and definitely! YOUR LIFE and FUTURE will

    depend on it! This is ONE decision you can and have to make FOR


    Blood pressure supplements can be a great addition to your lifestyle.

    There are various products on the market to help you live better.




    Restorative alternative therapies

    Herbal and home remedies

    Homeopathic healing remedies

    Some natural healers and alternative holistic health practitioners wwill

    also share with you that there are numerous elements in nature that

    can and will help you out in this pursuit to lower your blood pressure.

    Here are but a few to get your started:

    Saffron. It is often called Crocus sativusIts properties include,

    active ingredients, elements and effects, through enablers like

    crocetin . This will stabilize and normalize your blood pressure

    range to what it needs to be for you and your system. It is

    unique in that you can include it with soups, sauces and some of

    your cooking and food preparations quite easily. It makes great

    teas and flavored drinks and has been part of the Mediterranean

    diets of many cultures from across the world. Only now are we in

    recent years, recognizing the potential of this wonderful gift of

    nature, the rarest of flowers to help lower our blood pressure

    effectively. It is relatively expensive in certain areas, quite cheap

    in others. Keep your eyes peeled for it and/or consult your local

    organics or health food store, provider in your area or online.

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    Lime blossom or called by its real name Tilia europea. Another

    flower-power type wonder-drug from nature to help with

    arteriosclerosis or hardening of the arteries, heart disease and

    such. Anxiety is often seen as aggravating conditions like HPT

    and HBP and these types of elements and ingredients can help.

    Boiled and in teas it can easily form part of your routines and not

    hard to take, with no side-effects in and for most people.

    Kudzu is anther anti-oxidant with great properties for controlling

    blood pressure. Most sufferers and patients of cancer and other

    heart diseases have also touted its relieving and healing


    Hawthorn for your heart is a great way to stay healthy. Dried

    or as a tea it can do wonders added to your daily diet. 1-2 cups


    Garlic is like the major one natural fighter against heart disease,

    it is magical and medicine for your circulatory and cardiovascular

    systems overall good for you. Not hard to include in your food,

    as supplements, oils and more.

    Exercise And Lowering HBP

    Then, when you are talking about doing something active, hands-on

    and NATURAL, there is exercise! Yes, you can lower your blood

    pressure with activity and making your body, human system, including

    your respiratory, circulatory and cardiac systems do what they do

    best, function and work together. To give them the opportunity to flex

    their muscles, grow stronger is a great way to boost your

    metabolism, health and wellbeing and yes, get to within what is

    considered normal ranges of blood pressure or even optimal ranges in

    no time!

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    Here are some more suggestions and truths about exercise and how it

    can lower blood pressure and contribute to your health, future and


    It is a well researched and proven fact that low levels of physical

    fitness, is very closely correlated with hypertension, independent of

    body mass or obesity! So, it is about more than just carrying around a

    few extra pounds that matter. Our bodies were designed to move and

    if we simply are not taking care of this aspect of our bodily needs, we

    will and might inevitably run into difficulty in other areas, like rising

    blood pressure, as the gage to the rest of our body that there is

    something wrong, out of balance or NOT optimal.

    Blood pressure is also measured and determined by how much blood

    the heart pumps and the resistance to blood flow in your body.

    Dynamic exercise of activity and periods of rest alternated, contracting

    and relaxing muscles for example will give you great results in

    lowering your blood pressure.

    If you opt for walking, running and cycling, your body responds to the

    new demands made on it. While you are exercising youre systolic rate

    should rise steadily as exercise intensity increases, while the diastolic

    rate should vary minimally.

    Your cardiovascular system is then given the opportunity to show its

    true color and condition.

    If you opt for more static or heavy resistance exercise, the pressure

    applied on the muscle increases and causes the small blood vessels

    (i.e., arterioles and capillaries) in it to collapse. Your body will respond

    appropirately asking more from the heart and circulatory systems.

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    Ensure that you consult with your medical practitioner and

    even fitness trainer, PRIOR to starting any new exercise

    regimen. You want to be safe and ensure that you not endanger

    your health or risk unnecessary discomforts or harm to your

    body and well-being.

    Also take note of where your situation, fitness level is

    currently, where you would like to get to (ideal) and what is

    realistic, as well as how you will do it. Customize a fitness

    routine and daily activity schedule that works FOR YOU.

    Blood Pressure Classifications

    Systolic Diastolic

    Normal below 130 below 85

    High Normal 130-139 85-89

    Borderline (Stage 1) 140-159 90-99

    Moderate (Stage 2) 160-179 100-109

    Severe (Stage 3) 180-209 110- 119

    Out of Control (Stage 4) 210 and greater 120 and


    The effects and contributions of Exercise to Blood Pressure and


    There are various routes and exercise plans to choose from that might

    work for you and be effective in reducing your blood pressure over

    time, with discipline and manage and sustain it within the optimal

    range for you.

    Here are some examples of how exercise can help you lower your

    blood pressure dramatically and naturally:

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    Any aerobic exercise or cardiac-type output, will/can bring you

    the following benefits:

    - weight loss (particularly in the abdominal region)

    - reduced distance that the heart needs to pump

    throughout the body. Reducing YOUR blood pressure for


    - lower levels of serum norepinephrine

    - lower levels of renin

    - increased insulin sensitivity

    - higher levels of serum vasodilators

    - altered renal function

    - lowered heart rate

    - reduced cardiac output

    - lower blood pressure.

    - Lower heartbeats and less tightening of the arteries

    - Increased circulation

    - widened arteries.

    - Better regulate and eliminate excess fluids from the


    and many more benefits!

    Losing excess weight for the right reasons and with incentive and

    reward to keep you focused and motivated, a good eating and

    nutritional plan as well as an exercise regimen, you are opting to make

    nature work with and for you, rather than against you. Make it a

    priority to live healthier and make better choices and you will be highly


    But your formal workouts do not need to be the only investment in

    and through exercise to lower your blood pressure. Also opt to get

    some MORE benefits similar to these mentioned here, by your normal

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    daily routines and activities. Try to find ways to exercise, be active,

    MORE OFTEN during the day, stretching, breathing, walking, bending

    and more. Increased blood flow to other areas of the body, means less

    blood flowing to the heart and lowered demands on it! It WILL LOWER

    your blood pressure. It contains and sustains the blood pressure levels

    at lower rates throughout the day, which is a good thing and what you

    are and should be working more towards anyway.

    Here are some practical suggestions on how exercise can help you

    benefit from lowered bloop pressure rates, managing your HPT


    Cardiovascular exercise

    - 3-5x per week

    - 30-60 minutes

    - moderate intensity (e.g.- 60%-75% target heart training


    - Work towards daily exercise to get the most of the BP

    lowering exercise effects.

    Low-moderate intensity exercise

    - 3 -4 x per week

    - Running or walking on a treadmill

    - Rates at 3.5-4.0 mph

    - Three 8-10 minute mini-workouts are fine too

    Actually having a structured exercise program, even a buddy to do the

    workouts with to stay motivated are great ways to optimize what

    exercise has to give.

    Strength training and core training

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    - Not the only form of exercise to do

    - Let it compliment an aerobic program

    - Moderate intensity

    Here are some more tips to keep in mind to reduce your risk of heart

    attach naturally, lower your blood pressure and BE HEALTHIER ALL-

    ROUND, through exercise and body workouts:

    Consider factors/risks like intensity, posture, grip, and breathing.

    Curb and limit your alcohol consumption, smoking, and lack of


    Do things to counter obesity, diabetes, heart attack, and stroke.

    Eat less salt and salty foods, not allowing fluids to build up in

    your body

    Exercise on a regular basis.

    Lose excess weight with a structured plan and activities to get

    the BEST results

    Make prevention and treatment of high blood pressure your focus

    and target , getting and keeping your BP lower and optimal is


    Manage and avoid stress, anxiety et al.

    Quit smoking

    The decision and choice to be initiating exercise therapy is ONE

    you should not make/take lightly. Work with professionals PRIOR

    to just starting a routine.

    Work on large muscular groups (thighs, hips, and torso) for

    optimal effect and greatest BP reduction.

    Work to change poor eating habits

    Work with a professional to design a program that is right for you

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    Lifestyle modifications and exercise regimens, like those

    suggested here are highly advocated for lowering BP


    Tools And Tips To Minimize Your Risks

    You are focused on yourself and how to best be active and youre your

    life taking full advantage of a comprehensive treatment plan and

    therpaies that give you the full spectrum of prevention, treatment, and

    control of HPT. Exercise is an integral and cor-part of this strategy.

    Endurance training is a great way of not only getting into shape but

    staying that way. You can benefit from daily exercise and structured

    routines (training). Exercise can help you in all areas, like

    neurohumoral, vascular, and structurally you can ever get healthier

    and live longer!!

    Make it a set target to get at least 30 min of continuous or

    accumulated physical activity per day. You will benefit most probably

    from endurance and resitance exercises. There are numerous

    technological and pharmacotherapeutic advances and secrets to tap

    into for both CVD or cardiovascular disease (CVD) and HPT.

    EVALUATE, TREAT and MONITOR that is the name of the game for

    the majority of blood pressure sufferers. If exercise is taken seriously

    to lower blood pressure effectively, activity, regimens and worksout

    should, ideally:

    decrease total peripheral resistance; and

    effectively, significantly and consistently lower BP at rest and

    during exertion (working out)

    not put you at risk or adversely affect your exercise capacity.

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    Healthy lifestyle interventions like these suggested here, are effective

    for most if not all people. It is at your disposal and can be

    incorporated with minimum effort and dedication, but will also not

    happen by itself. You are utilizing natures gifts and natural properties,

    functions and dynamics of your body/human system(s) to get your

    balance back, of which your blood pressure is but one gage!

    There are also ways to tell and predict what your future prognosis

    might be, judging by and on factors like:

    body mass index

    Exaggerated BP response during and/or after exercise.

    family history of HPT, genetics and hereditary occurrences of HBP

    or HPT in your family

    physical activity and fitness

    Resting BP

    What you can expect when you get diagnoses or suspect that blood

    pressure and/or heart disease can be in your future or even a remote

    possibility doctors will/need to check up on a couple of factors, like:

    a thorough individual and family history,

    detailed physical examination(s), initially and on-going, at least


    heart or cardiac complications, acute myocardial infarction or

    cardiac arrest

    provide prescriptive guidelines that minimize risks

    routine evaluations of the patient with HPT and on-going

    monitoring and control

    screening tests for secondary causes of any significant BP issues

    assessment of/on major risk factors for HBP and HPT, even CVD

    target organ damage

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    suggested recommendations regarding nutrition, weight, activity

    and lifestyle changes

    And much more!

    ** NOTE: strenuous physical activity may actually precipitate

    acute myocardial infarction or cardiac arrest in selected

    individuals, so be sure to discuss your risk and options in detail

    with your medical practitioner and fitness professional(s),

    treatment team, prior to starting your routines or activities.

    To get the most from your exercise routines, ensure that you get the

    balance between:





    Risks vs. Reward

    Regulate your body temperature and ensure that you stay hydrated

    it is especially important for those suffering from high blood pressure

    to pay specific attention to this! Especialy if you are on prescription

    medication for your condition. Warm up, cool down and wear clothing

    that allows you to breathe and aerate well, (evaporative cooling


    Reductions in your daily intake as well as caloric expenditure of more

    than 300 kcal, coupled with the mentioned reductions in energy

    intake, will give you optimal effects, especially if you are obese or

    trying to shake some excess weight.

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    Capitalize on moderate-intensity, prolonged exercise, such as walking.

    The combination of regular exercise and weight loss should be

    effective in lowering resting BP in short, medium and longer-term


    Try at every corner and opportunity to optimize and capitalize on all

    that the physical activity contributions can provide in your overall

    treatment plan.

    You will start benefiting right away from any type or amount of

    exercise as it will significantly lower your blood pressure for hours

    after the actual activity itself. Daily routines and activities take on a

    new significance once you take the healthy perspective on them!

    Certain acitvities getting preference over others without a doubt for

    the right reasons and before you know it, what seems like effort now,

    can just as easily and quickly turn into blood pressure lowering tactics

    and second nature, that you do not even second guess or think about

    anymore YOU JUST DO IT! (pardon the pun that sounds like an ad

    for a sport-provider!) Good luck with your blood pressure lowering

    tactics, techniques and action plan. Make it a priority and you will soon

    reap your reward! Improved health and well-being, an investment in

    your future and longevity and LOWER BLOOD PRESSURE, LOWER RISK

    OF HEART DISEASE AND ATTACKS! Make habitual exercise a priority

    for you and your family to get the full health benefit of what nature

    and natural processes have to offer. Use what you body has and can

    give you. There is immense potential to lower your blood pressure and

    cut your risk of/for heart attack significantly.

    Individuals with controlled HPT and no CVD or renal complications may

    participate in an exercise program or competitive athletics, but should

    be evaluated, treated, and monitored closely.

    There are limitations in establishing BP cutoff levels for participation

    because BP exists on a continuum.

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    Preliminary peak or symptom-limited exercise testing may be

    warranted, especially for men over 45 and women over 55 yr planning

    a vigorous exercise program

    In the interim, while formal evaluation and management are taking

    place, it is reasonable for the majority of patients to begin moderate-

    intensity exercise training such as walking.

    Based upon the current evidence, the following exercise prescription is

    recommended for those with HBP or HPT:

    Frequency: on most, preferably all, days of the week

    Intensity: moderate intensity (4060% of O2R)

    Time: 30 min of continuous or accumulated physical activity per


    Type: primarily endurance physical activity supplemented by

    resistance exercise.

    Source: American College of Sports Medicine ** NOTE: This Position

    Stand replaces the 1993 ACSM position paper, Physical

    Activity, Physical Fitness, and Hypertension, Med. Sci. Sports

    Exerc. 25(10):ix, 1993.


    Hypertension affects people of all ages, races, sizes, body-types,

    shapes and BMI.

    There are new standards, guideposts and recommendations for

    optimal health, healthy, normal and even low blood pressure.

    Optimum levels are defined as less than 115/75 mm Hg.9

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    According to the Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee on

    Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood

    Pressure (JNC 7), normal levels (the level associated with minimal

    risk) for adults 18 years of age or older, is a systolic BP of less than

    120 mm Hg and a diastolic BP of less than 80 mm Hg. Whether you

    are conservative, mainstream, alternative and/or totally natural, there

    are many treatment options available in the marketplace today to help

    you out managing your condition affectively. It does not have to be a

    sword hanging over your head so to speak and a diagnosis is not the

    end of the world or a life-time sentence to harmful medications and


    You need to better your understanding on and of how your body

    works, how your circulatory and cardiac systems work together,

    complement and help/hinder each other, your health and longevity.

    You need to understand the dynamics and characteristics, types and

    treatments for blood pressure, the role of cholesterol and importance

    of heart-health in this whole situation and equation, to BEST treat it

    WELL and FOR GOOD! Finding a lowering blood pressure strategy that

    works for you, will be exactly that, ONE THAT WORKS FOR YOU and

    your personal and individual needs. No two people will experience

    blood pressure in the same way, even if their readings, age and other

    factors are similar/the same.

    You need to TAKE CONTROL so to speak and get involved in your

    treatment and on-going care, an active and participatory role in your

    own health and blood pressure monitoring and management.

    You have to make the necessary connections between hypertension,

    strokes and heart attacks. Master the intricate effects on blood

    pressure of stress, obesity, smoking, caffeine, alcohol and the diet,

    especially the intake of salt and fats. vitamins and over-the-counter

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    remedies, herbal concoctions, Eastern medicines, alternative

    therapies, devices, potions, powders, pills, drinks and more all pervade

    the market with viable offerings, supplements and treatment

    regimens. It is up to you and your medical partners to find the one(s)

    or combination that is right for you. Even if you do not have any

    symptoms today or yet, this does not mean that you are off the hook

    so to speak.

    Discuss with your doctor your situation, diagnosis and current status

    quo. The opt on where to go/get you and how. Review things like:

    Taking advantage of newer techniques and technology

    ambulatory monitoring

    which the best mainstream treatments for high blood pressure

    and high cholesterol are and which ones you should be using or

    not, why/why not?

    the pros and cons of alternative treatments such as vitamins,

    herbs, The value of alternative therapies and natural remedies,

    even meditation or other effective methods of lowering your

    blood pressure for now, for good!

    So, how do you deal effectively with hypertension, the silent killer-

    type, arterial disease in which chronic high blood pressure is the

    primary symptom. What can and should you do to substantially and

    significantly lower this abnormally elevated blood pressure? The

    consensus for the most part is: early, accurate detection and

    diagnoses, immediate action to lower it, usually making it quite

    controllable in the short-medium and longer term and timeframe, for

    most sufferers. This is quite easily done with some lifestyle

    modifications, diet and exercise--and medication if deemed


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    TODAY: 1 in every 4 have blood pressure issues or concerns and MOST

    of them do not even know it! It can be deadly if left untreated at put

    you increasingly at risk.

    PRIORITY FOR TODAY: See a doctor and learn how to manage your

    blood pressure and how often to have it checked.

    There are causal factors that you cannot control, like race, ethnicity,

    gender, how and when it manifest (genetics, hereditary factors) and

    age. BUT there are things you can do to ensure that you live a healthy

    and long life! That is the message do not submit to a lifelong death-

    sentence when diagnosed with HBP, DO SOMETHING REAL ABOUT IT,


    There are also larger areas and things in your life that you can

    effectively control and manage to lower your risk of heart disease,

    stroke and lower your blood pressure. Here are a few practical things

    to consider as part of your routines and regimens:

    Take it off and keep it off!

    Shed all extra pounds and unnessary weight that you are

    carrying around

    Park further from the front door when shopping and go for

    regular daily walks during lunch or after dinner

    Lower alcohol and caffiene intake

    Healthy eating is a conscious decision and will not just happen

    randomly. Left up to our own devices we will tend to over-eat,

    indulge, choice the wrong food and treats and having our

    attempts at eating a healthy diet just simply tank

    Get moving and tap into what your body was designed for TO

    MOVE! Be more physically active and start taking the stairs, not

    the escaltor or elevator

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    Choose foods that are very low in saturated fat, cholesterol and


    Be alert, informed and aware of what you personal level of BP

    should be , is and has to get to to live healthy, full and long life.

    The fact that your symptoms might not be severe or noticable at all,

    does not mean that you are immune or not at risk! This is in most

    cases and for all intents and purposes and invisible disease, illness and

    medical condition.

    Learning and mastering how to take charge of lowering your own

    blood pressure, effectively, learning how to monitor it properly,

    regularly and make the necessary changes, even the harder ones, in

    your life and lifestyle to get success and results that will last and

    ensure a lifetime!

    Take it from the experts, that know this topic in and out and continue

    to try and understand, handle, treat it BETTER, FASTER, MORE


    It is a sign of modern times that increasing rates of urbanisation and

    associated behavioural changes have led to a higher prevalence of a

    sedentary lifestyle and less exercise. For example, it is estimated

    that children today spend 600 kcal/day less on physical activity than

    their counterparts 50 years ago.1 Unsurprisingly, we are facing an

    epidemic of hypertension, obesity, metabolic syndrome and diabetes

    mellitus which, unless tackled proactively, will result in an increase

    in cardiovascular diseases, especially in the young and middle aged.

    Lifestyle changes especially exercise and relationships to

    hypertension may need greater attention, especially at a population


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    Professor GYH Lip, Haemostasis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology

    Unit, University Department of Medicine, City Hospital, Dudley Road,

    Birmingham, UK. As quoted on

    And so the work and toil continues to unravel the mystery and

    question, challenge and intricacies of HPT and reductions and risks of

    heart attack. Natural solutions and answers will work alongside

    medical advances as we go on to battle, struggle and war with this

    tough opponent to our health, well-being and longevity!

    Educate yourself about the merits and/or dangers of things like:

    red wine


    obesity hormones like leptin

    folic acid

    and many MORE, in YOUR fight against high blood pressure there

    are lots of things that can help you manage your condition, diagnosis,

    prognosis, disease, on-going risks and future treatment plans,

    effectiveness, therapies, remedies and yes activities too!

    Whether you choose to lower your blood pressure, lower you risk for

    heart disease, strengthen your heart, life and future through diet,

    exercise, with/without medications, pharmaceuticals, naturo-

    chemicals, bio-elements, natural products, home remedies, work-outs

    or a combination of the above, remains in your realm of personal

    choice and empowered involvement in your treatment plan.You also,

    do not have to go it alone. There are numerous professional

    practitioners across industries and disciplines that will be too happy to

    step in and assist you in this on-going quest.

    Potassium, calcium and magnesium, minerals, vitamins and essential

    herbs can go a long way in protecting your human system. Natural

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    dietary choices and the foods, quantities of what we eat and put into

    our bodies can also affect what we get out our heart health and

    blood pressure!

    There are innovative new products making their way onto the market

    that utilizes bio-electricity in the form of a wearable functional watch

    for example, that can be a gage with digital read-out on-demand of

    your BP, but also improving your bodys health by tapping into its bio-

    signature of sorts. It uses your bodys energy to help you live and

    function in-balance and optimally. These HPT watches are gaining in

    popularity around the globe as people take a more pro-active and

    hands-on personal rol in managing their HPT and wanting to reduce

    their risk of heart attach naturally. Non-drug type therapies can go a

    long way in improving your overall health and well-being without the

    side-effects of prolonged use of prescription drugs and


    Undiagnoses, untreated HPT can kill you! That is the truth and the

    data and research is there to prove it! You need to get tested, educate

    yourself about it and if/once diagnosed have an action and treatment

    plan that works for you! Accurate testing and monitoring is essential.

    Find out what your condition, readings, ranges are and where you

    should be, should do to get there and the GO DO IT!

    Preventative, corrective and intervention type treatment programs,

    indivdiualized and specific to person, condition, target, health and

    lifestyle seems to be the best route to take as there are no one-size-

    fits-all type solutions and recommendations. You are unique, your

    blood pressure is unique, it fluctuates, changes and will affect your life

    on a daily basis and for years to come. The onus rests on and with you

    to manage and control your HPT and reduce your tisk of heart attack

    any which way you can. Naturally offers lots of benefits, with

    optimizing what nature gives you and will continue to provide us as we

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    better understand out bodies, its functioning, ingredients and nutrients

    that hinder of help out living systems and MORE. Changes in lifestyle

    and nutrition, even exercise and the things we do during every 24-

    hour period, how and when we do things, eat and fuel our bodies, can

    also greatly impact blood pressure and help you avoid life-long

    medication if that is your choice. You can also take full advantage of

    what science and medicine has to offer, entering into it educated and

    empowered, aware of potential risks, side-effects and long-term

    implications of prolonged use of the meds you and your medical

    practitioner, treatment team select.

    Lycopene and antioxidants hold key promise in the arenas of HPT and

    lower blood pressure strategies as well. It has been shown to make

    great progress in the real of HPT. Tomatoes is a great source of this

    great natural product. Adding tomatoes to your diet can significantly

    reduce systolic blood pressure by 10 points and diastolic pressure by 4

    points according to some recent studies.

    Like many others we trust these pointers will inspire and move you to

    want to learn more and all there is to discover about hypertension.

    The onus rests on you to find a form of treatment that fits and

    works with you, that will naturally lower your blood pressure FOR





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